#// okay to rb btw !!
irritablepoe · 10 months
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I just saw this in my saved pictures. Go ahead and tell me, I'm curious (if you want ofc)! :D
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vampslxsher · 2 months
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no one awake? good. cooking up somethin for 413
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finalhaunts · 4 months
While I am glad people are beginning to acknowledge what intrusive thoughts really are I never see anyone discussing how it isn't JUST intrusive thoughts you can get, either. You can also get intrusive feelings and physical sensations that can range from making you mildly uncomfortable or worried to absolutely terrified about what this may mean for you. You can get unwanted urges that come suddenly and make you so fucking scared that you don't really know yourself like you think you do, or that you're going to lose control, or whatever else your fucked up brain can come up with. You can get unwanted physical arousal from something you're not attracted to. Like. groinal responses and arousal non-concordance have got to be the two worst fucking things to experience if your OCD focuses on sexual themes, i'm not even joking. And I wish more people in online spaces acknowledged that unwanted/intrusive physical responses are also a thing that can happen, and is just as terrifying as getting an unwanted image or thought in your head, and also means just as little about a person's actual desires or feelings as a thought does.
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scoutpologist · 11 months
okay im feeling so fucking emotional about having this weird ass disorder so everyone is gonna have to deal with me talking about it. what they don't tell u about misophonia is how fucking lonely it is to have it. even with just the one trigger, i have it at the extreme, and it means i can't eat with other people at all. if i'm forced to, i have to block out all noise and be viscerally uncomfortable. even without being able to hear it, i know it's there, and it fucking ruins me.
people talk about the love that's present in eating with people, in sharing a meal. i don't feel that love. i wish i could feel that love. all i am is afraid. in public spaces, i'm terrified that someone will start chewing something and i'll get triggered. in class, i had to sit there and sob quietly to myself, digging my nails into my arms to stop from screaming. "cool" teachers who let students eat in class became teachers i despised.
when i say it's bad, i mean it's bad. at my worst, if forced to listen for more than a minute, i will quickly go to level 10 on this scale. it's horrifying! it's awful! at times i've wished i couldn't hear at all!!
and like... so few people talk about us. so few people care about us. i'm in so much pain and i'm so lonely because all people want to do is eat with other people and that is the one thing i can't do!!! and at best people have never heard of it, but at worst they try to purposefully trigger me (which is a quick way to make sure i never trust you again. it's one of the worst kinds of betrayal for me).
this is a big part of my life that is literally disabling and i get so tired of people not understanding or not caring or not even remembering and triggering me anyway. it's exhausting. i can't even blame them most of the time, because of how weird of a trigger it is, but it weighs on you after the tenth time someone accidentally triggers you and you've had to remind them over and over and over again.
if you have misophonia, i want you to know i love you and i'm here for you. we're in this shit together. this condition can literally kill people, or make us wish we were dead, and we deserve so much better than that. we will survive, we will be okay, and we will find people who care, even if it's each other.
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ava-ships · 1 month
Things to do when awake at 5AM: make villains teams like the ones on Deviantart
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sctir · 1 year
something interesting— and by interesting I mean infuriating— about the official english translation of the sclass webtoon is that they neglect to make the full distinction between the iterations of the "Final Thanks" skill, aka the version from prereg (S-ranked) and postreg (L-ranked). the ranks differ, of course, but the name of the skill itself also changes!!
in Korean, the skill is called 마지막 [보답] pre-regression, and becomes 마지막 [보은] post-regression.
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in the official English webtoon: Final [Thanks] in both iterations.
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from the official Chinese webtoon: 最后的 [报答] (bào dá) pre-regression, and 最后的 [报恩] (bào ēn) post-regression.
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I'm sure my translator @dbgdbw could say it better, since I'm going off of the Chinese translation, but this is... sort of a big change lol. the beginning remains the same— 마지막/final/最后的, but the subject is different.
it's difficult to explain in English, so I wish I could beam the significance directly into people's brains, but the first iteration, 报答 (bào dá), is, putting it concisely, a "repayment" in the sense that it's transactional, practical; an answer, or even compensation. 报恩 (bào ēn), on the other hand, I would describe as "using the 'repayment' as a form of gratitude", or "to pay off a debt of gratitude". the difference being the inclusion of "gratitude" as an indication of the intent, emotion, and depth of the history behind the power Yoojin receives from the activation of his skill.
which, just to clarify— I'm absolutely not saying that there isn't gratitude and love behind the first iteration of the skill. it's a skill that was born from Yoohyun's desire towards Yoojin, after all— a skill to grant a weaker being survival through the death of a stronger loved one.
the changing of the skill name is a marker of the evolution/progression of Han Yoojin's "Caregiver" title; neglecting to include it is a bit like if they'd also declined to add the "Perfect" part of the ranked-up "Perfect Caregiver" title which he receives after regressing.
from a Q&A by the author:
"because han yoojin’s caregiver title had that task of having raised han yoohyun as its foundation, the 마지막 보답 (prereg iteration) and 마지막 보은 (postreg iteration) skills were a product of han yoohyun’s influence. in truth, it’s a Skill that’s vastly different from han yoojin’s natural disposition..."
full question & answer (spoilers!) translated by our beloved @dbgdbw.
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personally I would pitch "final repayment" or "final requital" as the first iteration, and "final gratitude" or "final thanks" as the second; I really can't stress enough that the latter is deliberately an expression of gratitude and love, I suppose.
I'm also drafting up a rather long resource which goes into detail on Yoojin's skills/titles, and how they reflect his character. I'll be expanding on some of the points from this post, so please look forward to that in the future :]
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lavendersubs · 6 months
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hi 😵‍💫
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starredforlife · 9 months
why is being 23 the worst thing to ever happen to a person
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spirallingmoths · 1 year
Something I've noticed is how some CDD systems (and general trauma survivors) sometimes treat "extreme" trauma like a fictional concept when trying to valid themselves. I understand where "you don't need to go through RAMCOA abuse/a war/a dictatorship/etc to be a system and have cptsd" comes from and I fully agree with it. Some shitty ableist singlets can be very annoying with how they only accept trauma when it's "extreme" trauma. But I think the way some people talk about it sometimes just makes it sound off. I don't know it's just the way some people phrase it like "Not everyone traumatised is living in a war zone 🙄" makes me really uncomfortable. Like it's not the faults of people who have gone through "extreme" trauma that some people are ableist and uneducated
Also, people who go through those do exist? Like idk most people I see talk about it like it's some far-off vague fictional out-there concept and not like, a thing that real people experience and go through? Like RAMCOA abuse is real and valid (I'm not a survivor myself so I won't talk about it a lot but I felt the need to bring it up because the way some people talk about it is just weird), people who have lived through wars exist? and their trauma is valid, people who have been trafficked exist and their trauma is valid, people who have been tortured exist and their trauma is valid, people who have survived genocides exist and their trauma is valid, and people who have been in cults exist and their trauma is valid. In general, people with "extreme" trauma exist and their trauma is real
Survivors of "extreme" abuse/trauma shouldn't be made to feel like their trauma is too taboo to mention. Or feel like they can't talk about it out of fear of "invalidating other systems". All trauma is valid (including "non extreme" trauma). I think validating traumatic things that aren't usually viewed as trauma by the average person is good but please try not to bring down anyone else in the process
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dyggot · 4 months
violet fucking dies (it/its for the character) (also I fixed its ears)
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reference image under cut
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irritablepoe · 10 months
lord forgive me for i have kinned
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mezais · 7 months
One thing I hate about the morbid curiosity+OCD combo is that I’m doing it to myself when I go out of my way to research upsetting topics and have them manifest as intrusive thoughts
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bunnyb34r · 6 months
Brain fog is so stupid man
If you never experienced it it's sometimes like you're taking a math test and it's multiple choice and none of the answers match yours. And you cant for the life of you figure out WHY, no matter what you do.
Other times it can feel like your brain is full of cotton balls and you just can't think clearly bc everything feels muddled. Like when you have a cold.
Sometimes certain things come out clear and others just get caught up in the fog
But sometimes nothing is coming out of that fog and you're frustrated as hell which makes it worse
Sometimes it's all of the above and you wanna cry :"(
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1995mariners · 7 months
Being a trans sports fan is sooooo hard sometimes. Here’s an entire human cultural practice dating back for a millennia that I cannot participate in. Here’s a way to nourish your body and build teamwork and friendship and so many trans people just aren’t allowed to participate. Entire communities are based around sports and we are locked out of it. There’s so much fearmongering around trans people (especially trans women) in sports. Pride month celebrations are protested, players are banned from wearing pride tape, there are so few openly queer players. I love sports so much but I know I can only love it from a distance.
Trans people deserve to participate fully in sports. Trans kids deserve to play alongside their friends. Trans fans deserve to feel respected. We have to eliminate the gender essentialism that prevents people from participating in such an integral part of humanity.
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fancyson · 11 months
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iinsawdious · 1 year
category ten fag moment
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