#// briggs loves this cat
ghostindeedee · 4 months
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#3 was fun.
So brave of Marvel to combined Vector and Aloysius O'Hare into one shitty kid.
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greenwitchcrafts · 10 months
August 2023 witch guide
August 2023 witch guide
Full moon: August 1st in Aquarius
New Moon: August 16th
Blue moon: August 30th Aquarius into Pisces
Sabbats: Lughnasadh August 1st

August Sturgeon Moon
Also known as: Corn moon, harvest moon, ricing moon, barley moon, dog moon, fruit moon, grain moon, herb moon, red moon & wyrt moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Leo & Virgo
Animal spirts: Dryads
Deities: Diana, Ganesha, Hathor, Hecate, Mars, Nemesis, Thot & Vulcan
Animals: Dragon, lion, phoenix & sphinx
Birds: Crane, eagle & falcon
Trees: Alder cedar & hazel
Herbs/plants: Basil, bay, chamomile, fennel, orange, rosemary, rue & St. John's wort,
Flowers: Angelica, marigold, sunflower
Scents: Frankincense & heliotrope
Stones: Carnelian, cats/tiger's eye, fire agate, garnet, red jasper & red agate
Colors: Gold, orange, red & yellow
Energy: Authority, appreciation, courage, entertainment, finding your voice, friendship, gathering, harvesting energy, health, love, pleasures, power &vitality
Sturgeon moon gets it's name from the high numbers that are caught at the Great Lakes & Lake Champlain in North America during this time of year. The names come from a number of places including Native Americans, Colonial Americans & European sources.

Also known as: Lammas, August eve & Feast of bread
Season: Summer
Symbols: Scythes, corn, grain dollies & shafts of grain
Colors: Gold, green, yellow, red, orange, light brown & purple
Oils/incense: Aloe, apple, corn, eucalyptus, safflower, rose & sandalwood
Animals: Cattle & chickens
Stones: Aventurine, carnelian, citrine, peridot, sardonyx & yellow diamond
Foods: Apples, grains, barley cakes, wild berries, cider, honey, potatoes, rice, sun shaped cookies, blackberry, corn, nuts, breads, blueberry. berry pies & grapes
Herbs/Plants: Alfalfa, aloe, all grains, blackberry, corn, corn stalk, crab apple, fenugreek, frankincense, ginseng, goldenseal, grapes, myrtle, oak leaves, pear, rye, blackthorn &wheat
Flowers: Sunflower, cyclamen, heather, hollyhock & medowsweet
Goddesses: Aine, Alphito, Bracacia, Carmen, Ceres, Damina, Demeter, Freya, Grain goddesses, Ishtar, Kait, Kore, Mother Goddess, Sul, Sun Goddesses, Taillte, Zaramama, Ereshkigal & Ianna
Gods: Athar, Bes, Bran, Dagon, Ebisu, Dumuzi, Ghanan, Grain Gods, Howtu, Liber, Lono, Lugh, Neper, Odin, Sun Gods & Xochipilli
Issues, Intentions & Power:  Agriculture, changes, divination, endings, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Sun magick, rituals of thanks/offerings, bounty, abundance & fire magick
Bake fresh bread
Weave wheat
Take walks along bodies of water
Craft a corn doll
Watch the sunrise
Eat outside with family/friends/coven members
Donate to your local foodbank
Prepare a feast with your garden harvest
Give thanks to the Earth
Decorate your altar with symbols of the season
Clean up a space in nature
Plant saved seeds
This cross-quarter fire festival is celebrated on August 1st or the first full moon of Leo & the seventh sabbat of the year. It represents the first harvest when the Earth's bounty is given for the abundance received.
Some believe this is the time where the God has weakened & is losing his strength as seen in the waning of the day's light. The Goddess is pregnant with the young God who will be born on Yule.
In some traditions, this day honors the Celt god Lugh, the god of craftsmanship; He is skilled in many things including wheel making, blacksmithing & fighting. Though there is some discrepancy as to why Lugh is honored on this day. Some tales say it's because he held a harvest faire in honor of his adoptive mother, Tailtiu.

Farmersalmanac .com
Boston Public Library- The Origins & Practices of Lammas/Lughnasadh by Dhruti Bhagat
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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maybege · 1 year
217 with paz pls🥺
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Summary: You visit Paz at one of his conference after not having seen him for a long time.
Pairing: sugar daddy!Paz Vizsla x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 9.1k | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: explicit sexual content, dom!Paz, sub!Reader, a whole lot of size kink, hints of exhibitionism, unprotected sex, idiots in love, kind of a fake relationship agreement not really a sugar daddy arrangement, lots of checking in and pausing due to size difference (Paz’s BDE is real), crying during sex (from pleasure not pain, Paz makes sure of that), just pure fluff and happiness but also they are idiots in love so remember that
Prompts: #3 “I'd hold onto something if I were you.” + #32 “I just wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it.” + #217 “Can you help me with this zipper?” + “There we go.”
Thank you, anon and @adancedivasmom for sending in these prompts! I know it has been a very long time in the making but inspiration strikes when it strikes and I wrote over half of it in the last 48 hours. It drifts from fluff to pure filth back to utter fluff and I just love how idiots in love I can put in with these two. They have the most unconventional relationship (again, a reminder that this is not an actual sugar daddy dynamic, it is just a kind of very unusual meet cute) so of course they will also have an unusual way of perceiving and revealing their feelings for each other. You can find the Masterpost to this AU here (including some hcs). I really had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you have a lot of fun reading it as well. Pretty please let me know what you think in a comment or a reblog, they really do mean the world to me and motivate me so much when it comes to writing and sharing my little brain babies. ❤️
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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gif by @bernthality
“How is my favourite cat?”
“She is busy knocking over the flowers you sent over.”
You sighed.
“Maybe we should really invest in these break-safe vases your sister recommended,” you murmured, trying to sit up so you could peek over the edge of the sofa. Safe enough, Snowball was sitting on the sideboard in the entryway, peering down at the shards as if it was as much a mystery to her as it was to you.
“That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea,” Paz chuckled, rubbing his chin, “I will text her tomorrow.”
The sound of his laugh seemed to get Snowball out of her thoughts and she bounded for the sofa you were currently laying on. With a loud meow, she jumped onto the armrest, laying low so she could butt her little face next to yours, in plain view of the camera.
“Look who has come to say hello,” you smiled, tilting the phone so he could see her more clearly. Your other hand reached up to scratch her little chin.
“New York’s most important cat,” he agreed and you hoped the phone would pick up the purr she let out as she leant into you.
“She misses you,” you murmured, “She hardly stopped staring at the door yesterday.”
As soon as the words left your mouth you wanted to take them back. You had sworn to yourself, in the early days of your fake relationship or whatever it could be called, that if there was one thing you would do it was to lift Paz up. And if that required you to hide how much you missed him (ridiculous amounts, really) then so be it.
“I miss her too,” he sighed, “And you.”
“How is the trip so far?” you asked, trying to sound more chipper, “Are the investors as happy as you’d hoped?”
“They are as boring as I expected them to be,” he shrugged before a slight smile formed on his lips, “But I cannot wait for the shareholder’s dinner on Saturday. Are you still planning to come?”
“Of course, I am,” you said indignantly, sitting up at the, “We haven’t seen each other in three weeks!”
Paz laughed, “I am sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean any offence,” his face softened, “Briggs will pick you up on Friday for the flight so you have time to relax. There shouldn’t be a lot of appointments I made sure –“
“Mr Vizsla? There is – oh.”
You could see one of his assistants in the background, clearly only now releasing that he was in a private conversation. There was a quick flash of displeasure on Paz’s face that disappeared as soon as you noticed it and you were sure that it was only because you knew him so well by now that you had recognized it.
“It’s all right,” you soothed him, already seeing the apology on his face. He had once said he hated goodbyes, especially because they were never his choice, and you could see it now, too, the way he seemed to be searching for the right words to appease you.
“I will see you in a few days,” you smiled, “I can’t wait.”
“Me neither, sweetheart,” he sighed, “Give Snowball some kisses from me, yeah?”
You spent the week feverishly preparing for your trip. It was funny to think that the part of your relationship that you found the most luxurious was the one that was actually at the core of your arrangement. Paz was lonely and on many occasions, his advisors advised, would work in his favour if he had a female companion to fulfil the picture of the man who had his life together. So somehow your accidental match on a drunken night had led to you being his travel companion. And the platonic companionship had quickly developed into something … not quite platonic.
To think that a stupid drunken idea by your friend had led you to sit on your bed, surrounded by the prettiest dresses you had ever seen and contemplating which one to take.
The doorbell rang you out of your thoughts and you laughed when Snowball skittered over the wooden floorboards to greet her second favourite man in the world.
“Briggs, you are early,” you greeted the older man with a smile and no venom in your voice. If there was one person on Paz’s team that made you feel welcome, it was him. Paz’s most trusted advisor and, quite tellingly, also yours.
“Good morning, Miss,” he nodded at you, straightening his tie before bending down to pet a purring Snowball, “Good morning, Miss Snowball.”
“You know you can call me by my name,” you reminded him as you made your way back to your bedroom and your half-packed bag.
“Old habits die hard, Miss,” the older man called from the living room, “Are you quite ready? I have arranged a car to take us to the airport, it should be here in five minutes.”
You rushed into the bathroom and picked up your already prepped toiletries bag and stuffed it into your suitcase. It might just be a weekend trip but if there was one thing you had learned when travelling with Paz Vizsla for business it was that it was always safe to pack two fancy outfits for every occasion – just in case.
“Five minutes should be enough,” you answered, “I got most of the packing done yesterday, I just need your help with something.”
When you popped your head through the door, you spotted Snowball rubbing herself against Briggs’s legs as the man primly sat in an armchair. He turned to look at you and the two dresses you were holding up. “Which one do you think –“
“The dark blue one,” the man decided with a nod, already knowing what you were going to ask, “Mr Vizsla has his dark blue tie with him, that should harmonize nicely.”
“Thanks,” you sighed a breath of relief, carefully folding the dress on the very top before closing the bag, “I can always count on you to make the best choices.”
“And to be on time,” the man added, standing up and running his hands over his jacket, “Which means that we should get going if do not want to miss our plane.”
The conference meeting Paz was attending took place on the coast, in one of those fancy beach hotels that looked like it was a luxury that had survived from the last century. It was stunningly beautiful and you found yourself admiring the golden accents and hand-painted wallpapers before you could even start to really appreciate the tastefully quiet piano player in the corner.
“Welcome, are you checking in?” the receptionist greeted you as another employee loaded your suitcase on a golden luggage trolley.
“Uh yes, I am here to join Mr Vizsla,” you answered, always feeling a little nervous when you had to make your connection to him known.
Recognition dawned on her face. “Ah yes,” she typed something into the computer before handing you a key card, “Mr Vizsla told us to be expecting you. Here’s your key card, you’ll need it for the elevators and all the amenities which you will find on the second floor. Just around the corner here,” she leant towards you and pointed towards a little nook, “take the elevator up to the eighteenth floor and you will find your room on the right side of the hall. Do you need anything else?”
You nodded, taking the card in hand. “That would be all for now, thank you.”
“Should I have your bags brought up?”
“That would be kind, thank you,” you smiled at the young man who hurried your bag away.
Briggs, who waited behind you for his turn to check in, cleared his throat. “Mr Vizsla is still in some talks, I’m afraid but if you like I could organize a dinner reservation for you.”
Shame filled you when you remembered what time it was. You hadn’t even thought about food. “I think, I will be fine, Briggs, thanks, I will just get some room service.”
The older man nodded, “Then a very good night, Miss. I shall see you tomorrow.”
“Good night, Briggs.”
The suite Paz stayed in was, not to anyone’s surprise, absolutely gorgeous. The bedroom was large and the bed the largest you had ever seen. You smiled when you saw one side completely untouched – your side – and his clothes neatly folded on one of the armchairs. The wall opposite the bed was dominated by a flat-screen TV and the little desk by the window could barely be seen through piles and piles of paperwork.
After tipping the bellboy, you immediately took off your shoes and buried your toes in the soft cream carpet. You always dressed for comfort when it came to travelling but there was still nothing better than unpacking your suitcase and putting on your pyjamas for a comfortable night in.
You had just checked your cameras at home (Mrs Marigold had been so kind to volunteer and check in on Snowball every day) and made sure that Snowball was comfortable and taken care of when your phone vibrated with a new message.
Paz: Talks take even longer than expected. Don’t wait for me.
Then,  just a moment later, another message popped up.
Paz: I am glad you are here.
You: Should I order some food for you? Gonna get some room service.
Paz: Got dinner here but I can recommend the tacos on there, had them yesterday and they were delicious.
You smiled at the screen, sending him a quick heart emoji. Already feeling closer to the. And so, you ordered yourself the tacos, watched reruns of The Nanny and lounged on the bed, already knowing that tomorrow you would wake up with Paz beside you.
You flinched up, eyes wide open as something woke you. You just didn’t know what. It took you a moment to realize you were in a hotel room and not at home. Someone was beside you and your heart stopped in fright for a second before it resumed beating in your chest.
It was Paz.
“I’m sorry,” the man whispered in the dark, scooting behind you, “I missed you.”
You smiled, relishing in the heat of his body against yours. He was shirtless and his mouth on your shoulders made you giggle. But your smile faded when he shifted away from you and the bed lifted with someone taking their weight off it.
“What are you doing?” you mumbled, reaching your arm behind you only to find cold sheets.
“I need to shower,” he grumbled, “I stink.”
“Don’t go,” you pleaded, “We can shower tomorrow.”
You could hear the grin in his voice, “We?”
The blanket was lifted again and he was back behind you, so close not even a sheet of paper would have found space between your bodies. In the back of your mind, you wished you weren’t as tired, that you could appreciate his presence more. But then his arm wrapped around your middle and his breath fanned over your neck and you felt the happiest in weeks.
“Yes,” you murmured, closing your eyes again and allowing your body to drift back to sleep, “We.”
It was barely light out when you woke again.
“Paz?” you asked, sleepily, reaching for him only to find the space beside you empty. Again. You sat up, afraid that perhaps all of it had been a dream. What if Paz hadn’t come last night? What if something had happened?
Blinking, you finally found your focus and heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Moments later, Paz came in, a towel wrapped around his hips and you bit your lip. In the curtain-clad twilight of the room, it seemed he had not noticed yet that you were awake, sneaking his way to the wardrobe and taking out a new dress shirt.
You let your eyes roam over the broad expanse of his back, how the muscles bunched and flexed as he moved through the room. There was that spot just under his shoulder blade that you loved to run your hands over and if he just turned around – ah yes, there was that tattoo that you traced with your fingers.
“I thought we would shower together?”
Paz looked up, his dark eyes meeting yours and even in the dim light, you could see the smile on his face. He let the shirt fall and with two big steps, he was at the end of the bed, crawling towards you as you let the blanket fall from your chest and wrapped your arms around his neck. He breathed in deeply, his nose running over your jaw. And then his lips were on yours and you got to kiss him for the first time in weeks.
You hummed, smiling against him as your fingers played with the soft hairs at the nape of his neck, still a little damp from his shower. His mouth was gentle on yours and the stubble on his chin let you know he hadn’t shaved today.
“I missed you, sweetheart,” Paz whispered between kisses, his mouth wandering to your jaw. You closed your eyes, your arms loosening around him as you tilted your head to the side to give him more access. “Did you miss me too?”
“Uh huh,” you brought out, his large hands cupping your face, his entire hand spanning your jaw to behind your ear, “Missed you so much.”
“Can’t wait for the dinner tonight,” he said, turning your head so he could kiss you on the mouth again, his tongue slipping between your lips. You shuddered, your fingers combing through the soft hairs at the nape of his neck. You loved seeing him in his professional get-ups with his hair slicked back and his sharp-cut suits. But there was something to say about how different he looked when he was just freshly showered. He looked much lighter, brighter and overall softer. Like a truer version of himself that you knew he hid when he attended meetings like these.
“Briggs helped me choose the dress,” you murmured, leaning more and more into him, “You will love it.”
“I’ll be sure to thank him,” he whispered back, pulling you against him and leaning back until you straddled him, “I have a meeting this morning as well. I am afraid I won’t have more time for you until tonight.”
“When will you need me?” you asked, taking in how soft he looked. There was no frown between his eyebrows, and he looked so … peaceful and relaxed.
He was silent for a moment, his eyes fluttering as you traced your finger over his jaw. “I always need you,” he whispered and closed his eyes, turning his face to the side and pressing a kiss to your palm, “I swear I don’t know how I ever got through these things without you.”
“I am sure you did fabulously,” you assured him with a smile, kissing the corner of his mouth, “And it will all be over tonight.”
“It will all be over tonight,” he repeated in a murmur, “And then I can show you how much I missed you.”
Hours later, the ringing phone woke you from your dreams.
“Hello?” you asked groggily into the speaker, feeling even more tired than when Paz had left you this morning to attend the very last meetings.  
“Good morning, Miss, this is the reception calling,” a woman chirped from the other end, “Mr Vizsla asked us to remind you of your spa appointment in an hour.”
You huffed with a smile. That was so typical of him.
“Thank you,” you murmured, “I really would’ve forgotten about it.”
“Would you like to order room service for breakfast?”
“Uh, yeah,” you asked, looking frantically around for the menu, “I, uh, I don’t know what I want yet …”
“May I suggest our breakfast special?” the woman on the line suggested candidly, “It has some fresh pressed orange juice, coffee, pastries and eggs however you want them.”
“That sounds good,” you nodded, “Could I have them scrambled please?”
“Of course, I will have it brought up shortly.”
When the afternoon was nearing its end, you felt more relaxed than ever in your life.  
Paz had booked what felt like the entire spa menu for you and after all kinds of massages, treatments and relaxing sauna visits, you felt like you were living on a cloud. But truly the best thing about your spa visit was that it distracted you from the entire day you had without Paz. Because as soon as you opened the door, you were greeted with your very favourite sight.
Paz Vizsla was clad in only briefs as he unglamorously hopped into a new pair of slacks.
His face turned up and a blinding smile came onto his lips. A smile you could only reciprocate.
And before you knew it you hurried into his arms and he hold you against his chest, stumbling from how his feet were tangled into the piece of clothing but you couldn’t care less when he kissed you like a man starved.
“Remind me to never go this long without seeing you,” he grunted between kisses, “I always hate it.”
You couldn’t answer from how his tongue was playing with yours, your core clenching at how close he was. Stars, you wanted to do other things than preparing for dinner.
And it seemed that Paz wanted that too because his hands cupped your ass, pushing you against him and there was definitely a prominent bulge pressing against your hip.
“When’s the dinner start?” you asked breathlessly, running your hand over his warm chest before tracing your fingers over his lower stomach.
Paz’s hips surged forward, urging you to touch him and you could feel your cheeks and frankly your entire body heat up with want. “Too soon,” he answered, sitting down on the edge of the bed and pulling you between his legs. His hand shifted to your hips and he looked up at you.
The bathrobe you had worn to the spa gaped open at the neck and you watched him tug at the fuzzy belt with a smirk. The cool air caressed your bare skin and could feel your nipples harden under Paz’s admiring gaze.
You lifted your knee to the bed right next to his hip, hoping to look as enticing as possible. “Don’t you think we have enough time for a –“
“I am not going to have the first time I fuck you in weeks be a fucking quickie,” Paz complained, though his hands did pull you closer for a minute, “I want to take my time with you, make you feel good.”
“You always make me feel good.”
“I could make you feel better.”
“Paz,” you whined when he pushed your leg off him, making you stand again, “Please.”
But the large man was not to be swayed, even with his erection too prominent to ignore, “Not yet, sweetheart, just let us get through this dinner first.”
“And what about you?”
“What about me?”
You pointedly looked at his crotch.
“Don’t you worry,” he grinned, “I am going to take care of that and then I am going to take care of that tuxedo Briggs got me to bring.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“But you love me for it.”
And the sad truth was: You did.
“Can you help me with this zipper?” you asked, turning your back to a just-emerging-from-the-shower Paz, “I can’t reach it.”
Paz did not let you wait, immediately stepping behind you, the heat of his body radiating onto your back. “You look so beautiful,” he said, his fingertips grazing your bare skin before getting a hold of the zip. It was a dark blue silk dress, one that accentuated and hugged your curves and made you feel irresistible with the deep back and swooping neckline.
“We’re in partner look,” you joked, glancing at the dark blue tie he was wearing, “You look very handsome, Mr Vizsla.”
He grinned, turning you around, “And I am sure no one will notice when I am accompanied by a beautiful woman such as yourself.”
And you were proven right because the first words you heard when you entered the hotel’s restaurant that had been booked for the occasion were: “Mr Vizsla, what a beautiful companion you have brought with you this fine evening.”
“Mr Organa,” Paz greeted the man in front of you, “A pleasure to meet you again.”
He introduced you to him and you shook the man’s hand, reciprocating his friendly smile. “I do hope we get to talk again, Mr Vizsla,” the man said when the bell rang, “But now I think it is time to eat.”
Spending the evening with him once more reminded you of how much you loved him – even when you tried your hardest not to. Paz made sure to scoot as close to you as possible, his chair touching yours and it did not take long for his arm to settle comfortably on the back of your chair.
He laughed with his business partners, talking numbers and making jokes and it took everything in you not to spend the entire time just staring at him like a love-struck teenager. Mrs Organa, who was fortunately sat next to you, involved you in a conversation about the most recent restoration projects of a Mr Boba Fett and so you spent the evening with Paz’s fingers brushing your shoulder and the occasional kiss on the cheek and talking to an incredibly interesting woman.
And still, all you wanted was for Paz and you to be alone.
“When do you think it would be not too early to go?” you asked him teasingly as the dessert was served. It was a delicate chocolate-y creation, served on a giant plate with what looked to be mango sorbet beside it.
His arm left your shoulders but his hand immediately landed on your knee, fingers drifting even higher. Paz chuckled, “I’d suggest now but the way you’re eyeing that chocolate soufflé has me thinking otherwise.”
You glared at him for his joke but the man just grinned, his dark eyes twinkling with joy as he took a bite of his own portion. The conversations around you continued and you watched as almost everyone went out to the dancefloor and the lights dimmed on the dining tables.
But all you could do was admire Paz out of the corner of your eyes. He was relaxed, leaning back in his chair as he observed everyone and even when he was lacking any tension in his shoulders or on his face, he looked so much in control of everything.
Stars, he was handsome.
His hand crept up on your thigh and you shifted, feeling the heat rise into your cheeks as he planted a kiss on your bare shoulder. “What are you thinking about, love?”
You loved when he called you that.
“You,” you replied, tilting your head to the side and smiling when his hand came up to turn your face towards him, pulling you in for a kiss.
“What are you wasting your precious thoughts on little old me?” he teased you, his big hand cupping the side of your neck.
“Old? Maybe,” you grinned, “But little? I don’t think so.”
He growled playfully, surging forward to kiss you again. Hard. His teeth grazed your bottom lip and you opened up for him, letting him control the kiss. When his free hand slipped down your side, his fingers passing your chest dangerously close, you squeezed your thighs.
“Paz,” you whimpered against his neck, gasping for breath, “I haven’t felt you in weeks.”
He growled, his hand landing dangerously high on your lap before discreetly squeezing the soft flesh of your thigh, his fingers so close to your core you were surprised the fabric of your dress did not come back with a wet spot. “Believe me,” he said, “I am more than aware of how long it’s been.”
Eternally grateful that the other guests had left your table to join the dancefloor, you opened up your legs the tiniest bit for him, needing his fingers just that much closer. Way closer than they were now. The grin on Paz’s face made your heart (and pussy) pulse and you swallowed thickly.
“I just missed you so much,” you said quietly, trying to bite your lip seductively.
“Did you now?” he leant forward, his nose brushing against yours. His fingers flexed, brushing higher on the inside of your thighs.  
“Uh huh,” you nodded eagerly, cupping his cheek to hold him closer. The stubble was rough under your fingertips and you remembered that time he ate you out in his city car in bright daylight. Stars, the things this man did to you ….
Paz chuckled darkly and kissed you again, soft and gentle while his fingers brushed over the thin fabric of your panties. His teeth tugged on your bottom lip just as your hips bucked against his hand and all shame left you.
If he wanted to fuck you out in the open you might just allow it if it meant you could finally feel him again.
But suddenly Paz was standing up and you were standing up and he was holding your hand, thick digits wrapping around your wrist as he dragged you towards the exit. You stumbled after him, a little confused but more excited than anything.
“We’re leaving now,” he grumbled, pushing the elevator button, “Waited weeks to see you again, I am not waiting any longer.”
The doors opened and Paz let you in first. You watched as he pressed the button at the very top and then turned to you. The look on his face made your breath catch in your throat. He had his hands in his pockets and the dark suit looked so good on him and then he had that slow smile on his lips as he approached you.
Your back bumped against the wall of the small room and your hands behind your back grabbed onto the waist-high bar they had installed on each wall.
“That’s right,” he murmured, his big hands caging you in, “I'd hold onto something if I were you.”
“Paz,” you said, your voice barely a whisper between the two of you.
“What?” he mocked you, his nose dragging along your shoulder, “All speechless now that you finally have my attention?”
You did not reply, probably proving his exact point but stars you were so turned on you just did not know what to say. Especially not when his large hand drifted along your thigh before grabbing your knee and lifting it up to his hip. He slotted his body against yours and his bulge pressed against your core. XXXX
“Don’t worry, I won’t take you like this,” he assured you, slowly grinding against you, “Can you tell me why?”
You whimpered, trying to move against him to get that pressure on your clit that you so badly wanted but his hips had you pinned in place.
“Tell me why first,” he instructed, “Then I’ll let you move.”
“Because-cause it’s too big,” your cheeks felt flush with warmth, “You don’t fuck me without preparation because you – you don’t want to hurt me.”
“Good girl,” he grinned, showing his teeth before using those same teeth to drag down the strap of your dress. Your head fell back and you regretted wearing a bra that night because it meant your nipples were rubbing against the lace instead of the cold fabric of Paz’s dress shirt.
The elevator pinged and you froze, your eyes immediately flitting to the little number over the door. This was not your floor.
Paz had a steel grip on your knee, preventing you from taking it from his hip. You could hear the door slowly opening and your heart raced for reasons other than the sheer excitement that Paz caused in you.
You watched as the dark-haired man slowly turned around, uncaring about the mess of his hair or your half-naked form in his arms.
“Take the next one,” he said and pressed the button for the doors to close. Then he leant back to you, one hand cupping the side of your neck, his thumb brushing over your jaw, while the other wandered from your knee to your hip, gripping at the naked skin.
You did not even catch a glimpse at the people he had spoken to. Paz’s body was completely shielding you from their view and somehow that did not help the wetness between your thighs.  
“I swear sometimes all I could think about was what it would be like to fuck you again,” he whispered in your ear before pressing a kiss just underneath your earlobe, “
The way from the elevator to your room was a blur of wet kisses, wandering hands and hot skin. Somehow, Paz managed to find the key card in his jacket and you both fell into the room more than you walked, refusing to let go of each other.
Paz walked you back to the bed, one hand reaching for the lube on the nightstand while the other opened his belt. Your breathing felt heavy and you were sure your panties must have been completely drenched at this point. Your hands found the hem of your dress and you pulled it up to your hips, not having the patience to get completely undressed.
Stars knew you had the time tonight. You could take it off later.
Paz pulled out his cock and you watched mesmerized as he put a generous drop of lube in his palm before wrapping his hand around his shaft. The cocky smile on his face told you that he had caught you watching but you were. At this point, your relationship with Paz was nothing new – especially not your physical one – but his size always left you feeling nervous.
He was not only long but also thick and while you knew.
“Could stare at your pussy all day long,” he murmured, his fingers tightening around his shaft before rubbing his fingers carefully over your folds. You squirmed, the lube making you feel. One finger entered you and shortly after another one.
Paz pumped his fingers inside you slowly, his eyes mustering your face for any sign of pain but all you did was whine, trying to push your hips against his. Your walls clamped around him and when his thumb rubbed over your clit ever so slightly, you swore you already saw stars.
“Feels like you are ready,” he determined, the pace of his fingers picking up before slowing down again. Until they barely moved.
“Oh, stars why’d you stop?” you threw your head back, arching your back so you could take them deeper, “Don’t stop, Paz.”
A third finger appeared at your entrance and Paz pressed a kiss to your hip. “It never gets old,” he murmured against your skin, “Watching you take my fingers.”
“Would be much rather taking your cock right now,” you replied breathlessly, moaning when he pushed his fingers a little deeper.
Paz did not answer in the form of words but he pulled his fingers out and stood up. Having him look down on you gave way to another rush of wetness from your core. He looked so dishevelled and sexy, half-dressed with his cock hard as a rock.
“Spread ‘em for me,” he growled, taking his cock in his hand while the other pushed on your inner thigh. He stepped closer between your legs, his hand warm on your thigh.
“Good girl.”
Your walls clenched around nothing at his praise.
The feeling of his cock against your pussy brought back that little nervous voice in the back of your head. What if he would not fit?
But Paz knew how to calm you down. The heat of his body against yours paired with his forearm resting next to your face and his fingers tracing your hairline as he looked at you was the perfect combination for you to focus just on him. On the feeling of his skin against yours, the sound of his heavy breathing in your ear, the scent of his cologne in your nose.
When the tip of him pushed inside you, you gasped. He was bigger than you remembered and you were thankful for the amount of lube and your wetness that eased his movements.
Your breathing got faster and you could feel your walls stretch to accommodate his size. Paz’s fingers and you. His brows were furrowed and though his eyes were half-lidded with pleasure, they always met yours and you knew, you just knew, he was trying to see if he hurt you.
It felt like he was pushing all the air out of your lungs and you found yourself holding your breath, feeling his small thrusts stretch your walls more and more. Your belly fluttered and you felt so close to him that it made your heart sing.
“How – how much more?” you asked in a gasp, pushing your chest against his shirt to get some sensation on your nipples.
The large man looked down between you, his hand absentmindedly coming up to pinch your nipple, making you squeeze around him. 
He chuckled, his nose brushing against yours when he looked up again, “It’s barely in, love.”
Your smile fell and panic took over for a solid second. You could see the moment Paz took in your change of heart because his smile faded as well and his hand came up to cup your jaw. “What is it, love? Are you all right?”
“What – What if it is too big, Paz?” you asked shyly.
Paz frowned, though you did not get the feeling that it was because he was displeased with you, and slowly pulled out. “Then I will make it fit,” he said, “Or I will make you come on my tongue. Whatever you want, my love.”
You whined, immediately missing the feeling of him inside you. He peppered kisses along your neck, his hands under your dress, gripping your ass as he pulled you closer to the edge of the bed. His eyes focused on your core and the sparkle you saw in there made your heart flutter and your pussy clench.
Pulling your knees to your chest, you tried to give him more space. “I want you to make it fit,” you decided, feeling a little embarrassed at sounding so needy, “Please.”
Paz hummed, “Always so polite.” His shoulders pushed against the back of your knees as he looked at you. His eyes were so intense and, at that moment, you were convinced he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Deep breaths,” he reminded you, his thumb circling your clit as he rubbed his cock all over your folds, “I know you can take it. You know you can take it.”
You nodded, more to assure yourself than him. Because he was right. You had taken him countless times before and you could take him now. And if you couldn’t then it would not be the end of the world.  
Noticing you relaxing back into the sheets, Paz rested more of his weight on you. “Do you remember our safe word?”
You nodded quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer.
“I do,” you confirmed, “You won’t hurt me, Paz.”
“I know how stubborn you can be,” he reminded you gently before pressing a quick kiss to your lips, “I want you crying because I gave you too many orgasms, not because I am hurting you.”
You smiled at his comment but that smile quickly turned into a silent Oh when he circled your clit with his cock. Then he tapped his shaft against your pussy again and again and again. He felt hot and heavy and the wet sounds only spurred on the fire inside you. Stars, you wanted this man so bad.
The change in position helped a lot because this time he got the tip inside you like it was nothing.
“You are doing so good for me,” he murmured, his hips moving against yours in slow and small thrusts while his finger kept playing with your clit, “You are such a good girl for me, love, you deserve the world.”
There was nothing you could answer. Your throat was full of words but all you got out were breathless gasping sounds as you felt him get deeper and deeper. In your search to hold on to something, anything, you found his hand. You gripped his fingers so tightly, you were afraid to hurt him but Paz only squeezed back, his dark eyes searching yours and probably finding nothing but utter devotion in them.
Just like his.
His lips landed on yours so gently, it distracted you from everything. There was nothing but you and him and the way you felt so connected.
“Feel that?” he asked you quietly, his breath mingling with yours. You blinked, not really knowing what he meant. Paz smiled, his eyes softened when he laid his hand on your lower abdomen. “You took it all, sweetheart, you took all of me.”
“Oh,” you murmured, a little astonished, “Really?”
He laughed, “Really, love. How are you feeling?”
You thought for a moment, trying to take in all that you were feeling. “Full,” you answered truthfully, “But good.”
“Good, huh?” Paz started to move again, slow at first, making sure there was enough wetness and not a single trace of pain on your face, “It feels good to have me fill you up like this, huh?”
You nodded, too shy to repeat his words. Something was just how filthy he could get. And how he loved to fluster you with his said filthy words.
“Fucking dreamt of your pussy gripping me,” he grunted in your ear, his pace picking up, “Next time I am taking you with me. There is no way I am going to fly anywhere again without you sitting in my lap and taking my cock like a champ.”
“What – what about your advisors?” you asked, your body moving up the bed with the force of his thrusts.
“They can watch for all I care,” he murmured, “I already know the only one who can make this pussy stretch is me. I am the only one that can make you feel like this, aren’t I? The only one who can make you come and still beg for more.”
You nodded helplessly, feeling like you were about to burst at the seams. And then Paz changed the angle of his thrusts ever so slightly and you were done for.
“P-Paz, fuck, I’m –“ you gripped his shoulders, the tingling in your belly getting stronger and stronger, “Paz, I think I’m coming.”
Normally, that would only get him to move quicker, to have his fingers work on your clit in a way that was sure to get you over the edge before he came inside you. So, what you expected from your breathless announcement were Paz’s encouraging words while he slightly pinched your clit and bit your lip. What you didn’t expect him to do was simply stop his thrusts with an uttering of “Not yet you aren’t.”
Completely dazed, you looked at him as he pulled out. “Stand up,” he instructed. His voice was stern but not unkind and you blinked, watching him take off his tie and quickly unbutton his shirt. Your body ached with the lack of him and you weren’t sure if it was a tremble in your muscles that only you noticed but stars you felt like you were shaking.
Paz completely undressed and you tried your best to put your weight on your legs, your hands gripping the edge of the bed. But sitting up after having your thoughts fucked out of you by one Paz Vizsla seemed to be a bad idea because it just wasn’t working.
Paz seemed to notice your struggle, his hands pausing on his belt and he tilted his head, watching you fall back on the bed with a sigh.
“Do I need to call you Bambi?” he teased you, his hands coming up under your elbow and gently helping you up, “Or are you that fucked out already?”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, trying to think of a good reply. Only you could not come up with one because, stars, did he look good and, stars, did it feel good to be fucked by him. And it felt good to be with him and to touch him and to be touched by him and –
He stepped closer until his chest was pressed against yours, not saying anything. Your hand gripped his forearm and you waited with bated breath as he leant slightly over you. His fingers brushed over the nape of your neck, down your back until he found the zipper of your dress and slowly pulled it down, his hand tracing over your spine in the process.
When he reached the end, you shimmied your hips, the dress pooling at your feet. His eyes roamed over your figure, noticeably stopping at the way your panties were still pushed to the side.
“Beautiful,” he said, more to himself than to you but it warmed your heart nonetheless. Wordlessly, he helped you out of your underwear as well, his hands caressing your skin every chance he got. You had never felt so desired in your life.
His hand closed around your elbow and he started moving across the room.
“What are you doing?” you asked, following him away from the bed. You still felt uneasy on your legs but you knew you could trust Paz to hold you up and when he noticed your difficulty, he slowed down before stopping at the window front overlooking the city.
“I just wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it,” he explained as if it was no big deal.
You paused for a second and so did he, taking in your reaction.
“There is something about fucking you for everyone to see and knowing that no one gets to see you like this,” he elaborated, “Because I want you to look out at the world when you cream around my cock and recognize how fucking perfect you are.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
His smile lit up the entire room and he took your hands in his, positioning you exactly how he needed you. His calm but dominant demeanour made your pussy pulse again, reminded you how fucking confident he was when it came to your pleasure and how happy it made you to be able to fulfil some of his desires as well.
“There we go, put your hands right here and – beautiful,” he murmured, his hands intertwining with yours against the glass, “Now just spread your legs and there we go.”
The glass was cold under your palm and you could see the fog forming around your hand where the temperatures collided. Behind it, you could see the colourful lights of the city that a million people called their home. You were so high up there were barely any buildings that even reached your level but it did not help your nervousness to know that behind each little light there was at least one person.
There were hundreds of lights in your view.
You turned around, wanting to look at Paz for guidance. He slid his hands down your back before groping your ass, pulling your cheeks apart. He was unmistakably looking at your pussy and you shifted, feeling exposed under his gaze and in this position. Your movement made him look up, meeting your eyes.
“Don’t look at me,” he said, his hand gently pushing you to turn back, “Look outside.”
Easy to say when he wasn’t the one whose knees would get weak once he started to get going.
“The whole city is awake and yet no one can see us,” he whispered, pushing his cock slowly back inside you. You sighed, resting your cheek against the glass. The cold air and arousal had caused your nipples to harden and you were highly aware of how your tits swung with each movement.
“Stars, imagine all the places I could take you, all the places I could fuck you,” he mused, one hand coming up to cup your tit, his finger and thumb rolling your nipple. You moaned, tilting your head to the side. “I want to have you with me everywhere I go,” he continued, “I don’t want to wake up another day with the knowledge it’ll be weeks before I can see you again.”
“Paz –“
“There we go,” he hummed, pressing a kiss against your shoulder blade, “That turns you on, hm? Knowing there is nothing I wouldn’t do to feel your pussy come around me. I could get us the room with the best view in the whole city everywhere we go,” he pulled on your nipple and you cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure, “And then I would fuck you against that view and still the only thing I would want to look at is you.”
Your heart and your pussy clenched at sheer adoration in his words. “You are so fucking beautiful, love.”
“Paz, please, I –“
“What is it?” he asked you, his voice just on this side of mocking and why did that make him even hotter now, the way he made you feel a little too out of control, “What do you need, sweetheart?
“I need you to come in me.”
“You don’t get to decide that,” he reminded you, his hips not stopping their movement. Instead, his hands tightened on you just the tiniest bit and you whimpered, “You know I am the one who decides when I come in you. And it is only ever after I feel this,” he tapped his fingers on your clit, “tight pussy clamp around my cock.”
“I know, I know, but I,” you trailed off in a whine, pushing your hips back against his to try and work with his rhythm, “Please, Paz, I need it now.”
“Then beg me for it.”
You bit your lip, whimpering when he did not cease his ministrations on your clit. It pushed you even closer to the very edge and you could have cried from frustration. You just needed – You wanted – Why wouldn’t he just –
“That’s what I thought,” he mocked you, kissing your neck, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed how shy that little mouth of yours is. You can’t wait to have your pussy stuffed with my fat cock but my innocent little sweetheart cannot even say the word cock. Or come,” he groaned, grinding into you, his fingers tugging on your nipple again, “Or pussy.”
“So, if you want my come before I planned to give it to you,” he breathed against you, “You have to beg for it, love.”
His rough tone made your cheeks burn and your pussy clench. Of course, he had noticed, Paz Vizsla was a ridiculously attentive man and there was a reason he was as successful as he was. You just had not thought that it would turn against you at some point.
“I am waiting,” he teased you, his cock once again hitting that spot that literally made you see stars.
With your hands slipping on the now warm glass and your pussy getting wetter and wetter, you knew there was only so much you could do before you would come.
“Please, Paz,” you cried, “Please come inside me, I need you to come inside me. Please, I – “ you hiccupped, tears stinging your eyes, “I want to feel you come inside my pussy.”
“Fuck, you really are that needy,” he stated, “Who would’ve thought.”
“Please,” you whimpered again, a single tear making its way down your cheek, “Please, Paz, I will do anything you want.”
You could barely stand, trying to keep your hands on the window and your knees from buckling. But that only got harder with each thrust of him inside you. And he was getting closer too. You could feel it in the way his breath hitched, or how his mouth sought out your neck, something he liked to do before he filled you up.
“Hm,” Paz mused, one hand coming up to hold yours against the glass. His entire body pressed against yours, holding you up and making you feel. “Anything, you say? What an enticing offer that I will certainly get back to. But for now, I think you begged prettily enough.”
His words should not have relieved you as much as they did but they did. More tears streamed down your cheeks and you let your head fall, trying to focus on how good you felt, how your entire body tingled with him close and how he.
While one of Paz’s hands stayed on yours, the other arm reached around you and found your clit. “You ready to get filled up?” he asked you, playing with that bundle of nerves, “You want to feel my come inside that tight little pussy. Want me to make you that pretty little mess I know you like to be?”
You nodded eagerly, “Uh huh, p-please, I want that.”
Paz groaned, the sound pure heaven to your ears, and his pace picked up. His thrusts got harder and deeper and ended with him grinding even more into you like he wanted to reach places you did not even know existed. And it made you feel that much better.
“Good girl,” he praised you, “If there is anyone who deserves my come, it is you.”
Clamping your walls around him and trying to move your hips against him, you did your best to make him feel as good as he made you. It was when he got quiet that you knew he was close and not even a moment later, he pulled you straight up, pressing you completely against the glass and him inside you.
You gasped at the cold feeling on your skin, but there was something undeniably erotic about having your tits squeezed up and Paz behind you. He buried his face in your neck, sucking a mark into your shoulder while he ground into you again and again. And it was that feeling of him coming inside you, paired with his fingers still very much circling your clit that made you come around him as well.
And it made you almost black out. Your eyes rolled back in your head and your mouth opened in a silent gasp. You could feel your walls squeeze uncontrollably around him, milking him for all he was worth and you were pretty sure you had lost all control over your limbs. You were just hanging there, mouth open, pussy overflowing and legs trembling with the love of your life right behind you.
“Oh shit,” Paz laughed, feeling you tremble between him and the glass, “It’s a big one, isn’t it, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t really answer but you also knew you did not need to. Because Paz was there to take care of you.
For a little while, he did not move at all, simply letting you ride out your climax while he slowed his strokes over your clit. Time and again you could feel him twitch inside you and you thought to yourself that big one didn’t only apply to you – he had come so much inside you, it was already dripping out around where he was softening inside you.
“You are doing so good for me,” he whispered finally, pressing another kiss to your neck and you turned your head, trying to get him to properly kiss you. And he did, his lips gently landing on yours while he, very carefully, pulled out of you.
The feeling of his come flowing out of you made you grimace and shift on your feet.
“Bathroom?” he asked you quietly and you nodded weakly.
The hotel bathroom was all white marble and had fancy lights and even though Paz only switched on the mirror light, it made you squeeze your eyes shut and whimper. Why was everything so fucking bright?
“Shhh I know I know,” Paz murmured, wrapping his arms around you and leading you to the shower nook, “But I know you will want to clean up, right?”
You nodded against his chest, relishing in his body heat. “Forgot my shower stuff though,” you remembered with a frown.
Your big man chuckled, turning on the rain shower to the perfect temperatures. Not loosening his arms around you, he turned you both so you could tilt your head back and let the water flow over your body. “That is okay, love,” he said, his thumbs gently rubbing circles on your back, “You can use mine.”
The thought of smelling like him made you smile and, feeling a little more like yourself, stood up on your toes to kiss him.
Paz did not wait for a second to reciprocate but you noticed he held back.
“What is it, Paz?” you asked him, running your hand over his wet hair and wondering if he would ever consider leaving it as curly as it was, “Did you not like it?”
He shook his head with a smile. “It was more than I could ever dream of, love,” he smiled, “I was just thinking …”
You tilted your head, watching him consider his words.
“I meant it when I said I want you to accompany me on my travels.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “So you can fuck me everywhere you want?” you joked, trying to hide the very real fear that his feelings did not run as deep as yours did. Sure, you had started your arrangement on quite superficial terms but it had been a long time since anything you felt for him had been superficial.
“No,” he shook his head, “I mean, yes, that too, but … I missed you, sweetheart, a lot and I don’t think I want to spend my time away from you when there is a way that we could be together.”
“I mean we also spend a lot of time together when you are home,” you argued, drumming your fingertips on his chest, “I thought maybe you would like to have some alone time once in a while?”  
“About that …” he rubbed the back of his neck and seeing him made you realize something very fundamental.
You could not contain your smile, leaning a tiny bit back from him to really take in all of him. The way he avoided your gaze, how he shifted on his feet as if he was nervous, how he.
“Are you asking me to move in with you?”
“You can keep your city apartment, of course,” he assured you immediately, “I was just thinking, I mean … I have this big place and Briggs keeps pointing out it is due for some redecorating and I …” he interrupted himself, drops of water falling from the tip of his nose and lashes, “When I am with you and Snowball I feel more at home than anywhere else in the world. And I am wondering if you feel the same way?”
Of course, I feel the same way, you wanted to scream at him, I have been in love with you ever since you asked me to take care of Snowball.
But you remained silent on that front, not wanting to scare him away. Instead, you reached up to pull him closer. His nose brushed yours and the tiny frown between his brows betrayed his insecurity. How rare it was to see Paz Vizsla insecure.
“Yes, Paz,” you smiled against him, kissing him slow and thoroughly, “I would very much like to move in with you.”
The look of complete happiness on his face, when you pulled away, was only echoed on yours. You were sure your grin could only ever be rivalled by his and you squealed when he pulled you up and spun you around, water flying everywhere.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me,” he set you down. His hand found its way to the side of your neck, his thumb and finger spanning your jaw. He did not let you go and his grin faded, replaced by a look on his face you could not quite pinpoint except for how warm it made you feel, “You have no idea how happy you make me.”
“I might have an idea,” you replied shyly, feeling your heart beat against your chest. Was this the moment you could tell him? Was this where you confessed your undying love and revealed just how much you would do to see him happy? How you wanted to wake up with him every morning and fall asleep with him every evening and spend your weekends with him and Snowball curled up on the couch?
But when Paz rested his forehead against yours, you convinced yourself that the moment had passed. Sure, he wanted to move in with you but did that really mean anything? Maybe he just wanted to put another layer of security on your fake relationship arrangement?
“So …” you murmured instead, “How are we going to tell Snowball she is going to move again?”
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Hey! Your art is stunning! I love how your are able to convey personality visually! I also saw in one post that you referenced enneagrams and Myers-Briggs types when considering characters! Was wondering if you have any headcanons for the rest of 141s types?
Hello Anon! \(@^0^@)/
So about the MBTI types of 141, I actually did one around February 2022, but it's generally for the OG!TF141. You can read it here! But I'm gonna repost it here and add the others as well.
Disclaimer : I'm in no way an MBTI expert. I'm just an enthusiast who reads lots of memes.
Task Force 141 MBTI Personality Types
💰 Price - ENTJ - The Commander 💰
No doubt he’s the commander type. In fact, Price is the classic archetype of a commander
Does not give a damn about order or following procedure if it doesn’t help him get to the result
Mean. Knows he’s mean. Doesn’t care.
Says shit like “Can you do it or no?” “What did I just say.” “Suck it up.” “When you take the gloves off you got blood on your hands, KYLE!” 
Lovable asshole. Evil. Lovable tho.
First to wake up and do the “morning routine”
Probably has the “World’s Best Boss/Dad” mug
Inventor of Big Dick Energy
🧼 Soap - ESFP - The Entertainer 🧼
Bold. Can be reckless sometimes tho. He learns by doing. Easily bored.
Would deffo be the Extrovert person who adopts Introverts. (Eg. Ghost)
Values freedom and has empirical views in life.
Sees past the bad in people and easily sees the good in people (not the enemies tho ☠️ cough cough Shepherd cough.
Very optimistic and loud. Loves to get all the attentions
Highly adaptable to situations
Spontaneous af and sometimes can have risky behaviors that leads to bad decisions (He canonically lied about his age to enter the SAS ✨)
💀 Ghost - INTP - The Logician 💀
INTP : short for I Need Therapy Please
Trust Issues™
All rounder who gets the job done when he puts his mind to it.
Probably watches anime secretly (He does)
Would sometimes zone out and doesn’t listen to what you’re saying.
Either completely silent or WILL NOT shut up. No in between.
Has strong opinions.
Could come off as rude or way too honest.
The friend who gives short answers in texts like “yea” “ok” “no”
“….what if we (insert crazy ideas)”. Super creative with his methods of doing. "Welcome to guerrila warfare."
Basically a cat.
🧢 Gaz - ISFJ - The Defender 🧢
Has a strong moral compass; Takes his jobs very seriously. Determined.
Will stand by you no matter what happens. Gaz will deffo support you in anything you do. WILL fight for you.
Sweet and easygoing. Has the best reaction to everything. "Can you translate that from bullshit to English?" "What the fuck is happening?" Never a dull moment with him around.
The Dad Ver. 2 if Price is unavailable.
Gaz : I'm making you cookies.
Price : I don't really want any.
Gaz: This isn't optional
Is very warm in personality, but if you betray him, he'll turn very cold.
Share your thoughts! (ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ)
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nqds · 24 days
there was nothing to ruin
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐬.
the characters :
cassandra "cassie" hobbes ::
cassie is so cute, like shes so teenage girlcore but also an insanely good agent but also super traumatized, shes also very clever and probably everything i wanna be
lia zhang ::
this woman is the definition of "cat woman as a book character" like, its just so her i cant really explain it. but i found her a bit bitchy at first but then i started to like her ( maybe way too much )
michael townsend ::
this guy is VERY similar to jameson ( tig ) but i reallyyyyyy liked him at first ( i still do ) but i found dean better. but michael and me would be absolute BESTIES bc hes so my energy but also very fine
dean redding ::
MY DARLING <3 hes so perfect like, hes smart, wounded ( oh god thats actually terrible but- ) hes just ( AHHHH ) like this man could tell me to do ANYTHING. hes like so broody but he will sacrifice anything and everything for my girl cassie <3
sloane tavish ::
underrated asf. like this girl is also me but like in another font. this woman is a GENIUS. and a caffeine addict, not to mention. but shes also really fun and spontaneous like, you know how long briggs is gonna take but you also know that there are 14 varieties of hugs. i think thats js so sweet
opinions :
this is gonna be so messy bc im in love with this book and so what. okay to start, IM IN LOVE WITH DEAN REDDING 🤭🤭 and i love love love cassie bc she is THE woman like how is she: gorgeous, independent, smart, AND AND she pulled dean redding. like, bro, man 😔😔 AUGH but i would also bc fucked asf if i was cassie bc to choose between dean or michael id evaporate. ( id choose dean ) but anyways hehehe. LIA. ZHANG. amazing. badass. icon. the moment. the it girl. like AHHHHHHH. so, summary is: JLB THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE 👏👏👏
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blairstales · 8 months
Cat-Sìth | Scottish Folklore
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If you have ever wondered why black cats are associated with Halloween, the cat-sìth/cait-sìth may be the reason.
They are described as giant black cats with a spot on their chests, an arched back, and long hair always standing upright and bristly.
“Elfin cats (cait shìth) are explained to be of a wild, not a domesticated, breed, to be as large as dogs, of a black colour, with a white spot on the breast, and to have arched backs and erect bristles” “Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland” by John Gregorson Campbell (1900)
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On Samhain(the early version of Halloween), when the cat-sìth was said to roam around, many families would leave out a bowl of milk to keep in the cat-sìth‘s good favour. If you did that, you would be blessed, if you forgot, you would be cursed. 
As well as that, some people in the Scottish highlands were often fearful of the cat-sìth stealing the souls of the recently dead and carrying them away to the otherworld, so people would stand watch over their loved one until they could be buried. This was called Feil Fadalach or Late Wake. Essentially, this involved a large number of activities to distract the cat-sìth, such as games, dancing, contests, riddles, and even catnip spread over the house. All the fires in the room with the body would be put out, since cats like warmth (though this would also help keep the body from decomposing as quickly).
Eventually, a change of beliefs changed the cat-sìth from a fairy, into a witch. The myth that cats have nine lives is said to come from the fact that a witch could transform to a cat exactly 8 times. If she did it a 9th time, she would be a cat forever.
High-landers commonly explained the cat síth as a transformed witch, not a fairy.  A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology
The cat-sìth is not to be confused with Big Ears, the demonic god of the cats. He was said to be even bigger and more ferocious.
“But Big Ears was a monstrous demon cat who had only a slight connection with the Cait Sith.” “A Encyclopedia of Fairies” by Katharine Briggs (Published in 1976)
That is a story I won’t be covering, because I think it will be too troubling for people. Putting it bluntly, there was a belief that if you brutally tortured a certain number of cats to death in a certain way(known as the taghairm), Big Ears would appear, and grant you wishes in return for your soul.
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zoetheneko · 5 months
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Name: Zoe
Pronouns: She/her
Gender: Female
Birthday: April 22nd
Age: 17
Height: 5" 6
Alignement: Chaotic good
Mbti: INFP
Core value: Discovery
Species: Kemonomimi (Human with mammal ears and tail)
Origins: Earthrealm
Nationality: Canadian
Current location: State of Washington, U.S.
Pluviophilia - Love of rainy weather
Pyrophilia - Love of fire
Cardiophilia - Love of hearts
Autophilia - Love of solitude
Nemophilia - Love of forests
Opacarophilia - Love of sunsets
Ailurophilia - Love of cats
Favourite foods/drinks:
Boba tea
French fries
Ice cream
Grilled cheese
Other favourite stuff:
Hello kitty
The colour pink
Her friends (even if she has a hard time showing them affection)
Video games
Zoe is a generaly calm and reserved person. Interacting with people is not one of her strength, which make sense because she has autism. But if a chance is given and Zoe gets to be more in touch with somebody, she can be very sweet and reliable, and as long as they respect her, she'll respect them.
She does have a few things that people close to her may find understandably disturbing, like enjoying burning down things a lil too much sometimes during missions or litteraly owning a collection of hearts of everyone and everything she killed.
John Rambo (also her gardian and friend)
Kung Jin
John Rambo
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Takeda Takahashi
Kung Jin
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage
Jax briggs
Kenshi Takahashi
Kurtis Stryker
Hanzo Hasashi
Kuai Liang
Dia (@darialovesstuff )
Megan (@scentedcandleibex )
Iris (@scentedcandleibex )
Lady Shenra (@huepazu )
Huepazu (@huepazu )
Sienna (@loverofthewindgod )
Ombra (@theelderhazelnut )
Shao Khan
Shang Tsung
Survival knife (A gift from Rambo) - Her main weapon. She can also turn it into a single-side bladed one-hand sword by covering the original blade with a glowy crystal-like solid material which is used as an extention. It shatters into fading pieces when it's done being used or the offense is stopped midway by the opponent.
Claws made of her magic.
Zoe is weilder of a magic that is proper to her. Nobody knows how or why she required it, and to be fair, Zoe doesn't know either. But it has been proven to be capable of great utility and destruction. This magic is recognizable by its pink hues.
Fire breath
Crystal-like solid creation/manipulation
Blood combustion - It allows her to set blood on fire, either if it's her own or somebody elses.
Faster healing
Increasing the temperature of seperate parts of her body.
Increase her strength
Increase her speed
Important fact: Zoe's eyes, hands and heart light up when her powers are heavily used.
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Stealth mode:
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(You won't see that leg scar often tho)
Her backstory
Incorrect quotes w/ Rambo
Headcanon #1
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@mitsuko-saito - @darialovesstuff - @scentedcandleibex - @huepazu - @theelderhazelnut - @zombieoffender - @bloody-arty-myths - @takiisieju-moved - @loverofthewindgod - @katieblossum - @onehornedbeast - @mortalkombat-lover - @jaydraw209 - @devilzukin7 - @asweetlovesong - @nameispai - @malewifefirestar - @licoricelump - @sirmidezz - @geeky-trash01
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absolutebl · 11 months
This Week in BL
June 2023 Wk 3 
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 9 of 12 - There sure is a lot of drinking in this show (who am I to talk?). Omg so awkward: The not-break-up not-confession. I have heartburn. Also I could not watch Jeng break down. Just nope. Then time jump? If that was our DOOM episode the timing is off. Or next week is the final? Or we get 3 eps of domestic bliss and sexitimes? I’m confused. 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 9 of 10 - I like how trope-subversive this show is - first soulmates, then love triangle, now the faen fatal. NO SINGING. Oh good. They didn’t! Yay! So yeah I still love it. But I am also still a touch scared of where it might go. This one can’t be trusted. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 5 of 12 - not a bad ep this week or was I too drunk to register nuance and damage? You decide. Trash watch here.
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 5 of 6 - I always have to psyche myself up to watch this show, because I want to fast forward through most of it, but it’s on Gaga so that’s damn near impossible. At least this is the penultimate episode. I think after 3 BLs I can safely say Gun is just not a good actor. Speaking of... crying clothed in the shower? I haven’t seen that trope in years. But I LOVE the high school boys and their story so much. Love Sick level of earnest floppy goodness, I’m such a sucker for this kind of romance. I want them to be in a completely different BL. I’m so conflicted. I NEED this show to end so I can decide how I feel about it.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love Tractor (Korea Weds iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 8 - So much is happening, evil x-boyfriend shows up. We got flashbacks to coming-out drama + nasty dad (super unusual for a KBL). But baby’s first taste of desire is hilarious. This one is full of lovely contrasts, and contrasting life experiences. It’s all about support and neglect. 
Tokyo in April AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 2 of 8 - Very much full of hero worship and giving me My Beautiful Man vibes (only softer and office set). “Dazzling” = always an interesting word when it comes up in JBL subs. It’s clearly a Japanese word/concept like kawaii  that is more complex than the English word being used. Meanwhile, this being Japan we get lots of hints as to separation and dark past events. 
Tie The Knot (prev Under the Same Sky) (Pinoy YouTube) eps 1-2 of 8 - From OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince), based on a true story (?!), Briggs's family runs a bridal business but he has never fallen in love until he meets a groom to be in an arranged marriage. EXACTLY the same premise at Mame’s forthcoming Wedding Planner. There are so many characters and prospective couples (including a v bi girl with a female fuck buddy, not seen that in a BL before) that it is a little hard to keep straight (heh). I’m sure it will shake out. It’s intriguing so far, if a touch silly. I actually like the arranged marriage premise because the two rich kids involved in it are so weirdly kind & platonically sweet to each other, even if they’re both on the same page about it only being for show. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) ep 7 & 8 of 12 - Apparently there is very little difference between a cat and a demanding princess of a boyfriend. That clocks. Basically this was the dating times. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 11 of 12 - There is a lot more meat to this silly little BL then I thought there would be given the premise, but it’s Japan so that’s as it should be. But, as it’s Japan there’s also a little too much cringe for me. I do enjoy how generous Japan is with late bloomers and I would def like to host a kimchi party  but otherwise... meh. 
Stupid Genius (Vietnam Fri YouTube) ep 3 of 6 - Bi erasure still alive and well I see. This one remains fine for VBL but no more than that.
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It’s airing but ...
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
Stay (Pinoy YouTube) 7 eps - It’s mostly in English and set in LA so I’m not bothering but the first one did drop.
Ever After (Pinoy YouTube) - I investigated but as spies reported it's a real mess (not a hot one). Don’t bother. 
About Us but Not About Us (Pinoy Prime?) - from 2022 supposed to be finally getting inter distribution, didn’t show in my territory. A professor grieving the loss of his partner meets an ambitious literature student. I’m not fussed. 
Stay With Me ... NO! 
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In case you missed it
What Did You Eat Yesterday movie, BL Express posted a review. I’ve yet to get hold of it but if you enjoy Our Dining Table this is it’s grown up parent series & movie. 
Café in Love - I finally got around to watching this. And frankly it hits all the tropes but is so damn bad. The setting is cute, the central brotherly relationship is sweet, the side cast is v queer (baby gay has all these auntie queens catting about) and some complex bisexual awakenings but… but… everything else is a chemistry void. Some fun language wordplay and exploration of cultural tropes like cheek kissing does not save it from an unnecessary amount of punching  and a but ton of sexual harassment and statutory rape. No thank you. I had to rewatch Destiny Seeker to get over this. 3/10 
I gave up 
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan Sun ????) 10 eps - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I? Apparently it finished. I still can’t find it but it’ll be off this list next week.
Why You (Khmer ????) - Billed as a horror romance, not sure if this is a movie or a series where it aired... nothing except that it exists.
Next Week Looks Like This:
3 BLs are finishing but nothing is starting up. We running lean these days. 
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Just started today (Sunday): Dinosaur Love (Thai iQIYI) Trailer 10 eps - from Ultimate Troop about a uni student, Rak, whose partner cheats on him with Rak's best friend. This gives bad boy hazer Dino an opportunity to hit on Rak at last. From The Yearbook people so I shouldn’t watch this as it airs. After Remember Me? I swore never again with them. But there’s so little on right now, I might fall on the pulp sword. 
I’ll include it in next week’s summation. 
I’ll have the July 2023 upcoming for you next week too. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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I love him, Your Honor. (Be My Favorite... HIM, he’s my favorite.) 
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I love them, Your Honor. (Luminous Solution) 
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Watch a tiny GL ship set sail across the seas of overly optimistic tumblrs... (La Pluie)
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Incidentally, I would like a future as a dictatorial elder queer running a slightly shady business fleecing the straights via their dumb marriage traditions surrounded by nubile half-naked hotties.
And ya know what? I think this is achievable life goal for me. 
Gotta go, I have a future to plan. 
(Last week.)
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rmd-writes · 2 months
well, well, well. fancy seeing what the cat decided to show up.
(it's me, with a random ask).
what is your meyers briggs personality type and in your view is it correct or incorrect?
hello my love 💖
I am an ESFJ aka 'the consul' or 'caregiver' and I think it's pretty accurate!
Here's some screenshots from descriptions of ESFJ, you tell me whether this is accurate or not lol
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this one in particular made me laugh - "happy to host in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly" - because it's so accurate 😂 (thinking of me wanting to handle posting every chapter of our current fic collab)
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UNO REVERSE: what is your Meyers Briggs personality type and do YOU think it's accurate??
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muertawrites · 2 years
Yeah Eddie’s love language definitely biting and/or licking you, he’s “marking his territory” and I also believe his LL is also acts of service, he’ll do things for you simply because he wants you to be happy.
I think his love language to receive(?) love is physical touch and quality time. He doesn’t mind the other things but revels in those in particular. He would physically melt if you touched him, scratched his scalp with your nails, stroked his hair, hand on his shoulder or arm (he definitely try to flex if you did that), head resting on his shoulder
i don't know much about love languages. i know that everybody talks about them and everybody has theirs but i'm like. as lost as i am about the myers-briggs types (which are actually just bullshit pseudo science BUT that's not what this post is about). i think it's because i've never had a healthy relationship to base my answers off of so any time i try to take the test i'm like "people are supposed to do this shit for the people they're dating? lmao that's wild"
but i do agree with everything you said
i think eddie is kind of like a needy cat. a siamese. he likes to be close to you at all times, even if you're doing separate things, and if there's free space, he will be in your lap. he gives you little love bites at random because he's a feral rescue and chomp = ♥️
and yes, omg, touch his scalp. run your fingers through his hair and give him a kiss on the forehead and his brain cells stop working. he becomes goo. could lay for literal hours with his chin on your chest while you stroke his hair.
he also loves to shower with you. not even for sexy reasons, he just likes feeling your skin against his and being in a place that's warm and safe and confined. gives you so many forehead kisses.
he really likes reading with you too?? like even if you're in the same room reading different books he loves to just snuggle up and enjoy the quiet and the comfort and hear your opinions about whatever story you're into right now. definitely the kind of romantic motherfucker to ask you to read poetry and classic lit to him. loves poe. does not cry every time over annabel lee who the fuck told you that.
and yeah this man will do anything for you. up to and including murder. if you need something, he will provide it. as sticklery about your car's maintenance as your average dad ("have you checked your oil?" "how are your wipers working?" "it's almost time to renew your registration babe don't forget"). he just cares a lot about your safety.
the only thing i can't see him agreeing to is getting you tampons / pads if you need them. he's still a guy and still gets kinda squeamish about that stuff. hiding a body for you? sure, easy. arson? he'll make it look like an accident. telling the difference between a panty liner and a pad? taking that shit to the register and having someone actually see him with it? he's ostracized enough he doesn't need another reason for people to judge him.
and yes he does flex his arm when you touch it. you've been dating for years but he still tries constantly to impress you. he's actually surprisingly muscular so you're not complaining
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nanowrimo · 2 years
Step Up Your Character Game: Character Building Through Repeated Actions
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There are many ways to establish character building in your writing. NaNo Participant Kathryn A. Patterson talks about how you can use repetition of certain actions to show off your characters’ personalities! I find inspiration for my writing in the usual places: podcasts, the dog park, alien encounters. This year I found a nugget in, of all places, a book about how to build habits.
In Atomic Habits, James Clear discusses the word identity. He traces the origins of the word back to two Latin words:
   • essentitas: which means the essential of something, being    • identitum: which means repeatedly
Identity translates literally into “repeatedly being”.
How does this affect my writing? Two words: character building.
A character is more than a physical description and clothes. A character needs personality, affectations, mannerisms, and other less tangible attributes. However, writing something like “Sam is a kind and warm-hearted person” falls squarely into the tell-not-show category.
Using the idea of “repeatedly being”, an author can show who a character is through their actions and habits as well as their dialogue. A character who habitually hosts dinners for their friends comes across as social and nice. Someone who texts while driving is thoughtless and selfish. By having your characters repeat specific actions, you show the audience who that character is.
For example, Patricia Briggs has written a series of books around her protagonist, Mercy Thompson. Mercy doesn’t take attitude or crap from anyone, but she also is kind-hearted and smart. The readers learn this from how Mercy gets revenge on people who have done something wrong to her. The revenge is never physically damaging, but also completely memorable. On one occasion, Mercy puts blue dye into someone’s shampoo. Even though she knows the dye wear off eventually, the person is very vain, so it works fabulously as revenge.
Readers also learn about Mercy through her baking. Mercy loves baking with chocolate, and she makes cookies and brownies for her people on a regular basis. The author never outright says: “Mercy shows people that she cares about them through her baking.” Instead, the act of baking speaks for itself.
When I start a new writing project, I use a character template for each of my main characters. There, I record all the details about that character. I started this to help with consistency within a story and within a story universe. But I also use the templates to help me define my characters.
After reading Atomic Habits, I changed my character template to include three new fields:
   • Habits: a record of important repeated behaviors    • Quirks: a catalog of the character’s peculiarities    • Behavior Patterns: a description of how the character acts or reacts in specific situations
Not every character gets an entry in every field, but I list the fields so I have a place to put the relevant information.
In preparation for NaNoWriMo, I fill out character templates for all the major people in my story. I use the template to construct the character’s personality, tone of voice, and expected behaviors. That makes it much, much easier to write when November 1 rolls around.
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Kathryn A. Patterson lives in a crooked house on a crooked road. Alas, she is allergic to cats so she does not own a crooked cat. She lives in a marvelous world, filled with vampires, werewolves, and magic - oh, my! But she pretends to live in a dull, boring world filled with post offices, taxes, and calculators. It makes her family happier when she pretends. You will find her writing like a fiend during November on every day that ends in a "y".
Her template can be found here. This template is flexible. For example, her templates for her vampire universe includes fields for characters' vampire house affiliation. For her sci-fi novels, she adds fields for home planet and other related info. Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash
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luimnigh · 8 months
Let's Rate The New Champions!
So, this month Marvel is doing a run of themed variant covers. Each cover depicts a design for a teenage sidekick of the star of each book. This is inspired by the recent creation of Spider-Boy, aka Bailey Briggs, a young boy who claims to have been Peter Parker's sidekick for the last three years, but who all memories and evidence of his existence have been erased from reality.
So the idea is that all these characters are sidekicks that existed, but had their existence erased.
The weird thing is that Marvel didn't call these the "Teen Sidekick" covers, they're calling them the "New Champions" covers- the Champions being an existing team of teenage superheroes.
Almost as if they're saying they want to make actual characters of these covers.
As a resident fan of a Marvel character spawned by a run of themed variant covers inspired by a character created for a Spider-Man storyline, I thought I'd give my thoughts on each, propose a name and secret origin, and rate each concept.
Now, I am not an artist or a character designer, I am absolute layperson, the opinions expressed within are merely my own impressions.
So let's begin with:
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Comments: I really like this. It's fairly simple but the pearlescent colours really add an oomph to the design. She looks like she either has hard light or magical powers, and they look really neat. And I really like the clawed fingertips on her gloves, tieing her back with Black Panther.
Secret Origin: Probably a tech or magic prodigy, out to defend Wakanda. I know T'Challa is no longer King in his current run, and is dealing with internal struggles, so maybe she's someone trying to step up and fill the void.
Hero Name: Is Neon Panther too obvious? ...wait is this design a Nyan Cat reference?
Score: 8/10. Just a really solid design.
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Comments: That's Timothée Chalamet. That is Timothée Chalamet as a teenage boy version of Doctor Strange.
Secret Origin: Well, due to Strange not learning magic until he was an adult, "Time Travelling Teenage Strange" is out. Honestly, Strange is old enough to have a teenage kid, but also Strange is married to a woman from the Dark Dimension who is half-energy being, so who knows how quickly a child of theirs would age. If we're going with the idea that these characters were erased from existence, "Strange's Son" is a workable idea.
Hero Name: Well Dr Strange is the guy's real name, so this kid would probably just be Timmy Strange. Or whatever first name you wanna give him. Not Adam Strange, though, that's owned by DC.
Score: 5/10. It's not bad, it's just not creative.
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Comments: Yes. Punk Rock Thing? Absolutely Yes. Fantastic design, oozes personality, the background gives a clear idea of character to this kid. I love it.
Secret Origin: The aforementioned Yancy Street is Ben Grimm's home turf. In the past, he's done some work combating gangs and mentoring the kids there. So this is a kid who's grown up in a bad neighbourhood, but has had a big-name superhero who grew up in the area keeping an eye out for them and their friends. At some point, they got caught up in a Fantastic Four adventure, get hit by cosmic rays, and become a Thing, so Ben takes them under his wing. They become a protector of their neighbourhood.
Hero Name: Wild Thing. Punk Rock. Spike. Take your pick of stone-based puns.
Score: 10/10, no notes. It's a punk rock Thing with stalagmites for spikes, it's a perfect idea.
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Comment: Maybe I just like the punk look, but this is fucking adorable. This is a tween kid, who upon developing weather powers has decided she wants to be like Storm, and specifically she wants to be like Storm in her punk phase. Good taste, kid.
Secret Origin: X-Men are really easy to justify giving teenage sidekicks to, because even when they don't have a school, they're usually inviting mutant kids to come live in their mutant communities to escape violence anyway. So, X-Men, Mutant, fan of Storm.
Hero Name: I've heard people use Maystorm for this kid, but I don't know of that's an official name or not. If it is, may I suggest a real name of April Showers for pun value.
Score: 9/10.
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Comment: On first glance: generic. It's just a kid version of White Vision. Gotta love MCU synergy. And there's already a teenage Vision, his daughter Viv. But there's an extra layer to this that they could use. White Vision was a version of Vision that was rebuilt after being destroyed, without his memories or personality. With his flight and intangibility, the ghost symbolism is obvious. So, symbolically, what we have here is a robot ghost child.
Secret Origin: Like I said, Robot Ghost Child. I mean, if you want to break the rule on these being new characters, there's an obvious candidate: Vin Vision, Vision's dead son from The Visions. A ghost of his son, haunting his and his daughter's lives.
Hero Name: Probably something kinda poetic, like "The Spectre of Vision".
Score: 5/10 for basic concept, points docked for lack of creativity and an already existing teenage version of the character, 8/10 if they decide to make them a Robot Ghost Child.
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Comments: Okay, first off: Blade already has a teen sidekick, his daughter Brielle aka Bloodline. And as a result of that, I almost dismissed the design as merely okay. Then I had to describe everything this guy is wearing, and I realized that this design fucks severely. Two belts? Three necklaces? A fishnet sleeve under a elbow brace? Dude's stepped right of Final Fantasy to kill vampires and get into a homoerotic rivalry.
Secret Origin: Well, he's here to kill vampires. He was probably traumatised by vampires at some point. He probably started out hunting vampires on his own, crossed paths with Blade, and Blade took him under his wing.
Hero Name: ...I'm trying to think of a name based on blood or a bladed weapon, but I got nothing.
Score: 8.5/10.
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Comments: Adorable. Like, maybe too adorable. That's either a very young kid, or that species is naturally quite small. I do love that they went with something more non-human.
Secret Origin: Absolutely some alien kid who looks up to Star Lord.
Hero Name: Squid Lord.
Score: 8/10.
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Comments: Could Nora Valkyrie and Pyrrha Nikos please come pick up their child? No, but seriously, this really works. Like, it's recognisably Magneto-inspired while having it's own colour palette and identity. She clearly has hard-light abilities rather than Magneto's magnetism, but the top left also seems to imply hacking as part of her powerset as well. Perhaps that's justified by the electro- part of electromagnetism? Y'know, interesting direction to take it.
Secret Origin: ...look, I don't want to call Magneto a slut, but this would not be the first time he had a child who just reappeared in his life. If she's like, fifteen, then she would have been conceived soon before he made his debut on the world stage. Given how she favours his aesthetic, she may have even been brought up knowing he was her father, unlike the rest of his children. Probably idolizes him to an extent.
Hero Name: I've seen a lot of people suggest Magenta. I feel that maybe that could be her real name, though? Her being named after his pseudonym would be interesting. As for the hero name, though? Well, Monica Rambeau isn't using Spectrum right now, and that's a term in both light and electromagentism...
Score: 8.5/10
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Comments: Y'know, I'd once again point out that there is a teenage Venom around... but given that's the white symbol on his chest, I think that could be Dylan Brock. Anyway, adorably creepy, clearly a kid. The question is: Alien or Demon? Venom is an alien, but Inferno (2022) did put Venom into contact with demons. And they do kinda look Dracula-inspired...
Secret Origin: Maybe alien, maybe demon, either way looks to be a Venom fan. Honestly, probably some sort of baby that's imprinted on Venom and follows them around like a lost puppy. A very deadly lost puppy. With the fluffy ruff? Nobility of some kind, too. A alien/demon prince.
Hero Name: I kinda want to do something with "bite", but I also think they could just be "The Prince In Black" to match Eddie Brock's current "King In Black" title.
Score: 7/10. Point docked for there already being a teenage Venom, who even has own sidekick in Rascal.
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Comments: The problem with trying to make a Wolverine sidekick is twofold: one, Wolverine already has plenty of sidekicks. Two, there's already plenty of Wolverines. This person is competing with Fang aka Daken aka Akihiro, Talon, Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney, Bellona, and Jimmy Hudson. And that's just counting the ones that I know are alive. And even the concept of a "more feral Wolverine" isn't even unique or original. It's just another Wolverine.
Secret Origin: ...the one thing that I keep looking at is that foot. It doesn't really strike me as Wolverine-y. It feels more... Sabertooth. So fuck it, let's pull a Conner Kent: they're a person who was made from the DNA of both Logan and Sabertooth, to try and create the ultimate killer. Logan's taking them under his wing to try and make sure the kid grows up to be a better person than either of them, hoping that nurture beats out both the natures in them.
Hero Name: Well, "Feral" is already taken, so fucked if I know.
Score: 4/10. Unoriginal, and the position's already filled multiple times over from multiple different directions.
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Comments: There's already a Kid Deadpool. Kidpool. He was a member of the Deadpool Corps. He died in Deadpool Kills Deadpool, the second sequel to Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Vol 1. This design is just Deadpool as a teenage boy, and that's not even a unique idea.
Secret Origin: Fuck it, clone. Can't be a biological son, both because that would undermine the previous storylines surrounding Deadpool's daughter, and if he was as much older than Ellie as he looks, he'd have been born before Deadpool got his powers. So clone.
Hero Name: Probably just Teen Deadpool or something. Teenpool.
Score: 4/10. I'd score him lower but Wade seems to like him.
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Comments: Cyberpunk Rollerskating Teen Girl Ghost Rider. I fucking love it. Like, being a Ghost Rider makes anything fucking metal, but the contrast between "teen girl on rollerskates" and "flaming skull demon of vengeance" really adds to the cool factor. The digital design to the skull also adds a unique quality, and it's not unprecedented, Robbie Reyes' skull is also more artificial that his two predecessors. It's clearly a Ghost Rider without being a copy of prior designs. Absolutely perfect.
Secret Origin: Well, from what I know from Tumblr is that teen girls like the occult, so I can imagine this girl summoning her demon of vengeance herself. But fitting the cyberpunk angle, rather than bullies I think she was probably out to get some corporation that was running riot over her community. Ghost Rider likely then heard stories of a demon of vengeance wrecking havoc on evildoers in the area, and went to check it out, and that's when he met her.
Hero Name: Firewire, the Unholy Roller.
Score: 10/10. I've seen some argue that Robbie Reyes already fits the Teen Ghost Rider niche, but he's alway been more of a Young Adult, so no points docked.
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Comments: Speaking of contrasts, one of the major points that basically every popular version of the Hulk does is contrast brains and brawn. Every human side of a Hulk is an intelligent person, to contrast the brawn of the Hulk form. Bruce is a genius scientist, Jennifer is fantastic lawyer, and Amadeus (the existing teenage Hulk!) is the seventh smartest person in the world. So making a Hulk that's a dumbass, as the image implies, removes a layer of complexity from the character. Aside from that: it's just a blonde Hulk.
Origin Story: The only interesting thing I can think of is making him a kid who drove onto a nuclear testing range, but unlike Rick Jones, he didn't have a friendly scientist to save him. Then he probably seeks out Hulk himself, to help control his powers.
Hero Name: I dunno, Bulk?
Score: 4/10. It's just... so unoriginal. So close to the original.
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Comments: It's the Mark 1 Iron Man suit with wings. So it kinda looks like he's taking inspiration from Mach, the former villain turned hero who changes his codename every time he upgrades his suit. Despite there already being a teenager in an Iron Man suit, Riri Williams, this one actually does provide a contrast with her by using the clunkier, more primitive design of the Mark 1.
Secret Origin: As the original, there's been multiple versions of the Mark 1 armour over the years. Not a far reach to assume one was destroyed at some point, and it's remains went unrecovered until this kid found it, fixed it up, and decided to use it. Tony, having a history of bad things happening when he loses control over his tech, likely went out to confiscate it, saw the kid being a hero with it, and gave his approval.
Hero Name: Honestly, Mark-1 sounds like a hero name already.
Score: 7/10.
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Comments: Well, it's just someone in Miles' suit, but with long dreadlocks. Not the most creative, to be completely honest, but it does an eye-catching distinction. However, I think this someone is supposed to be a girl, and that does imply something specific going on here...
Secret Origin: Miles Morales had a Clone Saga of his own a couple years back. So, in the tradition of Ultimate Universe Spider-Men: a girl clone of Miles. This time we can probably have discussions of gender dysphoria and explicit comparisons to being transgender as part of her story. Give everyone who wanted more out of Ultimate Jessica Drew exactly what they want.
Hero Name: There's already five people sharing the name Spider-Woman, one more won't hurt.
Score: 7.5/10, not the most creative, but extra points for the potential for social commentary.
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Comments: Oooh, I like this. The hat, hood and facemask gives him a sort of Bedouin-inspired look that really works with Moon Knight's Egyptian origins. And I love the little throwing moons between his fingers, and the armoured gloves, clearly this kid is nearly as violent as Moon Knight usually is. This design overall works pretty well.
Secret Origin: It is my understanding of Khonshu that it would be totally in-character for him to resurrect a dying child to be a Fist of Khonshu, and then dump him on Moon Knight to take care of and train him. Which would lead to conflict between Moon Knight and Khonshu, and also inner conflict as Mark/Steven/Jake could see this as them training their eventual replacement, while also grappling with the morality of putting this life on a kid.
Hero Name: Well, unfortunately Moon Boy is taken. Moon Squire? The Lunar Page?
Score: 8/10.
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Comments: The more I look at this the more I like it. It's not an incredibly striking design, it's quite subtle and simple, but it's well-put together and it does grow on you. I didn't even notice the horns the first few times I looked at her. It looks similar enough to Wanda's current outfit in the comics that it's easy to see them as team, without being a direct copy.
Secret Origin: Well, there's probably a demonic or eldritch component to it. Honestly, Wanda recently absorbed Chthon, maybe she accidentally a magic baby using part of a demon again. Give her a kid to raise who isn't off ruling the Kree-Skrull Empire or wherever Tommy is nowadays.
Hero Name: Stellar Witch?
Score: 8/10.
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Comments: So, interesting contrast with the other Hulk on this list, the cover ultimately gives us less information about who she is, but given that I didn't like the last guy's information, that ultimately comes off as a bonus. Comparing her to the motorcycle, she appears to be the smallest Hulk we've ever seen, and I like the contrast of small size/physical powerhouse. The design is very civilian, but that does work for a Hulk
Secret Origin: In the spirit of She-Hulk, let's say she became a Hulk due to a medical emergency. Childhood cancer, experimental gamma-ray treatment gone wrong, activates a latent mutation, permanent Hulking like She-Hulk used to be. She met Jennifer Walters when her parents hired her sue the hospital. They won the case when Bruce testified that without a latent mutation in her DNA, the amount of Gamma rays she was subjected to would have killed her.
Hero Name: Hulk Girl. Hulk names usually aren't creative.
Score: 7.5/10. Not the most creative, but some effort put in.
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Comments: Okay, giving Black Cat an apprentice does seem like a cool idea. I do like the jacket over the jumpsuit, and the inversion of Felicia's usual colours. Though I do question a thief dressed in bright white, it's probably not the most impractical thief outfit in this image.
Secret Origin: Well, given the shared hair colour, I'd suggest they're related. Cousins, maybe? I know Felicia apparently has a niece, maybe it's her nephew. At the very least, I think he sought her out to learn from the best, rather that her deciding to take someone under her wing while spotting them out thieving.
Hero Name: I'm sure there's a White Cat out there, so instead I'm going to suggest Calico.
Score: 7/10.
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Comments: Now here's one that went in an interesting direction with the assignment. The suit is very Steve Rogers, but the wings harken towards Sam Wilson. Taking elements of both Captains America, and making something new out of them. The insect-like design of the wings make them distinct from Sam's. They almost look like they could belong to The Wasp. The hexagonal paneling and the way they glow makes it look like they're made with hard-light.
Secret Origin: Honestly, she looks like she could be the daughter of Janet Van Dyne and Steve Rogers, so why not just make her the alternate-universe daughter of Janet Van Dyne and Steve Rogers, stuck on Earth-616. She traveled to this universe, chasing a villain, but found herself unable to return home after the villain stole her travel device. The whole "all evidence of her existence being erased" thing would hit harder for her, as this would be the second time that people who are supposed to be her parents don't know who she is.
Hero Name: I'm torn between Glowbug, for the glowing wings; or Doodlebug, for Yankee Doodle.
Score: 8.5/10
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Comments: Once again: there's already an existing teenage version of Captain Marvel. You may have heard of her. Aside from that, I do like how he takes elements from both Carol's Ms Marvel and Captain Marvel outfits, and I do have to give it props for being one of only two designs here where a male sidekick is taking inspiration from a female character. I do wonder why this teenager seems to be working with the US Air Force, though.
Secret Origin: Actually, that gives me an idea: this kid's parents work for the US Air Force. One night, he wanders out onto a restricted part of the base, and stumbles on an Air Force experiment that goes wrong and ends up empowering him. The Air Force goes "it's free supersoldier" and starts sending him on missions. Carol finds out, and after blowing up at the Air Force for deciding to employ a child soldier, takes the kid under her wing.
Hero Name: Well, Marvel Boy is taken, and so is Captain Marvel Jr. How about another one of Carol's aliases: Warbird.
Score: 7.5/10.
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Comments: Oh this is fucking awesome. I've seen people say she looks like Jinx Arcane/LoL, and yeah I see that, but it still looks absolutely rad. Her mace has a very interesting design, and it's clear that she has lightning powers, which connect her to Thor, but the Ravens are usually symbolic of Odin. Almost as it trying to say she's connected to both. A lineage.
Secret Origin: In myth, Thor has three biological children. Magni and Modi, his two sons, have been explained in Marvel comics as existing in a prior version of the Aesir, from before a previous Ragnarök. But no such explanation exists for the lack of Thor's daughter, þrùdr, or Thrúd. With both visual references to Odin and Thor in her design, she clearly looks like she's supposed to be related to both, and this character being Thrud would do that. Thor's daughter, who's existence was erased from reality, but who's name is still uttered in the Poetic Edda. Hell of a concept.
Hero Name: Even if she's not Thor's daughter, I'd still vote to call her Thrud. Have his sidekick be mistaken in myth for his daughter.
Score: 10/10. Absolutely great. No notes. Surprised she doesn't exist already.
So in conclusion, a lot of great concepts mixed in with a few not-so-great ones. I don't think all of these should be introduced to the 616, but a couple of these would work as great additions. Personally, I'd predict the Thorsdottir has the best shot of actually coming into existence, purely for the fact that she'd work as MCU synergy, with MCU!Thor now being a dad. And I can't be mad at that, she's one of the best concepts here.
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eridanidreams · 4 months
Music Tag Game
Tagged by @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake
Caitlyn Lynch: Starfield OC, from my longfic stars without number like grains of sand
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VNV Nation: Space and Time
Jeff Healey Band: Angel Eyes
Faith Hill: Breathe
Madonna: Crazy For You
Hybrid: Dreaming Your Dreams
VNV Nation: Before the Rain
Sixpence None the Richer: Kiss Me
Roxette: Listen to Your Heart
Alannah Myles: Love Is
Pentatonix: Mad World
Sara Bareilles: Not Alone
VNV Nation: Only Satellites
Shawn Colvin: Orion in the Sky
VNV Nation: Perpetual
Rush: Prime Mover
B-52's: Roam
VNV Nation: Rubicon
Heart: These Dreams
Cyndi Lauper: Time After Time
Rush: Time Stand Still
Cyndi Lauper: True Colors
Katrina and the Waves: Walking On Sunshine
Mr. Mister: Broken Wings
Police: Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
Sloane Delacourt: Deus Ex OC, from my longfic The Odysseus Gambit
The Cruxshadows: Winter Born
Duran Duran: Wild Boys
The Sweet: Ballroom Blitz
Gavin Rossdale: Adrenaline
Breaking Benjamin: I Will Not Bow
Hozier: Arsonist's Lullabye
Chris Cornell: 'Til The Sun Comes Back Around
Walk the Moon: Shut Up and Dance
VNV Nation: Nemesis
Genesis: Land of Confusion
Paul Oakenfold: If you're Gonna Jump
AC/DC: If You Want Blood
AC/DC: Shoot to Thrill
Metallica: One
David Bowie: Cat People
No Doubt: (I'm) Just A Girl
VNV Nation: Tomorrow Never Comes
VNV Nation: In Defiance
Sinead O'Connor: My Own Woman
Powerman 5000: Drop the Bombshell
Iron Maiden: Where Eagles Dare
Iron Maiden: The Trooper
Black Sabbath: War Pigs
Motorhead: Ace of Spades
Letters to Cleo: I Want You To Want Me
Pat Benatar: Love is a Battlefield
Johnny Cash: God's Gonna Cut You Down
Bishop Brigg: White Flag
The Score: Bulletproof
Heart: Alone
Aviators: Bad Luck
AC/DC: War Machine
AC/DC: Guns for Hire
AC/DC: Fire Your Guns
AC/DC: Dogs of War
Audioslave: Sound of a Gun
Billy Joel: Code of Silence
Bonnie Raitt: I Will Not Be Broken
Everybody Loves an Outlaw: Give 'Em Hell
Front Line Assembly: Killing Grounds
Hybrid: If I Survive
Lacuna Coil: Save Me
Megadeth: Peace Sells
P!nk: Trouble
Rage Against the Machine: Killing in the Name
Roxette: Dangerous
VNV Nation: All Our Sins
Breaking Benjamin: So Cold
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iceflwers · 2 months
𝓿𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓪 “𝓻𝓲𝓪” 𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓮𝔃 !
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˚✧ ₊˚ʚ THE BASICS !
— ❥ FULL NAME: Valeria Amelia Cortez.
— ❥ NICKNAMES: Ria (most commonly used, professional name), Songbird, Birdie, mija, corazón, America’s Sweetheart, love (by Nico only), baby (by Nico only), schatz (by Nico only).
— ❥ DATE OF BIRTH: July 10th, 1999 (Cancer).
— ❥ BIRTHPLACE: Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
— ❥ CURRENT RESIDENCE: Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
— ❥ SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish.
— ❥ ORIENTATION: Biromantic, bisexual.
— ❥ GENDER IDENTITY: Cisgender female (she/her pronouns).
— ❥ OCCUPATION: Country singer-songwriter.
— ❥ FACECLAIM: Rachel Zegler.
— ❥ HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw (intelligent, creative, wise).
— ❥ MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE: ESFP - The Entertainer (bold, enthusiastic, sensitive).
— ❥ ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type Seven - The Enthusiast (spontaneous, high-spirited, practical).
— ❥ MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good.
— ❥ LOVE LANGUAGES: Quality time for receiving, physical touch for giving.
— ❥ SKILLS: Singing, playing acoustic guitar, playing electric guitar, playing piano and keyboard, dancing, songwriting, cooking, has a quick wit, speed writing, outfit coordination, hair styling.
— ❥ LIKES: Playing her guitar and singing, captivating an audience, cuddling with her cat, playing music and dancing around her living room, going to hockey games, spending time with her family and friends, making people laugh, cooking for the people she loves.
— ❥ DISLIKES: Any kind of bigots or discrimination, black coffee, having things thrown to her with little or no warning, horror movies, having to use a pencil that’s been chewed on, bad hair days, impatient people, people who dislike cats.
— ❥ FEARS/PHOBIAS: Snakes, heights, needles, accidentally eating something she’s allergic to without realizing, bears.
— ❥ FAMILY: Susan Cortez (mother), Emilio Cortez (father), Ellen Hughes (maternal aunt), Jim Hughes (maternal uncle by marriage), Quinn Hughes (maternal first cousin), Jack Hughes (maternal first cousin), Luke Hughes (maternal first cousin).
— ❥ FRIENDS: Trevor Zegras, Jamie Drysdale, Dawson Mercer, Elias Petterson, Lainey Wilson, Megan Moroney, Curtis Lazar.
— ❥ ACQUAINTANCES: Jamie Drysdale, Maddie Font, Tae Kerr, Keith Urban, Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, Thatcher Demko, Dan Smyers, Shay Mooney, Brock Boeser, John Marino, Kelly Clarkson.
— ❥ ROMANTIC INTERESTS: Mary Jane Fromme (first crush), Charlie Hodgins (first boyfriend), Reese Carney (ex-boyfriend), Emily Jackson (ex-girlfriend), David Kelly (brief fling), Brian Waller (brief fling), Luna Marlowe (brief fling), John Marino (brief crush), Nico Hischier (current romantic interest).
˚✧ ₊˚ʚ FUN FACTS !
— ❥ Ria’s first album after getting signed to a label at just nineteen, which was self-titled and consisted of songs about her upbringing in Kentucky, spent two weeks at the top of the country charts and even made it onto the Billboard chart very shortly after being released.
— ❥ After Luke was drafted, making all three of her cousins officially NHL players, Ria wrote and released a single titled “The Sound of Skates,” as a tribute to her three best friends and the sport of hockey itself.
— ❥ Ever since she received a platform after the success of her first album, Ria has been an outspoken advocate for things like gender equality, police brutality, and more inclusion of queer people and people of color in the country genre. She hasn’t always been popular with record execs and bigger names in the genre because of it, but she hasn’t been fired and it’s never stopped her yet.
— ❥ Having grown up watching movie musicals with her mother, who loves them, Ria has dreams of putting another notch in her musical belt by performing on a Broadway stage one day. In interviews and on Instagram Live, she has expressed her desire to play either Roxie Hart in Chicago or a gender-swapped Orpheus in Hadestown.
— ❥ Since moving to Nashville for her music career, Ria has actually become a big fan of the Predators, and goes to as many of their home games as she can. She has even worn a Preds jersey to a few Canucks or Devils games she’s gone to for her cousins, just to have some fun with them - in fact, she was wearing one when she went to the Devils game where she first met Nico, and later she jokes that it’s a miracle he ever wanted to date her at all if that was the first thing he ever saw her wearing.
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tagging @lovings4turn, @hiya-itsamber, & @theopenlocker !
─┈ ♡ copyright © 2024: you do not have permission to copy, translate, or repost my works, nor to use my oc ideas or plots.
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hooked-on-elvis · 1 month
"You Asked Me To" (1973/1975)
"You Asked Me To" is a song written by the country singers Waylon Jennings and Billy Joe Shaver. Jennings first released the song in June 1973 on his album Honky Tonk Heroes, and the song spent fifteen weeks on the Billboard country singles charts. Elvis recorded the song on December 11, 1973 at Stax Records studios in Memphis, Tennessee, but it was only released during Elvis's 40th birthday (January 8, 1975) in the album Promised Land. The delay paid off. The country album peaked #1 on the Billboard's Top Country LPs chart, as well as the Cashbox Country albums chart.
THE MUSICIANS ON THIS TRACK: Guitar: James Burton, Johnny Christopher, Charlie Hodge. Bass: Norbert Putnam. Drums: Ronnie Tutt. Piano & Organ: David Briggs, Per-Erik Hallin. Vocals: Kathy Westmoreland, Mary (Jeannie) Greene, Mary Holladay, Susan Pilkington, Voice, J.D. Sumner & The Stamps. OVERDUBS — Guitar: Dennis Linde, Alan Rush. Percussion: Rob Galbraith. Piano: Bobby Ogdin. Organ: Randy Cullers. Vocals: Ginger Holladay, Mary Holladay, Mary Cain.
Studio Sessions for RCA, December 10–16, 1973: Stax Studios, Memphis The night began with "You Ask Me To", a Waylon Jennings song that had been one of several recent hits for the Texas singer-songwriter. As a teenager Jennings had watched the young Hillbilly Cat perform in his hometown of Lubbock, Texas, and he (like Buddy Holly, also from Lubbock) was impressed with what he saw. Now Elvis was following Jennings’s recording closely, and completed a lively take on the second try. For once, though, Elvis was satisfied before Felton [Jarvis]; the producer wanted to get something more from his singer, but when the hopped-up Elvis messed up on the next attempt, he started taking out his frustration on Felton. With the overwhelming criticism of the previous sessions, Felton felt compelled to push, encourage, and direct his artist, in an effort to make sure he gave the very best he could. Settling for take two just wasn’t good enough for what Felton was looking for, and though they had to fight through a few more mistake-ridden takes to get there, by take six he knew he’d done the right thing.
"You Ask Me To" by Waylon Jennings, released on the album Honky Tonk Heroes in June 1973:
My favorite part of Elvis' cover of this song, and what gives it a noticeable difference from Waylon Jennings' original recording as you can notice, is the backing vocals added to the tune. I simply LOVE the female voices accompanying Elvis during the chorus.
On the other hand, one thing I'm not sure why it happened is the minor difference in the title between the original release and Elvis' recording. The original title, as written on the cover of Waylon Jennings' 1973 album is "You Ask Me To", but in Elvis' 1975 album it's written "You Asked Me To", which are also words in the lyrics anyway but the slight change in the title for the past tense form may be a little confusing for the ones noticing it. Below, Elvis' Promised Land LP back cover and Waylon Jennings' Honky Tonk Heroes LP back cover.
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gipsyavnger · 1 year
Call of Duty OC: Isobel “Medusa” Williams
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When she enlisted in the United States Army at eighteen, the Combat Exclusion Policy had yet to be lifted, so she could not follow in her father’s footsteps. Instead, Isobel followed in her grandfather’s footsteps and became one of the best attack helicopter pilots the Army produced. She was recruited to Task Force 141 by Captain John Price at the request of Kate Laswell.
Name: Isobel Guinevere Williams Call Signs: Medusa; Echo 0-1 Rank: Lieutenant (British Army); Warrant Officer 4 (US Army, former) Gender: Female Birthday: March 25th, 1991 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Fort Benning, Georgia Home: [Redacted], Herefordshire, England Spoken Languages: English (native), Italian (native), Spanish (fluent), Pashto (fluent), Arabic (fluent), and Russian (conversational) Sexuality: Heterosexual Occupation: British SAS operator for Task Force 141; AH-64D/E Pilot (Formerly; separated from the US Army)
Father: First Sergeant Colin Michael Williams AKA Coyote, US Army Ranger (retired) Mother: Maria Gulianna Williams née Giordano, US Army nurse (retired) Siblings: Sergeant Aoife Elisabeth Williams, US Army medic. Relationship with parents: Isobel adores her father. He’s her hero. She wanted to grow up and be tough and fierce just like him when she was a kid. Her relationship with her mother is a little strained at times. She loves her mom very much, but being raised by the hot-headed Italian made things a little interesting, especially when Isobel was trying to prove her independence while Aoife was running around being a little shit. Relationship with sibling: Isobel and Aoife fought like cats and dogs when they were younger. They were three years apart but so close in personality. Poor Colin had to deal with three Italian-tempered women running around his house, causing chaos. Isobel loves Aoife with all her heart, but they still have the typical sister relationship. They get on each other’s nerves but would kill to protect each other.
Extended Family These people are not related to her, but she grew up with them and views them as family:
“Uncle” Robert “Badger” Tully, US Army Ranger (retired)
“Uncle” Jack “Omaha” Wagner, US Army Ranger (retired)
“Uncle” Greg “Elvis” Sumner, US Army Ranger (retired)
Pets: None. She loves all animals. Except small yippy dogs. She especially hates Pomeranians and Chihuahuas. It stems from when she was six and was attacked by a small dog.
Task Force 141
Kate Laswell
Captain John Price (Bravo-6)
Sergeant John “Soap” MacTavish
Sergeant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley
Los Vaqueros
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
Sergeant Major Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra 
Eye color: Dark brown, in the right light they look black Hair color: Dark brown; if she spends enough time in the sun it lightens to a soft brown Height: 5’4” / 164cm Build: Lean, muscular, and athletic Blood Type: AB+ Scars: Many; one over her right eyebrow, scars littered across her stomach, a long scar down her left shoulder, one down her right thigh (all from her first helicopter crash), and a bullet wound on the right side of her stomach (from the Alone mission) Face Claim: Lyndsy Fonseca
Color: Black and red Food: Pistachio pesto over homemade tagliatelle pasta Drink: Coffee and/or an energy drink Alcohol: Bourbon Song: If I’m There – Bad Omens Album: Finding God Before God Finds Me – Bad Omens Flowers: Sunflowers and Lilacs Hairstyle: A loose messy bun, loose ponytail, or half up in a bun/half down (Normal/relaxed days); tight French braid or military standard bun (For missions)
Myers’s-Briggs Type: ISTJ-T (Turbulent Logictican)
Strong-willed and dutiful - Isobel’s integrity is everything to her, portraying it in her words and actions. She works hard and stays focused with patience and determination, which others admire.
Responsible - Her word is her promise, and promises mean everything to Isobel. She is loyal to a fault.
Jack-of-all-trades - Isobel is a repository for a vast wealth of knowledge. She learns quickly and can utilize what she’s learned at the drop of a hat.
Compassionate - She’s a bleeding heart for those in need, willing to throw herself into the line of fire to protect an innocent person without a second thought.
Intelligent - Isobel is an avid reader, consuming whatever she can get her hands on. Had she pursued college, she would have more than likely gone on to receive a Ph.D. in whatever subject she’d chosen to study. Safe to say, the woman is borderline genius.
When someone first meets her, Isobel can come across as stoic and withdrawn. It takes some prying, but eventually, she will open up to those willing to try to be her friend.
She goes into a certain mindset when in the heat of battle. She looks like she could kill you and probably will kill you.
Permanent case of resting bitch face
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Fighting style: Sambo, Krav Maga, Judo with a mix of Kali
Sniper Rifle: Barrett MRAD .308
Semi-Automatic Rifle: M4A1
Pistol: Sig Sauer M17
Knives: 5–10 thin, easily concealable blades hidden/tucked into her tactical vest; great for throwing or stabbing. Not meant for slashing.
Distinct Weapon: Her concealed knives for close combat
Special Skills: An expert in tracking, survival, and hunting.
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Is obsessed with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
She has a ridiculous amount of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings lore memorized and can recall it anytime.
She has a replica of Darth Vader’s lightsaber, Aragorn’s sword Andúril, Legolas’s dual blades, and Arwen’s blade Hadhafang in storage at her parents’ place
Loves to read; her book collection is ridiculous. Isobel isn’t picky about what genre she reads, either.
She was caught reading a few times when she flew helicopters and was stuck on standby.
One of her favorite things to do in her downtime is go to used and new bookstores and browse for hours.
In her senior year of high school, she applied to Yale, Brown, and Columbia to keep her parents happy. She was accepted into all three but declined and enlisted in the military instead.
She married Lucas Greer (US Army Paratrooper, deceased) when she was nineteen. Their marriage was rough, and they legally separated when she was 27. The divorce was finalized in 2019 when she was 28.
She stays in touch with Lucas’s parents every once in a while.
The end of the marriage to their son was rough, but despite that, Isobel loved her in-laws. They were nothing but kind to her through everything that happened.
Covers her prominent scars with tattoos, but she’s also obsessed with tattoos. She currently has five, the biggest of which is her partial back piece.
Has a lovely singing voice, but her party trick is her ability to scream like Courtney LaPlante.
Born to a mother who served in the US Army as a nurse and a father who held the record for the most kills under any Army Ranger’s belt until he retired, Isobel grew up in a military household. When she was younger, she wanted to rebel against her parents and become a lawyer, but she always idolized her parents and eventually grew out of her lawyer phase.
Growing up, Isobel spent every second she could with her father when he was home. Colin deployed a lot, so the man treasured each moment he could be with his family. He took Isobel (and her younger sister once she was old enough) on every hunting trip, using the time to teach her how to shoot. He also taught her the Ranger Way. By the time Isobel was in high school, she was an expert in tracking, survival, and evasion. If needed, she could survive off the land for an indefinite amount of time, given the right tools.
Isobel had a somewhat normal high school experience. Her senior year, she was the Track & Field team's captain, bringing her team the gold for the 200 and 400-meter sprint at the State Championship and anchoring the relay team to take home first place. Besides participating in sports, Isobel was the captain of the debate team and a member of the National Honor Society.
Thanks partly to her well-rounded high school career, Isobel had her pick of colleges to choose from…but that was the opposite of what she wanted. On the day of her eighteenth birthday, she marched down to the nearest Army recruiter and enlisted.
She made it through Basic Training with flying colors, earning herself an Expert Marksmanship badge. Sadly, she couldn’t pursue her dream of becoming an Army Ranger like her father, so she became an attack helicopter pilot instead.
Upon graduating from Warrant Officer Candidate School and Warrant Officer Pilot School and flight training, Isobel found herself a fully-fledged AH-64D/E (Apache Longbow/Guardian) pilot with the callsign “Medusa.” Around this time, she also met her future husband Lucas Greer. He was a dashing paratrooper, and their romance was a whirlwind. Within three months, they were married. Things were blissful before the deployments started, but during their second deployment, Lucas began getting abusive. 
The marriage continued to grow more and more toxic, and eventually, friends and family began to take notice. One in particular was Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton, Isobel’s best friend. During this time, Sparrow had an accident climbing K2 in Asia. The night Isobel got the call saying Sparrow had disappeared was the straw that broke the camel’s back, immediately filling for legal separation when Sparrow woke up from her coma. 
By 2019, twenty-eight-year-old Isobel was legally divorced and happier than she had felt in years. She completed another two tours before being shot down by an enemy RPG after she and her gunner were scrambled to deal with the aftermath of the 2021 Hamid Karzai International Airport bombing, which landed her at Walter Reed Medical Center.
Isobel had served her country for twelve years, facing the prospect of being medically separated from the US Army or stuck behind a desk for the rest of her career. That’s when Laswell sent the uncut footage of the helicopter crash to Captain John Price, informing him that she was recruiting Isobel to Task Force 141.
Price arrived at the hospital and officially recruited Isobel on Laswell’s behalf. Isobel spent six months with TF141 before the Los Almas and Chicago events transpired. After proving her mettle, Price pulled some strings and pushed some paper to have Isobel officially become a member of the British Armed Forces to go through the SAS selection process.
After passing the grueling training, she came out the other side a member of the British SAS and a full-time member of Task Force 141.
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