#+ its supposed to be like. 2 minutes long LMAO so i can just do it real quick tonight
lagtrain · 2 months
i have a presentation tomorrow for my english class that i havent even started yet... womp womppppp
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mixvyu · 7 months
Parfum d’étoile - episode fourty-one
scaramouche x reader smau
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You weren’t late this time.
You were in front of your door gripping the fabric of your clothes in one hand and holding your phone in the other, waiting for him to text.
You turned your phone off then right back on to check the time.
Scaramouche’s classes ended at 3 and he texted you to let you know he’d stop by his dorm room to change but he was awfully long.
You started to think he might’ve stood you up and that you looked utterly stupid standing there.
As you started thinking that, he suddenly texted.
You could only see so much of the text on the notification that was displayed on your screen but you could read the words
‘Sorry, lots of things happened so I’m not…’
Your stomach dropped and you didn’t even want to read the rest of the text message but you were way too curious to not do so.
‘Sorry lots of things happened so i’m not gonna be able to pick u up rn but i’ll be there in less than 20 i swear’
You sighed in relief and your thumbs flew over your keyboard to text back.
´Dpn’t start a rext like tjat beo u scaref me… its finr tho i was gonba be late 2 neways.´
That was a lie.
´Good i feel less bad now’
He added a crying emoji at the end of his sentence, something out of character for him. You couldn’t tell if it was supposed to express relief or if he was making fun of you.
The cold air made your fingers shaky and it made it hard to type correctly but he didn’t seem to pay any mind to that.
You’ve been standing outside for almost 40 minutes now. The weather was awful and it even looked like rain would start pouring at any moment now. You felt like moving from your spot would be like giving up on him like standing in lines for something you’ve been waiting for all week and then chickening out and leaving your spot out of weakness but you got tired of standing there and sent him a text before even thinking about it.
‘Hey uh i’m not feeling that good laybe we should cancel ?’
You regretted it as soon as you sent it but he already read it so it was too late to unsend
‘? Are you sure??
You closed your phone as soon as you saw his reply, not wanting to answer or to face what you did but you realised he would see the read sign and that there was no getting out of this one.
‘Nvm i can manage haha!! I just need to take a pill i’ll be good’
You lied again.
Scaramouche replied almost immediately.
‘If you’re not feeling well we can do that another day i wouldn’t want to force you’
You clenched your jaw. You never understood his mood swing, how he could clown you one second then be the most caring person you’ve met the next it was almost annoying.
‘It’s okay!! I’m already ready anyways i wouldn’t want to waste a good outfit lmao’
Now it was your turn to use a crying emoji, still not sure of what it was supposed to express.
‘Ok :(‘
You chuckled at the frowny face. That too was out of character.
After ten minutes, there were still no sight of him.
You felt like every person that walked passed knew what situation you were in and were just pitying you and god it made you feel like shit.
Maybe waiting at home would’ve been smarter.
Just as you thought that a car you recognised pulled up.
You got up abruptly, opened the door in one swift movement and threw yourself on the passager seat without even looking at who was inside the vehicle.
You let yourself sink into the seat, sighing happily as the warm air hit your skin. And just as you thought you couldn’t get more comfortable you heard his voice
"Hey, so sorry i’m late i hope you didn’t have to wait for too long." Scaramouche said
You finally looked at him for the first time today
He was wearing black baggy pants but you couldn’t tell which top he decided to put on because of the coat covering it.
"It’s fine don’t worry. ‘Was just a bit cold."
"I have a jacket in the back, do you want to borrow it ?"
"Yeah i’d love to!"
He reached for the back seat without looking and pulled out a white jacket.
He handed it to you without a word and put his hand back on the steering wheel when you took it from his hands.
You put it on quickly and felt a tad bit disappointed when you recognise Kazuha’s signature cologne on it.
It wasn’t Scaramouche’s.
" So ? Where are we going ?" He said, finally breaking the silence
"Uhmm I’m not sure anymore… Do you want to go to the aquarium ?"
"Uh sure if that’s what you want"
"You don’t really seem enthusiastic."
"Fishes aren’t my thing to be honest, but if they’re yours…"
"What’s your thing then ?"
"I don’t know."
You let out a long sigh
"You’re not helping me ! Just pick a place and we’ll go !"
"You were the one that was supposed to plan it ! Why do I have to choose ?!"
God you forgot how annoying he could be.
"Ok, ok. What about the zoo ?"
"It’s like an hour drive, though…"
"The arcade ??"
"I don’t have any coins."
"The museum ?"
"It’s a bit boring isn’t it ?"
"Ok just kill yourself." You let out a sound that could only be described as a growl "where do you want to go ?"
"Anywhere is fine" he stopped the car engine realising that decided where to go was going to take longer than intended
"Anywhere is not fine ! You don’t like any of my suggestions."
"I mean, yeah they suck but if you want to go then we’ll go. Everything is fine if you’re here."
"Don’t try to romance me, asshole ! My suggestions are great !"
"I already went to all those places a thousand times so it’s not really interesting frankly."
You mumbled an almost inaudible ‘sorry rich boy’ before sighing for the thousandth time
"What about that library/coffee shop at the mall ? They opened like a week ago."
He turned to look at you so fast you thought he’d snap his neck
"They’re open?! Why didn’t you tell me that before ?! Let’s go !" He said restarting the car.
You took a seat at one of the few tables that were in place at the back of the library.
You hoped to use that face to face moment to talk to Scaramouche more before having to tell him that you like him even thought you don’t know him as much as you wish you did.
But that hope quickly died down when you saw that he did everything but stay in place.
He seemed to love books more than anything because he was going from aisle to aisle grabbing some of them so that he could read the back and either putting them back where they belong or nesting them under his arm.
After 20 minutes of that he sat down in front of you, pushed his cup aside and put down the 7 books he had picked up.
Some were novels, some were mangas, some were comics. The genre also seemed to be very different from one book to another.
"I’m so happy they restocked, i’m going to read all of them as fast as possible." He said, taking a sip of his coffee and making a funny face when he realised it was now lukewarm.
"So… you like books, eh ?" You laughed, not finding anything else to say to start a conversation
"Yeah, books are great."
"What’s your favourite ?"
He leaned even more into the backrest of his chair
"Uhm… if i had to say one it would probably be…"
He clicked his tongue not really knowing what to answer
"Oh ! The house of leaves is a super cool one ! I love it !" He exclaimed in a ‘obviously why didn’t i think of that one before’ voice.
"Oh really ? I never heard of it i should check it out."
"What’s your favourite ?"
"Uhm… I don’t really know"
He nodded.
If the entirety of the date was going to be this way, it was going to feel painfully awkward.
The walk back to the car was awkward as well even after the many attempts that both of you had at making conversation.
Scaramouche looked as good as ever even though he still didn’t discard of his coat and you were dying to see what was underneath and what kind of outfit he managed to pull together this time.
While in the parking lot, you noticed a few people staring at him and it almost made you feel proud.
"You feeling ok ?" He asked as soon as the car doors closed " you shouldn’t have forced yourself to come if you were feeling bad."
"I’m fine. It’s fine." You sighed "i’m fine."
"The more you say it the less i believe you." He laid his palm against your forehead "well, you don’t feel hot so that’s great." His hand traveled from your forehead to your cheek.
´If you keeps touching you like that, I might start feeling hot.´ you thought but didn’t dare to say out loud.
He looked at your eyes then your lips then your eyes again and you hoped to God he’d just kiss you but instead he took his hand off your face and rested his head back into the car seat headrest.
"So ? Where are we going next ?"
"Uhm…" you checked the time. It was already pushing 8pm "we could go eat."
"Sure that’s fine by me. Where ?"
"I’ll let you pick" you said trying to sound gentlemanly but knowing it was only because you had no idea what to pick and judging by his face, you didn’t fool him.
"We could go to a japanese restaurant."
"Don’t you already eat japanese at home ? It’s a bit boring for you isn’t it ?"
"It’s fine i haven’t had it in a while and i miss it. I’m doing this for me mostly."
You knew he was lying.
"I saw some leftovers when i went over, though ? If you want me to try it just say so." You teased
All he did was hum before starting the car engine."
Unlike what you expected, you weren’t face to face with him but instead sitting next to each other at a sushi bar.
"I haven’t had sushi in forever." You clapped your hands, excited for the huge free meal you were about to get.
"I could eat those forever, i’ll never get tired."
You downed the 4 makis you grabbed on the moving tray as soon as they were in front of you.
Before you could even grab something else, a green plate of three tempura was gently placed on top of the plate you just cleaned.
"Are you trying to shut me up ?"
"How’d you guess ?" He smirked half jokingly. "Try those next"
"If you insist !"
You took a bite out of it but before you could have a second one you suddenly felt like somebody was looking at you.
"What ? Were you planning on eating those or something ?" You didn’t have to stare back at him to know that it was his eyes that were gazing at you.
"No, no."
You took a second bite but almost choked when you felt his cold palm on your cheek.
You pulled away startled and uncomfortable by the sudden cold.
"What’s your deal, dude ?" You said, feeling your face heating up.
"Just checkin’ to see if you felt less warm than earlier."
"You said I didn’t feel warm at all earlier."
He looked away staring down at the plate of sushi he helped himself to previously
"Checking to see if it feel warmer then, i guess."
"God, you’ll be the death of me one day."
"You should take me out more often."
"Just so you can use me and drain my finances ? No way, i’m never doing this again."
You were leaning against the car, trying your best not to cough as the smoke from the cigarette Scaramouche lit made it’s way through your nostrils.
He seemed to noticed, telling you at least five time that if the smell was bothering you, he could open up the car and you could enjoy all the clean air you wanted but you so desperately wanted to stay close to him.
"Do you smoke a lot ?"
Scaramouche brought the cigarette to his lips, nestling it between them before inhale deeply. He brought it back to his side before releasing the breath he was holding, creating a cloud of fog in front of him.
He took so long to answer you thought he didn’t hear
"Not really. Tonight’s just a great night for a smoke." He finally said.
"How so ?"
He turned and glanced at you before looking up to the sky.
"The sun is setting, the sky is a mix of purple and orange, we’re in an empty parking lot talking about trivial stuff, it’s a friday night. It’s great for a smoke."
You giggled "When did you become so poetic ?"
He sat down, back against the driver’s side door and you did the same.
He put his cigarette out on the floor and rested his head on your shoulder.
"Are you tired ?" You asked, trying to stop your voice from cracking
"Yeah. Just a bit. Do you want to go anywhere else ?"
"No, not today."
Silence installed itself, a non awkward one this time. Only the sound of the wind let itself be heard and the few screams and giggles from the skatepark not too far.
"I love you, kuni."
He straightened up instantly
"What ?"
"I think I do ? Have feelings for you, I mean. I’m pretty certain."
"Wait… Huh ??"
You got up before he could even make sense of the situation
"Today was nice. I live not too far so i’ll walk. Thank you for driving me around." If you had the guts you would’ve kissed his forehead
You fled before he even had the chance to speak.
Extras !
• car seat headrest reference
• "erm i don’t like sushi 🤓☝️" WELL TOO BAD 👎👎
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akashicpoint · 6 months
Alright, just finished with Ghenry's new video on Henry Cooldown (Go watch it /watch?v=AJHDivrRIl8 its good!) and I just wanted to slap some of my thoughts down because A. I haven't spoken on here in ages :' ) and b. I also didn't talk in the discussion about Henry in the discords when I should've :^) I'm literally just gonna ramble about my thoughts, so I'm going to put it under a read-more
While Henry was a last-minute character in the og, I do still actually believe that his goal would've been the same as Sylvia's was in the original ending. I never got to discuss this, but no more heroes assassins' fights reflect one another. Almost like an above-so-below type deal as Travis is pushed deeper into the cycle of violence. The climax of that reflection is of course the post-fight cutscene in rank 6 where Travis finally realizes what it means to be an assassin. So where would Henry fall into that reflection? While he is in rank 5 of course, I would like to focus on his actual post-game battle, as he is supposed to reflect the fight with Helter Skelter in the opening cutscene. Besides the obvious similarities in color schemes between the two, I'd also like to mention the line Travis says about Helter: "And there he was: this cat, well-dressed, cool. Couldn't tell if he was the shit, or just plain old shit." This could be applied to both Helter and Henry (both h names too wow amazing) in their styles and presumed attitudes. Here we see that Henry is "the shit" to Helter "plain old shit". Instead of Travis getting the upper hand and winning against Helter, we see the script flip to now have Henry killing Travis (In my opinion). Of course, we see how the game is now series-wise, but when the game was JUST going to be nmh1 I feel Travis was meant to die.
Also small side note, I like that Travis is on the same side of the screen when he both beheads Helter and is about to have the final slash with Henry.
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Really gives the vibe that Henry is now in the position Travis was during their final blows. OF COURSE, this is just my opinion on that.
This is a very loose look at my reflection as above so below shit of course, when I get the time I'll refine that a bit more. NMH2 I have nothing to say because NMH2 had nothing to say or add to what little character he had at that point, but I do find it funny more people believe NMH3 is where Henry's character was assassinated and NOT 2. I feel that nmh2 really just put most characters on the backburner if they weren't Travis and to a lesser extent Sylvia. Henry definitely was put in there just because he was a fan fav and went "okay I guess?" Also yes, Henry doesn't have any character in nmh1 and 2 besides what HE tells us about him and we just have to assume that is his character and what we can infer about him based on how he acts or for me how he dresses. That's not a bad thing, and its improved upon by TSA and NMH3. NMH3 is great btw. Love what they did to Henry, still has the same goal as NMH1 but now a darker more fucked up version of him doing it and some added weight to it.
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[this is him btw] I personally love that he became this way due to Marvel because yea that seems right for Marvel fans and also I'm reminded of the end cutscene in Moonlight Syndrome of Ryo fully losing his mind while looking at Mikas....something on the TV! (There's a lot more nuance to the change too but I can't make this SUPER long) I feel there are a lot of moonlight elements in NMH so I enjoy that. Also, his voice change doesn't bother me, and it's even funnier that no one comments on it.
While I'm not too on board with the hell theme personally (still enjoy it though). Love the idea of Henry being the devil LMAO. I always saw the phone calls Travis receives from Henry and Sylvia as another aspect of the as above so below point, so it's fun to see this brought into it. Side note, I assume Henry knows about Travis already due to having some hand in Sylvia's scheme/not scheme. It's definitely him on that answering machine. Of course! I could be wrong. Regardless, while I don't think Travis is in hell per se, I will say that the NMH series gives me a lot of Truman Show vibes with how it presents itself. Profiting off Travis's descent into violence. While Sylvia I feel wasn't a god in the first one, she's definitely become one as the series went on. It also wouldn't be the first time Suda has worked with god-like figures (Moonlight Syndrome) and could even relate her as a sorta Mithra-like figure. Of course, that's more of a shaky look at that theory. I still enjoy it though!
Hopefully (if youre reading this pls :^) ) Ghenry will do a more in-depth look at Sylvia in the future and how she's evolved as a character in the series! I have my thoughts on her, but I love hearing how others see her and her involvement in the series. I didn't talk about EVERYTHING and didn't go as in-depth as I wanted to because...I didn't want this to be any longer, but in the future I will try and talk more on my thoughts! (Or send me asks if you want ;) ) Also side note side note: Thank you Ghenry for including the best shirt from nmh1 in the video MIAMI BASS BABY LETS FUCKING GO.
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heliads · 2 years
Hey darling, hope you are doing well ! If possible I'd like to request a finnick x reader, where they were rivals/enemies growing up but ever since the reaping (for the reader first) she realises that she can't live without annoying finnick (too proud to say that she loves him) and when she wins the games, she tells finnick that even though they fight and argue like 24/7 for all their life, she loves him and was thinking about him all the time during the games and that she tried to win for finnick.
[ Also if possible for a part 2 ]
Finnick gets chosen for the next hunger games and the reader won the last one so she mentors him. But Annie is with him for the games and she gets close to Finnick and it makes the reader jealous. And you can decide for the ending if you want Finnick to have a dramatic end where he has to kill Annie in the games or someone almost kills Finnick but the reader pulled some strings for it to be Annie instead. Have fun with it, I don't mind whatever ending you write !! Thank you again darling and take care ❤❤❤
hi darling! i don't take requests for fics with two parts so you simply get both parts in one :) it is long enough for two parts though LMAO
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Sunlight on a Reaping day. Two things that seem as if they should never go together in the slightest, yet do. You think it would be far more fair if the world would save its pleasant days for hours that aren’t spent on horror. What a waste of good temperature, rare beauty in this thankless existence.
You have a few hours left before you have to turn in with the rest. The town square is clear right now, eerily empty; you can see it from the top window of your house, not that you’ve been looking. Not that you’ve been wondering what it’ll look like when that entire square is full of people waiting to hear which two of you will die this year.
You’re not in your house now, even though you’re supposed to stay there until the time comes to attend the Reaping. You can’t bear to be stuck there a moment longer. You always get this way when the Reaping comes around, as if by putting yourself in any cage, it’ll be that much easier for your name to be pulled from that bowl. 
You don’t know how much time you have left until the inevitable comes. Every year, your name must come closer and closer to being pulled. Perhaps it’ll happen today. At least then the waiting would be done. You’d only have to be escorted to your death in the Capitol’s lurid glory, and what’s so wrong with that? You’d even get a decent meal out of the whole gory exchange.
You’re walking on a path near the outskirts of your district, Four. The edge of the sea is just in sight. It would be nice to walk down to where the surf meets the sand, to cool your heels in the bay even one more time, but you know better. The water’s edge is always under guard by Capitol Peacekeepers on the lookout for starving fools looking to steal some fish. You have no desire to risk their wrath on a day like this.
Your tendency to avoid being arrested doesn’t save you from being found, however. You’ve scarcely walked ten minutes before an irritatingly familiar voice sounds from behind you.
“Looking for a chance to run, Y/N?”
You roll your eyes and turn around. A boy has emerged from the shadows of the path behind you, although his golden blond hair shines just as bright as always.
“Wonderful to see you too, Finnick,” you respond coldly, “but I thought I didn’t have to face painful death until the Reaping. That means I shouldn’t have to see you until then.”
Finnick Odair, for of course it is he, bares his teeth in a broad grin. “What could you possibly mean by that? I think I’m hurt.”
You glare at him. “It means talking to you for longer than a second kills off my brain cells more than a trident to the skull. See you around,” you say pointedly, and turn back to the path ahead of you.
What a way to start the morning indeed. You and Finnick have been rivals, enemies, unwilling coworkers, everything but friends since the day you met. You don’t know how long you’ve known Finnick, only that you’ve spent far too much time around him than you’ve ever wanted. It feels like every word out of his mouth is a barb pointed in your direction, all sharp points and deadly blows.
Despite your usual rivalry, however, Finnick doesn’t seem willing to be left alone quite yet. He merely jogs to catch up to you, stretching his arms out in a tired yawn. “What a day. I think I’d almost like getting off work if it weren’t for the fact that it means I might die.”
You tilt your head to the side, considering this. “When you say it like that, it almost sounds like a bad thing.”
“What else could it possibly be?” Finnick grumbles. “Of course, if it got me away from you and into the lap of luxury, maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing after all.”
You snort. “Oh, please. If you were ever in the lap of luxury long enough to make it through the Games, I’m sure you couldn’t enjoy a second of it. You’d be mourning my absence, of course, and that would simply ruin everything for you.”
Finnick chuckles. “What, you doubt that I would win? Have I not gotten into enough fights to prove that I could?”
You shrug absentmindedly. “Oh, I’m not doubting your love for conflict. I’m merely worried that every other tribute would get so annoyed by you that they’d make you an immediate target.”
Finnick’s brows raise comically. “Is that so?”
You nod solemnly. “I can see it now. It would be rare for every single other tribute to work together, but they’d make an exception to kill you first. It would be particularly shameful for you personally.”
Finnick laughs, tilting his head back as his eyelashes briefly flutter shut. You look only when you’re certain that he can’t see you staring, and the second he opens his eyes again, your gaze is fixed on the path once more.
“Well, I would hate for any of that to happen. Maybe it’s for the best that I don’t volunteer, then?”
You swat him on the shoulder. “Nobody volunteers without a death wish, you idiot. I’m not saying you don’t have one, but I thought even you were smart enough to avoid that.”
Finnick clasps a hand to his chest in the throes of mock agony. “Even me? Y/N, I can’t bear it if you call me an idiot. I may never live from the pain of this insult.”
You laugh before you can stop yourself, and do your best to immediately school your expression back into a more personally satisfying neutral. “That wasn’t funny.”
Finnick grins. “No? Is that why you’re laughing?”
“I’m not laughing,” you deny, fighting the corners of your lips from where they threaten to tug up again into a smile, “I would never laugh.”
“Are you sure?” Finnick asks, pointing a condemning finger towards you, “Because I can see you laughing right now. Don’t try to deny it, I can see you.”
“No you can’t,” you call out desperately, but Finnick won’t hear a word of it.
“It’s okay, Y/N,” he says triumphantly, “we all know I’m the funnier one by far, you don’t have to fight it. Just let yourself laugh. It’s what you want, deep inside.”
Now you do laugh. “That’s ridiculous.”
“So are you,” Finnick says, and has to quickly dodge a vengeful blow directed towards his arm. 
To avoid another hit, he grabs at your hands. After a brief moment of struggle, you find yourself staring at the scene, the two of you with your arms woven in such a tight knot that you’re not entirely sure where you end and he starts. Finnick is standing far closer than you realized, you can feel the heat of his breath on your cheeks.
You and Finnick stand there, just looking at each other. You think that the moment might stretch on into the future, never ending so long as the two of you never let go. Finnick’s grip is just as strong as yours, he won’t be the first to part ways. He never would be.
A sharp siren coming from the direction of the town square startles you. Belatedly, you realize that it’s calling everyone in the district to the Reaping. Whatever time you had to distract yourself from this event is now gone, leaving only the haunted look in Finnick’s hands as you slowly step away.
“We’d better get over there before they send Peacekeepers looking for stragglers,” you say, voice barely more than a whisper.
Finnick nods quickly. “Yeah, sounds good to me. You look like a serious troublemaker, you’d better hurry.”
You give him a look, which only makes his lips quirk up again in a smile. It’s a much more muted expression than before, though. Finnick has always been good at appearances, and right now, his mind is on all the people that will be waiting for him back in that town square.
You turn to leave, but Finnick calls something after you before you can disappear back into the waving stands of trees.
“May the odds be ever in your favor.”
You look back at him over your shoulder, wondering if this would be the last moment you saw him at peace if either of you were reaped. If it is, you think you would be alright with it. This wasn’t the worst way to spend a morning.
“May the odds be ever in your favor,” you repeat. Finnick smiles quietly again, and you take that as your last reason to leave.
Your family is waiting for you by the edges of the town square. You help a few younger friends and neighbors enter their names into the Reaping for the first time; you smooth skirts and lapels and pray that you won’t know another twelve year old sent into the arena. Eventually, you join the other girls your age in long rows of District Four pride.
Your attendant from the Capitol takes to the stage soon enough, waving blissfully at the rest of you. He babbles on for a few minutes about the delight of being able to represent your district in the Games, the wonders of the Capitol, all of that usual Reaping nonsense. 
However, even the Capitol’s latest puppet can only fill his mind with so much chatter before the time comes to send two unlucky sinners to their death. The Capitol man announces that girls will go first, and plunges his hand into a round bowl filled with names. He pulls a folded piece of paper from the vessel, and although the town square has been silent all along, you swear that an additional hush falls through the ranks of people as he squints at the name.
Every year, you complain about how whoever’s doing the Reapings takes way too long to read out the names. This time, though, you think there’s not nearly enough time in between the moment when the Capitol man unfolds the paper and when he reads the name printed there in a firm voice:
“Y/N L/N.”
Your head snaps up. It can’t be. A thousand days of accepting your fate, and the moment when your name actually is called in the Reaping, you don’t believe it. You don’t know where Finnick is in the crowd, but somehow the second you hear your name read aloud, you turn your head and manage to find him in an instant.
He’s staring right back at you, face contorted in horror. Finnick has joked a thousand times that if you were ever reaped, he’d be glad to have you gone. You’ve done the same with him, but now that the day has actually come, he looks absolutely terrified.
You don’t have time to consider how Finnick will survive with you gone, however, the crowds are already parting to give you space to walk up to the stage. You can hear your footsteps echo through the silent square as you make your way up. The Capitol man grins toothily at you.
He tries to engage you in a few questions about how excited you are to take part in the Games, but continues on when you just glare stonily at him. The name read from the boys’ bowl is one you vaguely recognize as one of the fishermen, Clay Riverflake, but it means nothing more to you than another face to see you die.
Soon enough, the Reaping ends, and the two of you are brought back so you can speak to your families one last time before the train comes to ferry you away to the Capitol. Your parents are distraught, but they manage to choke back their sobs long enough to bid you farewell. 
There’s one more person waiting to speak to you before you go, though. You’re stunned to see Finnick idling by the door when your parents leave, and say as much to him.
“What are you doing here? I thought you would have been out celebrating. You get to be the best trident wielder in all of District Four now that I’m gone.”
Finnick forces a smile; you don’t know that you’ve ever seen it come with such difficulty. “Don’t think grief will get to me, Y/N, we all know my skills with a trident are leagues beyond yours.”
Despite the joke, Finnick’s voice still cracks on the last few words. He’s trying to lift your spirits, though, so you play along.
“Grief? I didn’t know that you would attribute such a strong emotion to all this.” You say casually.
For a moment, Finnick’s facade drops like a stone. “What else could I feel? You’re not supposed to go, Y/N. You’re not supposed to be reaped.”
Your hand flickers out to touch his shoulder for a second before you can stop yourself. “There’s nothing saving me, Finnick. My name is in there just like everyone else. Guess today proved it.”
A Peacekeeper at the door coughs, glancing pointedly at a clock on the wall. You’ll only have a few more moments before you have to go.
Sensing this, Finnick’s eyes shine with a strange sort of desperation, the likes of which you’ve never associated with him before. “Listen to me. Stay alive, alright? No matter what you have to do. Morals don’t matter here, none of that. I don’t care how brutal it is, just make it out. Promise me.”
You feel your breath startle in your chest. “I can’t promise anything like that, Finnick. You know that.”
Finnick shakes his head, unwilling to accept this. “Promise me!”
He’s cut off by the Peacekeeper calling for him to leave. Not wanting a fight on this day of all days, Finnick goes as asked, but he shoots you one last glance before he disappears down the hall, like he’s trying to memorize the sight of you before he loses you for good.
You think about that moment the entire journey to the Capitol, even when you’re in the thick of their gaudy festivities. You don’t have much time alone to truly ponder why Finnick, who had been all too complacent in teasing you whenever he could all these years, would suddenly have a change of heart when he thought you were going to die. When the distractions fade away, though, it’s the only thing that’s on your mind.
Finnick isn’t wrong, you need to do everything in your power to survive. The interviews and private training sessions are pivotal, and you’re able to claw your way to respectable showings in both. Maybe it’s due to your actual skills with survival skills and trident fighting that you picked up back home in District Four, or maybe it’s because even the out of touch Gamemakers can tell that there is nothing you would not do to win.
The Games start soon enough. In the weeks to follow, you’ll wonder how such a traumatizing part of your life was able to fade from your memory as soon as it ended. You see the most pivotal scenes over and over in your head, every kill, every fight, but the rest of it disappears. You remember flashes of running, the pangs of hunger, the terror of never being able to truly relax, but what sticks with you most is the horror of it.
When the fifteenth day dawns, it finds you standing alone with bloodied hands, the last tribute dead at your feet. The Capitol will be talking about it for months afterwards, how some girl from District Four was able to take down the most brutal of foes. They won’t entirely know how you did it, no matter how many times they rewind the footage to watch your technique.
They’ll say that you had the right motivation, and in the end, that’s the closest they’ll ever get to understanding you. After all, how could they possibly know that you killed and hurt and massacred because there was somebody waiting for you on the other side? Somebody you need more than anybody, somebody you lay awake thinking of even when your body was weak from lack of sleep.
That somebody is Finnick Odair, and that somebody is there waiting for you the second the train bearing you back from the Capitol pulls into the District Four station. He’s waiting back in the crowds, not wanting to seem like he’s altogether too interested in what happens, but he’s the face you see first when you emerge from the door of the traincar.
You don’t get to speak to him until much later. Your family has to swarm you, of course, and make sure that you’re okay (physically, yes, but in no other regard) before anyone else can even come near you. Only when you’ve returned to your house only to leave it immediately does Finnick find you again.
You’re wandering the paths near the water when Finnick approaches you at last. For a moment, he does not say a word, and you wonder if he’s picturing the same memory as you, when the two of you had been on these same paths and talked until the Reaping began. How far away it seems. How different you have become since that day.
His eyes are soft when they clear and look at you again. “How are you?”
You chuckle bitterly. “I’m not really sure how you want me to answer that. I’m alive, if that’s enough.”
“It is,” Finnick says calmly, “I’m not asking for anything else. I know what happened.”
You want to tell Finnick that he doesn’t know a thing about what went down during those Games, that just because he had to watch every minute of the fighting didn’t mean that he was aware of what really happened. Then again, how could he?
Instead, you let go of the words you’ve really been wanting to say. “I did it for you. That’s why I was able to survive. You told me to get through it, and so I did.”
Finnick nods. “Why was it enough?”
“I don’t know,” you say softly, “Maybe it was because I like bothering you more than anything. Is that silly to say? That I don’t want anything but a quiet house, safe from torment, a place with you in it where I can come down the stairs and see you laughing at the sight of me? I don’t care what words you say, how much they hurt. I just want to be there to hear you say them.”
Finnick stares at you, a dead man’s surprise at seeing the knife protruding from his chest. “What?”
You shake your head. “Nothing. I’m clearly not used to life outside of the Games. Just– promise me something, alright?”
Finnick nods mechanically, perhaps before he’s even aware of what he’s doing. “Anything.��
There’s something in his quick response that you can’t bear to decipher at the moment. “Don’t let this change us. Don’t let it make you feel guilty about making the same jokes because I had to go through the Games.”
Something almost like a smile touches Finnick’s eyes. “I wouldn’t dare let such an opportunity pass me by.”
For a second, you’re able to smile back at him. “I’m glad to hear it.”
You part ways with something better than what you had before. You don’t see as much of Finnick as usual due to the fact that you’ve been relocated to the Victors’ Village, but he keeps finding ways to drop by every now and then. He’ll make sure to insult the occasional piece of furniture or bejeweled light fixture, but the retorts never have enough of a sting to truly hurt.
The months pass in a haze. You’re allowed your peace for the first few weeks, but Capitol reporters find a way to keep in contact with you. You’re their latest favorite, of course, and the wealthy don’t like to lose their toys so quickly.
Before you know it, it’s time for a new Reaping. You have to go up on that stage again, this time as a Victor. It’s a new perspective, one you don’t particularly enjoy. It felt far safer to blend in with that crowd below, up until the point where your name was called.
In truth, you’re almost just as nervous about this year’s Games as yours. This time, you have to be a Mentor, and the fact that you’ll have the lives of two kids in your hands makes a knot tighten in your stomach. How could you be trusted to save them, to forge the connections necessary to supply them with food and medicine?
You turn your head when the girl’s name is called. You recognize her, Annie Cresta, not only that familiar glint of panic in her eyes when she walks up to the stage but by memories of Finnick saying her name to you again and again. He talks about her often, it’s enough to make anyone feel discontent. By contrast, hearing the name of this year’s boy tribute is enough to send you into a terrible storm of fear.
“Finnick Odair.”
You swear that your blood slows in your veins. How could it be that both you and Finnick would be reaped? How are the odds possibly so skewed against you? Finnick’s face is calm when he’s reaped, and you wouldn’t know he feels a single shred of fear were it not for the fact that no one can hear their name called and not know themselves to be ruined.
You meet with him as soon as you can. Now that he’s out of the public eye, Finnick’s face has taken on a shade more of stress, but he still clasps your hands and asks if you’ll mentor him. He doesn’t trust anyone else, he says. You’re required to help him by Capitol law, but you promise your aid as freely as if it truly had been your choice. Of course you’ll stand by Finnick, you would never forgive yourself if you did anything else.
It’s not like Finnick needs much help, though. He takes the Capitol by storm from the second he shows up, all charming waves and dazzling grins. He blows kisses and the Capitol ladies faint by the hundreds, recites a few lines about how he’s in love with someone from his district during an interview and they fall by the thousands.
He’s unfairly proud of himself, too. The second Finnick comes out of the aforementioned interview, you don’t know that you’ve ever seen him so jubilant, even when he managed to beat you in a swimming race for the first time when you were kids.
You’re waiting for him, leaned up against the wall, and Finnick all but runs your way. “How was that?” He asks, grinning cheekily.
You fight the urge to laugh. “Absolutely absurd. What are you going to do next, start reciting poetry?”
Finnick’s head tilts to the side as he considers this. “Actually, that’s a pretty good idea.”
You scoff. “You’re unreal, it’s fascinating. Well, I hope Annie enjoys the effort as much as the rest of the Capitol.”
Finnick frowns, brought out of whatever reverie he was locked in previously. “Annie? What are you talking about?”
You spread your hands. “It’s like you were saying in your interview. Your hopeless crush on the girl from your district, remember? You’d better hope that Annie likes public displays, or you’re done for.”
Finnick nods slowly. “Yeah, right. Annie. Definitely.”
You glance at him quizzically, but Finnick quickly changes the subject, and the topic of his feelings for Annie is dropped soon enough. Despite Finnick’s momentary forgetfulness, you’re not convinced. You know without a doubt that Finnick’s crush is on Annie, it couldn’t be on anyone else.
How could it be, after all, when Finnick spends so much time with Annie? He helps her during training, you feel like you’re constantly walking into a room just to see the two of them sitting close together and talking in hushed voices. No, there is no one for Finnick except Annie. No matter how that makes you feel, Finnick likes Annie.
No matter how you feel indeed. You were able to admit it yourself during your Games, if not to Finnick’s face:  you like him, you love him. It was the hardest realization you’ve ever had, but the most true. You can’t live without him. You don’t want to ever picture a world without him, because you have needed Finnick ever since he walked into your life all those years ago with a proud grin and all the means to rile you up. He is the only person for you, even if he doesn’t feel the same way towards you.
In the meantime, you can keep this promise to yourself by keeping Finnick alive. You don’t have to work hard to convince sponsors to favor Finnick, he manages that quite handily by himself, but you are able to offer him advice on how to keep them around. You swear you’ve chatted up every wealthy soul in the Capitol by the time the number of tributes starts to dwindle.
The only problem with Finnick’s survival, as it turns out, is Annie. Finnick finds himself unable to leave the girl behind, and although Annie is capable of defending herself, her trepidation to enter into serious violence is slowing both of them down.
Eventually, when there are only three tributes left, you know that you’re going to have to do something about it. Both Annie and Finnick are alive, along with a particularly nasty Career named Digit Overbloom. Finnick can kill Digit, of that you’re certain, but then you get into an issue where Finnick and Annie would have to face each other. Finnick is enough of a gentleman that he’d have qualms with deciding which of them would live, but you don’t want him to have to make that choice.
So, you get to talking amongst your sponsors, and arrange for the situation to be taken out of Finnick’s hands. The setup is simple:  Finnick is drawn away from Annie when he’s promised a new weapon, and Digit is in turn lured to find Annie unawares. When Finnick returns to his camp to find Digit standing over Annie’s dead body, he’s filled with enough wrath to take the Career on, and from there, victory is easy.
It’s the perfect ending. The only person who doesn’t seem to agree with this, however, is Finnick himself. Once he’s been removed from the Arena and cleared by the medical officers, he storms down to your quarters, shouting at you at the top of his lungs about how you’ve killed Annie.
If there’s one thing Finnick should know about you, though, it’s that you’re always willing to fight back. So, you square your shoulders and argue right back at him.
“It had to happen this way, Finnick. You know that as well as I did. Only one person can win the Hunger Games.”
Finnick’s voice is bitter. “So you killed Annie. Makes a ton of sense.”
“I had Digit kill Annie,” you clarify, “because it gave you the chance to win. That’s what it means, Finnick, I got you out alive. In case you forgot, there’s only one victor.”
He swallows harshly. “I realize that, but you didn’t have to kill her. We could have handled it without you meddling.”
You shake your head coldly. “Alright, fine. Hate me. I don’t care, because you’re alive to do it, and I am selfish enough to say that I would gladly have you despise me for the rest of time if it meant you had enough breath to draw until then. Either you killed Annie or Digit did. And we all know you couldn’t have done the job yourself.”
Finnick blinks at you in surprise. “Why’s that?”
You look away. “Because you love her.”
Finnick steps in front of you, forcing your gaze to rest on him again. “No. No, I don’t. There has only ever been one girl that I loved, and it wasn’t Annie.”
Your brow furrows with confusion, all traces of anger gone along with Finnick’s. “Then who could it possibly be?”
Finnick almost smiles, that same half moon sliver that you keep seeing. “Isn’t it obvious? You.”
You jerk away as if he’s stabbed you. In a way, maybe he has. Finnick has your bloody, beating heart in his hand, and you’re not even sure if he is truly aware of it.
Your voice comes out shaky, disbelieving. Finnick lifts a casual shoulder, although you notice that the rest of him is practically vibrating with nerves.
“You heard me. I love you, Y/N. Always have.”
You stare at him, unable to believe what you’re hearing. “Then why– you didn’t tell me– why would you be so mad about Annie dying?”
“Because she was my friend,” Finnick says simply, “and with her, I had a guarantee that she would stay my friend even after I told you how I felt. I didn’t know if you would forgive me if I said what I wanted to say. You made me promise that I wouldn’t change how we acted together, remember? Annie let me pretend that things could stay the same way forever.”
You nod slowly, almost unaware of what you’re doing. “I remember that promise. I only made you say it because I was afraid of losing you.”
Finnick reaches forward to take your hand. The brush of his fingers against yours startles you back to reality. “You’re not losing me, Y/N. I swear it. We both went through the Games, didn’t we? They can’t touch us anymore. We’re free.”
You hold your stare a second longer, then start to smile. “We’re free,” you repeat.
Finnick chuckles softly. “I missed that smile.”
You look at him, disbelieving and fully aware at the same moment, then lean forward and kiss him. You don’t think you’ve ever been able to really startle Finnick since the Reaping, but this just might do the trick.
After a moment, he recovers and kisses you back, harder than you expected. It makes you laugh against his lips, which is of course motivation for him to kiss you even more. In the end, the two of you break away through bruised lips and matching smiles.
Finnick is right, isn’t he? The two of you are free. The Capitol can try and pin you down all they want, but they can’t take this away, no matter how hard they try. Let them come for the two of you, you think. They won’t be able to do a thing.
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micamicster · 10 months
I finished the first season of Veronica Mars! And decided to stop after a couple of episodes of season 2. Idk, I guess I got tired of the lack of closure for many plot lines. The finale was interesting tho, I loved the final villain.
Share your thoughts on the show (here's supposed to be a question mark but tumblr wouldn't let me)
Hi bestie I'm sorry it's taken me so long to talk to you about this show! I'm gonna make up for taking forever by writing like, an essay haha brace yourself
I think that Veronica Mars is a good show that runs into some classic 2000s tv stumbling blocks, manages to do some things that infuriate me personally beyond reason, but ALSO manages to have some elements that are so powerful and so well executed that I'm honestly astonished it got made. These kinda peter out and become muddled over the years, but oh well, we'll always have season one <3
In brief, the 2000s messiness, in varying degrees of offensiveness to the world and to me personally:
The aforementioned plot lines that go nowhere <3
It's case-of-the-week, some cases are gonna suck! What can you do lol
The black best friend who doesn't ever really get any satisfying arcs or attention given to him as a character who contributes beyond letting our protagonist have dialogue with him rather than exclusively monologuing in voiceover
How they handle race in general ofc. Like while I think that in the actual plots of the show there are good intentions (and sometimes good material!) in depicting the racism of this insular hiarchical society, racism in the real world affects the writing by giving the characters of color very little to do, and over all they are taken less seriously by the narrative.
Veronica's rape plot line. I actually think this plot started out very strong! But the minute the show focuses directly on it the writing gets lost in the weeds of plot twists and rival love interests, and I really think the points they were originally trying to make get buried.
Deadbeat Mom ran off she's got a single dad raising her (i feel like the number of single dads in media is exponentially larger than the real number of single dads in life. it's propaganda. and its misogynistic. but I digress)
The stuff I personally hate:
The romances :) lol. lmao, even. (I would love to rant about this but I really think that's not something that deserves to be on what is currently a measured review of the show as a whole)
The stuff that's great:
The noir homage: It's just. It's so good. It's so fucking good. This is to noir detective stories what american vandal will be to true crime 20 years later. I want to give whoever first thought "hey, being an ostracized teen girl is kinda like being a hardboiled noir detective," a raise and a kiss MWAH <3 A+ for tone! Veronica lives on the edges of her society (high school), allowing her to see all of it's pieces and hypocrisy, turning her cynical and aloof. And she's a teenager who solves crimes :D She's funny and self aware of her role, but never in such a way that it feels like lampshading or winking at the audience. They take it seriously--they take HER seriously, and that makes the show work.
Lilly: The central case of the show, the murder of Veronica's best friend and Veronica's revenge-driven mission to find her killer, is where the first season gets its power. Veronica gets to have the noir detective plot line of being haunted by the death of a woman she loved and driven by revenge, and it is so much more powerful here than I've ever seen it in its original form. Lilly is a tragedy, she is an unflinching look at the sexual exploitation of teenage girls and the casualness with which violent men will turn that violence on them, she is a messy bratty bitch of a sixteen year old, and Veronica loves her. Lilly gets to be complicated because Veronica, who knew her and loves her, is telling us her story. There are a lot of people who are affected by Lilly's death, but this show is about Veronica, and her reaction to the murder of her friend is what matters to the writers and the viewers. Once again, the show takes Veronica (and her grief and her rage and her love) seriously, and there is a lot of power in that. I think the reason the later seasons struggle is because they simply can't stand up to the emotional intensity that made up the core of season one.
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
since the epilogue is close to ending, here's some sketches of wip designs
this is very rambly so i'll add ID descriptions later, sorry. (its 4am for me rn)
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Frisk looks too older, they've only aged 2 years. both chara and asriel's designs here are SO beta and non refined. I think this was drawn even before Flowey came out -I wasn't sure how much of the trans aspect was going to come into play. I initially wanted the comic to end with Chara and Asriel reconciling after the Toriel-Asriel Airplane Call scene, but realized that there was too much unsaid between the two that needed to be hashed out and the epilogue had enough to cover already.
It was going to be a last minute "oh btw, since coming home Asriel is trans now, deal with it" but THANK GOD i didn't just sneak it in like that and explored the topic in the comic instead.
I forgot where this artwork was saved so I tried to draw it back from memory a few months later:
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Chara's form was starting to come together -i assume this was around the time that Chara got their boss monster form in the comic itself. I like that Frisk has a Bi flag shirt here -I should of gone with that! The cheeks are more square but ultimately I thought age 15 wouldn't allow for that much of a change. so yeah, this is what an adult frisk would look instead.
oh! for funsis: did you know i was originally going to have the other fallen humans be skeletons instead of different monsters?
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I thought it was too similar to insanelyadd's skeleton fallen kids. I actually am friends with Addy now, but then I had to message and be like "🥺is it ok if i also do this i swear i'm not copying" to which they were chill about. ultmatly i felt the designs were to Sans-like and didn't allow for much creativity. (also why tf does Hol have green instead of cyan colors what was wrong with my computer or me in 2018 lmao
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I always wanted to show the kids age and progress throughout the comic. oh my god the hair is SO anime here ouch! anyway I wanted Chara to really lean into the "prim and proper" role they give themself. I thought it was so cool to have them cut their hair short in the back and have long hair in the front. (wait. wait, thats what Chara does now in the epilogue. huh.)
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honestly??? i like "pissed off librarian" vibes this frisk has here. Also weird to see my Frisk without an afro!
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sadly no beta adult asriel designs. no idea why i never drew any then.
Here's me figuring out how Chara should have a monster form -here's proto boss monster chara, as you can see i planned out the red hair aspect early on enough that this was before the timeskip happened.
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um. anyway, pre-epilogue concept sketches. I think Raine had bird wings at this stage?? dang wild. Don't ask why Franky looks like a new yorker paper boy. Hol looks too much like a raggedy ann which is funny. Ursus... well, they probably won't look much different.
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Hol eye concept art. done before they were revealed in the comic itself. ..........less said about this the better
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And lastly, chara's boss monster design drawn right before they showed up. First one drawn <- left to right <- You can see I wanted Chara to have a hippy/punk design, but realized like, that jacket was going to be a binch to draw over and over. so i simplified it, and then was like, "ok this is TOO plain, i need SOME detail" and got very close to the final version.
alright since I know some people like color ref sheets, here
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Continue Arc full cast. Was SUPER annoying to scroll thru to find the right character lmao
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hol's prequel story color ref -actually changed the Berry's hair color last minute and never got around to updating the color sheet. was very annoying to hand-color pick from a previous page instead of using the ref :/ smh @/ me
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Baker's Trouble.
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OLDIE. From the Start Again? and Christmas sections of the tumblr version. God. Hol is so small. Asriel looks like a mess. Good lord.
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Cancelled Christmas Arc. Chara was supposed to meet up with Asriel on a boat offshore of Monsterland for Christmas, but turns out Asriel was using Chara as publicity. Except... not fully. He did want to meet up with Chara, but they get the wrong impression that Asriel was only doing this for image's sake. It'd explore how the public views Chara as an idolized figure and how Frisk plays into that too.
Anyway the story was too ambitious and I should of started this on December 1st instead of days before Christmas. Plus, I wasn't happy with how I started it and the vibes were off. I might have this as a side story in the redraw but idk
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Back to the Epilogue. I changed Asriel's dress just a little bit to improve the body shape silhouette (the dress is so plane its like she's wearing a towel! gah! I should have added SOME flair to that dress dang it!) anyway the dress is more... swooshy? swirly? and the teal ties up to the neck which works nicely with the heart locket and bow combo. Actually. Shit. Why didn't I just put the locket OVER the bow i'm so stupid that'd be so much easier-
If I could redo it, I'd make some changes...
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now here's the cousin and sib groups here. Flowey is actually a little TOO big and not up to scale which is funny hehe (also more blocky looking??? weird) In the Redraw version I'm modifying Raine's dress to have a sash and other details, this thing is TOO plain. Franky's Mad Scientist like outfit could of just been an actual labcoat and ideally, the fact that Franky wasn't at the party could of foreshadowed that they knew it was going to be reloaded.
(...Which, actually, Chara's surprise was a surprise for me as well. That was a impulsive idea that came to me when we were getting very close to meeting with Chara again. Thus I couldn't foreshadow it. Redraw WILL have better foreshadowing U_U;)
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ACTUALLY SCREW IT for the remainder of the epilogue, i made some changes I wanted to add detail and change some designs a tad -mainly to make the designs more distinct from each other and for story continuity. (AKA: Asriel and Papyrus are supposed to be the only "red scarf" wearers. Asriel's bowtie is knitted like a scarf. previously, hol and yun had red bows which made this match up less distinct. mew Mew's design was a little too similar to Sans' and Alphys and needed some changes.)
anyway i think thats all i can share now! thanks for reading and hope you guys keep following the redraw. I really really want a completed version of this story that's not missing holes. i want AFR to be complete and well, even with the epilogue ending, it won't be "done" for a long while. But thank you guys, it's been a journey!
If you hadn't guessed, I might be finishing the epilogue today (tomorrow for me, cause i'm going to bed in a few minutes). Depends on how much I manage to draw today, but yeah. Chara is going to the party, we'll get to say hi, close some loose ends and come to end. worst case scenario, i'll have to do a little comic to tie it off (like I did with the main storyline's ending) at a later date and this will be the end of the ask-able portion of the epilogue.
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syvspalace · 1 year
How I think all the Mondstadt and Liyue playable Genshin characters text + extra stuff about their phones (slight modern au)
A/N: So before I start, heyyy 😍 I know I’ve been gone for like ages but I’ve been trying to come up with ideas. Also wanted to say that I am INDEED alive so enjoy ❤️
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Okay let’s be fr she probably has great grammar without even trying
Definitely uses the little ‘ (I forgot what it’s called) she gets slightly annoyed when people don’t use it 😀
Only uses dots when she’s serious
Mostly a dry texter but when she’s drunk it gets a bit better
We all know he’d never be a dry Texter
Uses „Lmao“ a LOT and I mean A LOT
Allergic to dots at the end of messages (will probably use them while texting Jean or other knights tho)
He‘d be a fun person to text
Uses „~“ at the end of flirty texts from time to time but you never know if he just uses it as a joke 💀
A very fast texter btw
Rarely misspells anything but if he does it’s BAD.
Never leaves you on read (if he likes you), he either sees the message or he doesn’t
She definitely uses a lot of commas (how you’re supposed to)
If she texts you something it’s probably gonna be a whole paragraph
She will use dots at the end of sentences depending on her mood
Never misspells anything for some reason (it’s autocorrect)
Prefers just calling you because her hands are wet most of the time
I just wanna add her that phone is definitely waterproof because her outfit doesn’t have any pockets so she drops it a lot while doing her sprint
Oh boy here we go
So I think he’d be more of a dry texter if you two aren’t that close but it definitely gets a slight bit better if you know him for long enough
He isn’t that slow when texting
Has left you on read accidentally because he is a very busy person and just forgot about your message (forgive him)
Very good grammar and doesn’t need autocorrect to save him
I‘d like to add his phone is on silent mode most of the times so he doesn’t get interrupted while working or being in a meeting
Okay first off I feel like she forgets where she puts her phone a lot bc of work and stuff
Her brightness is all the way up. Literally. Like all of the moms have it
She doesn’t have multiple tabs open (surprisingly)
Okay but when she texts you she definitely says „Ok“. She isn’t mad she’s just a dry texter dw
Will add random emojis. You’ll see „😃“ or „😊“ a lot
Uses emojis as their original meaning
Overall just texts like a millennial mom
Understands gen z humor 😍
You will get a LOT of random texts at the most random times. For example „Just got kicked out of the angels share“ - 2 am
Texts you a lot when he’s drunk and when he does you can’t read SHIT
The exact opposite of a dry texter
Allergic to not only cats but dots AND commas
Will send you random song texts, also texts of his songs
Phone calls are very chaotic. You could be facetiming him and he’s just on some random tree
Does not leave you on read. Man’s has a lot of free time 💪
10/10 text him
She’s somewhere in between dry texter and not dry texter
Uses „!!“ at the end of sentences a lot
Tried helping Jean with the way she texts and failed
If you have WhatsApp you know you can post stuff in your story. She posts videos of her and the other sisters singing in the Kathedrale
Her brightness is all the way up too. I just know it.
Her chat background picture is a pic of her and jean
Definitely apologizes after realizing she left you on read
The way she texts just radiates comforting energy
Ily but who gave you a phone 😕
He texts the way he speaks. Like literally.
His spelling is better than you think but it’s still really bad
When he remembered commas and dots exist he just placed them in sentences randomly…“lok razor. Faund rabit in, howle. Today.“
Very very very very slow texter. Might take him a good 5 minutes to write one sentence (and its not even grammatically correct)
His phone case has bite marks.
Keeps his brightness pretty low cause he burned his eyes w it once..he doesn’t trust it anymore.
This girl.
She leaves you on read on purpose sometimes to tease you
Also somewhere between dry textin and…wet texting??? (I mean not dry texting I’m sorry 😭)
Uses commas perfectly. Ignores dots most of the times
She definitely changed her settings so now anytime she types „i“ it corrects to „I“ immediately (I did that too 😋)
If you’re a forgetful bookworm, most of her texts are just her reminding you to not. Forget. To return. Your books. (RIP if you do)
Perfect grammar
Literally never misspells ANYTHING. You will never catch this man misspelling shit
Puts his drawings in his story a lot
He isn’t online that much so sometimes it takes him days to answer to your texts 😔
But if you do ask him something he will give you a detailed answer. Detailed enough to make you have to ask him to dumb it down for you
Uses „Mhm“ a lot
Medium texter. Not fast but also not slow
If he’s confused he will just use „???“
I honestly don’t have much to say about her
She doesn’t text you that much
Daily good morning texts tho
I think she does voice mails most of the time
Keeps her brightness down bc eyesight 😍 (Same)
Her phone „dings“ anytime she gets a message
Keeps her tone on Incase there is an emergency
Her phone is turned off most of the time bc she’s on duty outside a lot (the monsters could hear her)
Texts a lot like Barbara
Good morning and night texts EVERY DAY. The day she doesn’t text it is the day she died
Records cute animals she sees on outside duty and puts it in her story
Its „Yup“ or „Yep“ instead of yes
Has a mini baron bunny attached to her phone case (dw it doesn’t explode)
Her storage is fighting for its life with all those videos
She doesn’t text a lot of people. Only the knights and amber have her number sooo 😀
Dry texter. I can smell it
Will leave you on read a lot
Basically her whole phone is blue themed. Case, background, pfp, the phone itself
Might put some Dragonspine swimming tips in her story bc amber said it’s about time she posts something in there
Her brightness is almost all the way up
Her ringtone is definitely her favorite song. (she starts moving to the beat of it when she gets calls) Will wait a little longer to pick up her phone just to listen to it a bit more
Isn’t allowed to have a phone yet. I mean she’s 8
Does have an iPad tho (she doesn’t get it a lot bc yk she has bombs with her at all times)
If you see her with an iPad, it isn’t her first one. (She blew up a few)
Has a dodoco keychain attached to the side of her ipad
It’s kinda sad but she spells better than razor does…
Her spelling might be pretty good but her grammar is…a little off.
Will call you at random times (begged Jean to make the cocomelon music her ringtone)
She has discord. I just know it.
(I wanna add that she vents about her dad and alcohol in her notes app)
Anyways she definitely says „K“ instead of „Okay“
Her screen is a bit sticky because of all the drinks she mixes
Uses a lot of question marks in a..rude way? „So???“
While calling she leaned her phone on something while mixing a drink. The phone landed in the drink. (This happened at least once)
Long paragraphs and the meaning would be „wanna meet up??“
Tries texting in a cool and fischl way but if she ends up misspelling anything she’ll be embarrassed and blame oz for not correcting her (she can’t stay mad at him)
You will see a bunch of commas in her texts bc they are so dang long 😭
She has discord too. You can’t tell me otherwise
Her phone is on dark mode 🙏 one of the only phones that WON‘T burn your eyeballs
One of the main reasons she misspells stuff is because she has an eyepatch (does this even make sense 💀)
Starting off with his phone- it’s cracked. Like really cracked.
His phone was supposed to be waterproof but it turns out it actually isn’t
Cracked screen..you can’t really tell what you’re looking at when he tries to show you a pic
Has at leas 10 different viruses (same)
Also someone that uses „!!“ a lot
I recommend calling him instead of texting because he can barely see what he’s writing 💀💀💀
Calls are VERY VERYYY chaotic because of his bad luck. One second he could be showing you the ducks in cider lake, the next all you can see is water and seaweed..
His phone falls out of his pockets all the time. He also drops it onto his face a lot
Yknow what just stick to voice mails for the sake of him 🙁
Clean phone, not a single crack in the screen
A sweet dry texter
Uses „hehe“ from time to time
Good morning and night texts everyday no matter what
I think she uses these a lot: „:D :) :( :/“
CLEAR PHONE CASE idk she just gives me the vibe 😭
Her alarm and ringtone are calming songs. Like I would wake up to them and actually be productive, makes ya feel motivated and shii
This is gonna be hilarious
A dry texter but at least he uses „Okay“ instead of „Ok“
The PERFECT grammar and spelling. Dots and commas are being used, these ‘ too
Every single message is like you’re reading some kind of book
He tries his best understanding memes give him a break 😭
Looks at his phone in that one dad angle
Brightness all the way UP and tons of tabs OPEN. „I‘ll get back to them“ you know damn well.
Doesn’t use emoticons but he does use emojis…rarely. The occasional „😁“
His ringtone is either some ancient Chinese song or something…exotic? 😭 I don’t know how to describe it
Leaves you on read a lot but doesn’t understand what’s so bad about it till someone tells him
Good morning and night texts but make it EXTRA. It’ll be those pics with „Good Morning“ on them in cursive and flowers and glitter in the background (pls tell me y’all know what I mean)
Not a dry texter but also not an extreme fun texter like kaeya (but that more)
I feel like he uses stuff like „huh“ and „oho“ a lot
He seems like a person that would use „LOL“ more than „lmao“
Another person that doesn’t use dots 😍
He knows how to use emojis ANDD understands gen z humor
Texts you a lot of dark jokes when he’s supposed to be working for some reason
A lot of his texts are him asking if he should buy you something (if you say no he will anyways btw)
He travels a lot so he sends you a lot of pics of sights in different nations ❤️
The way she texts is elegant and idek how to explain it
Sends you a lot of fit pics (I wouldn’t mind)
Uses a lot of shortcuts when talking about work related stuff
Her phone case is beautiful I just know it
Puts videos of the view from the jade chamber in her story (when she has the time to)
I think she’d send a lot of voice mails bc she knows her voice is just YES
I feel like she has a lot of people blocked for whatever reason 😭
Uses a lot of shortcuts in general
Might send a few memes here and there
Also somewhere in between dry texter and fun texter
Her story is full of videos of the sea and crux introduction videos
Has a lot of contacts (every single crux member, ningguang, merchants, …)
I feel like her pfp would either be a pic of the sunrise or a funny pic of her face
Her phone is waterproof for obvious reasons !!
Hu Tao:
Black phone case black phone case black phon-
Her phone case also has a chain on it and it looks super cool 😋
Definitely a fun texter
Uses „HAHA“ a lot and sends you a bunch of memes
Puts videos of her pranking people (mainly zhongli) in her story
Her pfp Is either a ghost or a funny pic of her (I think it would probably be the funny pic)
I think she would record videos of her talking to ghosts and send you them at 3 am 😭
Definitely has different prank ideas in her notes app
Her ringtone is one of her songs
Her phone is on dark mode too
Okay xinyans phone is very cool looking. Its all different shades of black and red and uahsjsjs 😍
Not a dry texter either and understands gen z humor
She probably uses „AYEEE“ a lot Idk why I think that but I can just see it 😋
Also Part of the discord gang
Clear phone case with rosé outline. Change my mind.
Definitely has some important notes in her case
This girl has a to do list in her notes app.
I don’t know if she would be a dry texter or not but tbh I think it depends on who she’s talking to
Not a single tab open and that honestly scares me..
Her alarms aren’t even that loud but she has NEVER missed any
Yet another person that uses „!!“ a lot. And yes that specific amount of them
Her phone is definitely waterproof just incase bc she hunts a lot yknow
Puts a lot of videos of herself hunting and cooking in her story
She’d text „YESS!!“ a lot when people suggest ingredients for her dishes
A sturdy phone case with a guoba sticker slapped on it
When she texts you it’s like she’s writing some kind of report
Dots, commas, ’ and sometimes skips a line
Never forgets the question marks at the end of questions
Good morning texts but no good night texts (idk why I just feel like it)
ALSO has a clear phone case.
Sweet little baby.
I don���t know her physical age but lets just say she has a phone 😭
Definitely forgets she has your number and gets confused when you text her all of a sudden
Has a drawing of a cocogoat (that she made herself) as pfp and background
Has forgotten her pin multiple times and when she wrote it down she didn’t know what the numbers meant so she just told baizhu her pin 💀
Forget good morning and night texts you’ll get foot afternoon texts
Such a dry texter. You could think she’s dead.
Okay she overuses GIFs and I know it
Most of the things she sends you are videos of her singing (not complaining)
She’s gonna have links to websites you can get tickets on in her status. I just know it.
Texts a LOT like barbara and uses „<3“ a lot (wether its sarcastic or not)
Her, Barbara, Nilou, Xinyan and have a group chat called „IDOLZ🌟“ (Miss Hina might be in there too)
Oh lord.
Now you’d probably think her phone is all organized and stuff but NO its…pretty messy
It’s an organized mess. She knows where the stuff she needs is but if YOU saw all that your brain would over heat 😭
A BUNCH of reminders and alarms (the alarms are each 10 minutes apart for the morning invade she falls asleep after waking up)
She definitely uses „😂“ as laughing emoji
Dry in the non driest way possible iykwim <3
Still doesn’t know everything about her own phone
I don’t think its possible to get dryer than HE is
He is trying okay 💔
You think he wont be able to understand this technology? WRONG
This man is a full time gamer and streamer
Definitely tries to show Zhongli how everything works (now he needs to work on his dryness)
He’s a dry Texter and he KNOWS so he will send random memes from time to time to lighten the mood 😋
Definitely NOT a dry texter
He understands every single reference you make ❤️
Will share fanfic links with you everyday. (Please bmf Xinqiu)
He texts back really quickly even tho he’s supposed to be busy doing guild stuff???
Screenshots of funny quotes from stories he’s reading and the BEST recommendations!!!
• Inspirational quotes in his status, no ghost sign as pfp and the drawing of a really famous exorcist as his wallpaper
He‘s basically like those football obsessed boys but with exorcism…and nicer
I think he is dry but just a TINY. Bit
Brightness all the way UP to „train his eyes“ (don’t ever look at his phone without wearing sunglasses)
Not a dry texter at ALL
She def flirts over text a LOT (gives her a confidence boost along with the one she already has)
She always knows where you are. Just don’t ask why
Will text back even MID FIGHT.
Probably has one of those THICK but fancy phone cases
Also has a waterproof phone since she’s wet a lot (🤭)
Face times a lot because she just always looks good so why not
Definitely has an iPad too
Surprisingly texts in full sentences and has really good grammar 💪
(Not much because I don’t know a lot about her yet 😭)
A/N: I hope you liked this because it took AGES to complete 😭
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 2 months
WIP ask game!!!
thank you so so much @hansenesque for the tag <333 !!!!!!
no pressure tags: @the-laws-of-physics-were-harmed @holdmyteaplease and @tellme-o-muse + anyone else who's interested! you're free to join (if thats how tag games work aa)
rules : answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
1. what was the first part of your WIP that you created?
the main character. fun fact: atticus wasn't even called atticus! his name was supposed to be 'calyx,' and before that, it was 'leto'! this wip has been going for almost three years, and i am very dedicated to make atticus- calyx - or leto- get the story he deserves. being the very first idea that sprang into my mind, he still remains as my favorite, and the very first thing that formed the basis of beneath the waves, since his backstory and his emotions form the majority of the wip.
2. if your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
hole dwelling by kikuo!! this song has EVERYTHING. the music crescendo, the scream (oh my god the scream), the lyrics eerily similar to the ideas in my wip, the soft voice, everythingggg!!!!! the lyrics remind me of my worldbuilding ['the sun, the sky, the moon- so vibrant, all of them'] AND ITS 6 MINUTES LONG. SIX. MINUTES. OF PURE BLISS!!!!!!! especially with headphones omg also the fact that the lyrics can be interpreted as anything just makes it so much fun to listen to. i take it as talking about a literal void in which people are trapped. which. which is basically
3. who are your favourite character(s) and why?
atticus :D he was the first 'serious' or 'story-based' character i made, and i had further plans for him, too. all the characters i made pre-beneath the waves had no further plans for development, or they weren't unique enough, or just made solely for the YA market (young girls, skinny, magic powers). atticus, or leto, at that time, was made purely for me, and from my own ideas. leto was used as a sort of practice for my short stories. then, leto became calyx- a character, not an entity. from there, i got the idea of an abyss. everything spiraled from there lmao
4. what other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
i got the idea of 'changing the laws of the universe' and 'interacting with the divine'-- yknow, all of those otherworldly aspects from puella magi madoka magica, a magical girl anime, childish from the start, mature at the end. it had a lot of those otherworldly elements, and i find myself leaning to the concepts explored in pmmm whenever i work on Heavenly. if the pmmm fandom somehow stumbles on beneath the waves in the future i have no idea how it'll end. theres a small chance of heavenly and pmmm sharing a fan-base, if i understood the question correctly.
5. what has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
figuring out how atticus develops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out where i should end this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out how atticus's life is gonna go from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out how to write tbh
6. are there any animals in your story?
if you take the mariana trench and dump all of its animals into the abyss but corrupt them by taking out an eye or two for an exchange of more teeth and install fantasy elements, yeah you get the abyss's animals. there's also my own species of carnivorous fish that reside in the abyss. my customized fish species play a huge role in the story. those are spoilers (for now).
7. how do your characters get around?
they swimmmm :D with the fishieeeeees :3
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
if we hypothetically take the lore, the characters, the inner workings of the plot, the events, the nitty-gritty details and backstories as the engines of the car and the plot as the outer plating and wheels, i've created a mercedes (without the wheels)
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
i don't know 😭😭😭 uhh the lore-lovers will like it. i hope some theorist will pick it up one day and wonder if the author is okay
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hii, could i rq a matchup with anyone from obey me, twst or kamisama kiss? ☆⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
im a bi girl, 5'3, intp-t 4w5 + aquarius, id say im some kind of ambiverted like 60% awkward-reserved-anti-social introvert and 40% chaotic, rambly, all over the place, once i start i dont stop extrovert?? depends on my mood i think (˘∀˘) for some random traits i'm erratic, eccentric, conscientious, creative, empathetic, unserious, sarcastic, not a team player and definitely come across as strange to literally anyone not used to me
hmmmm some hobbies i have are baking, writing, editing and arts + crafts (drawing, painting, making my own random stuff like candles, soap, stickers) - very practical very fun 🧝‍♀️ i also like gaming when i have time which is basically always bc im lazy and hate work, i leave everything last minute and procrastinate so much bc i and i'd rather be doing what i want instead of boring stuff 😒👎 it all ends up rushed and low effort unless im passionate abt it. probably why i'm also never on time but that's also bc i love sleeping
if i had to pick a label for whatever my style's supposed to be {bc i just dress in whatever looks good tbh} i'd say a hybrid of grunge and indie maybe💪😘 i take pride in my dress sense actually i think its gojus (μ_μ)
i have collections/mini collections of a couple things - plushies, crystals, stickers, bracelets and i keep anything and everything people might give me, i've done it as long as i can remember, like not even gifts just if someone gives me a rock or a piece of stationery or origami etc it'll be in my possession forever i'm too sentimental to get rid of anything, i have so much scattered everywhere it's unfunny 🧍‍♀️ i think my love languages are physical affection bc i love closeness altho im crap with emotional stuff but words of affirmation and mushy fluffy stuff can be pretty neat {even if it's embarrassing and awkward xox} + gifts bc i love buying myself stuff and receiving presents, i also like giving them but i feel like i'm spending too little or too much or compare it to what they give back to me and feel like it's not good enough or what they'd want bc i'm usually either too stingy or spend too much and think too much + feel bad when it feels like i don't give back to people as much as they give to me in any sense?? | (• -•)|
i love purple, literature, rock/pop/dance/techno music, space, halloween, history, things that smell nice/scented stuff, philosophy, nature, horror, psychology, fantasy, sweet/sour/salty foods, and animals {especially my bunnies ofc, my pride and joy <3} so im working towards becoming a vet bc im good w science and i'd definitely rather look after them than humans bc i am not a people person i'd fail miserably xox
i don't like ppl who are ignorant or inconsiderate bc they're annoying and punchable, my family, the ocean bc it's scary and doing embarrassing stuff which tbh is basically everything smh
anyways i tried to condense whatever i could think of LMAO but i cba to do anymore 💀💌 thank u!!
The Kamisama requests always make me happy:')
I match you with..
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The most gentle and sweet lover in the whole world.
He matches you like CRAZY, soulmates real;
Loves being chaotic with you, getting caught up in shenanigans and being lovey dovey with you;
He just randomly snuggles up to you whether it's in his snake form or human form, if snake form let's out occasional cute bloops that you die for, he also does the cute snake yawn, he knows it's cute and he's doing it on PURPOSE;
I hc that mizuki is great at portraits and has painting sessions with you in which you 2 paint in peace and show eachother the piece;
You teach him how to properly bake so that he doesn't drop lizards in almost everything you bake-
"but-but it's for good luck:("
"Mizuki, no"
He encourages you not wanting to work and lazes off with you, if for no reason Tomoe comes over he annoyingly comments on how as your familiar mizuki shouldn't encourage this but who listens to him;
Spends mornings sleeping in with you, if you have to go to school he'll just transform into his snake form and accompany you there!
Loves your collection of crystals and other things, so he finds the most beautiful crystals just for you♡
Loves your bunnies and cradles them in his hands, your basically a family, your bunnies have a dad now;
So in all he's the perfect match for you, the most peaceful and loveable relationship ♡⁠˖
Thank you for the request dear annon! May you have a wonderful week<3
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naneun-no · 11 months
💭 Thoughts on Seven - song and MV
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Are you looking for someone to react to this with you? Are you wanting to hear someone else’s thoughts so you can organize your own? Here you go! This is gonna be a long one but I have thoughts to share! I’ve broken them down into categories…
The Song
Lo and behold, the horny anons were (a little bit) right! This song is definitely about sex! Lol.
I’m gonna need a few more listens to really solidify my opinion, but first few listen throughs and… I like it! It’s fast, its a little chaotic, but it’s still so melodic and pleasing to listen to, courtesy of Jung Kook’s impeccable vocals, as usual. It’s a lot more explicit than I was expecting, lmao, but we’ve been saying for a while that he’s a grown ass man. No serious person was out here thinking he doesn’t fuck. Is the song somewhat aspirational for him with the “every minute every hour” thing, considering he spends at least 2 hours at a time in the middle of the night making noodles with ARMY? Perhaps. But hey, most of us alosexuals can only dream of getting lucky seven days a week, so I don’t blame him for manifesting that energy. Also, he didn’t write it. So there’s that.
Concept & Video
My condolences to the horny anons for the lack of steamy, sexy scenes in the video (the scenes that the rest of us knew wouldn’t be there, and let’s be real Jung Kook singing about fucking somebody right is already probably the most his fans can take at any one time lmao. I’m sure there were ladies fainting at his GMA performance like they were front row watching Elvis swivel his hips in 1956).
I liked the video! It was fun, and unexpectedly funny; JK playing the part of a boyfriend so obsessed with his toxic relationship that he keeps chasing his poor woman down even after every breakup (and murder?) attempt, through these surreal settings that just show how chaotic and unstable their relationship is. Han So Hee was gorgeous and did a good job despite her character pretty much having the same reaction/feeling in every scene but the last. Jung Kook, as so many pointed out, did a pretty terrible job looking angry or frustrated at any point 🤣 but that wasn’t really the point — the point is his obsession with his partner and willingness to jump off of a literal gurney and right back into the same situation that put him there in the first place.
Which brings me to my one gripe about the concept of the video which is that…. It doesn’t really match the lyrics? It’s not like that’s unusual in the world of MVs and I don’t think videos always have to be a play by play of the song, but it does feel like an excellent execution of a concept that would have fit better with a song about obsessive love, being unable to stop falling into the same toxic patterns, etc. Instead the song is pretty purely about sex and romance. To be honest, a few scenes of them falling into bed together would probably have made a bit more sense, honestly, if that’s supposed to be the reason he can’t stay away from this woman who seems to want almost nothing to do with him, lol.
Overall the video was visually satisfying and interesting, and this moment actually made me laugh out loud, boy was in his goofy element for a moment:
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I’ll start by saying I was very excited when I realized that she would be featuring. I know some people had complaints, others didn’t know who she was, but I very much do know who she is and love her sound, so I was jazzed. My one concern was that… Latto lovers don’t be mad, but in my opinion she doesn’t have a lot of on-screen charisma.
I think it’s because she’s still relatively new. She’s beautiful, but I’m not sure she knows what to do with it yet other than sensually touch herself and minutely dance. It’s reminiscent of Dua Lipa in the early days when she wasn’t really great at dancing but was thrust up in the spotlight surrounded by backup dancers (who lest we forget have typically been training in dance nearly all their lives). For Latto, if she has no interest in dancing, that’s totally fine. I don’t think she HAS to do it or be good at it, but then in that case, I would expect a bit more expressiveness in her face and actions. And maybe you totally disagree with me — feel free to watch the Big Energy video and decide for yourself. To me though, she doesn’t bring enough energy (lol). Basically the opposite of Jung Kook in the GMA performance (which he fucking owned 😩 the 90s boy band vibes, the way he held his own and actually drew my attention the entire time despite the immense talent of his backup dancers. Holy shit that boy is a star.)
And my initial excitement and concern about Latto pretty much held up. Her rap was good, a fun add to the song, and I think she nailed the energy and the rhythm and the vibe (seriously when will male rappers catch up? Women are the only ones I want featuring on pop songs from now on. They’re the only ones who understand how to stay on topic). That being said her feature in the video was… just okay? The funeral scene was one of the better ones because of the above moment I mentioned, so that saved it, but I wish she’d given a little more than just like…touches to her boobs, you know? But to be fair, that was in keeping with the song’s theme.
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Overall it’s a job well done for her. I was bummed she couldn’t join him at GMA but baby rapper JK came out of hiding and did a few of her lines, which was fun. He did quite intentionally change out the pronoun from “him” to “her” which brings me to…
Does this song mean he’s announcing he’s straight?!
I feel like I’m going to get a lot of anons about this… or maybe not since their wild predictions of pornographic make out scenes didn’t happen, after all… but I feel like there will be a lot of people calling this his definitive “coming out” as a pussy-loving straight dude. And to that I say…
Maybe? Here are my thoughts on this in no particular order:
We always say to listen to the guys. I didn’t disregard it when he and Jimin chose not to change the pronouns in their cover of “We Don’t Talk Anymore” and I won’t disregard the fact that he did change them in his performance here. For whatever reason, he wanted this song and this performance to be about a woman.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but him making this single about a woman doesn’t necessarily mean he did it out of an obligatory need to appear straight in order to appease his oppressive government. Maybe he just wanted to make it about a woman. And just in case you forgot…
Liking, being interested in, and/or being sexually attracted to women doesn’t automatically make a man heterosexual. Jimin has been giving off flirty vibes to men AND women his entire career, and he still melts over Jung Kook like a bomb pop on the Fourth of July. You can be a man and like women and also like men and those things can coexist and there’s a word for that. It’s called being bisexual. Hi 👋 there’s lots of us out here, even though we tend to get drowned out and ignored, especially if and when we pursue relationships with the opposite sex. Let’s not do that so much anymore, yeah?
I’ve brought it up before and I’ll continue to; he was in Charlie Puth’s video as a very obvious love interest. Now he has a woman in his video as a love interest. Neither one cancels out the other. Neither one is a definitive confirmation of his sexuality.
Also like… maybe it is that he’s just closeted and doesn’t feel ready to share his sexuality and so he’s going with heteronormativity because it’s easy and less questions will be asked. Idk. It’s not really my business to know.
Regardless, all the holding-hands-with-an-actress-in-a-music video moments in the world can’t cancel out this:
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He supported Jimin in all these ways with all this undeniable lovey-dovey energy all this time. I don’t think his feelings for that man have changed one iota, whether it’s a really tight friendship (with… ahem, undertones of longing and desire) or a bona fide relationship. Either way, I think they’re enjoying it. And I hope they have fun exploring New York together.
Oh and I know he didn’t write it but… you gotta appreciate the continuity of “give me a good ride” and “it’s the way that you can ride” 🤭🤭🤭🤭
OKAY I think that’s all my thoughts for now. What are YOUR thoughts??? Please share them. Please share them respectfully, whether you comment or message or send an ask. I’m all ears 😁
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 6 months
hi hello heres the some guy beating up some robot you ordered
(to be clear im basing most my fnaf game knowledge on ucn and my punchout knowledge on wii, cause like those are the only ones ive played)
so like in total the fight would involve freddy, foxy, marionnete, all the balloon children (including the lil uh oh how un fortunate bitch >:3 ),
the fight itself you would be boxing good ol normal freddy however he would have a bunch of paraphernalia on him, specifically: a thingy on the left side of his hat with a music box, his hat which if punched enough can come off and reveal some small child, and a vent on his right "abdomen" from which many things can pop out of.
fnaf in general is like about "resource" management in the sense that the resources are how pissed the various robots are so that would be translated over to this by way of punching different spots depending on whats necessary at the time.
now in punchout, hitting the head during stun is generally simply better as it does more damage. however, there exists the hat of many small fellows, and like every 5 head taps theres a "chance" (probably a preset order) of either bb, jj, or the uh oh how unfortunate one. bb does a real quick slap that cuts your stamina (the heart meter) in half. like does Current-(Total*.5), so like if the total was 8 it takes 4 no matter how much u have. this in fact could just fuck you over at a bad time, as bb is want to do. jj apparently does precisely nothing in fnaf 2 after some quick research, so she also does nothing but pop out and idk be silly. and little miss unfortunate circumstances could maybe sing her lil song and like randomly lower one of the other "timers" a chunk.
ok so punchout is one of those probably few wii games that avoided mandatory pointer/motion stuff but i cannot think of a better way to implement this one idea so: there would be a decent bit of downtime between attacks where you're not able to hit fred but he aint attacking you and this would be when you're supposed to flick the wiimote into pointing at the background, specifically a wheres waldo ass thing about "staring" at foxy for a brief moment to keep them at bay (relatively simple as its a large fox robot in a sea of faceless grey silhouettes), and if you dont for long enough they do the funny skedaddle into a big ol uppercut or whatever, which would just instatly ko you. altho it would have a big ol tell of fred stepping aside for a second and the loud stomping naturally, so you could just skip this and play as normal, simply dodging or perhaps punching back, which would do damage to fred cause you earned that if so. (im thinking you'd just be knocking foxy back into him)
the music box side is relatively simple, over the course of the match it visibly unwinds and you have to hit it to keep it wound up or suddenly marionette headbutt. probably 3 punches would keep it fully wound. the box's music would be like wound into the fight song but then slowly quiet down as its winding off, and eventually the lil jack in the box "last seconds!!!" thing would play too, and that would "force" him to do some attack if hes in neutral. you better get that stun real quick tho lmao.
power: thats a very core emchanic in fnaf, and i have 2 ideas for how it could be mixed in here, a: it be tied to that heart energy number of mac's that makes you tired when it hits zero and cant punch no more, however this feels kinda bs and like just not balanced, like punch out is not the type of game to have a kick u while ur down mechanic u feel me b, a much better idea in my book: the stage/ring has power. for this to make sense it would be taking place in more of like a garage or smth, crowd could still be there but like its less of an official thing. this would actually incentivise ending the fight quickly more than just for cool points. it would nt like charge back between rounds, and for actual numbers, lets say like 5 minutes 30 "seconds "of total power. thats a bit over half of the total possible roundtime and feels decently accurate to the like "win before this or you Perish" angle. running out of power would, first of all, turn off the lights ofc. at this point its dark and shit, you can only see glowy eyes and the power bar, rest is just a shadowy figure. punches of all sorts are faster, foxy is agitated quicker, music box timer is shorter, and just all around not very good to be here.
idk fully abt this idea but also maybe a star punch could just wind back all timers regardless of where they are including foxy (except the power ofc), and the t3 just fully resets em. if you hit it, of course
thats abt all i can think of that would fit without it being too overwhelming.
also fun fact your actual blog "website" has an ask box text limit that is barely over one paragraph
im so sorry for taking so long to respond to this but OUGH this is so clever. first off the inclusion of the wiimote pointer mechanics into the wheres-waldo foxy quicktime event is SO clever. i love that. also the power. thats so tense. i'd love to see all of the youtubers doing challenges specifically based on beating ol' fred only during the power outage as well
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
2, 4, 16, 22, 56, 58, 70 & 74 😊
hey Bestie!! it took me a minute lmao but here we go!
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
Short answer: I try to. Long answer: I try to have an outline where I might jot down ideas in the spaces I think they can go and then I just write and see what happens. That's why I don’t like posting my big fics til theyre done because I add a lot of stuff after the fact.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
😂😂😂 I know a lot of my ideas are very… out there and wonky. And truly it could be a random thought or a conversation/media– anything and if it snags then I try to think ‘ok [idea] what comes next’ and if its something I get excited about, i have a whole lot of moments where I’m audibly going ‘ooh but what if…’ and then I take up my phone and make a note in a doc. Some ideas get chosen, some don’t.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So I’ll answer this in two ways: how many fic ideas do I have written down right that havent been fleshed out or posted: 9
How many of these ideas have more than just ‘idea au?’: 4
One of them is a music teacher au, where Daniel is a private music tutor and he’s supposed to be teaching Max how to play piano/cello (i haven't committed to any yet) and Max spends their tutoring time watching Daniel’s hands/fingers and how he feels the music and jacks off about it
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I currently don’t have any because I’m willing to get out of my comfort zone to try new things (for example my new Dewis fic– terrified of doing a poor Lewis characterization)
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I think I have to give myself some props on my ideas and being able to actually flesh them out into interesting stories. And my comedy. (and my ability to put angst in everything lmao)
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
I do love outlining. And then I procrastinate starting, because I find writing to be all encompassing, like I will ignore life if I’m trying to get an idea out. Editing is the part I like least, but it makes me giddy because that means I’m almost ready to share my idea
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I actually don’t tell people anymore. Because then they think it means I can write anything and that’s just not true. But I used to be embarrassed to tell people  when I wrote Inuyasha fanfiction haha so there are people that know and more than likely have forgotten. I don’t hesitate to tell people i read fic though, so idk 
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Oh this is hard because I truly don’t know if theres anything I that I do across fic. If there is, please lemme know!! I’ve managed to shoehorn a twilight (movie) reference in 2 of my big fics tho so that makes me giggle
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ragecndybars · 1 year
hello gonna slide in here with 🍉🍌🍈
sorry for the wait, i misclicked close instead of post and had to rewrite this 😭 thanks for the ask! <3
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
I tend to go for oneshots, although the length of said oneshots can get... a little out of hand... 😅 I like to write stories that mainly focus on one event, or else several short connected scenes, because it's very easy for me to get bogged down in small details and ruin the pacing of a longer work that's trying to have a more fleshed-out overarching plot, y'know? I do still like to meddle in chapter fics from time to time, though!
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
I'm not one to crack many outright jokes in my fics, but I do try to sprinkle some humor throughout. I suppose what came to mind first was the moments from my akimina fic where Akihiko briefly wonders which ones are called stalagmites and which ones are stalactites, but doesn't ask Mitsuru because he knows she'll make fun of him if he does, only for Junpei to ask a minute later and immediately be made fun of. Poor guy, lmao
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
I hope you're aware that this question made me enter my second phase, and my attack patterns are about to get much more difficult to dodge. Enjoy the orchestral arrange of my theme song while I go on my requisite evil monologue.
He is my everything and here are my headcanons that I do not shut up about in my fics <3
He's an extremely focused person, but his focus is the kind of hyperfocus where he gets tunnel vision and becomes extremely inattentive to his surroundings. So he can focus on things like battle or studying with ease, but he can come off as a little airheaded at times because he's filtering out everything else. ADHD king, what can I say?
He worries about the others, much like the other members of the Senpai Squad do, but his form of looking out for them involves more pushing them to be prepared than anything. For instance, if one of the other members of SEES were to get sick, while Mitsuru might call a doctor and Shinjiro might bring them medicine, Akihiko would be the type to start getting on them to get more vitamins, eat fruit, get exercise, are they getting enough sleep?, etc. Or, if they get hurt in battle, he might start pushing them to train or spar with him more often once they've recovered.
Similar to the above, he tends to take on a lot of responsibility, sometimes unnecessarily. So, while he might get on the others to train hard for battle, if they get injured, he'll be beating himself up about it -- not just for the fact that he couldn't protect them in the moment, but for the fact that he didn't get on their case even more about training. If they're unprepared, he thinks of that as his problem.
He can be very picky with his food. But some of the foods that he can tolerate are utterly unhinged. Read: whole lemons inside rice balls. My mans will eat straight protein powder without even mixing it into anything but he doesn't like burgers because the texture's weird. Autistic king, what can I say?
I think he has burn scars on his hands from the orphanage burning down in his childhood, which is part of the reason he wears gloves. :'(
Generally, he's not goaded very easily, but one trick that works on him almost without fail is to imply that he's "chickening out" or "being a wimp" when he refuses to do whatever stupid shit you're trying to goad him into. Competitive Nature Activated; Common Sense Immediately Discarded.
Trans Akihiko >>>> all those posts about characters who did their own top surgery are about him
ALRIGHT I GOTTA REIN IT IN A LITTLE BUT ONE MORE... he's the type to think out loud, even in front of other people, when he's lost in thought. Like, if Junpei says something that confuses him, he'll be mumbling "What is he talking about? Is he just being weird again?" while Junpei is literally standing right there
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I go back and reread your posts occasionally because I really resonate with your posts about Epic Romance that I think transcends some of the tropes fandoms evolve around (e.g. enemies to lovers) which I don't always find myself connnecting with. I am just a bit curious about something:
What do you think of the pairing Solas/Lavellan from Dragon Age? (I searched your blog for it just in case you already spoke on the subject but sorry if I missed it).
I don't know if video games are your thing, or if a Player Character changes the dynamic you're into, but I was curious because it's a mythic romance of quite epic proportions. I know you've mentioned you sort of don't like a blog that is into adjacent ships to it (I think when you discussed Raistlin/Crysania) or maybe I'm just reading into that hahahah, so I understand if that influences if you do/don't. What I like about it beyond the character of Solas is that it's a tragedy with potential for hope ('Our love will endure'), and I think that's something your speed?
If you are not interested in the pairing (though I'd be interested to hear why, especially because Solas hits a few similar archetypal boxes and the reason why you don't like the pairing is as interesting to me as why you would!) and want another question to respond to instead:
2. Are there any new ships you've got into recently, or old you've revisited?
Hope you are doing well and doing the things you love!
Thank you for the ask! Yeah, same. EtL is only rarely written with the dynamic that I like, so most of the popular ships are not for me. I think I've disappointed a lot of fellow travellers by having zero interest in rivalry or frenemies style EtL ships.
I do play games, but I've only played like five minutes of one of the Dragon Age games. I've seen a lot of people talking about Solas and know he's the wank magnet tragic murder boy fav of the franchise, but I haven't gathered much of anything about the ship dynamic. I don't know enough about his arc/characterisation to say whether I'd be interested. But for sure, if there's an element of enduring hope, tragic romance can be my thing (so I read 5437540 fix-it fics).
I'm sorry I really don't have any thoughts to offer either way! :( If I get around to playing the game, I will post any ramblings I have about it!
I'm developing a fic for my long latent and repressed Cosmo/Kathy shipping urges, but that's like a radical departure for me on several levels lmao. Yes, I confess, sometimes I'll ship a couple of wholesome cinnamon rolls who have zero conflict because the banter is spicy and the vibes are adorable.
It's so funny how people are always trying to compare B&tB ships (like Reylo, E/C, etc. with grotesques or tragic heroes) to the Bad Boy/Ingenue/Nice Guy triangle and dismiss redemption romance fans as silly girls who haven't learned their lesson about being attracted to Bad Boys, because any example you can name of a triangle where the love interest is actually a Bad Boy, I ship her with the faithful friend (not a Nice Guy, but a legitimately nice guy). Like, I watched Pretty In Pink a couple years ago and man it was obvious she was not supposed to end up with Blane. I felt so vindicated when I read about the intended ending lol.
But anyway, I've been crying about whouffaldi again lately, re-reading some E/C fics, thinking of fleshing out/finishing some very self-indulgent E/C one-shots I made notes for, still wanting to write that Oh Hyun Jae/Soo Young fic that I accidentally wrote a kind of weird 'humour' prequel too D:, and as always trying to finish my Lokane fic finally. It has 2-3 more chapters, tops, and it's killing me I can't just get it done. It already has its main emotional climax, so I'm not leaving people hanging too bad, but maaaaannn!!! I swore a blood oath with myself I wouldn't start another novel-length fic until it is finished and this has lead to cascade of procrastination where I use it as an excuse not to do other things while also making zero progress with it. Agjkdfhdfd.
Also, I kinda want to add that extra chapter to my Bang-won/Hui Jae fic because I looooooove him and it's such a great pairing and I was pleasantly surprised how well that fic turned out, but it would be hard to justify and thus hard to find an 'ending' for it. It'd just be some 'stuff' pasted on lol.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Hello writer 📖 here. It’s been a minute..
I was talking to Ki last night and she mentioned you have been feeling under the weather. I’m sorry to hear that. It has been a difficult time in our household as well. Many things going on..
I hope this message brings you at least a bit of a smile.
Alright.. here I go 🤣
Ki was very sick (I know very dark way to start the message) after thanksgiving she had to be admitted in the emergency room, it was scary as fuck.. knowing that the love of your life might not make its .. pff.. yeah. But she did because she’s strong like that..
Anyways the reasoning of my message to you is that during the time she was in the hospital I wasn’t able to stay with her 24/7 even if I wanted to I couldn’t, but you could. Whenever she was alone she would read your stories, particularly 3tan (I’m not supposed to say this but she made some nurses hooked on tangerine man 😂)
I wanted to thank you, for creating a safe space for everyone, an incredible world that made my wife feel accompanied even when I couldn’t be there and she was indeed alone.
I’m not even jealous of Yoongi anymore.. 😂
I know life is hectic, sometimes we go through really dark moments, really shitty moments.. but know this author.. you should be proud of the community, of your words, of your work. And I’m thankful, really really thankful that your words kept the love of my life smiling..
I hope that knowing that at least can give you a smile.
Kind regards. Have a wonderful day. ✌🏻
P.S. You don’t have to reply to this or repost it if it’s too much, this is mostly for you. Smile, be proud, and let’s keep this life rolling!
P.S.2 I know I ramble a lot, and that maybe my message doesn’t even makes sense. Sorry about that. 😅
Oh.. oh my gosh🥺 Book, this is quite something, and the first time I read this today I stopped what I was doing and sat there for a moment. Just. Thinking about life and purpose and direction, and how in my lowest moments of the past couple months, I was still with someone and telling them it’s okay. That’s not something I’m ever gonna take for granted and I’m just. Idk. Speechless?
I’m glad Ki is all okay and that you’re both here, truly. And I’m happy that 3tan was there for her when you couldn’t physically be present (because we know you were there in spirit🤍) That’s comforting to me as an author to know and something that I will think about when I’m feeling quite lonely and down myself.
I’m happy that y’all are here (and now some nurses know about 3tan?? Oh god LMAO😅) We built something really fcking special and I know there’s no way I could’ve done this on my own. It’s a collective effort and everyone here should be just as proud. But yeah, I’m glad everything is fine! Happy to hear from you again and I hope you two and the family have a wonderful holiday/new years season🥳
I’ll always be here. Or there. Whenever and wherever you need me to be. So will 3tan yoongi. and reader, and anyone else in these stories.
Thank you for reaching out. This made my whole day and I will cherish it for a long time🥹
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tunasundays · 2 months
Sunday April 7
hehe hi,
I recently rewatched Mtvs Awkward and remembered how much I loved having a little blog when I was 13. I got lonely tonight and had so many thoughts and I was distraught when I have no one to throw my thoughts at. So here I am typing to the void of the internet. This little blog is just gonna be a collection of thoughts classic diary style! I just wanna be able to post little entries of the different thoughts. I know it must be somewhat of a common experience for us ex Tumblr girlies that miss that random connection with people you don't know that have the same interest as you. I also just have so many fun sexy stories to tell and no one to tell them too.
lets dive in
starting with music
I am listening to The Last Dinner Party and I just am feeling the energy I felt when I watched YellowJackets. Is this a shared experience??? dying to know.I just listened to the Prelude to Ecstasy I really enjoyed it and will have more thoughts once I give it a second listen through. I yearn to have friends who watch and listen to the exact things I listen to. I want to be able to discuss these things! -- Chappell Roan is my everything and I just can not stop listening to her. I adore what she has to offer to the world of pop.-- I just now realized how much Luke Bryan I listened to in my first country phase. Like DAmn this man had a lot of bangers on the Crash My Party Album.
Lets talk tv bitches
the invincible season final had me gagged. I couldn't speak and that is rare for me. I am a chatter box but I did not have words! wow! from what I have been reading on twitter I should read the comic for all the extra context and action. I am very excited for the next season and hope it comes at least in the next year.
The Real shit
Fuck y'all. I finally got out of the two month long hookup drought. y'all I am baffled by the audacity of men. I am aware its not too surprising but god damnit!!!!!!!! This was supposed to be my redemption arc but I am very discouraged. Over the weekend I had two suitors (both from the dating apps) boy #1 had the stamina of a fucking horse on steroids. that being said there was no foreplay! but I was touch starved that I didn't give a fuck! lmao. so we go FOUR rounds. He gets off every time and I got off slightly once.The whole experience was just not uncomfortable in a non consent way but in a way it was just not my cup of tea. I am down to try everything once and this showed me I don't love or hate my toes being sucked on. wtf! I am a socks during sex type of girly and it kinda through me off guard but it wasn't the craziest part of this experience. This man fully used his jizz as a massage oil on my back and I was so taken a back! he asked me "has anyone ever done that before" my befuddled self just said No?!?! lmao! its so silly I wasn't that grossed out by it I was planning on taking a shower after he left but like what? I'm not gonna yuck someones yum but I didn't know that was a thing???? Okay boy #2 we have been talking on the snapchat for a while and went for drinks awhile back. The talks over snap have gotten spicy a couple times and we were both pretty excited to get together in person. I was excited because this man talked up his game in a very believable and respectable way. It was SO awkward and I know I am a silly person but usually I can keep a conversation going. That was not the case. So at a very random point in conversation he kisses me and It was just not good and that's a terrible start! like whaaaaaat where are your lips! You are just giving me your tongue and do not get me wrong I love a good French kiss but let me feel your lips first! so things start and I end up getting this man off two times in 15 minutes at the most. the entire experience from kissing to his double completion was 25 minutes. Which would be fine if he would of taken the time to get me off like he said he would in these past two weeks of snapchat. He is now distant and I have a feeling its because he knows he didn't provide anything exciting for me. Dating is so damn hard. The thing is I don't even want a boyfriend. I could be a perfect FWB for some very lucky attractive sex god but I can't find him!! I stupidly thought moving to the big apple would provide a better pond but damn its just not going well. That being said I'm gonna keep on trying for the plot because although its bad sex its funny stories. one day I will find a sexy person to have fun casual sex with on a regular basis. that's not too much too ask for! this is getting messy lmao its late I'm wine tipsy. haha goodnight whores xox
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