#nmh ramble
akashicpoint · 6 months
Alright, just finished with Ghenry's new video on Henry Cooldown (Go watch it /watch?v=AJHDivrRIl8 its good!) and I just wanted to slap some of my thoughts down because A. I haven't spoken on here in ages :' ) and b. I also didn't talk in the discussion about Henry in the discords when I should've :^) I'm literally just gonna ramble about my thoughts, so I'm going to put it under a read-more
While Henry was a last-minute character in the og, I do still actually believe that his goal would've been the same as Sylvia's was in the original ending. I never got to discuss this, but no more heroes assassins' fights reflect one another. Almost like an above-so-below type deal as Travis is pushed deeper into the cycle of violence. The climax of that reflection is of course the post-fight cutscene in rank 6 where Travis finally realizes what it means to be an assassin. So where would Henry fall into that reflection? While he is in rank 5 of course, I would like to focus on his actual post-game battle, as he is supposed to reflect the fight with Helter Skelter in the opening cutscene. Besides the obvious similarities in color schemes between the two, I'd also like to mention the line Travis says about Helter: "And there he was: this cat, well-dressed, cool. Couldn't tell if he was the shit, or just plain old shit." This could be applied to both Helter and Henry (both h names too wow amazing) in their styles and presumed attitudes. Here we see that Henry is "the shit" to Helter "plain old shit". Instead of Travis getting the upper hand and winning against Helter, we see the script flip to now have Henry killing Travis (In my opinion). Of course, we see how the game is now series-wise, but when the game was JUST going to be nmh1 I feel Travis was meant to die.
Also small side note, I like that Travis is on the same side of the screen when he both beheads Helter and is about to have the final slash with Henry.
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Really gives the vibe that Henry is now in the position Travis was during their final blows. OF COURSE, this is just my opinion on that.
This is a very loose look at my reflection as above so below shit of course, when I get the time I'll refine that a bit more. NMH2 I have nothing to say because NMH2 had nothing to say or add to what little character he had at that point, but I do find it funny more people believe NMH3 is where Henry's character was assassinated and NOT 2. I feel that nmh2 really just put most characters on the backburner if they weren't Travis and to a lesser extent Sylvia. Henry definitely was put in there just because he was a fan fav and went "okay I guess?" Also yes, Henry doesn't have any character in nmh1 and 2 besides what HE tells us about him and we just have to assume that is his character and what we can infer about him based on how he acts or for me how he dresses. That's not a bad thing, and its improved upon by TSA and NMH3. NMH3 is great btw. Love what they did to Henry, still has the same goal as NMH1 but now a darker more fucked up version of him doing it and some added weight to it.
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[this is him btw] I personally love that he became this way due to Marvel because yea that seems right for Marvel fans and also I'm reminded of the end cutscene in Moonlight Syndrome of Ryo fully losing his mind while looking at Mikas....something on the TV! (There's a lot more nuance to the change too but I can't make this SUPER long) I feel there are a lot of moonlight elements in NMH so I enjoy that. Also, his voice change doesn't bother me, and it's even funnier that no one comments on it.
While I'm not too on board with the hell theme personally (still enjoy it though). Love the idea of Henry being the devil LMAO. I always saw the phone calls Travis receives from Henry and Sylvia as another aspect of the as above so below point, so it's fun to see this brought into it. Side note, I assume Henry knows about Travis already due to having some hand in Sylvia's scheme/not scheme. It's definitely him on that answering machine. Of course! I could be wrong. Regardless, while I don't think Travis is in hell per se, I will say that the NMH series gives me a lot of Truman Show vibes with how it presents itself. Profiting off Travis's descent into violence. While Sylvia I feel wasn't a god in the first one, she's definitely become one as the series went on. It also wouldn't be the first time Suda has worked with god-like figures (Moonlight Syndrome) and could even relate her as a sorta Mithra-like figure. Of course, that's more of a shaky look at that theory. I still enjoy it though!
Hopefully (if youre reading this pls :^) ) Ghenry will do a more in-depth look at Sylvia in the future and how she's evolved as a character in the series! I have my thoughts on her, but I love hearing how others see her and her involvement in the series. I didn't talk about EVERYTHING and didn't go as in-depth as I wanted to because...I didn't want this to be any longer, but in the future I will try and talk more on my thoughts! (Or send me asks if you want ;) ) Also side note side note: Thank you Ghenry for including the best shirt from nmh1 in the video MIAMI BASS BABY LETS FUCKING GO.
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doghart · 11 months
i have an unfortunate habit of, i think, assuming that the mountain goats have a much further reach than they do. particularly w/ musicians. i keep finding new artists (particularly more underground indie/folk/punk artists) and being like. well surely they have a tweet/post/interview where they gush about how good the mountain goats are. surely. they must have a favorite mountain goats song that has, like with all mountain goats fans, ripped them clean open stomach to throat in one continued line. of course. it’s just a matter of when their cover of it comes out. and i have to simply remember that that is not universally true although to be fair the number of times it has happened isn’t exactly proving my theory wrong.
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a small post (read: long) of me rambling about the meta implications (kind of???) of Henry + THAT ret-con/reveal in NMH3 in episode: Flesh and Blood. (NMH3 spoilers!!! read at your own risk!!)
okay one thing about Henry that genuinely give me emotional pain is that fact that as a child (like. VERY YOUNG) he tried to save his siblings (Jeane and Travis) from their father who was a serial killer and decided to go on the run. It's not clear if their father was a serial killer in the literal sense, or that he was also an assassin too (it's not really made clear or elaborated on).
The worst part is that they got caught, and Henry, being the older brother who tried to protect his siblings took the fall for them. He had his memory completely wiped, and was taken in by the Cooldown family in Ireland and was basically raised as their own son. sure that sounds nice, until you realise that there's a high possibility that his serial killer father paid off the Cooldown family to raise Henry as their own and to keep his real heritage a secret. I'm not sure how Henry went down the path of becoming an assassin, but I have a funny feeling the entire Cooldown family are reputable assassins themselves (and have been for generations). Which if that's the case, has a lot of meta implications, that absolutely need to be addressed.
This also goes along with some previous posts I've made about NMH1. That some of the enemy characters have the same purple beam katanas and/or have the same ability as Henry (which is to create spheres of energy and use them to attack your opponent). This could be the result of people modelling their attack/style after Henry who has made a name for himself in the world of assassins OR, that Henry is being put into a position where he has to train other assassins, and thus have used Henry's training as a spring board for them to become legitimate assassins. Whether Henry is doing this willingly or unwillingly, is unknown, although I place my money on the 'Henry is being told to train a league of assassins with (several) guns pointed at his head'
Honestly, knowing that Henry tried to save Jeane and Travis makes the fight with him in NMH3 more heartbreaking, because Travis at this point has Killed Jeane (their sister) - because she was the No. 1 assassin in NMH1. Now, Travis is forced to kill the person that has saved his life before and was punished for trying to protect his siblings. Do you know how deeply fucked up that is??? completely forget Henry's incoherent ramblings, and focus on the fact that the narrative of No More Heroes is about how the cycle of violence, revenge destroys people - and in most cases that cycle is perpetuated not just by the system but also is unfortunately re-enforced by family history and inter-generational trauma.
I'm not saying I want another story of NMH, but I do want a version of NMH where Travis has an epiphany and realises that his entire family is stuck in a cycle of violence and destruction. And decides to tear down the system and end it - He even says in NMH2 that he wants to tear down the United Association of Assassins, tear down the SYSTEM that makes up the organisation that's in the pocket of Jasper Batt Jr.
And as clumsy as NMH2 is with it's ludo-narrative dissonance - that line has stuck with me, especially with the fight with Alice Twilight and Holly Summers in mind (which have HEAVILY impacted Travis as a person). I want a story of Travis Touchdown, that looks back on his fight with his sister Jeane, and laments that he could have spared her (doing so is against UAA rules) - but realises that he can rectify that mistake by saving Henry from a system that is an ouroboros.
Travis made the decision to become an assassin - and he just so happened to become THE crownless king in the process. But Henry did not have that luxury, let alone a choice (assuming the Cooldown family is made of assassin), and so maybe perhaps Travis can repay the favor of saving his only other blood relative from a system that destructive and throws out tools that they think aren't of use anymore.
TL;DR: the Touchdown-Cooldown Siblings deserved better and definitely need LOTS of therapy to heal from the inter-generational trauma they have.
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vzm · 2 years
fucked up thing about no more heroes:
so, most every song in the first game has that same N.M.H. leitmotif. now usually this wouldn’t be anything major, but we know that after the intro, we see travis whistling the tune to himself, meaning said tune exists in the game. you could write this off as one of his weird 4th wall breaking quirks, but...
in no more heroes 2, we hear the NMH leitmotif exactly three times, once in destroy resort, which is a diegetic song as every time he calls sylvia after that, the song plays in the back from the phone and her location. said song also has lyrics about travis’ journey, which means it was probably made in the gap between the two games when he got popular. the second is when we hear it right before the final boss, but the third? is in the bizarre jelly game, which is a Physical Game travis owns
meaning? its almost implied travis whistled the leitmotif to a touhou ripoff to himself so much, that people associated said motif with him that the music in the first game and consequently a real life song in the second game Had This Motif.
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getitfrenchship · 3 years
Not prompted by the sunflower ask meme but I do want to talk about this!
At the moment I’m gonna wait until I get my own place to get a gaming PC (and then Steam) but now I’m thinking of buying “legacy” content that isn’t available on modern consoles. Such examples are:
-Final Fantasy Tactics and Persona 4 Golden for PS Vita
-Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess & possibly Paper Mario 64 on Wii U (though I heard the Wii market is dead on Wii U so it may have hindered that, especially since I wanted to play Madworld)
-Asura’s Wrath, Metal Gear Rising, Sonic Unleashed, and Drakengard 3
Once I get the PC, I’ll get Psychonauts & learn to emulate so I can play GameCube games. (Especially since I need to get an external hard drive sheesh)
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sydsfandomhub · 3 years
So, who got hyped af over the direct? I know I did!
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cornsobsessions · 3 years
minding my own business on the train reading no matter how small for the who knows how many-th time
get to my destination right after they go to the zoo
going about my day doing my thing
see capybaras irl for the first time in my life
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cquackity · 3 years
thinking about making a playlist that's just. songs that remind me of l'manberg. im feeling nostalgic. if anyone has any songs of their own pls share <3
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freyfromthea · 5 years
who has two thumbs and is ready to stay up all night since the download for nmh3 drops at midnight pst?
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this guy
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birdfossil · 6 years
rotking replied to your post “What the shit is neutral milk hotel.”
milk bed
Have I been cursed
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captaintoughfluff · 7 years
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has anybody fucking else pointed this out because i swear to god
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akashicpoint · 10 months
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NO MORE HEROES Grasshopper Manufacturer 2007
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malewifehenrycooldown · 6 months
I have genuinely thought about making some stuff for mugen, specifically colour separation and colour palettes which does seem to be encouraged by the community. I have a few specific palette ideas rumbling around in my head, specifically maybe making no more heroes themed palettes for certain characters (assuming that they haven't been done before, which is something I am looking into).
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wendigoross · 6 years
5AM Ramblin’s
I’m really tired and can’t stop thinking about shit so I thought I would ramble and rant on Tumblr. 
First topic of the evening is music, most importantly works like Neutral Milk Hotel and whatever the fuck else makes me cry or feel feelings. I honestly feel such an ernest and emotional connection with most if not all of NMH’s music. Jeff is such a wonderful storyteller and musician everytime the guy opens his mouth I feel literal magic comes out. This is only heightened by wonderful bandmates that only make the expecience more enjoyable. Aeroplane Over the Sea and Ferris Wheel On Fire are probably my two favorite albums of all time due to themes and msuic brought to the table despite the really odd and surreal way it’s often presented. My favorite song out of all of them being Oh Comley which is a really sexual story about the ruination of sex which is masterfully interwoven with feminine innocence and purity. Furthermore I find Jeff Mangum outside of the band (and inside) to be an utter delight. I honestly wish I could hang out with the guy. I kinda feel bad for him too as his life (at least as far as I know) has been in the shitter and he hasnt had the best of luck with life and shit. I’ve also been dabbling with other indie artists and other genres of music in general. Iron & Wine have become a favorite of mine with their three songs; Cinder & Smoke, Passing Afternoon, and Such Great Heights. Lord Huron’s album Strange Trails has also become a favorite of mine due to it’s dark and surreal nature. 
Next ramble is about Doki Doki Literature Club or more specificly, Monika; Monika is probably one of the greatest antagonists (at least for me) that I have seen in a VERY long time. She invokes everything I fear like the absence of free will, death, utter crippling aloneness, and because this really fucking spooks me no free will. Dan and the team did such a fantastic job making such a fucking great “villian”. Not much else to say really. Also Your Reality still makes me tear up.
Next up stock is me not wanting to be an adult. Everyone goes through this phase. Nothing more to say on the subject other than jobs spook me.
Anime has been pretty big for me this year as I watched both seasons of Konosuba, My Hero Aca, and Made in Abyss (which is why you’ve been seeing so much Nanachi lately). Konosuba was pretty funny and reminds me of what real life D&D is like, but I did want more from it, the characters could of been explored in much more detail. Darkness’ masochism joke is funny the first few times, but for me got old pretty quick, most people seem to be one tricks and nothing else. I’m a lot more mixed on My Hero Aca because on one hand I really fucking like it and on the other I feel bored watching it. I can’t really put my feelings into words so I’ll just move along. My favorite of the season is Made in Abyss. I love the fucking SHIT out of this series. Everything I could ever want is in here, Lovecraftian elements, subversion of genre, A+ world building, surreal elements, and BRUTALITY WITHOUT REMORSE. It’s also sometimes a very deep philosophical study into themes such as MERCY KILLING. Shit gets lit fam. This video tackles everything I could say and does it better, it has SPOILERS so if you haven’t seen the series do it. 
I would also like to talk about my love (if you haven’t guessed it) of the surreal and paranormal. Anyone who full on knows me knows that I write (even if I almost never share my writing with anyone) and I love writing horror...even if I’m not very good at it. Lovecraft and Cosmic Horror are some of my favorite things in fiction ever, which is why I love the death out of Junji Ito and his manga’s. Although I have been going through a now 3 month writers block on EVERYTHING including my school work which is fucking me quite hard. It’s part of the reason I made this in the first place so I can just get all my thoughts out of my head and onto something. yeah...
also here’s my playlist of songs i like AAAAAAAAAAAA
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retrodynamics · 7 years
♡ Romantic headcanon, all three Jackals. ;)
This is where I admit that I’ve somehow never run into the Jackals on the floors yet (P3’s Reaper taught me well so I never hang around on floors for long lmao) so besides the Mother Barbs vid, some YouTube and their actual intro I have a very shakey grasp on their general personalities. So this is even more HEY WHAT IF than my usual rambling.
X strikes me as the type of guy who tries to hook up at seedy bars semi frequently. Most likely to try his luck with all the pretty girls in the tower.
I think it’s just because Y vaguely reminds me of Henry from NMH (cool handsome ex assassin…) that I think he’s most likely to have someone outside the tower. Might be a spouse, could be a fling… the only thing people knows is that he pointedly refuses to talk about the subject. So mystery lover might just be something the other two made up for gossip.
Z is also a woman of mystery outside the tower. She’s vaguely aware of Uncle Death’s crush on her but thinks he’s mostly weird and immature. Appreciates his bloodlust tho.
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judasisgayriot · 5 years
new No More Heroes tho?? Oh my god
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