#& is constantly reminded of it
iamanartichoke · 11 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but as a creator -
I am fine with "the audience" -
downloading my fics
printing my fics
copy/pasting or screenshotting my fics
sharing your saved copy of my fics with anyone else who might want them in the unlikely but never impossible case that my fics are no longer available on ao3
making a book of my fic(s) and running your fingers across the pages while lovingly whispering my precioussss
doing these things with anything I create for fandom, such as meta, headcanons, au nonsense like 'texts from the brodinsons,' etc
I am not fine with "the audience"
doing any of the above with the purpose/intent of plagiarizing my work or passing it off as their own in any capacity
feeding my work into ai for any reason whatsoever
Save the fandom things. Preserve the fandom things. Respect the fandom things.
Enjoy the fandom things.
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 5 months
Jason: *sees Tim come into the kitchen with a different coffee cup then he left with*
Jason: “dude, how many do you have?”
Tim: “huh?”
Jason: “coffee cups. every time I see you, you have a different one I’ve seen like 14 just today.”
Tim: “well actually I’ve had 23”
Jason: “why do you have so many!? Are you Losing them!? Do they just break or something!?”
*Tim who has been purposely breaking his favorite cups when he feels angry to show himself that when he’s mad things he love disappears*
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samthechaotic · 2 months
Tim: Whenever I face a horrible situation, I ask myself "what would Jason do?" and do the exact opposite.
Damian: For the first, and probably last, time in your life Drake, you're right.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Good Morning, World.
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coyote-nebula · 1 year
To everyone who has lush fields ripe with story ideas but is struggling to go out and actually harvest them with your writer’s scythe: that’s alright. There’s a reason.
I see writers despairing or making self-deprecating jokes about how many wips they have, as if the ability to come up with the idea is equal to the ability to finish it out into an end product.
It isn’t.
A lot of our ideas come about, not because we were determined to be productive writers, but because daydreaming is an internal escape from life’s demands.
Writing is a demand, too.
Resting and relaxing are basic needs, unlike the high level, abstract satisfaction of being creatively productive. That’s why you might daydream (which is a mild and normal form of dissociation) ideas that you feel good about, and then struggle to research, write the words, fill plotholes, check grammar, revise— all the critical thinking and executive function things involved in creation. Your basic needs must be satisfied before your higher needs can be met effectively.
So, if you’re daydreaming about your stories extensively to mitigate stress, it’s expecting a lot of your stressed self to return from fantasy land, sit down in the cold hard real world and do the hard work to write masterpieces of literature. Those operations are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Writing is hard. Making yourself feel guilty is only going to make it harder. You don’t have to atone for entertaining or distracting your mind by making that available to other people. Daydreaming is a valid end in itself.
Don’t feel bad about having ideas but not being able to write them. Scribble some notes if you can, if you want, but above all enjoy the escapism and take care of yourself first. The words will come after.
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catmask · 11 days
guys i dont think the coughing on stream was just bc my throat was dry
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clownsuu · 1 year
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I’ve never seen a character more fruitier than Wally dawg got d a m-
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tiffanyachings · 9 months
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it would have been very beautiful. camilla would have had to cook (horrible bone soup)
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toxiccaves · 10 months
I think what a lot of tumblr-only people are missing about twitter failing, is that it was always a better website when it came to small businesses, instant world event news, fact checking, having users from all over the world, being a source for disaster relief information or warnings, and anything else to keep people up to date with going ons.
Sure, tumblr has many users from all over, but the website is still largely english biased and not nearly as widespread as twitter. I know a lot of news and knowledge comes in on here too. I've learned a lot and see a lot of donation posts in regards to world events, but its nothing like twitter unless you know who to follow. Not to mention, half the news I got here, was days later and from twitter to begin with.
Seeing that being taken away in favor of hate speech and enabling abusers (with the recent potential of getting rid of the block feature over there) and pushing blue user comments to the top (aka elon's weird fans), drowning out anyone else on popular posts, sucks! It sucks for the world and small businesses. because there's really no alternative to it right now.
The site's running rampant with spam and scammers and its becoming more and more unusable by the day. And some people think it's silly to be upset over it or "you shouldn't have all your eggs in one basket" well there only is one basket! This is literally people's livelihoods people seem to be making fun of anytime a change happens that breaks the site and people post all their socials.
And everyone from every country is talking about different websites they're considering, and its splitting up our connection to the world. And surely he knew who this was hurting with every decision.
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catrasfreckles · 6 months
*wakes up*
I wonder how Pyrrha feels about her dead lover's dead daughter having the same name as her dead best friend
*goes back to sleep*
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stromer · 25 days
through the power of deeply unserious behavior and a roster filled with freaks, a hockey team can achieve anything
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positivelyadhd · 5 months
I wanted to remind everyone trying to support people in crisis to remember to support themselves as well.
It's alright if you need to take a step back and look after yourself.
You can't be one person's only support system and you shouldn't have to feel like you are.
It doesn't make you a bad person if you need to distance yourself for a while.
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essektheylyss · 6 months
did someone actually hate on your fave? or did they neutrally attribute a trait to them that you've unnecessarily negatively moralized and you hurt own feelings about it? or, perhaps, did you project too hard and now interpret even mild critique or simple acknowledgement of interesting character flaws as an ad hominem attack on yourself?
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sopuu · 6 months
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what a lonely victory.
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pankiepoo · 7 months
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Can't you just tell me it hurts to see me?
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