sweetiemikeyy · 21 days
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generic headcanons
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sweetiemikeyy · 22 days
I hope I am not too late. Can I please get a Genere HCs for Yandere Toge Inumaki with a Mute reader
Yan!Toge Inumaki!!
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a/n: please tell me if I got anything wrong!
tags: gn!reader, mute!reader, yandere inumaki
CW: inumaki kills someone (not graphic, it was a heart attack). Stalking, inumaki snoops through reader's room without consent.
type: generic headcanons
credits: sweetparty
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yan!inumaki sympathizes with your struggle. Though not the same, he has limited speaking too. It's hard not being able to communicate properly, especially when talking is a basic human necessity. He's very caring towards you, he feels even more connected to you due to your struggle and is always willing to go to any mission that you need a second person to go with.
yan!inumaki enjoys taking walks, just walks. Maybe a trip to the aquarium. There's no need to say anything, one because you can't and two because he only speaks in rice ball ingredients. He enjoys the quiet that comes with being with you, he feels that there isn't even words to describe how beautiful you are. When you first joined Jujutsu High all he could muster was a dreamy "Kelp…". The man is infatuated! Let him be!!
yan!inumaki has definitely killed for you, cursed spirits are one thing, but he has gone behind Gojo's back to kill someone who has gotten too close for you. He cornered them to an alley, the person was a non-sorcerer, a weakling. Therefore, all he needed to say was, "Die". And it was classified as a heart attack, no trace back to him ever.
yan!inumaki has done plenty of stalking and snooping too. The word unlock is pretty useful, considering you always lock your door (why are you making it so inconvenient? do you want him to harm himself while using his cursed technique?). He's looked at whatever you decorated the place with, taking notes, snooping through any drawers, any piece of your DNA.
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sweetiemikeyy · 24 days
Yan!Gojo and Yan!Geto Pt3!! ฅ^·ﻌ·^ฅ
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A/N: I didn't know which plotline was better (sorcerer!reader or nonsorcerer!reader), so I'll be making two plotlines in different posts!
CW: death
This is the non!sorcerer reader plotline!!
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Yan!Gojo who after the kfc incident swore to himself to keep you away from Geto (it didn't work), paranoid that Suguru would try to brainwash you into thinking that what he's doing is right. He keeps you near him all the time, in his house, jujutsu high, or your apartment, he's not letting you out of his sight.
Yan!Geto who couldn't bring himself to kill you, he did so with his parents, why would someone like you be difficult to him? But for some reason his fingers trembled when he tried to summon a curse to exterminate you, like his soul was trying it's best to fight back against his rotten mindset. And so, he spares you. Of course you mostly spend your days with Gojo, but when that slim chance the blue eyed sorcerer slips up the schedule, he takes you for the afternoon.
Yan!Gojo whose way clingier than Geto, it's like his mind just bumped up the clinginess after teenage years. Whether it'd be hugging you tight, or holding your hand like you're almost falling off a cliff, Satoru isn't letting Suguru have a chance to sweep you to his side again. He's almost tempted to handcuff you to his hand. And if you ever try to push away, expect to feel like your bones have been crushed.
Yan!Geto who convinces you that you're different than those monkeys, that heaven had made you itself, you weren't a non-sorcerer, you were human. If the chance of grabbing you from Satoru's grasp comes, expect to be pampered and cherished. You'll get to talk about the old times, play some board games, though he does cover your eyes whenever dealing with a curse collecting monkey. You don't need those lovely eyes see disgusting filth turn grosser! Just look at him while the curses do their job.
ps: I know this is a short one but I just gained the motivation to post on Tumblr again :)
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sweetiemikeyy · 3 months
this is acc one of my fav male x male reader fics!!! i love gojo in this headcanons! The fic is like top tier too!!!! 🩷
basketball player ! gojo satoru headcanons
gojo satoru x male reader
warning: short dialogue of homophobia (satoru deals with it swiftly though)
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basketball player ! satoru . . . who is even taller than canon because why would he be a professional basketball player and only 6'3 guys c'mon, bro has to be at least 6'6-6'8. but of course, he's not only gotten bigger, his ego did as well. add the fact that he's a good player...yeah, no one is safe from the cocky, lowkey-asshole basketball player gojo satoru. (except for you !!! because he acts like a complete and total sweetheart to you).
basketball player ! satoru . . . being so shamelessly and publically infatuated with you, his lovely, lovely, lovely boyfriend. he is always on top of you anywhere in public, makes sure you're always courtside, he needs to make sure his baby can see him.
during satoru's matches, he's always focused in. he doesn't really look at you that much and you do understand. he's trying to win, he hates losing. so he gives everything for his team to be the ones on top.
his tall figure moves cleanly across the court, making his team win more than 50% of the time. and when he scores that winning shot, he's running over to you first.
he's bulldozing through the people that are running to him because he can give less of a shit about them. his piercing blue eyes are focused in on you and only you. how your eyes are teary from how proud you are of him for making the winning shot, how high your cheeks are from that charming smile, and how your arms are already open and expectingly waiting for him.
he powers through the crowd and takes you into his arms, grinning into the skin of your neck before pulling away and proudly kissing you in front of everything and all the cameras.
the crowd loves it, the deafening screams from the stands are enough to show for that. they love how openly in love satoru is with you, how completely smitten he is.
his arms are bound around your waist and he's easily hold you up in his arms as he spins the two of you around. you're in your own world as you laugh at his antics and hold on tight to his sweaty torso to not lose balance.
"i love you, sweet boy," he whispers into your ear, looking at the cameras that are all around him with nothing but pure euphoria in his eyes. "i love you so much, couldn't have done it without you. it's all for you, all of it,"
the world can't hear him, but they can read his lips. and twitter falls in love with that moment and use it to set their expectations and standards even higher than they already were.
shoutout gojo satoru for being so obviously in love with you.
basketball player ! satoru . . . who is always photographed beside you. if this man ever comes out of his home, it's only because you're also leaving your shared home and he cannot be alone for the life of him (plus, he just wants to be near his boyfriend all the time). the fans love you guys so much because of how lovey-dovey satoru gets with you, and only you. they've never seen him be so soft for anyone else.
satoru was draped over your back, craning his head down so that his face near yours. with your drastic height difference, it definitely made some passerbys look at you two with wide eyes.
an abnormally tall man trying to shrink himself down to the height of his boyfriend. satoru's arms were hanging in front of your torso, holding your shopping bags in his slender fingers with ease.
he was giggling in your ear, watching the tiktok that was playing from your phone. it was a silly comedy video, pressing his finger to the screen to open up the comments.
and then when it was finally your turn to order your drink at the cafe, he took the phone from you and continued on watching as you ordered. you rolled your eyes at his antics, muttering under your breath about how he was just a big, ipad man-baby.
the woman at the counter took your order as calmly as she could, recognizing you and the towering figure behind you. after ordering, you wordlessly took satoru's wallet out from the bag he was holding and dropped a hefty tip into the tip jar.
after pocketing his wallet back into your pocket, you had to physically drag him from where he was standing because he was so immersed in the tiktoks on your fyp that he didn't realize that you were done ordering.
as you waited by the counter, you took note of how there was now a swarm of papparazzi crowding around the exit of the humble cafe you two were in.
taking note of the mass amounts of people, satoru looked at you with a softness he only uses with you, "do you want me to call the guys? they can clear them up for us before we leave,"
you hummed, thinking about it before nodding, "yeah, these people didn't ask for those annoying cameras to be flashing through the window like that. it's so fucking rude," satoru nodded in agreement, taking out his own phone (which looked like a toy in his huge hands) and exchanged some words with his own team of security.
by the time your coffee was finished brewing and served to you, the papparazzi were being held off by a chain of bodyguards and being held at bay so that you two could peacefully leave the cafe.
the next day, pictures of you two leaving were trending on all social media. satoru's hand was around your shoulders in all of the photos, his hand around your shoulder was protectively blocking the side of your face that was being bombarded by the blinding flashes. a scowl was on his face as he walked through the crowd to your car. he opened the door for you first, walking around the front of the expensive vehicle and flipping the cameras off one last time before getting into the driver's side and speeding off.
"i was in the cafe, trying not to freakk out beacuse oh my god gojo satoru and [name] [last name] were right in front of me. and i swear the moment gojo noticed that he was uncomfortable with the people, he called his team or whatever to get all the paps out!!"
"they're so cute, do you see how gojo is holding him so close??? ughh literally goals!"
"seeing what gojo is like on and off court is crazy, thanks [name] for showing us his soft side <3"
basketball player ! satoru . . . uses every chance he gets to talk about you when he does press conferences or interviews. lovingly calls you his "baby," "hubby," or, "handsome boy."
basketball player ! satoru . . . god forbid someone say some sneaky shit to him about his relationship with you aka his sexuality. if someone tries anything with a backhanded comment about satoru's relationship with you, they will be dealt with swiftly and colorfully (as in, he will be cursing them out with zero remorse and no hesitation). because foh with that homophobic shit, satoru has no patience for that.
"so how have you and the mister been doing, gojo? you're nearly hitting the three year mark!" a very enthusiastic reporter asked, a wide grin on their face.
and satoru felt his lips tug up in a grin at the mention of you, holding the mic carefully as he spoke, "we're doing great, yeah, uhm, we got another cat - even though i told him i wanted a dog. it's a cute addition to our little family."
his response made the reporter only more giddy, going on to ask another question regarding your homey life together, before they were cut off by a rude person in the crowd shouting, "how does it feel to be acting like a fucking bitch dating another dude?! top paid player gojo satoru takes it up the ass!? you're fucking disgusting!"
satoru's eyebrows lifted in surprise at the audacity of the person, his blue eyes scanning the crowd for who was responsible for screaming that.
"sorry, whoever that was, could you just stand up?" he asked into the mic, his once cheerful and laid back tone turning into an intimidating rumble, "c'mon, don't be a pussy, where the fuck are you?"
the security grabbed ahold of the guy and satoru visibly blanched at the sight of him.
"say that shit again to my face, let's hear it," satoru goaded the man, who was now sweating bullets. "oh, don't give me that look! do you really think i'd let you say that shit without any consequences?" a sarcastic laugh left satoru's lips, "look into all these cameras, man, you're fucking ruined. no one wants a homophobic, ugly dude representing them and their company. no, because did you really think i'd let you disrespect my man like that?"
there was a hanging silence in the room as satoru glared at the man.
"don't even think about speaking about my relationship with [name] ever again. or else, you're really fucking dead. it's not a threat, it's a promise. i'll bash your head in," satoru said, slamming the mic onto the table and walking out of the grand conference room. he didn't even flinch at the flashes of the cameras, calmly putting his signature sunglasses down to block out the blinding lights.
that day, the only thing that calmed him down was holding you in his arms. his manager had called you to the greenroom since he was giving everyone a bad attitude, unintentionally, and borderline throwing a tantrum.
when he finally got you in his hold again, he apologized for his behavior earlier.
"don't apologize to me, apologize to your team who had to deal with your bullshit before i came," you lightly scolded him, running your hand through his soft locks. "are you feeling better, though?"
"better now that you're here," he squeezed around your waist, burying his head into your neck, "much better, thank you, baby,"
basketball player ! satoru . . . has his entire social media feed just be pictures of you and what you two do together. whether it's your latest, impromptu trip to hawaii or just a picture of you two cuddling in bed, you're all over his feed. his social media just screams how in love with you he is. his fucking profile picture is of you two cuddling in bed with his jersey very subtly seen as the only thing you're wearing. before that, it was just a picture of him and you kissing that he took when you went on your anniversary trip last year. his bio is the team he plays for, his jersey number, and then a white heart next to your username as he blatantly tags you in his bio. underneath that there might be a, "happily married" with the ring emoji next to it even though you two aren't even married yet.
basketball player ! satoru . . . who would spoil you rotten with everything you ever want. why would he have all this money if not to spoil you??? he just wants to make you happy with anything he can provide, and if part of that is him dropping bands on top of bands on whatever it is you want, then so be it. he doesn't care. he's willing to spend however much he needs to keep you happy and content.
satoru's win had encouraged him to treat YOU out to a mall trip .... even though he was the one who should have been celebrated and treated out since he was the winner.
he cheesily denies that offer by saying, "i'm only a winner because i have you, baby boy, c'mon let me treat you," and then he playfully bites the lobe of your ear to distract you from teh mass amounts of money he is going to spend on you.
that day, you walk out of the mall with a whole bunch of bags (gucci, burberry, dior, prada, etc.etc.) that he's easily holding in his large hands. people notice that there is a new chain around your neck with a cute "g" and "s" charm hanging from it, refracting every bit of light that gets caught in its surface with how blinding the diamonds are. he has a matching one as well, with your initials, which he proudly shows the cameras of the papparazzi as they soon swarm you guys. then he's flipping them off again.
you and basketball player ! satoru are a power couple that the media and fans love. any homophobic comment that reaches satoru's ears are called out and dealt with by his sharp tongue and scary, blue eyes glaring at whoever was dishing out those comments. he's a complete softy for you too and he is NOT one to shy away from that, loves showing off how happy he is with you and ONLY you.
also last bit before i go: he definitely has two photos of you in his wallet. one of them is a cute polaroid you guys took at his family's house for xmas the other is..............promiscuious.
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sweetiemikeyy · 3 months
requests are open again!
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
I forgot about tumblr for like, a hot two days
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
Yan!rockstar!! (^·^)
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a/n: N/A!
tags: hacking into socials, popstar!gn!reader, yan!rockstar is a slight creep,
word count: 334!
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Prologue: You're the lead singer of a band called Sweet Sweet Sugar! You and the other members' goal is to uplift people's moods with songs that talk about the sweet things in life.
yan!rockstar loves the music you and your band composed, all the talks about how life is sweet and life is amazing really gave him inspiration to write more albums! what do you mean him writing death metal and deep topics while he listens to your band wouldn't work?
yan!rockstar is your biggest fan! screw your band! the only thing he loves is you and your angelic voice! he has all kinds of merch, your limited edition lightsticks, signed pictures, and even merch he had to physically and verbally fight for!
yan!rockstar went to college and got a degree in computer engineering. He knows all your social media's passwords, scrolling through your unposted images, you look so cute with that color pallet! you should post it!
yan!rockstar is extremely sweaty when you decide to do a meet and greet. (oh? your other band members are there? he didn't see.) when you reach out your hand, talk to him so polite, seeing your pearly whites shine so bright, he's convinced you're a god. wait--you recognize him?? his jaw is wide open, baffled when you said you adored him and looked up to him!
yan!rockstar slid into your dms the moment you gave him your number. saying how he'd love to go to this bakery with you sometimes, and how he'd give you a ticket to his concert after you're done with yours.
yan!rockstar begged your manager to do a collab, like full on hands and knees begging. It also included a little bribing, and what manager wouldn't accept? He wrote sheets and sheets of music that he could sing with you you and your band members.
yan!rockstar stood by your side the entire time, acting like a fan who got to be a bodyguard for their idol. he barely paid mind to the other members, only giving slight nods or a bored hum.
yan!rockstar can't wait to have you!
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
some of you guys are going to drive every writer off of this app & be stuck with the wattpad authors who come over to post a broad statement sentence and then attach 30 different men to it
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
Yan!itadori and Yan!megumi!! ☆⌒(>。≪)
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a/n: I had so much fun writing this lol!! yuuji my bby!!!
CW/Tags: platonic yandere, gn!reader, nonsorcerer!reader, stalker!yuuji, stalker!megumi, candid photos, breaking and entering, Megumi, Yuuji, and reader are friends,
Word Count: 1302
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Yuuji glanced at his camera, admiring your beauty, you looked so pure, even in your sleep. He was so lucky that there was a tree and a window right in view of your bedroom, it felt like your house was just asking for Itadori to take pictures.
"Did you get a good one?" Asked Megumi, now climbing down the tree branches to get on Yuuji's branch. He wasn't really fond of stakeouts like this, honestly why bother when he can just send the dogs to watch you? It's not worth the risk of falling and breaking something.
"Yup! I think this is the best one yet!" Itadori beamed as he shoved the camera in Fushiguro's face, a sound asleep, peaceful you appearing in the tiny screen. You were beautiful, no wonder you capture both of their attention. The black haired sorcerer's eyes softened at the picture, his heart throbbing with love.
"Well, then our 'mission' here is over, let's go back to the dorms. I don't want Gojo catching our ass being stalkers." Megumi grunted, grabbing Itadori's hoodie, he didn't want you to catch on either. Hearing too many rustles of the tree could lead to suspicion from the neighbors too. Too risky.
"Nooo—let's enter Y/N's houuuse!!" Yuuji whined, grasping onto the camera as he looked at Megumi with pleading eyes.
"Are you crazy?!" Fushiguro berated in response, he already had swiped some meaningless things that though didn't matter to you, mattered the world to him. One of your shirts, a hair clip, a filled notebook you had for the past 3 years or so. The boy didn't need breaking into your house, you just needed to turn your back! "There's no way we're going to break into Y/N's house—"
Fushiguro grumbled curses at Itadori as he tried his best to unlock your front door, his eyes squinting at the lock, trying to see if he's doing it right. "I swear to god if we get caught…"
As soon as Megumi said that, the door unlocked. Seriously, is the writer playing games with him right now (yes, yes i am)?! He peeked at the dark place, trying his best to make the door not screech with creaking. They were both very familiar with your house, lounging around it everytime they can. You weren't a sorcerer, so you thought that Megumi's dogs symbol thingy or the way they don't really open up about their jobs was just a weird quirk of theirs.
Yuuji inhaled the scent of your house. The candle you lit a few hours ago, the dinner you cooked, and your scent. He loved your smell, whenever he gave you a bear hug he sniffed your hair, what a sacred scent. He toyed with all kinds of clutter, ignoring the fact he was supposed to be quiet.
"If you make another sound, I'll kill you. And when you somehow get brought back to life I'll kill you again." Megumi threatened lectured Yuuji, grabbing his hoodie again. He stared at the pink haired boy with piercing eyes. But deep down, he was afraid that if he got caught, he'd lose you forever.
Then, the bedroom. The domain (pun completely intended) that you resided in. Laid in a deep sleep after another day of studying. You looked like royalty in a coma, waiting for your princes to save you. Yuuji peeked over, shadowing your presence. Oh to kiss those pretty little lips and wake you.
Megumi felt that you sleeping was less than a fairytale. It was a necessity. He didn't want his darling to have bags under your eyes. To have you get behind your classes due to your lack of rest. Still, just like Yuuji, he was mesmerized by how you retained your beauty in your slumber.
You'd soon be theirs, they'll be your princes. The princes that will worship you like you're more than royalty.
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
sorry i haven't posted stuff yet, I'm busy with some real life stuff. To the anon in my inbox I'll write your request soon! <3
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
Can you please do Yandere Gojo where his darling accidentally finds his stalker wall where he has all his pictures of them
of course! ty for requesting, enjoy!
Black Roses, in the Middle of an Altar.
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a/n: idk why almost everything I write about somehow has coffee in it, I don't even like it lol
type: yandere oneshot
cw: worship (towards reader), gn!reader, yan!satoru, stalking, candid photos, knocking out (towards reader), creepiness, delusional!satoru
word count: 637
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Satoru hummed your favorite song as he placed the plastic bottle you drank from in the shrine, another sacred item you bestowed your DNA on. He couldn't be any happier to have another thing you had the honor to bless him with this! Well, not really, he took it from the trashcan after you threw it away. A photo of you, the best one, was right in the middle, shining away all of the other pictures, and a table for everything Satoru is lucky to get his hands on. Napkins, empty water bottles, your mug (which he drinks from everyday), and a shirt he stole from your closet!
Oh, how he wished to see you smile at him. To see your pearly whites beam at him, he's sure he'd melt. Yet you're just another citizen, one who barely knows who he is. But that's alright for Satoru! You can just know him as "the-white-haired-dude-who-seems-to-love-and-do-everything-that-you-like"! He'll be fine with that either way. Little by little, Gojo will have you.
"I'm surprised you know this café, Gojo!" You chirped in delight, holding a fragrant coffee. How did Gojo know this was your favorite coffee shop? It wasn't well-known, only locals and curious tourists who looked further than famous crowded places. It was probably just pure luck...
"I just saw it and I immediately knew you'd like it. I had no idea you even knew of this place!" Satoru lied, his tone slightly straining, annoyed that you two were still in last-name basis. Has he not done enough? Has he not been taking you in enough dates hangouts? Oh well. He drowned his lips in affogato, the bittersweet filling just the right amount of sugar and caffeine in his heart. "Say, how about you visit my house? I have a limited edition brew of the coffee you're drinking right now. I have enough to make a batch for the both of us." He'd been drinking it regularly, thinking it'd bloom the roots of your soon-to-be relationship.
"I'd love to!" You agreed, thinking this was just another attempt that Gojo was making to get you to hang out with him longer. Not that you didn't mind the clinginess, you just never saw someone so interested in hanging out with you for so long (no shade!!).
Before you knew it, you were sitting in a dining table, laughing it up with the strongest with fresh brew. Black roses sat in the middle of the table, though it didn't fit the aesthetic, why would there be gothic looks in a clean modern house? Maybe it's just a preference. You shouldn't be so judgy.
"I need to go to the bathroom, do you mind telling me where it is?" You asked, putting down your coffee.
"Of course, it's just right down the hall." Satoru vaguely waved to the direction.
It felt like a completely different aura in the hallway, creepy, cold. Like everything in your body was telling not to, your legs felt the need to run away, but you marched on. The floor creaked, it was quiet, endless. This must be the door, right? It's the only one you can really think is for a bathroom. You open the door.
You're sleeping. You're working. You're eating. All these memories should only be kept to yourself, you lived alone. But you're right here, in all these photos. And those same dreaded roses that look like the night sky itself in the midst of an altar. Dedicated to you. To show worship towards you.
Satoru. Has. Been. Stalking. You-
"So you found it." He mutters with disappointment, you don't dare look back. He wasn't dumb, he knew where you stumbled upon the moment you entered the room. He has the six eyes after all. "That's alright, I'll be something more to you."
Goodnight, Y/N.
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
Hello First timer here , May I humbly request for Yandere Nanami Kento wherein their SO tries to escape but they are very sick so they barely went far.
of course! thank you for your request!
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a/n: sorry this was short, I don't know how to write nanami well
cw: sick!gn!reader, kidnapping, tying up, escape, yan!nanami
word count: 321
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What a pain, Nanami thought as he walked the forest with little to no concern, he knew you weren't going far, not when your bones betray you every chance they get. You had far less stamina than him, not to mention you weren't even a sorcerer, you probably thought you outsmarted him for escaping when he's at work. How stupid.
Your feet felt like they were going to crush, your lungs barely capable of keeping up with the amount of oxygen you needed. No, get away. Even if you cough up blood, it's better than being with that monster. You still remember when your life was stripped away of freedom, when that blonde man you thought was rather odd knocked you out in a fell swoop.
No. No. No. No. Get up, was what your brain told your muscles, to get up and reach the city. Crawl. Your hands gripped the grass, dragging yourself in the dark forest. You can't let your life be wasted like this, to be some weirdo's (not really, he treats you like royalty and respects your space) darling. The city lights are so bright. So, so comforting.
"There you are." Nanami muttered behind you, you looked back. You were barely close to escaping, the city's lights were just false hope.
You kick, you scream, your eyes almost tearing up with denial that he found you. That your plan was shattered in mere seconds, your legs felt like bricks, bricks that weighed tons.
"Stop moving so much, you're gonna get worse." The blonde chided, easily picking you up by the scruff of your shirt, like you were nothing but a simple nuisance to be dealt with.
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"Open wide." You did the opposite, refusing to eat the curry rice that looked so delicious. "You're not gonna be able to escape if you don't eat. If you do, I'll let you out of the cuffs." He bargained, offering a spoonful of curry into your mouth. Reluctantly, you ate.
Nanami didn't need your reassurance though, all he needed was for your body to betray itself once again. It was a two-on-one here.
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
My Rules for requesting!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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my masterlist is right here!
I do:
Yandere characters
Gender neutral reader
Male reader
NSFW (rarely)
Angst but no comfort
Disorders and disabilities (I'll do my best to research them!)
I won't do:
Female reader
Kinks such as pain kinks, watersports, etc.
Fandoms I'll write for (no nsfw for any minors):
Jujutsu kaisen (trying my best to keep up with anime and new chapters)
Toilet bound hanako kun
Genshin impact
Death note
Tokyo revengers (still watching)
Demon slayer/KNY
Obey me! Shall we date?
ASKS ARE: closed
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
hii are requests open??
oh my gosh hii!! yes requests are open! I should probably make my rules soon lololol
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
Yan!Patron!! (*’U`*)
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sweetiemikeyy · 4 months
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Reminder! More will be put as I post more of my yan! headcanons and fics!
Satoru Gojo
Suguru Geto
Nanami Kento
Toge Inumaki
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