supernova-star-boi · 4 years
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Wear to invoke the powers of Fire, such as energy, courage, strength, love, passion, and so on.
From Celeste Rayne Heldstab’s Llewellyn’s Complete Formulary of Magical Oils
original image here
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
People need to realize that there’s a difference between straight people and Straight People™
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
women who perform sexual acts on underage boys deserve to be thrown under the prison never to see the light of day again right next to the men who perform sexual acts on underage girls
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
Gender Affirmation Spell
This spell is for anyone who worries their gender identity is not real/valid, maybe because of their own doubts or someone else’s. I felt the world needed more gender spells that work for all genders, not just the binary ones. Try to do this when you aren’t feeling particularly dysphoric or upset because of the way you are treated for your gender. You should be in a calm and confident state; this spell relies heavily on your confidence.
Note: This spell isn’t for cis people! I mean, you can do it, but your gender is accepted as valid by like… everyone. So it probably won’t do much. If you just want to do it because you like the idea of it and you like your gender, go ahead. But again it will be more for aesthetics than actual function.
you will need:
jar or container with lid (a bottle with a cork works just fine)
basil leaf or slip of paper
pen and ink, marker, etc. (nothing erasable)
optional: objects, trinkets, poems, etc. that represent your gender
Come up with a sigil that you feel represents your gender; you can do this any way you like. It should be written on either the basil or paper. You can use an ink color that represents your gender to you, or your favorite color, or one that represents the emotion you want to give to this spell.
Drop the paper/leaf into the container, you can say an affirmation of some sort if you like. It should probably be about how your gender is real, your identity is valid, your existence matters, etc. At this point you can add any items that you feel represent your gender identity; these will help strengthen the spell and direct its energy for the right purpose.
Drop the lavender into the container. This represents protection of yourself and your identity. An affirmation about how no one else can tell you who you are would be appropriate.
Seal the jar as you say, “As I seal this (container), I protect my identity from those who wish to harm me.” Place the quartz on top of the lid. The weight of the quartz should be enough to keep the container from opening. The idea is that the protective energy of your affirmation will stay trapped inside the container, the sigil directs the energy, the lavender protects your identity from erasure or harm, and the quartz strengthens the spell. You can skip the quartz but it might not work as well.
Keep the container somewhere visible, but safe and permanent (i.e. don’t carry it in your pocket, but place it somewhere like your bedside table).
The container should not be opened for any reason; the exception being if you feel your gender has changed (you should burn the lavender and the sigil and start over). If you are genderfluid or any sort of polygender you don’t need to do this every time your gender changes; just include items to represent all of the genders you feel/ make sure the sigil is inclusive of all the genders you feel. (You could also just do “genderfluid”). You could even include a vial of water as it represents change and fluidity.
If the container opens for some reason, the spell will lose some of its energy. It is your choice how you wish to fix this; you could try charging it in the sun or moonlight, starting all over, adding more items and affirmations, etc.
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
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this is sooooo fucked up. i’m livid
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
One Word Writing Prompts
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🌀 for a random number instead.
01. — first 02. — kiss 03. — final 04. — numb 05. — broken 06. — wings 07. — melody 08. — rules 09. — chocolate 10. — nostalgia 11. — heartbeat 12. — stranger 13. — confusion 14. — bitter 15. — afterlife 16. — daybreak 17. — audience 18. — endless 19. — fireworks 20. — wishing 21. — birthday 22. — tomorrow 23. — oppression 24. — agony 25. — return 26. — protection 27. — boxes 28. — hope 29. — preparation 30. — beautiful 31. — lies 32. — underneath 33. — hide 34. — diary 35. — unforeseen 36. — conditional 37. — gone 38. — clear 39. — heartache 40. — wired 41. — insanity 42. — foolish 43. — words 44. — study 45. — love 46. — skies 47. — stars 48. — lucky 49. — shake 50. — punctual
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
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No ones fucking talking about this.
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
To Be Trans... A poem I wrote for school
I have heard many people ask “What does it mean to be transgender, but I have never heard an answer that fits properly.
To be trans is to be your own stranger.
It is a different type of difficult than depression,
It is a stutter over stanzas and soliloquies
Pages and pages of misspelled names
Every day I look in the mirror and do not recognize my own face. I look at my jaw and skin and recognize only my eyes
the eyes my grandmother's tells stories of,
The eyes that once that belonged to my mother,
sometimes I wonder how they would feel if my eyes were the only part of me that they could recognize
Maybe they would understand that that's how I feel now
Looking in the mirror and seeing a stranger hurts more than you would realize
To see a soft jawline that doesn't belong
An arc in my hip that doesn't belong a
A curve in my chest that doesn't belong
To be trans is to forget your own name time and time again.
Sometimes I am reminded of stories about how my name was chosen.
my middle name was once my grandmother's middle name,
Megan, after the girl my mother knew
If I throw it away what Legacy am I discarding Into the dust at my feet?
will they grieve for the girl I left behind?
will I be grieving with them?
Mom, would it hurt you to know that you were the only one I have not told? Or will we go back to the night where you tried to force my memoir out from under my tongue, the night that keeps me Afraid of telling you now?
you looked me in the eyes in called my identity “bullshit” while you acted as if I had destroyed Megan completely.
My darling Achilles you have gotten used to saying it.
If you listen closely you can hear the way she stutters over Megan. The way she trips and turns over a name that is no longer mine she is one of the few people who are confident in Leo
My Achilles with galaxy Eyes how do you manage to work your way into every poem.
To be trans is to be afraid to speak your own truth
Many of us pack our bags before we even say the words
in case we have to leave the only home we've ever known
I am afraid of being shamed and ridiculed for asking for the right pronouns, even though I've never been afraid of my gender before
Young trans kids are taught to be scared
Scared of being accused of harassment in the women's washrooms and afraid of being assaulted in the men's
Scared of how the world calls us terrible things
Sometimes we even fear our own classmates
When they ask us why she calls me Leo
I do not respond
When they ask “What even is nonbinary anyway?”
I do not respond
When my friends continue to dead name me even though I've come out to them because “otherwise it confuses them”
I do not respond
At least not in the way that I should
I tell them that “It's okay” and to do whatever makes them comfortable
They fail to realize that that name is tearing away at my skin
That the reason I have bad posture is because maybe then I can cover my chest and maybe people will forget
To be trans is to rethink everything you have ever known to be true.
My name
My Voice
my reflection
I have learned that the truth lies in the sound of creaking trees
It lies in her cream soda smile
And the colour of her voice when she is happy
The truth lies in the pink of a sunset
In his blue-gray eyes framed by his dark lashes
In the indigo of a morning sky before the sun can be seen
Anyone who has ever stayed up all night knows every detail of that sky by heart
The way it says “congratulations, you are one for the few people who get to see me today”
To be trans is to be human”
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
What are your favorite witch apps?
Please specify where they’re downloaded from for your smartphone. Such as iPhone App Store, Android Google Play, etc.
Mine for iOS (from the App Store) are:
MoonPhase - extensive moon data, includes lunar calendar
The Moon - includes symbols, crystals, and advice for the day based on current moon phase
Wicca - spells, witchy dictionary, herb correspondences, journaling capabilities, not religiously affiliated despite the name
Spellcaster - spells
Tarot - flashcards for studying tarot
Golden Thread Tarot - free mobile readings, multiple spreads, card meaning database, free mini lessons
Stone - crystal correspondences, beautiful images
Essential Oils - metaphysical correspondences, scientific uses, application methods, safety, blends, personalized list of current oils
AboutMyWoods - lists local region’s plants and wildlife
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
Appalachian Folklore, Wives Tales, and Superstitions
Brought to you mostly by my grandparents, but also by my family at large. These are all things I heard growing up in the northern region of Appalachia and wanted to share with y'all. The lore and sayings may vary based on location, family tradition, and other factors, but this is just what I’m sharing from my experiences!
• Give the first pinch of a freshly baked loaf of bread to the Good Men to keep them happy. • Deaths and births always come in threes. • Spin around in a circle three times before you walk in the front door to confuse any spirits that are following you. • Don’t throw your hair out! If a bird builds a nest with it, you’ll have migraines. • “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailor’s warning.” • If the leaves on trees are flipped over with their backsides showing, rain’s coming. • If you hear a dog howl at night, death is coming. • If you’re giving someone a wallet or purse as a present, put money in it to ensure they’ll never financially struggle. • Spirits can’t cross running water. • Cats and dogs won’t enter a room where spirits are present. • Carry an acorn in your pocket for good luck, a penny for prosperity, and a nail for protection. • If you’re having nightmares, put a Bible under your pillow. They’ll go away. • Take a spoonful of honey to keep your words sweet. • Keeping a pot of coffee on ensures a happy home. • It’s bad luck to walk over a grave. • A horseshoe hung above a door ensures good luck. • A horseshoe in the bedroom staves away nightmares. • If your right hand itches, you’ll soon be receiving money. If the left itches, you’ll be paying it. • Wishing on a star works. “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” • When you have a random shiver, someone just walked over your grave. • If smoke from a fire rises, expect clear skies. If it rolls along the ground, expect storms. • Rosemary near the door provides protection. Lavender provides peace. • “A ring around the sun or moon, rain or snow is coming soon.” • Wind chimes and bells keep spirits away. • Seeing a cardinal means unexpected company. • For that matter, so does dropping silverware. • Rubbing a bit of potato on a wart helps it to go away. • If the soles of your feet itch, you will soon walk on strange grounds. • Black eyed peas, greens, and/or pork and sauerkraut should be eaten on New Year’s Day to welcome good luck and good fortune. • Driving a nail into a bedframe or crib will drive away curses. • If your ears are burning, someone’s talking about you. • If you dream of fish, you are or will soon be pregnant. • Listen to the wisdom of children, they see and know more than we think. • To dream of death means birth, to dream of birth means death. • To cure a headache, crush some mint leaves in your hands, cup them over your mouth and nose, and breathe in a few times. It should help. • Placing a fern or ivy on the front porch protects against curses. • In a vegetable garden, never plant the same plants in the same spot two years in a row. Rotate where they are, and you’ll save your soil. (Note: this is a real thing called crop rotation, and is actually kind of important) • A black bird (Raven or crow, doesn’t matter) on the roof or a windowsill is an omen for death. To avoid it, you have to scare it away without using your voice before it caws. • Say a prayer when you pass a coal mine for the lost souls still in the mine. • Thank the land and the Lord with every successful hunt or harvest you have, for nothing is guaranteed.
These are a few of the folklores, wives’ tales, superstitions, and sayings that I’ve heard growing up (and still living in) in Appalachia! I encourage other Appalachian witches, cunning folk, and general inhabitants of the Appalachian region (and just the mountain range at large) to share whatever bits you’ve heard over the years! I just wanted to share a bit with y'all to give you an insight into some Appalachian lore, my own practice, and maybe give you some things to research and incorporate into your own practice! 🌿✨
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
Resources for Male Victims of Abuse
How to Recognize Abuse
**Emotional Abuse of Men
**Sexual Assault of Men and Boys
**Men Can Be Victims of Abuse, Too
**Domestic Violence Against Men - Know the Signs
**Information for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
**Help for Battered Men
**Battered Men, Battered Husbands
**For Male Survivors of Rape and Sexual Abuse
**Male Survivors of Incest and Sexual Child Abuse
**Help for Men Who Are Being Abused
Help Lines (Phone and Text Chat)
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (or 1-800-787-3224 for TTY)
National Dating Abuse Hotline: 1-866-331-9474
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-237-8255
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men: 1-888-743-5754 (US and Canada)
Hopeline Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-784-2433
National Hotline for Victims of Crimes: 1-855-484-2846
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
Polaris Human Trafficking Text Line: Text “BEFREE” to 233733
**1in6/RAINN Chat for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Support Groups
**1in6 Support Groups
Male Survivor Support Groups
Pandora’s Aquarium - Chat (includes chats specifically for men)
Pandora’s Aquarium - Forums (includes forums specifically for men)
How to Find a Shelter
Domestic Shelters Search (shelter locator with filters to find shelters specifically for male survivors)
SAFE (located in Austin, TX, but states they can help people find resources/shelters in their area)
How to Find a Therapist
**Male Survivor Therapist Directory
Mental Health Services Locator
Resources for and About the Abuse of Kids/Teens
Love is Respect Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 (Hotline for teens)
Darkness to Light Helpline (Sexual Abuse): 1-866-367-5444
Darkness to Light Text Line: Text “LIGHT” to 741741
ChildHelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453
Children of the Night Hotline (Children in Prostitution): 1-800-551-1300
National Runaway Safeline: 1-800-786-2929
Covenant House Nineline (Homeless Youth): 1-800-999-9999
Stop it Now Hotline: 1-888-773-2362 (for adults concerned about the welfare of a child)
Jennifer Ann’s Group (for teens experiencing dating violence)
Other Resource Lists 
(While I tried to include the most helpful resources I could here (i.e., resources that lend themselves to one-on-one communication, individual reading, etc.), there are plenty of other great resources, including regional resources, listed in these links. Some of the resources are specific to men and others aren’t, but they are all helpful for male survivors.)
**Male Survivor (regional, international, and online resources)
**Husband Battering: Men and Domestic Violence
**Help for Battered Men: Online Resources
**Help for Battered Men: National and International Resources
**Help for Guys: Help for Victims (some resources for men, many general resources)
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
Summoning Demons for Beginers
Ok so before you do anything, you really need to be sure about what your doing. Research the hell out of it and make a desision from there. You can’t just summon any old demon and think it will be fine. Each have individual personalities and things they can teach and help you with. Finding the right one takes time, but it’s worth it.
If your sick physically, do not preform a ritual untill you’re healthy! If your body is weak, so is your mind. A demon can and will use that to their advantage!
Demons are not your friend. They are powerful spirits that can and will take advantage of you and use you if you’re not careful. I hope this guide helps show you ways to be safe while doing a somoning ritual. Your relationship can become very deep once you work with each other enough though, and that is a healthy relationship! At no point should you feel that you are completely in control of a demon though. That’s disrespectful. You need to treat them and the ritual with respect. If you start feeling scared at any time during a ritual, stop emediatly and tell the demon to leave! That’s when bad things can happen! Possession is always a factor to worry about, but some demons are known to do it more than others. Please research this before you dive into it head first!
I suggest that you find an evocation online the first time you do a ritual. There’s many places where you can find one, and they all have different energys to them from what I’ve experienced. If you’re comfortable, try making your own to! There’s nothing more meaningful than writing out your own evocation. It’s pretty simmilar to how spells work!
When you draw your demon’s sigil, do it as carefully as possible. Don’t rush. Seriously. Take your time and make sure you feel confident while doing it. Confidence is key to not only a successful ritual, but also your relationship with that demon.
Meditate for a while before you conduct the ritual. You need to be in a clear state of mind and connected with the spiritual side of you. You almost want to be in a trance like state. That’s how concentrated and clam you need to be.
Light some candles and burn a nice smelling incense. I recommend using colors and smells associated with the demon you want to summon. Crystals can also be helpful! Try using some clear quarts and black tourmaline if you have some available. They are some of the best crystals when it comes to getting rid of negative energy and directing positive energy towards you. Amethyst is a protective crystal that may aid you as well!
You don’t need to sacrifice anything or give them and offering, but if your going to, keep in mind that it won’t make your results happen faster. Do it out of respect for that demon, it’s like a gift. Please don’t hurt yourself! I highly recommend (if you have periods) using period blood. It sound gross, I know, but it’s the purest blood you can give and you can give a lot of it without causing harm to yourself! You can also use hair if you want. I’ve herd good things from using hair as an offering, but I’ve never actually tried it myself. That’s just personal preference though.
The ritual itself
When you acctualy start your evocation, put meaning into your words. The first time you do it, you’ll probably be nervouse. You might even mess up entire sentences and have to start over like I did my first few rituals. But as long as you put meaning and power into your words, you’ll find it starts to get easier.
Everyone has different experiences with their rituals and demons that they summon, so results will very from spirit to spirit. As you start to get through your evocation, you will start to feel their energy. To me, it feels powerful and it literally sends shivers down my spine. It’s a good feeling. This feeling probably won’t be the same for you though, unless your summoning the same demons I have. They will not appear in a puff of smoke in a physical form. Well most likely at least. Some people have experienced seeing demons, but it very rare.
Now to the meat of the ritual. You should welcome them into your home, they are your guest after all. This is also the time where you might give them an offering of some kind if you want to. You then want to state what you want. Give them details. That way they know exactly why you called for them. If you are unsure of what you want exactly, chances are that the might not do anything for you. After you state you business, they will ask something in return. You’re working together, not for each other. What they ask may simply be going against the Christian faith or telling others about paganism in general. Most recently, for example, I was told to deeper follow my spirituality.
It’s not a garuntee that your demon will even bother to show up. It happened to everyone, so don’t worry if it happens to you. If you question if anyone is even listening to you, chances are no one was there in the first place. It’s not rude to ask them to give you a sign of their presence though, so feel free to do so. They might flicker a candle, move something in the room, make faint noises, etc.
Holding up your side of the deal
You have to put in effort, even after the ritual. If you just expect you can get off scot free, you’d be wrong. That demon is going to be pretty upset if you don’t do what you said you would. They will make sure you know that to.
By doing what was asked of you, that demon will do the same for you. You both get what you wanted and everyone’s happy! You won’t get emediate results, but things take time. It usually takes me a month to see results, but again, it varies from person to person.
If you asked a demon to help you, you still have to try to achieve that goal. You need to try to get what you want, even with the help of a demon.
Alright, I hope this helped some of you and shed some more light on the subject! Stay safe and open minded!
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
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For my wicked witches
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
When to Listen to These Musicals
Spring Awakening: When your town is suffocating and you feel desperately misunderstood.
The Light in the Piazza: When you want to see the beauty in the world.
Heathers: When you’re still in highschool and it feels like you’ll never be free.
Tuck Everlasting: When you’re 17 and the thought of growing up hurts.
Newsies: When you want to see change in the world.
Dear Evan Hansen: When you feel invisible.
Hamilton: When your determination and/or drive needs a boost.
Book of Mormon: When you need to laugh.
Fun Home: When your family seems broken.
Into The Woods: When you’re nostalgic and the world feels cruel.
Bandstand: When you feel like you’ve wasted your potential.
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
Can we please start appreciating people who are recovering from an addiction to self-harm? God bless those who are in recovery from eating disorders and drug addictions. But I barely ever see positivity towards those who outwardly express their pain (even though they hide it).
So let me start.
If you used a knife for any reason today (eat, open something, crafts) and didn’t turn it on yourself, great job!
If you shaved today, EVEN when someone was watching you the whole time, great job!
If you self-harmed a little less than you normally do, great job! (You are taking steps! Don’t be ashamed!)
If you thought about doing it and was even close enough to actually acting on it, but you didn’t, great job!
If you stopped following/blacklisted blogs that promote self-injury, great job!
If you used a pencil sharpener for the job it was meant to perform, great job!
If you opened up to someone about your self-injury, great job! I’m so fucking proud of you and your bravery!
If you decided to not wear long sleeves, pants, etc. so you were comfortable at the risk of someone seeing your scars, great job! You are beautiful! Your scars are not your identity!
If you are currently seeking help for your addiction and underlying mental disorders (if any), great job!
If you didn’t turn that lighter/cigarette to your skin, great job!
If you left those scabs alone, great job!
If you picked a little less today, great job!
If you left that perfect beautiful head undamaged today, great job!
If you didn’t bruise your knuckles/break your toes/physically purposefully injure your body, great job!
And most importantly: If you slipped/relapsed today you are going to be okay. This is not the end. You will recover. You will get better. There is no rush and it’s not a race. Please take care of yourself.
If you’d like to add anything please feel free to do so! Please reblog if you can! You never know who could need this right now!
Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Or text ‘Hello’ to 741741
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supernova-star-boi · 5 years
possible TW Anorexia
Please don’t post thinsop or anything pro ana under the pro recovery tag.
People go on there to heal and seeing posts encouraging them to not eat really don’t help. Thanks!
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