soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
This weekend I really got myself together. I made an appointment with my doctor, just to have an introduction and hopefully get a referral for a therapist.
I made two new recipes! (One was a ham, carrot,celery and bacon soup? I don’t know the exact name but it was so good. And the other was a simple pumpkin pie 💕)
We ended up bringing our new fur baby home. She had adjusted so well super quickly.. she started out super nervous and had the zoomies non stop. Now she’s a bit more chilled out and affectionate.
I am so excited it’s fall! I’ve been decorating like crazy.. I think I’ve been to the dollar store 3 times this week for decorations alone 🙄 but the crafty part of it has been really helping my mental health. There’s a few more really fun ideas I found on Pinterest that I want to do. Next weekend I’ll grab some things from the craft store and make a weekend out of it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
Happy sunday💕
We have an appointment to meet our potential new fur baby🥺🥺 My partner wont be able to come since he’s working all day, so I’m going by myself. I’m alittle bummed out because I’d like to do this together but they can’t guarantee she’ll be there for us this weekend so we had to just go for it.
I started cleaning the apartment in preparation for the possible new arrivale. Thankfully we didn’t throw out too much after Sam passed, we really just need to buy a new liter box and tree 🤷🏻‍♀️
My tarot reading today was focused around stress. I asked what I can do to lessen the stress and it told me to take action. I’m lacking the passion and inspiration I need but it won’t come to me. I need to create my own motivation and I was instantly inspired by this.
Everything seems to be flowing in the right direction. It’s made me super confident in our choice to stay here I think we made the best decision and dodged a bullet.
I’ll upload pictures when we bring the little one home!💕💕
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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Wine drunk truly hits differently
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
Happy Wednesday everyone 💕
Today is my only day off between now and Tuesday and I can’t decide what kind of day I’m going to have.
I typically like to have a “theme” for my day off. Whether it’s a clean type of day (deep cleaning our apartment, getting rid of any trash..really just devoting the day to cleaning and organizing), or a shopping day where I go and get all my errands done or a friend day which is... pretty self explanatory. I also have self care days but I don’t feel the need for that today. Things have been pretty good mentally atleast for the past week.
I’m thinking of making this a hobby day. I have a lot of books, hobbies and interests I’ve been meaning to keep up with but I never find time during the week. I’m planning on reading a few more chapters of my new book I’m obsess with (Mexican Gothic.. if you like creepy stories I HIGHLY recommend. It hooks you almost immediately.) Spend some time with my tarot cards and get a bit more familiar.. I also want to do some meditating and meal prepping.
I like having a theme for my day off instead of a to do list. For cleaning days- it doesn’t matter what I clean or how much I get done- the goal is to clean. If I keep my day open like that I feel like I get a lot more done. Although I pretty much spent the first two hours this morning watching TikTok and going to McDonald’s for coffee 😂
We’ll have to see what kind of day this turns out to be.
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
So.. a lot has changed.
We cancelled our trip to Florida. The plans kept changing and things that were promised were not being kept. I thought this would fuck with my mental health, but ever since I found out we were staying I’ve flipped. (I did cry for the first two days out of anxiety but that’s irrelevant lmao)
I’m noticing more about my surroundings that I love. I am getting up and drinking more water, feeling more positive, getting back into routines. I’m not sure why the change has brought this out but I guess I’ve decided I’m just not going to be unhappy anymore. I’m going to make the best out of any situation I’m in.
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
Knowing you have the next day off is more relieving than the actual day off
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
Happy Saturday everyone💕
So we put in our notice.. we leave to Florida in 12 days!! I can’t believe what an impulsive decision this was but the closer it gets the more things have been falling into place.
We just took our cars to get checked, now we just need to start shopping some things down and start packing! We leave around 9/10am on The 18th and we should arrive at my moms around 6:30/7:30pm on the 19th hopefully.
This year has been crazy, this summer has been hell. But today, while taking our cars to get checked, we got coffee and breakfast and sat on a bench enjoying the day. It’s a breezy 71 degree day and things felt right.
The next part for me is working on my mental help. I really need to get myself under control and get to a healthy balance in my life. This blog is going to still focus on healthy living with some self care and healthy mentality as well.
I hope everyone had a great long weekend💕💕
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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Extra buttons in the controller
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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Quote by unknown
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
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soulsofthepeonies · 4 years
tiddies so big call her boobonic plague
Hi there! I didn’t ask for this 
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