sleep-onnet · 5 months
Trying it Out
I start with the ending already in mind
Seeing how quickly I can melt cloud nine
Tying knots on vapor beneath my feet
I toss the lead down to a mirrored me
If the line is taut, I leap
because if the line is taut I see
how it ends
Rope burns, they won't be healing anymore
I've climbed too far up this time, for sure
Before anything happens, if at all
I brace myself for the fall
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
Finders Keepers
You've left behind a smile on my bedside table
So I guess I'll be hearing it as I fall asleep
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
Four Right Turns
I’m stuck inside faulty flowcharts and false dichotomies I think 
I think I can handle the uncertainty if I spend enough time rehearsing 
Rehearsing for goodbyes that haven't happened yet 
Yet I don’t think I’m prepared to fast forward through the grief when it comes
When it comes it will still blindside me because how can I know I've considered everything 
I know I've considered everything, I brace myself for impact and yet I am even less prepared than before it seems 
It seems I’m stuck inside faulty flowcharts
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
A Not-So-Modest Proposal
I think once a writer has written enough good material, they shouldn’t be allowed to keep writing more.
Like there’s only a limited number of ways to arrange words in this language, I reckon they need to leave some permutations for the rest of us.
Oh, you’re on book four of a five-book series? Sorry girl, you’ve hit your good-material limit, no can do, better scrap that finale.
Or: “Sorry Steven King, you’ve hit your quota. No more short stories from you”
This is a great idea.
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
I wish to be your inhale
Your cup of coffee made just right
The first curtains you open to welcome in the light
‎‎   ‎
I wish to be your exhale
Your bed with fresh sheets
That last lamp you turn off before you go to sleep
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
A Bad Idea
I used to think being inspired was embarrassing,
Like art and good ideas only come from within, from the unconscious soup of abstract ideas
And if any idea was obviously traceable to something external
Then I'd have failed as an idea-haver
That was a bad idea probably
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
Stop and Smell
Stumbled out the door with an unyielding heartrate
One of those days that I don't get a say
Always chasing, an arm's length too late
But the flowers say I'll be okay
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
Sometimes Your Eyes Are Blue
In this moment, right now, I look into your eyes
and I'm convinced that I can feel the Gears turning.
Turning, invisible, to the human eye
Turning, implacable, by you and I
Turning, infallible, even if felt otherwise
And no matter how much I plead them to halt
No matter how much I need them to halt
Against my will, they still turn
Turning, unimpressed by what they see
Turning, unfazed by a monumental grief
Turning, uncaring, and I realize it's just me,
Assigning antagonistic intention to the powers that be
My mind then wanders to the paper-thin present
And I think about future me
Looking back on this moment, looking to relive it in any way
And I think about past me,
Not having lived this moment, somehow looking forward to it anyway
And I think about present me, here in my head
Looking at all of this from outside
Anywhere but the present
But at the same time, somehow completely present
In this moment, right now, looking into your eyes
And they are beautiful
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
You've always been a connector
A connector?
Holding entire worlds together with a common kindness
And lacking meaningful knowledge of any
Your compassion seeking no commiseration
Just an anxious people pleaser
A complex connector, coupling confidence and cowardice
I'm good at pretending
A courageous connector, content with constant collision and a lack of continuity
Did I have much of a choice?
I admire you, it's very impressive
If only you saw behind the curtain
Hey... shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up
What, me??
Yeah you, shut the fuck up. Not helping.
I'm just balancing out your naive optimism with some healthy skepticism
Healthy? You think this is healthy??
All you do is criticize and cast doubt. If you think this is "healthy skepticism" then you should probably be skeptical of your grasp on the English language
...You gonna say something??
Ah, finally, some fucking silence in here.
Gotta say, it's really nice up here without you.
...I was just trying to help
By causing me to overthink every single fucking decision I make in my life? Wow thanks a ton, very fucking helpful.
Hey, not cool.
Shut the fuck up
Not. Cool.
Shut the fuck up, not listening to you
You don't have to be THAT harsh
After all you've done to me?? You have some guts to say that. Now shut up and fuck off.
So you know how it feels, and yet you insist on doing it back?
Shut the fuck up.
You know what? Fuck you.
This pretentious "poem" was supposed to end a couple lines ago, with my line.
We could've just ended it up there and left it up to the reader, if you have any that is. We could've just moved on and we could've kept writing more mediocre "poetry" that's really just you complaining, with your line breaks and occasional rhymes because that's what you think poetry is. And then it just gets buried in the noise of the internet, and no one gets hurt, and you get your satisfaction of being an artist or whatever
Hey. Shut the fuck up. You're doing it again
You know I have a point.
You're not helping. This is why I-
And instead you decided to ruin everything by doing this meta self-aware thing that's been SO fucking overdone.
I mean seriously. Splintering off your inner critic and having a confrontational conversation with it as a metaphor for dealing with self doubt? How fucking original man. Let me guess, you were gonna have them fight, and then after a bit they discover they have a commonality about "wanting to help" and then have them reconcile in the end circling back to the "connector" thing you were writing about in the start? And then your inner critic learns a lesson and never says anything again and you live happily ever after? Do they hug it out at the end too? I mean I knew you were naive but jeez man, that's so painfully unrealistic, it's laughable. That's not how the real world works. That's not how you and I work. You know that, but you're not ready to face it yet. So you dumb it down into a cute little contained story and put a bow on it so you can actually understand it
Hey shu-
I mean you don't even have an internal monologue, all of this is for dramatic effect, all a performance at the end of the day. Who do you think is gonna clap for you? And you don't even get paid for it, what a waste of your time. If you were a truly good person you'd spend this time volunteering, or working, so you can donate your money to charity. But instead you choose to do this.
Aaaand right about now you're probably patting yourself on the back now because of how profound you think this is. And now you're imagining the praise you could get by putting this ramble into the world, that praise you crave so badly. And by making it so self-aware and self-critical so you can brag about how it's postmodern or whatever when you and I both know it's just a cheap way to shield yourself from any criticism. Because if you criticize yourself first, then no one can hurt you because you "already knew that" Right?? Right?? Am I wrong???
Hey, people need hobbies and rest, man. I need hobbies and rest. Your logic doesn't make sense. So the most virtuous thing to do would be to overwork myself into dust and donate all my wages and die young?
And the second part?? What's your rebuttal??? Please tell us all so we at least learn something from reading this long, cynical, depressing thing, when we could've been going outside, or watching a funny video, or reading things we actually enjoyed, something actually valuable. And, this is assuming people are still reading at this point, ha.
I...don't know.
I don't have an answer for you right now.
And honestly, I don't think I'll ever have one that will satisfy you.
And I think that's okay. I don't think I need one.
I enjoy writing, so even if no one reads it, it'll have made me happier. And that's enough. I don't need to meet your expectations, I don't need to impress anyone, I don't need anyone's praise, even if I would enjoy it, even if I crave it.
And as I was writing and rereading this, I've discovered some things about myself, so I'm proud of myself for that.
And you're right, it's a lot more complex than a neat and concise story of learning a lesson, and we probably can't reconcile through a single conversation and live happily ever after. If it was that easy then people wouldn't struggle with this so much.
But I'm willing to try with you, and I know you're willing to try with me. And this metaphor kind of falls apart here but that's okay.
And I think I was a little harsh on you earlier, I'm sorry. I'll let you have your space, and let you talk. Because you're as much a part of me as I am. I apologize for trying to entirely silence you.
I can't guarantee that I'll listen to your advice, (at all, or ever to be very honest, you're not the most charming person to channel) but trying to suppress anything you say isn't realistic, and it's tiring for me to do too.
I'm glad.
And I do appreciate you keeping me in check sometimes, because I can and do get ahead of myself a bit sometimes. So thank you for that.
I guess I'll just have to live with you, and you'll have to live with me.
And you know what? It could be worse.
Now, I don't have a nice way to tie this all together here in the end, and I do feel a bit cornered by myself. Because if I were to circle back to the "connector" thing here then it'd be kind of cliché wouldn't it?
Yeah, it would be.
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sleep-onnet · 1 year
Too Many Movies, Not Enough Writing
As much as I wanted my return to writing, and my overcoming of my writer's block, to be the climax of a tear-jerker film
Inspired by a sparkly, spontaneous monologue by the love of my life, backed by a Hans Zimmer score and shot with a 2-hour video essay's worth of cinematography
Or by a dramatic character death that teaches me to Carpe Diem and disrupt the social order inside my English class
It actually happens on a Saturday morning at 8:21 am, sat sleep deprived in seat 8F, flying economy on a rather uneventful morning domestic flight to Washington DC.
I don't get a premonition of my death,
The pilot does not pass out,
And there really isn't much of a need for a doctor on this flight.
The writing actually happens when I decide enough is enough and I open up my Notes app to start throwing words together until they make sentences
Too tired to care if they're good, or if they even make sense at all
But I wrote this
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sleep-onnet · 2 years
A younger, wiser man
Grabs my shoulder from behind
And scolds me gently, out of time
Saying "Far too long you've spent unkind
Trying to clip the wings of our flyaway mind"
And then he smiles and lets go,
To show me I've done it before
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sleep-onnet · 2 years
This One Right Here, Please
What are you scared that you missed?
A couple crucial moments?
You wonder where you'd be if only you had had them
But haven't you forgot
About those couple crucial moments?
And you wonder where you've been for so, so long
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sleep-onnet · 2 years
Now Hiring:
Looking for a qualified accountant with specialized knowledge in navigating through the creative bankruptcy process
2-3 years of previous experience unwarranted
Work from home (must agree to have your home become our office)
Join our certified bog-standard team culture
Will be paid in exposure to the elements
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sleep-onnet · 2 years
Laundry Day
Today was laundry day
And I got the laundry done today (hooray)
I didn’t get any work done though
So I'm glad it was just laundry day
And not laundry-and-work day
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sleep-onnet · 2 years
You Have My Word
After the end
we're left staring out at the night air
behind the safety of a closed window
a silence is exchanged
comfortably, and we breathe through time
until I notice the words lodged in your throat
I hold your hand and squeeze
in an "is there something on your mind"
Or maybe it was an "are you okay"
Or perhaps a "we'll be okay"
I'm not sure which
But I think I think you understand
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sleep-onnet · 2 years
Uncomfortably Present
I look up and stare at it in the eyes
Wide open when I hold it, and I keep holding
On even when the dullness pushes against
My head, attached still to the routines
Of someone who thought cutting out
From the now was the way to deal with
The discomfort
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sleep-onnet · 2 years
The Boulder Enjoys Your Company
Easy to forget
There exists a pretty view
On the way down too
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