silvermp · 1 month
Hey, are you still working on Cold Front, or has that become a dropped project? It's been a few years since the latest update on your blog.
Listen, I stopped ALL my creative stuff for a while there.
But I just updated a fic that I haven't touched in 12 years.
Posted at least one fic update every week for the last month.
Cold Front is a beloved project that will never fully die.
It just might... take me a while to get back to it, haha
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silvermp · 1 month
Zuko wakes up as a dragon, and is not having a great time
(Chapter 3 now live, after a…12 year hiatus)
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silvermp · 1 month
Sometimes you gotta look at a fic and realize that… just because you haven’t updated in 12 years, that doesn’t stop you from updating it now.
Like, babies have been born, learned to talk, went to middle-school and swore at each other on fortnite in the time it took me to update this fic.
Someone commented “2024 and still waiting 😔🙏” on Sparks Between Us, and you know what! I’ve got more of that fic in me!!
Finally in a place where I can write casually. The words are coming again. I’ve written more in March 2024 than I have in the last 6 months of 2023!
I think my winter might be over? Or, is waning at least. I wanna MAKE stuff. I wanna DO things.
I feel myself wanting to draw Cold Front again. I want to work on costumes. I want to sculpt and build and plant!
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silvermp · 8 months
Yo where is this discord I want an invite
danny phantom fanfiction writers/readers are allowed to use the term cozy horror bc theyve been saying shit like "what a long day... time to settle down with some vivisection!" and "aww 🥺 he's having his free will and original personality stripped away for the sake of love and he can't even tell so the audience has to look on in horror! <3<3" and "feeling self-indulgent... I should make my favorite character discover his own body is rotting right under him! but he should enjoy it!" for years
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silvermp · 10 months
Decided to do Artfight this year!
You can find my stuff under the name toko_bird
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silvermp · 1 year
Hey there! I wear a bird mask with a long beak!
Regarding that posture and head movement:
The mask’s weight is pulling your head forward and down, so you take a stance that lets you brace against it.
Also your field of vision is taken up by both the beak and the small eyeholes - no peripherals, and less to no visual overlap of each eye. So you basically have to get used to seeing the world out of each eye independently, which fucks w depth perception. It feels like being a chameleon with eyes facing different directions, except I can’t move my eyes to see more, I have to move my whole head
The less your eyeholes let your vision overlap in front, the more you naturally… twitch your head back and forth, tilt it at angles, and lift your face up to create a better picture of the world around you. To make this extra work less strenuous on your neck, there’s ways to get your back and shoulders into the motion.
The “bird like” movement is a feature of “limited field of vision in front” and trying to understand the space around you
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Also, beyond whatever metaphysical properties you think a mask has, I think the primary bit that influences behavior is “it’s not ME they’re seeing and photographing, it’s *character*. - which lets you be freer with your actions and body language than you’ve been trained to act as a “normal and reserved human.” Like how people are a lot more open which their thoughts when anonymous online. Less chance of IRL consequences. So if you get an impression of a grump or lovey dovy character when you see yourself in the mask, it’s easy to play up those traits.
When you can’t use facial expressions to communicate and your voice is muffled by a mask, body movement becomes exaggerated to compensate. Gotta communicate somehow!
People are neat~ Mask work is neat!
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Once saw a clown say clowns & furries speak the same "silent language" and that stuck with me for some reason
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silvermp · 1 year
A fascinating truth: if vampires were weak to any sincere faith, Vampire hunters would begin to recruit younger and younger, or begin seeking neurodivergent members - to find teens and preteens who still wholeheartedly and unreservedly believe in things like justice, truth, and the protective power of a stuffed animal against the forces of darkness.
Broke: vampires are vulnerable to the trappings of Christianity only, particularly Catholicism, no matter how dubiously applied. (See: Van Helsing's Communion wafer grouting).
Woke: vampires are vulnerable to sincere faith of all kinds, and atheist vampire-hunters need to believe very strongly in the Power of Friendship or their love of Star Trek to get by.
Bespoke: vampires are vulnerable to the faith that they followed when they were alive, and hunters tracking down an ancient vampire are obliged to learn about Neo-Babylonian theology or Middle Palaeolithic bear cults.
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silvermp · 1 year
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Because tumblr allows me to pay $10 to inflict nonsense on strangers and I happened to have $10 budgeted for entertainment.
I’ve already gotten 3 anonymous messages lobbing insults + death wishes, which I promptly deleted with a laugh because hiding behind anon is pure cowardice. I blazed my BTS dream. They can’t even show their own face to insult me for it. Pathetic ~ <3
last night I dreamt -
I dreamt I went to a BTS concert. Accidentally swapped dreamscapes with a horse.
Keep reading
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silvermp · 1 year
last night I dreamt -
I dreamt I went to a BTS concert. Accidentally swapped dreamscapes with a horse.
Now, I am not a huge fan of BTS. Their music is fun, and I’ve probably watched all their routines because I do like well-choreographed dances - but I dont even remember what they all look like, and I don’t know any of their names.
In this dream, BTS ended the concert by asking if anyone in the crowd wanted a chance to learn some of their choreography and dance on stage at their next show. Everyone else was so excited screaming that they forgot to raise their hand to volunteer. So I raised my hand. Free dance lessons sounded fun. I won the tickets.
After the show ended, an official rep for the band found me waiting in line at the bathroom, and asked to do a quick interview with me. Apparently they were doing a short film about inviting a fan to do choreo, and wanted to know my backstory (how I grew up) to start coming up with video ideas.
Me: Uhhhh, I live in Kentucky, and my mom trained horses to do dressage, I guess?
Them: Perfect!
This somehow resulted in piling into a large van with a bunch of film folks + their cameras, and my Fiance. We drove through some mountains until we reached Kentucky, where I was told I would be introduced to the horse they wanted me to ride onstage, to make the horse dance before I would jump off and join the dance as a person. 
So we’re driving past all these amazing horse trainers demonstrating the wild tricks their horses could do in the fields, and ended up at... a farmhouse.
Like, a regular-ass, kinda run-down, dirty kentucky farmhouse. It had a rusted swingset in the front yard, the scraggliest fucking grass on either side of muddy paths, and a wooden wrap-around porch with peeling paint that sagged + bounced a little when you walked on it. Behind it was a very nice barn with beautiful horses and lovely white-painted fences - exactly what I’d expect. Horse people pour their money into their horses, not themselves.
But the film people were distressed! This wasn’t aesthetic! How would they do a beautiful documentary of me meeting this amazing horse and become a talented dressage rider on stage with BTS against such an ugly background!?
So the film people called in a bunch of woodworkers and repair guys to fix up the house to make it pretty, while I dropped my stuff off inside. There’s doilies and hand-made crafts everywhere. Cross-stitching. Hand-carved bears that also resembled dogs. A huge collection of cowboy boots and ALL of them were falling apart at the seams but still caked with dried mud to show they’re used regularly. The guest room smelled vaguely of cigarette smoke and pine sap. Everything is wood-paneled. The bathroom was entirely pastel pink.
All these details that felt like they’d been pulled from every stereotype I’d ever had about old in-use ranch and farmhouses. The outside was fully fleshed out, but the inside sorta....morphed into existence as I wondered something like ‘did they have a bathroom?’
So I met the ‘legendary’ trainer in a barely-lit wood-paneled hallway, shook hands with her, and we went to go back outside to go meet the horse I was to ride.
In the distance, there was BTS petting some other horses at the fence, one of them was laughing and waving at a cell-phone held up to livestream while another kept ripping handfuls of grass up to feed the horses. They had driven in the van behind mine, to make this trip, because they thought ‘BTS learns to ride horses’ would be a fun video for fans to see. (’sure’, I thought ‘That sounds like something rich athletic celebrities would make on a whim’)
But the horse in the barn took one look at me, pinned his ears back and gave me an expression like “Why the fuck are you here?” and tried looking over my shoulder, and I had the odd realization that this wasn’t my dream.
This was the horse’s dream.
The horse was a fan of BTS from hearing them on the barn’s shitty speakers, and wanted to dance on stage with them.
And I was one of a few humans in Kentucky who could make that ‘link’ happen.
Like, apparently reality in a dream could only bend so far before the improbability made the whole thing collapse. You had to make small bends here and there, until all the events could form the path you wanted. 
The ‘bends’: Horse wanted to meet BTS and dance with them. I liked dancing, and appreciated BTS enough to theoretically buy tickets. I was also from Kentucky, and I both knew that horses could ‘dance’ via dressage, and could ride horses proficiently. I had the money to buy a ticket to their show, and I’d be game for being in a video project if one was suggested to me. All these little ‘truths’ were able to gently bend the dream’s baseline reality toward getting BTS to this particular farm.
But the horse wanted one of the BTS guys to ride him - Not me.
And I told the horse: I didn’t think BTS had ever ridden a horse, so of course they wouldn’t be placed on such an energetic and excitable young stallion to learn on - they’d end up on a very docile old mare who would just plod along calmly.
And so the horse snapped out of his halter, reared up and transformed into this really terrifying smoky dragon-horse-dark-souls-armor monster thing and screamed at me with a lot of very sharp teeth and sharp face plates. Despite that scary visual description, in the moment I just felt puzzled - not scared.
I left the dream with the impression that it was just the horse throwing an angry tantrum because this was the closest he ever got to actually meeting BTS but no one fucking believed in him!
I felt bad. =( 
Anyway, I now believe there’s a horse somewhere in Kentucky who really likes BTS, and is trying to dreamlink his way into that meeting.
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silvermp · 1 year
I revamped chapter 2
Accidentally bumped the wordcount up by 2k.
Now with more anxiety!
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silvermp · 1 year
This is my cat, Boba.
I taught him to “say please” when he wanted a treat, and he accidentally learned that I will also do anything else he wants if he asks very politely.
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silvermp · 1 year
Tanjiro is a demon.
He knows that now - named by both the hunter who would have his head, and by his own mother.
He knows she had sheltered them, keeping this to herself. She spoke of Amataseru’s fire, of controlling himself, staying safe. The hunter implied that it was inevitable that he would bite other people - had offered his own blood with cold eyes and a cold presence.
Tanjiro could read between the lines.
The hunger that gnawed at his belly, creeping persistent in whispers up his throat - that’s what a demon was.
And Tanjiro was so very hungry.
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silvermp · 1 year
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Look, I’m just pleased as peaches that Giyuu is canonically the main suspect for the Kamado family’s slaughter. People try to arrest him when he’s in the area. They know his coat.
Also he’s so terrible at communicating I love him
I am 100% going to include this tidbit in a fanfic
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silvermp · 1 year
A fun crossover of language, botony, and Fandom.
So! In Demon Slayer, our big bad demon-vampire Muzan looking for the Blue Spider Lily.
Except… he’s actually looking for the (青い彼岸花 - the Ao i Higanbana - a plant name given to him by a doctor who was combining herbal medicines to treat him, before that doctor died.
(Ao is made into an adjective by adding い. So, ( 青い )Aoi is describing something as being colored blue - which would be great, except….
Higanbana definitely refers to the red spider-lily. Like, specifically the red ones. White spider lilies have a different name. Symbolically, they represent a final separation.
( 青 ) Ao also means Green as well as Blue, especially when talking about plants. Green apples are AoRingo. Linguistically, the two colors weren’t differentiated until very recently. This story is set in the Taisho era of Japan, with Muzan’s plant name coming from, uh, more than 1,000 years old.
Midori, 緑 specifying GREEN, was only introduced to the Japanese language in the last 100 years or so - well after traffic lights, which still are called “red yellow ao” and not “red yellow midori”
Additionally, we’re given the information that this flower was later successfully found! Apparently the plant bloomed only for a few hours in the day, and otherwise resembled a large horsetail weed. It could not propagate from seed.
Horsetail plants are common in Japan, and the sprouts are commonly foraged to eat in early spring like asparagus.
Horsetail plants additionally are used medicinally - treating parasites, lowering blood pressure, increase blood clotting in a wound, relieving menstrual pain, and fever-reduction… while pretty much all lilies are poisonous.
Spider lilies aren’t super fatal in small doses, but they’re not medicinal either.
Below is a horsetail plant, with its “flowers” .
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And now below THIS text is red spider-lilies (Higanbana) right before they bloom.
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They kinda resemble each other, huh! Enough to gain a lookalike nickname, do you think? “Green-Higanbana” << referring to both the resemblance to a Higanbana scape (unopened flower and stem), and the green color.
Herbalists across the world often referred to plants with all sorts of nicknames based on what they visually resemble…
As a final mail in the coffin, how about coffins? After Uta's death, the 青い彼岸花 - Aoi Higanbana started growing on her grave.
While Higanbana were associated with death and passing to the other side, they do not spread by seed in Japan. They must be manually divided from bulbs and planted, and can’t appear like that unless by magic/mystic means. They appear around rice paddies and at gravesites via intentional planting
Horsetail meanwhile, also thrives around rice paddies and in disturbed soil like new graves. It’s a weed.
How likely is it, do you think, that Muzan’s doctor nicknamed the final ingredient of the medicine that would relieve a BLOOD CURSE “Aoi Higanbana”, but was actually talking about the medicinal common horsetail, and not a literal poisonous red spider Lily which bloomed blue flowers?
Totally hypothetical question, it’s my headcanon now.
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silvermp · 1 year
Danny wasn’t prone to possessing living creatures - though he’d reached into the circuitry of inanimate things often enough. Fighting against a living mind, no matter how simple, was distracting....
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silvermp · 1 year
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silvermp · 1 year
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Some Silmarillion memes for your enjoyment
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