sigilsofstardust · 18 days
girls when they get overstimulated in the grocery store
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sigilsofstardust · 2 months
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The newest in a steadily growing collection of ink.
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sigilsofstardust · 3 months
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I love them normal amount
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sigilsofstardust · 3 months
a grave for two
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
Queen Charlotte telling her sons and daughters "please, for the love of God, King, and country: FUCK (someone appropriate). I am begging you: FUCK (someone appropriate). Find someone appropriate to marry and FUCKFUCKFUCK" had no right being that funny
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
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just let him win okay
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
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Aside from the general commentary of great casting, the immersion that the sound effects (minus the ones for magic) allow, and the truly cinematic “staging” of the Graphic Audio adaptation of ACoTaR, my favorite part of the second installment is one minor choice that was made that to be honest I’m not sure how many people would have realized. During summer solstice, the music that is being played by the Tamlin and the band of musicians while Feyre and Lucien are talking is called the Glasgow Reel. I had to go back and listen to it again to make sure, because it’s truly background noise and the spoken conversation happens on top of it. The wonderful little Easter egg is that the other name for the Glasgow Reel is TamLin. Not sure how many people would know this but I was so pleased when I realized it, and it just speaks to the attention to detail being given to these productions.
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
Let’s be real it ain’t enemies to lovers unless the villain is an overpowered ruler of darkness who is willing to give the world to the humble protector of the light
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
Reblog if you say "Y'all"
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
May the force not be with you. I hope the force avoids you specifically.
It flows through all life but not you actually. We did tests.
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
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Quote of the day...
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sigilsofstardust · 1 year
Lean into your corruption arc 2023.
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sigilsofstardust · 2 years
Penny for your thoughts on the Hades/Persephone symbolism re: Namor x Shuri? 😃
well, the three main elements of the hades and persephone myth are: the abduction, the mother’s search, and the inevitable return. and we see close to all three in wakanda forever.
the abduction of shuri:
though in the film shuri “willingly” goes to see namor, the reaction of everyone in wakanda is to see it as an abduction. okoye sees the talokanil leave with the unconscious princess. queen ramonda declares her daughter ‘lost’. nakia is sent to rescue her. shuri has a descent to the underworld underwater kingdom of talokan after picking up a flower riri williams.
the queen mother’s search:
the mother/daughter relationship is central to the persephone myth, and it’s central in this story too. queen ramonda is relentless with finding shuri, serving as a demeter figure of course. while demeter has the torch, ramonda has the shell.
the contrast between the dark, cool underwater scenes between shuri and namor and the warm, summery feel of queen ramonda on the beach with namor makes me think of the seasonal cycle the persephone myth symblolises as well. and of course, like demeter, her search is fruitless- there’s ‘nothing’ that can be given in exchange for the princess’ safe return.
ultimately it is up to nakia to ‘rescue’ shuri and riri. and funnily enough nakia shares similarity to hermes, the god who helps and finds persephone in the underworld. her (familial) love for shuri makes her to come back to the wakanda fold and find shuri. she is a very knowledgeable, from languages and culture to countries due to her spy background.
the inevitable return:
in the myth hades tricks persephone into eating the pomegranate seeds, she not knowing that eating anything from the underworld will mean she is eternally bound there. interesting that food is offered to riri but we don’t see her consume anything.
while namor doesn’t trick shuri into eating anything, i wonder if he knew that gifting her his mother’s bracelet would one day help create the synthetic heart shaped herb? like playing the long game. by the time he ties the bracelet around her wrist, he is already wanting her as his queen by his side as they burn the world together.
shuri consumes the herb and so BAM she is eternally bound to talokan. mythically anyway. the alliance that namor proposed to her in the middle of the film is accepted by the end. they have an alliance, a union. an eternal union to stop an eternal war?
namor is counting on shuri coming back to him. and he’s sure of himself because he understands her and the predicament wakanda faces. just like how hades is certain persephone will come back to him every six months to the underworld.
anyway these are just some quick thoughts off the top of my head x the persephone and hades myth is primarily about death and rebirth though. and boi, wakanda forever is full of death/rebirth imagery.
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sigilsofstardust · 2 years
the sorting hat, barely touching my head for less than a second: THERAPY THERAPY STRAIGHT TO THERAPY
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sigilsofstardust · 2 years
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This is all true and I will not be taking criticism at this time thank you
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sigilsofstardust · 2 years
On Fanfiction
I was cruising through the net, following the cold trail of one of the periodic “Is or is not Fanfic the Ultimate Literary Evil?” arguments that crop up regularly, and I’m now bursting to make a point that I never see made by fic defenders.
We’re all familiar with the normal defenses of fic: it’s done out of love, it’s training, it’s for fun. Those are all good and valid defenses!
But they miss something. They damn with faint praise. Because the thing is, when you commit this particular Ultimate Literary Evil you’ve now told a story. And stories are powerful. The fact that it wasn’t in an original world or with original characters doesn’t necessarily make it less powerful to any given reader.
I would never have made this argument a few years ago. A few years ago I hadn’t received messages from people who were deeply touched by something I wrote in fanfic. So what if it’s only two or three or four people, and I used someone else’s world and characters? For those two or three or four people, I wrote something fucking important. You cannot tell me that isn’t a valid use of my time and expect me to feel chastened. I don’t buy it. I won’t feel ashamed. I will laugh when you call something that touches other people ‘literary masturbation.’ Apparently you’re not too up on your sex terminology.
Someone could argue that if I’d managed the same thing with original characters in an original world, it could’ve touched more people. They might be right! On the other hand, it might never have been accepted for publication, or found a market if self published, and more importantly I would never have written it because I didn’t realize I could write. The story wouldn’t have happened. Instead, thanks to fanfic being a thing, it did. And for two or three or four people it mattered. When we talk about defending fanfic, can we occasionally talk about that?
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