seekerharryjames · 5 years
It would be swell if people could post anti-cursed child content in the anti-cursed child tag instead of the main tag.
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seekerharryjames · 5 years
Albus Potter Headcannons
1) FRECKLES. Albus having freckles on his nose and on his back is very important to me. The ones on his nose are not always visible but in the sun they come out and he looks amazing with them. 
2)  Albus is a bit like a bean pole. Tall and Skinny. I picture him taller than James( although James will never ever admit that his little brother is taller than him) but like one or two inches shorter than Scorpius. best height difference for little forehead kisses 
3) when picking between something chocolatey or something like a twizzler he would pick the twizzler. ( It all good because Scorpius is so eating all the chocolate frogs) 
4)  James is the one that does the most pranks in the Potter family but Albus will put a bunch of thought into his and they would be intricate and epic. like, imagine that scene in the parent trap with the cabin but like x10. Also if Lilly luna potter is pissed off enough that she wants to get revenge its best to lie low for a while 
5) wears his heart on his sleeve. Both a good thing and bad. on one hand, he is more caring than most people think but on the other, he is the one most affected by what people are saying about him. 
6) the best chess player ever. Gave Ron a run for his money even when he was 10 years old. 
7) heroic in his own quiet way. Like when during exams Scorpius gets so busy that he does not remember to eat he will find little bars and fruit in his bag to help him through his day. Ginny talking about how the gnomes are bringing dirt to the door and she will wake up and the garden will degnomed seeming by itself. Listening to Lilly talk about how the guy she got a crush is not interested her and reminding her that if a boy does not see how amazing Lilly Luna Potter is then he does not deserve her anyway. 
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seekerharryjames · 5 years
I have just been sitting here having my own little harry potter appreciation day today and getting hella emotional about harry's scars.  And not the well-known ones like with the locket or the one on his head but the little ones from little life things. like grazed shins from landing down hard chasing the snitch with the Weasleys or cuts that went too deep on a mission or that one finger because Albus’s owl is always insistent that the letter it is carrying is of utmost importance.  And how all the big and little scars add together to make him the wonderful human being that he is.
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seekerharryjames · 5 years
FIC REC Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary friends:
do you want a canon re-write that will leave you feeling with you need have a talk with Jesus and several cups of coffee? because I know I do. Ms. babyvfan aka ( @gloster ) has written a masterpiece where Harry and Draco meet as little babies become friends and the world will never be the same and honestly either will I. although it is not finished it is regularly updated. 
10 Reasons to read Stages of Friendship, Love, and Kisses: 
1) I repeat there is kiddie drarry.. is there anything cuter? answer: nope. 
2) serpent salute... believe me you want to know more 
3)  James Potter built his son a treehouse without magic and I regularly get emotional about it
4) veela! draco ( hi this is my fav trope and love that I am being blessed with this content) 
5) So all the sad stuff in canon still happens but harry as A SOLID GOODAM SUPPORT SYSTEM. 
7) yall these teenagers are a hormonal jealous mess and I love it. I literally could read 500k+ of just Draco being a jealous bitch. 
8) pansy and Theo are pulling on each other pigtails and I am sitting over here like umm hi new OTP. 
9) wolfstar.. always appreciate a good wolfstar content.  
10) BAMF! Narcissa Malfoy.. nobody is messing with her babies while she around. 
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seekerharryjames · 5 years
You know what mess with my head is that Peter Pettigrew had probably played with Harry when he was little and might have been the first dozen or so people that held him.... but he still took the same child and hung him up on the gravestone to die when he was only fourteen? Like what the fuck Peter.
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
Time Travel AU
okay, so I was thinking about time-travel wife AU but with Drarry? 
- Draco is the one that can time travel and goes to see Harry at different points in his life. 
- but like he can’t tell Harry his real name so he comes up with this code name which is just Mal( Malfoy--> Mal) 
- anyway so the first time harry meet Mal  is when he is like five and sees this random person appear butt naked in his cupboard and he is like “ oh no this is differently not normal” 
- draco losing his shit when he finds out more about how the Dursley's treat  Harry and he tries to go out stealing food for harry.  He accidentally puts laxatives in Vernon drink one night. 
- draco telling 11- year- old Harry that he has to run at the platform. Later in year holding back the instinct to run  into the trap door behind Harry because that is not the way that it happens 
- Wincing as the Whomping Willow completely destroys the Ford and tries to kill Harry. Feeling a twinge of melancholy as he watched Hedwig fly away from the car.  Laughing so much that he cried when watches harry face turn completely red after ginny’s valentines card. 
- draco hugging 14-year-old harry the night before the third task and knowing that after this night everything will change. Wanting to see the innocence in his lover's eyes one last time  before he has to watch a classmate die in- front of him 
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
So I was thinking about how all these pureblood children have known each other for a long time. so Therefore there had to be some kind of meeting between Draco and Astoria as kids and I bet it was hilarious. And so instead of building a story with you know polt I just decided to post my stream of consciousness. 
Draco meet Astoria when he was five. she was part of the 80 people invited to his party. Like this party of was all the rage back in the day so there were fights, noise, cake, and lots of five-year-olds on a sugar rush. ( Narcissa swears that she will never ever host a party in her house again). 
so Draco is having the time of his life but then he gets very frustrated because everyone to watch the Quidditch players that his dad hired to perform and Draco is semi pissed bc he like being the center of attention( surprise surprise). So he goes out to you know sulk and he sees this girl ( Astoria) who is chilling with the peacocks. Expect Draco is terrified of peacocks and is literally thinking this girl is going to die at my party. whatever will people think? 
 he marches over there to save her. He scares the peacock away by you know rushing at it in the traditional way that Draco faces birds of nature.* ahem* buckbeak. As this is no buckbeak but a fragile peacock who runs away. And Draco is full of himself he is like yeah just rescued a girl I am the Prince Charming she was waiting for. so he looks at her excepting her to thank him and tell him that he was the best. 
But our girl Astoria is pissed and promptly stomps on his feet  “ I was talking to the peacock and you scared him away and now he is not coming back and it is all your fault.” basically Draco is impressed because this little girl can talk to the evil peacocks. Also, his first memory of his future wife is her stomping on his toes. Honeslty Astoria Greengrass is the icon we deserve.
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
It really hurts my heart to read fics that portray Scorp as a bully or mean. Like I really dislike CC, but the ONE thing they did right was Draco and Scorp. Even if he married someone else (like H) I think he would’ve raised him the same, to be kind. It really takes away from such a great, caring character to reduce him to a bully just bc his father was in school. Draco learned from his mistakes and would NOT let his son be the same as he was. I usually stop reading fics if Scorp is like that.
Hi! I completely agree with you and will join in closing any fanfic with bully!scorpius bc that is personally not my HC for scorpius. I think that it shows a large part of Draco’s redemption in the way that he chooses to bring his son up. He refuses to raise his son with the ideals of blood purity that he was thought as a child.I also believe that draco had to grow up quicker because of the war and the role that his family played in the war but with scorpius i think that he would him to enjoy his time as hogwarts and really fully experience what being a teenager feels like. YES! No matter who draco would have ended up he would have still tried to raise his child/children with love and happiness.
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
Percy Weasley
Okay, so we know that little Percy is a bookworm and really gives no shits about Quidditch. But maybe one day he noticed that all of the older and younger brothers were obsessed with it and therefore he brought a Quidditch book and tried to learn about his brother loved?? like he just wanted to be a part of the family excitement? 
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
no matter if you ship drarry or drastoria or Dramione; can we all agree that draco falls in love with and is an amazing husband to a beautiful, confident, sassy brunette and is even more amazing dad to his smol sunshine child scorpius? 
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
Scorbus Kisses
1) Scorpius leaving small butterfly kisses all over Albus’s face when he is sad. Because no matter what is going Albus can never resist his boyfriend smile.
2) Slow soft morning kisses on days off. Where there is no reason to speed up and they can revel in the fact that it still feels so good to kiss the person you love.
3) Long and heavy make-out session in the corner of the common room and empty classroom after quidditch games. No matter how loudly people scream Albus’s name when he plays, he loves it the most when scorpius moans his name when he is kissing his neck 
4) Innocent forehead kisses when they are around younger children and their parents. These remind Albus of the first time that Scorpius had kissed his forehead and of the other shy touches of two boys that are falling in love for the first time.
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
Green Tie with Yellow ducks
As Draco slipped on his tie for his son’s graduation, he thought about the times that he had been taught how to wear a tie. He remembered his grandparents funeral when his father had picked him up and sat him on the counter to  explain how ties show that a man is powerful and that it needs to be tight and look severe. That lead to him tying his tie very tightly for most of his  childhood. When he had entered hogwarts and seen the clumsy way that Potter and his friends tied his tie and sneered at their inability to look like proper wizard. To his shock he had noticed that Slytherins’ with proper upbringing were also tying their ties looser making them look ruffled. Blaise was the first person that showed him attraction of messy professionally attire and that ties did not have be tight and formal but could be used as a fashion statement. Leading to him wearing an awfully bright pink bow tie to his wedding. It might not have proper but it lead some great laughs to break up pre-wedding jitters. Today as he watched scorpius  hug his boyfriend before giving his speech as head boy, he had to laugh at the bright green tie with yellow ducks that his son had chosen for the event.
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
Scorpius and Piano
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Scorpius was very confused. His mum had read him a story about a mermaid princess that had been confused about to do after she feel in love and he felt just like the mermaid because he did not know what to do. Mummy and Daddy had gone to St.Mungo and came back looking sad. Scorpius wondered if someone had taken their pudding because that always made him sad too. He was confused about what he should be doing. Daddy had said that they needed to cheer mummy up but Scorpius did not know how. 
He wondered around the house looking for things that would make his mum happy. He even tried opening door daddy said were “ dangerous”. He pushed his way into the huge sitting room and paused when he saw the old piano in the corner.  He had seen daddy and grandma play the piano and it sparked an idea. Mummy always smiled really big and sat next to daddy when he was playing the piano. Scorpius smiled because he was no longer confused. This was how he was going to make his mummy smile again, he was going to play most beautiful song on the piano just like daddy. Grinning to himself, scorpius hosted himself on the chair and started. 
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
Got hit by a wave of sadness when I thought about scorpius finding his mothers’ ring and wearing it on a chain around his neck to feel close to his mom.
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
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This is quote screams scorbus. I can imagine albus saying to scorpius when he gets around to admitting his feeling. Scorpius: when did you know you loved me? Albus: scorpius I choose you to be my friend when I refused to leave with Rose the first time on the Express but I do not know the first time I felt like I was falling in love you maybe because I have always been in love with you
Quote credit: CuteQuotez.com
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
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Seven-year-old Astoria finds a hurt swallow in the barn behind their horse stable and saves it from the kneazles. She carefully scoops it up, gently stroking over its silky feathers. Astoria can feel a light, tingling feeling in her fingertips, and when the little bird flaps it wings and flies away, up to its nest on the timber beams, she knows she just healed the broken wing with accidental magic.
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seekerharryjames · 6 years
I have just had one of those days where I am so struck by how harry james potter is so dam good. like he totally donates money to people. buys homeless people dinner. brings home all the lost puppies. like if harry sees parents hitting their children then Auror Potter needs to incept this house right away. feeling like its his fault when he meets children that lost parents in war. he is just so good like he is just a golden person. 
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