satsufic Ā· 4 months
Re-Cap Review: Match Rate 99.99%
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Title: Match Rate 99.99% Creator(s): šŸ’» Lash (Twitter) | šŸŽØ Nanna (Twitter) Licenser: PocketComics Note: Please be aware that reviews are NOT spoiler free!
Status: Complete Chapters: 51 Official Synopsis: In the world of modern omegaverse, Haejin is an average office worker with a spirit of adventurer who happens to be the omega that Hwan Lee, a sharp-looking and ambitious corporate executive has been searching for. Hwan, who needs a matching omega with a sufficient compatibility rate in order to have him bear his child, offers Haejin an overwhelming deal that is too sweet to be rejected.
Genre: BL Main Pairing: Lee Hwan/Kang Haejin Other Pairings: n/a Censored? (Y/N): Y Noteables: Ī©verse, āš ļønoncon, āš ļøkidnapping, āš ļøforced drugging, mpreg, chaebol, novel adaptation
Story: ā­ā­ Art: ā­ā­ā­ Spice: ā­ā­ā­ā­ Overall: ā­ā­ā­
Review: Lee Hwan, director of Keysteel Leisure, is rich, a chaebol heir, an alpha... and a Massive Fucking Cockwaffle. That last part is causing him a wee bit of trouble, as his grandmother, recognising that her grandson is a Massive Fucking Cockwaffle, has decided that she won't let him actually inherit the company unless he has an heir (the implication being that once he's a father, he might learn some damn humanity).
Problem is, he's having trouble finding a suitable partner. He needs an omega with a compatibility rating of at least 40%, but apparently it ain't happening.
Enter Haejin, an employee of one of Keysteel's subsidiaries. He's got a raging hard-on for adventure and survival tactics and exploring the wilderness. He's also frail and sickly, so...
After a chance meeting, wherein Haejin admonishes him for being a bellend to a hotel employee, Hwan is drawn to Haejin's pheromones, then proceeds to secretly steal a DNA sample from him and has it tested. And, lo and behold, as the title says: they're an almost unheard of 99.99% match!
So instead of being a reasonable human being and talking to Haejin about possibly being a surrogate for his heir, he decides to date him with the intent of manipulating him into having sex and getting pregnant naturally. (Why he thinks this is a good idea when he, himself, has really fucking bad mysophobia and can't stand to be touched, I have no idea...) This goes over about as well as one might imagine.
Haejin, heartbroken, tells Hwan to go off, to which Lee Hwan responds by... fucking kidnapping him!
Hwan is the one of the reddest fucking flags I've ever seen. While holding Haejin prisoner he treats him as less than human, berates him, calls him a dirty omega during sex, gives him weird, untested heat-inducing drugs, and then proceeded to yank his knot out mid-fuck because he realised having sex with Haejin was actually feeling good.
Remember how Haejin is a survivalist otaku? He manages to escape that psycho alpha and goes into hiding, so of course Hwan simultaneously enters his regret and chasing arcs.
Lee Hwan has one of the most disappointing redemption arcs I've ever read. The dude obviously had some trauma or something in his past that led to him being a huge germophobe, hating to be touched and thinking that sex with an omega was the dirtiest fucking thing on the planet... And not a single bit of that was touched on or explained (other than to half-way allude to maybe his grandmother having something to do with it?)!
All we got was him simping hard for a few chapters, Haejin pretending to still be against their relationship, but then they get their happy ending anyway.
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I kept reading to see his backstory, and I'm still pissed off we didn't get it!
On the other hand! Omegaverse is one of my favourite genres of BL, and one reason is for the mpreg... but entirely too many omegaverse comics fucking skip the pregnancy, or the omega miraculously doesn't show, or they can't/don't get pregnant, etc... šŸ˜«
Match Rate 99.99% gives us not only the pregnancy with baby bump, but we also get some very nice preggo sex. It got an extra star in the rating for that, ngl. (Though, I almost wanna take it back away for how ugly their baby was...)
Recommendation: Basically, if you like omegaverse and/or mpreg, give it a shot, just... as a disclaimer, Hwan is a fucking dick and his redemption is lacklustre (though his simping was nice).
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satsufic Ā· 4 months
Re-Cap Review: Sex Lessons in the Demon World
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Title: Sex Lessons in the Demon World Creator(s): Shotenin Matori (Twitter | Website) Licenser: CoolMic Note: Please be aware that reviews are NOT spoiler free!
Status: Complete Chapters: 6 Official Synopsis: "Waitā€¦ I'm gonna cum againā€¦!" Getting teased in front of a beloved lover, orgasming repeatedlyā€¦ but the sex education never ends.
Genre: Hentai Main Pairing: Ernst/Akane Other Pairings: Takumi/Akane Censored? (Y/N): N Noteables: isekai, āš ļønoncon
Story: ā­ā­ Art: ā­ā­ā­ Spice: ā­ā­ā­ Overall: ā­ā­
Review: The premise of this is kinda ridiculous, even for a B-rate hentai. It starts out with Akane and Takumi getting hot and heavy in Akane's(?) bedroom, but before anything can really happen they get pulled through a portal into another world. *du-doom*
There they meet Ernst, an orc, who proceeds to explain to them that he actually only needs Akane because she apparently looks just like the princess of his kingdom (except not really, but whatevs). The princess, a succubus, has run off after finding out that sex education actually involves... ya know, fucking.
Apparently that's a problem for her. The succubus.
To hide the fact that the princess has bounced, Ernst has kidnapped Akane to have sex education in her stead ('cause that makes all the sense, obvi). He gets her to agree to this by keeping Takumi locked up as a hostage. Because of course he does.
Ngl, I saw this in the recommendations at the bottom of the page on another title I was looking at, and ended up getting lured by the prospect of orc sex.
Y'all... There was no orc sex. šŸ˜’
While Ernst does various other sexual things to Akane, and despite the fact that he keeps saying he's going to, he never actually fucks her. In fact, the fucking thing leaves off with him telling her to follow him because he's going to fuck her in front of Takumi, but then it ends. Wtf...
Recommendation: Unless getting cockblocked by the word fin is your kink, I'd pass on this one.
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satsufic Ā· 5 months
Hangbog (Surrender) [Jinx]
This is the first new fic I have written in five years. Also, fun fact, this is the first time I've written for a canon couple. I tried to do them justice.
It's just an average day at the penthouse: Jaekyung ruining Kim Dan's peaceful days with his dick.
(This fic was originally posted on Wix on 24 September 2023.)
KyungDan; R19
'Hey, Kim Danā€¦'
Dan was relaxing on the L-sofa in the living room, reading by the light of the late afternoon sun streaming in trough the enormous windows of the penthouse. He glanced up from the pages upon hearing his name, however, to find the deadly weapon that moonlighted as Joo Jaekyung's penis, armed and ready, obstructing his field of vision. He blinked twice in quick succession, then let his eyes travel further up to find Jaekyung leering at him, the faint flush of arousal colouring his cheeks. Dan felt his stomach drop.
'Suck it'.
Jaekyung sighed, rolling his eyes. 'Do we really have to go through this every time? It's like a damn ritual for you now, acting surprised. Come on'. In one fluid motion he snatched the book and tossed it aside, then tapped Dan's cheek with his dick. 'Suck. It'.
Dan repressed the urge to sigh and, after only a brief hesitation, took the head of Jaekyung's cock into his mouth. It always astonished him that any of it would fit, seeing as it was big enough to make a stallion jealous, but somehow he managed to take almost half of it before it hit the back of his throat. When he first started doing this he found it rather disgusting, having another man's cock in his mouth, and the fact that he had trouble breathing added a layer of terror to the act. He'd long gotten used to it, though, even if Jaekyung still liked to complain about his technique.
Jaekyung had one of his hands resting on the back of Dan's head, his fingers intertwined somewhat loosely in his hair. He began to breathe more heavily as Dan bobbed along the length of his shaft, and Dan could feel his own lower half starting to wake up, stirring with an anticipation that he still wasn't sure he liked to acknowledge. It didn't take long before the taste of Jaekyung's precome, a little salty and oddly sour (though somehow not exactly unpleasant), to hit his tongue. He somewhat instinctively applied pressure against the large vein that ran along the underside of Jaekyung's cock, causing the the larger man to let out a sharp gasp. He felt Jaekyung shudder, and the cock in his mouth hit his front teeth.
'Fuck!' Jaekyung growled, yanking Dan off him by his hair, 'Are you ever going to stop with the teeth?'
Dan winced. He wanted to retort, to point out that it wasn't his fault that Jaekyung was so huge and his mouth was only so big, but he didn't. 'I-I'm sorry, sir', he panted, trying to catch his breath.
Jaekyung scowled down at him, but after a moment the look on his face turned thoughtful. He gave the other man a once over with his eyes, an action that caused Dan a certain level of apprehension. That look on Jaekyung's face usually meant he was plotting something.
'Hey, Doc', Jaekyung said, surprising Dan by dropping into a crouch in front of him, 'It occurs to me that I've never really askedā€¦ Have you ever actually gotten head before?'
Dan felt his face burn as he blushed furiously. His embarrassment was apparently enough of an answer even without him saying anything, though, as the other man continued on as if Dan had answered him out loud.
'That explains it', Jaekyung mused, flashing him a sly grin. 'In that case, pay attention, because I'm only going to teach you this once'.
Dan found himself pushed back against the sofa cushions and his jeans and boxers removed before he even had time to process what Jaekyung was doing. He shivered as his own still throbbing erection, courtesy of the other man's breathy moaning, was suddenly exposed to open air. He could feel his hole twitching again, but he ignored it, instead staring in shock at Jaekyung's face, which was now inches away from his crotch.
'Wait, noā€¦! Y-you don't have to do that', he protested weakly.
'Yeah, I do', Jaekyung replied firmly. 'I'm tired of you fucking biting my dick, so I'm going to show you how it's done'.
'Butā€¦ it's dirty!' Dan fretted.
Jaekyung glared up at him. 'Are you saying mine is dirty?' he demanded.
Dan blanched. 'O-of course not!'
'Then why would yours be?' Jaekyung huffed matter-of-factly.
Dan wanted to object again, but the words were lost to the gasp that instead exited his throat as Jaekyung nuzzled his cheek against the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. He was utterly dumbfounded by the uncharacteristic tenderness, but he didn't have time to mull on it before Jaekyung turned his attention elsewhere. He watched, transfixed, as Jaekyung shot out his tongue and lightly flicked the head of his dick with it before pressing the tip into the slit and licking at Dan's urethra. Dan inhaled sharply through his teeth. Jaekyung glanced up at the sound, and their eyes met. Dan felt like he might explode from embarrassment. He bit his lip and looked away, squeezing his eyes shut.
'That won't do, Doc', Jaekyung chided, his breath hot and moist against Dan's skin. He was so close that Dan felt his lips brushing against his glans. 'Don't look away. You need to focus'.
Dan gripped the sofa cushions with his fists, chewing on his bottom lip. He'd already known, even before he'd turned away, that Jaekyung would have him watch. The thought of it sent a kaleidoscope of butterflies into a tizzy in his stomach. He jerked his head in a nod, more to himself than anything, then slowly turned back to the large man on the floor between his legs, caught in his gaze once again. The look in Jaekyung's eyes made Dan shiver. He almost forgot to breathe.
'Good boy', Jaekyung muttered, his voice so low that Dan wasn't sure he heard correctly, then continued at a normal volume, 'Eyes on me'.
Dan simply nodded again.
He watched, fixated as if in a trance, as Jaekyung wrapped his lips around the head of his cock, pulling it into his mouth. Dan obediently took note of everything. He noticed how the hollows of Jaekyung's cheeks indented slightly as he sucked and how his jaw muscles flexed when he applied more pressure with his tongue. He observed the way the wisps of hair that always refused to be styled back danced across his forehead as he moved, how the golden light of the setting sun was illuminating his back and shoulders in such a way that he seemed to glow, how his cheeks were tinged with the colour of his lustā€¦ and how he kept his dark irises trained intently on Dan's face, as if the innermost thoughts of his heart could be read there.
Jaekyung was teasing Dan by giving attention only to the smooth, more sensitive skin of his glans. Dan's breath was quick and shallow, and he couldn't help letting out a low moan. Jaekyung's mouth was hot and wet, and his tongue was soft as it pressed flat against his flesh. Dan's ass started twitching yet again, more fervently than before, and without realising it he pushed his hips forward, forcing more of his dick into the other's mouth. Jaekyung obliged him and devoured the rest of Dan's length, all the way to the base.
'Hngh!' Dan clamped a hand across his lips in a failed attempt to suppress his voice. Still, he didn't look away.
Jaekyung started working along the length of Dan's cock, slowly at first, but soon began to quicken his pace. He snaked one arm under Dan's right knee, pushing it onto his shoulder before reaching around to cup the other man's ass cheek in his palm. His other hand found Dan's balls. He pressed his thumb against them first, between the two testes, then started to massage them with a similar rhythm as what he was doing with his mouth. Dan's hips bucked.
'Ah, n-noā€¦!' he whimpered through his fingers. 'I-I'm gonnaā€”mmmā€”you're gonna makeā€¦ make meā€¦'
His climax was building, and he squirmed under Jaekyung's touches. He stopped trying to hold his moans. Instead he reached down, curling his fingers into the other man's hair. He couldn't think straight anymore, his mind drowning in sensation, and he threw his head back against the sofa cushion. His eyelids fluttered, his vision out of focus.
Jaekyung moved his hand away from Dan's balls, tracing his thumb downward along his perineum before pressing it against his anus. Dan's moan came out more like a whine. His hole started spasming, anticipating the entry of Jaekyung's thick digit. He refused to insert it, however, simply rubbing against the twitching opening with enough pressure to make Dan feel like he'd go mad. It wasn't enough; he wanted more. It was too much.
'N-no! Stopā€¦ Moveā€¦!' Dan cried.
He clamped Jaekyung's hair in his fists, tried to push him away, but the man wouldn't budge. Dan tried to wriggle away instead, but the arm firmly around his waist held him in place. He came with a loud groan, flooding the other's mouth with his semen. Stars flashed in and out of existence in front of his unfocused eyes as he panted, trying to breathe properly. It took him several seconds to recover enough to come to his senses and realise what had happened. He jerked his hands away from Jaekyung's head, vaguely noting the few black strands that stayed stuck to his palms, and stared at him with wide eyes.
'Ohā€¦ oh, no! I'm s-sorry. I told you toā€¦ I didn't meanā€”' he stammered, then stopped abruptly. It only took half a beat for him to continue. 'D-did youā€¦ swallow that?' he asked, dismayed.
Jaekyung shrugged, wiping the corner of his mouth with his thumb. 'It's protein', he said. 'Not half bad, either'.
Dan opened his mouth but couldn't think of anything to say to to that, so he closed it again without making a sound.
He suddenly became acutely aware that his leg was still draped over Jaekyung's shoulder. He tried to shift it off, but the younger man placed a firm grip on his thigh, once again preventing him from moving. The hand was hot against his skin. Dan fidgeted.
Jaekyung was no longer looking at Dan's face. His dark irises were settled lower, at the space between his legs. He ran the thumb of his free hand down the underside of Dan's spent cock, from the base of the glans, down the shaft and over his balls, over the perineum. He stopped just short of pressing against his opening. Dan shuddered, and his anus clenched and unclenched in excited anticipation. Jaekyung just observed this for a little while, idly rubbing the spot just above Dan's hole and playing at the inside of his cheek with his tongue.
Finally he moved, hooking Dan's other leg over his shoulder, too. He placed his hands on Dan's hips and pulled them upward. Dan squeaked in surprise, flailing his arms as he suddenly found himself on his back on the sofa. Only his shocked curiosity held him from objecting. Jaekyung had never done something like this before.
'Sir! Oh!'
Jaekyung had leaned forward and run his tongue over Dan's hole.
'Hnghā€¦ D-don't! Ah!'
Dan squirmed and gripped the edge of the sofa cushions. Despite his half-hearted objection, he couldn't help responding to the stimulation. Jaekyung lapped at his ass, pressing his tongue firmly against the twitching opening over and over again, wetting it so much that the air was being punctuated by slurping noises. Dan's body was feeling more sensitive after coming once already. His cock perked up again, leaked precome onto his stomach. He tightened his legs around Jaekyung's shoulders, pushing his hips towards his face.
Jaekyung slid his tongue inside.
The high-pitched sound that came out of Dan's mouth was barely audible. Jaekyung licked at the inside of Dan's ass with the same fervour as he had the outside, pushing his tongue in as far as it would go before pulling it back out and repeating the motion. It felt a lot like getting fingered, but Jaekyung's tongue couldn't reach as deep as his digits could. Dan whimpered, unable to think straight. His hands found Jaekyung's hair again. He curled his fingers into it, pressing down against the other man's head. He didn't want him to stop. He needed him to keep going. He needed something more, something bigger, something that could reach deeper.
'S-sirā€¦!' he moaned, shoving Jaekyung's head away.
Jaekyung growled. 'The fuā€”'
'Justā€¦ put it in', Dan panted, head lolled to the side. He shuddered, waves of sensation travelling along his skin. 'P-pleaseā€¦'
Jaekyung said something that Dan didn't hear before setting the head of his cock against his hole. Dan moaned again, turning his head to look up at Jaekyung with bleary eyes and parted lips. The younger man leaned forward and caught those lips with his own, sliding his tongue into Dan's mouth and kissing him deeply. Dan whined against the kiss as their tongues rolled together. All of Jaekyung's teasing was going to make him go properly insane. He couldn't stand it anymore.
Dan jerked away from the kiss with a gasp, his back arching as Jaekyung finally thrust his cock into him. He'd gone almost all the way in; Dan felt like he could feel it poking the inside of his navel. His legs were still over Jaekyung's shoulders, and when he pushed in again he went even deeper. Jaekyung shifted both limbs to one shoulder and wrapped his arms around Dan's thighs as he fucked him, using the extra leverage to explore as far into Dan's ass as he could. Dan could feel his cock rubbing against his prostate with every motion, and it sent electricity surging through his body.
'Mmā€¦ F-feels goodā€¦!'
Jaekyung paused, blinking down at the man on the sofa beneath him. 'What?'
Dan's eyes fluttered, and he gazed up imploringly at Jaekyung. 'Doā€¦ don't stop', he breathed.
Sparks shot through him again as Jaekyung jerked his hips and plunged his dick back into the depths of Dan's abdomen. The sharp sound of flesh smacking against flesh rang in his ears, but each moan that left his lips managed to be even louder. He could feel Jaekyung fucking him to the hilt now, his glans hitting the deepest point of his belly that always made him feel like his guts would be pierced.
'Hn! It'sā€¦ too d-deepā€¦!'
'Really?' Jaekyung grunted, punctuating his question by thrusting again. He hit Dan's prostate at just the right angle, and Dan almost screamed.
'Hnnghā€¦ no!' Dan's voice was fast becoming hoarse. 'Th-thereā€¦ Right there! Ah!'
Jaekyung adjusted himself slightly and managed to hit the proper angle every time he pushed into Dan's ass. Dan's brain went numb, the building need for release drowning everything else out. He writhed under Jaekyung's touches, clawed at the fabric of the sofa cushions. His eyes were open, staring at the other man's flushed face. He watched as a drop of sweat fell from a strand of his hair. He kept forgetting to breathe.
'You good, Doc?' Jaekyung asked, a low groan following.
Dan jerked his head in an awkward nod. 'Y-yesā€¦' he panted. 'O-ohā€¦ Hngh! Oh, godā€¦ Mmmso g-good! I'm gonna c-coā€”!'
Dan's climax shot through him like lightening. Every nerve ending was lit up like Christmas, and he felt as if every muscle in his body contracted all at once. He came with enough force that his semen splattered against his chin and covered his chest and belly in a hot, sticky line.
'Aahā€¦ Jaekyung!' he cried.
Kim Dan stared up at the dimly lit ceiling high above him in his bedroom. He wasn't quite awake enough to wonder what time it was, but he was vaguely aware that it was still an hour of the night that he should be asleep.
He was just about to roll over and try to be just that, but a very uncomfortable feeling jerked his brain wide awake. He'd been dreaming, and the dream had woken him up. Bits of it were coming in little flashes, staying in his mind's eye long enough to bring heat to his cheeks, but then they faded away into the oblivion between sleep and wakefulness, as dreams tend to do. The only evidence that remained of the dream was the uncomfortable feeling.
Dan lifted up his blanket. Even in the low light from the Seoul cityscape that bled into the bedroom through the windows he could see that his boxers were soaked. He hesitated, noting to himself just what his age was, then lifted the band. It was a sticky mess. He could feel himself blushing even more deeply.
0 notes
satsufic Ā· 5 months
A Summer Tail [Blue Exorcist]
This is the last fic I posted to my LiveJournal way back when, and was inspired partially by a very nice fanart of the twins I ran across.
Remember, kids: incest is wincest, and twincest is winningestcest.
Yukio is rather shocked to learn some things about Rin's demon physiology and ends up making a hot day even hotter.
(This fic was originally published to LJ on 21 July 2014.)
Yukio/Rin, R19
Yukio's mind was elsewhere, though where "elsewhere"' was he hadn't a clue. His lesson planner lay open on his desk alongside several demon pharmacology books and a scroll on demon physiology. Try as he might, he just couldn't make himself focus on his work. The dorm he and Rin shared was positively boiling, and his brain was too addled to string even a single set of incomplete thoughts together, much less anything comprehensible. He chanced a a glance at the little thermometer hanging on the wall by the open window and sighed heavily at the reading. It was thirty-two degrees. Even the breeze was hot.
He sighed again and dropped his head to the desk. At the moment he felt it was too much effort to hold himself upright.
Suddenly the dorm door burst open. Yukio rolled his head to watch as Rin spilled into the room carrying a plastic bag almost overflowing with snacks from the canteen. He teetered over to his own desk and plopped down heavily into his chair with a great sigh. The bag hit the floor by Rin's feet with a dull thud. Rin, for his part, stretched his limbs as far as they'd reach before flopping over into a position much like his twin's.
"Fuckin' hell, it's hot!" he groaned, the tip of his tail twitching as if to emphasise the complaint.
Yukio sat up. He glanced at his brother's tail before focusing his gaze on the bag of foodstuffs hoping to see the bottle of water Rin had promised to buy him.
"Nii-san... where's my mineral water?"
Rin blinked as if coming out of haze. "Oh, yeah..." he said, then triumphantly, "No worries. I remembered this time!"
He leaned over and began rummaging through the bag full of not particularly healthy things that Yukio didn't quite approve of when other people were looking. After a moment a look of distressed confusion settled onto Rin's face as he began to search more frantically. Yukio sat back in his chair, arms folded across his chest, and watched his elder brother with a frown.
"Nii-san..." he sighed.
Rin glanced up from his search for only about half a second. "No, wait!" he said, flicking his tail slightly. "I didn't forget! It's gotta be in here somewhere..."
Shortly he snatched the bag off the floor and upended its contents onto his desk, staring at the mess in disbelief. Three pre-packaged breads, two bags of fruit gummies, a box of pocky that must have absolutely melted into a mass of chocolate inside the foil wrappers, a banana, some rice crackers, and a bottle of lychee flavoured ramune that almost rolled off the desk. Yukio's water was nowhere to be found. He looked up at his twin with a sheepish look on his face, and his tail sagged to the floor behind him.
"... It's... not here," he said.
"Obviously," Yukio clipped. He took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"I did buy it..."
"So where is it, then?"
Rin stared at the empty bag, its edges flapping in the breeze produced by the oscillating fan. "Maybe it fell out somewhere?" he offered lamely.
Yukio slipped his glasses back on. "That's a convenient explanation, isn't it?"
A shadow fell over Rin's features. "There's nothing 'convenient' about it!" he snapped. He turned his back on Yukio and began gathering his horde of snacks back into the bag. His tail jerked from side to side in annoyance.
Yukio's frown deepened as his eyes were drawn to his twin's twitching tail. "Either way, you didn't bring my water. Again."
Rin glowered over his shoulder. "It's not like I meant to lose it, ya know."
"That isn't important, Nii-san," Yukio chided. "In the end you still failed to manage to comeplete the simple task that had been asked of you."
Rin's tail thumped angrily against the floor. "You make it sound like I can't do anything right."
"I'm only judging based on past experiences," Yukio responded flatly.
Rin's face drooped in a sort of furious pout, and he turned away from his brother again. He stared hard through the window at the sweltering, cloudless sky. "I liked you better when you were little and cute..." he sulked, still flailing his tail about like an angry cat.
Yukio rolled his eyes and turned back to his lesson planner. He should have gone out for the water himself, but he was too busy being stubborn, and besides, this lesson wasn't going to arrange itself. For a little while he tried to work, but considering the circumstances he managed to make approximately zero headway. Not only did he feel as if he was being slow roasted in an oven and his mouth felt like it was full of cotton, he had a new distraction: he could see Rin twitching his tail in his peripheral vision. He found it to be highly irritating.
"Nii-san," he said without looking up, "can you at least not do that?"
Rin ignored him, as did his tail.
Yukio's patience reached a critical limit. He knew, somewhere inside his mind, that he was only this upset because it was so bloody hot, but at the moment he didn't particularly care. Rin was in the wrong here. He was the one who had broken his word. He also had to know how irriated Yukio was. He had no excuse, then, to sit there and childishly incite his brother further. As such, Yukio didn't feel particularly apologetic as he stood, stalked the short distance between his desk and his brother's, and snatched Rin's tail into his fist.
"AH!" Rin cried, his body lurching forward so that he almost hit his forehead on his desk.
Startled, Yukio dropped his brother's tail. He knew tails were a demon's weakness-- that was basic demon physiology-- but he hadn't grabbed it that hard. He hadn't expected such a strong reaction, either... or, perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that it wasn't quite the reaction he was expecting. Rin was scowling at him, a blush painted across his face that stretched from the tip of one pointed ear to the other. Tears shined indignantly in the corners of his eyes.
Realisation dawned on Yukio. "Ah..." he said simply.
And awkward silence settled over the room like a heavy blanket. Rin's gaze was again aimed past the open window, but his eyes were unfocused and obviously not seeing much. Yukio, too, gazed into the sky outside, his mind racing with thoughts he was pretty sure he ought not to have. Perhaps it was the heat, or maybe it was because he was tired, or possibly it was because he was overworked and overstressed, but at the moment his brain was focusing on nothing else except the look on his brother's face, the sound of his gasp, the rosy colour that spanned from ear to ear, other completely un-brotherly like things. In the haze of a rising heat within his body, Yukio snaked out his hand and caught Rin's tail in his fist again, close to where it merged into the back, as his brother had attempted to protect it by curling it into his lap.
Rin's voice echoed off the paneled walls, and his body shook violently from the shock of what Yukio suspected was a sudden orgasm. His inner warmth was increasing, and the rational part of his brain was quickly shutting down.
"Yukioooo," his twin whined, whipping his head around to present a confused glare to his brother.
This time Yukio did not let go, opting instead to watch as tiny shivers pulsed across Rin's flesh.
"Hey, Nii-san..." Yukio said in a soft, husky voice that he hadn't known he was capable of. He felt like he wanted to say something else, needed to say something else, but no words would come. Nothing at all, save for the intense desire to make every bit of Rin his. He leaned forward slowly, the remaining reason left in his consciousness holding him back by a thread. The carnal side, however-- that part of him that wanted this despite Rin being a demon, despite him being another man, despite him being his own flesh and blood-- pushed ahead, stretching well past the tensile strength of his rationale. It snapped completely as his lips met his brother's.
At first Rin tried to resist, to pull away from his younger brother, but Yukio slipped his free hand behind his head and kept him from running away. The pressure Yukio kept on his twin's tail kept him from being able to fight back too terribly much, but Yukio wasn't entirely sure he really wanted to anyway. Before long Rin had stopped his feeble struggle and was returning the kiss in full, to the point where he parted his lips invitingly. Yukio obliged, slipping his tongue into his brother's mouth. Rin tasted like his favourite Gori Gori-kun popsicle.
He felt his glasses being removed, heard the small thunk as they landed on the desk behind them. Rin's arms wrapped around his neck, and Yukio let his own drop from his brother's hair and slide up under his tank top. His skin was hot and slick with sweat, and Yukio could feel the heavy thumping of his heart through his chest. He absently stroked Rin's tail, the suede like fur sliding easily through his fingers. His brother's grip on him instantly tightened to almost painful levels, and his sharp intake of breath passing between both their lips made Yukio feel lightheaded.
Yukio finally pulled away from the kiss, and the look on Rin's face that greeted him made his heart skip a beat. His eyes were glazed over and his lips, bright red from prolonged contact with his own, were still parted a bit. He reached up and caressed his twin's cheek, and his brother obediently nuzzled his palm.
"Nii-san..." Yukio breathed, an unvoiced question lingering in his tone.
Rin tilted his head to the side. "Maybe it's okay that you aren't little anymore," he said quietly.
Yukio couldn't stand it any longer. "Nii-san," he repeated. "I'm going to take you to bed."
Finally he released his brother's tail. He took Rin's hands and pulled him to his feet, then led him over to his bed. Rin stood staring at it for a long moment, perhaps because the reality of what Yukio was planning was settling in, before pulling off his shirt and flopping onto his back on the mattress. He stared up at his younger brother expectantly.
The last sliver of rational thought sparked in Yukio's brain. "Nii-san, are you sure?" he asked tentively. "I mean... you know what this means?"
Rin nodded. "Yukio," he said his twin's name in almost a whimper, "I'm not a kid."
Yukio knelt on the bed between Rin's legs, and when he did his brother leaned up, wrapped his arms around his neck once more, and pressed his mouth next to Yukio's ear. "I want you to fuck me, Yukio," he whispered.
Yukio swallowed hard. "Then..." he started, then had to try again. "Then take off your clothes... and get on your hands and knees."
Embarrassment flashed across Rin's face, but after a moment he shuffled around to comply. He rolled off the bed and proceeded to push his shorts to the floor. His tail swayed from side to side as he shed his boxers, too, and Yukio watched it as a cat might watch a dangling string. Just as his brother was about to turn back to the bed he reached out and caught the fluffy tuft at the end between his fingers. Rin moaned loudly, falling back into his brother's lap.
Yukio reached around and grabbed Rin's cock in his other hand. "You're so cute, Nii-san," he cooed, stroking both erection and tail at the same time.
Rin's body shuddered against his, and his breathing seemed to all but stop. Rin's heightened body heat was excruciating combined with the already ridiculously high summer heat, but Yukio didn't care. The sounds of his twin's choked gasping, of him panting his name between shallow gulps of air, was enough to make up for how hot it was. He bowed his head, down enough so that he could kiss his brother on his neck, just where it met his shoulder. He kissed him several more times before giving him a sharp bite. Just as his teeth brushed skin, Rin came all over his hand.
"Yu... Yuki... o..." he moaned between short, uneven breaths.
Yukio licked the come from his fingers, still gently stroking the soft tip of his twin's tail. "Are you alright, Nii-san?" he asked gently.
Rin jerked his head in a nod. He paused just long enough to catch his breath before pushing away from Yukio's embrace and repositioned himself on the bed. Lacking the strength to hold himself up, he propped himself up on his elbows and knees, his face half buried in the linens. Yukio ran his hand tenderly over his brother's bum and the base of his tail, delighting in the erotic way his body quivered at his touch. Just a few caresses had brought his twin's cock back to full attention, set him back to whimpering into the bedsheets.
Yukio stood only long enough to disrobe. Once he was naked, feeling just a tiny bit cooler, he knelt on the bed behind his brother. He leaned forward, kissed his brother's tail right at the point where it melded into his back, then settled back on his heels and pressed a finger against Rin's opening.
He blinked in surprise. "You're wet here, like a woman would be," he commented. Apparently there were some bits about demon physiology that he still needed to learn.
"Sh-shut up," came Rin's flustered, muffled reply.
Yukio smiled. "That isn't a bad thing," he said, pushing his finger inside his brother. "It will make this a lot easier."
Rin just moaned in reply.
Yukio slid his finger deeper into him, then slowly pulled it out again. He did it again, and again, and soon he added another finger and then another. Rin responded beautifully, his passionate cries filling Yukio's ears as he lost himself in what he was doing. Rin's tail was swishing about, almost like a dog wagging his tail. As Yukio nudged in yet another digit he again caught Rin's tail in his free hand. Wanting to keep both his hands available, but not wanting to get whapped in the face, he popped the tip into his mouth to keep its movements contained. He then set to work massaging Rin's cock with his free hand, keeping rhythm with his other work. Without really thinking about it, he started sucking on it the tail in his mouth. Rin's body contracted almost painfully around his fingers as he came with a loud groan.
Yukio pulled his fingers out and let Rin's tail drop from his mouth. His brother was obviously exhausted; Rin's tail was now twitching weakly on Yukio's lap, the moistened fluff at the end brushing against his own weeping erection, making him shiver despite the heat.
He gave Rin just enough time to catch his breath before setting upon him again. He gave his twin's tail a firm stroke from base to tip, causing Rin to gasp so loudly that the sound filled the room completely before escaping through the open windows. Not content with the level of arousal he'd caused in his brother, Yukio had come up with a wonderful idea. He gently folded the longer hair at the tip of his brother's tail over so that it would not get pulled, then slid Rin's tail where his own fingers had just been. The sensation sent a shock wave through Rin's body so hard that Yukio watched as it consumed him, but before his twin could come yet again, as he was sure he would, Yukio wrapped his fingers around the base of Rin's cock, preventing him from doing so.
"Yukio!" Rin whined, so loud that it bordered on a scream. Yukio was suddenly very glad that there was no one else living in their dorm building.
Yukio was almost at his limit, the pressure between his legs becoming unbearable, but still he was not ready to take his brother completely. A part of him was enjoying too much the way Rin was shivering from head to toe in an absolute pleasure that bordered on pain, the way that Rin's voice, hoarse and pleading, rang in his ears as he fucked him with his own tail. It was so sexy that Yukio could barely stand it, and his cock was leaking precome down its length enough that it was pooling in the little crevices around his balls.
Rin's cries had become incoherent begging, and finally Yukio had to give in. Without stopping what he was doing, he shifted himself on the bed, positioning himself behind his twin. With as smooth of a motion as he could manage, he removed his hand from Rin's cock, tugged his tail out of his ass, and thrust himself into fill the void, grabbing the base of Rin's tail and pulling back on his hips as he did so. Instantly Rin came yet again, so incredibly hard that his entire body tensed completely from the shock of it. The pressure on Yukio's cock was so great that it prevented him from coming, even though his twin's intense heat and the exquisite feeling of his slick insides was enough that he really needed to. Long seconds passed as Rin's orgasm evacuated his body, and it wasn't until he was fully spent that he was able to relax enough for Yukio to climax within him.
"Nii-san...!" Yukio cried as he flooded Rin's insides with what felt like all the life he had in him.
The pair of them exhausted, they collapsed into a heap of tangled limbs and panting bodies on the bed. Rin had just enough energy left to give Yukio a small peck on the lips before he passed out. For a long while Yukio lay watching Rin as he slept. He wanted to sleep, too, but he was now very overheated and thirstier than he'd ever been in his life. Though he couldn't find it in him to be angry at Rin for forgetting his water anymore, he still acknowledged that at the moment he really needed something to drink. After regaining the ability to breath normally again, Yukio extracted himself from his brother's embrace and rolled over to get off the bed and go take a shower.It was then that he saw it, and he couldn't help but laugh.
Underneath Rin's desk, apparently having fallen out of the bag when he'd dropped it on the floor, was Yukio's water.
0 notes
satsufic Ā· 9 months
Blood Doll [Harry Potter]
Disclaimer: JK Rowling can go off with her TERF bullshit. I do not support her or her hate.
Draco Malfoy stumbles upon a very familiar man with unruly black hair on his estate one evening. AU.
(This fic was originally posted on LJ on 13 April 2014.)
Harry/Draco, R19
Draco had to admit that living out in the middle of nowhere had its advantages. He never had to deal with rowdy, nosy neighbours or saleswizards going door to door trying to sell the latest in household enchantments. More importantly, however, was that he also did not have to deal with the suspicious, often hateful glances from other magical folkā€¦ looks he'd been having to deal with ever since his father's involvement in the Dark Lord's plot was brought to light. As it was, living beyond the reach of general society had lead to a very quiet life with few visitors. He had come to rather fancy it that way.
It was to his great suprise, then, when he ran across another human being crouched in the dirt of the long, winding path that ran through his estate's gardens. The moon, not quite full, hung high in the sky and cast a dim glow on the huddled shadow. Wary of anyone who thought they had a reason to visit him at home, especially this late at night, he approached the figure with caution, his fingers playing at his wand hidden in the folds of his robe. Upon drawing closer, however, he was finally able to make out, in the pale moonlight, the features of a man with very unruly black hair. Despite the years that had passed since their last encounter, Draco recognised him immediately.
"Harry Potter?" he scoffed incredulously, "What the hell are you doing out here in the dead of night?"
Harry didn't look up. "Could ask the same of you, Malfoy," he replied, his voice so quiet that it barely carried over the distance between them.
"This land is mine," Draco retorted smoothly, "I can go about it whenever I please. You, on the other hand, are trespassing."
Harry let out a hoarse laugh that sounded quite more like a cough. "You haven't changed a bit," he said as he tried to stand up. "As unfriendly as ever."
He struggled for a moment, his body trembling from exertion and his breathing ragged in the night air. Despite his valiant effort, though, he yielded only to his knees. Draco wanted to sneer, to perhaps say something snarky and then threaten his old nemesis for being on his property, but when the light of the moon caught on Harry's flesh the childish urge evaporated from his mind. Harry's skin seemed so utterly pale, as if he was devoid of life and soul.
"You alright there, Potter?" Draco asked, sure to keep his voice barren of any sympathy he may or may not have felt.
"Never better," Harry croaked before promptly passing out, his body slumping back onto the earth.
Draco stared for a moment, unsure of what to do. He walked over and prodded the stationary lump with his foot. Harry didn't respond, so Draco did it again with a bit more force. The result was much the same; Harry simply lay in the middle of the path, face in the dirt and quite unconscious.
Draco cursed.
"Oi, Potter!" he snapped, "Don't go bloody fainting on other people's property!"
Harry still did not move, his condition persisting as if purposely defying the order. For a moment Draco felt panicked. After all, Harry was awfully pale. What if he had actually died right there on Draco's estate? He could just imagine the row that would happen if the Boy Who Lived died at the home of a Death Eater's son. The Daily Prophet would have a field day. He'd most likely join his father in prison, too. There was no way he could see himself managing to convince anyone that it was coincidence.
Draco sighed, quite louder than he meant to, and knelt down to check whether Harry was breathing or not. His heart raced as he nudged the other man's head to the side so he could place his hand by his nose and mouth. The gentle breath that caressed his fingers was shallow and uneven, but it sent a rush of relief washing over him. Not dead.
ā€¦ Now what?
Draco briefly fancied the idea of leaving him there, but it didn't take any amount of divination for him to imagine what horrors might befall the helpless man if he did. No people where ever out this far, generally, but Draco knew that there were wild beasts, magical and otherwise, that roamed his estate. Some of them were there by his own bidding. He knew very well that Harry could, and most probably would, end up as some carnivore's dinner before the sun broke the horizonā€¦ or worse. Grudgingly he stood and pulled his wand from his robe.
"Locomortis," he sighed with a graceful flick of his wrist. In response to Draco's bidding Harry's unconscious form drifted up several feet from the ground.
Draco stalked through his gardens, Harry floating behind him like some sort of child's pull-along toy. It took somewhat longer than it should have to reach the great door of his estate house, mainly because he was annoyed at the whole situation that had befallen him. His frustration kept him thoroughly distracted,and, as such, he kept catching Harry's body and clothes on the various flora on the grounds. By the time he pushed through into the entrance hall his guest was covered in scratches and his mood had managed to retreat further into darkness. He maneuvered his limp charge through hall, into the parlor, and finally released the spell while Harry was positioned over a sofa. His body fell with a dull thud onto the cushions, his head rolled to one side at an awkward angle and one arm hanging down so that his knuckles brushed the plush carpet.
Somehow Draco felt absurdly drained, as if he'd been carrying Harry without the use of magic. He slumped into the oversized wingchair beside the sofa.
"Figgy!" he barked at the empty room.
In a flash a house elf appeared before him, bowing low so that her hooked nose touched the floor. "Yes, Master?" she squeaked.
Draco slid his wand back into his robe, then waved his hand wearily at the form on the sofa. "I've brought a, uhmā€¦ guest. Put him up in a room, would you?"
Figgy looked up, her huge yellow-green eyes shining joyfully. "Yes, Master Draco! Of course, Master Draco! Is there anything else Figgy can do for her master?"
Draco exhaled heavily and slumped down further in his chair. His elf's enthusiasm for her work always seemed to make him feel even more drained than he was, and at the moment that was saying something. Stumbling across bloody Harry Potter on his estate and finding himself subsequently "entertaining" the man had caused a genuine case of fatigue to settle painfully in the space just behind his eyes. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, glancing down at Figgy with one eye.
"Draw me a bath," he sighed.
His soak did little to revitalise him. Dragging himself out of the tub, he grabbed his wand and charmed himself dry, then wrapped himself in his pre-warmed dressing gown. He emerged from the bathroom to find his elf waiting for him. She was wringing her hands in the hem of the pillow sham she wore as a dress, a nervous habit she had when she was upset. Upon seeing her state the fragment of good his bath had done for him slipped away into oblivion.
Was anything going to go right that night?
"What is it, Figgy?" he frowned.
Figgy glanced up at him briefly, then averted her eyes. "Master's guest has been put to bed in the guest room near the study," she said, her voice low. She started to say something else, but instead her mouth clapped shut and she just twisted the fabric between her hands somewhat more frantically.
Draco could feel his patience slipping. "What is it, Figgy?" he repeated.
The little elf collapsed on the floor and stared up at Draco with tears leaking profusely from her bulbous eyes. "Please, Master! Please, pleaseā€¦ Figgy knows she is being a bad elf, a very bad elf. Figgy knows, but Figgy cannot help it, Master!" She hiccuped and fell to sobbing. "Please, please, Masterā€¦ Figgy implores Master Draco to not have her wait on his guest! Figgy knowsā€¦. Figgy knows she is being bad for asking, and Figgy promises to punish herself thoroughly later, butā€¦"
Draco stared at her, shock adding itself to the long list of undesirable emotions he'd been subjected to that evening. "Why?" he demanded.
Figgy only squeaked in response.
Draco didn't have the energy to yell at her, nor did he really want to. She was generally a very good house elf. The fact that she had even asked, nay begged, to be relieved of her duties piqued his curiosity. Usually she would fall over herself in her excitement to cater to a guest. What could be so awful about Harry that Figgy couldn't stand the thought of being around him, to the point where she broke down crying?
"I'll go look in on him myself, then," he said, more to himself than the house elf sobbing quietly in front of him.
Figgy looked up at him, wiping away some tears with the heel of her hand. "Master should have that guest leave as soon as possibleā€¦" she whispered before vanishing from the hallway.
Draco glared at the polished wood floor where his house elf had just been, then turned and stalked down the corridor towards the room she had set Harry up in. Figgy was acting awfully queer, something that both intrigued him and deeply irritated him at the same time, but he decided to ignore it for the time being. He could deal with her later. As it was, for right now all he wanted to do was check and make sure his guest was still alive so that he could retire to his own bed and attempt to get some sleep.
He arrived at the room in question, gave a curt knock on the oaken door, then opened it to peek inside the room. Much to his surprise, Harry was awake, sitting up on the bed staring through the window at the moonlit grounds below. Draco pushed the door open all the way and stepped through the portal, though he stood just inside the doorway due to a sudden and highly irrational nagging that crept into his subconscious that he needed to keep the option of fleeing open and accessible.
"You're awake," he said, somewhat lamely.
"Yeah," came the response. Harry didn't look at him.
Draco glowered at his unruly black hair. "You've caused a lot of trouble for me tonight, Potter," he snapped, though he knew his tone was rather unwarranted.
"Sorry, mate," was Harry's reply. His voice sounded hollow and hoarse, as if he hadn't had water in days.
"Who's your mate?" Draco sneered, then, after a moment, he sighed again. He'd been doing that a lot over the past couple of hours. "Look, Potterā€¦ I don't know what happened to you, butā€¦ you're here, so I guess, if you must, you can use this room tonight. Get some rest. Whatnot."
Harry didn't say anything.
"Do try not to need anything, though," Draco continued dryly, resisting the urge to hex Harry for being rude. "My house elf has refused to serve you. You wouldn't be able to shed some light on why that is, would you?"
Harry finally turned to face his host, and Draco felt his breath catch in his throat. Harry's eyes, which he could vividly remember as always having been an annoyingly brilliant shade of green, were now settled on him with a cool, vermilion stare. They were the colour of blood, a hue for the iris Draco had only seen in books and that only belonged to a certain type of creature.
"Bloody hell, Potter!" Draco breathed.
"Yeahā€¦" Harry repeated.
"How? When?" Draco managed. His lungs felt as if they'd shut down and his blood seemed to have become chilled in his veins.
Harry shrugged. "I was ambushed, almost two months ago I think. I was tracking a coven of themā€¦" he said bitterly. "They took me prisoner, but instead of killing me, they did this. Their leader considered itā€¦ poetic justice, I suppose."
Draco stared at him for a long moment, then finally forced out the air that had been building up in his chest. "No wonder Figgy was hysterical," he muttered to himself.
Harry glanced beyond the window again, then leaned forward and pushed himself off the bed and into a standing position. Draco could tell that it took a great amount of effort for him to do so. He instinctively took a step forwards, poised to catch the other man if he started to fall. Harry swayed as he struggled to stay upright, his now red eyes staring at Draco curiously.
"I should be leaving," he said. "Your hospitality was appreciated, Malfoy, though unexpected."
He made to move forward and, sure enough, lost his footing and began to slump towards the floor. Draco lurched forward and caught him, not quite sure what had motivated him to do so. The action startled Harry, too, and he reflexively tried to resist the assistance. In the end, they both wound up in a tangle of limbs on the Persian rug blanketing the dark mahogany floor. It took a bit for them to right themselves, especially with Harry so enfeebled, but once they had separated and were each sitting on the floor a heavy silence fell upon them.
A thought struck Draco. "Whenā€¦ when did you last, erā€¦ eat?" he asked.
"I haven'tā€¦" Harry replied, tracing small, unsteady circles on the carpet with his finger.
It took about half a minute for that statement to register fully in Draco's brain. "You said it's been almost two months!" he ejaculated incredulously. "You aren't immune from starvation, Potter."
Harry averted his eyes, a frown shadowing his entire face. "Don't you think I know that? I know that, butā€¦"
Draco bit his lip. Without pausing to think about it he said, "Fine. Use me, then."
Harry froze. "What?"
Draco curled his fingers into fists, his nails biting into his palms as he steeled himself to his offer. "I said, Potter, that you can use me. Did the transition make you deaf?"
"You've gone daft, Malfoy!" Harry started, shaking his head.
Draco ignored the accusation, partially because he wasn't sure he could actually refute it at the moment. "I am not so cold hearted a person as to turn someone out to meet their death."
"I'm not so--" Harry started to object.
"Just do it!" Draco's shout cut him off. "You can't even fucking stand, Potter. Stop being so bloody proud."
"It isn't a matter of pride, Malfoy!" Harry returned heatedly. "Do you even understand what you're saying? The risk involved is just--"
Draco felt something inside him snap, broken by his stress level having extended well beyond danger levels. He lunged forward, tackling Harry back down to the rug. Harry was much too weak to fight him off, and before he knew it Draco found himself straddling the other man's chest and pinning his wrists to the floor above his head. They just stared at each other, Draco mentally reflecting on just how mad his actions seemed. Of course he understood what it was that he was offering of himself, which made his head buzz with questions of why he was actually doing it. Considering that he'd spent the better part of his life in loathing of the Great Harry Potter, he couldn't quite make heads or tails of it. Still, he had made the offer, and he sure as hell wasn't going to turn coward and back out of it now.
Besides, he really wasn't such a hard hearted person as to deny the suffering of another, not even his old arch-nemesis. Harry needed this, and they both knew it.
"Think of it," Draco whispered, his face so close to Harry's that their noses almost touched, "as me repaying a debt. You did, after all, save my life all those years agoā€¦"
Harry bit his lip and looked away, his face flushed due to Draco's intimate proximity. The blond could see, quite visibly playing out on his captive's face, the forces of reason and instinct and desire waging a grand battle royale for dominance. It was a short war, however, and the victor was obvious. Harry's crimson irises shifted to glance sideways up at Draco, the hunger clearly evident.
"Fine," he said simply, his voice so quiet that it was almost inaudible.
Draco gave the slightest of nods and slid off Harry's torso so that the other man could sit upright. With some effort he did so, scooting back a bit so that he could lean against the bed. His head fell backwards, resting on the mattress, and he closed his eyes, idly rubbing his wrists where Draco had held them down. Draco, for his part, just knelt on the rug, watching Harry in silence. His entire consciousness was full of dreadful anticipation, and it was taking all the effort his could muster not to bolt to his feet and run away.
"You won't regret it, Malfoy," Harry said. Though his tone lacked the requirements for a question, the uncertainty was still there, lingering just beneath the surface of his statement.
Draco's stomach squirmed as if a million snakes were wriggling around inside him. "Noā€¦"
Harry lifted his head, removed his glasses, and beckoned Draco to come closer. The blond crawled over to him, and Harry guided him to sit with his back to him, nestled on the rug between his legs. Draco's heart felt as if it would beat right out of his chest as he felt Harry's lithe fingers gently push his dressing gown off his shoulder, exposing his flesh. Harry's fingers were lacking the warmth that normal living creatures had, and the coolness of his touch sent shivers down Draco's body.
Harry leaned forward, taking in Draco's scent. "Have you always smelled this good, Malfoy?" he breathed, wrapping an arm around the blond's waist.
Draco blushed. "I haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about, Potter."
Harry's other hand slipped over Draco's eyes. "Relaxā€¦" he cooed.
Draco could feel Harry's soft breath on his skin, full of his own apprehension despite his soothing words. The blond closed his eyes behind Harry's hand, trying hard to will away the tension and fear that seemed to grip every nerve in his body. The anticipation of it all was unbearable, and the urge to flee the scene that he had been battling ever since he stepped into the room had become a pounding in his ears that was all but impossible to ignore.
The sensation of Harry's sharp, exaggerated canines piercing his skin was like nothing Draco had ever experienced. He had assumed it would hurt, but it did not. Instead, they simply slipped into his flesh at the point where shoulder becomes neck, tapping the stream of cerise sustenance held within his veins. A sensation of sweet warmth radiated out from the bite, filling his entire body and making his head feel foggy. Shortly he became dimly aware of a faint heartbeat, not his own, resonating throughout his body as Harry fed. For some reason it made him feel more lightheaded.
The heat washing over him became more intense, his body reacting almost as if he had a fever. Before long, tendrils of almost overwhelming pleasure began mixing with the heat, a feeling Draco was completely unprepared for. He squirmed against Harry's grasp, but the man, with newly regained strength, held him firmly in place. Draco could feel his pulse quickening and his own breathing becoming heavier, more ragged. His brain was getting more and more muddledā€¦
Before he could stop himself a moan escaped his lips.
He felt Harry pause, pulling ever so slightly away from his neck. The disruption dulled the ecstasy that had been flowing through Draco's body, and it took all his remaining willpower to stifle a disappointed whimper.
"I'm fineā€¦" he whispered, hoping Harry wouldn't recognise the pleading undertone in his voice. "It's fineā€¦"
After a second, which seemed almost like an excruciating eternity to Draco's addled brain, Harry pulled him into a tighter embrace and sank his fangs back into his flesh. Immediately the intense heat surged through Draco's body again like a drug delivering a high. A shiver ran through him as his body was assaulted by fresh waves of intense pleasure, and another moan slipped through his lips. It felt incredible, more so than anything he'd ever experienced before. He was acutely aware of the thin ribbons of blood being sucked out by Harry, an action he felt so intensely that it served to heighten the passion to incomprehensible levels.
The sensations flowing through his slender frame had the definite and pronounced effect of an aphrodisiac. The resulting pressure between his legs might have horrified Draco at any other time, but as it was his brain was much too intoxicated with pleasure to have any sort of negative reaction. His now erect cock peeked out from the folds of his dressing gown, it's tip glistening with dripping precome. With another soft moan he unconsciously began sliding his hands towards it to service himself.
He started when Harry moved to take his wrists. He wrapped Draco's arms up in his, resolutely keeping them restrained. Draco couldn't restrain his whimper this time. He strained, in vain, against Harry's grasp, the pressing need for release so present that he felt his mind slipping into proper madness.
"P-Potterā€¦" he whined.
Harry simply shook his head ever so slightly.
The movement sent fresh shock waves of tingling pleasure through Draco's body. Unable to hold back anymore, the sounds of his passionate cries filled the room, echoing off the the paneled walls despite the thick drapes over the windows. He struggled against Harry's grip, still without any hope of success, and his hips instinctively bucked against the air. Harry's fangs in his neck were a sort of epicenter of concentrated sensual pleasure that flowed through his body, filling every nook and cranny of his frame to the point where he feared he might just burst from it. Never before had he felt like this. The raw intensity of it threatened to consume him entirely.
As Harry's hand no longer covered his eyes, Draco shifted his eyes downwards, trying to see Harry feeding on him. All he could see was Harry's eternally messy black hair and the tip of one ear, tinged maroon with a blush.
"Ahā€¦! A-ahā€¦ Potter!" Draco moaned loudly.
He writhed against Harry's hold on him. The pressure in his cock was utterly unbearable. He felt as if every nerve was electrified, and he was completely lost in that energy. He squeezed his eyes shut, the feeling of Harry's teeth buried in his flesh and the resulting passion the only things his brain could even remotely process at the moment. When Harry bit down harder on his neck his brain exploded in flashes of light.
"Potter!" his voice was almost a scream. "God, Potter! AH!"
When Harry finally slid his fangs out, finished with his meal, Draco came hard onto the Persian rug. His body shuddered violently from the force of it, and even when he thought he might be done, more of the sticky liquid escaped him. He cried out again, his voice raw now. After agonisingly long seconds had passed he was spent completely and collapsed back against Harry's chest, dazed and utterly exhausted. His breathing was uneven, and his heart raced faster than he thought was humanly possible.
"ā€¦ Alright there, Malfoy?" Harry asked quietly, after several minutes had passed.
Draco's breathing was still beyond proper control. "Neverā€¦ betterā€¦" he coughed.
Harry lifted a hand to stroke Draco's pale hair, now disheveled and plastered to his scalp from sweat. Draco turned his head to look at him, and when he did Harry leaned down and kissed him. The taste of his own blood on Harry's lips was sweet. Draco couldn't help but kiss him back, the force of such a sexually charged onslaught on his body leaving him with nothing but a burning desire to be with this man, to feed him and be owned by him. To be fucked by him. Nothing in his life would ever be the same again.
0 notes
satsufic Ā· 1 year
Somnium: Hitachiin Kaoru [Ouran High School Host Club]
Version 2
This is the second fic for Somnium (out of three). It focuses on Kaoru happening upon Kyouya in the third music room.
(This fic was originally posted to LJ on 26 June 2007.Ā t has been edited and updated with various changes on 4 March 2023.)
Kyouya/Kaoru, R19.
He was all the way home before he realised he didnā€™t have it. He looked through his school bag twice, but the workbook he needed to study for his French test the next day was nowhere to be found. He cursed thoroughly and kicked the wall before thinking to look in Hikaruā€™s bag. Of course, it wasnā€™t there either. He sighed, running his hand through his hair, and called for a car to go back to the school. He racked his brain trying to figure out where heā€™d had it last. 'You could always borrow mine', his brother suggested. 'You need yours'. 'We could share'. 'Youā€™re slower at studying than I am'. Hikaru made a face, then shrugged it off. 'You want me to come with you?' 'No. Iā€™ll be fine. Itā€™s just a quick trip back to the school, right?' 'Whereā€™d you leave it?' 'Club room, I think'. 'Well, be careful'. The car came then. He gave a little wave at his twin, then climbed into the backseat of the vehicle and settled in. When they reached the school a little while later, he told the driver heā€™d only be a minute and then darted into the building. Up the central stairs he went, thinking back over the day just to be sure that he had left it where he thought it was. Yeahā€¦ Heā€™d taken it out to go over something with Haruhi during a break in the hosting activities, so it had to be there. He topped the stairs and turned down a hallway, then down another. At the end of this hall was a little door which lead to the small room adjacent to the main salon of the music room. Upon opening the door he saw exactly what he had come for. It was lying there, plain as day, on top of a little round table made of overly polished wood. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the table, laying his hand on top of the workbook and pausing to look at the arrangement of French wildflowers that sat neatly in a vase beside it. It was always so noisy during club activities that he didnā€™t really have time to notice things like this, and now that there was a blanket of quiet over the place he found himself able to appreciate the beauty. He was halfway bent down to sniff the blossoms when a sound from the main room made his body freeze. It had sounded very much like a moan. Slowly he turned his head towards the opening between the two rooms, his eyes wide. There were two sofas near the doorway that faced each other, and on the one farthest from him, the one that was actually facing him, was a sight that he would never have imagined, even in his wildest dreams. Ootori Kyouya was doubled over, his shirt unbuttoned, his pants undone, hisā€¦ There was a high-backed chair beside the little table whose back faced the salon, and he thankfully sat down in it as quickly and as quietly as humanly possible. What had he just seen? He wasnā€™t sure he could believe itā€¦ Kyouya-senpai was in the other room giving himselfā€¦ oral sex? He blinked at this thought, then slowly peekedĀ around the back of the chair into the other room. Sure enough, Kyouyaā€™s tongue darted out and tasted the head of his own cock. Slowly he sank back down in the chair, one hand absently tugging at a lock of his hair. He had absolutely no idea why Kyouya was in the music room giving himselfĀ head (nor had he known that Kyouya could give himself head), but he did know one thing: he needed to get out of there. If Kyouya noticed he was there, his wrath would be monstrous. Just as he was about to get up and sneak away, however, a sound wafted by his ears, so softly that he almost didn't hear it, that cemented him in place. 'Kaoru...' The word, his own name. He sat in stunned disbelief. He couldn't possibly have heard it right. He had almost convinced himself of that when he heard it again, a bit louder, followed by a low moan. Kaoru felt the heat rising inside him, and, despite the precarious predicamentĀ he was currently in, a pronounced pressure between his legs. He glanced down at the tenting in his trousers in disbelief. Kyouya-senpai, the Kyouya-senpai, was on a sofa in the third music roomĀ masturbatingā€¦ over him. The moans that tickled his ears soon became more earnest, and the frequency he heard his name increased, though it wasnā€™t always understandable. He knew that Kyouya was reaching his climax, and this thought did nothing to settle his own arousal. Several times he had to bite his lip to hold back a moan of his own, and it took him a bit to realise that the reason for this was because he had been unconsciously rubbing his clothed erection with the palm of his hand. He folded his arms across his chest and crossed his legs, trying hard not to let his situation worsen. Suddenly there was a loud gasp from behind him, followed by the thump of body hitting carpet and Kyouya coughing. He whimpered despite himself, then decided that he better use the opportunity to escape. He bolted back through theĀ small side door as stealthily as possible, running through the halls and darting down the stairs. The chauffeur was waiting for him, and he was suddenly very thankful that his uniform jacket was just long enough to help conceal the bulge in his slacks, as the slacks themselves were shite at hiding anything. He sat in the backseat with his legs crossed and didnā€™t say a thing to the driver the entire way home. When he walked in the door the first people he ran into were the twin maids that waited on him and his brother. 'Youā€™re just in time, Young Master', they said in unison.Ā 'Your bath is ready'. He had never been happier to hear those words in his entire life. He bolted up the stairs to the floor where his and Hikaruā€™s bathroom lay and sprinted down the wall towards the door. He passed by his brother, who had apparently just finished his own bath, and gave him a wave and a quick 'Iā€™m back' without actually stopping, despite Hikaru's confused stare. When he slipped into the bathroom he made sure to lock the door securely behind him, then collapsed onto the marble floor, panting. The throbbing between his legs hadnā€™t subsided in the slightest, and it was almost as if he could still hear Kyouyaā€™s breathy moans in his head. He groaned and pushed himself away from the door and then to his feet. His body felt very hot as he shed his coat and tie, his shoes and socks, his shirt. He paused then, fingering the buckle of his belt. He shouldnā€™t feel this apprehensive. All he had to do was jerk off quickly and be done with it, but for some reason he felt like a swarm of butterflies was fluttering in his abdomen. He shook his head and took a breath, then slipped the leather from the buckle and undid the button of his pants, then pushed them and his boxers down at the same time. He did his best to ignore his erection, but the large floor to ceiling mirror that took up most of one wall made that pretty much impossible. He whimpered a bit at the back of his throat at seeing it, then proceeded to quickly enter the shower and turn the knob. Hot water streamed out of the shower heads, spraying all over his body and causing the heat between his legs to become ever more present. He couldnā€™t stand it anymore. He leaned his forehead against the cool tile and took his cock in hand. He hesitated for about a second before moving his arm, stroking his length. Up and down his hand went, setting into a kind of irrational rhythm. His breath became shallow as steam rose around him. Images of Kyouya doubled over on the sofa sucking himself off filled his mind, making the movement of his hand more frantic. 'Kyouyaā€¦ senā€¦ paiā€¦' HeĀ sankĀ to his knees then, a gasp escaping his lips. His mind was replaying Kyouya moaning his name over and over in his head. He shut his eyes and tried imagining what it would be like to have his senpai's mouth around his cock instead of his own hand, the wetness of his mouth and the heat of his breath on his skin. His mind wandered even further, Kyouya fingering him to stretch him out, Kyouya's cock, hard and thick, thrusting inside him. 'Kyo-Kyouyaā€¦ senpaiā€¦ Ah!' He came with a grunt, semen spattering on the shower floor. After a moment to get his breathing back to normal he opened his eyes and watched as the water ran around the little blobs of his come, pushing them little by little towards the drain. Now that his arousal was spent and washing away he wasn't sure how he should be feeling, but he did know one thing: despite his confusion, he really wanted to have Kyouya touch him in all the ways he just imagined. He sighed, begrudgingly pushed the idea out of his mind, and stood to finish his shower. He was halfway through washing his hair when he suddenly remembered something important.Ā His French workbook was still on the overly polished wood table. 'Shitā€¦'
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satsufic Ā· 1 year
Somnium: Ootori Kyouya [Ouran High School Host Club]
Version 2
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (2007 LiveJournal) I was briefly involved in an Ouran High School Host Club ā€˜kink memeā€™ where people would request fics to be written for certain kinks. The request that lead to Somnium was Kyouya and autofellatio.
Kyouyaā€™s been having naughty dreams about a certain fellow host club member.
(This fic was originally posted to LJ on 25 June 2007. It has been edited and updated with various changes on 4 March 2023.)
Kyouya/Kaoru, R19.
When it had first happened, it hadnā€™t been that big of a deal. Tamaki, being the very Tamaki-ish sort, had been running around and fallen over the back of the sofa and onto him in such a way that his face had come mere inches from his groin. He didnā€™t think anyone had taken notice other than him, and he tried not to pay it much attention anyhow. Tamaki had spent the next five minutes apologizing, and he had made sure to glare at the blonde every chance he got for the rest of the day. After all, having an over sporadic king land between your shoulder blades had a tendency to make your back hurt. All in all, however, he had decided that it wasnā€™t something to be bothered with. But then he had the dream. He had decided a while ago that, out of all the members of the host club, he probably liked Kaoru best. He wasnā€™t such a dunce as his brother or Tamaki, and he wasnā€™t loud like Hani-senpai. Kaoru also had a rather calculating side, which he appreciated, as one who was pretty calculating himself. He didnā€™t think, though, that he liked Kaoru enough to have a dream about him. He especially didnā€™t think he liked Kaoru enough to have an erotic dream about him. And yet, he had. Most of the dream was very dream-like indeed, in that it made no real sense to intelligent thought. He seemed to remember a portion of it where Haniā€™s plush rabbit and Tamakiā€™s teddy bear had been dancing a waltz, but that part wasnā€™t really important. What was important was when the dream had shifted all too suddenly to him and Kaoru, alone in the third music room. Neither of them had been wearing any clothes, and he remembered wondering how they had ended up that way. It had been a futile thought, really, as he was much too far submerged in his dream to actually give a flying fuck. All that really mattered was that he was naked and Kaoru was naked and that Kaoru was between his legs. Yes, Kaoru had been between his legs, working his mouth around his cock. Heā€™d been running his fingers through Kaoruā€™s short hair, getting lost in the ecstasy of Kaoru's tongue against his skinā€¦ And then he had woken up. It had taken a minute or so to realise that he had been dreaming, when his eyes shot open against the darkness, and another minute still to realise what he had been dreaming of. Heā€™d sat up and found his glasses, looked at the clock. It was a quarter to five in the morning, and the sky hadnā€™t even started to lighten yet. Much too early to be awake. He hadnā€™t been able to go back to sleep, though, and spent the rest of the day annoyed, the aura of darkness surrounding him so that no one in the host club talked to him unless spoken to, not even the girls who designated him. That night he had had the dream again, and then the next night, still. He had tried jerking off to get the frustration out of his system, but it hadnā€™t worked. No matter what delicious fantasy he had managed to pull out of his head to masturbate to (he hadnā€™t been aware he could have fantasies like that), the yearning in him just wouldnā€™t go away. He finally had to give into the why: the feeling of Kaoruā€™s mouth around his cock was so real in each of the dreams, he wondered if the only way to make the need go away was to have Kaoru actually give him head. This was not an option! He was cool. He was calm. He was collected. He certainly wasnā€™t the type to try and solicit oral sex from a friend from the host club, especially when said friend was quite possibly bedding his older twin brother in the first place. Noā€¦ no, he had to find a better solution to this problem. He had spent most of a week going over what options he had. The most obvious of the options was hiring a prostitute of some sort, but he had had to shoot that idea down as soon as it popped into his head. If word got out that the teenage son of the one of the most prominent families in Japan had solicited sex for money, his and his family's reputations would be down the toilet. So that wasnā€™t really an option at all. By the end of it all, he had decided that perhaps what the best thing to do was to get one of those 'pocket pussy' toys, an item he had accidentally run across online months before while looking for something completely unrelated. When it came in the mail, all neat and tidy in a little brown box that had no markings except for his address, he had made sure to 'instruct' the servant who brought it to him not to tell anyone that he had gotten a package. He may have given away the nature of the package in doing so, but it was better that one servant know and keep his mouth shut than said servant making an offhand comment to someone and it getting around to ears of nosier folks in more powerful positions to make him talk. This wasnā€™t like him, he knew, not like him at all. But he was becoming a bit desperate for release from this dream that was plaguing him every night, and now that he had ordered this thingā€¦ He had waited all of five minutes after the servant left, his heart thudding against his rib cage the entire time, before sinking down onto the plush carpet of his bedroom and prying open the box. He held the thing in his hand for a long moment, squishing it between his fingers a couple of times, before finally breaking down and reading the directions. He applied the included lubricant and unzipped his jeans, feeling rather silly about the whole thing. He tried to focus very hard on the fragments of the dream that seemed to linger in his mind constantly, and very soon the pressure between his legs was very apparent. Using the thing gave him no relief either. It had been odd, and a bit messy, and still he felt frustrated. In fact, he felt that the desire to experience the dream had become stronger. Well, fuck. It wasnā€™t until a few days later, during a lull in the host club activities that he was reminded of that day. 'Did you ever see a chiropractor?' Tamaki had asked him in that serious way he had that seemed totally out of place. 'A chiropractor?' 'Youā€™ve been a bit out of sorts since I fell on you', the blonde had looked extremely guilty. 'Iā€™ve been worried that your back is still bothering you'. And now, later that same day, he was sitting alone on a sofa by one of the huge windows in the music room, staring at nothing. Everyone had gone home for the day around an hour before, and he had been doing quite a bit of nothing since they had left. Ever since he had been reminded of that day when Tamaki had fallen on him and proven just how flexible he was he had been seriously distracted. He was trying to ignore it, of course. He shouldnā€™t be brooding over this, shouldn't be this hung up on a dream, and yet he couldnā€™t get away from it. The light in the room shifted, and he blinked, looking through the large window at the painted sky of a sunset. Suddenly an image from his dream drifted across his consciousness and a kind of spark went through the lower part of his body. He looked down and a groan escaped him before he could stop it. Slacks were not good at hiding erections at all. He fidgeted, something he practically never did. He paused for only the briefest of moments before leaning over, attempting to see if he could bend that way without the help of Tamakiā€™s body. Sure enough, his body draped forward in what was sure an awkward looking way. He blinked a couple of times at the tenting in his pants before sitting straight up, his entire face burning. His heart was racing, as if trying to free itself from his chest, but he shook his head firmly. Just because he could do it doesnā€™t mean that he should do itā€¦ but his dream drifted into his mind, the image in Kaoru between his legs, the feel of Kaoruā€™s mouth around his cock, and he again groaned softly as his reason slipped away. He would never, ever have been doing this if it werenā€™t for that damned dream. He looked around just to make sure that no one was really there, then went about shedding his uniform coat and tie, laying them neatly on the couch beside him. He took off his shoes, too, just because he felt that it might be more comfortable, then unbuttoned his shirt so that it wouldnā€™t really get in the way. He didnā€™t want to undress completely, though. He was in a public place, after all. That thought in itself added to his excitement for some reason, and when he unzipped his pants to free his erection, it pushed through the hole in his boxers without any help from him. He took off his glasses then, laying them atop his coat, then pulled his feet up so that his heals rested on the cushion and leaned over once again, coming face to face with his erection. His breathing was shallow and his body trembled, not from his position, but from his anticipation. The rapid beating of his heart echoed in his ear, as if hundreds of tiny cannons were going off inside his head. He took as deep a breath as his doubled over body would allow, swallowed hard, then darted his tongue out and licked the tip of his cock. The sensation sent a shiver up his spine. A voice in the back of his mind screamed that he shouldnā€™t be doing this, but he ignored it. All that he could think of properly, if you could call this thinking properly, was the dream and that relief was almost certainly right in front of his face. He licked the head of his erection again, this time getting a taste of his own precome. It was a bit odd, a little sour, but he realized that he didnā€™t dislike it. He sucked himself in as far as he could, which was only a little more than the head, then pulled back off slowly with a bit of a moan. 'Kaoruā€¦' He took another breath, hooked his elbows around his knees, and started again, taking his cock into his mouth and running his tongue over it. It wasnā€™t the easiest thing heā€™d ever done, but he managed to work into a bit of a rhythm, doing his best to go as far down on his erection as he could each time. He could feel the beads of sweat forming on his body as he moved, every so often a moan escaping around his work before he could stop it. Up and down his head bobbed, sucking his cock in, using his tongue as he moved off again. He found Kaoru's name escaping more than once when he paused to breathe. It didnā€™t take very long for his position to start to make his stomach hurt, but he ignored the pain. The pressure between his legs was rising, and all he could focus on was fulfilling this need. He managed to move faster, bobbing his head over his own cock, his head feeling giddy. He wrapped one hand around the base of his erection, jerking off along with his mouth and giving attention to the parts he couldn't reach with his tongue. The need for climax rose in him, seemingly filling up his entire body. His orgasm shot through his body like electricity, his come spurting straight into the back of his throat and making him gag. He fell off the sofa, landing in a heap on the plush carpet. He swallowed from reflex, then started coughing. It took a minute or so for his body to stop shaking, and even longer for his breathing to slow down. Even after he had moved from panting to normal breathing again he did not move. He could still feel the lingering effect of his passion, and he feared that moving would make it leave. After a while, however, he rose and got dressed, plotting his revenge on Kaoru as he did so. Dream or not, this was his fault after all.
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satsufic Ā· 1 year
The Ineffable FudanshiāœØ
恓悓恫恔ćÆ,Ā ģ•ˆė…•ķ•˜ģ„øģš”, and hello~
I'm Mushroom (aka Satsuki; it's a pen name).
99% fudanshi, 1% air; purveyor of smutty fanfic and spicy BL enthusiast. AuDHD gremlin. EnbyĀ šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø (he/they). Old. Cat baba.
Pretending to write an original webnovel. God help me... šŸ« 
Webtoons/Comics Reading Lists: [Lezhin] | [Other]
Current Faves: ā¤ļø Jinx ā¤ļø Reunion ā¤ļø The Ghostā€™s Nocturne ā¤ļø Saturdayā€™s Master ā¤ļø Hair-Raising Desires
Fanfiction is mirrored on Ao3: GotouSatsuki
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