rainbowroachies · 2 days
What are your Willy headcanons? (You can do other animatronics but I'm asking for Willy.) /pos /srs (not forcing!! :3)
- Willy purrs if he’s content like an actual weasel
- he probably listens to his own singing like the attention whore he is lol
- Willy has nicknames for his crew here are some examples:
Cammy: Dolly/Dollie
Sara: Feather (wow creative/j)
Arty: Uncreative color (DHMIS fans would know lol)
Knighty: (he doesn’t give him nicknames ;-;)
Ozzie: Oz
Tito: Tito (if I came up with a nickname for Tito, I’d be extremely immature)
Gus: Tall
Cala: NO!! (He refuses to interact with her)
-Because Willy is from the 1990s his aesthetic is kidcore!
-The reason why I give him eyelashes is bc I was kinda inspired by Eddie Dear and Toy Bonnie (both are male and have eyelashes)
- Willy is very, VERY talkative
BONUS! Willy shows no mercy in killing
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rainbowroachies · 2 days
i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail i want a tail
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
Well thank you.
Oka, I plan on following everyone on tumblr
literally everyone
Please reblog so I can make this happen
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
doot doot
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot” in their ask box
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
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Okay, I knew we were similar and all but, do we literally share the same Aussie type or something? I have the same reasoning for mines! I may like to roam the forest time to time, but I'm usually in a dog bed chewing squeaky toys or on a farm doing shepherd work!!
In the server somecreature asked how everyone felt on a scale of domestic to feral, which prompted me to make this!:
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For me (wolfdog), im about here:
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It was kind of hard to decide where to put the dot at because part of me is actually completely wild (wolf) and part of me is domestic (dog) but I feel like I lived in the woods, away from people which would be feral.
Anyway, lets see where you guys fall!
Please tag it under #tamenesstriangle so theyre easy for others to find :) (i really hope tameness triangle isnt some weird term for something)
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
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Well… He’s done!
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
I'm sorry, I wish I could understand. But I don't. I feel guilty, not knowing how you felt, knowing I could have helped. I know there's no use in telling you that I care, because I can't prove it. But all I have to tell you.. Is that Xalie/ @thedancingcockroach134 would tell me everyday, "I miss Loopingcat." I wish I could've known that you were going through this. You are going through something so difficult, and I can't help it. It probably feels like you're going through so many emotions. All the thoughts in your head, all the crying through your eyes, all the emotions, dread, sadness, I can't imagine how it feels. Sometimes I feel useless or worthless, I almost always feel like I'm not enough. I sometimes feel like I'm not enough of a friend. Coping is hard, especially for a safe way to do it. But, all I know is that I can't understand you, I don't. Xalie has told me so much that they miss you, they love you, they ALWAYS say "I want Loopingcat back." Sadly, they will always say that. I can't imagine how much they will cry when they see this. Because I know I can't stop you, and there's no use in trying. I love you Loopingcat, I will miss you. ❤️
I'm not okay.
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Warning: vent,suicide
Honestly... What the point of me living?. I don't get why I exist, I don't get the point of my existence, I don't get the point everything about me or my existence. Sometimes I wish I can shut my self from this world and disappeared from everything forever.I just wish I die,I wish I never exist. My mental health is becoming worse almost every single days. My friend want to kill her self. And a bunch of bad shit is happenings to my life that make me want to disappear from this world. I don't deserved to live. I don't get it why do I exist anyway:/ I feel like I just want to kill myself tonight's,I don't want to exist anymore. I feel like shit, I feel like I'm not love, I feel like people just think I'm A annoying emo brat who have suicidal thought. Me existing wasn't necessary. I don't think I shall live anymore. suicide is the only ways to escape this living hell for me. maybe it might solve my existence:/ I don't get how people love me. I'm just a annoying person that should not deserves to be loved by someone... Even if you guys say "I love you" or try to convinced me that a lot of people in this world care about me then I think. I don't believes it, being loved by someone feel like a lie to me :/ I probably won't be alive 1 day later after this post was made. This will probably be the last post I ever made, this will be the last breath I take before disappearing from this world.I hope I die,I hope I never exist, I hope one day I disappear soon, I hope the world will be better off with out me existing, there was not never a point for me to exist in th world...
From: Looping cat
To: The whole world
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
Commenting on Incorrect quotes
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This is true though.
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Neptunia WOULD know what this is, and Slug/Emily WOULDN'T. I love that.
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Slug has killed many. Neptunia would want to kill her brother.
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Slug is a total paraphile! Also, Blaze and Emily hate eachother, so this is accurate.
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Sex between Slug and Emily is normal. Wait...How much is normal?
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Slug and Emily must reallllyy love each other. (Keep in mind They are all in a polyamorous relationship except Blaze, Blaze is Neptunias brother.)
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Okay this Slug x Emily stuff is getting too far...
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Blaze literally hates everyone. This is the most accurate.
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Blaze hates his sibling.
Slug x Emily were first before Neptunia joined the love triangle, explaining the love between both.
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
Boy in a Binder
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Coby Coyote who is an absolute TWINK.
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
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WIP of Willy’s lil outfit <3 thoughts?
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rainbowroachies · 3 days
I just came from the beach like, RIGHT NOW. And... Oh my gosh!!! I was literally howling and felt so euphoric. I felt like a puppy running through the water, feeling the hurricane-like wind against my fluffy fur. 10/10 would go again.
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rainbowroachies · 4 days
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Dad: Therian
Mom: Angelkin, alienkin, starseedkin, ahuman, nonhuman.
Me: Therian, fictionkin, conceptkin, plantkin, objectkin, quoiian, otherhearted, nonhuman, questioning ahuman, etc...
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rainbowroachies · 4 days
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only individual who follows people's dni lists.
"Minors DNI" I won't interact.
"Anti-Radqueers DNI" Alright! Got it.
"Zoos DNI" I'll follow though.
"Plushophiles DNI" Sure!
"Christians DNI" Okay.
"Xenogender/Pronoun users DNI" I understand.
I will respect anyone's boundaries, even if it can sometimes offend me. You need to respect boundaries too. People make DNIs for a reason, usually from trauma or other reasons. I want everybody to be respected, even if I can't agree.
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rainbowroachies · 4 days
Hi stranger! Being into plushies is fine and you're not dirty gross or BadWrong -- they're objects, and at the end of the day no matter your beliefs (ie if you see them as alive in some way or such, which some people do), they cannot ever be hurt or traumatized like living biological beings. I am into plushies too, and I get the shame and fear and anxiety. But it's OK, you're OK.
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rainbowroachies · 4 days
so if i got this right you support zoos but not the ones that physically sexually abuse the animals?
Yes. Because attraction isn't a choice, the actions are. I personally want every zoophile who thinks animals can give consent to fuck off my blog. But thanks for the question! :3
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rainbowroachies · 4 days
OH MY GOSH I'M IN LOVE with what @thedancingcockroach134 / @thedancingroach2 made me! I was literally stimming so hard, squealing, happy puppy noises, jumping around, I was HAPPY. They drew me irl! (Because we're irl friends lol) AND IT'S SO FREAKING ACCURATE!!!
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I tweaked up some random lines and made the lineart cleaner and aswell fixed the shading small bit, but it turned out so well! I love how they drew it for me! It looks exactly like me too! I'm the one with (⬅︎Simon) and they're the one with (⬅︎Xalie) I love how they out my flags too! (Also I wonder why we have similar handwriting but opposite artsyles.. Huh..)
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rainbowroachies · 5 days
me secretly drinking monster bcuz I'm not allowed to:
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