plotbunnybreeder · 2 days
Bardic Inspiration
What Jaskier thought was a serendipitous encounter with a friendly, elderly bard turned out to be a passing-on of bardic magic. His music and song was infused with magic now and Jaskier latches on to his first plan: use it to make his performances even better.
When Nilfgaard soldiers started looking for Jaskier's (now deceased) elderly bard, he knew he needed to find help.
AKA DnD Bard!Jaskier
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plotbunnybreeder · 4 days
Crows, Claws & Paws
After Kei spent his middle school years as a loner and was dragged along to hangouts with Hinata and Kageyama during high school but never brought them home, Akiteru refuses to allow his little brother to go off to college "depressingly alone". He gifts Kei a cat, and honestly, Kei loves the feisty furball, especially when it picks up on Kei's moods and swipes at people who annoy him.
His love for his cat is tested when, only days after moving into town, his cat adopts a dog and refuses to leave its side. This is not the scenario he imagined for his attractive neighbor to ask him, "Should we take this to your place or mine?"
Why Tsukishima walks his cat outdoors:
Hinata: I never see your cat, why doesn't it ever go outside?
Tsukishima: It doesn't need to go outside.
Hinata, pointing at a stray cat: Why's your cat not like that one?
Tsukishima: Because I love my cat?
Hinata: So you have it trapped in your basement?? That's weird, bro.
Kageyama: That's not-- that's not how cats work, idiot!
Hinata, still looking at the stray: Uh huh, sure... Are you bringing your cat to beach day? There'll be fish there! Cats eat those, right? Or are you weird about your cat's food too?
Tsukishima: sigh...
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plotbunnybreeder · 4 days
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Ok but I'm actually curious if a magical object could win over one of my depression-lows.
Object: Take me to the ritual site~ We will have power and glory, do anything we want~
Depression brain: Um, excuse me, it's sleep-and-ignore-reality time, quiet over there
Object: What--? We could... Destroy the world and get rid of all annoyances?
Depression brain: Too much work. Sleep time. Sleeeeeppppppppp.
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plotbunnybreeder · 5 days
Howl a Verse, I'll Sing the Chorus
Jaskier's hit writer's block for his latest album and he takes his manager's advice to "traipse through nature or something" for inspiration and ends up at the wolf sanctuary Kaer Morhen a couple hours out of town. After one tour of the place he's fallen in love with the pack and even harder for one of the caretakers there, the cautious, surly, absolutely gorgeous Geralt.
Real estate conglomerate Nilfgaard is fighting to buy out the land and get rid of the sanctuary, but Jaskier thinks he has a plan to finish his album and save the sanctuary if he can only get Geralt and the rest of Kaer Morhen to trust him.
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plotbunnybreeder · 5 days
Honestly as a blind person I’m so tired of seeing fictional blind characters who don’t use white canes or other guides. “They have special powers so they know what’s around them” or “they’re confident enough to not need a guide” are common tropes, and I’m tired.
Are people scared that using a white cane will make their blind character seem weak? They can’t use a cane because they’re so special that they already know what’s around them, and other blind people who use guides are inferior because they’re not special?
I’m tired. Give your blind characters white canes and other guides. Let them hold onto their friends, let them have guide dogs. Don’t make white cane users feel ostracized for not being “strong enough” to go without.
Another thing that pisses me off is when a sighted character comes up with the fantasy equivalent of braille and teaches it to the blind character. Braille was invented by Louis Braille, a blind man, in 1824. The blind character should be the one coming up with it.
Tldr I’m blind and tired of sighted people lol
🔪 Sighted People MUST Reblog This 🔪
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plotbunnybreeder · 5 days
Favorites Tag
Rules: Answer and tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with.
Thanks for the tag, @tomoemoonbeam!
It hasn't been too long since I came back to Tumblr after years of being away so I don't have 9 people to tag, but I'll see what I can do.
Favorite color? Aquamarine! (any ShaWol knows why)
Last song? Colors by XR (Crossing Rain); I absolutely love their harmonies in this track and more people should get to know this group repping Hawai'i
Currently reading? Forced Bonds by J Bree -- technically I'm listening to the audiobook and Kasi Hollowell is sooo good as a narrator
Currently watching? Nothing really, I need to go back and catch up on anime from last season and actually get around to this season eventually
Currently craving? A nice long bath, does that count? I know 'craving' usually refers to food but I'm thinking I'll go take a bath after I post this lol
Coffee or tea? I truly enjoy both but I'm more likely to order coffee than tea
Tags: no pressure, feel free to ignore
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plotbunnybreeder · 6 days
Dog Park AU
I want to manifest this into the world with the love I have of coffee shop AU and florist/tattoo AU and any other wholesome AU that exists in fandom.
One or both love interest(s) get a dog and/or start going to a new dog park and maybe their doggo is usually shy or aggressive towards other dogs except for love interest's dog. It's unbearably heartwarming that their doggo is finally making a friend at the park so they either keep coming back or arrange for doggy playdates together.
Bonus points if the doggos are active parts of getting the love interests together.
I will also accept a cat that likes being walked outdoors and adopts a doggo friend and will not take no for an answer, no matter what their owner says.
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plotbunnybreeder · 6 days
When I try to create drama in a story but my characters end up being healthy and wholesome instead.
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plotbunnybreeder · 6 days
"What's protocol here?"
Quick bullet point style imaginings of a Boyd & Stiles duo below:
Over time, the compromise Boyd & Stiles reached was that they would always try things the proper way first, try following "protocol", and only if that failed would they try Stiles' plan.
"Protocol" meant looking into every record they could and finding out Boyd's sister vanished in the Hale Preserve.
Stiles' plan meant exploring the Preserve when a female body was reported and Boyd got bit and turned into a werewolf.
"Protocol" meant finding and turning over evidence of Kate Argent and her conspirators' roles in the Hale House Fire so they could get arrested before they could be murdered, fully looping in the Sheriff.
Stiles' plan meant helping Derek kill Peter when the crazy wolf bit Lydia and refused to negotiate.
"Protocol" meant interrogating Derek about his family's rules on turning wolves before he could run off to turn whoever was willing.
Stiles' plan meant turning Isaac & Erica before each of them almost died, then blackmailing Peter's abusive nurse into falsifying the new wolves' hospital records to mask their respective miracle recoveries.
"Protocol" meant finding and turning over evidence that Matt was a disgusting stalker before he could hurt anybody.
Stiles' plan meant staging a carefully orchestrated fight so that Jackson would get signed up for therapy and his dad couldn't lawyer it away without harming his own reputation.
"Protocol" meant researching the Hunter's Code, confronting Chris and Victoria Argent with the Sheriff, and extracting a written promise to actually adhere to the code.
Stiles' plan meant Boyd and Stiles killing Gerard and Victoria in self-defense during the attempted kidnapping.
"Protocol" meant confronting Deaton and Chris with the Sheriff to guide and teach the humans and the new wolves properly, without riddles or bullshitting, about navigating the supernatural.
Stiles' plan meant immediately killing Peter, again, after Lydia's agency is hi-jacked and Stiles doesn't give second chances in those circumstances.
(That's what I have for now, might add more later)
Not gonna lie, I need some fics where stiles and Boyd are friends. Like in “pack mom” and other “stiles is in the hale pack” fics I barely ever see them interact. And I know they didn’t really interact in canon- but this isn’t about canon. I have to god given right to ignore canon.
I just think they would be neat friends. They definitely judge people *cough cough* Derek (sometimes). Like you can’t tell me that they would be an amazing duo, like no understands their friendship but it’s awesome. Like aang and mai from avatar the last airbender
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plotbunnybreeder · 7 days
This is more extreme than them just being friends, but plot bunnies are going to breed uncontrollably:
What if Stiles became friends with Boyd before he met Scott? I'm imagining a scenario where maybe Stiles ran off to be alone for a while when his mom had an episode and Boyd ran off looking for his sister and they both end up at the Sheriff's station as lost kids together.
What happens when Stiles makes it his mission to find out what happened to Boyd's sister and Boyd gets bit by Peter first? Having two intelligent, mostly level-headed people go through that without one of them crushing over Allison would be really interesting to think over.
Boyd was also ROTC, Stiles practically grew up at the police station, I think seeing them both tap into that together would be so fun. Figuring out being a werewolf and training Boyd's skills would be far less chaotic in my opinion. Same for looking into Peter's revenge plan.
Not gonna lie, I need some fics where stiles and Boyd are friends. Like in “pack mom” and other “stiles is in the hale pack” fics I barely ever see them interact. And I know they didn’t really interact in canon- but this isn’t about canon. I have to god given right to ignore canon.
I just think they would be neat friends. They definitely judge people *cough cough* Derek (sometimes). Like you can’t tell me that they would be an amazing duo, like no understands their friendship but it’s awesome. Like aang and mai from avatar the last airbender
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plotbunnybreeder · 7 days
So I have read several people complaining that they can’t be expected to know the “unwritten rules” of fandom. So here’s what I wish people knew:
Fanfiction is fiction.
Fictional people are not real.
Fictional people do not have rights.
Fictional people cannot be abused.
Reading or writing about something does not mean the desire to do or support it in the real world.
If I find art upsetting/triggering/disgusting/outraging/unpleasant/squicky/distressing/offensive, it is on me not to read it, not the creators and hosts to remove it.
Curate your own experience. The back buttons exist for a reason.
If you don’t trust yourself to do that, get someone you trust to do it for you.
Fandom is an adult space. Adults create and own and host fandom spaces. If minors want to participate, then the onus is on them and their parents/guardians/trusted adults to ensure they participate appropriately, not on strange adults to stop being adults.
You often don’t know the assault status or mental health status or neurotype or race or nationality or religion or gender or sexuality or age of a creator or consumer, and they do not have to disclose to you to justify their fantasy.
AO3 is not a safe space. It is not intended to be a safe space. Proceed accordingly.
Just because you don’t like something or find it offensive doesn’t mean it is a “problem” that “has to be dealt with”.
Most characters in anime are not white.
There is no onus on you to reblog or share anything.
Everyone makes mistakes in fandom and is less than their best self sometimes.
Persistent pseudonyms encourage long term relationships.
Ship wars are stupid.
Someone else enjoying things does not impact on your own enjoyment of other things.
Tagging and warning is a courtesy, not a requirement. Assume any fic might contain untagged content.
Rating is an imprecise art, not a science.
Don’t hassle IP creators.
Most people who are in fandom are hoping to make connections based on a shared passion.
Trying to profit from transformative fanworks puts us all at risk.
No one is obligated to share your head canon or fanon.
Being kind rarely fails to pay off.
It is okay to block and remove people who make your experience unpleasant. You don’t have to placate them. (Learn from my mistakes).
Britpicking is a good thing.
You don’t have to justify why you like a canon/pairing/trope/kink. Sometimes navel gazing is fun, but you don’t have an obligation to explain yourself, especially to strangers. I share the overwhelming desire to refute an unfair accusation, but the people accusing you are rarely doing so in good faith, so you’re batting a losing wicket.
I’m not your Mum. (Well, okay, a very few of you can call me Mum or Mom, but if you are one of them you already know who you are ❤️)
If you aren’t mature enough to take responsibility for your online experiences, you aren’t mature enough to be in fandom spaces.
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plotbunnybreeder · 9 days
Baking New Bridges
Reth knew Hassian disliked him for denying his family's Path. During a walk to find a special flower for Tish in Bahari, Reth finds a letter he's certain was written by Hassian. Initially thinking the "T" stands for Tish, Reth sets out to try and do Hassian a favor and maybe become friends.
How this turned into navigating between Hassian and Tamala baffles him.
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plotbunnybreeder · 9 days
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plotbunnybreeder · 9 days
When Yennefer realizes the dual-pining/jealousy going on it's the most entertaining situation ever.
Yenn to Merlin: The Excalibur is a fascinating sword, I can sense something magical about it.
Merlin: It's been blessed by a dragon so it's very powerful - do you have dragons here?
Yenn: Blessed by a dragon? However did you manage that?
Merlin: Wha- what's makes you think I had anything to do with it?
Yenn: Oh I can tell, warlock, your power feels so very similar to that on the sword.
Arthur, desperate to grab Merlin's attention away from the admittedly gorgeous sorceress: Merlin! What did you just say about my sword? Blessed by a what?
Geralt to Yenn: Stop messing with the travelers and help us get them home.
Yenn: Have you heard? Jaskier's written five new songs inspired by Arthur's various quests and battles.
Geralt shatters the mug in his hand.
Distance Makes the Heart...
a Merlin/Witcher crossover no one asked for
Merlin thought revealing his magic to Arthur was the most difficult confession he'd give his sire, but confessing his feelings turned out to be even harder. Arthur's coronation was but a few months away and the court clamored for Arthur to announce a queen or at least a consort at the same time.
Merlin's wish for more time was ironically granted by a vengeful sorcerer who magicked Arthur and Merlin away from Camelot to an unfamiliar land.
Jaskier was delighted to discover Arthur along his travels, eager to have an excuse to seek out Geralt after their latest spat where the Witcher sent him away. Arthur was a chivalrous, kind fellow, and handsome enough to draw even greater crowds for Jaskier's performances. The stories the knight shared were the best material for new songs, as well.
Geralt was not exactly pleased to end up with yet another clumsy, talkative traveling companion. He was reluctant to abandon the mage, however, when he was perfectly capable of bringing this Merlin to Yennefer, the best candidate to guide the mage home to his land. At least this companion was useful in a fight.
Merlin and Jaskier are pining, and it takes a foreign traveling companion to make their love interests jealous enough to make the first move.
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plotbunnybreeder · 12 days
Wait what's a buildings fire evacuation plan if you aren't supposed to use the elevator to get down
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plotbunnybreeder · 12 days
Distance Makes the Heart...
a Merlin/Witcher crossover no one asked for
Merlin thought revealing his magic to Arthur was the most difficult confession he'd give his sire, but confessing his feelings turned out to be even harder. Arthur's coronation was but a few months away and the court clamored for Arthur to announce a queen or at least a consort at the same time.
Merlin's wish for more time was ironically granted by a vengeful sorcerer who magicked Arthur and Merlin away from Camelot to an unfamiliar land.
Jaskier was delighted to discover Arthur along his travels, eager to have an excuse to seek out Geralt after their latest spat where the Witcher sent him away. Arthur was a chivalrous, kind fellow, and handsome enough to draw even greater crowds for Jaskier's performances. The stories the knight shared were the best material for new songs, as well.
Geralt was not exactly pleased to end up with yet another clumsy, talkative traveling companion. He was reluctant to abandon the mage, however, when he was perfectly capable of bringing this Merlin to Yennefer, the best candidate to guide the mage home to his land. At least this companion was useful in a fight.
Merlin and Jaskier are pining, and it takes a foreign traveling companion to make their love interests jealous enough to make the first move.
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plotbunnybreeder · 12 days
Crossover Besties
The official Merlin Twitter asked who Merlin would be friends with in another universe...........
Merlin & Stiles:
Mutual trash talking about how often they saved the life of someone who didn't believe they were capable of it
Stiles would ask Merlin to experiment with his powers in the weirdest ways and Merlin would have the best time being silly with his magic
Merlin & Harry Potter:
Mutual complaining about Chosen One & prophecy nonsense
Comparison of magic talk (though the most research would happen when Gaius is introduced to Hermione)
Ron would want to hear Merlin speak Dragon vs Harry speak Parseltongue
Merlin & Jaskier:
Mutual trash talk of sidekick status during adventures
My brain really likes the idea of Geralt/Jaskier and Arthur/Merlin going on a quest together and the shenanigans/banter because Geralt would not give a fuck about Arthur being a prince/king
Also the thought of Geralt and Arthur having to suffer through both Jaskier and Merlin being sassy little shits gives me life
Ok going to write a separate post for this bullet point now
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