nothingtoknow222 · 1 month
Tbh, what happened to @seijis-epee ?
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nothingtoknow222 · 1 month
Fence Challengers: Long Shot
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nothingtoknow222 · 2 months
All of these are amazing 😭
Fence headcanons? (Any of the schools)
I have a lot of Fence headcanons on my blog! You can check out my pinned post here :)
Here’s a few of my favorite headcanons from those previous posts:
- Seiji has a dad sneeze.
- Seiji is a dog person.
- Nicholas likes to sit on the floor, otherwise he sits in funky positions on chairs. Seiji doesn’t understand why Nicholas would rather do his homework on the floor when there is a perfectly good desk in their dorm room.
- Seiji secretly enjoys Nicholas’ endless prattling. It reminds him of his mom talking the ear off of his dad, but his dad would always fondly listen. Seiji is starting to understand why.
- Nicholas has quiet footsteps. His fencing footwork might need some improvement, but outside of the piste he has very light and quiet steps. It startles Seiji sometimes how Nicholas can appear out of nowhere.
Here’s a few new headcanons that came to me recently:
- Nicholas has a mole on the back of his neck (And maybe somewhere on his back too? I don’t believe Seiji is the only one out there with a mole on his body. A flat mole though, so Nicholas wouldn’t have been aware of it, at least tactically).
- Seiji speaks fluent Japanese (not a groundbreaking headcanon, but I still really like it. I think Nicholas likes Seiji’s voice in Japanese, too 🤭).
- Scott (Langtree) used to live in Australia, and because of that has become the designated bug-kiIIer at Halverton. He’s unfazed when a cricket or spider makes its way into the salle.
- Sungchul (Park) has two older sisters. He’s a bit of a loner though, and doesn’t really like it when they smother him with attention.
- Jesse is prone to paper cuts, and as a byproduct of that, has quite an extensive bandage collection 🩹🩹
- Thomas (Leventis, sunshine twin) likes to bake as a hobby. However, pie is the one thing he’s been unable to master (Pie crust is just so hard to get right! But that’s fine, he’d rather bake muffins, bars, or cookies over pie any day) 🧁🧁🧁
- Aster (Leventis, grumpy twin) is a hardcore Stardew Valley fan. His brother even gifted him a straw hat for his birthday ✨👒✨
- Nate (Spencer) likes bird watching 🦆🦜🦉
Please interact I’d love to talk about my headcanons 😭🤲
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nothingtoknow222 · 2 months
People don’t get it
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Shy v. Introvert mem
Crane and Lord Shen in Secrets of the Scroll artstyle eee
Made in Procreate mostly using a custom variant of the Mercury brush
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nothingtoknow222 · 2 months
Posts this and turns off my phone
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nothingtoknow222 · 3 months
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study session...
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nothingtoknow222 · 4 months
A list of rules when interacting with an aroace person, by an aroace person:
- Do not romantic our platonic. We will not hesitate to smash a rock into your skull.
- Do not piss us off. We're all attached by invisible walkie-talkies. It's like roaches--if there's one, there's definitely another one nearby.
- Do not say things like 'when you're married' or 'when you meet that special person'. Trust me, coming to terms with an aroace identity in a romance-centered world is not a fun, quirky choice.
- Do not assume that we don't like seeing romance/sex in the media. I'm aroace and one of my favourite genres is romance.
- WE ARE LGBTQIA+. Doesn't matter if we're cis, heterosexual but aromantic or heteroromantic but asexual or any other combination of all the various shades of aspec, WE COUNT AS QUEER PEOPLE.
- Do not equate being aroace or on the aspectrum to being celibate. It's not the same thing. Being aroace is not a choice.
- Being aroace does not mean we're all lonely or sad. Eating garlic bread is scientifically shown to boost your serotonin levels (don't fact check me on this)
- Living with someone or wanting to live with someone doesn't mean we want them romantically! If you have the option to establish a hideout for you and all your buddies, why wouldn't you?
This was, again, a list of rules when interacting with an aroace person, shown to reduce chances of dying by burnt breadsticks and pasta by 100%!
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nothingtoknow222 · 4 months
Anyeong Angie!
So...when did you start reading Fence and what type of music do you like to listen to? Also what is your fav food?
Have a good day 🫰
Atom :3
P.S I really like your style of drawing. 😊
Hi atom!
I started reading fence in the middle of 2022. I was at my local library and I found a book that had beautiful artwork and it was related to fencing and at that time one of my favorite sports to watch.
I love pop,heavy metal and rock music. I specifically love Olivia Rodrigo.
With foods, I don’t really know but I do love bagels and Starbucks drinks.
Thank you liking my drawing style! I’m still trying to figure out eyes,hands,shading and more things😅
Thx so much!
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nothingtoknow222 · 4 months
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So, what are you waiting for?
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nothingtoknow222 · 4 months
hey NTK loved your recent sketch with Nate Spencer in it 💪 world needs more Nate 😊 nice work!
Aw… thank you so much! And yes. The world needs more Nate so I WILL draw more Nate.
Thanks for the ask!
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nothingtoknow222 · 4 months
6 year old Keefe, in tears: HE CALLED ME THE B WORD! 6 year old Tam: Motherfucker doesn't start with a B! Elwin: *chokes on air*
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nothingtoknow222 · 4 months
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This thing took some out of me. 2 weeks of drawing… I present u this. (I’m not a estp tho)
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nothingtoknow222 · 4 months
So relating to my last post, I actually get to do what my random thoughts told me (draw Halverton boys at a KBBQ* restaurant). And yeah, I did it. May look rubbish and not coloured but this is gotta be the most accurate Fence artwork I ever made. Plus, I added a comedic touch to the piece. (Cause Im Funny). Anyways may I present my random thoughts bought to life. 😌😌😌😌✨️✨️✨️✨️
One more thing: This artwork contains specific elements a KBBQ restaurant have.
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*KBBQ = Korean barbecue
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nothingtoknow222 · 4 months
Pls draw this 😂😭
Random thought: "Im gonna draw the Halverton boys at a korean bbq restaurant (hanging out with each other; gian and van fighting over the last piece of meat)"
Dunno guys should I do this? (I haven't got much time cause of school stuff but this is just a general idea) 😅😅😅😅
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nothingtoknow222 · 5 months
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You voted.
you chose Rayni and Tam in the poll so there you go !
do I have to do a poll again? ( I forgot the 8 of my signature and I'm too lazy to start again)
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nothingtoknow222 · 5 months
The sad truth
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nothingtoknow222 · 5 months
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Icicle: “She can’t visit my dreams if I don’t have any.”
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