nats-widow · 3 years
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Finn's Birthday Bash Competition 🎊
When I saw you were doing something interactive for your birthday I couldn't not participate!! You're one of my favorite mutuals and interacting with you on any platform is always a highlight of my day. You're genuinely a very sweet person and you deserve the world!! I hope you have a fantastic birthday with the people you love. Happy birthday @tatesimper !!
Please visit their etsy!!
The hushed crackling of a fire from the living room muffled the noises of Monica's sleeping form on the couch. The girl had been asleep for some time now, although getting herself to this point was no easy task. With Carol having returned to them after so long, Monica was ecstatic to pester both her mother and the newly returned hero about their past ventures and missions.
Carol loved the girl like she was her own, and to Maria, that revelation was everything. Sometimes she'd like to just imagine they were a little family, like her and Carol had always dreamed of. However Maria just couldn't bring herself to attempt to make that reality. Carol hadn't been back long, but the two of them both knew she couldn't stay long. She didn't want her fantasy of a family to make things harder when Carol would inevitably leave.
Yet then again, she couldn't imagine how she would feel once she'd lost Carol once again. The conflict left Maria with a bitter, empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. Currently, the two of them were sat watching a movie, the light from the fireplace illuminating the otherwise dark room. Carol's leg's draped over the others' thighs, with her head resting against the arm of the couch. Every now and again the blonde would make some sarcastic response about the VHS they were watching, eliciting a small chuckle from Maria.
After a small while, Carol must've noticed the other's change in demeanor. "What's got you looking so down?" She playfully nudged her calf against the other. "Hmm?" Maria just looked down at Carol, rolling her eyes with a breathless laugh. "Nothing." Maria replied, not all to eager to explain her feelings to the blonde. Carol removed her legs from the couch, planting them on the floor as she sat upright. "C'mon now, you know I know you better than that. What's on your mind?"
A shaky sigh from Maria broke the momentary silence. "When you leave, will you think of me at all?" She asked the other, her own eyes not leaving the crevices in her palm which now rested atop her knees. Carol tilted her head for a moment, then slowly nodded in understanding. "Maria," she took her lover's face in between her hands, allowing her thumb to gently caress the others' upper cheek.
"You make falling in love a deep breath of fresh air. For once in my life I know what it’s like to breath easy.” Carol's eyes pierced Maria's with a sort of earnest integrity that Maria wanted to believe her own previous assumptions were foolish. Maria placed a hand over one of Carol's, yet another sigh escaping her lips. "Just,, promise we'll get to see you often, yeah?"
And there it is! Sorry this was a little short haha, I haven't written in a while but I really wanted to participate. :) Hope yall enjoyed it, and once again happy birthday finn!!! If you do see this, this is @jamberry 's alt for writing !
If you want to participate, here's the link to the original post!
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nats-widow · 3 years
Safe with me Masterlist
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Summary: When an unknown threat enters your life, protection is offered at the highest level. As Bucky Barnes comes into your life, the game changes, and you realise falling for the man tasked with keeping you safe is the last thing you expected.     
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nats-widow · 3 years
Company || Bucky Barnes x reader
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Content: Angst, Slight Fluff
The small apartment you and Bucky called home certainly wasn't much when compared to your previous living arrangements in Wakanda, but it was home, at least for now. You didn't own much within this apartment, aside from basic furniture really. Neither of you had solid income, seeing as you were both victims of the blip. Because of that lack of income, your house was noticeably empty, missing key components a home should have, like a bed, for starters.
 You and Bucky hadn't any other choice but to sleep on the cold floor, with nothing but a thin blanket and couch pillows to offer comfort. Although your living situation was far from lavish, you found a subtle peace with it. That's how you felt, at least. Bucky on the other hand was riddled with anxiety related to the stability of said situation. You would come to learn that the man had lived a rather unpredictable life, so it was understandable that he didn't exactly feel very secure with his life at the moment. Regardless of what happened, you would be here with him every step of the way.
 It wasn't a particularly cold night, even from the floor of your shared apartment. Bucky had always insisted you take the couch, however you'd always refused, reluctant to leave him alone on the floor. He'd lamented such behavior as childish, although he really did appreciate it, even if he didn't understand why you did this. At the moment, you were curled up beneath the super soldier's arm, the both of you sound asleep. The back of your head laid snug beneath his chin, a comfortable position you'd found yourself in often.
  The serenity of the night had been disturbed for the both of you however, as Bucky violently jerked himself into consciousness. The action woke not only himself but you as well as his arm bumped your shoulder, sending a surge of pain through the area. Having been genetically modified, Bucky often wasn't in control of his own strength, which usually led to painful reminders for the both of you. Your groggy state was a stark comparison to his alarmed one.
  Your fingers rubbed the corners of your eyes, attempting to wipe away your exhaustion. With the other hand, you held the area on your shoulder that he'd bumped. With a slight hiss of pain, you turned to your partner in confusion. "Oww.. Bucky..? Whats-" You stopped yourself upon noticing his disturbed countenance, beads of sweat prominently gleaming on his forehead. "Hey, is everything okay?" Your words carried a more gentle tone than before.
    His expression forcibly softened, his struggle to remain composed evident. "Yeah, just- just go back to sleep." To you it seemed just uttering the words stressed him out. You repositioned yourself, crossing your legs to sit up and face him. "You don't seem okay." The response you'd given let him know you were wide awake from the clarity of your voice. A sigh escaped his lips, followed by his hands moving to prod at his temple. "It was just a dream." His gruff voice pained you; this wasn't an unusual occurrence for him.
   "Okay." You muttered, sliding yourself next to him. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." You paused, leaning your head against his shoulder. "I'll always be here if you change your mind." There was a comfortable silence for a moment, the light from the TV danced across both of your faces faintly. He eventually rested his own head against yours, yet another sigh threatening to leave his mouth. "It was T'Chaka this time. I killed him." His voice quivered slightly. "Yet T'Challa was so kind to me. Why?"
   "Because he recognized it wasn't your fault that you did what you did. It never was. If he can forgive you, I wish you could forgive yourself." Your cheek rested on his shoulder. A comfortable silence ensued whilst both of your gazes traveled to the television in front of you. Currently it was some soccer game going on, it never ceased to amaze you how quickly people pushed normality after the blip. “Aren’t you tired?” Your exhausted tone wasn’t an easy one to hide. Bucky’s eyes remained on the television. “I am. I just.. don’t feel like sleeping.” You knew well enough that this was code for ‘I don’t want another nightmare.’
  Your heart ached for him on nights like these. “You wouldn’t mind if I stayed up with you then, would you?” You asked, repositioning yourself upright so that you wouldn’t fall asleep. “Not at all.”
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nats-widow · 3 years
Found || Wanda Maximoff x gn!reader
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Content: ANGSTTT, Unrequited Love
There is an old saying, regarding those who'd experienced losing others: "It's always the hardest to be the one to live." You always found that to be true throughout your life. You'd never particularly had it easy, and the blip felt like your final straw. It crushed you, to lose not only your comrades, your friends, but also the love of your life.
The woman to claim that title was none other than the Scarlet Witch herself. You'd known her for long before any of the other Avengers, having met her at the same HYDRA facility that she'd been experimented on within. Even with the limited time you'd been able to share in that godforsaken lab, the two of you had still fostered a connection that'd last forever- or so you thought.
You'd spent literal years with one another as close companions. Although you were no Pietro, you were Y/N, and that was all Wanda expected of you. And for that, you loved her unapologetically. However much to your dismay, it would soon become apparent that she didn't regard you in the same manner. That's not always how the cookie crumbles.
Somewhere along the way, a certain synthezoid had crawled his way into her cold heart, warming it tenfold. You were happy for her- you truly were. Especially after the loss of Pietro, Wanda became ever increasingly depressed despite your best efforts to cheer her up. It was for the greater good that Vision had come to her when he had, lest Wanda be left in a dark place mentally for who knows how long.
Despite knowing how good this was for Wanda, you couldn't help but hate it. Admittedly selfishly, you wish it were you every day. You'd longed to be in his place for the longest time, but if it made her happy, who were you to intervene? So you never did. It burned you up to be so upset with Vision, seeing as he's always so kind- well, was.
Well, the past was the past. Those five long years without her were unbearable, but not permanent. Your work paid off, even if it came at the price of some of your comrades, including Vision. You were selfish, but not a child. Appreciating both Wanda and Vision's sacrifices to save your world wasn't something difficult for you.
The only time you'd really had to catch up with her was after Tony's funeral, as Clint walked away from her where she stood at the riverbed. With a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself to approach the witch. Much to your embarrassment, something in you just wouldn't allow your body to move. "Y/N." Wanda spoke to you, not turning around. "You're a lot different than I left you." It was after this sentence that she'd finally turned to face you, her exhausted eyes meeting yours.
You weakly chuckled, strolling to stand beside the other. "It wasn't easy without everyone, without you." Such an admittance was hard for you to tell anyone, let alone her. It was true though. Your E/C eyes shifted from her to the riverbed before you both. "I'm just happy you're here." You paused a moment, the emotions overwhelming your speech. "I know the sacrifices you personally made for us to win, y'know? And I'm sorry, I really a-"
A pair of arms around you spurred your interruption. "Don't be sorry, Y/N. I.. I'd rather not think about that, about him." Her head rested against your shoulder as you gently rubbed her back in reassurance. "Can we just be still like this? Just for a bit."
"That's fine by me."
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