literature-is-dead · 19 days
I remember the pattern on the floor
when the light filtered through the closed blinds
But the colour of the walls evades me.
I wonder if there was any.
Maybe the lime was bare.
The wooden door
always locked until it wasn't
and the bucket under my bed.
I don't remember if there was a dresser.
There weren't any clothes to be put in it anyways
so maybe it doesn't matter
but it does a bit.
(maybe it doesn't.)
(maybe I'm making a mountain out of the lack of molehills)
I remember reading the same fairytale book
I knew it by heart.
There was nothing else to do.
So reading it anyways
Over and over and over and over again.
Waiting to be let out
waiting waiting waiting
and waiting again.
Biting off the few nails I had left on my hands,
Tearing them off my toes,
Attacking my own fingertips with my teeth,
Biting off the skin of my lips,
Putting my fingers on burning lightbulbs
And pressing on the blisters that formed
Waiting again.
The red numbers on the digital clock
slowly increasing.
Waiting and waiting again.
Counting the spots of light from the blinds
on the wooden floor.
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literature-is-dead · 3 months
MĂȘme si le village est nommĂ© aprĂšs un saint
les fleurs qui y poussent ne sont pas sacrées.
Les chapelles y sont délabrées.
Entre les rues, les maisons et les prés;
des débris de pierres et de briques effritées,
guÚre utiles et à peine plus décoratifs.
Tout ce qu’elles connaissent maintenant
sont les affiches du cirque en ville
et une maigre bougie ou deux, une fois par an.
L’église d’un brun-gris Ă©trange les surplombe.
Son orgue n’a pas chantĂ© depuis des annĂ©es;
plus personne n’y est jamais marriĂ©;
plus personne n’y est jamais enterrĂ©.
Une banderole délavées pour une course déjà terminée
pend de son clocher depuis déjà quelques années.
Verdie par le temps et l’humiditĂ©,
la Vierge regarde passer les voitures
dans son cénacle recouvert par le lierre.
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literature-is-dead · 4 months
Your father never was much of a father.
Your mother tried at least.
(You try not to blame them)
(Who can blame the trees when the forest is burning?)
You tell yourself it's normal
Everyone's parents fuck them up a little.
(You're twenty and still can't talk to adults without feeling like crying.)
(You look away when your friends tell stories of their families so they don't see how jealous you are.)
(You hate yourself for it.)
You hate them. They're almost everything wrong with you.
You love them still. They're everything you have.
(Can you even recognize love and hate anymore ?)
You swore yourself you'd never be like them.
You fear the day you'll look in a mirror and see you failed
(You try to ignore your brother when he says the only thing you know how to do is to chide)
(You try to ignore the scratches on his arm from when you last lost your temper)
(When he says you're the best sister in the world, you wonder whether he can't tell hate and love, either.)
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literature-is-dead · 6 months
I made friends with the little girl in my room.
Her black dress is too big for her skinny legs,
and her straight hair covers most of her face.
She floats atop my sofa,
Her skeletal hand almost touching the stuffed animals piled there.
I hope she knows she can touch them if she wants,
I wouldn't blame her if she wanted just a little softness in her life.
She floats by the wall when I turn off the light,
But as soon as I turn it on, she runs away;
she must be shy.
Maybe she doesn't like to be seen.
So I keep the light off,
I'm getting used to it, slowly.
It doesn't really bother me.
At night, she watches over my bed from the other side of the room.
I've never spoken to her, but in the evening,
when everything's turned off and I haven't closed my eyes yet,
I smile at her.
Sometimes, when I can't sleep,
I meet her gaze.
Then it's just the two of us in our solitude
and the night seems a little less dark, and a little more beautiful
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literature-is-dead · 6 months
Je suis devenue amie avec la petite fille dans ma chambre.
Sa robe noire est trop grande pour ses jambes maigres,
et ses cheveux raides couvrent la majorité de son visage.
Elle se tient au dessus de mon canapé,
Sa main squelettique touche presque les peluches qui s’y empilent.
J’espùre qu’elle sait qu’elle peut y toucher si elle le veut,
Je ne lui en voudrai pas, si elle voulait un peu de douceur dans sa vie.
Elle flotte prĂšs du mur quand j’éteint la lumiĂšre,
Mais dùs que j’allume, elle s’enfuit;
elle doit ĂȘtre timide.
Peut-ĂȘtre qu’elle n’aime pas ĂȘtre vue.
Alors je garde la lumiĂšre Ă©teinte,
Je m’habitue, ça ne me dĂ©range pas vraiment.
La nuit, elle surveille mon lit de l’autre cĂŽtĂ© de la chambre.
Je ne lui ai jamais parlé, mais le soir,
quand tout est Ă©teint mais que je n’ai pas encore fermĂ© les yeux,
Je lui sourit.
Parfois, quand je ne peux pas dormir,
je croise son regard.
Alors, nous sommes deux dans notre solitude
et la nuit semble un peu moins noire, et un peu plus belle
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literature-is-dead · 8 months
carve the cloth off my skin,
wipe the polish off my nails,
scrape the itch off my flesh;
i can’t help it,
i won’t stand it again.
strawberry dressing on vanilla ice cream;
paint spilled over the notebook’s page
i feel the ink in my fingerprints,
it’s staining my hands.
i don’t know that i’ll ever get it out again
rip the skin off my bones,
pry my nails off their beds,
tear my veins off my flesh;
when it heals,
i’ll shred it all over again
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literature-is-dead · 9 months
I'm waiting outside the pub
Sitting on the ground like a child;
My head nearly resting on the ashtray.
The smell of cigarettes mixes with my minty-lemony candy.
I've been here before but it feels different now;
What's so different from a week ago?
Maybe I'm just tired.
The merry-go-round and its blinking lights keep catching my eyes;
Children's laughter and shitty bar music.
A passerby smiled at me when they walked past;
I hope it's politeness and not compassion.
I feel like a child playing grown-up;
I don't even like those outings that much
But still I come;
At least I'm not alone.
Even if i'd rather be drawing or watching my show,
It's a change to the routine.
That's what the holidays are all about, they say.
There isn't much else to do, is there?
My knee hurts too much to stand, anyway.
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literature-is-dead · 9 months
C'est étrange la maniÚre dont une seule pensée
Une idĂ©e qui te traverse la tĂȘte sans prĂ©venir
Peut tout changer.
Et il n'y a pas de point de retour.
Terrifiant, mĂȘme.
J'ai envie de me couper les cheveux
À chaque fois que je touche des ciseaux.
Je jubile quand je porte une chemise
Parce que ça cache ma poitrine.
Mais ça ne veut rien dire,
C'est dur de remettre en question
tout ce que je pensais ĂȘtre.
Stressant, mĂȘme.
(pourtant dieu sait que j'ai déjà assez de stress dans ma vie sans chercher à en rajouter)
Je ne veux pas décevoir maman
ou perdre encore l'estime de mes grands-parents
Mais je ne veux pas me mentir Ă  moi mĂȘme.
Ce n'est pas une tristesse que je peux envelopper
dans de jolis mots et de belles sonorités
Ce n'est pas une plaie Ă  panser
avec des accords et des jolies couleurs.
c'est juste moi.
et je suis quoi, moi ?
je suis mĂȘme incapable de me dĂ©crire.
Je me sens plus non-binaire
Et peut-ĂȘtre que c'est assez
Mais c'est si    c o m p l i q u é
et je suis si    i m p u i s s a n t (e?)
face à tout ça.
C'est Ă©trange,
je suis plutÎt doué avec les mots,
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literature-is-dead · 9 months
It's strange how a single thought
Pops into your head without warning
And changes everything.
There's no turning back.
I'd say it's terrifying, even.
I get the urge to cut my hair
Every time I touch a pair of scissors.
I glow when I wear a button up
And it happens to hide my chest.
But it doesn't mean anything,
It's hard to question
everything I thought I was.
Stressful, even.
(and god knows I've got enough stress in my life without adding to it).
I don't want to disappoint Mom
or lose more of my grandparents' respect
But I don't want to lie to myself, either.
It's not a sadness that I can wrap up
in sweet words and sounds
It's not a wound I can heal
with chords and pretty colors.
it's just me.
and what even is me ?
I can't even describe myself.
I feel more non-binary
And maybe that's enough
But it's so c o m p l i c a t e d
and I'm so s m a l l
in the face of it all.
It's weird,
I'm pretty good with words,
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literature-is-dead · 11 months
It'll be okay./
I promise it'll be okay. /
I know it's complicated right now./
That nothing ever goes right;/
That you don't go right either./
But you have to believe. /
You always have to believe./
I know that's easy to say/
And basically a lie they tell little children./
I swear it isn't./
I swear it'll be okay./
Some day, it'll be more than okay. /
Some day,/
We'll walk by a cliff/
And we won't want to jump./
We'll take the train/
Without even thinking of jumping in the tracks./
It'll be okay, it'll be okay, it'll be okay. /
I swear a day will come/
We'll wear short sleeves all summer long/
We won't worry about swimsuits or shorts./
All our scars will be gone/
(And if they're still here, well,/
At least we won't be ashamed anymore) /
It'll be okay, you know ?/
I swear that one day,/
We'll be happy. /
And then,/
It'll be a brand new sun.
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literature-is-dead · 11 months
There's this girl next to me in history,
Who doesn't know my name.
I don't know hers,
But we talked for fifteen minutes
A third in French-English-Japanese
A third pointing and a third smiling.
And the class got a little bit more interesting.
There's a boy in the cafeteria
Who saw me eating alone.
Came to tell me a joke
Before going back to his friends
And I felt a little less alone.
And then there's this girl
Who smiles when she sees me stressed,
Who laughs at my little comments,
Who catches me doing erratic hand movements
And does them back with a smile,
Who saves me a seat next to her,
Who lets me stay quiet without getting mad,
And with whom it's a little better.
It's moment like those
I think to myself
The world isn't so bad
after all.
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literature-is-dead · 11 months
Il y a cette fille à cÎté de moi en histoire,
Elle ne connais pas mon prénom
Et je ne connais pas le sien,
Mais on a parlé pendant un quart d'heure
À moitiĂ© en français-anglais-japonais
À moitiĂ© en pointant du doigt et en souriant.
Et le cours était un peu plus intéressant.
Il y a un garçon à la cantine
Qui a vu que je mangeais seule
Qui est venu me faire une blague dans la file
Avant de retourner avec ses amis
Et je me suis sentie un peu moins seule.
Et puis il y a cette fille,
Qui me sourit quand elle me voit stressée,
Qui rit Ă  mes petits commentaires,
Qui me surprend en train de faire des mouvements de main erratiques
Et les retourne en souriant,
Qui me garde une place à cÎté d'elle,
Qui me laisse ne pas parler sans juger,
Et avec qui c'est un peu mieux.
Et alors
Je me dis que
Le monde n'est pas si mal
AprĂšs tout.
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literature-is-dead · 11 months
Alone in the bottom of the pool
I'm in a blue world.
I'm in the blue hole.
Any minute now, the ground will
Open and
Swallow me whole.
And I'll disappear.
These days most dreaded,
Adoration, shame and fear.
I'm alone in a pool full of strangers.
I'm no one, none, nonexistent.
My brown locks hidden,
With no one to call my name,
I'm forgotten, anonymous.
I don't think no one would notice
If I were
I jump and dive in the pool.
I don't feel like breathing anymore.
And this one quote resonates
In my mind
In the blue
In the noiseless silence.
I'm rooted but I flow.
Here, in this blue room,
I can't hide and feel
My disgraceful heavy body
Exposed for all to see.
My acne, my scars,
I'm on display and I feel
And I'm content my swimsuit covers
My hips
And all the cuts
I've printed on my skin.
In the bluest bottom of the pool,
My finger traces the thin white line
On my wrist.
I lack air,
My lungs throbbing painfully.
But I don't care,
I don't ever want to come back up.
I want to stay here
in the bluest blue.
I think of drowning.
But nobody sees anything,
For they're all too busy
And I'm aimlessly clueless.
I want the ground to open
And swallow me
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literature-is-dead · 11 months
J’en ai marre d’avoir mal en permanence,
Je me réveille avec une douleur lancinante
comme si on m’avait arrachĂ© des morceaux de cerveau.
Comme dans l’histoire de Daudet,
des ongles ensanglantés
raclent les murs juste derriĂšre mes yeux,
je suis épuisé.
Seulement, moi, je n’ai rien de spĂ©cial.
Rien qui puisse justifier
les c l o u s
p l a n t Ă© s Ă  l’arriĂšre de ma tĂȘte.
pourquoi ça m’arrive à moi ?
Quand c’était une fois par mois
je pouvais le supporter.
Au moins j’avais des pauses.
des moments de calme pour me retrouver,
r e s p i r e r.
mais maintenant j’ai mal plus souvent que non
et mĂȘme si je m’accroche comme je peux
c’est de plus en plus dur
et j’ai peur de
J’en peux plus de souffrir
de rester dans le noir
dans mon lit Ă 
a t t e n d r e
en espérant que ça se passe,
sans mĂȘme pouvoir rien faire dans ce sens
parce que je n’arrive mĂȘme pas Ă  avaler un doliprane
et que mĂȘme la lumiĂšre qui filtre de mon volet abĂźmĂ©
m’est insupportable.
Je veux juste aller bien,
mais je ne sais plus quoi faire.
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literature-is-dead · 11 months
I'm done with the constant pain,
I wake up,
a stabbing pain purring behind my eyes
as if pieces of my brain had been ripped out.
It's like Daudet's story,
bloody fingernails
scrape the walls just behind my eyes,
I'm exhausted.
But there's nothing special about me.
Nothing to justify
the n a i l s
stuck in the back of my head.
why is this happening to me?
When it happened once a month
I could bear it.
At least I had respite
some quiet time to myself,
to rest,
b r e a t h e.
but now i hurt more often than not
and even if I hang on as best I can
it's getting harder and harder
and I'm afraid of
giving up.
I can't stand the pain
staying in the dark
in my bed
w a i t i n g
hoping for it to go away
without being able to do anything about it
because I can't even swallow my advil
even the light filtering through my damaged shutter
is unbearable.
I just want to be fine,
but I don't know what to do any more.
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literature-is-dead · 11 months
I heard a girl on the train
Cheering on each station we'd stop at.
She'd yell out their name
I'd push my headphones in
I was annoyed
Because I had a bad day
Because I had an incoming migraine
Because I was disappointed in my grade
Because I had been let down by my friends
And I just wished she would
shut up.
I didn't say anything.
She couldn't know it bothered me
She couldn't know how I felt
So I felt bad.
I felt bad
Because I was the same
A few years ago.
Because she wasn't hurting
Because my bad day
Should not be repercuted
on others.
And I felt bad
because I shouldn't be
to get mad at
other people's
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literature-is-dead · 11 months
Intro post <2 (and no this is not supposed to be a poem it is just my formatting)
I'm Opaline. You can call me how you like honestly, I don't care that much.
I'm 20 year old and my pronouns are fae/faer
I am french, so some poems are in french, but I also write in english. I tag all french poems as 'french poetry' so you can just blog that tag if you don't want to see it.
Poems are my way of expressing my struggles, so there are mentions of self-harm and suicidal ideology in them. I'll tag every trigger I see but don't hesitate to tell me if you need/see anything to be tagged
I've been writing since I was 9 but I stopped for a while because I was tired of being the golden gifted child, but I started writing again 5 years ago without letting anyone irl know and it's been lovely thus far <3
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