lilaclias · 3 years
trying to get my blank period timeline in order for future fics and
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lilaclias · 3 years
day 3: nighttime (sasusaku month 2021)
title: everyday with you ( ao3 ☆ ffn ) (ssm21) @ssskmonth fandom: naruto (sasuke/sakura) info: t / 1158 words / romance, angst summary: Sakura lives her nights through Sasuke’s words. [Canon compliant. Through the years.] notes: Remember when I said I wouldn't go over 1000 words? Well. That went out the window real quick.
He demands, “It’s the dead of the night. What are you doing here?”
She grasps her heart and stands behind him, clumsily laying it between them in offering. She peels back its layers and shows him its core as she shouts that she loves him. How dearly she loves him. Even as he stands steps away, she feels an ache grow in her, a clawing deep in her chest. She already misses him and she can’t imagine living with this incessant feeling. Panic grips her and escapes from her throat in a scream as the stream of hot tears blur her vision. She awakes laying on a bench with the sun kissing her face in greeting, and she wonders, if she stays there long enough will her organs prune? Will her bones grate to fine dust and let her wither away in the wind? Or if she continues on, will her heart survive? 
He is silent.
She is only able to hear him in her memories. She fills her mind with the words of gratitude and desperately clutches onto it. Because if they fade, who else would remember the hope in them? She sits with her knees curled to her chest while the rest of the village lays in a deep slumber as she flickers through the memories, trying to fill her loneliness with them before she is swallowed whole. Holding on to the days with pranks, teasing and laughter—days that are gone and only exist in the confines of her mind, days so precious that it was naive to think it would last forever. The memories drone on, time passes and her exhaustion grows. They say there are two types of tired: a desire to sleep and a desire for peace. In the chasm of the night, she wonders how long a human can breathe life while feeling both. Rest escapes her and everyday she wages battle against her frenzied mind. The days go by and as she wields her fatigue like a weapon, sleep is able to claim her more easily. At least while her mind is in a nightly trance, she is able to cast her eyes away from the question of what has she lived for that day, and what is her reason to live for tomorrow?
He whispers, “I’ll walk you home.”
She had always wondered what it would be like when (not if, because she had to believe it was only ever a when) after walking in the endless dark, he found a bright enough light to turn around and find her right behind him. Along with the seasons that came and went, they have changed. Bearing the stifling awkwardness that comes with relearning each other, they clear through the rubble to tenderly salvage the string that’s held their ragtag group of misfits together. And like always, as though their individual gravitational forces were in direct connection with each other, they are unable to stay away from each other even if they wanted to. They meet at the end of the week at Ichiraku’s to indulge Naruto, to unravel and to bask in the simple fact that they finally get to do this again. It’s become routine, just as it’s routine for him to walk her home afterwards. Sometimes she fills the night air between them with chatter, and sometimes they allow the silence of the dark to envelope them and the mere act of together to speak for them. She sees him trying, but she also sees when his mind strays from them and she is taken back to memories of years ago. All she wants is to hold his burden tight in her strong arms, and bury it before it buries him six feet under. 
He writes, “I look at the moon and I see you.”
He had chosen the lonely path once before, and although she knows this time it’s different, she feels like a teenager once again staring up at the dark sky, waiting for the boy she feels she can never grasp onto. But their letters had been cordial until now, and tonight she feels her body sing with life as she clings onto the letter, staring at the moon anew. She lets his written words seep in the crevices of her heart, keeping them just for herself. They take life in her and she finds herself possessed, spending the time between her 12 hours shifts to dig for her notebook. Her eyes track the ink of his strokes, the places where they thicken and narrow, and she imitates as best as she can. Over and over until she is able to recreate the words perfectly. When she finally writes back, she tells him that on the day that his long solitary night ends, she will be there when he raises his head.
He asks, “Can I stay here?”
The first few nights as she lays with him, she admires his sleeping back lit up by the moonlight, and wonders if he will disappear. He’s returned again, and this time he made sure she knew he returned to her, but he can also leave again. With a finger, she carefully traces the line of his neck, around the curve of his back, ingraining the details in her mind. He’s changing and she is happy for him, but she also doesn’t want to spend these nights alone again. Not after knowing what it’s like to have him curled up before her, his hand clutching her to his chest as he dreams. Sometimes she is awakened by his murmuring as he calls out for his brother. She had always expected him to be haunted in his slumber, and as she smooths his brows, wraps an arm around his middle and whispers in his ear that he is safe and that she loves him as he calms, she realizes she can’t let this boy leave with her heart again and she absolutely will not leave him on his own.
He mutters, “It’s a nice night.”
Finding a clearing without signs of life, they set up camp and after working together to cook stew, they lay in the comfort of each other. It almost surprises her how she’s gotten used to this so quickly—the smell of the ground beneath her, his head resting on her stomach, the soft tickling of his hair as she brushes her fingers through it. There is no ceiling above them, only a sky full of stars and when they grow weary of talking, she points to them. He turns his head to look at her, enraptured as though her face holds the whole universe. She watches him watch her and as the dark night wind blows, she knows that even if the sun combusts and everything in this world one day disappears in the absence of light, her love for him will remain and live in the blackness of the night, as always, persevering.
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lilaclias · 3 years
maybe i shouldn’t have committed to fulfilling all the prompts because i really need to go back and edit all of these when the month’s over. geez.
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lilaclias · 3 years
by lilaclia
Each chapter tells a story of a boy and the girl who promised him that as long as they were together, he would be happy and there would be no regrets because everyday, they would have fun. [a ficlet collection for Sasusaku Month 2021. Mostly unconnected. Canon & AU]
Words: 574, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke
Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Romance, ssm21, SasuSaku Month 2021
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lilaclias · 3 years
day 2: festival (sasusaku month 2021)
title: everyday with you ( ao3 ☆ ffn ) prompt: day 2: festival (ssm21) @ssskmonth fandom: naruto (sasuke/sakura) info: pg / 844 words / romance, angst (?) summary: They’ve made it to stages they never expected to stand on, but it’s still not enough. [Director/Actor AU.]
Haruno Sakura: A Blossoming Spectacle By: Yamanaka Ino Photography By: Nara Shikamaru 
Nobody in Japan’s film industry is thriving like Haruno Sakura. Having gone head to head with Baby, Box, Broker by Director Koreeda Hirokazu, acclaimed industry senior and Palme d’Or Winner, for a spot at the illustrious international film festival—she surprised everyone as the young director’s The Promise of a Lifetime was chosen. We’ve sat down to catch up with the rising director right before her film premieres at Cannes.
An An: Congratulations on your success, Director! Did you expect to make it to the Cannes Film Festival? How has it been?” Haruno Sakura: It’s been a very new experience! As a child, I used to wish I could visit just to be part of the audience, so to come here as a director really is a dream come true.
An An: It’s the first time here for everyone in The Promise of a Lifetime, from you to the cast. You’re all fresh faces on the festival circuit, but it seems you already know them pretty well! This is the second film you co-wrote with Screenwriter Uzumaki Naruto, and the third film where you directed Uchiha Sasuke. What is that dynamic like?
Haruno Sakura: Working with Naruto. Well—we’re kind of like a well-oiled machine at this point! I’ve known him since we were children, and he always had big dreams for the kinds of stories he wanted to tell. It was our goal to get to a place where we could work together. With Sasuke, it’s nice to work with a thoughtful actor.
An An: Of course, we all know the Uchiha family are a legendary dynasty in the film industry. Sasuke shocked insiders when he stuck to the independent scene as he worked with you. 
[“He...Well. Actually, Ino, is it okay if we skip this question?”
“Of course, Sakura. Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, Ino.”
“No. This is off the record; I’m asking as your best friend. Are you okay?”
“Let’s continue the interview. Shikamaru, please make sure to get a good shot of my shoes. They’re sponsoring The Promise.”]
An An: Your Instagram story of Director Tsunade’s congratulatory bouquet to you was heartwarming! How was it starting off your career on the film sets of the most feared and one of the most respected directors in the industry?
The day of the Cannes premiere is a blur as they get swept up into the whirlwind of the event. Their buzzing newbie energy is devoured by the press who only craves more, unable to let Sasuke escape their camera flashes as they fall in love with him through the other side of the lens. Arms linked beside him, his co-star Hyuga Hinata blushes from the attention she is getting in her tailored lilac silk dress. The contrast between them only assists Sasuke in playing the role of the handsome, confident, golden boy film star.
When the press urges their Director to join them in the pictures, Sasuke’s expression finally falters but after another flash from a camera, followed by shouts for him to look straight, he straightens his face and it passes. Sakura moves to stand beside Hinata, who smoothly moves out of the way, forcing Sakura to stand in between her lead actors. Sasuke reluctantly puts his arm around Sakura’s waist. His hand lands on bare skin and even though she stiffens, neither of them pull away. 
Sakura and Sasuke are assigned to sit beside each other for the premiere. He realizes he is far too aware of the way she’s rubbing her fingers together as she nervously shakes her left leg, and he resists the urge that rises in him to place a hand on her thigh to calm her. 
He feels the same nervous energy ring through him but the weight that sits on his chest and smothers his throat is stronger. They hadn’t touched at all apart from their little show in front of the camera. He had taken it for granted, the chance to give her a light touch on her shoulders, to secretly thread their fingers together as she rubbed her thumb over his, to have her gently lean against his side, to bump the knees together when they sat just like this. 
Now they sit shrouded in the dark of the theatre, a hum of excitement murmurs through the air as the audience anticipates the feature film that they all poured their soul into—and for the first time, Sasuke put his heart into. He sits with his back achingly straight against the chair, his face turned to the screen as he experiences his wildest dreams coming true before him, but his mind rests on the girl beside him, wishing he could hold her hand. 
The film opens with his voice, as the title sequence lights up the screen and his eyes gloss over The Promise of a Lifetime to zero in on the smaller letters written underneath: Directed by Haruno Sakura. 
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
notes: Currently, Director Koreeda Hirokazu's Baby, Box, Broker is still in film production and I really want it to make it to Cannes, so of course I wrote exactly the opposite of that.
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lilaclias · 3 years
day 1: glances (sasusaku month 2021)
title: everyday with you ( ao3 ☆ ffn ) prompt: day 1: glances (ssm21) @ssskmonth fandom: naruto (sasuke/sakura) summary: After Sasuke's solo journey of atonement, he and Sakura reunite. [Canon. Blank period.] info: pg / 573 words / romance notes: (full notes on ao3/ffn). Inspired by cherrynojutsu's first chapter to 'Like Gold'. I highly recommend going to check it out!
The last time he had seen her, she was blushing. Pretty pink just like her hair, while her eyes stared wide at him in wonder. It warmed his chest.
The last time she had seen him, he had thanked her. The same words that she had held on to for years like a lifeline, but this time, it had felt more like a promise. It gave her hope.
He had missed her. Every time he came across someone with eyes the colour of jade, they were always the wrong shade. When he would sit at a camp fire shrouded in the night’s darkness with only the grating sound of crickets to keep him company, he would try to remember her different kinds of laughs. While he sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking The Land of Snow, he had pictured how she would marvel at the sight. After breathing in deeply and unable to let it out because his chest pricked with searing pain, he had imagined how she would have scolded him for being reckless as her hands glowed green to give him the gentle relief he needed. 
He wonders if she had thought about him too. He wonders if she still feels the same. Or maybe he had asked for too much time and things changed. Maybe she moved on.
She had missed him. On the nights that lasted too long, she would sit outside on a roof and stare up at the moon while she imagined he was doing the same. When she would leave the hospital after pulling a triple 12 hour shift with nothing but coffee, similarity rations pills and a prayer keeping her going, she had wondered about how nice it would be to have him by her side, just to walk home with. Parts of him manifested in her patients—when their eyes gleamed dark, when they shared stories of pain that she would never fully understand, when the ones that didn’t smile often would show her gratitude. 
She wonders if he had thought about her too. She wonders if he still feels the same. Or maybe he opened his eyes to the world and things changed. Maybe the fragile promise dissolved. 
They both think that maybe the beginnings of something is all they could ever be. Maybe that’s just as far as they would get.
But the day he is greeted by the gates of a village he once thought he’d walked away from forever, she is on the other side standing beside their best friend and teacher, and the distance between them narrows. 
They both scan the other from afar, eyes flickering up and down. When he is close enough that he notices she parted her hair differently than he had last seen and he notices that he filled his clothes out better than before, they manage a glimpse at each other. 
First, she notices that his face has changed. There is a sense of peace in his expression that she is seeing for the first time. Second, he realizes he didn’t need to worry. 
All it takes is a glance, but it’s a breathtaking sight for both of them. Sakura’s smile wide while Sasuke’s is barely there. It is as though a mirror is placed between them to show how their expression reflects in each other’s, and so they both understand.
Nothing had changed between them, and at the same time, everything had.
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lilaclias · 3 years
Soft but Not Subtle
soft but not subtle by lilaclia
adrien and marinette are just studying, until they’re not.
Words: 921, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Fluff, One Shot, First Kiss, Adrinette | Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, adrienette
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31751641
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lilaclias · 3 years
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SASUSAKU MONTH ✿ JULY 2021 ✿ #ssm21  text list of prompts  ✿  all rules + faq  ✿  message  ✿ twitter  
calling all fans of sasusaku! 🌸🍅sasusaku month is a celebration of the relationship between uchiha sasuke and uchiha sakura (formerly known as haruno sakura). it runs every year from jul 1st - july 31st. during this celebratory month, sasusaku fans can join in to create and share fanwork. focus can be romantic or platonic friendship—however you enjoy them! 💖💙 
key rules (all rules+faq):
✿ starting july 1st 2021, tag your posts with #ssm21 to be reblogged. please use it within the first 5 tags! to ensure we’ll see it, you can tag us @ssskmonth 
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lilaclias · 3 years
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Mahmoud Darwish, tr. by Sinan Antoon, from “In The Presence of Absence,”
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lilaclias · 3 years
untitled (kh fic outtakes)
title: untitled fandom: kingdom hearts [roxas/naminé] info: pg / words / friendship / model au content warning: body image, appearance notes: from aug 2013. two outtakes from my 2013 fic ‘Risk Dodging’.
He’d been a lucky boy so far. Never even thought of modelling until one day, a woman stopped him on the road when he was with friends and blurted out, We want your face right now.” Roxas really should have bolted on the spot. 
She followed up by telling him there was a modelling job that started in 30 minutes, and for some reason, he accepted. As luck had it, he filled in for a supermodel whose plane wasn’t going to make it in time, so when he managed to impress the famous photographer—he’d practically won a one-way ticket.
A year later and he’s already standing backstage, an hour before the start of his most important show to date. There’s quite a few models here already who’ve taken up the couches in the lounge so he stays backstage, in the middle of the flurry of makeup artists and designers and models standing stiff straight as they let the professionals work their transformative magic on them.
“Did you hear what happened to her last week?”
“Yeah, she managed to snatch the last spot on the runway at the show tomorrow. Compared to what she’ll have ready to go to tomorrow, this is simple child’s play for Naminé.”
Roxas gets up and figures it’s time he better get his makeup done before he gets forgotten. On his way over, he bumps into someone but quickly steadies himself and immediately bends down to grab the hat he’d knocked off of them.
From his position on the floor, he holds the sun hat up and is greeted with a pretty set of blue eyes and a gentle smile. Scrambling to get up, he can feel his cheeks getting warm with embarrassment as he can’t help but keep looking at the pretty girl that stands in front of him. 
“Thanks!” she says cheerily, walking off in the same direction that he was headed. He quietly trails after her and and as she sits down to get her makeup done, Roxas takes the only empty seat right beside her and pretends he doesn’t take notice of her as he stares straight forward at his reflection. 
In a matter of seconds, a girl with cute brown braids is attending to him. He quickly learns it was her fifth gig and she’d already gotten the chance to work here, but since everyone else had their personal artists, she’d been backseated. Roxas is happy to find someone else a little new who feels out of place among the backstage buzz and does his best to make Olette laugh. She’s giggling and ducking behind his chair after he shows her his signature Super Serious Model gaze at her request.
“Hey, aren’t you the boy that was on the cover of Men’s Non-no?”
Roxas turns to his right and dumbly nods. It’s the makeup artist working on the model he’d bumped into earlier. “Wow,” the artist mutters quietly and then louder, “I heard you already managed to surprise quite a few people. Cloud, even.” Olette gasps a little and the lady, Kairi, laughs lightly, “It even took Naminé here a few shoots with him before he called her decent, and she’s been doing this all her life.” 
The blonde one, Naminé, turns away from Kairi to look at him and he can tell she’s not looking at him. He’s gotten that look plenty of times before and it’d only become daily thing when he’d entered the industry. She’s taking tally of his features as her eyes flicker over him (broad shoulders, medium length hair that gives him complimentary edge, symmetrical face, well-shaped eyebrows framing his deep blue eyes, narrow sharp nose, prominent lower jaw); all the things that don’t matter, but are also the only things that matter.
He hears her give the same cheery tone from earlier as she speaks, “I guess that means you have some pretty special raw talent.” She also gives him the same smile from then. 
When Olette finishes, he watches through the mirror as Kairi delicately applies body glitter on Naminé’s collarbones, and he’s surprised. In an industry where allure is found in every corner, she seems like a rare combination of elegant features. The simple act of sweeping blush over her cheeks has him noticing her cheekbones and Roxas has to wonder why he’s so caught up in admiring such a thing when being surrounded by beautiful people has never distracted him before. 
It only gets worse when they’re left alone with her for thirty minutes and he can feel himself trying his best to make her like him. He sees her long eyelashes flutter and the way her eyes light with life when she’s talking animatedly. 
He suddenly remembers, when she’s in the middle of telling him about the latest mystery novel she’s reading, that he’d seen her before. It was a commercial playing in the middle of a FIFA match that he was incredibly frustrated over. He’d felt the same way, mind forcibly distracted as he fell a little in love with the way she walked away from the camera and then turned around to give it a smile. 
He feels the same immediately after he has his run on stage. He didn’t trip, strode relaxedly and his expression was held, so he thinks it went well. Naminé is still a few people behind him, but once she catches sight of him walking by, she gives him a wave to get his attention and raises her thumb at him.
His chest swells with pride and a little of something else.
Realizing that the layer of sequins adorning her right heel have fallen right off—Naminé desperately looks around for any free soul. She has half a mind to grab some super glue and some eyeshadow to fill in the area herself, but a simple pat on her head makes her look up, and her saviour is right there. The words, “What’s going on?” dying on his lips as she hurriedly tugs him down on the ground with her.
Five minutes later and Roxas has gotten one of his designer friends, Xion, to help out. “Eyeshadow, really?” he laughs at her and Naminé purses her lips, her eyebrows scrunching as she pouts. 
After making sure the other sequins weren’t going to jump off anytime soon, Xion stands up and glared at Roxas. “At least she had the mind to think about something. You know reporters would make a story out of anything when it comes to her.”
Someone yells for Naminé, and with one last tap of her heels to ensure they’re safe, she sticks her tongue out at Roxas and runs towards the stage.
He watches backstage on the monitor while he’s getting his makeup touched up and it’s just like when he’d watched her makeup commercial in between the FIFA match. 
She was stunning. His chest swells with pride for her and this time, he knows what the other feeling is.
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lilaclias · 3 years
soft but not subtle (ml ficlet)
title: soft but not subtle fandom: miraculous ladybug [adrien/marinette] summary: adrien and marinette are just studying, until they’re not. info: pg / 920 words / romance notes: edited a wip from april 2016. 
Adrien isn’t oblivious and his lycée classmates aren't subtle. He knows when excuses are being made, a few years of having Chat Noir as an alter ego has given him some experience in that field, so he can see through a rushed lie when he hears one.
The way one of Marinette's friends glared threateningly at two of their study buddies before they all scrambled out was also a big tip off. One of the poor guys was even in the middle of eating his shawarma when he was practically dragged out the door. While she was rushing everyone up, she explained that they had to get back to their resident building for some room maintenance they wanted to supervise. 
Marinette was paying far too much attention to the online lecture videos to give them a grand farewell, but Adrien had a feeling he knew what was going on.
Not that he had a big problem with it. They had planned a group study but half of them were slacking off and being loud. And by half, he meant everyone but Marinette. Maybe it hadn’t been the smartest idea for them to let the others tag along on their study date.
Er, study session.
But instead of wasting their time looking for a place to study, the large number allowed them to them covet a closed off study room and why would he ever say no to some peace and quiet and the delight of rolling chairs? At least now it was only the two of them.
Except now it was a little too quiet. Adrien glances to the left and Marinette is still watching a video and so he scoots closer. The side of his arm brushes hers and she is startled as she hurries to pause the video and take out her headphones.
He feels his lips turn as he gives her a bashful smile, “Didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“It’s fine!” She says hurriedly, her eyes flickering away from him. Marinette lets out a nervous giggle as she stretches her arms in front of her, looking around the room. “Oh? Everyone went for a coffee break or something?”
“Something like that,” Adrien says with a smile.
“Well! We should probably get started on figuring out how to work with the framework. Let’s see how the book says to start.”
They both scoot their chairs toward the textbook at the same time and their chairs collide, as his head connects with hers. She lets out a groan as he barely holds one back. Adrien glances over at her while rubbing his head and is surprised by how close she is. He can feel his face heat up to mirror her own, as he starts feeling butterflies crawl up his throat. “Sorry.”
There’s a glint in her eyes, her wide, wide eyes, and he watches entranced as his reflection in them gets bigger and bigger as she moves closer. Or maybe it’s him that moves closer.
Her mouth opens slightly and her gaze drops to his mouth and Adrien just barely feels his breath catch before she slowly bends her head forward and kisses him.
He’s a little dazed as she kisses him tenderly. Her hands gently skim the side of his face, one hand cups his cheek as the other goes to the back of his neck to tug him closer. He obliges before he even registers what she’s doing. Her fingers scratch the hair at the nape of his neck. His mind reels at the sensation, his body electrified and nervous. He shivers and the vibration startles her.
Marinette pulls back and quickly scoots her chair well away from him, her face reaching deep shades of red. She’s staring at the ground, once again avoiding looking at him as her fingers reach up to touch her lips. She shakes her head and tries to meet his eyes.
All Adrien can think about is how pretty the blush on her face looks.
He manages to overcome some of his surprise when he realizes she’s packing up her things and she’s talking. She’s talking and Adrien finally tunes in, “-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I mean I did, but I didn’t. I’m so so sorry. You must be so surprised. I’m just going to go.” Her fingers are shaky and some of her pencils fall out of their case and she lets out a squeak. Adrien reflexively bends down to help but his hand touches hers, maybe on purpose, and she snaps her hand back with a louder squeak.
He can’t stop smiling as she rushes to collect her things.
“I’m so so so sorry,” Her voice is quiet as she rushes the words out of her mouth while opening the door. Marinette’s face looks even redder than before and Adrien really is just grinning as she leaves.
Adrien is still sitting in his chair, fully upright. He wonders why the mood in the room is still nervous and then he realizes it’s just him. His body still tingles from the kiss. It was gentle and soft. Marinette was so soft. And bold.
He looks around the empty room, at his school supplies scattered on the table. A sigh escapes him and he slumps in his chair.
He knows he won’t be getting any more studying done.
At least, not while his mind won’t let him forget the image of Marinette’s hair covering her eyes, cheeks blushing while she let her fingers graze her lips.
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lilaclias · 3 years
whoops! (kh ficlet)
title: whoops! fandom: kingdom hearts [roxas/naminé] summary: oh, naminé didn’t like the new news. info: pg / 691 words / general / high school au notes: from oct 2010. prompt #1 out of 100. it was setting up for the rest but of course i never continued 🤠 (og notes: First one. All of the drabbles will be related-ish, so this is the set-up I guess.)
The three girls giggled at that, and Kairi picked up her pace as the three of them walked to their English class together. "Anyway, guess what I heard guys!" She exclaimed, her tone completely cheerful.
"What is it, Kairi?" Both Xion and Naminé said in synchronism. They were very used to her usual antics but that's what made Kairi Kairi.
Kairi grinned devilishly, it was a bit frightening so Naminé slowed down her pace as Kairi sped on before coming to a halt, Xion in between them glancing between the two of their faces. "We've got a new student."
Naminé scoffed "Is that the big news, that's it?" It wasn't that big of a deal, they had new students every few months.
"Yes, but since I'm the representative of our grade, I was chosen to assign him a student to buddy up with. Like their own personal guide, show them around and everything."
Xion quirked an eyebrow at her redheaded friend, "And what's that got to do with us?"
Kairi was still grinning widely as she turned to face Naminé, "Oh, nothing to do with you, Xion. But Naminé ..." She drawled, pausing for a moment. "Was the student I signed to escort our lovely new classmate."
Naminé merely shrugged at her friend, "Okay? So I have to show this girl around school quickly, no big deal." She said, mere steps away from their English class. "It's not that—" she was cut off as a figure bumped into her, causing her books to fall on the ground as she stumbled but caught herself by latching onto the wall. 
"Whoops!" she yelped as she stumbled again but held on firmly to the wall. "Oh, I'm so sorry," said a male voice that came from the figure. He bent down to pick up her books as she and the girls watched him. He had blonde hair, shades darker than Naminé’s own and as he stood back up after having retrieved her books, she saw that his eyes were a sky blue, similar to one's she had seen before. But where...? Naminé was in a daze as he gave her the books, before turning around and walking into the room she was about to enter. She hadn't even said thank you, but she would see him soon enough and thank him then. "Oh, did I mention that their schedule is the exact same as yours, so your job will be easier and you guys are taking the same subjects so it was easy to do. And the student is a boy." Kairi said, emphasizing the word 'boy' as they walked into their noisy English class. "But you said..." Xion said, worrying for her own friend. Kairi wagged her finger in their faces, "No, no, no. I never said the gender, you two just assumed it was a girl." Kairi smiled at them, "Come on! It'll be fun." She said, sounding excited. "I'm going to kill you one day, Kairi." Naminé said, threatening in a quiet voice, summing up her frustration over the situation that was thrown in her face. She not only had to worry about herself now, but another student was going to be hanging around her! "What if he's a freak? Or a psycho serial killer? You never know." Naminé said. Even as the words left her mouth, she knew she was being childish. She just didn't like how she found out just now. Kairi smiled at her friend reassuringly. "Was the guy you bumped into a minute ago a psycho killer?" Kairi asked. Naminé watched as Kairi waved to Sora across the room, her mind whirring. "No? I don't think so..." Naminé trailed off—she had seen his eyes before! "Well, there's your answer. He's the student that's going to be trailing you for the next little while and he's Sora's cousin so I knew he wouldn't be a bad guy! Naminé could only stare at her friend. Just what did she just get dragged into?
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lilaclias · 3 years
fire (e21 ficlet)
title: fire fandom: eyeshield 21 [hiruma/mamori] summary: he loved to see her get worked up. info: pg / 405 words / romance notes: from oct 2010. #1 of 100 prompts but i believe i only completed 2 lmao. only ever posted on my lj and one of my fave writers from the fandom actually stumbled on it and left the sweetest comment. (og notes: First one. The time is at the beginning-ish, so Mamori's in the dark and everything. It's kind of an over-used theme and everything, but *shrug*) 
"Just back off!" she shouted at him, whipping her broom around in the air threateningly.
He merely grinned at her, his trademark grin. "Now why would I ever want to do that?"
Mamori shook her head and stared at him straight in the eyes, challenging him head-on. No one did that, most would have ran for their lives by now.
"Why can't you leave him alone? What has he done to you? He's only the manager of your team." She growled, her patience for Hiruma thinning as the seconds ticked by. "Mamori nee-chan, I'm okay. He didn't hurt me or ..." Sena trailed off and backed away as Mamori turned to look at him, before turning her glare back to Hiruma. "Sena doesn't deserve to be treated like this! He's not one of your slaves," she spat the words at Hiruma disgustedly. Hiruma stood there, his gun strapped around him and balanced on his shoulder as he laughed wickedly. "Kekeke, you sure do like to pick fights don't you, Fucking Manager?" He walked closer to her, chomping away on his gum before stopping to look at her with a blank expression, that managed to somehow also look menacing. He was a few feet away from Mamori and slightly bent towards her face, but Sena had backed away from the two of them because being that close to Hiruma was asking for death. Yet, his sister-like childhood friend just remained where she stood—her glare never faltering. "One day you're going to pick a fight that you won't be able to get out of. Watch who you choose as an opponent." Hiruma glared at her, his eyes staring intently at hers. Mamori stood firm, not backing down and waiting for him to say more. But he never did say anything as he turned his back to her and the field, walking toward the clubhouse. It was then that Mamori stopped glaring and calmed down, making sure that he was still walking away and wouldn't turn back anytime. Back at the clubhouse, Hiruma was typing away on his laptop. He had meant what he said when he told the Fucking Manager not to pick fights easily. One day she would get herself hurt and there'd be no one to help her. But it was very entertaining to watch her get worked up. She was a ball of fire, tame and yet undeniably free and wild.
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lilaclias · 3 years
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on anger and grief
@gayarsonist // grief lessons: four plays by euripides - anne carson //  @yuyuuyuyuu & @existential-celestial​ // the truth about grief - fortesa latifi // c.s. lewis
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lilaclias · 3 years
Your sasusaku metas just brings out the feels in me. And it really did made me more aware Kishi's tendency to romanticize things.
thanks for reading!
i … should be fair: kishi romanticizes some things, but not everything. pre-timeskip sasusaku is this strange mix of (1) traditional tropes played intensely straight and (2) character arcs brought to their logical and semi-tragic conclusions and (3) a sort of mono no aware, gentle sadness, almost autumnal in feeling, very at odds with the general shounen-feel of the manga: like those tumblr gifs going around, “an ex-something, an ex-maybe. an ex-almost.”
(1): you could argue that sasusaku is a subversion of the shounen manga trope of the girl-character getting together with the hero; and yes, yes, i agree. but at the same time, sasuke and sakura are like every shoujo trope played to the hilt: an ordinary girl falling for the coolest, coldest, cleverest boy in school. a cheerful girl falling for a boy with a secret sorrow. he saves her life! she pulls him back from his destructive anger! the characters of sasuke and sakura are consistent with the trope, even if their roles are not.
(2) and yet! pre-timeskip doesn’t give us the happy ending we might expect of a shoujo. he is not always cool and collected and capable in front of her – and not even vulnerable as a result of his secret sorrow; but because he gets fucked up by someone older and stronger and evil. it’s totally face-losing. she sees him at some of his lowest points, and while sakura rises to the occasion and accepts it: yet, it isn’t enough. she can stop him from killing sound-nin in the forest of death, but she can’t stop him from leaving and turning missing-nin. she can try to stop the boys’ rooftop fight, but she can’t do anything about the waterfall fight, can’t do anything about sasuke putting his fist through naruto’s chest. sakura tries – goodness, how she tries – but love is not an all-redemptive force; you can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. falling for a bad-boy type leads to more grief than not because, since the first moment on the rooftop on the first day of their genin cell, their motivations have been entirely different  – but, what makes it all the more poignant, what leads to (3): he is not entirely indifferent. she couldn’t stop him, but she was a speed-bump; she couldn’t save him, but almost – 
(3) naruto’s sense of loss is a bright, vicious thing: it is the rocket fuel that propels the entire narrative of the manga. sakura’s love and sakura’s loss is something more complicated and nuanced and unresolved: it had not fully existed, before it passed. naruto is unwavering in his pursuit of sasuke, and that is the burning determination we expect of a shounen manga; but sakura struggles, and lies, and hides, and betrays. sakura, to some degree, accepts that loss – because sakura, as she has always been, is the most human and most normal and most well-adjusted of the three. sakura knows that wounds will heal, and maybe scar over, and maybe still ache, but you will not be bleeding forever. even if you want to. sakura knows that life goes on, and that what seems impossible and forever in the moment, will one day dim and burn itself out. all things pass. her first love, her springtime infatuation, passes with the wind, disappearing like smoke into the blue sky: well, so it goes. the wind also sweeps away the cherry blossoms in the spring, and the red leaves in the autumn, and what had sasuke been anyway – but cold, and sad, and angry – and grateful –
– an ex-something.
so that is the sort of strangely josei-like nuance of pre-timeskip.
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lilaclias · 3 years
long time no write
on this blog again! not sure for how long or how consistent. but. i dearly miss my writing brain :(
i miss buzzing with ideas i’ll never write and having to use anything to write little snippets and concepts that i don’t want to forget and being inspired by everyday life and conversations and people and finding the beauty in all of it to romanticize it. and just writing for myself! because i was never great but i always had fun.
i have other life things going on that i really need to dedicate myself to before i have the luxury of dedicating time to writing but! i’ll get there and for now, i just want it to be part of my life again because it always made me happy. for now, maybe i’ll just post bits of writing from the past.
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lilaclias · 3 years
untitled (original snippet)
title: untitled fandom: my original story info: pg / 1070 words / action, post-apocalyptic summary: first, he accepted the challenge. then, he dawdled. now, he regrets. notes: snippet from an original story concept that i’ll never write. concept and this first draft was from 2011. scrapped it years ago and just kept it as a one-shot. last edited in 2018 to show a relative. 
Damn it. I can’t get it now, if only I hadn’t stalled for so long.
I dodged. I didn’t know what exactly was thrown at me, but I dodged it. Some people have the chance to think about that kind of stuff, but at that point I really didn’t, actually it was more like I couldn’t.
I participated in this game. I didn’t even have to participate in this one, we were alright at the moment but no, I just had to want more.
Another object came flying at me. I dodged it again and got onto a step before jumping up on a large rectangle-shaped platform.The room was pretty huge and sturdy, probably more than half an hour in and there were still no dents in the wall, ground or ceiling. 
I looked around quickly, surveying my new surroundings and I spotted something a couple meters away from me. I walked up to it and examined an ax that was stuck into the ground. I grasped the handle and twisted it a bit until I pulled the object out.
I nearly fell under the weight of it. Shit, these people knew my weight, height and strength pretty well, probably better than I did. So why couldn’t they have made this thing lighter? I was all up for getting stronger, you learn rather quickly here that it’s either ‘get stronger or die and regret not trying’, but trying to test my limits in the middle of a match where I could get seriously hurt? 
In a match where the prize wasn’t even so great? I feel like a spoiled brat, I could live without the prize so putting myself in harm’s way to get it isn’t the smartest thing ever. Forget about trying to get stronger, I regret even singing up for this. 
I don’t know why I’m even participating in this right n—
I held the ax firmly in both of my hands and my body tensed up slightly as I noticed that my opponent was quiet. I could clearly see the box, the prize, it was there in plain sight with no one surrounding it. I checked what I thought was the general direction from where the objects I’d dodged had come from, but nothing was there either.
I automatically let my eyes wander and analyze everything, it’d become a habit when situations like this came up every so often, and my ears felt like they were ready to hear a sound coming from miles away.
I lightly bounced on the toes of my feet as I put my weight no them, barely lifting my feet off the ground but maintain a rhythm as I knew what would come soon.
“Get ready for this!” The yell echoed off the walls of the ginormous room and I would have sighed if I had the chance, but it’s never the time to mock an opponent when they’re heading straight for you. You’d just prove to be stupider than them, giving you no right to mock them in the first place.
So after throwing things around and hiding around, he’s finally let up and decided to come straight at me, huh?
I definitely would have slightly enjoyed that action, but I was pretty tired at that point. I started off this challenge thinking I could test out my abilities, the goal was to get the box so it wasn’t anything too serious, but this guy didn’t seem to be all that great. So I toyed with him by allowing him to attack and just dodging, but even that got tiring after awhile. The sooner it was over, the better. 
I side-stepped his attack. It was full of too much power and jumping from a higher platform to the lower one, that we were both on at the time, just increased his attack’s power. Power can be a good thing, but jumping that far away gives your opponent the chance to see you and dodge it, not to mention the fact that he practically warned me that he was going to try jumping down and attack me. Definitely not the most intelligent strategy that I’ve ever seen. 
Ending this soon would be wise. 
I stepped on my right heel and swerved around to face him. He was trying to pick himself up after his collision with the hard floor - ouch, the ground is pretty hard, still no dents - and I kicked his back, forcing him back down. I squinted one eye  and threw the ax at his face. It cleanly landed right above his head, it probably chopped off a few strands of the guy’s hair but he’d be fine. I only needed to do that to scare him enough to give myself a clear opening.
I jumped off the platform I was on and ran with whatever strength I had left to the prize. The box got bigger and bigger and despite regretting not wanting it a couple minutes ago, it’s a nice feeling to gain something through a hard day’s work.
My fingers touched the box slightly before I launched myself at it, and I used both my hands to hug it to my body, making sure that it was mine and not the other guy’s. I was extremely tired and letting this match last so long was not my greatest idea.
As I hugged the box even tighter to my body, I couldn’t help but think that I was just lucky I got paired with a weakling. He was probably a new guy too. I hope I didn’t scare him too badly, though. Being here was probably bad enough, I didn’t want to make it worse.
My family would be having an extra helping of rice today. I still don’t know if it was worth it or not, but it didn’t really matter at the time.
All that mattered was getting stronger and getting the hell out of this place.
Winning this rice won’t help me complete my ultimate goal but it sure as hell made my endurance rate a bit better, as well as get us some extra food.
‘Everything adds up in the long run.’ As long as I tell myself that every once in awhile, maybe I’ll think that eventually those words will come true.
I can’t be hoping for something for so long and so hard, but not have it come true.
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