“december, close the chapters that don’t speak to my spirit and open up the pages that remind me of who i am. give me the courage to release myself from what i’ve outgrown so i can fit into shoes suited for where my journey is going. balm me in patience and soak my bones in love.”
— iambrillyant
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everything is in my favor 💋🎀
divine reminders pt. 3 ♡
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i get everything i want and then some. everything goes well for me because that is what i deserve. life is rigged in my favor in all ways possible for me. my life is happening FOR me. i live in my divine presence knowing that nothing can stand in the way of a perfect life filled with my wants. i attract all the pretty finer things in life.
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You're doing it. Look back at how far you've come.
You are making it! ✨
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This is a message for Libras or anyone who this may resonate with 🫶🏻
Disclaimer- If it does not feel like it connects with you than let it go! Do not force this reading to fit if it doesn’t. Energy is forever changing and this is not a be all and end all. Whoever’s energy I am picking up on can always change for the better or for the worse. It is all up to you and the actions you take/any one who is involved.
This is a different style reading and I hope you enjoy it or find a message that brings you clarity 🫶🏻
It’s libra season and you got options
You got optionssss babyyy
But there is only one who takes the cake
I see a decision happening
The judge making a decision
Making your move
Choosing the one for you
Justice/ two of swords reversed
New love presenting themselves with an offer
Wanting to make you happy
This person is just starting off on their love journey
They may have not dated in a while or haven’t had a true committed relationship before
This is very new to them but they want happiness
They see others being fulfilled in relationships and they want to try too
They seem to want to try with you
Page of cups/ ace of pentacles/ 10 of cups
You may have had a beginning romance with this person but it could have fizzled out
They had stayed disconnected from you and did not communicate their feelings
They wanted to come forward but were very hesitant
They felt caught up somewhere else
They still had restraints holding them back
Maybe past connections
Maybe themselves
Holding their emotions back
Giving you just a enough to keep you wanting more but they kept it mostly for themselves
They never told you what they had/were/are went/going through
They are going through a full emotional transformation
A perspective shift on how they give and receive love
They want to give back
Yet they do hold themselves back from giving you what you deserve
Just know they are going through this shift and they can choose to unbind themselves at anytime
This could also be you in a lot of ways
Going through a perspective shift and fully deciding what is it that you want in your life
What is it that you want?
What is it that you DONT want?
It’s time to get clear with yourself
The hermit clarified by the knight of cups
Knight of coins clarified by the hanged man
Page of cups clarified by death
After their perspective shift they will be coming in
They feel very confident about this
That they can truly give you what you deserve and what ever you want
They want to be able to give you all of your desires and more
They want to protect you at all costs and ground this relationship into something worth building
They will be coming forward with a love offer
The words may surprise you
Their words seem direct yet they may be word vomit
It could come out of nowhere because these romantic thoughts have built up enough to come spilling out
This person does want a relationship here
They do feel desire for you and they want to connect and build with you in all ways
They feel inspired by you and this relationship
But I do suggest being careful and really see this person prove that they can truly value you before putting your heart fully into this especially if they fumbled it before
The knight of wands with the 4 of wands can be a bit of a chaotic energy
This person could be one who is not very committal
However there is very passionate feelings here
Wanting to be with you in all ways
The chariot clarified by the king of pentacles
Knight of swords clarified by the ace of cups
Four of wands clarified by the knight of wands
This person might possibly use sweet talking and s*x to get what they want
They fantasize about how they could get you there with them
They think about the things that they could say
They may try to do this and come off more grounded in this than they really are
Be careful around this person
They may just be thirsty for something less than fully committed
They could expect something to happen fast between you
One night stand vibes
Left wanting more vibes
For some reason I’m hearing that they might know some of your weaknesses and might try to manipulate you with them
Try to seduce you in a place of vulnerability
They may want you just to say that they had you
(Which is honestly a compliment as f*ck but extremely grimy energy and I advise to be aware of this)
Let them put in the effort
Their full effort
Don’t fall for anything too fast
Take things slow and let them show you their truth
Two of wands clarified by the knight of wands
Page of swords clarified by the page of cups
Ace of wands clarified by the six of wands
This could definitely be someone from the past trying to come back in. If they have left you hurt before just be careful and let them truly prove to you that they see your worth. Take off your rose colored glasses and see the truth.
All that glitters is not gold.
Be aware. Use your intuition not just your ears. Not just your imagination. See you’re upmost value. Decide to only except what it is you truly want. Do not let anyone take advantage of you. Do not let anyone sweet talk you. Let them truly show you how much they value you. Because they will, if they do and if they don’t. The truth will always come to light.
Be careful out there babies and know that you never have to settle for anyone who is treating you less than you truly deserve and want. No matter how attractive and materialistic they may be on the outside it does not reflect them on the inside. You have options remeber that this is not your only choice.
It is time to be decisive and get clear with yourself. You are manifesting love and new beginnings but you need to be clear on how you want that new beginning to look like.
Whatever you decide to do I wish healing and peace to you and all of your relationships. I wish the gift of true sight for you. To see through the falseness and the masks that many wear everyday.
So much love to you 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you so much for any support you have given me to continue posting readings that I feel guided to share 🫶🏻 I have a few PAC that will be coming out this month.
Angel number 444
Your efforts are being paid off
Angels are guiding you in the right direction
New stable beginnings are coming in for you
If you have any more messages that align with angel number 444 please feel free to comment them below for fellow viewers to hear some more messages that may align with them 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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pick a pile: "What do you need to leave behind"
take a breathe and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read about what are you supposed to leave in the past in order to give birth to a new cycle of your life.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. Also, you're in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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1 - 2 - 3
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pile 1
Anxiety (social anxiety/ruminating in particular) and attachments issues. Especially waiting for an answer/feedback and like... keep checking on others to see if you can grasp it. Or keep checking your phone waiting for a message reply. And immediatley read it when it arrives. You may be quite impulsive at times, start acting out of nowhere, probably overworking even when you get a rush of adrenaline going. Maybe you do this to distract your mind when doubts arise.
I'm smelling almonds now, it may mean you don't do this on purpose, your intentions are good ofc. It's just something that is stored in you (probably from a childhood/past life trauma related to emotions/lack of feedback); you may need to deal with this cause it can get difficult to live with such expectations and anxiety towards others (and how they may react and all that noise inside of your head). Focus on you the most. On doing your best. And balance your energy (I think the masculine is a bit too strong: nurture yourself). This Mercury retrogade may be talking to you in a particular way, enhancing this problem with communication and relationships/insecurities.
Yup, your feminine energy is a bit blocked now. You might be stressing a lot over emotional responses from others. But you need to learn to let go a bit, to trust, and to believe that if someone is not answering you right away, it means they may be busy not that they hate you or you have said something terrible or dumb and they don't want to have nothing to do with you anymore. Keep working on yourself, so to be able to attract what you really desire, and balance yourself better. And stop self doubting, you're worthy, keep that in your mind.
Learn to be strong and to realize your own power. Be present in yourself fully: don't let your mid wonder and take over, it is often wrong and seeing stuff as worse than itactually is. Be objective and pay attention to facts when things get overwhelming (even if it's hard). And start giving to yourself, and especially your inner child: it may have wounds you really need to take care of.
Stop hurting yourself with the overthinking, it's not worth the pain: you're the only one making yourself suffering, while you're supposed to make yourself happy.
songs: give me love | ed sheeran; burst into flames | cavale; anxiety | black eyed peas
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pile 2
You may need to let go of fear. There's probably some thoughts that are blocking you or triggering you very deeply. My heart kinda jumped out of my chest and I almost want to tear up. What is going on pile 2?
Could be related to love for some tbh, maybe there's a new love that seems too good to be true or you have never experienced love before and it's kinda scary or your'e unsure of how it'll turn out (it may also trigger you somehow).
Do you fear trying? Are you scared of someone's reaction or something's outcome (maybe a new career/self employed job you wanna try)? Of being different?
Don't worry it's all in your head. You're doing great and you are also healing yourself successfully (you still may need to work on a few things though, seen what I got. Maybe some of you may even need to start their healing journey but you know you you need to do it and you wanna try). You know it takes time and patience, you're not rushing/you won't. You're finding out so many things about yourself, how strong you are, so why are you letting fear/overthinking block you? I know from the outside it all looks clear and obvious, but when it's time to act from the inside things look worse and harder... but try. You really only need to try, to take a leap of faith and make your own reality (I almost wrote destiny, so yeah, that's a massive confirmation). Focus on the happiness, the good, your bravery, how things can (and will) go well for you, don't do what we usually do, when we focus on that small thing that is going wrong while forgetting about all the good around us literally yelling at us. Let things change, welcome that change and don't let your worries stop you. Keep giving love to yourself: you know the choice is only yours. You can decide if to stay in the same mold, or to jump where you need and feel you belong. It's a matter of taking control of your mind and its twirling, but you can do it. It won't be easy, but to have a different result, to go to a different place, you need to change what you do and how you think. And everythign here says you can. You totally can. You only need to believe and try. Things are gonna go great for you. Focus on the now, take that little step that you are missing and that separates you from success.
songs: yours to keep | jordan mackampa; with me | sum 41; bitter sweet symphony | the verve
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pile 3
You probably need to change your environment at least for a little. I keep hearing "emotional dept", maybe there are situations that are getting kinda tough right now or overwhelming. You need to put a few miles (or kms at least) between you and what is hurting you (especially who is hurting you): you deserve some peace, a time out from all that noise inside. You need to do something nice for yourself, to distract yourself especially if you're healing (doing things for us, that relax us, that make us feel good, that we enjoy like baking, painting, taking a walk in nature, meditating... you name it, it's a crucial part of healing: you don't have to work 24/7 on a real deep healing, it'll only have the opposite outcome for you. You need breaks. Even more if it's related to karmic family relationships). Do something you enjoy.
You may feel like you need to control yourself inside pretty often, to be in charge, to take care of others and be their anchor, but the truth is you need to change your point of you. You need to be in charge (and you are) of your own happiness and yourself. Only that. Trust your Guides and inner self, and start a different journey all for yourself. You may be overthinking on things that are not very important, that are just taking away your inner peace and stressing you out (maybe what others may think? Not your problem, at the end of the day).
You have been giving away a lot of you (time and effort), it's time for you to start taking back and learn how to take care of your needs, nurture yourself the way you need. Body and soul (use lotions, creams, take warm bath, go running, meditate, do yoga, work on your chakras... act on both your sides). Learn how to treat yourself if you wanna teach others how to truly show care for you too.
And keep manifesting, keep working on your dreams: no matter the noise around, you can get anywhere you want, especially if you need to really go away. You can.
Let go of this self inflicted pain, stop always being there for others: use your life experience to shine and go away from the environments that aren't for you anymore. Take this leap of faith, be more aware of all the good can be hidden for you in another place and follow your guts. A small change of view can give you a lot (in particular if you are a creative person: but anyway, changing air can be very inspiring and help you take a break from the wrong energies around you). And remember if you're waiting for the right time, it may never arrive. Start moving the focus on you and what you want now. Be your "one". Mercury retrogade is the best moment (as for travel, be a little more careful, plan accurately. Or start planning now and leave later on. But I think your Guides will take good care of you, just be sure to double check everything).
songs: be the one | dua lipa; 神樹 | huan chen yu; control | metro station
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Your Good Qualities | PAC PT 1
Hello beautiful people, if you are the type of person that gets uncomfortable by praises and people being kind to you this PAC is not for you! I will tell you everything good about you, because like everything in life, you do have both bad and good in you. Think of yin and yang! Last time you saw your yins and now you will see your yang. Also, I realised, hey, I might be a little too rude, so I would like to uplift my followers - and anyone reading this - ♡
If you wish to, you can tip or donate here. ♡
disc.: do not tip/donate if you have financial trauma, have a hard time with money or you need your money for better causes. You are never obligated to do this and I don't want any harm towards you. If you are sensitive about money, please just don't.
꒰ piles ꒱
→ 1 , 2 ,3
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sections ༉˚
- basic good qualities
- what you don't see in yourself
- what others adore you for - platonic.
- what lovers see in you - feel free to skip if you are on the aro spectrum.
- what spirit guides love about you
pile one
three of swords, nine of swords, the heirophant, ladybird, donkey, hyena, black dragon ‐ meditate, reflect, undergo metamorphosis, magenta dragon - awaken your soul memories and higher spiritual understanding. prepare for accelerated ascension, earth and fire dragon - it's time for service, when you give, you receive
basic good qualities.
Hello angels, I have an advice for this pile; please stop depending on the validation of others, not being like them doesn't mean you are any less beautiful.
selfless, kind, sweet, understanding, open minded, sensitive, very cute!, honest, empathetic, angelic face - ? -, ambitious, opinionated, passionate, diverse - personality wise, ex you can be cute but also hot -, caring, nurturing, very attentive
what you don't see in yourself
Sweetheart, there is a lot. I feel like you underestimate yourself, refuse to like yourself, to see all the good in you. You might think this because at some point you experienced either trauma related to bullying or abuse, which messed with your self esteem. I will not touch on that, as I would like to praise you. You are actually very beautiful, you might not be like x and y, or not act like z but I am getting an incredibly angelic energy from you. Do you have Libra, Pisces or Scorpio in your chart? Either way, you are really such a wonderful and kind soul. You always think of others and try to make them comfortable. Some of you might have a really different kind of playfulness to themselves than other's, maybe people around you look at it as rough even though you intend no harm. That doesn't mean you aren't kind? I think misunderstandings affect you a lot, so you think you aren't a caring or selfless person, you really are. Your energy is really beautiful and carries a lot of pain, it's hard to describe in words. It's like there is two sides to this pile. You are the sunlight after the rain, is what I heard, if that means anything to someone. You are lovely, fragile and you are a very sensitive person. Not in a bad way though. I am sorry, I keep trying to find the right words, it just seems hard because you are so unique! Ethereal? I guess, that's the right word. You are the golden tears on angels, you might seem harsh to others but your heart is full of love and wonders, full of curiosity. Don't let others take that away from you.
what others adore you for
You just make people so happy. Like, your smile makes them smile, your happiness rubs off on them, it stays with them. You have such a beautiful bright smile. You are a daydreamer, there is so much excitement and brightness in you!!!! Alright, so I think one half of the pile really loves pinks and girly stuff, the other is kind of into darker themes and could be like 'nah it's not me-' but it is! You are so full of life it makes other people happy!
Just being around you makes them excited for the day, you are playful and could have a bubbly personality. Even just doing the reading, your energy makes me happy pile one! You might think you are gloomy, or that you have a darker aura - which is possible - but regardless of that, whenever you enter a room you just make people so happy!
That feeling of 'ah, finally, we are about to have a good time.'
You truly are just someone that brights the space up.
Also, you could be very emotionally intelligent, understand people even if other people don't see why you would be kind to them, if they themselves don't see it, or think that they don't deserve justice. It's not that you are foolish, you just have a deeper understanding of how the human mind works is all. You see the good in other people even if they might not deserve it.
Of course, that does not mean that you are foolish and think everyone is good, you are quite confrontational, at least some of you.
So, you have your own opinions, but you are not blind to them, you see reality but also potential. I do think a lot of people adore you for it.
what lovers see in you
They love how generous you are is what I am seeing? You truly give your all in relationships, you don't just expect to receive and give nothing back. You might love the idea of '50/50'.
Also, you have that potential to make people daydream about you. You are so mysterious, they try to figure more and more things out about you.
I think the fact that your heart is wounded is attractive to many, so be cautious. People could try to use you for your past pain is what I am saying, take advantage of it.
Either way, bad intention or not, the focus seems to be on your heart, how kind, precious, generous and wonderful you are. For a lot of you, you could look somewhat distant while your personality is the complete opposite. I think this duality of yours is very attractive to many.
what spirit guides love about you
I can see them loving how far your abilities go, how well you are able to control them, especially your intuition. You are someone incredibly talented and lovely in their eyes, I can see you can do anything you want with good results, you just have to believe in yourself.
Also you are very curious about spirituality and aren't afraid to try out new things or correct someone if they do anything disrespectful, I can see a male figure is especially really proud of you for being able to do this, they look at you really fondly.
Do you ever practice any spiritual things in the dark? Such as meditating or communication with your guides? I can see that they watch over you doing it, and although worried for you, they are very trusting.
You are also able to listen to them really well, I can see that's also something they really adore you for. You don't push them away or refuse a connection just because you don't like hearing something, instead, you just keep on bettering yourself, which they really adore.
thank you for reading ♡
pile two
lo$er, lo♡er
knight of swords, the sun, four of pentacles, deer, donkey, cat, oneness, look for common humanity, invoke lemurian light, enter the magic, live in the now, size the moment, ascension flames, merge with light, ignite keys and codes
basic good qualities
confident - strong sense of leadership - smart - observant - non judgemental - good with advice - cool headed - child like - relaxed - bright - great personality - elegant? - graceful
what you don't see in yourself
There is a lot, pile two.
You have many good qualities, but are blind to them, simply because you are very protective of yourself, you have a hard time putting your guard down and being vulnerable.
You are kind, understanding and you are able to see though situations from two point of views, understanding everyone involved so you can find the most peaceful outcome to everyone involved.
Don't get me wrong, you definitely can be confrontational and be able to stand up for yourself, intimidate others, it's just that you are quite a chill person. That brings you many wonderful things in life you might not even be aware of.
You are also incredibly bright, kind, and funny, you just have a tendency to isolate yourself from others due to something that scares you a lot.
You have a hard time putting your guard down.
what others adore you for
You are very independent and cheerful is what I am saying, you know how to be responsible and realistic but without it "ruining the fun".
You probably had to "learn" this? Maybe some of you were bullied for being so childish, and also for being too serious. It's like people never could be happy.
So now you have learned how to please others? So, that's that.
Now onto the people that are actually deserving of your time!
I can see a lot of people looking at you as very intelligent in many ways, but especially money wise, you could be someone that's really good in saving up, or you just spend responsibly. They don't want to take advantage of you, they want to be like you, they adore you.
Also, you could be a very very realistic person, making you really mature. That is intimidating to some, but definitely very attractive, let that be platonic or not, people think you are very charming for the way you are, for the way you hold yourself. You just being yourself is really attention drawing, even if you might be a quite person. Of course, in a good way.
Some of you could be bit of a goofball? Like, you love to joke around, play and just be carefree. That does not take away from your maturity, just ads to it. For a lot of you, kids might really love you and want to play with you a lot!
Many people adore your patience when it comes to that.
Basically, you are the person a lot of people wish they could be.
what lovers see in you
Okay, so I see you have a hard time finding proper connections because you are very good looking but don't worry, I will touch on what people genuinely interested are attracted to!
You are able to go through hard times alone no matter what? You are able to overcome any obstacles you want with no issue even if it may concern or stress you out, it makes people want to help you, be there for you, be next to you.
Your personality is also very lovely. You could be like a child at times, which a lot of love interests adore.
No, not in a creepy way. They can just feel free next to you, feel like themselves, have no care in the world.
They know they won't be judged, neglected or taken advantage of. Being next to you is like a sense of euphoria, you make them feel happy again. It's the feeling of letting go of worries and being able to be a kid again for a few hours, it's the feeling of not worrying about problems because you are there for them to be their rock.
For the people that are in love with you, you are happiness.
what spirit guides love about you
Whenever they give you an opportunity, you take it! You don't dwell too much on things, even if you might have a broken heart. They also love taking care of you. You are a peaceful "child", they don't have troubles with you and you are very hardworking, always doing your best to work hard, to create yourself and others a good life. You are like a calm river, that's what they adore about you.
that's all that they wanted to say, however, if you dm me I could try asking for more if you are curious! ♡
thank you for reading ♡
pile three
you are special
the emperor, five of wands, the high priestess, rhinoceros, badger, bat, goat - act from your innate wisdom, bee - spread heart healing with joy, bear - use power with wisdom
basic good qualities
brave - wise - powerful - intelligent - calm - respectful - gentle - soft - joyous - healing aura - smart with decisions - friendly - self aware - kind - reliable - cute? - observant
what you don't see in yourself
A lot of you could feel like you need someone to romantically love you in order to have a full life, to be married and have kids... well, that is not true. You are enough beautiful on your own, you don't need other people to define your worth.
You are a very complete soul, I see a lot of wisdom and gentleness coming from you, I don't sense negativity.
You could have a tendency to be insecure about false things, to bully yourself.
I would like to ask you to focus on your positive traits, I promise you are doing great, everything you are insecure about is either related to over worry or so. I know overcoming them is hard, but you are doing wonderful.
You remind me of angel spirit guides, your soul is very gentle and loving.
what others adore you for
That you always end up creating something wonderful from whatever situation you are in - let that be positive or not.
You are incredibly calm, the calmest out of all piles. Maybe you have an 'I don't care, I will live through this' attitude? So you just go around worry free, solving your problems with ease, a level head, keeping yourself grounded.
I do think this is surprising to some because they are so impressed. Because guess what? You always end up just fine, you always do your best, you don't pressure yourself. At least most of you.
Also, you do not allow anyone to waste your time or to fool you, you are mature enough just to move on and respect yourself.
You just don't let fears get the best of you. You are like a fairy maybe? You remind me of Tinker Bell
what lovers see in you
I am so sorry, don't read this if you are uncomfortable, but they are so attracted to your body it drives them crazy.
Maybe romantic interests are so obsessed with you they start making up their own narrative about you?
They fantasy a lot, and when they actually get to know you on a deeper level it's like they have been hit with a rock called reality.
However, I can see they adore the real you more than whatever they could ever think of.
You stun them, you amaze them, you make their heart beat fast like crazy.
You are a dream wrapped in a cloth of silk presented as a gift to them, if that makes sense. They adore you in everything you have to offer.
You have this tendency to make people obsessed with you. Whoever is in love with you, or is interested in you in the slightest becomes a better person just by loving you.
It's a very unique experience, you teach people a lot without even knowing.
what spirit guides love about you
This pile is very hard to read, but!
They do love how hard working you are!
You always surprise them by how good of a human you are also? That you don't let things get to you, yet you are still very protective of yourself.
Unfortunately that's all, if you are curious of more you can always dm me or watch out for the second part of this pac incase you will feel more attracted to a pile there! thank you for reading ♡
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𝐏𝐀𝐂: Which aspect of you is scaring the hoes?
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Hi, pile 1! You may be someone who appears tough, fierce and collected but on the inside you might struggle with having your shit together. What is scaring your potential lovers is being too demanding, having very high expectations for them, sometimes you expect your word to be the final word. You might do this because you “know your worth” but I feel nobody can possibly meet all the requirements you think a partner should have. It’s important to value ourselves but also be realistic. You’re sometimes indecisive and perhaps wait to take an opportunity until it’s too late. You might also have a tendency to depend emotionally on your partners, you absorb their emotions like a sponge, positive and negative emotions alike.
However, I can also see that some of y’all are working through these issues! Keep up the good work pile 1, I know you can do it.
𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜: the empress. the emperor. strength. queen of cups.
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Pile 2, I think your main issue is not communicating effectively your thoughts, emotions, what you really think of a situation. This makes it difficult for your potential partners to connect with you, it’s like you’re surrounded by a strong wall. Not speaking about your feelings makes you feel overwhelmed and anxious, because you overthink every situation. Without an emotional bond it’s easy for you to leave people as soon as conflict arrives, ghosting them or not being willing to put in the work relationships need.
You might believe you aren’t enough as a partner, you may have a low self esteem and little to no confidence in your skills and yourself. You should really trust your intuition and “gut feeling” more, because you end up allowing sketchy people in your social circle and heart. 
All of this makes people who may be interested in you romantically run away. However, all these things that can be worked through, you need to work on your confidence and the way you handle your emotions because a lot of conflict comes from your experience with them. Good luck pile 2!
𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜: the high priestess. strength. the fool. 8 of pentacles. 4 of swords.
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───── ❝ 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑 ❞ ─────
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Pile 3, you need to stop seeing people through rose colored glasses and start looking at them and seeing them for who they really are, even though it might hurt. Your romantic interests may think you’re too unstable, you are a person who rapidly changes feelings and ways of acting. You’re an emotional person and might struggle to regulate your emotions. Some people may not like you because you bring life lessons and justice to the table, treating the other person the same way they treat you. This can be tough for some people because it’s hard to face these things if you’re not used to them. I don’t think this is necessarily something bad but you may need to change your approach and the way you convey these things.
Unlike the rest of the piles, I think you’re bored or not satisfied with your current potential partners. Perhaps you have a very specific type of person you’re interested in and it frustrates you that it’s taking some time to get to you. You might have manifested the characteristics you want in a partner, or a partner. Your answer, or person, is in front of you but you’re not able to see them because you’re focusing on this negative mindset. 
However, you will eventually realize this and everything will be more positive and bright for you. It will have a happy ending for you. Good luck baby, enjoy it <3
𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜: the moon. justice. the sun. 4 of cups.
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‼️Towers falling all around you only to help you build a stable foundation‼️
🧿If you were guided here it is meant for you🧿
A decision to end something has been made. I see that this had a lot of potential but brought you a lot of anxiety. You may have fought with this person often and felt you couldn’t agree. You may have felt like you couldn’t focus on the relationship as much as deserved or couldn’t handle the weight of the connection so you decided to drop it and focus on one thing. I see you have been guided towards this ending and there was no way to stop it. It was meant to end. I see there was happiness in the connection but overall brought burdens to your energy. I see that this person made you feel unworthy of their love. Or they just weren’t able to provide for you like you needed so you had to walk away. I feel like there could’ve been an energy where this person or you were really defensive and just didn’t let the other one in. You felt stuck so you chose to break free by walking away from the connection. You’re not waiting to be let inside anymore. You’re letting this tower crumble because you know this journey is full of things that need to end. And you’re ready to let the heart break happen to find you’re peace and love again.
You’re so strong. You’re spiritual team and the people who love you are so so proud of you. I’m proud of you. Be proud of you. You have come so far to know that your suffering is not in vain. You are making your way to be the best you can be and if that means letting people go than you will do so to grow. Breathe in and breathe out, you’re going to be okay. You are so loved. I think you are really followed my faith and that is something to be so proud of. Faith is so strong, never lose that. Let God guide you through even the darkest roads so that you may be led to the most beautiful rainbow. The storm is not for nothing.
I see you also have been in your feelings thinking about this person or someone else. Someone who broke you’re heart. Wondering if you could’ve done things differently, wondering if you were enough. Maybe feeling like they weren’t offering you what you wanted. And you’ve been in your head wondering what to do about this situation. You could be waiting for them to reach out to you and offer you something. While simultaneously not accepting other offers being made to you because you are still tied up thinking about this other person. I see someone is coming towards you very strongly and passionately. They want to offer you something and communicate to you that they feel so happy with you. They could be giving you a gift. It may be this person you’ve been thinking of or it could be someone new. But it is definitely someone who may be the same sign as you or just really resembles you in some kind of way. This is soulmate energy. And you’re mirroring each other. Thinking about each other. I feel this person has been guided and pushed by their spiritual team to offer you something and to confess their feelings.
They seem to be coming in fast but your advice is to be patient and focus on healing yourself and gathering peace and clarity. Right now is a time for you to dive into yourself and let go of others. Let go of any chains holding you back. Any past heartbreaks that make you feel unworthy. It’s time for healing. Find the happiness within your self and this person will come in. You don’t want to miss this opportunity because you are still caught up in burdens, heartbreak and the past. Focus on the present and focus on healing. Offers will be made to you and it’s okay to not except them all. You will know when one feels right. Especially after/during healing. Healing childhood trauma can help so much with accepting what is offered to you. Many times (from personal experience) you (and I) have accepted something as love when it was indeed not love. Or not healthy love. Not the love you (or I) need to feel safe and stable In our connections. It’s time for revaluation on the boundaries you have and the offers you are willing to accept. Explore with yourself what the characteristics are that make you feel good in other people and stable in the connection. Figure out what it is that you need and want in your relationships. That will help you decide on the offers to turn down and the offers to accept.
I hope this reading brought you some clarity at this time or resonated with you in some type of way. I wish you peace love and abundance for eternity. I want to say thank you for reading this right now and I’m so grateful to have your support. Much love and healing to you friend 🫶🏻
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What do you need to know right now?
This is a small pick-a-card on what God wants you to know right now. Also at the end of your reading I will be pulling a card to answer a specific question that you have! So it’s kind of a 2 in 1! I hope you enjoy :))
Take some time now to breathe in and breathe out slowly and deeply. Once you feel grounded and ready you may pick from the photos above.
1- top left 2- top right 3- bottom image
Disclaimer- this is a general reading so only take what feels right. If it doesn’t feel right than maybe pick a different pile. If nothing resonates for you it’s okay! There’s plenty of other readers who may be right for you 🫶🏻🫶🏻 sending so much love, abundance and peace your way 🌤🌤🌤
Pile 1
You are about to gain a lot of money. I see you’ve been working your way towards this goal for a while now. Trying to build up clientele for your business?? Everything you have done in the past is now being circulated back to you. Good karma is on its way. There’s no need to worry about anything just stay patient, it’s coming in very very soon. If this is for a business and you have spent money on advertising just know that the money has been well spent and will be pushing more people towards you. What you have given is now going to be received. I see great great wealth coming in for you.
Answer to your question- There’s something better
Pile 2
If you have been waiting on an answer I see that this communication will be coming in. You’ve been pretty anxious about this, haven’t you? Communication you’ve been wanting is coming in soon for you and it’s going to make you feel a lot better. If you’ve been wanting someones attention I see them offering it to you very soon. Maybe they are replying after you haven’t heard from them in a while. Release any doubts or fears about this situation. Release any anxious thoughts about what you may have said to them or what they could say back to you. It’s going to be okay. Remind yourself that the things you say are important and deserve to be acknowledged. Clarity is coming in and you will feel victorious when this person communicates to you. If you have been waiting on a company or business to get back to you regarding the status of your application I see you being welcome aboard and being accepted into this new job or area you’ve been waiting to hear from.
Answer to your question- Success!
Pile 3
I feel the spirit wants you to connect with them. Connect with gratitude. Thank God for what you have in this moment and thank God for everything that continues coming in for you. I see you need to acknowledge how far you really are in life. How much you really have. You are so abundant already. Do not judge people who may look like they have more than you. Do not let others materials make you feel that you have less to give. You have an abundant amount of energy and love to share. Do not hold yourself back from giving yourself to others. The world needs you and you have something to share. I see you may have great wisdom that you could hold back from saying due to fears and limiting beliefs. Tell your friends that you love them. Tell that person how you feel.
Answer to your question- A year from now
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Hey here for the ask game ✨🌙
Your blog reminds me of Ariana grandes song just like magic ☺️
A PAC suggestion I have for you could be “what makes you attractive” or “how do others perceive you”
I would love for you to post more on your journey on tumblr. I’ve just created this blog for astrology, tarot and occult etc and I’m new to this aha so it would be wonderful to listen to how it has been for you.
Thank you, much love moon ✨🌙
Hello moon 🌙🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you for the wonderful suggestions I really appreciate them! I definitely will be creating more posts about my journey and I’m excited to sharee. It’s a rollercoaster that I’ll be on for life haha :) -I love rollercoasters 🤭
The oracles message for you :))
Don’t worry about getting everything done this second. Relax, you’ll be more productive in the long run.
Take breaks to recharge moon 🫶🏻🫶🏻 no need to rush 🌙🌙 I hope this message find you well and brings you some clarity 🤍
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Hi, how are you? Glad to see you back! Song: While we’re young by Jhene Aiko. Pick a card suggestion: how to turn your ultimate desire(s) into a reality or what needs to change to do so? Thank you! 😊
Hiii :)) I’m doing so well, thank you for being patient with my reply!! I hope you are having a lovely dayyy and I loveeee Jhene Aiko!!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Here is your oracle message :))
Travel is advised.
Very soon it will all be worth it.
🤩👀👀 this seems very exciting eee!! It feels like very good vibes and I kept getting really cute outfit pics in my head. I feel like if this isn’t real travel (which of course it totally could be!) but this could even be forward movement and putting ideas into actions. Success is on its wayyyy 🫶🏻🫶🏻 so excited for youuu. Also I saw 444 right before posting this 🫧🫧🫧
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Hi Kaitlin 🍯 🦋
The song is Dua Lipa Levitating for a galaxy love theme. That moment life in life where you are confident and available for love. Also thought of a k-pop song by Luna (former f(x) member) called Galaxy which is another love song that is about a harmonious relationship. Idk why but space vibes and strong personality and confidence comes through.
Pac suggestion: What are your blocks in life and how to move forward? Or What does spirit/universe want you to know?
Thank you for doing this game and for your time and energy!🌈💕🦋💐🌻🌺🌸🌼💜💗❤️💙
Thank you for the songss :)) I love the relationship vibes ✨✨🤍🤍 great pac suggestion as well my friend 😊😊 self pacs are definitely in the upcoming future
Here is your oracle message I hope you like it :)))
Get that thing DONE. Did you know that avoiding doing something takes up as much mental energy as doing it? Here is your prompt to get it done and make some room for MAGIC.
I picked another page too since one user had already gotten this answer and the oracle said-
Stop putting that thing off.
🤭🤭🤭🤭 they really want you to stop procrastinating what ever it is that’s been on your mind!!
I hope you resonate with this and have a lovely night :))) thank you sm for participating in my game 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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I wanted to participate in your game
Initials s.n
I want advice from my guides
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The suggestion👆
Thank you!
Heyy 🫶🏻🫶🏻 love these songs and this suggestion! Channeled messages are something I love to do and have a few channeled message pac at this time already! I will link them below in case you want to check them out in the meantime before I create another!
Oracle message for you- you got a lil ritual
Clear Thinking Is Needed
You need to pay closer attention
You will need: a piece of paper, a pen, some dried mint leaves
1- put a pen and some paper in your pocket, sprinkle some dried mint leaves in your shoes and go for a walk with your phone switched off.
2- as you walk, ask to be led in the right direction or think of any questions you may have.
3- take in your surroundings - notice the smells, what you see, what you hear, and look out for any signs.
4- feel free to stop and make note of anything that might be relevant.
5- by the time you come home you will have a clearer vision than before you left.
I hope this ritual helps you out in some way! If you’d like to check out my message readings they are linked below :)
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hello love, I would like to participate in your game 🫶🏻
pick a card suggestion: what can I do to balance my shadow traits ?
song that reminds me of you: fairy of shampoo- dosii
my initials (in case) : ih
my question: are j.h feelings towards me real/sincere? 🫶🏻
Thank you so much !!
Hello friend :))
This song is such a vibe! Thank you for the suggestion!! Shadow work has definitely been on my mind lately too!
Oracles message for you-
Imagine that you are already there. Close your eyes and see it, smell it, taste it, feel it. It is yours.
Don’t over think it
I feel the oracle is asking you to embrace what you feel and what this person is showing/telling you that they feel
Very positive message ✨✨
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Hii! I'd like to participate in your game.
A song that reminds me of your blog- Wildest dreams by Taylor Swift. Your blog aesthetic is beautiful and it gives me this song energy.
PAC suggestion: How to embrace your talent/hidden side for your benefits?
Thank you so much!!💖
I appreciate your support so much and I love this song and pac suggestion!! Thank you so much for your kind words 😊🫶🏻
The oracles message for you is-
Get that thing DONE. Did you know that avoiding doing something takes up just as much mental energy as doing it? Here is your prompt to get it done and make some room for MAGIC.
Are you procrastinating right now? Are there things taking up mental space and room for clarity regarding your question? Is there anything you could finish up to allow space for new things to come in?
Ask yourself what you could do to make room for new energy! I’m also feeling a sense of clearing such as using sage or palo santo to cleanse any unwanted energy!
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Hello i`d love to join ~
Song:Come along with me(Insland song)from Adventure time Pick-a-card suggestion:What are you manifesting? or Messages/Advice from Universe. Thank you!
Heyy friend!! Thank you for supporting me and giving me this LOVELY SONG OMG I LOVE IT 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Typing this at 11:11✨✨✨
What do you wish for?
big changes INCOMING
The oracles message for you-
Intuition Challenge: A Wheel
What does a wheel mean to you?
Wheel- movement, repeating patterns/breaking patterns, starting a project (wheels in motion), time to start a project, rapid change is incoming
Love this energy! It feels like the best time to start something new. Movement is definitely involved here weather you are actually moving or it could mean something around you is going to be progressing very soon. At a rapid pace. Think of the chariot and the 8 of wands energy! I’m also feeling the wheel of fortune energy with breaking patterns and choosing new ones! Are you being nudged to walk on a new path? I feel that the oracle (and you spiritual team) is guiding you towards taking a new direction!
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