Does anyone trust Cleo?
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When living costs go up
I dreamed a dream in time gone by,
When I could walk without wolf whistling.
When I could pay with what I had,
Instead of being a tenner short.
And still I dream Freddos were 10p,
I wish the sun would charge our cars.
I wish my uni fees were freeeeeee,
But the torys are in power.
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Every time someone says "We must save the paper... Use electricity instead" (a good idea nonetheless), we are going to be killing the trees increasing the level of carbon dioxide and therefore in effect doing nothing to solve the problem.
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Archers gotta stick together
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Gather Angels Here
Gather Here Angels
Here Angels Gather
Here Gather Angels
Angels Gather Here
Angels Here Gather
It's all about that comma
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Long-distance relationships are difficult. You see other couples fighting and arguing... and you're standing there like "I want to do that with my partner... But I can't cause HE'S ACROSS AN ENTIRE OCEAN??????!!!!!!!!" And you just want to throttle them but you can't cause social norms and kindness apply? Yea. I got that.
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Do you ever wonder if there are massive creatures under the sea? Like something bigger than a T-Rex, mammoth or something? Like something that could consume populations? Something big?
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When everyone is given a life sentence for a crime - despite variations in serious existing - is this morally correct to establish? As a law A-Level student I ponder these things for my criticisms questions: Should rape be given the exact same sentence as murder? (25 years/Life) Should an act against a child be given a harsher punishment instead of a similar act to an elderly person? (I think they should be the same but that is up to debate!) Should blatant murder be given more than 25 years? Does insanity actually exist? Should the law involve itself in private affairs? Look up Wilson *Defendant branded his wife here and the court argued they would not get involved since it was a domestic agreement* Should we still follow the Offences Against The Person Act 1861 - despite it being very old?!
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What if Nemo's siblings had survived? They wouldn't have become endangered that's for certain...
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can we just talk about Sebastian Stan....
just for a moment…
how he plays with his lips when thinking of answers for interviews…
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or licks his lips….
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or bites them for fuck sakes….
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his adorable laugh, the one when he laughs with his whole body…
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and if he throws in a lip lick at the same time because he’s trying to kill us all…
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the fact that he geeks out at fans geeking out at him…
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his Loreal moment on the set of civil war…
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when he had a photoshoot with a giant stuff wolf ball and was totally into it…
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the time he got really into the game before it even began on Fallon….
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and then got so into it that he accidentally drank the beer and decided to spit it back in the cup….
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which Jimmy had to drink and he was kind of apologetic about….
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at least he hugged Jimmy afterwards….
and then there’s his friendship with Chris Evans… 
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the two dorks….
and his friendship with Anthony Mackie…
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I could watch them snark back and forth for hours…
and then you get the three of them together and it’s just magic….
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love it!
and in case you forgot there’s this body under those close….
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and he knows it!
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Me: Where is Atlantis? Brain: UNDER DA SEA
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Talent indeed 😍😍😍
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Evolution of the character designer.
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I miss it too
I miss BBC Sherlock
the REAL BBC Sherlock *sigh*
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Eddie and the Dalek
What if Eddie Redmayne becomes the next Doctor Who? Can you imagine?
Encounters his first Dalek. D = “Exterminate him” E = “Well now… Don’t be so rude. We’ve only just met with me in my new form. We should make this a momentus occasion. Champagne, jokes, puns, a LITTLE bit of singing perhaps? Just to lighten the mood?” D = “Exterminate” E = “Well now you’ve made me angry… ANGRY I TELL YOU!!” *Empty chairs at empty tables starts playing for the Daleks* E = “I did not want to do that. But life goes on?”
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Nuclear weapons never should have been invented. And chemic weapons are worse - Vietnam clearly hasn't had a direct effect on any superpowers within the globe and it is a real shame that children are dying due to a greed of power.
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Rita Skeeter... How is she ALIVE?
How the hell did Rita Skeeter (HP) never get squished when she was in her animagus form? SHE WAS A BEETLE AND SMALL AND DELICATE IN THAT FORM. Unless she was just fast enough to escape being stamped to death?
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