its-just-a-dream-away · 4 months
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its-just-a-dream-away · 4 months
it’s the pjo season finale tonight and i just wanna say i’m so grateful for this show and how it’s given me a chance to feel like i’m 10 years old again every tuesday at 8pm. to watch my favorite story of all time play out in front of my eyes and feel just as giddy as i did experiencing the books for the first time 10 years ago. it’s not everyday you get to relive how it felt to experience your favorite piece of media for the first time. it’s so so special and i’m so grateful <3
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its-just-a-dream-away · 4 months
I already loved Hades in the show but then listening to his introduction again in the episode and it hit me that this is Nico’s DAD which for some reason made everything even funnier and just… like yes of course this is Nico’s dad
It just makes it all so much better
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its-just-a-dream-away · 5 months
Not to pop up randomly in the year of our lord 2024, but I’ve watched Percy Jackson recently and now I’m curious. If the librarians characters were in this universe, what would they be? Demigods? Satyrs? Centaurs? Monsters? Humans? Let’s get this conversation going for anyone still left in this fandom or any followers that are still around;)
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its-just-a-dream-away · 5 months
WHAT KIND OF SICK AND TWISTED TORTURE IS THIS (the episode was only 33 minutes long) HOW WILL I EVER GO ON (I have to wait another week for the next episode) I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS RICK RIORDAN (I am already rewatching it again)
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its-just-a-dream-away · 9 months
I’m not finished with the season- but DOES PLAGG KNOW??? DOES PLAGG KNOW ABOUT ADRIEN??
It’s killing me, I can’t decide. What are everyone’s theories, or has it been confirmed one way or the other yet and I know we all had theories before the show actually started to confirm the sentiAdrien theory but like, how are we feeling now
My feelings are he doesn’t know but it’s weird because you would think that he could see through the powers of the other miraculous but ehhhh
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jesus christ. fine. ill say it. im sleepy. im sleepy, okay? do you know what being sleepy does to a person? to their spirit? i should be pitied.
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Okay say what you want- but this season is GOOD
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Radient, carefree, dreamy. Adrien, the fragrance.
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It’s so funny watching the Shadow and Bone series when I’ve only read the Six of Crows duology. Because here we have Magical Mussolini trying to establish a new world order by mansplaining manipulating and manslaughtering everyone in his way, and the only thing I care about is my found family of emotionally constipated idiots doing war crimes in the background.
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Did anyone else get the feeling that Benedict wasn’t actually under the “Happiness Hypnosis”? Like there’s moments he seems like he wants to just give into his brother, but other moments he fully understands what is going on. I feel like he maybe just wanted to see what would happen, maybe he wondered if his brother would try to take advantage of his elated state? Or Would it just allow his brother to start to trust him? I don’t think that he was doing it for strategy. I think part of him wanted to believe his brother was trying to do good, and he so badly wanted to believe that that he allowed Curtain’s hypnosis. After all, there was little evidence that Curtain’s happiness hypnosis had terrible consequences until the “sleepers” and starting the episode Benedict noticed, he seems to be more resistant to “happy” feelings and the hypnosis.
Same goes for Constance. She’s the most sensitive, according to season 1. How did she so easily fall victim to hypnosis? She watched a decent portion of the Curtain interview in episode 1, why didn’t it work at that point? Although there’s likely other reasons for that, including that she was trying to use her physic powers to explode the TV +/- Curtain at that time- but why then did she fall so easily into the hypnosis later? I think she, kinda like Benedict, had to allow the hypnosis to work. Constance was scared, worried about losing Benedict, and then Sticky told her off about being mean (typical Constance behavior) and maybe she felt that by being happier- the other children would like her more and she wouldn’t risk losing them too.
Anyway, I don’t know if anyone has talked about this yet but I’m rewatching the entire show yet again and it got me thinking.
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I’m glad I’m finally seeing people talk about Curtain and Constance’s relationship because I’ve seen people talking about how SQ (and maybe his bio dad when he was alive) probably remind Nathaniel of his brother but no one talks about Nicholas doing the same thing with Constance because baby Nathaniel would 100% write hilariously insulting poetry about his classmates and test it out on Nicky. He probably had a whole chapter on Tommy Jacobs alone just to help his brother sleep. I see so many posts about the tearful and heartwarming reunion and relationship between Benedict and SQ where they bond over art, animals, having people in their lives who love them but would never directly say it to them because of vulnerability/pride, etc. but I can’t help but picture an alternate scene of Constance reciting a 25 page poem entitled “the cumbersome burden of Ledroptha Curtain”, hoping to embarrass her uncle as Nathaniel sits there in shock thinking “oh my gosh this kid is a mini me.” And wrestling with the fact that even though Nicholas left him, there was something about him his brother liked after all.
Benedict and his nephew: *having a tea party* Meanwhile, Curtain: *fighting his nieces both physically and poetically* (assume Rhonda and #2 are also his nieces)
Edit: I just realized if his birth name is Nathaniel not Ledroptha, Curtain literally changed his name to a pun so he must love word play and literature
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in the mood for my fav middle grade crew 💕
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This scene kills me every fucking time. I love Constance and Mr. Benedict's relationship so fucking much.
-the way Constance gives up her lone advantage, revealing her abilities to her worst enemy, just to give Mr. Benedict a warning.
-just the fucking. "I knew he was lying, dear girl." Where he sounds so desperately crushed. Is he upset because Constance revealed that she knew? Scared for her? Sad to have full confirmation this man, his brother, who he never had a chance to know will hurt those he cares about?
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Headcanon: Over the years, the rooms and residents of Mr. Benedict’s house get switched around. Usually Constance’s bedroom is on the third floor, so it’s not until one of their projects relocates her to the first floor that she has trouble sleeping. It isn’t her new, smaller room that is causing her insomnia, but rather Reynie, who’s new bedroom is just above hers. When Reynie is in a puzzling mood, whenever there’s some problem on his mind, he will stay up late pacing. This means that Constance will often be woken up at impossible hours to the unflagging sound of footsteps coming through the thin ceiling.
While she respects Reynie and his work, she also needs her beauty sleep, and will often send him a curt telepathic message telling him to go to bed. After a couple weeks of this, people in the home (Mr. Benedict, Ms Perumal, Sticky and Kate) all start to notice that Reynie seems more rested and energetic. Reynie himself even admits that’s he’s thinking more clearly. He’s grateful for Constance’s reminders to get some rest, but has never quite gotten used to hearing Constance scream “Go to sleep idiot!” from out of nowhere. And as for Constance, she’s sleeping more peacefully than ever.
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Something I just realized about Constance vs. the Other Kids
The other kids have no idea that Curtain was able to put Benedict under and believe that Benedict was strong enough to resist. Constance already knew Benedict was going to fall for it before it even happened.
Constance is the one who called him a "glass house held together by optimism" and has been claiming he's as good as dead since the first episode of season 2. She knows her dad (not official dad yet, but basically). We saw how finding out Nathaniel was the sender affected Nicholas in season 1 and Constance knows how much he loves his brother, how guilty he feels, how tired and desperate he is, how much he blames himself for everything.
But I don't think it's just about her knowing Benedict, but about her understanding Curtain. I've been making a lot of posts about the Benedict brothers adopting children that remind them of each other, and I hope we get more thematic evidence of that this season. Especially with all the alluding to Constance's tragic backstory: She understands what it feels like to be abandoned and betrayed. She understands what it is like to have so much intellectual talent and still be just a child no one takes seriously. She understands what it's like to be a person who feels angry and upset all the time. She understands that Reynie may have revealed the vulnerability inside Curtain last season, but that doesn't make Curtain feel heartbroken and ready to change. It makes him humiliated, furious. And he's not going to be caught unawares like that again. And she understands that while Benedict is going to want to give his brother love and care, that is what Curtain intends to manipulate, and her father is going to fall right into his trap. He already fell for Curtain's joke last season because he was so desperate to have a positive connection with his brother again. The other children and even Benedict are going to be disillusioned, but Constance already knows what's happening. She might have even been able to feel his manipulations through the tv. (In fact, even if Curtain doesn't have psychic powers, he knows that Constance does, which means he could send her one-way threatening messages via whisperer from afar straight into her head about all the terrible things he's going to do to Benedict, and she can't do anything about it).
Anyway what I'm saying is Curtain better watch his back because Constance has been on him from day 1, and the odds of him getting whammed by that golf cart and his feet burned with acid have never been higher. And I can't wait to see how this drama plays into Constance's backstory cause I feel like that’s where we are going.
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