You, Everywhere
One sided love has been romanticized too much by people.
You form a weird dependency on the person;
If they've had a good day, then no matter how exhausted you were it changes your mood in a heartbeat, if it was bad you feel the world falling on top of you too.
I know you'll never reciprocate all the feelings i have, you shouldn't be forced to. Yet a big part of me hopes that one day you see how much I suffer on the daily.
You're the only person who's unmuted in my dms list, I find myself dropping whatever I'm doing to reply to your msg in seconds, you then proceed to leave me on sent for another 2 hours.
I watch reels of these couples who've achieved everything in life, and i see our faces superimposed on them.
I'm completely aware of how unhealthy this is for me, and I know I can't let it continue. Yet a part of me yearns for that connection, hopes that one day you will change your mind and look at me how I see you everyday.
It kills me a bit everytime you mention some other guy(even if he's fictional, yes), but I'll allow it since it makes your eyes light up, also because I'm not allowed to say anything.
You can unload every emotion you've felt on me, I'll be your rock to rely on, even during times I feel like shit myself. I cannot let you be depressed, no?
I've always been an atheist, scoffing at superstitions, yet you're my 11:11 wish. I read your horoscope before I get to mine. The face I see in the flame of birthday candles.
I look for ways to distract myself, but deep in my heart, there's only you, always has been you.
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One step ahead and two backwards
I float around the street
The cat seems funky
The shop too small
I laugh at all things simple
And then I fall
The world looks bleak
All hope is lost
Everyone is dying
My efforts, useless
Maybe I should end it all?
Messing around with my people
Room full of smoke
I'll quit it all tomorrow
Under control I have it all
(Or so I think?)
Too tired to get up
Breathing too heavy
I'll quit it all tomorrow
Or so I hope
Constant sighs of disappointment
And anger heard all around
An escape is what I need right now
Their opinions matter?
What a fucking joke
Just me and my friends
We'll stand against the world
Dust the ash off
Fill up my glass again
On top of the globe
Who'll stand in my way?
I'll quit it all today
Said this to myself too many times
My chest hurts and head aches
No tears left to cry
What have I become
A husk of my former self
I can't live on like this
Should I just let it all end?
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The cold December winds whip around
Lashing around my face
Like blades,
Slicing across my cheeks
The year has almost ended
Yet my mirror still shows
The same person.
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Every time I hear your voice
My heart skips a beat
Butterflies prance through
My head turns to find the source
Of this tune
That has me shivering in bliss
Every time I look into your eyes
I shiver ever so slightly
The embarassment too much to handle
Do I look away?
Or do I lose myself within those
Shining amber eyes?
Every time our hands brush
If even for a fraction of a second
At no other time have I felt greater joy
My breathing quickens
You may even notice it sometimes
For I see a slight blush creeping up
Your porcelain cheeks
Oh love, how do I ever get it across to you
You are the answer to my existence.
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Sunlight shines through the windows
Clouds roll about
High in the sky
Why am I to suffer
In this closed room
My breath stifled
I sit here
Surrounded by geniuses
And idiots alike
Whispers from all around trickle into my ears
While the man in white paces around
Occasionally peering into
The blank notebooks we hold
I wish to break free from here
To draw a long breath of air so fresh
It draws away the foggy veils
Covering my mind
I wish to skip around green gardens
Climb high trees
Experience all that the wonderful world
Has to offer
For me
Grand scenarios pile up
Like untouched textbooks in my room
Oh how I wish to be liberated
Like the pigeons flying by
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I Hope This Reaches You One Day
I fell in love with you for your little quirks. Everything that makes you feel out of place, only made you more unique in my eyes.
You were the most silent person in our class, yet we would talk for hours when you get home about how you hated that one teacher or how you couldn't get your homework done.
In my eyes you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, even today when we don't talk to each other anymore, I find myself asking your friends about your whereabouts.
What we had was special; different from the classical romance you see in movies, there were no great adventures to go on or grand tales to tell. It was far more peaceful, far more quiet, like the gentle caress of a passing breeze.
You have moved on in life and found someone else. So have I, but I still can't help think about you on rainy winter nights.
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We meet again
At these crossroads
Silent, we look into each other's eyes
Memories flash by as a gentle breeze
Yet we remain as statues
Uttering perhaps
Only a gentle murmur
This may be the last time I see you
Look into your hazel brown eyes
Deep as an ocean, unfathomable
We continue our own ways
For life is but a huge play
And we are mere clowns
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And thus
All we can do is
Dance along
To the eternal marching
Of time
And slowly rot away
Never to be
Remembered again
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The skies coloured a tinge of red,
Above the battlefield
Reminiscent of the blood,
Scattered beneath
The tree laden with dead leaves
Sways slowly as the cool autumn winds hit,
The soldiers couldn't help but shiver,
Is all they've fought for, merely a joke?
The soldiers glanced upwards, instinctively
As the evening sun offered warmth
The emperor back in his castle, sipping hot tea
Gleeful for he won the war, the territory,
The barren wasteland covered with the blood of civilians,
Brushing these thoughts aside, they stood
And stared into the distance, thinking,
Was all the bloodshed,
The tears and the sweat
Really worth it?
Back at the village, where the commoners lived
Bright red roses were gently placed on the soldiers,
The martyrs,
The commoners with great dreams and promises,
The question rang in their minds,
Was everything worth it?
It slowly turns dark
As the grand moon rises,
Let the men catch their breath and sleep sound
Or will the night be merciless
And not spare them a moment of tranquility?
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Why am I here?
oh boy it's time to bore tumblr users putting some of my fine writing skills on display
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