ingvildschageart · 6 years
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I started painting Maedhros and Maglor last night, inspired by the last kin slaying and the last attempt the two of them did together to get the Silmaril. That part really disappointed me, as I always saw the two of them as being better than their brothers and father, and I always forget about that last battle they initiate, so I felt compelled to draw them how I see them in that scene, most likely from the view of Elrond and Elros. Still unfinished, but I hope to finish it soon, as it’s not the biggest drawing I’ve made in a while! 😊 let me know what you think! 😘
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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  Maedhros and Fingon :: Archery Practice
:: Buy this in my Society6 store! ::   //"You might try to aim at the target this time." Maedhros chuckled in mockery, as he watched his young cousin with judgement like that of an older brother. "Or would you want me to show you, yet again?" Fingon snorted humourlessly through clenched teeth as he drew the arrow to his ear as taught, the exertion of the act making the muscles of his shoulder and arm vibrate in objection after many such motions. The last arrow he had imbedded but a hand-length from the mark, and the frustration was clear in his tightened jaw and narrowing eyes. The young elf inhaled deeply, this time determined to shoot straight. He exhaled slowly, releasing the arrow to fly through the air as the last of his breath left his lunges. It hit the mark with a twack as the metal tip drove into the plate of straw with force. Fingon exclaimed in a cry of victory, and turned to his cousin with a smug grin stapled on his face. "What were you saying, cousin? Perhaps you should not be so swift to disregard my quickness in learning." Maedhros raised a brow unimpressed. "This is a testimate to my teachings, if anything. If I can teach you, then your baby sister will be next. It will not be so much harder a task, I should think." He flashed Fingon a challenging grin. The youngster grimaced mockingly in return and held out his hand. "Be quiet and give me another arrow, old man."// (I wrote the text now to go with the drawing and to underline my idea; it is rushed but I liked it.)
Idea Do not ask me how this idea came into my mind, but I enjoyed drawing it thoroughly. I simply loved the idea of a fully matured Maedhros teaching his adolescent cousin to shoot with bow and arrow. My last time of reading the silmarillion I understood that at the time of Finwe's remariage with Indis, Fëanor was already grown and married to Nerdanel, so he would get Maedhros at aprox the time that Indis would have Fingolfin, which would mean that Fingon is quite younger than Maedhros. I do not know in years, but I'd guess half a dozen decades at least. So, it is definitely a headcanon of mine that Mae would enjoy the tutoring of his younger cousin. He always seemed the most sympathetic of the Feanorians, especially in his friendship with Fingon. Some of you may also know that I have a headcanon of the dress evolution of the elves through the ages. In early Valinor I imagine them wearing something like the ancient egyptians did, it being a land of beauty and comfort, I see it as sunny and warm, even before the rising of the sun. So that is the explanation for their attires. There is nothing sexual about it. Technique I drew this exclusively with an 8H pencil, and tuned the contrast some in photoshop after scanning–btw, if anyone has a good scanner to recommend, which is not too expensive, I would gladly hear it as mine is terrible. I used a smudge stick for the shading, and it was indeed my first attempt at using one, so I instantly fell in love with the technique, so the shading was a surprisingly easy process, even with the two months grace period–which is my way of categorising my terrible anxiety of finishing drawings I have used much too long time on. The anatomy obviously is not perfect, but this is still one of the best drawings I have made with two people in it–I even drew feet! YAY! And of course I managed to misplace them on the page so I could not finish the top of Fingon's bow and the end of Maedhros'. But I could still stare at them both all day, as they turned out perfectly to my vision(!!). Conclusion It awes me whenever I don't hate what I draw, and lately I have hated very little of my art. It is slightly unsettling, to be honest, and it makes me put a lot of pressure on my art, which in return makes me procrastinate. Its a bad circle, but I do love this drawing, with all its flaws, and I was very happy and excited to finish it. It is rather sketchy in style, but I like that as well, and I enjoyed drawing something completely different for once. I hope you like it too, and let me know what you think, of the idea and the drawing!^^ Love, Iggy PS. I cannot stress enough that I do not ship them romantically, and I would very much appreciate if you do not sexualize this drawing of mine. I respect that people have different impressions than me, but I also hope you will respect mine and focus on the art itself. Thank you! <3
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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::A moment of great love and great tragedy::. . An illustration of a certain couple from "Son of the Shadows" by Juliet Marillier. I read the book during easter holiday, and the next book again "Child of the Prophecy" the week after, and this scene was indeed the root of all evil that happened after, and I haven't been able to handle it very well. I needed to draw it, now that I am listening to "Son of the Shadows" again, just to get some sort of closure. I have felt much too many emotions lately, and been unfocused and restless in all aspects of creativity, so I hope this drawing may be some sort of outlet. Even tho I am delirious from staying up until 3 am drawing, I LOVE how this is coming along. Even tho I will never understand faces from that angle (his on the right) I am surprisingly happy with how it turned out, all of it! I can't wait to finish this!! Let me know what you think so far!❤️
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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I really love the tattoo of his, it turned out good after the fourth or fifth redraw (I have no idea how to draw tattoos) when it finally turned out how I imagined it while reading ("Son of the Shadows" by Juliet Marillier) and I am already deep in the new drawing of them! Love me a couple who brings me all the feels! 😊❤️
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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As some of you perhaps understood from my Instagram story, I just finished "Son of the Shadows" by Juliet Marillier, second book in the Sevenwaters series. It grabbed my heart even harder than the first one, and I knew I had to draw fanart STRAIGHT AWAY, so here's the first official wip of the first official drawing, because the first sketched I made were hardly worth posting here. Anywho, I have no idea how to draw tattoos but I did have a lot of fun designing his, and it turned out not quite as bad as I had thought! And I can't freaking wait to draw more on this and all the other drawings I have brewing in my mind! 😍✨ (And I'm not little proud to say I drew both their faces with no reference what so ever and they are damned close to how I imagine them in the book!)
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
i really love how you draw faces! they're all so beautiful :o and again I have to say, that your WITCH Art makes me so happy - I still have the comics at home too and is was my favorite thing as a kid! Your take on the characters is so beautiful and you capture them very well I think! Thank you for sharing them! :)
Awh 🙈🙈🙈 thank you sooo much!!❤️❤️ I really appreciate it, especially as my new grasp on faces is relatively new, especially with this easy style, it feels great to be able to draw something nice without using hours and hours on it! 😊 And I'm so glad you like my witch art, it makes me want to draw more, which I will!! 😁 ❤️
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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Anyways, here's Cornelia, my third W.I.T.C.H girl, and I really like her! 😊 While she's something of a bitch in the story, I see it more as a coping mechanism for losing her best friend (Elyon) and I just love how fierce she is about protecting her friends, which is why her transformed self has a kind expression! 😊 I hope you agree with my vision and which girl I should draw next? I do expect I'll do Hay Lin as I have higher expectations towards Will and need to prepare myself! 🙈
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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Here’s Taranee, the second of my W.I.T.C.H. portraits, and I really feel on a roll! 😁
This was very fun, but definitely harder than Irma, and so I’m all the more proud of the result! I went with cornrows for her transformed hair, and while it’s not exactly like in the comic book, I like it, and it still kind of looks like her! 😊
Who should I draw next? 😘
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
Hi, hope you don't mind a small concrit: seated elf's legs look too small and short, maybe you can adjust them in PS so they're in better proportion? Otherwise it's lovely!
I'm sorry you think so, but I have measured and they are the correct size, but you're entitled to your own opinion and I appreciate the honesty! 😊
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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I don't mean to sound like a cliche, but I seriously had not expected this drawing to be so good so quickly... I am absolutely in love!! 😍 I fixed Mae's face, which was most crucial to me, and then the shading took a life if its own. I can't wait to add a bit more details and finish this shortly! It will not have more background than this, but I think the two of them looks complex enough for me to get away with! 😉 Let me know what you think so far! 💗
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
Damn, girl, check out w.i.t.c.h comics, they are awesome!! 😁 (Teenage comic books about 5 girls with special powers, and fantasy elements!)
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I started to read W.I.T.C.H again today and I remembered how much I loooved the comic book and it’s diverse characters! 😍
I also remembered how much I associated with Irma, being a little awkward and chubby as a pre teen, and I always loved how her transformed self was all grown up and beautiful, kind of gave me hope as well. It meant a lot to me so I decided to draw both versions of her!
I absolutely love how it turned out, even as I can’t draw kids, this went surprisingly smooth and I absolutely consider drawing the rest of them now! 😁
What do you think? ❤️
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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I started to read W.I.T.C.H again today and I remembered how much I loooved the comic book and it's diverse characters! 😍 I also remembered how much I associated with Irma, being a little awkward and chubby as a pre teen, and I always loved how her transformed self was all grown up and beautiful, kind of gave me hope as well. It meant a lot to me so I decided to draw both versions of her! I absolutely love how it turned out, even as I can't draw kids, this went surprisingly smooth and I absolutely consider drawing the rest of them now! 😁 What do you think? ❤️
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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Despite the bad positioning on the page, and the struggle to make the two of them correct compared to each other, I'm rather happy with this rough sketch of Maedhros and Fingon! 😊 It's still early, so I'm not sure how far I'll take it yet, but it felt good to draw my favorite elves again! (And Maedhros and Fingons friendship will always get me! I imagine this scene where Maedhros teaches Fingon to shoot, being the eldest!) 🏹✨
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
ok your Red + Sorcha holy sh*t. that thing is so gorgeous i cannot stare at it for too long. it fills my heart with so much joy when someone finds out about this book and falls in love with this story and these characters that have haunted me for years. amazing artwork!
Haunting is a key word here, I still haven't gotten over that book, and I read it in November.. and thank you, tho I really should draw it better, because I am not happy with how it is, compared to how I'd like it to be! The emotions between them are just too big and I can't make it impact hard enough, but I'm still working on it! ❤️
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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I really can't express how much I love this drawing, and how happy it makes me to finally be inspired again. It's been a while since I have been this inspired to draw, and especially anything Tolkien, so I am very excited! 😁 I haven't told you about the idea behind the drawing, but this seems the perfect timing. You see, when the couple meet and they freeze for years, I imagine how the forest grows in around them, that vines envelop them, like statues in an old graveyard, which also inspired me to use Greek style for their clothes, as if they are statues themselves. I really love the idea, which is why I have such a strong inspiration for this now, I never was able to draw anything without a very clear idea, so hopefully this opens for more ideas to come for more Tolkien art! 😁✨
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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So, guys, I know it's been a while since my last post, but tbh I have been focused on my original work and it doesn't seem it's all that interesting to you, so I keep all of that art over at my Instagram (if you are interested, go check out my account, IngvildSchageArt). Some days ago I held a poll there and they wanted me to redraw my old Thingol and Melian drawing, so I have been planning and here is the first wip, a very light sketch drawn with 8H pencil, using references from the Art Model app and I really like the look of it so far. The idea I have always had is that Maiar are taller than Elves, the way elves are taller than humans, and I really love to see the height difference between them, here at the moment of their meeting! 😊 I wanted something soft and romantic, and a change on the usual profile drawing I always do.. (It was also something of a curious coincidence that Valentine's right around the corner.) Let me know what you think, and I'll try to keep you posted on the progress, but there's lots of stuff happening now so I'm not certain how much I'll be able to draw in the days ahead! 😊 Still, I love to hear from you guys, even if I have been total awol lately, but your comments make me want to hang out here more so you know what to do! 😉 Love, Iggy ❤️ #tolkienartist #thingolandmelian #fanart #tolkienfanart #silmarillionfanart #silmarillion #thingol #melian #lotr #elf #maia #illustration #wip #workinprogress #valentinesart #romance #coupleart #loveart #romanticdrawing
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ingvildschageart · 6 years
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How is one supposed to take a proper photo of an oil painting?! I have absolutely no clue, that’s for sure, so for now youll have to settle for this crappy photo of yesterdays progress! 😅
As some of you know, I haven’t been painting on Mairon since late Oktober i believe. I don’t know why exactly, but I always do this when I’m close to finishing a piece, I guess you can call it finishing anxieties.🤔 I am like this with everything, car trips and movies and TV series and books in particular, I always dread for things to end, perhaps more in my art as I always they will be good enough! 🙈 Do any of you experience this? 😊 -
Anyways, Yesterday I painted his hand properly, and added the details to his cape, and I think it’s coming along nicely! 😁 Have a good and creative weekend, guys!😘✨ -
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