himawari-senpaii · 10 months
Under The Banner
Elrond x elven!reader
Warnings: none, slight canon divergence for the sake of the story
Summary: As the captain of the guard for Mithlond, you rarely spoke with elven politicians until you stumble upon Gil-galads advisor one evening
A/n: Elrond in Rings of Power has a choke hold on me so as a result you get this. Tell me if You want a part two. (Gif credit goes to the owner)
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Late Summer.
That was when the Gray Havens felt most alive. The last weeks of summer hung in the air like heavy lanterns, bold and bright. With the celebration for the upcoming autumn equinox around the corner the port city bustled with life as elves weaved through market places and sang songs late into the night. Overhead the moon had begun its climb higher into the night sky, as silver and round as a pearl snatched right off the shores of Lindon.
The day had been long for you, beginning with the first rays of light to seep through your window at the break of dawn, and not ending until you had done your weekly report to King Gil-Galad.
It was late by the time your feet stepped foot onto the royal grounds, your bow slung across your shoulders, and knives put neatly into their sheaths. The firelight from the torches lit your path and glinted on your armor, bringing forth the intricate webbings of gold that crawled across your silver chest plate. The royal gardens were quiet and empty except for a few guards that stood at the entrances, some slightly straightening their posture at the sight of you. A distinct reminder that you were their superior.
“Running a little late are we?”
. . . And that would be your superior.
At the sudden voice, you quickly corrected your own posture before turning towards the elf behind you. “Your Majesty, forgive me. My patrol took a little longer than I had hoped.” Apologizing quickly, you give Gil-Galad a swift bow.
“No need for apologies here Captain, I was held up with some business of my own.” The elven king explained.
“Of course.” With arms folded neatly behind your back, you walked besides him as he wandered further into the gardens, lanterns and torches lighting your way as you did.
“Any news to report Captain?”
“All is quiet your Majesty, well as quiet as it can be considering all the preparations for the Equinox celebration.” You joked lightly, earning a chuckle from the king.
“You are quite right. If anything I think some have already started celebrating.” He added lightly, “I could hear singing from down in the port earlier.”
“You arnt wrong there.”
For a moment the two of you walked in silence, your cloak sliding over the first fallen leaves of the year. “Captain?”
“Yes, your Majesty?”
“Before I dismiss you, I must however inform you that you will be needed here tomorrow evening. I have guests coming from Falas and would like my Captain of the Guard here to make sure everything runs smoothly.”
Despite being captain of the guard, you did not spend much time on the royal grounds. It was the safest place in Mithlond due to the amount of guards you had there. Besides, the city was big and you were often needed elsewhere unless Gil-Galad required you here.
“Of course. Is there anything else your Majesty?”
“That will be all. I will send someone to your quarters tomorrow with your uniform for tomorrow evening. You are dismissed Captain.”
And with that you gave him one final bow, and departed the gardens. The warm summer breeze swept across your face as you descended a set of stone steps, lantern bugs dancing across your path as you did.
You must have been lost in thought though because a moment later you collided with a sudden obstacle and it was as if all the gracefulness in you was suddenly gone because you fell backwards onto the stone steps, armor clinking against rock as you did.
“My Lady!” The voice sounded just as surprised as you felt. “Forgive me, I did not see where I was going.”
Brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes, you shook your head as you dusted off your hands. “I think you are mistaken, I was the one not—-“
You were unable to finish your sentence as you looked up from your palms, suddenly being met with the kindest pair of eyes you had ever seen.
“. . . Paying attention.” You slowly finished, your hand slowly reaching out to grab the one he had extended to you to help you up off the ground.
The elf gave you a soft smile as you rose to his height, a strand of dark blonde hair falling over his left brow as he did.
“How about we agree it was both of our faults and settle it with that?” He mused, the corners of his lips still curved slightly upward.
Bless the Valar he was cute.
No. No. Y/N get rid of that thought. You swore an oath when you became captain. Duty above all else.
“My Lady, are you alright?”
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts only to reveal to your horror that you were still gripping his hand. . . And rather tightly you might add.
“Oh I apologize!” Quickly letting go of his hand, you folded your arms behind your back. “It’s been a rather long day for me, my head must be in the clouds.”
Letting out a soft chuckle he folded his arms gently over his chest, the crows feet around his eyes crinkling as he did. “That makes two of us. Though I doubt our days are similar.” He nodded towards the armor on your chest. “You must be the Captain of the Guard.”
“That is correct,” you gave him a smile, “and you must be. . .”
“Forgive me, I am Elrond.” The amber haired elf giving you a sudden bow that made your cheeks heat up. People didn’t bow to you unless it was the guards under your command. “The Kings Advisor.”
That name was gonna be seared into your head for the next week or so.
“I should be the one bowing don’t you think? You rank higher than me.”
“Oh please don’t. I find it rather awkward when other bow before me. But might I ask for your name?” His words were soft in a way other elves weren’t. You hadn’t noticed that the two of you were walking side by side until you saw the gate up ahead. The royal guards living quarters lied just beyond.
Elrond repeated your name, almost as if testing it out on the top of his tongue. “Lady Y/N. That is a beautiful name.”
“Oh please, there’s nothing ladylike about me besides the fact that sometimes I have to wear a dress and curtsy.” You laughed lightly, earning a chuckle from the handsome elf besides you. “Y/N is just fine.”
“Of course.”
Stopping at the gate, you turned to face him, “it was lovely to meet your acquaintance Elrond, and once again forgive me for slamming into you.”
“Liked I said, no apology needed. It was a pleasure to meet you as well.” He smiled before suddenly and softly taking your hand and placing a kiss a top it. At the action you could feel the tips of your ears and face heat up.
For the first time in your very, very long life you finally understood what others meant when they said they had butterflies in their stomachs.
And it was all because of this elf you had met not five minutes ago.
“I do hope to see you again. My work does not allow much time to make friendships, but I do believe I have made a new one.”
“You have.” You smiled, fighting down the butterflies that fluttered about behind your chest plate. Stepping beyond the gate you gave him one last look. “Goodnight Elrond.”
“Goodnight. . . My Lady. Here is to running into you again soon.” Giving you an amused smile he have one last bow before retreating back the way you had come.
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himawari-senpaii · 10 months
hi! I've just discovered your blog and I love it - from the url, profile pic, everything 😍 and most importantly your writing, it's so cute and you're able to write so many characters 🥰 as a fellow fic writer - I'm impressed 💜 can I request how they would first realize they love you, and how they would say it for the first time? No pressure, and thank you so much if you end up doing it. 🥰
- @wordbunch (sadly can't send asks from my Tolkien sideblog, so I'm on anon lol)
Thank you so so much for your kind words!! ♡ I’ve actually had this scenario in my “to do notes” already, so I’m very happy you requested it haha! Sorry again for posting so late, I hope you enjoy the read!
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Aragorn is not someone to make the first step in romance, even if he is the one falling in love first. He’d probably realise it during the ranger job you do together, like looking for herbs or reading traces – where his hand brushed against yours! But Aragorn is very much the person to respond to a love confession of yours, after which he tells you that he reciprocates your feelings in a very romantic manner: “Me too. I am bound to you by honour and affection alike. If you would have me…”
・゚✧ Arwen.
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Arwen would fall in love with you after dancing together. It could be on a ball her father’s giving, or just the two of you under the moonlight, where she’d laugh of bliss. You’d notice a slight change in her behaviour afterwards, more smiles, stolen glances – but you could only be sure after she finally told you, “It is because I have fallen for you, melethel. And there is nothing you can do about it!”
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Boromir takes a casual approach to love and romantic relationships. This is why his love confession to you would be rather nonchalant, maybe over a lunch you’re preparing together over the fire. “I love you, you know that?” he’d say, all cool – as if he didn’t fall for you when he saw you fearlessly wielding a sword and shield during combat training…
・゚✧ Elrond.
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Elrond would fall in love with you so gradually he wouldn’t be able to pinpoint an exact moment of realisation. Maybe it would be over a book you’re reading together, or when he told you about all the ancient stories he witnessed himself – or a grand love story. And then he’d turn to you and say, “Are you aware that this is how I feel about you as well?” He’d be very tender and playful about it, but earnest at the same time. He is very considerate toward you.
・゚✧ Éomer.
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Éomer doesn’t fall in love easily. Maybe due to this lack of experience, he has trouble expressing his feelings after that one horseback ride you did through the rain, where he helped you out of your dirty clothes afterward. His love confession would be a tedious process, with lots of phrases like, “Don’t make me say it. I lack the words to tell you…” – before he eventually leans in for a kiss and quietly adds, “Forgive me. I hope this tells you all the same.”
・゚✧ Éowyn.
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Éowyn is always brash and joyous around you, so her love confession would take you quite by surprise. She’d pick “an old Rohirrim tradition” to show you, maybe a special exchange of gifts, a traditional dance routine etc. “This is how the people of Rohan express their love,” she’d tell you with a soft smile and hopeful eyes. If asked, she would tell you when she realised she loved you: during sword lessons, of course!
・゚✧ Faramir.
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Faramir falls in love with you as soon as he meets you. He’s always been like that, heart racing with as little as a soft look or touch of a hand. For this same reason, and Gondor’s marriage policy, he swallows down any confessions because he has little hope in his own feelings. But after months, maybe years of courting and mutual affection, he’d finally tell you, in some grand romantic spot he chose – on his knees – because he’d connect it to a marriage proposal!
・゚✧ Frodo.
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Frodo would realise he loved you on a warm summer morning, as you’re walking barefoot in the grass – and then not tell you. He’d keep his secret to himself (haha), just smile to himself and subtly check the way you’re feeling before confessing to you – probably while holding both your hands, because that’s how sincere he is! “It gives me hope to hear you say that, because I, too, hold you very dear and love you very much!”
・゚✧ Galadriel.
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Thanks to her powerful telepathy skills, Galadriel probably knows you love her before you yourself do. She knows all about your feelings – but nothing of her own. I like to imagine her as blissfully oblivious, right up until the moment you confess to her. Then something would click inside her, and with a blank stare ahead, she’d whisper, “I love you, too. I haven’t realised it until now – but I do.”
・゚✧ Gandalf.
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Gandalf would realise he loved you after you’ve said or done something incredibly smart, like maybe found the solution to a problem that he was unable to solve. It’d make his heart skip a beat, he even looks away with a blush! And then he’d despair trying to find a “suitable moment for courtship”, as the old ways suggested, full of ceremony – and probably end up telling you his feelings very casually over a cup of tea he invited you to.
・゚✧ Gimli.
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Your usually hard-shelled Dwarf gets very flustered when he says the three words to you – followed by some nervous babbling, like, “There! I said it first. And I mean it very earnestly.” The moment he fell for you was probably connected to seeing you in a new light: Working in the mines all day leaves little room for elegance, but after seeing you in your beautiful banquet outfit, Gimli was walking into walls for the next three days!
・゚✧ Haldir.
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Haldir has always dreaded falling in love. But when you smiling at him makes his heart skip about three beats, he cannot lie to himself any longer. He can lie to you and everyone else though, needless to say. Not that anyone actually believes his denials… But Haldir would only confess his love in a life-or-death situation, when he thinks he’d never get the chance again. Then, of course, he’d be as elegant and romantic as all Elves are.
・゚✧ Legolas.
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If you are near Legolas the moment he realises he loves you – on a scouting trip, for example, or during preparations for a ball in Mirkwood – he’d tell you right away. He’d give you an analysing look, with a smile dancing around his lips, and say something like, “How I love you right now! I love you very much, my dear.” Thanks to his royal training, of course, he’d respectfully draw back until you’ve made your own feelings clear.
・゚✧ Merry.
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While he’s usually rather easy-going, Merry would plan out his love confession (meaning: a speech!) step by step, including an outfit plan and meal schedule designed specifically for you. He is the thinking type, and when it comes to this, he tends to overthink. He’d include a line like, “From the moment I first saw you…” when in reality, he probably fell for you when you joined one of his shenanigans without any reservations, proving just how similar you two are at heart.
・゚✧ Pippin.
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Pippin strikes me as a very “love at first sight” kind of person. At the same time, he’s really casual and playful about it. He’d only talk about it in return of your confession to him, like, “I never thought about that! I fell in love with you the first time we met!” – and probably shower you in a million compliments in the process!
・゚✧ Sam.
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Sam would realise he’s in love with you while thinking of new poetry to write – because all he thinks about is you! Somewhen along the line, he’d lean back in his chair, starting at the dozens of pages he wrote about you – and then have the overwhelming urge to go up and meet you to tell you right away, in his adorably sincere and gentle manner ♡
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
Picrew time! So here we go again 🌻
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Am I weird for thinking that this idea of a planet persona is incredibly cute?
Feel free to ignore or participate my sweet little human beings 🌻 love you ❤️
@withlove-bes @keisukesbaji @realdynamight @softnphane @fukoronoko @tired-aussie @taishispit @achilles-settle-down @juiceboxbi @quirky-and-kind @belleandherthoughts @tired-and-clumsy @animoozies @aanxiousssunflower
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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Ah, fine literature.
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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literature out of context
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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I’m half dead because I’ve been literally drawing these for the whole day but oH WELL it was worth it;)
Drawing third-year first-years is always fun. Noya and Tanaka are just checking on their not-so-longer kouhais and discover some..things.
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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I stan Bokuto’s back muscles. Thank you Furudate for this thicc boi. I also have a thing for tattoos so… behold, everything I hold dear in this world.
More inked boys: Kuroo Miyas
Yell at me on twitter: cachedoesart
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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Excuse me, sir? How can you be so handsome? 😩🤚
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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strawhat girlies 🍊🌸 <3
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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deserved comfort
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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this is just a big compilation of kiri’s teeth and i see nothing wrong with it
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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Sometimes I wonder what they even did before nami
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
Two types of dogs
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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𝑅𝑖𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑢𝑦𝑢 <3
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himawari-senpaii · 3 years
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dumping some extra doodles here 
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