Get in loser, we're starting an oak cult.
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samhain sona! bealltainn sona!
happy samhain to all my fellow southern hemisphere witches, and happy bealltainn to all my northern hemisphere witches.
enjoy these transition periods; you deserve to feel new.
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#modern-witch-problems is having to politely decline Speaking With The Darkness that wakes you at 3 AM each night because you cannot fail your exams in the next days
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#modern-witch-problems is having to politely decline Speaking With The Darkness that wakes you at 3 AM each night because you cannot fail your exams in the next days
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happy beltane & may day! 🌿
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happy earth day! some gouache paintings I made inspired by this beautiful, lovely & blooming world!
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happy lesbian visibility week to:
witchy lesbians
closeted lesbians
trans and non-binary lesbians
lesbians of colour
asexual and aromantic lesbians
lesbians who use microlabels
plus-size lesbians
gender non-conforming lesbians
disabled lesbians
lesbians who use he/him pronouns
the moon
all lesbians!
hugs to you and have a wonderful week.
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let's go lesbians 👏
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Hello my fellow dykes, we have officially become visible ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
All sillies aside, please consider donating to Emily Gwen or sharing this if you can! Link
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my gods, this is my niche
i'm not sure if you're meaning in your waking life or in your dreams, but hopefully, this will be helpful anyhow!
generally, the snake is regarded as a symbol of transformation, rebirth and renewal due to its ability to shed the outer skin. this may indicate that you are going through a period of transformation yourself; the snake may have become a more prominent symbol in your life to guide you during this turbulent time.
in mythology and folklore, the snake is regarded as a symbol of healing (see asclepius' staff), temptation (in christian theology), wisdom/royalty (egyptian mythology), life cycles (jörmungandr) or spiritual enlightenment (hinduism). i'm not sure if you're a spiritual person, but if the snake is a significant symbol in that part of your life, it may be worth looking into.
all things aside, these snakes may mean nothing and this may be a total overanalysis of a perfectly normal situation (can you tell i do this often lmao). but, i hope this is helpful! let me know if you have any follow-up questions :)
What does it mean when you keep seeing snakes 🐍
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op have you considered that you are the main character of a tropey soulmate au
Story time: dream addition
When I was a teenager I frequently had dreams about some guy (his name was Jared I think) and throughout my teen years I had a whole saga of dreams about this guy. Like we met at a museum, he went to college and I would visit, we got married, had a kid with a name and everything (I cannot remember it now, sorry dream son), I knew he had a sister around his age, another sister way younger and a mom but no dad (his sister walked him down the aisle in my dreams lmfao).
But like, he wasn't real or at least wasn't based on anyone in my IRL life so idk where all these dreams were based off of or coming from so teenage me liked to imagine that he was real and we were dreaming about each other and one day we'd somehow meet and known immediately who the other person was.
The problem however, is that this was back when I was cis and straight and a girl. I'm now enby, named Mark and aroace. So I wonder if in this hypothetical situation where me and mystery guy Jared dreamed of each other, did he think the short haired person named Mark was a guy and he was gonna have some epic gay love? Has he been searching for a man named Mark this entire time? And on the flip side, did he dream of cishet me and is now looking for this girl who doesn't exist anymore? There's so much to consider
Anyways I haven't dreamt of him since I was a teenager so I guess we broke up 🤷
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Fraiskette - Folk Magic
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Let’s talk more Folk Magic: the Fraiskette
Look at this gorgeous BEAST of a fraiskette she’s so beautiful…..
What is a fraiskette?
Fraiskette are necklaces strewn with amulets and protective charms given to pregnant women and newborn children to ensure a healthy childbirth and early life.
They originate from Germany (specifically Bavaria)
What makes a Fraiskette?
Most fraiskette are made of a red string or red ribbon base
They include various organic charms like teeth, claws, horns, antlers, beaks and even dried animal feet
They also have mineral/rock charms. The one above features jasper, agate and a malachite heart, as well as Donar Stones and fossilized coral and snail shells.
Finally, the include sentimental and religious amulets. The largest pictured above is a Breverl, but also keys, arrows, vials of Walpurgis-oil, small bells and brass depictions of the Mother Mary.
How were they used?
Each of the charms on the fraiskette corresponded to some medicinal or spiritual use.
The eagle talons we’re used to imbue courage to the user
The wolf and deer teeth were used to assist in teething
The Martin feet were used against rheumatism and cramps
The moles feet were used against seizures as well as cramps
The horse hair was used to aid in seizures
Snails shells for protection
The inorganic materials like red stones (amber, jasper, agate) were used specifically against menstrual cramps
Coral was used against blood disease (and is pretty significant as a protection charm in Dutch Magic)
Malachite was used as a stone against rashes and cravings
The fossilized shells are for protection of the bones
The Donar stones are for protection from lightning strikes and seizures
These Necklaces would be put on the Bedpost or worn to Ward away Various Illnesses.
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Scammer pretending to be in Palestine v2
Currently there is a scammer posing as either a person in Palestine, having a family in Palestine, or is an orphan/an orphan with kids in Palestine. I have another post where I’ve been documenting this scammer but I’m redoing it here since recent updates are hard to be seen. Every account that will be listed here are scammers. Please make sure that if you see this as a reblogged post, please check the original to see if it’s been updated since. This scammer will send you hate asks if you call them out and they have been doing this since the start of February. Here is my original post.
The most common thing is that their blog is usually only a week old at best and commonly is taking their posts from a real fundraiser (post showing proof). Please do not give money to this scammer. Please note that they send asks to anyone who interacts with trending posts or tags and will promise to you that they’re legitimate but will refuse to answer any questions to prove they’re legit. If they do happen to send you a DM, please see if they’ll give you a direct link to their PayPal-me which would make it easy to figure out which country they’re actually located in.
As of 3/17/2024, these are the currently active accounts:
hilkana | famousdreamlandwonderland | saltyhottubcollection | profounddreamlanddetective | aliibamaya | sweatyjellyfishenemy
Please keep in mind all their info is generally stolen off a real Palestine fundraiser and a quick Google search of the text should lead you to the general location of it. Also please alert anyone who’s shared any of their posts and inform them of the scam by linking them to my posts.
Below is a growing list of fake/stolen names used across the accounts:
Nour Samar | maryline lucy | Fred Odhiambo | Jeff Owino | Valentine Nakuti | Conslata Obwanga | JACINTA SITATI | David Okoth | Martín Mutugi | Daudi Likuyani | William Ngonyo | Fred Agy | George Ochieng | BONFACE ODHIAMBO | Sila Keli | John Chacha | benson komen | Alvin Omondi | Jacinta Sitati | Daudi Likuyani | Noah Keter | Faith Joram | Rawan AbuMahady
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Posted this on X but I think it deserves more publicity. I will never not find this funny
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I was nervous to post this but here is my Good Omens inspired piece. I am still heavily inspired by the wonderful work that everyone did on the show but love is really what inspired me the most. Thank you @neil-gaiman and everyone involved. I wish I could gift this to y’all.
Watercolor paper
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Oakland, California
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