dhoneysette · 4 years
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dhoneysette · 7 years
Today I spent an hour in the shower counting reasons to stay alive.
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dhoneysette · 8 years
Men are so fuckin weak dude I swear. Women are out there grindin like nothing’s wrong while bleeding out of their vaginas 7 days a month, cramps so bad we can barely function, pushing a human out of our hoohas, taking pills that fuck with our horomones just so you can hit it raw and you have the damn nerve to judge the size of our hips that have birthed the civilizations of the world like they were made to be admired by you? No. Next time you get flicked in the balls I don’t wanna hear u talk about how it’s so much harder being a man. Damn. Shout out to women. Don’t let men tell you shit.
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dhoneysette · 8 years
I feel like I'm in a permanent state of drowning. The older I get, the more rocks I put in my pockets, every breath more filled with water than the last. Soon, only to be pulled to the bottom and never to resurface.
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dhoneysette · 8 years
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I never knew someone could be so perfect for me until I met him.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
What do you do when you feel like your falling apart? Do you try to collect the pieces? Do you try to hold yourself together? Or do you just let it all fall out. Is love suppose tear at you when your not with them? Is it suppose to make the person your with the only thing you think about? Is love suppose to be a double sided knife.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
Ladies of my generation need to seriously grow up. Let's get one thing straight: it's never okay to say someone raped you when they didn't. Just because you don't want to admit you wanted to have sex with them does not give you the right to ruin someone life just for your reputation.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
I stare because I care.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
I know this may seem silly but I'm excited like 4 followers.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
My heart is saying yes but my heart is also saying HELL THE FUCK NO!!
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dhoneysette · 9 years
Sometimes it hurts worse than others. Today its worse. Today I just want him to be near, to laugh with, to simple see his smile. My brain say its for the better and he wasn’t right for me, but my heart says I still miss him. The hardest part is trying to make myself not love him. 
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dhoneysette · 9 years
One of the perks of having like no followers is that you no cares what you post; Cons, no one cares what you post.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
Sometimes I want a person to be all over me but at the same time I need my fucking space. I’m so confusing.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
Equality is for everyone
Equality isn't limited to one thing. It's everyone of every different race, sex, religion, sexuality being equal. You can't just pick and choose what you want to be equal for. You can't say your a feminist when you don't support equality for others. Equality shouldn't be limited to just one group.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
I tried to rub off a “piece of dirt” for a solid 2 minutes before realizing it was a freckle.
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dhoneysette · 9 years
Worst Enemy
I don’t know how else to say it but I am my own worst enemy. I will unintentionally ruin my own future before anyone else ever could. It doesn’t ever start out that way but slowly I start thinking. But then I just can’t stop and I can’t seem to get out of my help. I find myself thinking about things I’ve purposely avoided for years. But I’m so numb and indifferent to it all, that it scares me. I once planned my own sucicide with such indifference that it made me think I needed pyschiatric help. The real problem isn’t any of that though. The real problem is that I ruin good things for myself. I am my own worst enemy. 
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dhoneysette · 9 years
Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.
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