currents-you-create · 5 years
📖A Witch’s Reading List: September 2019📖
I’m considering making more personal posts about my Craft in order to give people a peek into how I practice and grow as a witch. Hopefully this will inspire you visit your local or online library and check out some books on witchcraft! (Though, you don’t have to read as many books at once as I do lol! Now that I’m done with college, I’m using my newfound free time to read books that I choose.). My personal craft posts are always tagged with “#my path.”
Disclaimer: Just because a book is on this list does not necessarily mean that I endorse the author or even “like” the book. I may not even necessarily incorporate what I learn from the book into my practice. I try to read broadly to help me understand what I do and don’t believe, to learn where certain practices come from historically, and to better understand what others in the community might practice. 
Books marked with NetGalley are books that I have received early access to in exchange for an honest review and are currently unpublished but available online for preorder.
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Becoming Dangerous: Witchy Femmes, Queer Conjurers, and Magical Rebels by Various Authors
The Key to Theosophy by H.P. Blavatsky
Besom, Stang, and Sword: A Guide to Traditional Witchcraft, the Six Fold Path, and the Hidden Landscape by Chistopher Orapello
The Magus by Francis Barrett
Witchcraft Activism: A Toolkit for Magical Resistance by David Salisbury
Psychic Self-Defense by Dion Fortune
The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Key of Solomon the King translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
Applied Magic by Dion Fortune
The Ritual Yearbook by Theresa Cheung (NetGalley)
The Crystal Alchemist: A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking the Transformative Power of Gems and Stones by Karen Frazier (NetGalley)
What Is Remembered Lives: Developing Relationships with Deities, Ancestors, and Fae by Phoenix LeFae (NetGalley)
How to be an Epicurean by Catherine Wilson (NetGalley)
The Illiad by Homer (Audiobook)
The Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabitants, and Phenomena by C.W. Leadbeater (Audiobook)
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What’s on your reading list?
If you enjoy my writing on Witchcraft and Spirituality, please consider supporting me at
patreon.com/nightshadeandroses or
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currents-you-create · 5 years
I am not like you.
I am not desperate to recreate
My childhood,
Or reminisce on the days
Where the only thing stronger than my dad
Was my imagination.
I wrote this poem addressed to my sister in law, because she thinks I'm "different" than her and my husband. I grew up very differently than she did, but that doesn't mean I can't or don't love my husband.
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currents-you-create · 5 years
When all the bottles
Of sleeping pills are empty
When my tears have stained
My cheeks and my pillows
When I can beg
Mr. Sandman no more
Then I'll admit I have a problem.
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currents-you-create · 5 years
I don't know why I always feel more depressed when I'm doing something to keep my mind off my depression.
Maybe I have become friends with this shadow behind me, and I've gotten so attached that I can't live without it.
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Gonna upload some poem spam tomorrow.
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Purple haze all in my brain....
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currents-you-create · 5 years
JBJ for y'all
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Link to my Wordpress blog. Every blog update I post here will go to my Wordpress as well. I wanted to link here because I don't update Tumblr as much.
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Content Update and current news...
I have gotten back into art and I am producing a lot more than I was before. However, I often forget to update a lot of my content and recent projects onto Tumblr, and I am significantly more active on Instagram. So I will link my Instagram account along with my bio so you can follow me there. I will do my best to post content here as well.
I would like to add that I do not accept commissions but I hope to sell my art in the future.
In addition to my Instagram account, I will link my wordpress blog here too (I will try to update my blog posts here as well). I have new content coming!
In the last year, I have been trying very hard to reduce my plastic consumption and waste in my home and everyday life, so I will be adding helpful hints and tricks on here and my wordpress blog.
I hope my green initiative posts help and inspire all of you who view my blog. I will also happily be taking submissions for any green living advice to add to my future posts.
I love you all!
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Original stencil painting: Serj Tankian
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Original acrylic painting: Lady Gaga
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Original acrylic painting: Marina Diamandis.
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Original painting: Kanye West
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currents-you-create · 5 years
My Abortion Story
I'll preface this by saying I didn't have an abortion, but not every woman is lucky enough to not need one.
I was 18, I just graduated high school and I was working at a small gas station chain in my home town.
My boyfriend at the time, who was 24, grew up in a rather strict Christian household and took his beliefs very seriously, as they were passed down from his parents. His parents didn't think he should be having sex before marriage, but (big surprise) we were.
He expressed many times prior to this ordeal that he was pro-life, he said "the kid was conceived, it at least deserves to be born".
In August, my period was a week late, and I thought our method of contraception failed (there is not a 100% fool proof method of contraception- they DO fail). We talked about my concerns, and after he beat himself up about it, he suggested abortion.
I asked him about his pro-life stance and he said, "We will get an abortion and we'll just keep it on the hush-hush". I was livid. I am so lucky my period started a few days after that.
Some people will only change their minds when it directly affects them.
A man has no business voicing his opinion on a matter that has nothing to do with HIS body. A government should not be making rules about a woman's body and they should not value the lives of the unborn over living, breathing women. And NOBODY should be shoving their opinions into a matter that does not affect them at all. Abortion is TRAGIC. No woman should have to experience it. But EVERY WOMAN deserves to have control over her body.
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currents-you-create · 5 years
Really. You should read this.
@dmc-dmc you should REALLY read this
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currents-you-create · 6 years
“You can never explain how painful it is to say goodbye to someone you love.”
— 3 am thoughts (via suspend)
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currents-you-create · 6 years
I have decided my book is going to be called "All About Sex". I want this collection of poems to reflect my struggles with knowing my own worth, beauty and sexuality.
I had such a hard time- for as long as I can remember- with loving my body. I didn't think anyone could love me.
I hope to post sneak peek poems in the next few weeks. I truly appreciate any and all support in this journey of mine.
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