I'm being surrounded by references to the 'Rabbit hole' from Alice in Wonderland. It's wild. Anyone else have an experience like this?
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Encounters With Reptilians
The first time I saw a reptillion I was on ketamine. And like all substances or practices that erode the ego I was made aware of the beings who are not bound by physicality.
One was a female with a somewhat neutral energy although it was still an alarming experience. The other was a male reptillian. He was huge, strong and had a neutral - cold energy. I got the immediate sense that they were superior beings in their intellact, the postion in the universal hierarchy. It was as if they were dimensional police and the had that kind of authority. No words were shared. It was somewhat scary at the time but as I'm writing this the opiphany coming forward is that the stopped me from waltzing about in a potentionally dangerous universal jungle.
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Alien encounter
I woke up around 4am because I could feel a zapping on my thigh. There was a short white faced alian zapping the shit out of me. I tan and turned the light on and even though I couldn't physically see it anymore I knew it was still there walking around In my consciousness as it saw fit. The being was walking around in my memories. It was an unnercing experience. I can assume the only reason he being was no longer visible to me when I was fully awake was because the ego acts as a barrier between our perception of reality and reality.
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Mermaid Visitation
I've started my spiritual journey about five years ago and ever since I found out about the existence of mermaid I've been longing for them.
The other day I had a dream where I was looking at this pond. There was a strong sense that it was magical. And then a mermaid appeared. Nothing like I'd imagined. I learnt so much by just spending a couple of seconds in her presence. First of all there was a strong sence of remembrance and familiarity with her from childhood. Although I had no visual memories of memaids from childhood, I'd recognised the engergy. I feel as though mermaids are so misrepresented in media because every tv show says that mermaids hypnotise people but I feel that that is a way to demonise the mermaids and not take responsibility for the fact that we are in awe of them. Mermaids are not bound by the third dimension so if you want to connect with them they hear you. You may not see them like I didn't for 5 years but they hear you. Spiritually mermaids are much more aware than humans because they have a broader perception of reality. It was truly one of the best things to ever happen to me. I'm so grateful and I hope we meet again.
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Looking through my dream disry I was shocked to fin a parallel. There was a dream I'd had had where there was a visitation from grry extra terrestrial with gold eye and months apart a dream whee there was a visitation from grey extraterrestrials with gold hoods.
#greys #extraterrestrials #spirit #thetebetenbookofthedead #ramdass #love #peace #jesus
#spirituality #consciousness #buddha
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Dream: Body of Water
 I’m sat near a huge body of water with my friend and put my feet in. Then under the water I see crop-circles. At first it’s grass that is singed in the shape of crop-circles but then the image morphs in to stone crop-circles that are under the water.
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Dream: Metallic Owl
I was having  a normal dream where you forget most of it but the I see a white owl with luxurious feathers and put my hand out so it could get on my hand. When I looked at its feet they were made of a living metallic liquid as were its eyes. 
Lets just put it this way. I don’t think that was an owl.
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Psychic attack
So the other day I was on top of my game, the best I’d felt maybe my whole life and that night I have a dream where “witches” were performing a dark ritual towards me. I’ve felt like absolute shit ever since that dream which was four days ago. I’ve never experienced anything quite like it. I’ve just said to the dark energy “Thank you for your input now you can have it back”. Not in a vengeful way just in a way that recognises that the energy belongs to them and not me.
I’ve got a bunch of protection symbols up on now on my computer.
Your heart is the most important thing to focus on during any kind of darker experience. The heart it so powerful nothing can conquer it.
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I came across a tree today that had such deep empathy that when we connected it was hard to tell where their feelings ended and mine began.
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Meditation with Fred the tree.
Today I meditated under my friend Fred the tree. I was lying down on one of Fred’s roots listening to Steve Noble’s Lion Beings Sirius meditation. Deep into meditation I open my eyes and all I’m seeing is his branches and then I begin to see all these geometric patterns within his branches and I realise this is communication between us. Thank you to Fred for his loving nature.
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Fred and the tree spirit
I have this huge tree I know near where I live.I call him Fred. I’ve got a crazy connection to him. And as I was getting relaxed to go to sleep I got this vision of Fred with a huge eye on him. And then after I get this vision of a face. The face is a dark green. And the eyes are huge and piercing but the actual face is made of green bark. Was this some kind of forest elemental being?
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Dream: The King
The King
I don’t remember the rest of my dream apart from this. 
I suddenly see the huge golden crown which is on a this giant beige white rabbit. Intuitively I knew the this was The King. The King was half rabbit half vegetables. What I understood in the moment that he was the king of nature of this planet and universally. When he appeared it took me a second and then I fell to my knees and put my hand out to shake his. He was so still in his presence.
And by the way I looked up the falling to your knees thing and it’s a frequent thing that happens to people who people or beings of great spiritual power.
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Gigi Young: Psychic
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Meditation experience
So the other day during meditation an image flashed in my brain which was my own back garden with three beings in that had purple heads.The strange part about it was like it felt like it was happening in real time.
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Meditation Experiences: Encounter with another.
This was over a year ago now. I had been meditating every day for months and had a lot of crazy experiences during that time. It think it’s important to note that I’ve got lazy with meditation now so I don’t have as many experiences like this anymore.
One night I went to go and sit on the couch and I look in the doorway to the kitchen and a shortish brown alien phases in front of my eyes and then phases out. What the fuck is that shit?! I can’t talk to anyone about it because it will always sound like a lie or insanity to people who’s minds are completely closed to possibilities beyond what they’re told.
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Elemental sighting: Gnomes
So I suddenly feel as though I'm meant to share all my weird experiences. So here we go. I'd been meditating every day for months straight. I'd discovered the concept of Elves, Fae and Gnomes being a real thing. I'll add the links to the documentaries that I found that broke my brain when I watched them. But any way it's known that you can leave the nature spirits gifts if you'd like to connect with them. So I'd been leaving crystals and milk and little hand made crafts in the garden for them. But this one day I went out and was staring at a plant and I suddenly see a gnome just walking past me right under my nose. He didn't acknowledge me. He just strolled past and disappeared. I'll be forever grateful for this experience. I feel though I should add gnomes are inter-dimensional beings. They have a strong connection to the Earth. They have a strong wisdom about being grounded and stability. Gnomes care for animals and nature's organisation. They command great respect. I don't know if that have age. I think they could be an infinitely old universal consciousness. It makes sense that so many people report them on shrooms. What are everyone elses experiences with elemental beings?
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Synchronicities: The Praying Mantis Race
A couple of days ago I did a Golden Mantis meditation made by Steve Nobel. The dude’s dope. He make really high quality calming meditations that take you into your own inner wonderland whilst simultaneously blasting your consciousness into the cosmos. Supper smart guy. He’s worth checking out. 
Anyway. This meditation was about connecting with a species of ethereal ancient beings who are praying mantises. The next day a Jackdaw named Peter who’s always in out garden has a massive praying mantis in his mouth. Later on my friend is talking about how she’s watching a film called Praying Mantis which is about a woman who kills men after she’s slept which is what female mantises do once they’re impregnated.
This was over the span of three days.
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