citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
What on earth I just saw!!!! Really you just made Jon go to see his bf of another universe just to make Jon's bestie of another universe confront said bf. I really wanted for so long (since the ship was made) to see Dami face Jay, but this isn’t what I meant. What's next Injustice! Damian, start wooing PE! Jon!?
Now I must write Injustice! Damian wooing Jon and Jon being a total mess cause maybe, just maybe, his bestie felt or is feeling like that.
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
There were never more than these two options.
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
Something I didn’t see people talking enough is how good Wayne Family Adventures portrait the female vigilantes bodies in the Batfam. On comics they draw them skinny but curvy with big bobs and hips more sexual appealing than a fighter body (don’t get me wrong this also applies to men) but in WFA we see Stephanie with slightly broader shoulders and biceps same with Cass and Kate even Babs have broader shoulders and I just love it.
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
Batfam and video games headcanon
Bruce - Thomas was an enthusiastic of computer science so when the Atari was introduce he buy one and when Bruce born he plays alongside his son, before his parent deaths Bruce enjoy playing light gun games but he stops (for obvious reasons). Now he start playing alongside with his sons but he prefers the old fashion games (way too old according to Damian).
Dick - before his parent deaths they didn’t have any kind of video game and he didn’t went to an arcade to busy “helping” on the circus and practice his flips, even after Bruce took him in they never talks about it (Bruce didn’t touch a game after his parents). It was until he stayed with the titans that Wally introduce him to video games but being the hyper boy he was he didn’t enjoy them, but he could handle to play some short multiplayer games as Mario kart or super smash bros. Dick enjoy going to arcades with titans though. Now he’s a little less hyper and he could play alongside his friends or baby brothers and he manage to complete some games (no 100% tho).
Barbara - she never like them really but commissioner once bought her a Nintendo DS thinking it was a PDA (personal digital assistant) [man I’m old] she kept it and buy and play some games but she never get crazy about it.
Jason - they never had the money to spend on it, even after living with Bruce he never felt attracted by them. Roy once try to show him Assassins Creed, God of war and Fallout for its story element but Jason didn’t enjoy as much as read. But when it came to family nights he would be totally competitive. (Now that Bruce can enjoy light gun games again they tend to compete with each other Jason is surprise of how a good shooter Bruce is).
Tim - he is a hardcore gamer not only he play too much MOBA (LoL) and Action RPG’s he play too much niche and indie games. Actually he made his own games with a over complicated pseudonym that needs three different codes to decipher. Tim enjoy learning new mechanics and glitches. He is a pretty good SpeedRunner but didn’t compete but like to teach others to improve their runs. (Damian unknowingly plays three of Tim’s games Tim didn’t know how to feel about it cuz Damian said he likes the games a lot).
Cass - Tim and Steph introduce her to video games but she didn’t like most of the games surprisingly she enjoy farming simulation games, right now she had +500 hrs in his Animal Crossing New Horizons her island is beautiful and she really talks to her neighbors.
Steph - her mom once buy her a secondhand game boy advance with a copy of Pokémon emerald and she love it after dating Tim he show her new games but she still prefers Pokémon games than any other.
Damian - he is the shooter, fighter, racer kind of gamer he plays mostly online multiplayer he really likes to beat people and don’t enjoy loosing. (Jon prefers to play as team mates than rivals cuz Damian could be so intense).
Duke - he’s a chill gamer he plays anything she likes when he felt like. His parents buy him a PSP when he was younger he still prefers portable games he had a couple of Nintendo Switch.
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
I love how fandom works all agreed bats are the most intelligent people on DC but every incorrect quote I read is just them sharing one brain cell or caffeine repressed (mostly Tim).
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
Lian is back, so I write
Lian was tired, maybe the most tired she ever was; it took them time, but the Arrow family was together again. She could finally turn her head away without fear of them disappearing; every night, her daddy carried her in his strong arms, put her in bed, and slept beside her hugging her. At the beginning of the weekend, daddy tells grandpa and grandma they will take a brief vacation so Lian can see his aunts and uncles for the first time in a lifetime. So they do; dad drives all the way to Blüdhaven, where the Titans tower is now, and inside, there are the people Lian love the most, her other family. When they finally saw her again, all their eyes were wet, and they saw her as the most precious jewel in the entire world. Her aunt Donna hugs her delicately, with love and care in its warmth. Uncle Garth caressed her face taking each change in her face wanting to record it in his mind again. Uncle Wally laughed, tears in his eyes but a beaming smile as he took her and ran to show her the tower. When Uncle Dick came, he was speechless, seeing her as a phantom and his lifeline taking on his arms as he did many times in the past. Maybe it is because of the way she came back, but Lian can remember those arms around her when she was just a baby telling his dad that she was his daughter; uncle Dick was the one who took Lian from his mom and took her to his daddy he was the one that constantly babysits her and the one who ever came when daddy isn’t feeling quite well so she let her hug him longer loving how warm and secure his arms still felling. When Lian looked at her daddy, asking for the thousand time, he just laughed and came near and took them both in his arms. It was something they used to do when grandpa and daddy were still figuring things out, and uncle Dick lost everything, so he stayed with them for a while. After years Lian felt safe and happy; she wanted to cry, but the smile never went off her face, even when little tears came down.
“I love you so much, pumpkin.” Her daddy said and kissed her forehead, and she let out the air she held in during her time alone. They stay with the Titans, and she sees how his daddy relationship changes. She saw how even if her daddy still loves aunt Donna the love isn’t quite the same as before. Now daddy also saw aunt Kori with love in his eyes and a deep trust; she remembered aunt Kori and uncle Dick were together, but she’s older now, and she knows relationships evolve and change. There’s a heavy cloak loaded with too much between uncle Dick and daddy, but the love, trust, and care are still there, which relieves her. 
Knowing she didn’t lose them helped Lian that night, but maybe all the emotions opened a wound that Lian kept trying to ignore. When daddy found her, he promised he didn’t care how she came back, but memories assaulted her, and the fear resurfaced, lifting them both from their sleep.
“Hey pumpkin, everything’s okay. Tell daddy what’s up?”
“What happens if they don’t love me? Daddy, I change. I’m not the Lian, you remember, I know it; what about if they notice and stop loving me? What if I’m never can be their Lian again?” She cried, fear of not being the child everyone remembered and loved being too different because of the time she was alone and the real comeback from death. Her father held and hugged her until the tears stopped reassuring her that everything was all right because everyone loved and missed her, and no one expected anything from her, just that she be safe and happy. When she woke again, it was still night daddy wasn’t with her, but she calmed herself down and searched for water for her sore throat.
“Dick, I don’t know what to do. She was so scared and worried about not being the person we remember, but I know her. She’s my baby.” The sadness in his daddy’s voice closes her throat.
“Hey, it’s all right. We can show her everything is all right, but if you want some advice, did you consider introducing her to Jay?”
“Yes, his my best friend.”
“Not what I mean, Roy. Her fears are the same as Jay had all those years when he came back that B, Alfred, and I only saw him for the boy he was and not for whom he is now. Maybe they could talk; maybe he would help her.” The smile on his uncle's face was soft and packed with love.
“But isn’t he busy with Artemis and Bizzaro? I didn’t want to bother him.”
“Roy, you know him even better than I, maybe better than any bat. You said so he is your best friend, and you are his. If you call anytime, he will pick it up and come to you anytime because he knows you will do it for him.” Even if the smile on his uncle's was a little sad and bitter, he still comforted Lian’s dad. Something passes through his daddy’s mind, and with a sad smile, he talks again.
“Rob, me and you are still the same, and I knew Jay would do it for you as well.” Her daddy said with certainty, but there was something on his uncle's face that seemed not entirely to believe him.
In the end, Lian decides to go back to bed, and when her daddy lies by her side, she goes back to deep sleep. The following day Lian can see her daddy is nervous.
“Okay, pumpkin, daddy wants to introduce to you a pretty good friend of mine. Actually, he’s also your uncle because he’s uncle Dick’s brother.” She smiles, excited to meet someone new, even if her daddy is slightly nervous. “Maybe you heard about him, maybe all you heard were bad things, but daddy promise you he’s a cool and good guy. He goes through many bad things, and now he’s trying to do it better, and I can promise he will always protect you and never hurt you, pumpkin.” Lian didn’t understand why her dad was so worried until a man even taller than her daddy came, but what surprised Lian the most was the red helmet on the man’s right hand. Lian heard about the big bad Red Hood when she was away from her family; she heard about the terror he unleashed over Gotham underworld in just a few months, but as well she heard how he worried about kids like her, kids without home that live in the streets and made almost anything to fill their stomachs at night.
“What’s up, dumbass.”
“Hey! That’s my baby nephew Jay; watch at your mouth.” Uncle Dick yells on the other side of the room.
“Oh shut up dickface. I can bet she hears worse from Roy and Oliver.” Her daddy laughed softly and went to hug the other man.
“I miss you, Jaybird.” The man grin and hug her daddy back.
“So she is your baby.” The man approaches her with a smile. “Hey! Lian, your daddy always talks about you. Be careful; he might embarrass you. And don’t listen to circus boy; he’s not as cool as he thinks he is.” Lian saw her daddy’s nervous, but Lian could see the care the Red Hood had for both men; even if he fooled with them, she smiled and hugged the man; at first, he was surprised, but he hugged her the same way her daddy always hug her with surprise and endless care fearing he might hurt her.
Lian saw all his family together and how relaxed his daddy was playing and joking with them, how even if uncle Jay seemed a little bit out of place, everyone was warm and playful with him. Daddy, uncle Dick, and aunt Kori the most, giving him soft touches and warm looks.
 “Don’t be shy, circus boy; Jay already told me he made you tattoed. Show it.” Her dad was all wolf grin right now, and uncle Dick was laughing but a little red. When everyone saw the tattoo, jeers, and laughter filled the tower.
“Babs was angry at me. She is more embarrassed than circus boy.”
“Why would I? I love her.”
Lian didn’t notice that a part of her had forgotten all the love that bleeds from her family, the care, the warmth, the caution, and the joy. She cries, and when his new uncle sees her, he graves in his arms, as is something he always did, and holds her close to his heart, combing her hair gently, assuring her that this is real and that she is never going to lose this happiness again. When she calmed down, she noticed her daddy, uncle, and she were now in daddy’s room.
“It’s okay, pumpkin. It’s okay to be afraid to feel all of this unreal, be afraid of losing it. We all be here with you, and no one will let you go away again.” She cries a strong sob letting her fears invade her while she is held by people who love her and are synonymous with security, care, affection, and love. Her heroes do not because they dress up at night and kick the asses of villains and bad people but because they always held her in their nightmares, kissed her bruises, and were always ready to give all the love she could crave.
“I was like you, kiddo, afraid of losing it, that I wasn’t good enough or strong enough to hold the people I love, but you know what your daddy showed me.” She saw his new uncle’s face; it was full of darkness, ghosts, and fears like Lian’s on the nights when she thought it wasn’t that she dreamed about being together with his daddy, Connor, Dinah, Ollie, and even her mom. “You needn’t be the strongest because you’re not alone, kiddo. We all will fight together not to lose you ever again. Your daddy never let me fall; he always held my back and fought for and with me so I could get it, and anytime you need a reminder, we all will be right here with you to remind you as well.” The kiss his uncle pressed on his forehead scared away intrusive thoughts because he was right. Getting back together wasn’t easy for the others in her family. Connor went through a tournament against the greatest fighters in their world to get back on everyone's radar. She lost her memories and wandered alone. Even after their first reunion, they continued to fight to get back together because they refused to be further manipulated to be taken away from those they loved. They will continue to fight because their lives are filled with larger-than-life threats, but they refuse to lose each other.
“Thank you, uncle Jay.” Her daddy wiped away the tears on her cheeks, and both men smiled at her love, affection, and care, always in his eyes.
“Any time, kiddo.”
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
Book and copyright Day
The book I chose to give myself last 4/23/23, and the rose my big sis gave me. Don't worry; she cut it off our garden, and also, it was from her rosebush.
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
This is why I fear the most to the new Jon solo run, also cuz wtf Injustice is bringing to the Canon. I don't know if I want to Injustice!Damian meets Jon, tbh.
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I don’t wanna talk, I just wanna cry 😭😭
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
The more I saw about battinson with a baby Robin!Dick, the more I crave it.
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citrusxsiniesis · 1 year
My first work for JayDick Week 2023 / Prompt: Identity Porn
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