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From /r/hellsomememes, creator unknown, please give me deets on creator so I can tag them here.
Also full disclosure, I’d totally react like that if my partner was a werewolf. fwiw, brown man in my 40s here.
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Never fails to comfort! So James Herriot writes about his experiences as a country vet in 50s England. It’s not the most glamorous life but what really shines through is how much he loves it. And hours much he loves animals.
Apparently it’s not an act, he was a kind and gentle soul with an incredible disdain for the trappings of fame, even after he became a multimillion copy selling author.
This one and Bill Watterson are #goals
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Tru tru. I wish I had his humanism and his integrity!
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Bill Watterson is one of my biggest influences. In art and in life. 💛✌️ SRQE
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Why are so many cowboys showing up all of a sudden? Oh wait, is it because I wrote about Louis L’amour? Could it be?
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Note to self: Also applies if you’re in your forties.
I know your ask box is probably full, so I totally get it if you don't get to this anytime soon, but I need some help.
I'm a sixteen year old aspiring writer with ADHD and anxiety. My writing patterns are horrible. I go months without writing then spit out a hundred pages. I've been writing since I was eight and I've never finished a story longer than a few thousand words because I physically cannot force myself to write in order, though I can eventually fill in the gaps (if I'm given a few months).
I'm trying my best, but it feels like my best isn't good enough for the world. Do you (or any other successful writers you know) have similar problems? Or is this something you overcome with time? Basically wondering if there's hope of me being successful despite these traits. Thanks!
You're sixteen. The reason why the world isn't filled with successful sixteen year old novelists is we were all (or most of us) trying to figure out how to do the writing thing in bursts and spurts and with dozens of beginnings and not a lot of endings, and we have some characters over here and some story over there and we can't work out how to make them align and work together. And so on and so forth.
You are not a failure if you haven't published a Hugo-award winning trilogy by the time you're twenty. You're an egg that hasn't even finished hatching.
Write. Read everything you can. Write more. Finish some short stories. Read more. Write more. Experience some life. Finish longer things. You'll get there. It's not a race. It's a way to learn.
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More reading while wife’s recovering. A lot more straightforwards and a lot less rootin tootin yee hawing than I expected.
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So wife’s in hospital for major surgery. In the mood for some comfort reading. And who better than these two old friends?
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Let’s see how this goes, will report.
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This is a really nice book. And I have read a nice percentage of it. I don’t think i should read any more as i don’t want to ruin how nice it is.
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A fascinating read.
While a lot of this is probably just conjecture and reaching( Greek is obviously derived from sanskrit, agadha was named after macedonia, Peruvians were ancient Indians etc etc), this was also published in 1851, way before the idea of a Proto-Indo-European language came up.
i am now reading it as some form of linguistic archaeology, a product of its time, and an attempt to explain the world using the limited knowledge they had available.
But also, why is this irrelevant book still in print?
can’t help but feel cynical about why rupa felt the need to publish this now, but anyway i guess In today’s climate, where there is a surge of nationalistic interest that “proves” India basically ruled the world, it’s a good business decision.
Understandable but still kinda sus.
Edit: this book was also written before mohenjodaro (of Indus valley civilisation fame) was discovered, and that lack of knowledge explains a lot of assumptions made.
What seem like sweeping generalisations today are what was complete knowledge in those days.
So there’s that too.
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shout out to thorny devils for having the hardest scientific name of any beaft
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To add to my previous post, I’d like to talk a bit about the aesthetic choices taken with this book.
Now tbh, the way it’s put together is not for everybody. The type-setting is weird, with fonts that would not have been out of pace from a Papa Roach album from the early 2000s. And the fonts are too big. The spacing between paragraphs is just huuuuuuge. There’s even a background on the pages. Like who puts a background?
This book looks and feels extremely different from every other book I have read. And it’s not be accident. Each and every one of those is a decision taken by the author.
And I fucking love it.
Everything has so much personality.
All too often, a book is an optimisation strategy. Optimising for readability. Economy. Minimum wastage of materials. All of which are good things. But I just wish there were more of these experiments.
There’s no larger point to be made here. Just starting what made me love this even more.
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Just finished this book by a good friend. Recommended if you’re into Gonzo-style writing of life in urban India in the modern day.
Available on Amazon and everywhere else you’d find books, I guess.
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Just finished this book by a good friend. Recommended if you’re into Gonzo-style writing of life in urban India in the modern day.
Available on Amazon and everywhere else you’d find books, I guess.
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Just finished this. A super-breezy read that straddles mythology, history, storytelling and a bit of geology. Also, this whole story is super Bollywood- twists, turns, debauched kings (did you know there are eyewitness accounts of Ranjit Singh, yes *that* Ranjit Singh, doing the dirty in public on an elephant? With a lady too, haww) courtesans with hearts of gold, torture - the whole shebang.
Super entertaining. Highly recommended.
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