You have been visited by the lucky Deacy and Freddie. Reblog in 3 minutes and you’ll have good luck.
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✨You have been visited by the Christmas Catto✨
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Reblog now to have the best Christmas of your life. Scroll past to get the curse of the catto
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So I went to Belize in Central America to do a marine conservation project ❤️ I worked at school and with manatees and the local marine wildlife. It was a life changing experience and I loved every second. I'd really like to chat about it more ❤️🐡🐠🌊
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And Europe Part 3 🍻🇨🇭🇦🇹🇩🇪🇫🇷🇮🇹🇧🇪🇳🇱🇬🇧 Hey y'all so these last few posts are my adventures round Europe. I'm currently on a gap year and I'd love to do a post all about it soon. This blog is also a lil memory/scrapbook of my year where I figure out what the heckity heck I'm doing with my life so I'll be talking a lil about my travels too ❤️
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Europe Part Two 🇬🇧🇳🇱🇧🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🍻
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Europe Adventures Part One🇨🇭🇦🇹🇩🇪🇫🇷🇮🇹🇧🇪🇳🇱🇬🇧
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Last Stop
this is a poem I wrote, about a man who came on the bus every day. then one day didn't.
Now he was old.
Age ebbed waves cut lines in his face
Carving confluences in his hands.
Blinded him,
Deafened him,
Took away his legs,
Crushed his back till he was a beggar,
He was clay.
Smiling, he gazed to the stairs that led to the top floor of the bus,
Where as a boy he could run to the front and pretend to fly.
And as a teen to the back to sit and smile and choke on all those possibilities.
Then a man, crinkled like the pages of his newspaper, to read and worry
But wheels can't climb up stairs. Now marooned to the bottom.
Remembering all those silly things
The scarecrow in a field
The windmill in the garden
The roses in the farm beyond.
All the things he'd never see again.
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In the hospital, where you were born,
There were purple curtians,
Your brown eyes-
New, alive, alive
Beheld them in a trance.
In your bedroom, there were purple curtains
And you'd too them open to gaze at a universe, you never knew about
In your school hall, there were purple curtains,
And you'd stare beyond the Nativity to a world beyond
And where toys go.
In your college library,
There were purple durtains
And you'd get lost in a thousand stories
Wonder where the years would go.
And at your wedding, there were purple curtians
And a bright sunshine shone through them
And touched your face.
At her bedside there were purple cutsins
And hands that held each other
And you learned what death meant,
And what life meant too.
At your birthday, there were purple curtains
And empty seats
And new ones too.
And around your coffin,
There were purple curtians,
And the wind blew them open
Or maybe it was you.
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a lil post about Alzheimer’s
So today I went and cared for my neighbour Jack, whilst his wife Eileen went to see a friend in Clitheroe. Jack has Alzheimer's disease, which due to a build of abnormal proteins in the brain, effects and kills of cells- affecting his memories. I cannot imagine what it's like- to have a flame in your head, singing the fringes of the past; I see him trying, squinting his eyes hard to reach the last embers of days long ago and failing to grab anything. Then, he’ll forget what he’d been looking for and leave them for the wind. I love chatting with him about his time in the Navy- one particular memory that has not abandoned him, is the one of parachuting in the Berlin airfields in the Great War, then calling on an old friend nearly 40 years later, to be pointed to where his ashes had spread- and grow a lilac tree in their place. Jack always gets sad about that, I can see his eyes swell up, then he quite forgets where and why there are little droplets of water falling down his cheeks. 
He is not stupid, he is not be ignored, or dismissed as the crazy man across the street, he’s got the same laughter lines that will etch themselves onto our faces, and the same tears we’ll cry, and forget just why we shed them. 
It is so important to abandon stereotypes of these diseases, and educate ourselves about them. It is not just the individual who has it, but really it is those around them too. 
So I just wanted to write this lil post about Alzheimer's Awareness, and leave a link for the Carers Association. I really can’t profess to know much about the disease, so I’ll leave some links below of where I’ll be educating myself, but I do know a lot about carers. When I was 12, I was a full time carer for my Grandma- who suffered with Lung Cancer, I am going to do another post on this in the future, but for now, I’ll leave a link for the carer’s association, who help people in that terrible situation. 
Look after yourselves, and each other. 
Autumn x 
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A Night in Switzerland
we stayed there all night
illuminated by the waning crescent of a still shining moon,
the wool that had knitted the stars, loomed their stories and patterns hung like a tapestry above those mountains,
we played Beethoven and Debussy, 
huddled under blankets
under mountains
under waterfalls and stars,
and we were so far from home-
and the night sky was the only roof we needed.
-Autumn Collins
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we love a pseudonym
Names are important. When reading into the etymology of my real name- it stems from an Ancient Roman Family known as Ameliaus. Urban dictionary of course, would definitely align my name with a varied amount of sexual acts, and to my friends- my name will often make them roll their eyes, giggle, or murmur something about missing clothes. But to you, I am Autumn. Autumn because there was this girl I used to pass every single day on the way to school, and every time I saw her with her curls and big headphones, she was dancing. Right there, by the bus stop, eyes closed, and dancing. She never cared that people stared at her or laughed, all there was, was something I imagine to be dexys midnight runners, and some time to dance before the bus came. Her name was Autumn- and she is one of the most amazing people I have ever seen. Autumn because the last story I told my Grandma was set in Autumn, and she fell asleep with leaves falling gently behind her eyes. Autumn because Halloween is fucking amazing and I bloody love it. And Autumn because it is, for reasons I will most definitely explain at some point, my favourite time of the year.
So mine name is Autumn, and this is my blog- which will consist of babbling, showing off my friend’s clothes (which I will a thousand percent give back), poems, songs, short stories, thoughts, pictures of my travels and ngl, probably a lot of stuff about Autumn. :))) so yeah come join me if you’d like 
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