atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
does anyone else get those moments where you feel like your life is falling apart and theres literally nothing you can do except sit there and wait it out because honest to God anytime i try to fix it, i only make it ten times harder on myself and end up in en even worse state than i was in before. i dont know how many times ive sat in my closet just sobbing because i can’t talk to anyone about jack shit and i’m so close to just ending it.
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
i really hate the sinking feeling you get in your stomach when you realized that you probably messed something up and will never get to have the same relationship with someone like you once did
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
i can be emo for a little bit right now and not feel guilty about being so depressed
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
i think i just lost the one person i was finally okay with being emotionally vulnerable to and why didn’t anyone tell me that this fucking sucks
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
understandable. have a good day
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
why is no one else seriously worried about Dean’s mental health. I’m concerned 24/7 about him every time i watch an episode. Personally, I relate to him a lot. Especially his tactics on avoiding talking about his feelings, but I think he’s getting ignored a lot by people especially in the show. They brush it off, make a joke, or its only important for one episode and everyone stops caring about it. Remember the part of season 13 where he killed himself? The first chance he could do it without it being an actual suicide, he did it. He saw death and told her he didn’t want to live. He’s said similar things so many times but they keep pushing it away?? He lost everyone, lost everything. He has no will to go on anymore and they briefly talk about it. He never gets a chance to explain himself or to really have a ‘chick flick moment’ because he’s too busy pretending hes okay. When Sam got concerned, it was obvious Dean pretended to act his usual self. Planted a bra on himself and fell asleep right on the floor where Sam couldn’t miss him. He made sure he was standing right in plain view when he was piling bacon on his plate as Sam conveniently strolled in. Dean isn’t okay at all. Right now, he’s a little better, but something slips and I already know he will jump at the first opportunity to end it. He told Billy himself that this time, he doesnt think he can fight his way back out. That might be the case forever. I just want more characters in the show to talk a little more about everyone’s mental well being. 
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
It has been three (3) days since the yodeling kid from Walmart was on Ellen and fifteen (15) hours since I have found out he’s gonna be at Coachella and I can’t reply y’all how both stressed and disappointed I am that I haven’t seen any memes about the If you don’t love me at my: Then you don’t deserve me at my: which show him at Walmart then on Ellen
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
Okay so I go to a new school and let me tell y’all the stuff I hear so so funny I’m crying laughing. Just a couple days ago my English teacher was talking about Shakespeare and the play As You Like It and said “other worlds too big for his little knife” and I’m dying because what the hell just happened wh y is he saying this I’ve got a whole collection of funny things from School I’m crying anyone want to hear more of these
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
I want to die, but like, I also don't want to accidentally hurt my parents feelings? I guess I'll just stay trapped in a miserable depressing limbo of living and no living and shove my face with macaroni pretending I'm A-Okay
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
You: 7:06pm
Me, an intellectual: 6:66pm
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
‘Ah yes, 7am, the perfect time to start feeling depressed for no reason’ says my brain when i decide to wake up
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
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reblog till someone gives a damn
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
Meanwhile in my brain
stress: oh my god there's that thing..you know? Ugh it's killing me..that thing you gotta do
my responsibilities: You mean me
depression: oh yeah, you. I'm still ignoring u, k. What's the point of doing you if I'm gunna get screwed either way
me: what am I supposed to do
me: I guess I'll just sit here and ignore my brain then.
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atomicgarbage-blog · 6 years
Pt 1/? Why is Generation Z so depressed: from a Gen Z kid
Ever since my oh so informative teacher has started talking about social issues in my own generation, I've been curious to what people say about us. So far, I've read that we are more driven than millennials, that we are much more likely to become successful than the previous generation, and that my generation is in the worst mental health crisis in decades. When I saw these, I thought: 'oh that's pretty interesting, let's go and learn more' especially with that last one. So I go and I read some more articles and you know what, some of them are good, but the rest are complete bullshit. Generation Z is depressed because of smartphones Is technology ruining a generation? This new generation are depressed and it's because of their phones All of this, every single one of these titles, they are not right. If you want to know why we're so depressed, well here it is. Why Generation Z is so depressed: From a Gen Z kid All I ever hear about from almost every article I come across is technology. That because of it, we are isolating ourselves and we are becoming more and more depressed. This isn't necessarily wrong, but it isn't the whole answer. Yes, from personal experience, I isolate myself sometimes because I'm on my phone, but no. That's not the full picture. The only reason o get depressed while using this smartphone I'm writing this thing on is when I see all these news reports and articles about terrorists and mass gun shootings and hate crimes happening all around the world. I don't think I could tell you how long it's been since I've had a day without seeing some article where a girl got raped and people are blaming her for something or seeing some article on a man who killed his entire family and is on the run. These things, if you want to blame them for giving us this mental illness, all those older people have to remember that they are the ones writing those articles and posting them online. They're the ones making them easy for us to access and they are the ones handing us these smartphones. They want to blame us for own our mental issues that they started in the first place by giving these things to us at a young age. Sometimes it's not the kids fault, believe it or not, it's the adults. Okay, so now that I got that out of my system, let me tell you the reasons why our generation is so depressed (for real), coming from experience. Right now, we are right in the middle of a maybe-war. You have to be living under a rock to not know how close we are to a nuclear war with North Korea and how close we are to war with literally any country. The US isn't doing to well keeping the peace and as a result, terrorist attacks have gone up tremendously. Just knowing how close we are to that, it's scares me. Just thinking about it, I remember that if/when it happens, I'm going to become one of the soldiers drafted off to war. My friends, my family, my little brother, all of us are going to be the generation that will fight for you if you screw things up. My friends talk about this on a weekly basis and it always makes us feel so sad knowing we'd be the ones fighting and dying. Another reason, school. School has definitely evolved since other generations have graduated. Classes are harder, teachers are meaner, and more is expected from us. I go to a preparatory school which makes it worse because we're supposed to be the 'spoiled rich geniuses' but to be honest, everyone is seconds away from suicide at my school. In one of my classes, we had to write a short story and develop a character based on themselves with a specific flaw the teacher came up with. One of them happened to be depression. Do you know how many people picked that flaw and how many made their character commit suicide? Out of my eight friends, two of them made their character kill themself. Two people made themself commit suicide in their short story. If that's not enough to convince you the major role school plays in mental health, well I got so much more to tell you. Sleep is a big factor in mental health, correct, and insomniacs are much less mentally stable than the average person. The sleep a teen should be getting at least is nine hours, anything less than seven means they are extremely sleep deprived. The last three weeks of school, on average I slept five hours a night mostly because of the amount of homework I had. Nights I had an essay due, I slept three hours, tops. Three of I passed out from exhaustion(which has happened before). I will continue writing this out with more info soon, but for now I have to go. I haven't been sleeping well at all, it's either like I said, homework or because I'm a unique little shit, I get freaking nightmares all the time now. I still gotta try and sleep because I have to be up early and it's already really late so uh this is pt 1/?
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atomicgarbage-blog · 7 years
I could do my homework but then again, I could listen to a song that makes me feel empty inside as I stare at my ceiling laying on the floor wishing the black spiraling abyss would swallow me whole so I would never have to think ever again, so like, which one should I do.
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atomicgarbage-blog · 7 years
To the 11 followers I have
I hope you read the terms and conditions
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