amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
Dear Pro-Lifers,
I understand where you come from. Life is precious, I can see why you think of it as murder. But listen.
You are NOT this girl. You don’t know what she’s been through, her name, her age or anything. YOU don’t have to make the tough choices she does. YOU don’t have to face the reality that every single time you stare at that baby, a thousand horrible memories might come back. YOU don’t have to go into the orphanage this child might go into if she doesn’t do what you ask. YOU don’t have to suffer, to watch as people scream at  you for doing what you believed was the right choice. 
YOU don’t have to agree with the choice. But YOU can’t be the one that makes it. SHE is. This one person who feels so alone right now. The one called a MURDERER. The one who knows about abusive homes, street kids, full orphanages, the fact that her baby might be in pain for the rest of it’s life….
DO NOT make it harder than it has to be. 
This child does not live yet. It has no thoughts yet. It is not a person yet. If you want a child, that is your body, do with it as you will. But don’t push it onto her because she isn’t READY, isn’t STABLE, isn’t OKAY at the moment for this to happen WHATEVER THE REASON.
I have never made this choice. I hope I never have to. 
And I don’t think I’d get an abortion….I don’t agree with it. But I’m not going to deny the right to someone else because of that.
Please reblog this. I beg you.
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
it’s crazy that im alive to witness major effects of climate change. like it always seemed super vague and it was always ‘the polar bears won’t have anywhere to live’ but this shit is going to fuck everything up bigtime.
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
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Exciting news.
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
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Hey guys I just made this inspired on upcoming International Women’s Day and thought of sharing it with you all. Its size fits perfect in Instagram stories so feel free to upload, add text, stickers, filters, as you wish (if you want, you can give me credits by @ me, my IG username is chr_mtt)
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
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Found this on the Asexual ACES FB page and it seemed helpful since this can get confusing.
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
written by Matías Sacristán
translation by Chiara Mutti
Things aren’t as they were anymore, my friend isn’t who he used to be. Since he is dating that girl he got brainwashed. Now he’s following that shitty trend, “feminism”. Why did he have to fall for an angry feminazi who hates men?
As if it were not enough, he seems convinced of what he says, as if all those stupid-ass things were actually real. That girls don´t have the same rights as men, that compliments are –can you believe?– harassment! And that prostitution is exploitation. The same speech as always, the same I will never hear.
You try to compliment a girl and instead of thanking you, leftists and faggots dare to call you a harasser! I don’t have anything against gays, as long as they do not touch or stare at me, those deviant animals.
They complain about so-called men privilege and famous oppressive patriarchy, but then keep silent about free entrance to the nightclub. I pay the drinks for them and they still have the face of rejecting me!
They call us “privileged”, but they’re the ones who are not forced to do the military. They got something different, being a soldiers’ sex toy is much easier and fun. I hope to be a girl’s sex slave someday!
They even have their own day! We gift them cookware and other women things, and they still grumble about it! I heard men’s day was a few weeks ago, and no one considered it was important enough to even just congrat me. Maybe it’s because we don’t need any more appreciation than we already have…
Lately I’ve seen many girls go to Planned Parenthood clinics to get an abortion, why don’t you better close your legs? Take care, and if you let your vagina decide, now at least take some responsibility. Guys, don’t you feel uncomfortable when using condoms? I never use them, they are all too small for this real man cock. If the little bitch gets too insistent on the matter, I just wear a condom at the beginning and then just take it off.
They demand the legalization of abortion and ask for us to stop preying on them. Breast cancer produces real victims and I cannot see any of them working on that, at least from my bedroom window.
Don’t get me started about pronouns. If you have a dick, you’re a boy; if you have a vagina, you’re a girl; if you’ve got both, you’re an abomination so don’t bother looking for pronouns to fit you. They is plural, and my freedom of speech lets me call you as I fucking want, you moron.
Why do they think they have a say about sports? It’s a men thing! All they’ve mastered in is complaining, and if you’re a lucky man, cooking. So, I must explain them how they should strive and that there are issues way more worth fighting for; for example, protesting against vaccines.
Those annoying dykes take my streets naked and then demand we respect them. I still love watching at them like that when I jerk off. Yesterday, I met two naughty girls kissing under a street light and asked them politely whether I could join them, and they called the police! And then the violent one it’s me, right.
They whin so much about beauty canons that they’ve agreed on not fulfilling any. Anyway, I absolutely envy my friend. He pretends to be a libtard and fucks this Greek goddess.
As if it weren’t too much already, they do not wax their armpits off. What’s next? They don’t even have basic hygiene! They say they’re so proud of being women but end up looking like men.
So-called Me Too movement and wanting us not to murder them, but no one of them says that 90% of deaths are men. Neither do we reckon that we men kill each other mindlessly, while women are murdered mostly by men with whom they are close. Pay it no mind, that’s all bullshit. As fake as rape accusations.
They say they live in fear, apparently we are all potential rapists. Yes, it’s true that there are a few men who rape, but the majority of us would never abuse a beauty like my friend’s babygirl. Just in case, I always tell my sister to be careful about her dates, because the only thing guys want nowadays is to fuck.
They call me a misogynist, despite I support them when they want to have a work output by prostituting. I don’t understand what they’re so angry about, STDs and unwanted pregnancies are hazards of any occupation.
While I judge you by the way you dress or the number of people you’ve slept with, I got my friend in a woman-surrounded pedestal.
Now they want to impose their gender ideology: if I identify with a dinosaur, they have to respect and validate me. It’s not a made up term to discredit what I don’t want to grasp and promote hatred, of course, but the only sex education book children need is the Bible, then there’s the internet and porn. I learned that way and ended up like this. Amen.
We, men, who complain so much about women shouting and making noise: maybe if we started to listen to them, someday they’ll need to shout no more.
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amethyst-drakon2 · 5 years
Let them eat cake: on being Demisexual
by Cara Liebowitz
In 2015, I’m coming out as demisexual.
Okay, so technically, I came out last year on National Coming Out Day. But that was only on Facebook, so I’m saying it again: I’m demisexual.
What does that mean?
While asexual means that someone doesn’t feel sexual attraction at all, being demisexual means that I do not feel sexual attraction to a person unless there is a strong emotional connection.
The inevitable response is generally “But I don’t think that anyone has sex unless they’re emotionally connected to the other person!”
Putting aside for now the fact that one night stands would not be a thing if this were true (and there wouldn’t be so many songs written about taking home a stranger you met in a bar), being demisexual isn’t about the act of sex proper. It’s about sexual attraction and feelings.
Demisexuality is part of the asexual spectrum, which is itself part of a sexuality spectrum ranging from sexual to asexual, with a wibbly wobbly area in between (to steal a phrase from the Tenth Doctor).
Confused yet? Don’t worry, I’m confused just writing this. Let me illustrate.
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As you’ve probably already deduced, I fall somewhere in the wibbly wobbly area.
Many people who fall somewhere on the asexuality spectrum say that they’ve known all their lives that there was something “off” or “wrong” about them.
It wasn’t like that for me.
I got crushes on guys. I thought some guys were fairly good looking. I had my first kiss at the age of 13 because it seemed like the thing to do. I showed my breasts to a boyfriend at age 20 for similar reasons, not because it was something I particularly wanted to do. Nevertheless, I had a smattering of boyfriends — more than my other friends, in fact.
I assumed I was straight because I felt romantic attraction to guys. It had never dawned on me that romantic attraction and sexual attraction were different things, or that what I felt might be different from what other people felt.
Besides, I was busy trying to figure out my ever-changing disability identity. Someday, I figured, I’d surely want to have sex with someone.
It wasn’t until the tail end of college that I started suspecting that I might actually be different. I had a friend who would always complain that she was “soooo horny.” I felt confused, as I was pretty sure I’d never had the experience of being horny. Sex scenes in movies had always annoyed me.
I watched Sex and the City almost religiously, but for the gal-pal friendships that reminded me strongly of my relationships with my three best friends. I never really masturbated or felt an urge to check out what was happening “down there.”
I couldn’t understand what the big deal about sex was beyond the obvious baby-making process. It just wasn’t on my radar.
Frustrated, I turned to my friends in order to pin down what was so great about sticking a penis into a vagina and other forms of sex. Why was sex this huge thing that everyone wanted to talk about? Why were people willing to do almost anything for sex?
“It feels good!” they told me. Well, sure, I thought, but so does eating chocolate or taking a hot shower. It seemed to me that there was no way sex could feel that good.
Around that period, I was spending a lot of time on the microblogging site Tumblr.
Tumblr is often derisively referred to as the home of all the “social justice warriors,” and that’s exactly why I like it. Only on Tumblr can you find passionate and deep social justice conversation existing side by side (and sometimes simultaneously) with passionate and deep conversations around various fandoms, liberally interspersed with reaction gifs.
It was on Tumblr that I first stumbled across asexuality and all its variations. I followed the links all around the Internet, read up on asexuality, wandered around the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) website, and began to feel like that identity might fit me.
I especially appreciated the asexual in-joke of presenting cake to those in the community – because asexuals would rather have cake than sex. I’d take cake over sex every time!
Still, I felt uneasy. I didn’t want to appropriate other people’s identities, and it’s not as though a sexuality fairy would come from the sky to crown me as asexual. What if I wasn’t really asexual? What if I were just oblivious?
It had happened before with other things. I have a reputation for being somewhat oblivious and missing things that are (sometimes literally) right under my nose.
Then, one day, I came across this incredible essay on trying to figure out sexual attraction entitled “If You Can See The Invisible Elephant, Please Describe It.” It produced in me a feeling I recognized from reading certain pieces about disability – the feeling of “Yes! This is me!”
It was like a beautiful sunrise, and it was the closest I was getting to a sexuality fairy telling me how to identify. From that day forward, I began to identify as asexual.
About a year and a half ago, I met a wonderful man through a mutual friend. We bonded over our shared love of Doctor Who and, though I had just gotten out of a relationship and wasn’t looking for another, I found myself falling for him. And more than that, I realized I wanted to do more with him.
With him, I’ve gone further than I ever have before. He’s helped me to learn a lot about my body. I’ve figured out more of what I like sexually and what I don’t. I now understand a lot more what the “big deal” is about sex. It does feel good! While I still don’t plan on having “traditional” P-in-V sex any time soon, I’ve learned that there’s a lot more out there in the realm of sexual fun.
This doesn’t mean I’ve revoked my “ace” card, though.
I identify as demisexual because of the emotional connection I’ve had with my one and only sexual partner. I could also identify as gray-A, another common term for those who fall in the middle of the sexuality spectrum. I generally tell people I’m “asexual-ish,” both because it’s more understood than demisexuality and because I’m still not sure where on the spectrum I really lie.
Sex still isn’t really my thing. I see it the same way I see dessert: It’s a good thing when it happens, but it’s not something I would actively seek out.
Of course, this is a bad analogy when applied to me, because I’m one of those people who always wants dessert, but hopefully, you get what I mean. I would rather cuddle on the couch and watch Netflix any day than have sexy times, but if it happens, it happens, and I’m not opposed to it.
Coming out is a process, and I’m still wishing for that sexuality fairy to come down from the heavens. But with the support of other asexual people, I’m starting to feel more comfortable.
If you’re asexual, or any variations on it, feel free to share your experiences! The only way we’ll ever increase understanding is to speak out.
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