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isn’t it awful? how you can go from knowing someone so well. from having them finish your thoughts, being so excited to come home after a long day that all you can think about while you’re workings is about what cool new things you would tell them about when you get home...
how is it that you can have that relationship on the other side of the coin from where we are now?
So distant, a mind full of distaste and bitterness. So aloof, and yet nagging at me for lust. So cruel, and yet so attentive. 
You baffle me. 
Good riddance. 
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It has been said, today is the day.
To find a home for my heart to stay. 
Deep in the pages of a worn and withered book, 
my soul anew has found its nook.
A place to keep the dark at bay, 
where hope shall go to sleep and stay.
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“Cat in a cottage window” by Ralph Hedley (1848-1913)
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What is the weirdest thing you had to account for when building the perseverance rover?
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why are we here?
I wish someone could say with a definitive answer “this is why we were created and reside on this planet.” I have come to the conclusion that we are actually not here, this is something all going on in our heads. Our interactions with others, the lives we lead, and the choices we make are all an illusion. 
You are the universe incarnate, experiencing itself over and over again. We have struggles in our lives and we see and experience pain regularly, this is completely normal. Life is duality. Just like there is light in everyone and everything there is also darkness, such is the universe. 
Each lifetime we experience consciousness in a different form, our matter having been recycled to create new parts of our universe, our experience is never the same each time but it teaches us so much. The purpose of life is one often seeked out over a whole lifetime, which is never a waste, for the true reason we are here is to live. To experience. To understand. 
Each choice made in your lifetime was made with all of the information needed. You were meant to find out, to move, to never know. The knowledge that you sought that you never received would not have served you any differently. What happens happens. And what has happened has already happened one thousand times over. 
There is no mistake in your existence, or your lack thereof. There is purpose in each and every breath you take. There is hope in every step and stars in your eyes. We are a recycled mass of all that has ever existed and all that will ever exist. Do not resent the similarities you see within others that do or do not remind you of yourself. Every part that is them is also you, and every part that is you is also in them. Work together to find a balance of your energies. 
Know everyday when you rise that it is truly wonderful that you are experiencing yourself each day, that you are wonderful and cruel and so gorgeous. 
I guess that’s how I try to live. 
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my darling, don’t you know how loved you are?
Look for it in the night sky and the wind as it moves through the tree branches. 
Feel it in the timing of the rain on your window beats with the tears on your pillow.
The whole world around you feels your sorrow,
And they do love you.
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✨🌿🕊 I do enough. I have enough. I am enough. I receive what my heart desires if it is meant for me. If not, something better is coming my way 🕊🌿✨
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Picked some wildflowers today ✨
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