adhddbt · 14 hours
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adhddbt · 15 days
Don't explain it to me like I'm five... or twelve. Explain it to me like I'm a grown, college educated, highly literate adult. But if you can't explain it as if you are, then don't fucking bother.
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adhddbt · 22 days
just curious as they're always things i've never questioned just doing but people in my life are often surprised that i don't mind doing them alone
🔁 pls reblog for sample size
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adhddbt · 1 month
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adhddbt · 2 months
Being in tumblr is really nauseating right now. It could be the flu I'm shaking off, but I dunno...
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adhddbt · 2 months
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What about a union for neuro-divergent/diverse/atypical folks, the primary members being on the au-spectrum and/or with ADHD. The union helps us find proper treatment, with divergent-friendly providers.
More importantly, members can access peer support services. You would be paired up with someone who's diagnosis or experience is at least partly similar to yours. Peer Support/Wellness Specialists are funded multiple ways. Medicaid covers this service for clients with major depression, generalized anxiety, debilitating bipolar disorder, ADHD with depressive features or anxiety, and schizophrenia/ schizoaffective disorder. For now, ADHD isn't enough by itself to qualify for Medicare coverage. So, we'll also have support specialists volunteering from time to time. And as possible we'll receive donations for scholarships. We'll run ongoing workshops about anything we can think of to do with neurodiversity. "Diversity University."
We won't turn anyone away, but we gotta use a waiting list from time to time.
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adhddbt · 2 months
Gain power through dreams...
This isn't specific to ADHD. So, FWIW, I have recently come to believe in the power of dreams. They of course represent much of our waking emotional reality, especially the stuff we can't (or refuse to) go around expressing all the time. This is very often anxiety and powerlessness. Well, OK, for me, anyway. My guess is that my brain wants to help me process enough anxiety that I don't have to deal with it so much IRL. I believe that feelings of powerlessness are handled for different reasons. My brain decided to partition or compartmentalize those feelings so they don't interfere as much with my daily life. "That's just my dream self," some part of my ego says. In a sense, it's true. But more accurately, the appropriate feelings of powerlessness are prevented from taking over the rest of my life, which would likely ruin my life. This is all subtly different from the anxiety processing. But the more I recall dreams like this, the more troubling they are at first. But often (not always) I realize that the unrecalled dream had been bothering me under the surface until recalled later in the morning or afternoon. It's a strange relief.
To summarize part of that, it's best that our unconscious mind either process feelings and memory garbage without bothering the conscious mind, or to more fully expose it. The far lesser outcome is for it to get lodged somewhere in between, usually called the pre-conscious, where it bugs us like a stubborn pimple. The body ought to fight it off so that it recedes without further incident, or that it fully erupt in order to begin healing.
I'll be more specific: A few months ago, I was bugged by my dreams. Not uncommon. It came up with a coworker, who proceeded to tell me about how lack of control in dreams might represent the same in real life. No symbolism. And it wouldn't resolve within my dreams without doing something. Either find ways to take more charge in real life, or take charge within my dreams. Ideally both. There is a cycle between our waking lives and dreamtime. Our terrestrial lives contribute all the material for dreams: emotions, memories/ sensory data, our connections/ disconnections/ misconnections with others... Our dreaming minds attempt, usually very sloppily I must say, to process it with what scant time we have while in REM sleep. There is a glaring lack of intention in dreams, mine anyway. (I'm starting to feel that my issues are not so universal.)
I'm thinking that the usual function of dreams to process or protect has reached a very unfortunate limit when it comes to taking charge of certain things in my life. Power is one word. Agency is a good one. "Mastery" describes it best for me.
First, I set my intention to take charge more in both my waking life and in my dreaming.
Second, I visualize, I daydream even, anything I can think of that I want in life: realistic or not. Perhaps narrowing in on the more possible, with some implausible kept in for good measure. Dreams of this kind aren't all necessarily achievable. That opening, I believe, is valuable.
Review these from time to time. Intentions are of critical value. It's the connection between wants and desires and realizing them in life. Our desires often feel out of reach, beyond our abilities, insurmountable, unrealistic in life. We keep feeling powerless. We give up on a lot that is achievable, especially the difficult stuff, which is the most rewarding... so, fuck.
Our negative beliefs do limit us. We think we're just being realistic in order to focus on what's most practical, to get down to business. We assume we're then set for the best possible success. How much of this comes from others' negative influence? We can't actually dissect all of that to figure out where each little line is drawn. Nor could we make a detailed plan sufficient to focus precisely on what we can achieve so that we only leave out west is truly impossible.
No. Visualize. Daydreaming was dismissed by "the authorities" to get us to "grow up." But a useful tool was and continues to be thrown away.
The more we picture our desires and think of them as art least possibly attainable, the more our conscious, preconscious, and unconscious mund(s) include them in our active thinking and dreaming. They become more tangible to our minds. Both our deliberate and less deliberate thinking and behavior will find ways to focus on these things in more practical terms. Things we put off for years come to the fore in our lives, present.
Taking more agency in our dreams translates to the same IRL. Focusing IRL on what we want, instead of only what we think we can get, gives us at least some positive focus while dreaming.
So we can replace some of our negativity with positivity. It's not magic.
Our psychology, our unconscious thoughts, myths, and feelings have far more control over our lives than we realize. And our lack of control over these takes away control over parts of our lives.
We can adjust, alter, our internal messaging. We can increase confidence, self-esteem, we can overcome some or much of the negative messages we absorbed throughout our childhood and adult lives.
We can master our lives.
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Pic not necessarily related.
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adhddbt · 2 months
5 simple exercises to awaken dormant muscles
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adhddbt · 3 months
... another day of opportunities
... to have a positive effect on this world.
... the opportunies for continued success in my work.
... my achievements so far.
... the skills granted me through a difficult life.
... and all the other silver linings.
... my friends, near and far.
... food in my fridge.
... my increased focus and momentum.
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adhddbt · 3 months
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I honestly want, like, a corkboard, whiteboard, blackboard, world map, map of the US, and a map of the moon. And then add post-it notes, magazine and newspaper clippings, and all the usual detective/ conspiracy theory looking stuff. IDK what my topics or themes would be, but
Maybe I'd just look at them once in a while to like, situate myself.
I know I'd end up leaving the corkboard a mess, but it could be an exercise in letting go of paper and moving on to whatever subject I'm focusing on in the present.
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adhddbt · 3 months
Same. Things are constantly nearly falling apart. Gotta sort out storage and empty it get new smaller storage, move what's left, change phone plans+get new phones, change the air filter, catch up on 3 or 4 loads of laundry, call the vet, catch up on organizing all my laundry and adding shelves or some shit. Replace the bathroom fans, one is heated. Shop for better underwear. Shop for replacement earbud tips. Shop for a mattress. Maybe get a rain coat. Shop for a hoodie to make up for the two or three that I'm about to retire. Write a brand new cover letter from scratch. (Now I see how people get stuck at the same job for way too long. Also, I adore my coworkers and clients, damnit. Anyway.) Clean up the dining table and coffee table. Clean up my studio space, scorched-earth style. Remove the dead Suzuki from the garage. Prep the garage as more studio space w/ simple woodworking capacity. Buy one or two pieces of medium size hardware. Buy wood and masonite or whatever. Reorganize all the art materials I've been collecting and storing for months. More prep, and more prep. Get distracted and still not start for a few months. Spend a few months on-and-off working on a few paintings. Stall out after getting about 70% done. Put in 30 min every week or two. Two months later, @79% done, then two months later, nothing. One month later, @ 81% done. Three months, >1%. Four months, nothing. Then some shit will happen, and I'll have to set aside all the materials and it'll be a mess. I'll move on to a totally different focus or my (new?) job will drain all my energy for a few months. Then start most of that all over again in a slightly different form.
[on the verge of having a complete breakdown] i need to make some kind of list or perhaps sort things into categories
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adhddbt · 3 months
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adhddbt · 3 months
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IDK if this is useful to anyone, but... So I've got this text thread with a few friends from way back. There are often too many to keep up with daily, weekly, ever. So what I've been doing is waiting until the unread texts reach a certain number to open the thread. Then I skim through it as much as I can deal with. It's... good so far. I've done this for nearly a couple months. Oh, the number I picked is 100. I'm about to reach 100 for the third time.
Is that right? ~280 texts over ~60 days is 4 or 5 per day. Yeah, it varies between zero and ten, occasionally maybe 15.
One dude is particularly verbose and often doesn't really absorb or reply to what we send. It's this whole thing. I'm pretty good at causality diagnosing folks mental health issues. He's been probably the most difficult for me to Dx, ever. (I'm not a clinician, but I'm confident in my gathered knowledge.) But I've formed the hypothesis that he's schizoaffective and has autistic traits. It's difficult to talk to him in person, on the phone, or over text. I wish he'd reply to email more. I think that'd work much better. But nobody likes conversing over email anyhow.
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adhddbt · 4 months
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adhddbt · 4 months
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Memento (1999) is a thinly veiled allegory for living/surviving with neuro-divergence.
You see, I have this condition.
If I stand here too long, I'll forget what we're taking about.
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adhddbt · 5 months
Thank you for saying so. I've got a long way to go before- I dunno, I feel like I've caught up w/ life? Which I've never felt anyway. But now I'm not so tolerant of it. I'm kind of... demanding for once, not putting up with life being bullshit. I'm not being "ruthless." Just more assertive. Not letting things slide like before. Not everybody likes this, but both boundaries and accountability are big for me. I don't have a "code" exactly that I live by, I'm just a little more fearless than before, while still trying to maintain enough tact.
Anyhow, this year I got a job, and we got a dog. I think both are turning out pretty great. This is the most I've been working per week and per month since I don't know when, far before 2020. I love work. It doesn't even pay a whole lot. But anyway, our dog is very cool and friendly and likes to play with the other doggies. Getting kinda bratty again at 7-8 months. But still so nice...
I'm trying to make time for friends, though work (still not full time. I honestly wish I could!), fatigue, and all the household stuff get in the way. I've got just about no time for art, though I've eked out some little personal art... things while at work. That sounds so dope, right, make even a little art at work? OK, it is kinda. I could probably fit in more, carefully. There's a lot more I could attempt at work: extra things I could probably accomplish with focus, follow-through, and persistence- above and beyond my duties. Because I'm tired of the barely-more-than adequate status quo of some things.
Focus, follow-through, and persistence have never been my thing. Well, a kind of selective focus away from the big picture... :/
Well, I've gotta put this in the Q and either go back to sleep or, I dunno, do laundry? Have some wine and ambien? (That's probably a no-no, everybody!) Bybye.
still proud of you even if you didn’t get as much done in 2023 as you’d hope. you still survived the year, and that’s huge.
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adhddbt · 5 months
I cannot fight for my health and fight the world at the same f**king time.
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