adam-sadmon · 3 hours
Aight, possible hot-take: calling an ace-person 'asexual but not by choice' or any variations on that theme as an insult isn't just a regular insult, that's infact acephobia.
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adam-sadmon · 1 day
I genuinely fucking hate it when I'm watching a YouTuber or Twitch streamer and their ambient or outdro music is P5 music (99% of the time it's the rainy day version of Beneath the Mask), not because I'm gatekeeping or because I'm sick of it but because that music produces such a visceral emotional reaction in me making me think of P5 and how much it means to me that its like getting hit by a truck out of nowhere while I'm just watching some dumbass play Overwatch.
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adam-sadmon · 3 days
So anybody know of a good Thrawn reading/watching list? I picked up the first (and as I found out, only) volume of uos 2018 comic run and really enjoyed it only to find out that it seemingly never continued, but there's Thrawn: Alliances, which as far as I'm aware doesn't have Eli in it, and the Trilogy.
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adam-sadmon · 14 days
Man I do not know what happened but seeing Venture, a shaggy haired, dirt covered, rock-munching gremlin with a chipped tooth, bad-man flame tattoos who snort-laughs and whose sole skin on display is their goofy ass face and being ludicrously attracted to them, I get the feeling my taste has been eroded by the sands of time.
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adam-sadmon · 14 days
I'm starting to rethink my asexuality.
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The silly!! I love them!!!
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adam-sadmon · 16 days
If Respawn ever want to address the issue of Wraith's competitively small hitbox they should pull a Revenant Reborn, with a season's worth of cinematics culminating in a scene where Wraith strays too close to a black whole and warped, resulting in her being a whole foot taller. Nothing else.
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adam-sadmon · 16 days
So I really appreciate the difference in how Ash is animated in Apex as compared to Titanfall 2. In Titanfall she's, ya know, robotic in her movements, every move is purposeful, janky, her arms jut out when motioning, there's a dropship cutscene where she meditates and watching her stand up is akin to watching a transformer change shape. Ash by this point is just Ash, a ruthless, cold machine mind.
Compare that to Apex where her now awakened human consciousness that has been dormant and fighting to escape is vying for control over their body, and mainly losing. Still we see a lot more humanity in her movements. While she is still very disciplined and calculating in her movements she's more fluid. She wipes blood on Mirage's cheek in her trailer, she interacts with some level of empathy to her newfound mouse (plague be upon ye), and she has a...noticeable hip sway.
Its a good visual means of portraying the inner dichotomy within her, Ash and Ashleigh, robot and human, strong as steel and weak as flesh.
Compare that to Apex
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adam-sadmon · 26 days
God I think I was genuinely depressed for a good week after first hearing Red:Birthmark, like it'd just pop into my head and immediately I'd want to ugly cry. In the nicest possible way of course.
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adam-sadmon · 1 month
You can tell Baldur's Gate 3 was made be true D&D fans by the fact that any character you create will naturally gravitate to the fruitiest design possible.
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This is my Half-Elf Wild Magic Barbarian who after growing up being unaccepted by humans or elves is in his emo phase.
"Evermeet, my home, after what I've done I can never return to my ancestral seat...seriously if Mom sees these tattoos she's gonna fucking kill me"
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adam-sadmon · 1 month
I really am genuinely glad Overwatch has got its first genderqueer character. Was even more glad when Apex at launch had a genderqueer character 5 years ago, but I mean Apex is a good game, different standards ya know.
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adam-sadmon · 1 month
So I'm getting close to being able to unlock another Legend in Apex and while I'm sorta iffy on her as a character (I have opinions on Wicca that are probably left away from this hellsite) I'm tempted to get Catalyst solely because I've seen how a trans woman's mere existence turns your average Apex player into a frothing animal and really want to dunk on them with her.
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adam-sadmon · 2 months
So I think my current pet peeve are those 'epic orchestral' versions of videogame songs where all they do is add some violins, a choir and some basic bitch, Inception BWAAAAAAMS and drums to a song, and what it does to songs like Godskin Apostles that already has violins and a choir is make it marketably worse.
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adam-sadmon · 2 months
So I'll preface this by saying that I have basically 0 interest in playing Shadow of the Erdtree but having watched the trailer I adore Messmer's design, he looks VERY Elric-y
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adam-sadmon · 3 months
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They um. Uh. i uh.
ya I dont know why i made this lol
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Relax guys, they were just playing pretend!... i think
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adam-sadmon · 3 months
Hi! This is in response to your post about persona 3! I haven't had a chance to play the p3 remake yet, so im not sure if they've changed anything in the story. P3 is definitely darker overall and does have moments that haven't aged super great (in the original game at least). From what I remember there isn't quite as much homophobia as p4 since there aren't any cannon queer characters. But it's less reflective on society and more focused on internal conflict, so I don't think it feels like too much of a step back from p5 in that regard. It's definitely not as lighthearted as p4 and p5, but two of my friends have said that p3 is their favorite in the series. Hope this helps!
Thanks so much for the reply, I feel like I'll probably enjoy it so long as the character-to-character stuff is solid, plus much as I enjoy P5 I'm more than accustomed to more dread inducing stories, hell some of my favourite aspects of P5 are said dread inducing moments.
Honestly, and maybe a replay of P4 is in order because I feel like I'm way harder on it than it probably deserves, but whereas I adore P5 for having great central themes and commentary as WELL as great depth of character and interactions between said characters P4 had neither, on reflection out of the Investigation Team I genuinely only really remember liking Chie, Kanji and Rise, and that's before I reached Rise's booooootched S Link ending. Admittedly I only played it once so didn't get to see any of Naoto's S Link so who knows.
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adam-sadmon · 3 months
So anyone know if I'll like P3 if I obviously adore P5 and was ehhhhhh on P4.
Mind you it's been some time since I've played P4 and having played 5 first the comparisons throughout didn't help, but there's a lot of stuff in 4 that reeeeeally hasn't aged well that I'm sort of afraid of running into in 3.
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adam-sadmon · 3 months
So I recently picked up Dragon's Crown Pro and nowhere is it better exemplified how the oversexualisation of female characters ironically leads to way more interesting designs than their male counterparts. The Amazon, Sorceress and Elf ooze personality despite basically being mute whereas I refuse to play Fighter or Wizard because they look so lame, the exception of course being the glorious Dwarf.
All that said I wonder if its just an issue with the Fighter and Wizard, because characters like Lucain, the beggar and the monk will have very characterful designs.
Ain't got that amount of ass thOUGH GOTT DAMN
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