wellnessia · 11 months
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
When to See a Doctor and How to Lower It Naturally
It is important to know the symptoms of high blood pressure and when to see a doctor for treatment. High blood pressure is often called a "silent killer" because the symptoms of high blood pressure are usually no symptoms at all, even if blood pressure readings reach dangerously high levels read further
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wellnessia · 1 year
Workout Anytime: The Benefits of a Stress-Free Workout
In today's fast-paced world, it's important to find ways to manage stress effectively. One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is through exercise, but finding time and motivation to work out anytime can be challenging. Read Further:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Wholesome Choice Matters: Perks of Eating Well & Mindfulness
Wholesome choice matters. What does that mean, you ask? Well, it means that the choices we make every day about what we eat and how we live have a huge impact on our health, happiness, and well-being. Read Further
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wellnessia · 1 year
Okra Water: Surprising Health Benefits You Need to Know About
Okra is a green vegetable that is popular in many cuisines around the world. The scientific name of okra is Abelmoschus esculentus.It has a slimy texture and a mild flavour that can complement various dishes. But did you know that okra can also be used to make a healthy drink? Read Further
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wellnessia · 1 year
Family Bullying: 5 Indicators,Strategies,Effects & Prevention
Family bullying is a pattern of aggressive behaviour where one or more family members engage in the emotional, physical or psychological abuse of another family member. Bullying is not just confined to the schoolyard or workplace. It can even occur within a family setting, with devastating consequences.Read Further:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Debilitating Disease:Understanding Its Lifestyle Modifications
Diabetes is a debilitating disease that affects millions of people around the world. It is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood, which can lead to numerous complications. In order to manage this condition effectively, it is crucial for individuals with diabetes to make significant lifestyle modifications.Read Further:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Debilitating Disease:Exploring The Medical Management.
Debilitating disease refers to a wide range of disorders that have a severe impact on a person's physical and mental health which leads to significant impairment to an individual's ability to carry out their day-to-day activities, making it difficult for them to lead a normal life.Patients often experience progressive symptoms, which can lead to disability, chronic pain, and loss of independence.Diabetes type 2 is a debilitating disease read further:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Debilitating Disease: Recognizing The Signs and Symptoms
A debilitating disease implies any illness or medical condition where either physical or mental health is affected which might weaken body and brain functioning over time.In this article I have pin pointed diabetes type 2 as one of the debilitating disease detailing its definition,symptoms and diagnosis. Read More:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Garden Works: A Creative and Therapeutic Hobby for All Ages
Gardening or garden works is not just a form of exercise or a way to beautify your surroundings, but it’s also an excellent creative and therapeutic hobby for individuals of all ages. It allows children to learn about nature and the environment, cultivate their curiosity, and develop new skills while spending quality time with their parents or grandparents. It has been proven and documented in many studies that garden works offers numerous benefits to the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of individuals. Read Further:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Wellness Journal:10 Benefits for Achieving Holistic Health
WELLNESS JOURNAL is a personal record of your thoughts, feelings, goals, and actions related to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. A wellness journal is a powerful tool that can help you improve your overall well-being and achieve your health goals.  It can help you track your progress, celebrate your achievements, reflect on your challenges, and learn from your experiences.Read further:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Sleep Meditation To Improve Overall Health and Well-Being
Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health, but many people struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep at night.Stress, anxiety, and worry are some of the common causes of insomnia and sleep problems. Fortunately, there is a natural and effective way to improve your sleep quality and quantity,that is "sleep meditation" read more:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Ice Pack: 10 Therapeutic Uses Never Heard Before
Ice packs have long been used as a therapeutic tool for relieving pain and reducing inflammation.They are commonly used to help manage injuries,such as sprains and strains, and to reduce swelling after surgery. However, there are many other therapeutic uses of ice packs that you may not have heard of before. In this article, we’ll explore some of these lesser-known uses.Read here:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Dont Worry Be Happy Mindset: Overcoming Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are common problems that many people face in their daily lives. They can affect your mood, your health, your productivity, and your relationships. But what if you could learn to cope with them better and adopt a more positive outlook on life? What if you could develop a "dont worry be happy" mindset read more:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Love to Dream: What Happens To Your Brain When You Sleep
Do you love to dream? Do you often wonder what your dreams mean? Do you wish you could remember them better? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this blog post is for you!
Dreaming is one of the most fascinating and mysterious aspects of human experience read more:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Olive Green olives: Health Benefits in your Diet
Olive green olives is not just a colour, but also a type of fruit that can offer many health benefits for your body. Olive green is the colour of unripe olives, which are harvested before they turn black or purple. They are usually harvested when they are green and unripe,read more:
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wellnessia · 1 year
Nourishing Nature Benefits For Health And Well-Being
God gifted humankind a nourishing,magnificent and irreplaceable nature and its scintillating beauty nourishes our soul. The renowned English poet, John Keats, said- “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” which is what all nature lovers feel whenever we hold exquisite flowers or nature walk or sun bathe on a cold day. Spending some time out in the nature provides an inexplicable,nourishing sense of tranquil awareness.Read More:
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wellnessia · 1 year
When Life Gives You Lemons: Tips for Staying Positive
Life can be unpredictable and challenging at times, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and defeated. We all face challenges and difficulties in life. Sometimes, it can feel like everything is going wrong and we don't have any control over our circumstances. It can be easy to fall into a negative mindset and lose hope for the future.But what if we could turn our lemons into lemonade? read more:
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