tothestarstothenight · 8 months
does taking medication with heat intolerance as a side effect make already exiating heat intolerance worse? about to start an antidepressant that causes that, and we have horrible heat intolerance already that is making our depression worse. But we really want to try it because the depression is terrible.
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
we hate talking to more than 1 person at a time. we have always been ignored in groups, as a kid at family meetings nobody would interact with us. now as an adult, every voice call we've been in people ignore and talk over us. we will literally say or try to say something and be ignored and talked over. But not the other people. Our mom says it's cause we wait for our turn to talk. Is that really it, it feels like our existence is just ignorable. Insignificant. Ppl only talk to us if there is nobody else to talk to. Maybe it's better to be alone. At least the ppl in our head will listen.
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
xenogender catbys that dye their fur unnatural colors (would be us)
if were all catpeople there would be trans catboy forums devoted to how to dye over calico markings so you can pass better and another group of trans catboys who insisted that the only way to deal with it is to normalize catboys having calico markings. the discourse would be insane
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
<22 no problem! glad you learned as well :D. no problem not responding, we also delayed lol. reffering to us as you is totally fine! thanks for asking
Someone helped me learn several different aspec identities that I have never heard before and get even less representation than arospec and acespec identities. Here is what i learned:
Annatractional- feels no atraction whatsoever
Aphysical-complete lack of physical attraction
-Asexual- Lack of sexual attraction
-Ansthetic- Lack of aesthetic attraction
-Ansenseual-Lack of sensual attraction
Aemotional-Lack of emotional attraction
-aromantic- Lack of romantic attraction
-nonalterous-Lack of desire for emotional closeness
-alplatonic- Lack of platonic attraction
Atertiary(considered offensive to some, people have suggested eriattraction instead)-A term used to describe a lack of several different types of attraction besides the attractions in the physical and emotional categories.
It is a spectrum so some people may still feel some of these despite identitfying as them. These are labels some people use to feel comfortable with with who they are and push the stereotype of what love should be or that love is above all and also for reasons thay are personal and unique to them. These labels are important to people and should be respected. Because it's who they are. I hope one day there will be stories that can use all these different unique ways of being. I hope expectations of attraction will be teared down and everyone can just be who they are. But for now lets spread awareness. Society is rigid and does not care. Lets change this for everyone to be thier unique selves.
( I may have got some things wrong so please do not hesitate to correct me)(I am new to a lot of this and have never heard of most of these until recently).
Source(given to me by @tothestarstothenight):
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
would love a post like this for donation/fundraising posts, as somebody who can't donate to anybody and who sees them very often they make us feel bad, but not sure if it's possible because people will do so many variations of censoring on their posts like censoring paypal or donation in ao many ways you can't filter them all, (seen tjings like p*ypal, p@ypal, p@yp@l, ppal, p*yp*l, payp4l) like we wish we could help but it's not feesable. And if we reblogged them, we already don't reblog like everything else so if we chose to just reblog these posts that would be like all of our blog posts which we use private reblogs for important resources, instead of being able to find those it would just remind us of how we can't help. Idk if we have ocd or not but we definitely get anxious over feeling like a bad/evil person from them.
avoiding ocd unsafe posts on tumblr
so i've been experimenting a while with filtering phrases, and here is a list i've come up with that i use to get posts that trigger my ocd / have compulsive language off my dash! this ends up taking out about 95% of these posts. i'm sharing it here so anyone who also wants to blacklist this stuff can as well.
it is helpful to me as someone with ocd to blacklist these phrases and makes tumblr much more accessible, so i hope it can also help others with ocd and similar mental illnesses (or people who just find this stuff aggravating)
phrases to blacklist that are usually used in compulsive statements related to tumblr actions:
asking for reblog
follows > likes
hit that reblog
ignore for
i know you see this
keep reblogging
must reblog
obligated to reblog
obligated to vote
people can reblog
people reblog
please rb
please reblog
please share
rb after voting
rb for
rb if u vote
rb if you vote
rbs > likes
rb this
reblog after voting
reblog bait (people use this one as a trigger tag, so this one is better under filtered tags instead of filtered post content)
reblog for (this one tends to catch a lot of non-compulsive posts, but leaving it out allows a lot of compulsive posts onto the dash, so it's a tossup if you want to include it)
reblog for exposure
reblog if u vote
reblog if you vote
reblog it every time
reblogs > likes
reblog this
remember to reblog
required by law to
sample size
you will reblog
just filtering the word "reblog" will also work as a catchall for most of these, but will also catch a lot of non-compulsive posts, so this list is meant to minimize that effect.
how to blacklist post content
on desktop/web: settings > account > filtered post content (should be right under filtered tags), at this url
on mobile/app: settings > account settings > content you see > filtered post content (again will be right under filtered tags)
how you can make tumblr more accessible for people with ocd and similar mental illnesses
tag posts with compulsive statements as "#reblog bait"
avoid using compulsive statements in posts - according to polls, this makes people less likely to reblog anyway! (poll 1) (poll 2)
if you are able to, avoiding sharing posts with aggressively compulsive statements would help. for example, those "reblog for good luck ignore and you'll never have good luck again" type posts, or things with "rules". i saw a lighthearted tournament with "From now on, if you see a matchup post - even accidentally - you are immediately morally obligated to vote one way or the other. Refusing to vote is strictly forbidden" in the pinned post. this is an example of an ocd unsafe statement. (op of that poll is not malicious though and removed that when told it was inaccessible).
avoid implying that reblogging, following, voting, etc or not doing so carries a moral value.
while reblogging a post may be very small stakes in itself, things like this can trigger compulsions that spiral into more than just reblogging a post. this is why this stuff is important even if it's small-stakes by itself.
you are under no obligation to share this.
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
cool 1st person pronouns
thank you!
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
omg it let us report it this time, no idea why but the report option will randomly vanish and reappear later. have reported it for offensive content
does anybody else get extremely disturbing ads on tumblr? like we don't even want to describe this but there's like an ad with a disturbing photo of a child from a crime scene and like we can't get rid of it, can't report it, can't hide it, can't block it. Wtf tumblr
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
does anybody else get extremely disturbing ads on tumblr? like we don't even want to describe this but there's like an ad with a disturbing photo of a child from a crime scene and like we can't get rid of it, can't report it, can't hide it, can't block it. Wtf tumblr
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
yearning to be able to leave the house and go outside, we literally have chickens next to our house that we can see but it's too hot to leave, it makes us suck in a matter of minutes, and the only way to cool down is by taking a bath, and our bath tub is too tiny to bath in without pain. It's soul crushing to know the only time we'll be able to go outside is during winter, not even fall as it will still be too hot. Every year, only one season where we are free to leave the tiny house we live in. We wanted to travel as a kid, watching so many things showcase the beauty of the world. Now as an adult knowing it is out of reach. And as climate change makes it hotter, who knows if winter will remain accessible for the rest of our lifespan, for all we know it could get too hot in the winter eventually. We can only spectate the outside world for most our life. Depressing
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
love your post, thank your for spreading awareness of the lesser known aspec identifies, we are fully anattractional, although that doesn't mean we lack an orientation if anybody was curious, we are also gay/omni/queer (with no add on of -sexual/romantic) and also feel love in a way that's completely seperated from what people typically consider love to be. like we love in that people make us happy, like how things can make you happy (loving a plushie or loving to draw, loving food and music, loving laughter) but it has nothing to do with attraction for us.
just thought we'd share a bit of our experience
Someone helped me learn several different aspec identities that I have never heard before and get even less representation than arospec and acespec identities. Here is what i learned:
Annatractional- feels no atraction whatsoever
Aphysical-complete lack of physical attraction
-Asexual- Lack of sexual attraction
-Ansthetic- Lack of aesthetic attraction
-Ansenseual-Lack of sensual attraction
Aemotional-Lack of emotional attraction
-aromantic- Lack of romantic attraction
-nonalterous-Lack of desire for emotional closeness
-alplatonic- Lack of platonic attraction
Atertiary(considered offensive to some, people have suggested eriattraction instead)-A term used to describe a lack of several different types of attraction besides the attractions in the physical and emotional categories.
It is a spectrum so some people may still feel some of these despite identitfying as them. These are labels some people use to feel comfortable with with who they are and push the stereotype of what love should be or that love is above all and also for reasons thay are personal and unique to them. These labels are important to people and should be respected. Because it's who they are. I hope one day there will be stories that can use all these different unique ways of being. I hope expectations of attraction will be teared down and everyone can just be who they are. But for now lets spread awareness. Society is rigid and does not care. Lets change this for everyone to be thier unique selves.
( I may have got some things wrong so please do not hesitate to correct me)(I am new to a lot of this and have never heard of most of these until recently).
Source(given to me by @tothestarstothenight):
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
thanks, we do search by spefific tags but like to see more aspec identities outside of one spefific tag, especially ones that aren't well known, we will use these terms now. ^^
we wish there was a popular term for aspecs that aren't arospec or acespec, cause if we search aspec 90% of everything is for arospecs & acespecs, including posts that are amisic to non aro/ace-specs
we should have a community term we can search by for us specifically.
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
we wish there was a popular term for aspecs that aren't arospec or acespec, cause if we search aspec 90% of everything is for arospecs & acespecs, including posts that are amisic to non aro/ace-specs
we should have a community term we can search by for us specifically.
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tothestarstothenight · 8 months
it really hurts when we go to find stuff about our health and find ppl being abliest asses
was looking up a tooth issue, and of course one of the topresults was from reddit(negative) about some dude asking how to tell his gf that her teeth aren't clean, and ppl saying shit like "that's a red flag, breakup" and yea we could ignore it but it didn't show the full title till we clicked on it, and by then we already saw the hurtful comments. It fucking hurts, we haven't brushed our teeth literally in years and apparently that makes ppl hate us. it's so fucking terrible, and ppl like this r everywhere. Existing as a disabled person in this world is shit.
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tothestarstothenight · 9 months
we r so depressed, forced to move to a place that's miserable to live in. our depression has only gotten worse. people told us we would be happier, but we aren't. We don't want to live.
we have no one we can talk about it with, it's suffocating.
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tothestarstothenight · 9 months
us proceeding to play on the pony town safe server with our pride ponies as kids celebrate being queer with their own pride ponies :)
we were having a conversation with our mom about queer stuff, till we walked into a store and she stopped us saying "not to talk about this around kids" like for fucks sake. Fuck her. We weren't talking about anything sexual. We got mad at her and aren't talking to her, and she brings up how "she doesn't like to talk about sexual stuff around kids" and we say "we won't talk about it then" and and angry "no" at her about her behavior, and she acts like as if we're a kid saying something dumb, like she's in the right. Fuck you, you're the child here, acting like queerness is too mature to talk about in a public space. We sure do feel supported when she tells us she supports us then says that shit. She also while in the car said racist shit, god damn it. We hate her.
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tothestarstothenight · 9 months
we were having a conversation with our mom about queer stuff, till we walked into a store and she stopped us saying "not to talk about this around kids" like for fucks sake. Fuck her. We weren't talking about anything sexual. We got mad at her and aren't talking to her, and she brings up how "she doesn't like to talk about sexual stuff around kids" and we say "we won't talk about it then" and and angry "no" at her about her behavior, and she acts like as if we're a kid saying something dumb, like she's in the right. Fuck you, you're the child here, acting like queerness is too mature to talk about in a public space. We sure do feel supported when she tells us she supports us then says that shit. She also while in the car said racist shit, god damn it. We hate her.
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tothestarstothenight · 9 months
us browsing tags that have bigots show up in them, and feeling compared to a bigot cause people love to tell bigots this stuff. Us not being able to partake in the outside world due to disability most of the time does not make us have those views, it does not make us bigots because we haven't 'gone outside'. the reason these people are bigots likely does not only come from not interacting irl, and we would bet that most of these people do go outside and interact with people, yet they are still bigots.
can we not compare actual shitty people getting their beliefs from a lack of 'irl experience' when they're are housebound and bedbound folk. The most frustrating is seeing people do this on conversations about abliesm, like how do you not realize the implications of those phrases are abliest? Would think we would be safe from that stuff in our community, but guess not.
exploding the terms chronically online, go outside, & touch grass
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