Fourth Wing + Iron Flame
Professor Devera is a real one and underrated af. Not only did she try to expose the Wyvern and Venin but Chapter 26, she signalled to Violet that Xaden was the one who got hurt in one of the simplest and random ways knowing that Violet would pick up because she’s just so smart.
I had to highlight that part because I just loved it.
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What I reposted instead of writing…
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What i made instead of writing.....
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UNPOPULAR OPINION: As I scroll through tiktok, I am puzzled and confused by all the hate Jaden and Stassie are getting. First, they both look happy and Jaden is healthier so obviously she’s someone good for him. Two, their age gap is literally 4 years and even if it was more, I don’t see how that would be a ‘problem’ if they’re both legally adults.
I really don’t understand people but oh well, they’re a cute couple and I hope they stay together for the long game.
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As I reread EOS by Sarah J Maas, I’ve come to the conclusion that Fenrys Moonbeam is somehow distantly related to Rhysand of the Night court and it’s all based of a three things I’ve just realized.
After the battle at sea where Deanna almost takes over Aelin, they talk about his magic and how he can teleport. Fenrys says, “No one knows where it comes from—what it is, But it lets me slip between folds in the world. Only short distances, and only a few times before I’m drained.” I didn’t notice the first time because I read TOG first then ACOTAR and rereading TOG, it hits me that it’s winnowing. Fenrys is winnowing like the High Lords can in ACOTAR.
Now, you may think that doesn’t make them somehow related but another similarity is Rhysand is called Amarantha's Whore because of obvious reasons but mainly to protect his people. Fenrys served Maeve in her bedroom to take her attention from his brother; they both became that to save the people they love.
So we know TOG, ACOTAR & CC all exist in the same universe. Proof (1) Aelin seeing Rhys and Feyre as she falls through the worlds. Proof (2) Bryce falling into Velaris and meeting Az and Rhys. Proof (3) Rhys and Ruhn look exactly alike. So, it wouldn’t be so far fetched if Fenrys was somehow connected to Feyre and Rhys.
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Kieran, a wolven with heightened senses smelling Poppy: You smell of death.
Poppy, not a wolven with no heightened sense sniffing herself: I smelled like…roasted meat.
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Poppy: This marriage thing has to be a part of the plan to get his brother back. Though why he didn’t just fess up to that at the table, I have no idea.
Kieran: I don’t think either of you knows the truth.
Kieran Contou knowing shit
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I lifted my right hand and extended my middle finger even as adrenaline surged through me. He was probably right, but I missed training. Fighting. “In case you don’t know what that means, go fuck yourself.”
Nyktos chuckled. “If you behave, maybe I’ll fuck you instead.”
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“What’s wrong with the gown, Your Highness?”
I inhaled sharply, no longer feeling all that pretty in the gown.
Nektas’s brow pinched with confusion as he glanced at me. “I see nothing wrong with it.”
“Of course, you wouldn’t,” Nyktos muttered, leaning back in his chair.
“I find it to be many things,” Nektas offered, “none of which are wrong. I could list them for you…”
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The way this draken had me blushing.
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ALITF: Chapter 17 & 23.
That’s it, that’s the post.
Just saying we need a training scene with Sera and Daddy nyktos.
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“You had to try anyway,” he finished for me, and I nodded. He took a bite. “She doesn’t like limitations either.”
“The Consort.” Turning the apple, he went to work on the other side.
“I have no problem with limitations.”
Reaver slid me a long look. “I haven’t known you for long, but I know you don’t like limitations. If you did, you wouldn’t have gone on and tried to restore life to another wolven, even after knowing you couldn’t.”
He had me there.
Reaching for the tankard, I took a drink. “I’m guessing the Primal of Life probably isn’t thrilled with me restoring life, huh?”
He laughed, the sound hoarse and untried.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” Reaver lowered the apple. “Nyktos would be conflicted over your actions. On one hand, he would never not be happy about a renewal of life. On the other, he would worry about the nature of things. The course of life and death and how such an intervention alters the balance—the fairness.” The corner of his lips tilted up, softening the sharp features. “When it comes to the Consort and choice to act or not, she would weigh the concerns, toss them aside, hope no one was paying attention, and just do it.” Dusky lashes lifted as he gave me a sideways glance. “Sound familiar?”
“No,” I muttered, and Reaver chuckled, the sound just as rough as the laugh. “Why does the Consort sleep so deeply when Nyktos doesn’t?”
Reaver looked down at his apple, not speaking for several long moments. “It’s the only way to stop her.”
So we know that Sera is such a bad bitch that's she has to be in deep deep sleep to keep her calm. Good soup Jen. Also the family genes are just remarkable 👌🤌
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Poppy trying to read Nyktos
I did what I hadn’t allowed since I first saw him. I opened my senses, letting them stretch—
“I wouldn’t do that.”
I sucked in a startled breath.
“It would be very unwise.” Nyktos dipped his chin. His eyes burned a bright silver. “And very impolite.”
Pot meet kettle.
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“Why would the universe go through all that trouble to bring us together, to only make us strangers again in the end?”
— Unknown
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Unpopular opinion: I believe that Caspian knew Lucy had a crush on him and at first didn’t like her but began to fell for her the more he got to know her in voyage of the dawn threader. He just tapered it down due to them being from different worlds and him kissing Susan that one time, but somewhere in a AU, he acted on his feelings when Lucy came back to Narnia permanently.
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Rewatching the voyage of the dawn threader and nothing has made me cried harder than Reepicheep finally going to Aslan’s country 😭😭😭
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Reaver knelt by us. “I’m going to need you to lift one arm at a time,” he instructed. “And I’m going to need you to do that without trying to bite me because I bite back.”
Adult Reaver has my heart idk anymore 💙
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Theon, the God of Accord and War.
Lailah, the Goddess of Peace and Vengeance.
Rhahar, the Eternal God.
Rhain, God of Common Men and Endings.
Aios, Goddess of Love, Fertility and Beauty.
Bele, Goddess of the Hunt.
Saion, God of the Sky and Soil - Earth, Wind and Water.
Sera and Ash really just put all their friends in charge.
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“No. No. No. Open your eyes,” Casteel begged. They had closed? “Come on. Don’t do this. Don’t do this to me. Please. Open your eyes. Please, Poppy. Drink.” He curled over me, pressing his wrist against my mouth.
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