#alitf spoilers
poppy-pola · 1 year
i just separated it into different parts so it can be easier to read🤗 also i just added about the prophecy, i kind of forgot about this a little bit😅
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Nyktos: What do we say when we get anxious?
Sera (confidently): My anxiety is chronic but my ass is iconic.
Nyktos: No.
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Nektas every time Sera or Nyktos are struggling with their feelings about each other
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gxndrya · 1 year
i love the growth
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There was a pause. “You sound a lot like…her.”
Noting the softening of his tone, I looked up at him, opening my senses. As before, I felt nothing. In my chest, the essence of the gods hummed, and the urge to push, to see if I could shatter his walls was almost as hard to resist as not throwing a rock at him had been. “The Consort?”
A brief smile appeared, and my gods, it was a breathtaking transformation. The chilly hollowness to his features vanished, turning him from someone uniquely appealing to a stunning, otherworldly beauty. “Yes. You remind me very much of the…Consort.”
This hits harder knowing Sera saved Reaver's life. He's basically one of her son's.
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goddess-aelin · 1 year
Ok here we go: THEORY TIME!
There are so many thoughts swirling around about ALITF so I'm going to try to get these out as coherently as possible.
I honestly have no clue what is going to happen in the next book. Obviously we know that Nyktos and Sera survive, have twins, etc. But we don't know the manner of how Sera survives, especially when it seems pretty hopeless right about now. So most of these focus on how Sera can survive.
There were a lot of things that stood out to me throughout the book, mostly about prophecies and literally in the first 20 pages.
"You haven't heard why he cannot save you as he is now."
This is Holland talking to Sera and Nyktos when they are discussing that she can only be saved by the blood of someone who loves her, right before we find out that Nyktos can't love.
I thought this was a really weird choice of words the first time I read it and I think it's a really weird choice now, too. Why would JLA put that in there like that if it didn't have some significance. She absolutely could've stopped the sentence with "you haven't heard why he cannot save you." Period. End. Done.
As he is now implies that a change can be made in some way.
-Change could be like him changing into his wolf form. Can he maybe love in this form? Could he save her if he takes her blood in this form and gives his own back?
-Or could he change in some other way? His heart can change? Could he get his kardia back via Maia or via growth? Throughout the book, it was talked about the Primals "falling." Aka falling in love. Before this, they didn't love either. So would it be possible for Nyktos to gain back his kardia or find some other way to love? I say yes. I think this is the most likely theory that I have. I truly think in the end, he's going to be able to love in some way. (TBH, I think he already does love her but just doesn't understand how and what he feels. You don't do the stuff he does for just anyone. And I think him wanting to love is indicative of that.)
-It also said somewhere in the book that even the fates can't tell what happens with love. So the fact that they don't know for sure that he will never be able to love her solidifies my point.
2. "It allows them to love another not of their blood, irrevocably, selflessly." This was Penellaphe talking about what a Kardia is. My initial thought with this too was so he can love someone of his blood? Hmm...
-If Sera would have his blood, could he love her then? Thereby saving her with the blood of someone who loves her?
-Could he love his sons if she was already pregnant and therefore be able to save them? I know mortals can't carry primal babies but it's been said time and time again that Sera isn't exactly fully mortal and can do things that a normal mortal can't. I think this is a stretch but it's a fun theory. And a really, really sad one.
3. I think they're heartmates.
Obviously this probably isn't a super uncommon theory BUT I do think this will factor into saving her.
-Maybe not being able to love will be negated if they're acknowledged heartmates.
- I'm not convinced that Nyktos is actually present in his wolf form at the end of the ALITF. We know from FBAA that heartmates can enter each other's dreams. Sera isn't exactly in the best state with blood loss and such at this moment so could she be hallucinating him? The thing that makes me think this is that I don't think she's ever seen or discussed Nyktos having a wolf form. So how would she immediately know that's him? Especially when she was super out of it and didn't even see Attes arrive. And also, no one else senses his presence? There's only one way and that's because she just knows. She can feel him in her heart.
4. This last part brings me to the last part of the prophecy which talks about a wolf in moonlight. Perhaps a key to saving her? She didn't acknowledge that Nyktos could be that wolf in the moonlight prior "seeing" him in the woods while Kolis was feeding on her so...I just really don't think he's actually there. I think we're going to get some angst for a while, a'la the poppycas separation.
5. The Prophecy itself isn't directly linked to Sera/Nyktos but rather to the series as a whole.
I mean, I'm sure someone has pointed this out before and maybe it's been confirmed. But "A first daughter, with a blood full of fire, fated for the once-promised king. And the second daughter with blood full of ash and ice, the other half of the future king. Together they will remake the realms as they usher in the end."
I'm not great with reading prophecies lol but I feel like the first daughter (Milicent) fated for the once-promised king (Malik, obviously he's not promised the throne anymore) and the second daughter (Poppy) who is the other half (literal heartmate) of the future king (Casteel, who is the king.) Just too much of a coincidence. Kolis explained this away as him and Eythos and Nyktos vs Sera and Mycella. But I just don't see it. I think he's stretching. And though Sera and Nyktos will be involved of course as the grandparents of Poppy, I think the prophecy is ultimately about Poppy.
Ok y'all. That's all I got for now. Lmao. It was a lot so thanks if you took the time to read it and of course, come into my messages and scream with me about this.
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refugiodafada · 1 year
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"Those gathered here are some of my most trusted allies, they have sworn to protect the Shadowlands and stand against Kolis and those who support the false Primal of Life. All of them have done so with the knowledge that their oath will likely end in death. And yet, they actvely work to restore Iliseeum to what it once was - a realm of peace and fairness to all."
shadowlands rescueds and Nyktos's most trusted guards and gods
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open-at-the-close · 1 year
I just finished A Light in the Flame and I just...
Spoilers ahead, you've been warned.
First of all they HAVE to find Jadis in the next FBAA book, right? I refuse to believe that they gave us this perfect baby draken just to have her dead in the next series. I hate thinking that she's held captive somewhere, but I need her to be alive.
Second, my poor baby Ector. I'm so sorry I doubted you. I spent the first half of the book refusing to get attached again because I thought he was going to be a traitor, but then he was so loyal to Sera that I was like okay, I was wrong. He's a good one, and then they just literally ripped him away from me 😭😭
Third, I was under the impression (I don't know why) that this was going to be a two book prequel. I really thought this would wrap things up in a pretty bow and we'd move on to the next FBAA book and boy was I WRONG. I realized halfway through that there was just no way that this would be the last one and then I fully expected Sera to "die" at the end of this book. I had this entire scene in my head where Nyktos takes her to the lake, drains her and then immediately brings her back to life because, duh. Idk why he was freaking out. Once he has the embers he can just bring her back, right? Am I missing something? But then NOPE buttlicker Kolis has to show up and no literally everything and poor Ash suffered for nothing
In conclusion
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cap-mack-23 · 1 year
Theories on how Sera will survive the Ascension: (SPOILERS for ALITF)
ASH will Ascend Sera:
1. Ash has "fallen" for Sera in the same vein as the Ancients "fell" and developed kardia/emotion in the first place. This is evident in Nektas's language "he is how you wish him to be." It's clear he is unable to recognize what love feels/tastes like and is unable to place the emotion at the coronation once Sera realized she was in love with him. He feels peace with Sera according to Nektas, we know peace is a defining feature of true love in the JLA-verse because Aios (goddess of love, etc in Poppycas time) describes it as such when Sera asks her before the coronation. He is willing to choose Sera's safety over that of his people/the shadowlands/the world - he admitted he wasnt protecting the embers, he was protecting Sera. This emotional reaction is not the logical/able to put aside caring for the greater good he described in SITE as the advantage of not loving one person above all others.
-there's also the language I've seen pointed out that without a kardia you cannot love someone "not of your own blood" and how Sera has consumed Nyktos's blood so its a loophole
2. Ash will have his kardia restored by Maia or Aios (since Sera Ascended her at the end of ALITF) and will make it to Sera before Kolis drains her of blood and starts the Ascension
-I havent thought this one out as much because it seems more direct narratively, but the “narratively direct” route just doesn’t seem like JLA’s style so this one is much less likely to me
KOLIS will Ascend Sera:
1. This was my immediate assumption at the end of ALITF because Kolis had already begun the process of draining Sera for the embers when he realized she had Sotoria's soul within her. We know that Kolis loves Sotoria (in a twisted, possessive way) and he is currently the Primal of Life, so he could meet the "blood of the Primal that one of the embers of life belonged to" criteria even though he stole his embers from Eythos. Holland states "she will die without the love of the one who Ascends her." We know that only one of the embers in Sera technically belongs to Ash so the other ember (I believe it belonged to Eythos, right?) is the one that would likely respond to Kolis since he stole his brothers birthright and we know he drained Eythos's life force as well (there's also the loophole of blood meaning family, Kolis being Nyktos's uncle and blood relative). 

Narratively, Kolis saving Sera and Ascending her into the Primal of Life makes sense because of the narrative trend of Kolis/Nyktos being swapped in Sera's understanding (her destiny was to kill Kolis, not to kill Nyktos; Kolis caused the Rot, not Nyktos; she tries to run off to seduce Kolis and continue her plan that was originally meant for Nyktos, etc). This also provides reason and closure for Sotoria's soul and possibly explains why Nyktos states he believes Sera is right and she has two souls, hers AND Sotoria's, instead of being another reincarnation of Sotoria alone (I imagine Sotoria's soul/life force would be removed from Sera's body/drained in place of Sera's).

Also Kolis bringing about his own reckoning because of his obsession with Sotoria, giving her/Sera the power to end him and fulfill the prophecy makes for great storytelling
-my main hangup about this is that its not a great message about love because clearly Kolis is toxic and I would hate for it to be confirmed he does truly love Sotoria, but with the narrative trend of unhealthy/ obsessive love (Isbeth to Malec, Eythos/Mycella/Kolis, Nyktos's whole reason for removing his kardia being the fall of the Ancients due to love) and Sera's philosophy on goodness/trying to be good I feel like its a real possibility
also thoughts on how the requirement to Ascend a mortal into a primal impacts the original Ascension between Poppy/Casteel? Was Poppy's Ascension into the True Primal of Life and Death/Blood and Bone also reliant on Cas's true love and will for her to live?
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poppy-pola · 1 year
It’s not finished yet, i still need to add many things but this is how it’s going. I apologize for the mess lol this is just my brain trying to understand the hole series but i hope you enjoy it:)
Also english is not my first language so there are probably a few typos
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[Sera's sitting inside when she sees a squirrel in the road]
Sera (at the window): Get out of the ROAD!! Run! You're gonna get squished! GO NOW!
Nyktos (behind her): That. That's how I feel watching you live your life.
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peletiersdixon · 1 year
Nektas reaching out to Sera after leaving the Vale has me in a chokehold. I love that draken more than anyone else in these books.
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gxndrya · 1 year
me thinking about sera and nyktos knowing damn well i won't know what's going to happen to them for the next year
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“What’s wrong with the gown, Your Highness?”
I inhaled sharply, no longer feeling all that pretty in the gown.
Nektas’s brow pinched with confusion as he glanced at me. “I see nothing wrong with it.”
“Of course, you wouldn’t,” Nyktos muttered, leaning back in his chair.
“I find it to be many things,” Nektas offered, “none of which are wrong. I could list them for you…”
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The way this draken had me blushing.
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theaologieslibrary · 1 year
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Tiny A Light in the Flame spoiler but god I LOVE this song
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hiraethbee · 1 year
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Just some of my notes while reading ALITF, I crack myself up👹
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Super proud of this one
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