I know I haven’t posted in years. But. This needs to be said.
Everytime this is reblogged, JK Rowling steps on a lego
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The Weasley twins dressed as cat boy maids for halloween at least one year, no criticism is being taken in this
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also this happened in a dream
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hey help a disabled trans woman out?
i'm really really looking tight for money this month so if you could drop a dollar or two my way then it would really help out a lot. i'm supposed to be finding a new place to live and it looks like my job might be about to lay off a bunch of people, which would leave both me and my chronically ill, disabled roommate completely unemployed & unable to pay rent, so things are pretty rough for us right now.
i'm trying to do everything i can to prevent myself having to move back in with my abusive family, so again, really, even a dollar or two will help if you can spare it. thank you, and please rb and signal boost 💕💕💕
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hey y’all!! New Item Drop on my etsy shop!! I made Hogwarts House Scarves!! So if you love Harry Potter but hate JKR and want to support a small business owner, please consider purchasing and if you can’t purchase re-blogging would help more than you know :))
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I’m convinced that Pamona Sprout is a lesbian and lives in a cottage with her wife and their pet cat
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I can never forget that most of the Harry Potter series was spoiled for me because of Draco Fanfics on Quotev
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harry: i tried to defeat voldemort with the power of love
harry: then i decided fuck the power of love
harry: so now i'm using the power of extreme violence
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sirius: i'm gonna enchant my motorbike so it can fly
lupin: why not just use a broom?
sirius: brooms don't go vroom vroom, do they? idiot
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On a serious note, fuck JKR, I’m black and this pisses me the fuck off, this is representation I could’ve had growing up, even though I hate the character I would’ve at least been able to see her and go “hey she kind of looks like me” and the second that she had any importance in the series they changed her to a white actress
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Y’all joke about how Crabbe changed the most, but y’all forget what they did to Lavender
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sprout: be the lesbian plant witch with her own greenhouse that you want to see in the world
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neville: i wish i had been sorted into hufflepuff
neville: i'd make a great side character
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I’m making a new post, since the last seems to have outlived it’s usefulness.
Quick break down:
-I have making starter beading kits for FREE for all Native people who don’t have the opportunity to learn to bead another way. You do not have to be enrolled, you do not need to look a certain way, you are not required to be anything but a native, and at LEAST be reconnecting. 
-This program requires ALLIES. You want to help supply beading supplies to native people, since this artistic ability is very important to native people, particularly those displaced by colonization? Yeah? Thought so! The cost for each box, plus the shipping, comes out to about $30. Every $30 donated means another person gets a box. This program has already given out ~18 or so boxes– Imagine all the people that are being touched by this! Donation links are here:
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/jnwampler
Venmo: KajiW
CashApp: $kajiw
So, in summery:
NATIVE PEOPLE WANTING BOXES: Message me. I’ll either have a box ready or get you on the waiting list for one.
ALLIES WANTING TO HELP: Send over what you can! Even small amounts helps put these kits into the hands of those who can benefit!
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I second this notion
the moral of the harry potter series is that we should all ignore jk rowling
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Help a black queer woman survive this winter, they currently raised $228/$10,000. You can donate here. If you are not able to donate, please boost!!
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hey remember when a black woman was cast as hermione in cursed child and jkr acted like everyone should be praising her for that despite the fact that, at most, her involvement in that was just saying ‘yeah ok’ when the casting people made their choices
the point is that she thinks she’s some kind of saint for doing the bare minimum when it comes to representation and thinks that absolves her of *gestures to the entire harry potter series* everything else
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gryffindor: why are any of us here, really?
zoo security guard: i’m asking about you, specifically.
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i still can’t get over jk rowling buying a fucking ‘this witch doesn’t burn’ t-shirt for three reasons:
a) as if her being 'cancelled’ by people rightfully calling out her transmisogynistic hate speech is in any way similar to the persecution of people during the witch trials
b) as if her being 'cancelled’ actually resulted in any material difference for her - she still has a huge platform, more money than one human being could reasonably spend, tv shows and book deals and movies in the works
c) in the time between her posting her transmisogynistic screed, her rights have been erased in any way, unlike the rights for trans people and especially trans women in the uk, stances that have been empowered by rhetoric like hers or organisations she actively supports. things have got significantly worse for trans women in that time. she has gotten a video game and tv show based on her works. truly, she is the most persecuted in this situation.
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