I feel like shit rn, I've never felt more like a burden bc of my autism. There's a bunch of neurotypicals with autistic or adhd siblings that say "Oh yea the experience of growing up with a nd sibling is trauma." Wich,, wtf??? If your parents neglected you bc of your nd sibling maybe blame the parents, not us. They act as if their ruined life was caused by their sibling being disabled, wich is just bluntly ableist and I'm tired of seeing it.
Also side note: people can still suck and be nd, I'm not saying this isn't possible. But it's not bc of their disability. Separate the abuse from the disability. Thank you.
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And more nd coded characters!!
The first pic is Mac or Buck Hazeltine from the game Yo-Kai Watch 3! I just love him so much and his entire character screams neurodivergent.
Right next to him we have Eddie (Edward) Archer from the franchise Yo-Kai Watch! He's not exactly neurodivergent coded but making him neurodivergent makes me happy.
Below those two we have Casey Jones from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (2012 version), I see so much of myself in him and he's very likely to be neurodivergent!
Below him on the left we have Skid and Pump from the series Spooky Month on Youtube!! These two just scream neurodivergent kids and I love them a lot for it/p
Next to them we have Sollux Captor from Homestuck and just like Karkat & Nepeta he shows a different side from being neurodivergent mixed with him being canon Bipolar!
And in the last pic we have Zane Julien and Jay Walker from Lego Ninjago, before y'all come at me and say "Zane is a robot, that's why he's that way" and I don't really care tbh. He can still be autistic and I'll stick my that. Jay is also very obviously neurodivergent!
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I decided to show some of my favorite canon neurodivergent and neurodivergent characters!!
In the first pic we have Mikey and Donnie from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (2012 version), they both show very different sides of being neurodivergent and I love that a lot actually! (Just nd coded)
Right next to them we have Deku (Izuku Midoryia) from boku no hero academia, he's the perfect example of a special interest overtaking your life, while showing the good and bad aspects of it!! (Just nd coded)
In the middle we have Bf from Friday night funkin and it's canon that he has ADHD!! since fnf is a rhythm game, I can't really say a lot about that but it made me happy that it's canon ^^
And below him we have Nepeta and Karkat from Homestuck wich also show very different sides from being neurodivergent. Kinda the same way Mikey and Donnie do!! (Just nd coded)
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Fidget toy review!!!
A friend and a classmate of mine were kind enough to give me there awesome fidget toys!!
Chewing toy necklace: 10/10, feels great, a sweet pun on the packaging, stimmy colors, it's nice to chew on it and it's very relaxing!
Fidget cube: 8/10, it has a few more things on it then shown in the picture, the buttons are very fun, too loud for school tho (my teacher told me to stop "playing" with it :[ )
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Oh and check out my art account if you like!! I just posted this cool drawing of the squid sisters :]
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Look at my Squid sisters drawing!!! They're cute right? :D
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Kinda a rant
But could people stop saying "May god cure you", "May god make your life easier" literally any type of this bs to disabled people?
My and everyone else's disability isn't something that can be cured and our lifes aren't necessarily terrible bc we are disabled. Stop acting like we need an extra "blessing" just because we're different than you./srs
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edit note: sorry for not doing that earlier, stay safe y'all/g
Let's normalize not shaming kids for being picky eaters.
Let's normalize NOT yelling at your kid for not liking certain textures, for not wanting to eat food, for mostly eating only 1 or 2 things and for having a different food pallette than neurotypicals.
I have sensory issues, I have my comfort foods. Why do you feel the need to yell at me for it.
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I'm trying to live veggie but some if my comfort foods happened to be animal products and I've come to the conclusion that comfort foods don't count in the veggie diet. I'm well aware that I'm eating meat but at the same time, I have like 5 foods I enjoy/can eat. My food palette is small so I'll make an exception.
This is your lovely reminder that comfort foods don't count in diets and are valid. You deserve to enjoy eating.
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I'm done with neurotypicals. I'm so done.
Someone tried to mansplain my disability to me today, I can already tell ppl are gonna point out how weird my tics are in school and I just can't talk to them bc they infantilize me right on the spot. Like shut up for once.
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Anyone else having troubles with numbers? Be it the time, prices, counting and pretty much everything that includes numbers. I have difficulties counting up from 20, bc my brain just doesn't process the numbers that fast and I leave out numbers unintentionally. I think it all started when we had to learn about clocks and time in elementary school, bc I didn't get any of that shit. I'd sit there, hella confused, and just tagged along like I understood anything.
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Gotta love it when people invalidate your experiences as an autistic person just because they don't believe you are and think they, a neurotypical, know better than you, an actual autistic
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When do neurotypicals realize making fun if the "weird" kid with one very strong interest is just them bullying neurodivergent kids. I just got a bunch of people telling me I can't be upset at nts making fun of neurodivergent traits wich, excuse me what the fuck?? You mocking these traits is just feeding into others thinking it's "weird" or make it something to be ashamed of. Like idc if you think your classmate is weird, don't go out of your way to be a dick about it.
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Basically, I just had to hold a presentation together with my friend in geography. It went pretty bad, let alone that I was close to a panic attack, we apparently missed the topic and the teacher just seemed- so??? Idk angry??? Disappointed?? We asked her 2 times about the topic, because we were confused and now apparently we missed the topic??? I feel like she hates us, even tho she probably doesn't. I can't separate what is RSD and what is a reasonable response from her rn
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Schools really need to start training their teachers to work with neurodivergent kids. They either are really harsh or treat us like pets. Not everyone can afford to go to a school for kids with special needs or wants to go there. I'm very well aware that the school system wasn't made for us, that's why a lot fail or are barely coming through. I'm going undiagnosed and unmedicated, it kinda pains me, because I'm not going to get proper help for it.
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Hey, my name's Whitty and I've been self diagnosed with ADHD and Autism. I've only been doing research for a few months, due to both diagnosed and self diagnosed neurodivergent people have been telling me to get things checked out. This blog is gonna be a journal about just some general nd things, vents, hyperfixation/special interest talks, advice etc.
Please be nice :]
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