514 days? It feels like yesterday 😭
running this blog has actually caused me to question my sense of time lmao. i honestly still think Wanderer was released one year ago instead of nearly two
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 5 months
Wait wait wait...so you haven't written fic previously, or did I misunderstand?
I used to write fanfic back in the times of Quizilla. But uh bullyin and other factors took me out of the game for a good long while. I honestly missed writing.
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sinnersfinale · 6 months
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rules + things to know under cut + VERSES (includes special tags, PLEASE CHECK if you plan on interacting or wish to just read along.) url change ! @focalors-official -> @sinnersfinale BEWARE!! THIS BLOG IS NOT SPOILER FREE!! THIS BLOG'S CONTENT RELATES EXCESSIVELY TO THAT OF THE 4.2 ARCHON QUEST.
hi! i'm sofa, and this is a rp blog for focalors! not furina, but as from the 4.2 archon quest, the second and last hydro archon, focalors.
my responses may not always be very quick, since I myself run quite a few ( A TON. ) other blogs! mod is a minor !
dni if you are transphobic, homophobic, etc. i would rather not. i don't really.. accept those kinds of people? So please dni.
Also! I would like if no nsfw is brought up. Im ooooooookay(?) with suggestive comments, but you are allowed to flirt with Focalors.
Don't flirt with the mod though, that'd be kinda weird since I'm a minor and all that.
I don't do preassumed relationships, so if you do want to ship focalors with someone(ex, an oc or different character), there either needs to be a development arc, or background that would make it plausible.
Im also welcome to starters, crack, and anons ^^ you can just self assign yourself a sign off but if it’s already taken I’ll tell you
uhhh if there's anything more to add, i will add it !!
~hydro dragon hydro dragon don't cry~ -> neuvillette interactions
~oh my dear perfect creation..~ -> furina interactions
~dearest citizens~ -> any other fontainian citizen
~fellow archons~ -> self explanatory..?
~people of teyvat~ -> anyone else
~drop the curtains~ (ooc)
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theoi-of-olympus · 5 months
💌🥂🧭? :)
Hello! And thank you for the ask!
💌what is your favourite form of deity communication?
Probably tarot, I don’t do much else unless we include vibes (/j), but I find it’s an easy way to talk to them, I actually created a festival for Lady Asteria using tarot to talk to her
🥂what is your favourite devotional act or offering to give?
I’m a big fan of devotional acts just because I don’t have the ability to give massive offerings, but it probably changes depending on the god, I won’t write all of them here but I’ll do some
Lord Apollon is probably listening to his playlist/music in general, which I know is broad but music is probably the main way I connect with him, I also have a fairly big physical music collection so when I’m playing music from that I feel that it’s extra devotional to him
Lady Asteria is probably going on night walks, being able to see the stars and just relax in her presence is always fun
Lady Hestia is definitely when I’m making food, I’ll usually devote the process to her and give a bit of the food to her
🧭what led you to your practice?
I’d say what first made me interested in Greek mythology was either learning it in primary school or the Pegasus book series by Kate O’Hearn (I know it probably has horrific representations)
But then gradually I began loosing faith in the Christian god (I was baptised and confirmed In the Church of England) and realised that while I haven’t lost my belief in a higher being I simply believe in polytheism instead of monotheism
I began looking into witchcraft, mainly because I didn’t realise Hellenic polytheism existed, and begun worshipping Lord Apollon, then I believe it was on tumblr that I realised what Hellenic polytheism was and I slowly began changing my practice into that
Ask game found here
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napstabl00k · 9 months
sausage 🌭 says 💬 to come say hi ‼️ to katherine 🐝👍
ok well. stal said to go and bother youu but i am just saying hi i am happy he has u she thinks u are so the best :]
!!! hello! sausage is around? :D i'll have to go wave at him in a minute!!!
i'm happy to have him too, he's absolutely amazing and a joy to talk to!!!! i hope you're having a good day, and i'm going to go tell him i hope he has a good day as well :)
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bornofrose · 1 year
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list of scenarios ~ @eusyram ~ Not Accepting
asked: 29.  PRIZE sounds fun!
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"Ah! There is so much stuff here!" Mary Sue had invited Gyess to come visit the carnival on the boardwalk. Gyess had passed by this place a few times, but the loud noises and giant machines made her too nervous to properly explore.
But now in the company of her very good friend, she was excitedly asking many questions about every single little thing they came across. Mary Sue being the wonderful teacher she was, was happily answering them! Gyess was able to glean... about 60% of what she was talking about. But that's better than nothing!
Gyess had been watching the people around them play what Mary Sue had called 'carnival games' and after a while, Gyess wanted to try and play some of them!
Unfortunately, she wasn't very good at most of them.
She'd either misunderstood the instructions of most of the games or simply was unable to complete the task at all. She was a little upset by this development, hoping that she might at least win one thing.
Mary Sue seemed to take notice and had a slight amount of pity for the little dragon girl. Of course, in every game they played, Mary Sue won the absolute best prize possible. She offered to win something for Gyess, but that's not what she wanted.
Eventually, Mary Sue found a balloon game where all you had to do was pop a balloon with a dart and you'd win something and coaxed Gyess into trying one more time.
Success! Gyess won herself a cheap little plush of a yellow mouse creature. She was utterly ecstatic. She loved the little thing very much, and loved even more that she did something right. Mary Sue still give her a couple of the other toys she had won (she didn't need ALL 12 of them)
The two girls left the carnival happy and laughing with the earned treasures of the afternoon.
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apollons-laurel · 1 year
Polytheism ask no.14!!!
Hi anon, thanks for the ask!
(Would you say there’s a certain “type” of deity you follow? Or are you more broad, without rhyme or reason?)
I don’t think I intentionally worship a ‘type’ of deity, but I’ve somehow begun worshipping gods that are all closely related to one another so maybe I do unknowingly?
Lord Apollon and Lady Artemis’ relation is obvious, and Lady Asteria is both their aunt and the island they where born on, and then Lady Hekate is Lady Asteria’s daughter
They also mainly have large links to divination and have celestial (I’m not sure if that’s the right term) connections, such as Lady Artemis with the moon, Lord Apollon with the sun, Lady Asteria with the stars and Lady Hekate is also often associated with the moon
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koobiie · 24 days
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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its so brave that you have such a 2012-coded url in this 2024 world
would you call a bear brave for standing in a new construction suburb or would you recognize the unfamiliar world they built around him
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sirompp · 5 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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he's been out for almost half a year :0
very cool, i think your blog is also very cool
Thank you! I got the idea from the blog is-scaramouche-out-yet and I'm really glad I get to post on here
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vamprisms · 2 months
i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.
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aevallare · 3 months
do you think mocking catholicism is funny
yes. next question
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theoi-of-olympus · 5 months
🎭🌞🎉🧭🪄 For the Pagan/polytheist ask game
Hey! Thank you so much for the ask!
🎭what is an emotionally impactful or a silly worship-related experience you’ve had?
Emotionally is was probably either getting my statue for Lady Asteria or finally putting together a proper altar to worship at. Seeing all my statues in one place just makes me so happy and I’ll spend time just staring at it some days
🌞which deity(ies) are you closest too/do you worship the most?
Lord Apollon and Lady Asteria!
I’ve probably been worshiping Lord Apollon for the longest time (since I first got interested in worshipping any god other than the Christian one) so I feel much closer to him in that way, and he’s continued to to be important in my life
Lady Asteria is a newer edition (probably just over a year? A bit longer?) but I believe I have my strongest relationship with her. I spend a lot of time rereading/researching her myths and just devoting my time to her, I’m planning on becoming a full blown devotee of hers soon
🎉do you celebrate any festivals? If so which ones?
I do! While I don’t follow the Athenian calendar exactly I do keep the festivals in the same place, but certain days like the first day of the new month follow the Gregorian calendar.
This is my first year properly doing festivals so I may do more or less depending on how it goes
I’m planning on celebrating Lenaia, Theogamia, Anthesteria, Delphinia, Mounchia, Thargelia, Aphrodisia, Panathanea
I’ve also made my own festival for Lady Asteria! It’s called Parapleustia
🧭what led you to your practice?
Answer here
🪄do you practice witchcraft? If yes do you keep it separate from your deity worship?
In the beginning of my worship I did and it was intertwined with my deity worship, but I’ve discovered that I currently don’t in anyway and probably won’t until I’m a lot more settled in life (and preferably have a bigger altar)
Ask game found here
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napstabl00k · 9 months
hello i would like to ask kari about herself !! an ask for u
hii my nams karriii its short fr akari but mmm dont call m that cuz . jus cuz. i lik it betr.
iiiii am from pokmons um BUT from lik a miiiiiiiilon years ago. I HAD. an abomasno. i wan hr bac but um. u guys don hav pokemon so i cant.
mmm myyyy favrite is volo. hes my brther. um n hes rlly rlly nic to me excpt for whn we fote but that was a thing. n i want evryon to lik e him also :DDDDD
my SECOND favrite is tommy. my frined. hes nt from pokemon hes from here now. i lik him lots too. dont tell hm but hes my brther too. he doesnt know thugh. shhhh
um!!!!! i aaaalso. lik lord arceus. lord arceus was alo rlly nice t me n i like aer lots. lord arceus us a god. n made m e. :D
thas abut me!!!!!!!!!
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