paintedatoz · 1 year
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#zodiac #zodiacsigns #astrologystory #leo #leozodiac #lion #leolion #leolions #leolionheart #leolionman #leolion🦁 #drawings #painting #acrylicpainting #zodiacstory #zodiacstorys #mybrother @derecktor #derecktor ❤️👩‍🎨🖌️🖼️ (at Tiverton, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLV_FFM4l9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luke-kindaunluckydoe · 7 months
A fruit bowl for a vampire boyfriend (Nb Libra x M Cancer)
i'be publishing my stories in here as well. if you want to check out more like this, go to my wattpad @/lorsumwl i also have a patreon!
Pretty, Aquarius thought, watching his tall figure step through their studio's door, so pretty.
"Please help yourself to anything you'd like", they signaled to a small refrigerator next to the kitchen counter, which stood at the corner of the big room. "There's also some fruits", they added, pointing to the fruit bowl on top of a round table, that although its decent size, was still small in comparison to the space surrounding it. At the mention of the fruit bowl, they noticed the smallest glint of excitement in their new work partner's eyes.
"Thank you", he answered, shy gaze directed to the ground. His dark skin glew beautiful under the reflection of the purple evening's light, and Aquarius was grateful they chose an apartment with a big windowed wall as their study.
"So", they continued, not wanting their gaze to linger too long as to make him uncomfortable, "I'll send you the new project's draft in a second, and then maybe we can talk about it. Make yourself at home in your desk meanwhile". They had assigned a space across their own desk for the other.
"Yes… I'll wait for it. Thank you a lot", his voice was deep, yet quiet. His eyes were almond shaped, and a curious tone of soft gray, hidden constantly by his shy gaze.
Aquarius smiled up at him, "Thank you, Cancer . I've said it already, but you're an amazing artist. We'll make this new story a hit". They were speaking the truth– it was almost weird how good of an artist Cancer was, yet how underrated they were. They had to search through hell to find him.
Cancer smiled, always with that passive mannerism, and headed to his new workplace across the room. Months passed by in a pleasant haste.
Heavenly bodies. Bright blue used as much as deep red, human blood and the halo of saints, every small detail in the angel's wings, the subtle expressions needed for demons… It was a heavy story illustration Aquarius had taken on, yet it fascinated them so much they had to finish it, even if it meant partnering up with another.
Cancer was an amazing work partner. Not only was he a polite, kind, and smart person, his art style was clean and graceful, matching their own in a contrast that went so perfectly with the story. As a friend, he was the most considerate person he had the luck to meet– in that big city, about everyone was an ssshole, which made Aquarius believe he was a foreign.
There was only one odd thing going on, and it was the constant lack of fruits. Aquarius didn't tend to eat many fruits, so they kept them in the bowl more as a decoration, but recently, no matter how many times they restocked, they seemed to just disappear. So, curious of the fact that nobody could've broken inside the apartment without them knowing, they revised the inside camera footage.
They giggled as they did so. Cute, they thought at the sight of Cancer stuffing their mouth full of strawberries, so cute.
From that moment on, the fruit bowl was always full, varied, and well arranged. Without a fail, it'd be gone in the next two to three business days. Aquarius pretended not to notice the particular blueberry redness in Cancer 's lips, or the small, almost unnoticeable stains whenever he wore white tops.
"Should we go out?", they asked one night after a work-loaded day, stretching their arms.
"Do you want to?", his head parked up from his slouching position in his desk, soft, curly hair dancing along gravity.
"Yeah", Aquarius smiled, a bit smitten, "Dinner's on me".
Cancer blushed, and clumsily sat up, nearly tripping with air, "O-oCancer , I'll out on my coat".
They liked each other, didn't they?, Aquarius wondered. If the not-so-sneaky glances he sent their way, or the excited glint in his eyes he'd get when they praised him, or the unnecessary closeness when discussing pieces, were signs, then yes, yes they liked each other.
Quite the unexpected outcome, but welcomed, Aquarius smiled pleasantly while locking the apartment door shut.
It was dark outside. Waiting for a taxi, Aquarius noticed the tension build in Cancer 's shoulders. Another thing about him– for some reason, he hated the dark.
In a bold act of confidence, they reached to grab a hold of his hand. He yelped at the unexpected touch, looking down at his hand, blushing. "Is this oCancer ?", Aquarius asked sweetly, but careful not to make him feel forced. Cancer nodded quickly, "Yes… ". Holding hands, they waited to be picked up, and Cancer had stopped shaking.
The restaurant was nice. The menu was extensive, but when the waiter came, Cancer ordered only a fruit salad. Aquarius didn't want to intrude, but they were a bit worried for his health. After the waiter went away, they said," The fruit salad here is quite delicious, so good choice. But will you be alright with just that?", they had to keep their future husband well fed, after all. "Oh, yeah", he answered, shily smiling at them from across the table "It looks very good, thank you".
They idly chatted until dinner came. Afterwards, the conversation got more personal, and family was brought up. "I have my father back in Colombia", Aquarius said, "said he wanted to stay there. I visit him often. Maybe I'll introduce you to him next time".
At that, Cancer blushed, almost dropping his glass. "Sounds good!", he stuttered. However, his demeanor got gloomy as he spoke about himself, "I don't keep in touch with any family member", he hesitantly added, "I'd rather not, truthfully".
"Would you like some champagne?", Aquarius tried to change the mood they'd caused, "It looks like they're serving it over that table". At Cancer 's nod, they traversed through the entire room to find it.
Somebody bumped into them, suddenly, and Aquarius was no fool– they'd just gotten pick-pocketed. Without saying a word, they ran after the thief, all the way into the kitchen, and then into the back door's dark and desolate alleyway. There, the figure of the thief stood awaiting them.
Aquarius yelled, "Give me my wallet back, won't you? I've got a cute date with me".
The figure, however, just laughed, and their voice sent a shiver down Aquarius 's spine. They stepped into the light, to reveal red eyes and big white fangs shimmering against the moonlight, "So you're that hideous thing's mate? That'll teach him a lesson".
Aquarius only saw a blur of black swinging towards them, before being stopped by another, sending them both tumbling to the ground. It was Cancer , hair dilivished, fangs showing, and his eyes had changed to a bright yellow color.
"You fucker", he growled, choking the other to the ground so hard his claws –and how hot those looked– dug into the others neck, making them bleed. "You dare", he put more strength into the choke, veins showing more prominently in his hand –and how hot those looked too, god–.
"You should've died along with your mother", the figure below him spat out, voice strained, "Then us blood vampires, your father's family, could live without the burden of a lesser species being related to us".
With the other hand, Cancer punched them directly in the face, breaking their nose, "You couldn't even touch my hair if you wanted to. So much for being inferior".
"Oh, you'll see", they turned to look at Aquarius , "We'll kill your mate in the worst possible way, make them hate you, and then we'll move onto you".
Hearing that, Cancer slowly dragged his claws around the vampire's entire face, cutting deeply into the tissue, making them writhe in pain. "Remember who killed you even in death, and hate whoever sent you to me". Saying that, with a small movement, he bit into the vampire's neck, killing them instantly.
Then he got up, back facing Aquarius . When he turned, he was back into his human form, and more than ferocious as he has been, he looked like he was about to cry.
Aquarius made the first move, and slowly walked closer.
"You're a vampire?", they asked in awe, taking a hold of Cancer 's head between their hands. He was cautiously letting himself be handled, as if expecting some sort of physical response from Aquarius .
"Yes", he weakly answered.
They, however, only titled their head, "You can't be. You're always eating fruit, and you seem to enjoy it".
At this, Cancer was startled, "Were you…?"
Aquarius laughed out loud, "Yeah, I've been filling the fruit bowl religiously. I'm glad you enjoyed it".
Cancer 's face started getting redder, and he shut his eyes so as to not have to look them in the eye, "I'm a fruit vampire", he admitted in a pained tone.
"Oh, that makes more sense", they nodded innocently, like they'd just been told what his favorite color was. That couldn't be it, Cancer thought, they must despise him.
There was a silence in that dark alleyway, until it was broken by Aquarius 's confident voice, "Cancer , I don't want to let you go. Won't you stay with me? As a partner, as a friend," they had their right hand brush Cancer 's curls away, as to be able to see his now open wide eyes better, "as more, if you'd let me?"
He was rendered speechless once again, as Aquarius always made him, "Don't you fear me?" I killed someone in front of you, went unsaid.
"Are you kidding?", they answered, quickly adding, "You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. In this lifetime, if my art is to create divinity, it will always be you".
"If you stay with me, you'll always be in danger", he said, sad grey eyes looking into brown confident ones. "I-I mean, I'll never let anything happen to you, but…"
"I've waited for love patiently", they interrupted, "throughout my whole life, I waited for it, drawing it and thinking it. I've waited for love long enough to almost leave without it", suddenly, they got their face closer to his, and placed a gentle kiss in his lips, "but now that you've come, I could never allow love to leave, my dear. A little danger won't move my resolve".
No other words were said after that– passionately, Cancer picked their smaller frame up, holding them steady and strong as they kissed gently, both smiling by the end of it.
"So, will you be my boyfriend? I promise to bring you all the most delicious fruits", they grabbed his hand.
"As long as you stay with me", he smiled, and squeezed their hand, "I can live with just that".
And so ends the story, with a love-sick fruit vampire eating from an always full fruit bowl, laying besides their lover, who paints his eyes with the tint of blueberries. They never quite stayed in the same place for more than a few months after that. But, at all times, they stayed beside each other, and love settled there as their strong home.
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scorisyn · 2 years
Something New
So you can already guess what I’m about to say. Version 17. That’s not the point.
The point is that there are a few updates in version 17 and they’re kind of big. I’ll be publishing the summary here in a few days.
First of all, three characters will have their names changed. Probably the most major change will be the Deadpool last name, which will be changed to Deadsoul. Sagittaria Deadpool’s name will be Sagitta Deadsoul -- her middle name, Phoenix, will still remain though. Scorpio Darktale’s name is going to be changed to Scorpius, while the Darktale last name stays the same. Not a big change, again. Pisces Shard will be changed to Pyxis, while the last name remains the same. Leonard Blaze’s last name will be changed to Astero. Also not a big change, but I’m trying to make the names more like actual names. This will not take effect on version 15 again, only version 17 when it’s published.
Second, the chapters will be a lot longer. I type up the chapters in Google Docs, and each one is five pages, exactly. Don’t judge. I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to pages. In order for the chapters to be more full, they’re going to be around ten pages in Google Docs, so, twice the length. Still, it shouldn’t be that long.
Third, well ... this is the biggest change. Cloudy Sky version 17 doesn’t exactly exist. That’s right, it doesn’t. Because there will be no more Cloudy Sky versions. What’s that mean? Cloudy Sky has a new title that version 17 will be published under. The Unnaturals is the series name. The book will be called The Unnaturals: Starstrewn Trials. Shiny and fresh! I hope.
Fourth, I just wanted to say that everything’s going to be the same! Aesthetics, descriptions, alliances, and all. For example, Sagitta and Carina are still enemies. Actually, Carina nearly brains Sagitta with a stapler. Friendships will stay the same. For example, Sagitta and Ari are still close friends, still in a false relationship, and yes. They still set things on fire. Even the loathed Deadpool Code still exists. Oops -- I meant Deadsoul Code. And -- the ships are still the same.
Another thing, this has nothing to do with The Unnaturals. No more changes. I’ll just be posting a few incorrect quotes here to top it off, so watch out for those if I don’t forget. Oh, and next is a hint of what’s to come in 17 ... or The Unnaturals 1. Hopefully also the last.
Leilani’s eyelids droop shut, so I cover for her by stepping on her foot and passing her my math book, torn and chewed on, thanks to Taurus; burned and crispy, thanks to Sagitta and Ari; doodled on, thanks to Leilani; ‘corrected,’ thanks to Vienna.
“We’re enemies, aren’t we?” I say slowly.
Carina shrugs. “If you say so. Honestly, Scorpius was the one who had a panic attack and nearly died when you moved in, not me.”
“Look up Ethera Aerian, and it’s empty. No search results. If I upload the picture I took, I can’t get an ID. You know my software is very good. There are only a few options that aren’t wild.”
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jinnie3037 · 7 years
Capricorn, Aries and Aquarius Conversation: Group assignment
Based on true events
Capricorn: I’m to go inside to get the ruler to do the measurements.
Aries: What you’re going inside. That's a waste of time.
Capricorn: it’s just around the corner and how else do you expect to finish the assignment.
Aries: Well it’s just going to waste time!
Capricorn: Yes, it will if we stand here arguing about it. 
Aquarius: *Giggling*
Capricorn: *Goes inside to get the ruler* *turns around after picking up the ruler* What? Aries why did you come?
Aries: Well you went inside so I think we're done for today we can continue the assignment tomorrow.
Capricorn: *Looks towards Aquarius*
Aquarius: *Shrugs*
Capricorn: *Facepalm*
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tella-loves-u-blog · 6 years
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this is Aries. they has a strong character and is maaaad all the time cause ye. likes to act like they are super strong etc but is a baby inside. likes taurus.
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katrinadelallo · 6 years
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My new favourite thing is to watercolor at night. #amdrawing #watercolor #zoe #zodiacstory #treeofworlds #ampainting
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For Cloud Novel’s Summer Jam I made a Visual Novel...it gots mermaids and a twist ending...
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scorisyn · 2 years
Another Direction
So yes, if you’ve noticed at all that I have not posted for a week or more, you can assume I’m on version sixteen. I am. It seems promising, but the first chapter does need some serious edits before I can delete everything else and publish it.
I’d like to note also that I may release a pre-written chapter of the fifteenth version while I’m still working on this; it depends if that chapter was fully written.
Here’s a little peek at the contents of Chapter 1 of version sixteen; another reminder that this is so far unedited, so it may actually be a bit different!
Only Pisces snaps a mock salute, stands up, and recites the greeting before plopping back down. As he does so he pitches his voice way too high. I wince. Nobody else even looks up from their business as Leilani revives Vienna.
If I was from any other class, I’d run away as fast as humanly possible, but I’m not. After all, Class 1399-S is not the wrong class; it’s the one I belong to. I can handle this.
As I step in and the door swings closed behind me, the puzzle pieces click together rapidly as I’m confronted with my technically insane classmates.
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scorisyn · 2 years
A Cloudy Sky chapter update?
Yeah, so this is weird isn’t it? Cloudy Sky’s first chapter, Pitch Black ... well, it’s gone! Wait, what do I mean by that? I mean that Pitch Black has been deemed unworthy by me, and instead of shutting Cloudy Sky down I’ve written a chapter with a completely different plot that I like. Enjoy!
Darktale or Deadpool? affiliations
Deadpools: Gemi, Leilani, Vienna, Aquaria (Deadpool), Sagittaria (Deadpool), Caprice (Deadpool), Ari
Darktales: Taurus, Nia, Carina (Darktale), Scorpio (Darktale), Pisces, Leo
Sneak peek?
Hit “Keep Reading” to check it out.
To outsiders, we act very normal. But when the class visitor left, when whatever person that must be there left, we went chaotically wild.
Both him and I are on the Darktale side, and we should really hurry up before Scorpio’s door is completely blocked.
Over time, I have learned that when a Deadpool versus Darktale conflict is going, there is always one more destructive conflict. I hear Ari heading over to the two Deadpools blocking Scorpio’s doorway to assist. I climb up to the second floor, where the rooms are, and take a left into my hallway. There they are.
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katrinadelallo · 6 years
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Not yet. Small, little, barely-there draft, remember? But even if it was more robust, I don't typically cry over my manuscripts. I'm more of a "Oh, the readers are gonna HATE me for this. It's so beautiful" type of person. See, I'm giving you fair warning. After all, I've already hinted at #Zoe not making it to the end of the book... #wipjoy2018 #wipjoy #WIP #day11 #katrinadelallo #zodiac #stars #constellations #karhu #amwriting #amwritingfantasy #fantasy #imagination #zodiacstory
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katrinadelallo · 6 years
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This seems like a question fraught with boastful potential. My first reply to the statement would be "Everything you can think of. I'm the most awesome writer EVER." My second response would be "That I'm the next Megan Whalen Turner." (She's like my favourite author ever, FYI) But for a more modest reply, in actuality I think my biggest strength is that I can create pretty epic characters. At least, most people that read my first/second/third drafts/revised drafts/fourth revisions seem to think my character development is spot on. So yeah, I'd say character development is my greatest strength. (I'd hazard to say I'm pretty good at world building too - I loooooove creating worlds, which is why everything I write is fantasy. That's probably my second greatest strength.) #WIP #amwritingfantasy #karhu #writingstrength #awesomewriter #amwriting #wipjoy #day8 #zodiacstory #zodiac #zoe #treeofworlds
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katrinadelallo · 6 years
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So, I'm late to the party, but I found #wipjoy this morning and think it's a great New Year's goal for me to participate in. It is hosted by Bethany Jennings of www.simmering mind.com, and it looks like awesome fun. So here goes... This is a 100% new WIP, so there is no title and the storyline is subject to change, but this is its current hazy plot: Karhu is a young star living in captivity on his world's earth. In a branching universe of nine worlds, Astralay is the world whose stars are living beings, capable of great power. But the stars are distinct beings separate from humanity. Where humans live on the mortal restraints of Astralay's physical realm, the stars are bound to the heavens. Where humanity's technological advancements are restricted to the earth, the stars and their power are bound to the heavens. Any star that comes to the ground, voluntarily or involuntarily, is subject to humanity's mortality. Should they presume to use their heavenly power on earth, they will die. However, humanity is facing a dilemma - they have been too greedy in their pursuit of technology and energy, and the earth is growing toxic. An overly ambitious scientist discovers that the energy contained in a star has the potential to power the earthly world with clean energy, if they can but harness that power by harvesting the star's life. And Karhu is but one of many stars to be sacrificed in humanity's relentless pursuit of power. And that's it! It's still in very hazy draft form, but I'm starting to write the first pages, so we'll see how it changes. #amwriting #amwritingfantasy #WIP #karhu #astralworld #astralay #power #lifeissacred #ninerealms #treeofworlds #zodiac #zodiacstory #constellation
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