#zekrom is electric dragon which is FIRE
musubiki · 2 months
i am only now realizing that the ideal mochi/lime pokemon au pokemon are reshiram and zekrom
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shinysamurott9 · 5 months
Shiny kyurem after 5648 SR's on my main Black 2 file. Kyurem is one of my absolute favourite pokemon of all time and i am so happy to have it shiny now.
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This shiny has been a long time coming for me. I've been making strides to 100% this Black 2 file for a long time and I've come pretty far. I've completed the national dex, did all the movies in pokestar, beat all the tournaments and collected an obscene amount of medals, not all but a lot.
The legendaries are actually one of the only things I haven’t done. Ever since ORAS I've made it a point to avoid catching 1 time only encounters in case I ever wanted to shiny hunt them, as when I got the shiny charm in that game I used all the mirage spot legendaries to fill out my dex, but when i got the shiny charm i realised, "Wait, I've just caught basically all of the coolest targets to shiny hunt". In the case of the Unova dragons, I also specifically avoided doing this in hopes I could get access to Shiny Lock Removal and obtain the whole trio. And now I finally have
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The Unova Dragons or the Tao Trio are easily among my favourite legendary pokemon. Their designs are fantastic and make for excellent depictions of what they represent. I love their role in the lore of Unova and how the values they represent have influenced modern day Unova, subtlely showing which of the dragons actually won in the conflict between the sons of the twin rulers of ancient Unova.
Even their typings have significance. Something that often cones up in N's speech patterns is formulas and chain reactions which create change, but a change can only be created with energy. Reshiram and Zekrom being fire and electric type respectively, represent plasma and two different kinds of energy that can create those chain reactions. They have everything needed to change the world. Kyurem however is ice type. Cold is created from an absence of heat and energy, and is typically used to preserve things, brilliantly showing what Kyurem has lost and what it is left as, basically just a walking preserved corpse. It's a big reason why it loses some of the ice covering it's body in it's fusion forms. Speaking of:
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I love Black and White Kyurem. I think it's a brilliant concept that Kyurem can still fuse with one of the legendaries, adopting either truth or ideals to return itself to a more cohesive form but even though it's closer to it's original form, it's still mishapen and imperfect, having to use it's ice to remain cohesive with the DNA it obtains from Reshiram and Zekrom. I'm a massive fan of monstrous and mishapen designs like this. It's absolutely brilliant all while giving us just a few little hints as to what Kyurem may have originally looked like.
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waywardstation · 1 year
I saw your post about the recent submas polls and I’m far too shy to reply to the post so sneaking into your asks unsolicited seems the next best option haha
In relation to the whole which twin is which legendary I like to think you can make an argument for both. The whole black/white color scheme can be taken either way given that bw/b2w2 have the opposite colored legendary per named game. You can argue Ingo being truthful because he’s very polite and ernest as much as you can Emmet being truthful because he speaks blunt and matter-of-factly, etc.
If I did have to pick a legendary per twin I would actually personally agree with you in Ingo being Reshiram and Emmet being Zekrom but that’s mainly just as Reshiram is the older of the two and is a fire type (like Ingo and Chandlure) and Zekrom is the younger of the two and is an electric type (like Emmet and Elektross)
Personally though I don’t actually think they do have any real connection to the legendaries (wouldn’t complain if they did though!) and I just think that Unovan culture places emphasis on twins as Unova seems to be at least a bit superstitious. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s seen as good luck or whatever to dress similarly or in black and white in honour of the legendaries, or for twins to just naturally be a lot closer to each other or even highly regarded in society and so on with other potentially superstitious things.
You could also potentially argue this for other multiples as part of Unovan culture as the Striaton triplets also have their own themeing and stuff going on but idk
Anyway this is a very long ask and probably nothing your interested in but hey I’d love to hear your thoughts on your own takes of Unovan culture if you have any :)
In regards to this ask
No worried anon!! I am interested in it; I always appreciate when people share in-depth thoughts like this! ^^
good thoughts!!
I like to think that Emmet is closer to Zekrom, and Ingo is closer to Reshiram for the same reasons you do, and I share those here.
Of course, again as you said, this whole thing can be taken many ways. The twins can be directly connected to the dragons. They can be descendants of the original twins that worked with them. They could have no connection at all. Unovan culture could be making connections that aren't necessarily there
I suppose personally I lie somewhere half and half; half culture superstition, half connection - not by bloodline, but by the dragons' influence on twins.
considering legendary Pokémon do have influence over the world and its development, I could see Zekrom and Reshiram having some sort of influence over twins that are born, and one might lean more towards another.
In the original legend, Reshiram sided with the older twin, and Zekrom sided with the younger. If the twin dragons have any influence on twins that are born, I believe Reshiram might have a tendency to somewhat influence the older twin in the set, and Zekrom more likely influences the younger. Of course this isn't the case every time, it's simply more frequent, and there would be degrees of influence. Some could be obvious, some could be so subtle it feels like it's not there are all. But it's never to the point of twins gaining powers or direct connections to the dragons themselves.
But the modern culture might overestimate the dragons' influence a little, leading to things like thinking twins wearing their respective colors brings good luck, or sets of twins themselves are good luck. Who knows how much of it is true or made up anymore?
Ingo and Emmet might have some influence from the dragons; maybe it influenced their type affinities (But I also like to think this is because Emmet simply prefers modern trains - electric, while Ingo likes older steam engines - fire). Maybe it influences their thinking tendencies (truth vs. ideals).
WHEW that was long, but thanks for the ask anon!! It's super interesting!
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transienturl · 2 months
this is somewhat academic, because pokemon go raid bosses are frequently dual type and always have off-type charge moves, and raid attackers vary in power and are also often dual type and the types can cover each other's weaknesses. sometimes the best attacker isn't the obvious type. nevertheless…
types by what is both super effective against and resistant to them:
grass: bug, fire, flying, poison, ice+grass rock: fighting, ground, steel, water+ground, grass+steel fighting: fairy, psychic, flying fire: rock, water, ground+(dragon/fire/rock/water) steel: fire, fighting+(steel/fire), ground+(steel/water) ground: grass, water+flying, ice+flying bug: fire, flying dark: fairy, fighting fairy: poison, steel flying: electric, rock ice: fire, steel, fighting+fire poison: ground, psychic+steel water: grass, electric+dragon dragon: fairy, dragon+fairy electric: ground ghost: dark psychic: dark normal: fighting (well, close enough)
note: ground+(steel/water) in the steel entry, for example, indicates that ground isn't resistant to steel, but a ground-move excadrill or mega swampert is, and is thus at least equally as good as mono fire. in this case fire+steel heatran is even better but at that point look at a chart with your actual situation in mind.
the reverse table is arguably the more interesting one, though:
corollary: types by what they're both super effective against and resistant to:
fire: bug, grass, ice, steel ground: electric*, poison, rock, (steel if +water/steel), (fire if +dragon/fire/rock/water) fighting: normal*, dark, rock, (steel if +steel/fire, ice if +fire) flying: bug, fighting, grass fairy: dragon*, dark, fighting steel: fairy, ice, rock poison: fairy, grass rock: fire, flying dark: ghost*, psychic* grass: ground, water, (rock if +steel) psychic: fighting, (poison if +steel) water: fire (ground if +flying, rock if +ground) electric: flying, (water if +dragon) bug: grass ice: --- (ground if +flying, grass if +grass) ghost: --- dragon: --- (dragon if dragon+fairy) normal: ---
*the only strong option, in a sense
notably, ghost is always worse than dark, dragon is always worse than fairy (dragon+steel dialgia only helps a little), and ice is always worse than another attacker type because it has zero resistances. also bug is pretty useless but that was well-established already.
it is more complicated in practice but this does bring the utility of certain raid attackers into question. I can't think of a scenario where giratina could possibly be the best choice, for example, much as I love it. both ice megas would only be interesting if boosting many mamoswine or arcticuno. pure dragon pokemon like haxorus also don't seem to have any use at all (dragon+useful secondary type is still relevant for fighting dragons in practice since fairy is just okay and its only worthwhile mega is gardevoir.)
and, possibly more importantly, certain dual type pokemon are much more useful as one type than the other. for example, psychic-move mega gardevoir is completely unnecessary (against fighting you could use its fairy moveset; it is weak to poison so you would use a ground type or metagross there instead). dragon-move garchomp seems mostly pointless since the things it resists better than mega charizard x/palkia/zekrom are also the things you would use ground on. dragon-move latios/latias don't really have a niche if you have other dragons. mega heracross is better off fighting, and mega scizor is better off steel, unless you run out of other grass counters somehow. (meanwhile, mega gyarados is relevant on dark, psychic, fire, and ground raids if you have both movesets, which is way more than I expected.)
this is also relevant when considering powering up/tming a primal or instead using those resources elsewhere (as neither makes any difference when you're just putting the primal in the 6th slot for the passive boost). roughly, then, the types one would actually consider battling with the primal itself against would be:
groudon: electric, poison, rock, fire, steel rayquaza: bug, fighting, grass, dragon kyogre: fire, ground… maybe rock (but groudon and ground types are better so not so likely)
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shoppncarticles · 9 months
Reshiram, Zekrom, & Kyurem
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So finally we come to the big mascot Legendaries of the Generation, starting off with the Dragon/Fire type Reshiram, the mascot of Pokemon... Black. Yeah, they had the mascots reversed, but I guess it was to help them stand out against the thematic backgrounds. There's also potentially clever story reason for it, but I may save that for the retrospective.
Anyways, Reshiram isn't too bad as far as the big dragon icons go. The fact that it consists of one big, solid color is nicely offset but the multitude of different fluffy tufts and spikes making up its coat. The wispy bits at the back of Reshiram's head and its tail resembling smoke is a nice touch and connection to its Fire type too. Its tail looking like a jet turbine and even heating up and glowing red as it flies is pretty amusing too.
Something about it feels off though, like the body is too bottom heavy, or how its arms are always held up and spread out. The detailed look of its calves also doesn't match the rest of its anatomy, which is weird. Not a huge problem, I like Reshiram's overall appearance, but some finer details feel off.
Score: 3.5/5
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Zekrom is Reshiram's counterpart, holding the Dragon/Electric typing and being all rad and pure black. Something about Zekrom feels so emblematic of the Generation as a whole, more so than what its fellow mascot holds. I think it's just the sleek jet-black look its got, and all the seams and geometric bits across its body. The aesthetic of Gen 5 was not only all about Black and White contrast, but also hexagonal grid patterns and outlines. Zekrom feels like a perfect encapsulation of that, so it gets some extra points for that too.
It's also just got a nice, cohesive dino-dragon appearance to itself too. Like Reshiram, Zekrom doesn't muddy itself up with too many colors or details, just having shades of black and dark grey defining its body. The light blue shading it's got in the artwork though looks especially nice, giving it a cool electrical sheen that reflects its type well. Its tail isn't quite as fitting as Reshiram's jet engine, but being a conical generator fits its element fine as well.
Score: 4/5
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Effectively cool.
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Then there's the Dragon/Ice type Kyurem, the Giratina to Reshiram and Zekrom's Dialga and Palkia. Though much more modest in appearance, Kyurem is the far more interesting specimen of the three. This ramshackle, asymmetrical grouch is quite literally shattered, its body left an incomplete husk after some great tragedy in the past split it apart. In Pokemon's lore, Kyurem, Reshiram, and Zekrom were once all the same ultra-powerful dragon deity, before it came crashing to Earth as a terrible meteor, leaving a great impact crater and splitting into three beings, Reshiram and Zekrom both being halves of the original dragon's spirit and leaving Kyurem behind as the empty shell of its original body.
I like how Kyurem's design characterizes this, since not only is it primarily grey (both a cheeky since its a mix of black and white, as well as communicating how unsaturated and lifeless it is), but also with its wings and even face being so lopsided and mismatched. The Ice typing is great too, as the crater left by Kyurem's impact is quite cold, and residing their for so long seems to have left Kyurem partially frozen, its own body not generating any heat to prevent the ice from forming. I just wish it had a liiiittle more ice covering its body, or was broken up just a biiit more. Still great as-is though.
Kyurem is also reduced to a mindless monster in this state, since the town closest to its crater has apparently had to go through history erecting walls to keep it out whenever it wanders outside, with fears that it may break into civilization and start eating people. The story still gets shared in the modern day, but few people can claim to have seen it. I'm glad in addition to being a frozen cadaver of a dragon god Kyurem also gets to be a folktale bogeyman too.
Score: 4.5/5
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Come Black 2 and White 2, Kyurem actually does get the opportunity to restore itself to glory somewhat, but still remains incomplete. The full, original dragon has never been shown in a complete state, only these half-measures, but I think that's alright. It's better to keep it a mystery and let the lore stay ambiguous and interesting.
Anyways, White Kyurem here is the fusion between Kyurem and Reshiram. It certainly looks like a haphazard fusion between these two dragons, though not quite in a way I would've liked. I get Kyurem has to still look appealing and marketable in these forms as it's now a mascot legendary too, but I would've enjoyed if it remained messed up and malformed as a fusion, if not more. Just a real disturbing and asymmetrical mess that shows that these two are still not complete without their third wheel. Kyurem's overall shape is a lot more balanced here, but still has weird traits that stick out like the big fluff of Reshiram's tail in the back. It's like it's being pulled in two different directions, one trying to make it more coherent and one trying to keep it weird and mismatched. Make up your mind, guys!
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Black Kyurem falls victim to the same problem, but Zekrom's lack of fluffy fur and use of smooth lines helps it feel a little better put together. The tail isn't quite as egregious, for example. I'd still prefer if the arms or wings were more mismatched in shape, though.
Score: 3/5
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I'm not a big fan of Pokemon Fusions in general, really.
[Gen 5 Archive]
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
reshiram!emmet with blue eyes and zekrom!elesa with gold eyes. Also good news for Emmet, because now his hair is doing the same wispy thing that Ingo’s does now, so they’re matching again! I think they both deserve wings as well, though they’re usually dormant and hidden. If Reshiram and Zekrom are in control, they always come out though! They have to suddenly invest in clothing that can handle that, lmao... which is definitely not Emmet’s Subway Boss coat.
also now that Reshiram is merged with him, Emmet can’t lie ever. About anything. He always feels compelled to tell the truth. Just blurts it right out. Sorry about your debuff, Emmet. Meanwhile Elesa can continue to lie all she wants. Clearly she got the better deal!!
and yes. they can both use the dragon’s respective moves. Perhaps this is more power than Emmet should have. He would have preferred electric attacks, but something about using fire moves makes him feel closer to his absent brother.
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ixenarcaniss · 1 year
Okay buckle up because I have opinions and theories and I figure why not shout them into the internet. We're talking about Pokémon today.
I've always been fascinated by the level of symmetry in the designs of Pokémon title legendaries. Let me explain. The obvious peak of this is in the designs of Zekrom and Reshiram from Pokémon Black and Pokémon White.
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Reshiram, Pokémon's own Blue-Eyes White Dragon, is a dragon/fire type, elegantly shaped with more flowy, organic details resembling fur or feathers (i.e. its wyvern-style wings or twin plumes on its head). Its tail acts as a huge furnace, capable of emitting a red hot trail of fire as it flies.
Conversely, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Zekrom, is a dragon/electric type, slightly more anthropomorphically bulit, with more harsh, geometrically shaped details (i.e. its singular, antenna-like horn, or its muscular, almost mech-like upper body, arms, and wings). Its tail is a giant generator, capable of emitting a blue trail of crackling electricity as it flies.
By the standards of the time, these two might have been considered somewhat over-designed pokémon were it not for their stark, austere color pallets, which mirror each other excellently. Reshiram is all white with blue eyes, attacking with red fire, and often depicted with a background of black smoke. Zekrom is all black with red eyes, attacking with blue lightning, and often depicted with a background of white storm clouds.
Overall, they have this phenomenal quality of yin and yang, mirroring and opposing each other aesthetically and thematically. Other legendary duos/trios/etc. do this to varying degrees, following different strategies. Some contrast each other as much as possible (i.e. Groudon, Kyogre, & Rayquaza or Xerneas, Yveltal, & Zygarde), while others share an overall theme or aesthetic (i.e. Solgaleo & Lunala or Zamazenta & Zacian).
This brings me to my actual topic for this post, the newest title legendaries, Koraidon and Miraidon, featured in Pokémon Scarlet version and Pokémon Violet version respectively. Bear in mind I haven't actually finished my playthough of Scarlet, so there may be some details about these two that I'm missing.
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There are two main ideas at play in these pokémon's designs. The first is their main theming. Koraidon and Miraidon as a duo represent a relationship between past and the future, with each one coming from either the distant past or far future. In fact, in Japanese, '"korai," or "古来," means ancient, or ancient past, while "mirai," or "未来," means future.
This theming is aesthetically apparent, as these two pokémon as a pair have something in common with Reshiram and Zekrom. Koraidon is very organic in its design, being very explicitly animal in shape, and sporting vibrant plumage reminiscent of the decorative dress of some traditional cultures. In contrast, Miraidon is very mechanical in its design, featuring modern details like metal claws, jet engine legs, and LED screen eyes. Different as these two are, representing disparate eras, they do share a similar basic shape.
That shape is the shape of a motorcycle.
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Yes, the other main design tenet these two share is the strict requirement that they both function as lizard motorcycles. Unlike other entries in the series where title legendaries are only encountered around the climax of the main story, a distant promise of a powerful new pet, Scarlet and Violet introduce their respective legendaries right away as mounts. These guys each have a few different forms for running, swimming, gliding, and when powered up for battling, but apart from the same basic structure and posture, they share some convenient features which allow the player character to hop on and ride: some sort of "wheels," some curvy handlebars, and a nice comfy place to sit and steer.
It's a bit of a weird theme, slightly awkward in that animals and wheels don't generally mix, but seeing as riding either pokémon is a core mechanic central to the gameplay of the large open world, it works. And it doesn't stop at mechanics. The ability to ride these two pokémon has surprising connections to worldbulding. Introducing the non-legendary pokémon, Cyclizar:
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As I understand, Cyclizar (cycle lizard, as you can imagine) is the evolutionary midpoint (evolution in the Earth science sense rather than the Pokémon world's sense which more resembles life-cycle metamorphosis) between the ancient Koraidon and the distant future Miraidon. It's significantly smaller and simpler in its design than its legendary counterparts, allowing it to fit in among the standard creatures of the Paldea region. It does however maintain the same basic motorcycle lizard shape as Koraidon and Miraidon. In fact, NPCs commonly ride on the backs of Cyclizar as a popular means of transport much like the player does with Koraidon/Miraidon. A pokédex entry mentions that this relationship between humans and Cyclizar has existed for over 10,000 years, suggesting greater continuity of connection to the two beasts of past and future.
This is a lot of consideration to go into the design of an entry's title legendaries. Details not only convey and support the game's lore, story, and world by connecting the two pokémon to each other, but also creatively support the game's mechanics and core gameplay. Namely, Koraidon and Miraidon suggest the themes of past and future, history and modernity, while giving the player the freedom to more easily traverse and explore the Paldea region. While I can only vouch for Koraidon, having played Scarlet myself (with Miraidon presumably being almost identical mechanically), it serves as an effective mount as well as companion, and I found it quite charming and endearing.
All this being said, I noticed something else interesting while examining these pokémon's designs. It always bothered me that a new main series Pokémon entry would choose Scarlet and Violet as its titles. After all, the very first games in the series were already Pokémon Red and Blue. (Technically Red and Green came first upon release in Japan but I digress.) It seemed weird to essentially title a game "Pokémon Slightly Different Red," but now I think I might have figured out what led to such a choice.
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In looking for symmetry in Koraidon and Miraidon's designs, I considered their colors. Koraidon is mainly scarlet, with some black and white details, plus some accents of dark blue/violet. Miraidon is mainly violet, with minimal amounts of black and white detail, plus some accents of... yellow. Huh. Was hoping for more scarlet to better mirror Koraidon in the same way Reshiram and Zekrom mirror one another. Oh well, let's keep looking.
Koraidon is a fighting/dragon type. No obvious reason to be red there. The fighting type is generally represented by orange iconography, but fighting type pokémon aren't really any more likely to be orange or red. The dragon type is usually represented by purple iconography, but again, dragon pokémon aren't really any more likely to be blue/purple. Miraidon meanwhile is an electric/dragon type. Electric typing is much more apparent in this design than fighting is in Koraidon's. At least it might explain the presence of the yellow, as electric types are yellow a decent amount of the time. In fairness, Koraidon does have yellow eyes, but that's not exactly an even yin and yang balance.
Alright then, so if they aren't type-based, and they aren't even mirrored, what are the colors of these pokémon telling us? Are they just arbitrary? Chosen just because they look cool?
Have you considered:
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I can't quite relate it back to the theme of past and future, nor to the theme of radical lizard motorcycles, but as compelling thematic opposites, you could do worse than the ends of the visible light spectrum. Maybe it's a stretch, but it could relate to the game's mechanic of terastal pokémon—that is, pokémon temporarily powered up in a way that crystalizes them, scattering light as if through a prism. Again, I haven't finished this game, so I can't say how related this phenomenon is to Koraidon and Miraidon, so for now, it's just a vague idea.
In lieu of that, let me present some more evidence that the visible light spectrum may be the intended theme. Consider Koraidon. It is mainly bright red, representing the longest wavelengths humans can see. It also has details in blue, at what I'll call ~2/3 into the the spectrum. On the other end, Miraidon is violet, representing the shortest wavelengths humans can see. It also has details in yellow, at what I'll call ~1/3 into the spectrum. Ah, so there is color mirroring, just not how we expected! Colors are grabbed from mirrored areas of the spectrum, mystery solved!
But there's one more clever detail in this clever system.
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Cyclizar... is green.
Yup, this guy, temporally located smack in the middle of its two distant relatives, is also chromatically located smack in the dead center of the color spectrum. No, I can't really account for the red in its cheeks (although I realized that the detail is a neat midpoint between Koraidon's natural jaw and Miraidon's hinged one), but beyond those little spots, this guy's color perfectly captures the evolution of a species across distant eras. What a lovely little snapshot of our moment in Paldean history.
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This is the most insane beyond my theory that reaches so far to the heavens that Beta Arceus can feel the judgement coming.
So yes the Original Dragon Split about a thousand years ago or so the game says, but there's some details I forgot as it's been since 2012 last I went through Black and White's story. But what if, that Lightning Strike on the Brass Tower, was due to the dragon being super conflicted and out of control? The brothers were conflicting it completely maybe by force by Truths or Ideals, it was originally a Balance, but.
Maybe the name of the Paradox Beasts has some slight answers. I'm looking at Raging Bolt in more detail. Before the Dragon split, it became an electric type unleashing lightning wherever it went it struck the Brass Tower and well disappeared but the storm was raging, and the flames well was growing, Lugia summoned the rain in a panic as blowing the flames did nothing and then the Rain came to lessen the fire.
Like the fire, the separate piece split from the dragon making a small stone of Reshiram, the Lightning for Zekrom making it a husk of what it was crashing down back over to Unova for the Great Chasm, the dragon was purely water until it froze over forcing the left over piece of itself Ice/Dragon for Kyurem. But the Dragonspiral Tower contained either Reshiram or Zekrom (depending on your version who N calls to, which there's a secret, you can battle your box exclusive in that tower if your boxes are full if you defeated it the first time.) Maybe the tower was only for the Original Dragon, it's not possible for it to do anything, maybe it had contained the Stellar type but it couldn't contain it due to the brothers.
People of Johto didn't know about the Original Dragon, which makes sense why should they know, the only event they mostly have a history to is the tower burning down, and HoOh ressurecting the Beasts as we know them today.
Why Keldeo and Celebi are in these pics are because they fit with this, as to why we don't witness a "paradox" Celebi or Keldeo, why should we?
Maybe Pokemon is subtly on purpose telling us that Zekrom (150 years when the Tower burned down by a lightning strike.) or the Original Dragon (presumably if the story the characters of BW is telling us all the truth or what they assume is the real history as this CAN be retconned right from under our feet.) out of control maybe many years later struck the tower.
Maybe the brothers were actually bad people and harmed the dragon to a point to agreeing with either one and had to split no matter what.
Kyurem is the unbalance of Truths and Ideals to the original dragon's complete balance of Truth and Ideals.
I think the games will be both regions of Unova and Johto.
Pokemon - Balanced Grey ( With Black and White remakes with their sequels.)
Pokemon - Historic Johto. Maybe.
Again this is a pretty dumb theory, but I like throwing ideas around.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Anyway, here's the powers that I have so far:
Jin has air manipulation, though a very low level of it. The most they can do is create strong winds, fly, and the ability to breathe at high altitudes/space.
Danica: has Distortion, which is very similar to what Giratina can do,as well as the ability to go through mirrors if she pleases. She can also master anti-gravity( she can walk on walls and cause objects that go against the natural gravitational pull if that makes sense). As you can see, home girl is powerful.
A and E are very standard in having electrokinesis and pyrokenesis respectively. Alexis tends to attract electric types while Elliot fire/dragon types. They are also more immune to what would be electric and fire hazards. I want to add something else when it comes to the Truth and Ideals aspect of Reshiram and Zekrom, but I can't think of anything at the moment.
Jude, Dante and Shauna all have powers that are under the circle of life. I'm seeing Jude being more different since she's mostly using his aura, with their Chosen powers adding some effects. The general idea is that they can take small amounts of energy and use it as their own. You can imagine how deadly this can be. Dante I believe would be a healer, preserving life. Shauna is much more difficult given she represents the in-between. But here's an idea: nature's call. Shauna can call for help from the wildlife around her, similar to how Zygarde calls upon their cells to form themselves.
Wayne, believe it or not, is a bit more fleshed out that Eva. I like to think he can create weapons,mainly swords, and use them if needed( all probably made of water. So I guess a form of water manipulation?) That plus the added effect of being able to breathe underwater.
Ames is fun. She cannot become a faller, for one. This means she can enter the ultra wormholes without fearing that she will be torn inside and out. They can also create portals, though that would take a lot of energy.
You already know about The Howl. It's basically the power of voice. In addition, Naomi can create a mist sword and Hop can create barriers.
Carol may be able to see into the future with ice shards/ "crown". Need to think about that more but that's the vibe.
I have so much more thinking to do,as you can see. Especially with the ocs I haven't mentioned at all!
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modmad · 2 years
I love your theory about Ingo and Emmet being the original twins, but shouldn't it be Ingo that gets the black dragon and Emmet that gets the white one?
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this is dialogue from BW2, and Ingo is the older brother so following this logic he would have Reshiram and Emmet would have Zekrom, but even disregarding this little bit of canon the fact that Ingo has a signature fire type pokemon and Emmet has an electric type makes that match up work better I think... I also just really like the idea that each gets the opposite colour, on top of them possibly leaning on the personal quality in the other twin and thus believing that to be the stronger, which is frankly the only reason why I can see them ever fighting over something like that!
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scatterpatter · 2 years
Literally everything about Ingo’s and Emmet’s designs are meant to perfectly complement each other at all times and I adore it so Im infodumping about it
Let’s get the obvious out of the way: Black and White outfits
Ingo is frowny and Emmet is smiley. We can take this a step further by comparing them to comedy and tragedy masks. Double points for the fact that Emmet is more visually expressive but less verbally expressive while Ingo is less visually expressive but more verbally expressive
In Japanese, Ingo’s name is Nobori which literally translates to Uphill, while Emmet’s is Kudari which literally translates to Downhill
Emmet’s main partner is Eelektross, which is an electric type and can mirror Zekrom. Ingo’s is Chandelure, which is a fire time and can mirror Reshiram. They share typings with the liTERAL BLACK AND WHITE DRAGONS OF TRUTH AND IDEALS-
We can take this a step further. Eelektross being an electric type: it’s main color can be yellow(is has plenty of dark green but i think being electric type gives yellow precedence). Chandelure, on top of being ghost type, also has purple flames. YELLOW AND PURPLE ARE COMPLIMENTARY COLORS.
DID YOU KNOW that in Pokemon Masters EX, if you get Ingo and Emmet to 6 stars, you unlock a “6 star EX outfit”? It’s just a palette swap but get this. Ingo’s becomes a red jacket/hat (to match a shiny Excadrill, his pokemon in this game), and Emmet’s becomes a green jacket/hat (to match a shiny Archeops, his pokemon in this game). AND GUESS WHAT. RED AND GREEN ARE COMPLIMENTARY COLORS.
Submas twins are perfectly designed in every appearance and no i am NOT exaggerating
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greenix · 2 years
here's that legend of unova rewrite I did if anyone was interested:
Long, long ago, back when the only thing in the desert was wind and only the mountains yet scraped the sky, there was a set of auspicious twins. They were born from the daughter of the king, although she took no man. It is said that their birth was the doing of the almighty Dragons themselves, back when they were one. Seen as a threat to the king’s Dragon-given crown, these brothers were banished from the kingdom, cast out into the wastes of the desert. There, they made a place for themselves - the Relic Castle, which now crowns our region of Unova. 
These twins grew up into fine young men and, along with them, so grew their beliefs. The oldest brother, shrouded in white, sought the Truth, while the youngest, clothed in black, sought Ideals. 
While as close as brothers could be, one day, these twins were split by their convictions. The oldest, eyes fiery, claimed that nothing mattered more than the facts. The youngest, electric with emotion, argued back that the facts meant nothing without heart. It is said that their argument split the legendary Dragon itself into halves, creating twin entities locked in endless conflict. Reshiram, lit by the fires of Truth, and Zekrom, crackling with the lightning of Ideals. 
Because the two of them were once the same entity, their battle raged endlessly and neither one could be declared the winner. They simply exhausted themselves. The twin heroes proclaimed that there was no one side that was right and ceased the conflict. Together, Dragons by their sides, they founded the land, and thus the Unova region came into being. 
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could u review my Friend Reshiram, thank u <3
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Reshiram!!!! The Vast White Pokemon!!!
Reshiram’s the Legendary mascot of Pokemon Black, a Dragon/Fire-type monster that seems to simultaneously derive from wyverns, foxes, and angels. Like its counterpart Zekrom, it’s a lot more thematically complex than the typical Legendary – in large part because Black and White were a lot more thematically complex than other games in the franchise as a whole.
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The foremost motif of Reshiram and Zekrom is their yin and yang dichotomy – Reshiram’s title in Japan is the White Yang Pokemon, whereas Zekrom is the Black Yin Pokemon. A central component to yin and yang is that they are fundamentally complementary and indivisible: one cannot exist independently, each giving rise to the other. This is why the white Reshiram is the mascot of Pokemon Black and the black Zekrom is the mascot of Pokemon White, rather than the other way around. Ken Sugimori has stated in an interview that their complementary nature was central to the design process, with Reshiram being given a light, airy, and feminine design to contrast Zekrom’s tough and masculine appearance. This is a bit ironic, as yang is traditionally the “masculine” half of yin and yang, but it fits well enough.
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The other main motif of Reshiram is the theme of “truth” and its contrast to the “ideals” associated with Zekrom. This is central to their shared mythology: originally, Reshiram and Zekrom were two parts of a single dragon, which was partnered with two twin heroes. These twins used the dragon’s power to shape Unova, but eventually, the twins began to fight over whether to prioritize truth or ideals – which then led to the dragon itself splitting into two, with Reshiram following the truth-aligned twin and Zekrom following the ideals-aligned twin. Black and White’s plot parallels this original conflict, with the player and N each taking up the mantle of one twin. It’s unfortunately a lot of meaningless fluff – the story doesn’t even really make a distinction between truth and ideals – and the one you align with just depends on the game, so it wasn’t incorporated into the dialogue all that heavily.
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As a design, Reshiram is actually pretty outstanding. It’s one of the most organic-feeling Legendaries and the image of a feathered canine-wyvern is incredibly distinctive. The canine aspect is even completed with a howl-based cry when it enters battle! The electrical generator tail, probably the oddest component of its design, is also very unique even if it doesn’t flow perfectly. Probably my favorite aspect of its design are its absolutely beautiful blue-and-black eyes, which are quite possibly the prettiest eyes in the franchise. All that said, the design does have some issues. The lack of detail on the wings makes them feel rather unfinished, not having the full feathers seen on most large bird pokemon. Moreover, its actual anatomy feels very awkward – its widely-spaced and weirdly-jointed legs in particular. A good design overall, but not free of criticism.
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The obvious best way to go about Reshiram’s and Zekrom’s shinies would be a black Reshiram and a white Zekrom – swapping the colour schemes entirely. What we got instead, though, was just a very slightly different shade of white, along with gold rings instead of silver. What is incredibly cool about this shiny is that the fire that burns in its tail is bright fuchsia instead of orange, but unfortunately you barely ever get to see it outside its Gen V sprite.
Overall, Reshiram’s pretty great, and I respect it quite a bit. It reflects Game Freak’s first real attempt to emphasize a narrative theme – even if the execution of it was a bit lacking – and I appreciate how much thought clearly went into its concept. Despite a few misgivings with its design, the good definitely outweighs the bad, and I’d say Reshiram is probably one of my favorite box mascots.
Get it white boy/10.
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auguriium · 2 years
The limited vastness of what Touya has set to call home for now, of the mysterious thing that is the mirage Island that shelters him and Reshiram, and also N along Zekrom who desires nothing but to make up for the time the two dragons have spent apart - as if their bond born from fight did not matter when there was something stronger that bound together with a connection so similar to love, in a way someone could understand perhaps. One that transcends familiar, filial or anything; one could not live without the other, fights and disagreements would happen beyond the lifetime Touya himself has and can expire when his journey settles into whatever the future lends them in a world shrouded in uncertainty and the loom of danger at the hands of Team plasma and it’s now vice grip on the world’s entire force. It was a small place, in a way. But big too - offering to unexplored caves with friendly pokemon that, at least and because of the twin dragon’s influence, see Touya as just one more of them and either let their big curiosity lead to approach the ex champion, to the skittish ones that kept their distance or were completely indifferent about him. And Touya appreciated it so much, many places could have hostile pokemon, territorial ones that at the mere sight of humans or pokemon that did not belong there send them in a rampage that anyone would rather avoid. Under the shelter of the low light of crystals that feed off Zekrom’s magnetic electricity that naturally their large and stoic body exudes, Touya gazes upon them like a miniature display of stars - how curious that their color could change depending which dragon resided within these caves; as when it had been only him and the tired Reshiram, the color of the crystals were of a dull but alive crimson remanent of beautiful fires the white feathered dragon was able once to spit. Now them no more than a gentle ember and smoke - truly tired and wounded, and whatever the Team plasma did to them enough to drain the ancient dragon’s greatness to a halt and long need to rest, yet Reshiram’s stubborn to revert back into their orb to speed up the process; as he’s tried to tell them, but Reshiram never gives a reason why, and Touya being the kindhearted fool he is, settles with that. Sulking, of course - but nothing he can truly push them to when the dragon did not want and instead just lay in the large makeshift bed of leaves and soft grass and shed feathers managed to be built by Touya, tied with Serperior’s vines and some of now Zekrom’s aid with their raw strength to move bounders and other heavy materials around so the space for reshiram is a proper one for healing... If only suspiciously also with space for the other dragon too, but it was for the best even with the stink eyes Reshiram shots back at Touya whenever he is no help shooing Zekrom. A memory rises upon the bed of crystals like stars, and Touya befalls in a small memory. True, he may not have his phone anymore but considering the starting of snow melting means one thing, spring is nearing, and so is... Valentine’s day. But— It’d be impossible and stupidly risky to ask so suddenly the twin dragons if he can go to a region and bring snacks. Oh the anger that it’d stir on Latios is enough to send a cold shiver through his spine and.... maybe. It was better for the best that such thing to be avoided. Yet, the idea and ache inside his heart is there. N probably has seen it in his travels happen, so this time he may have a grasp of the day itself or just it’s little and silly ritual of chocolate giving... Touya can help but sulk pathetically where he lies at the entrance of the cave, not too far from the gentle crackling of the makeshift fireplace keeping him from freezing entirely, Reshiram’s shed plumes always stashed and used as warm blankets along some of Zekrom’s stronger scales that have been a great source of crating tools, sturdy tables and other things. The former Champion even allows himself one moment to whine softly about the predicament - but... Maybe he could still just give him something else.
Something of meaning and for N to remember him by... Ah, so long the other is unaware of his predicament and not ask before he blurts anything out his betraying tongue, Touya just lets himself drag a long sigh out. one that wins Reshiram’s hum that oddly feels like an amused chuckle that Touya absolutely takes offense with. But doesn’t give the dragon the satisfaction about it despise the even stringer sulk that paints his visage, or his arms cross as if it somehow will shield his heart from being heard so plainly by the dragon who he shares such a deep emotional bond, feeling each other’s hearts and pains. “ I just wonder... If he would like anything I try to make, as there’s no way I can get chocolate for him. “ He says, quiet and for reshiram to hear knowing N’s been on his long walks as of usual. Having now also the task to plant and pick new berries and other edible food for Touya to cook later with — which is his favorite part for all the sparkly eyes of anticipation that orchestrates behind him when the whiff of beautiful scent waffs from his cauldron while making soups and stews for everyone. —  But reshiram lacks answer beyond the usual words that echo in his mind “ be true to yourself. You already know what to do. “ which... absolutely does not help. Sure, it's the honest way to, but then the next part is to kick his buzzing feelings off so he can actually get off the cool comfort of the cave’s floor and Reshiram’s shed feather his hands hold onto. What a predicament the Former Hero and champion is right now. Is valentines even a thing anymore with team Plasma’s governance? Not that he’d even comply if they somehow banned it for the sake of it. That’d just pick on the stubborn challenging spirit within Touya and go for it anyways.
[ Niveusveritas || Touya thinks too much about chocolate he can't obtain sdFDJÑSFDKF ]
Beneath the hazy skies that shroud the mirage islands it's almost impossible to count the stars or admire the moon as he once had while traveling with Zekrom. But, oddly, he finds the lack of shimmering light speckled across the cast unknown to be more captivating than a typical picturesque night. But if he were being honest, he, admittedly, had never paid much attention to the sky when he had been soaring through it with the dragon of ideals largely because his mind had been elsewhere. Wondering where Touya was. If he was safe. If he was doing well. Those were questions he had the answers to now, even if those answers weren't as reassuring as he would have liked for them to be. Both Touya and Reshiram were safe, that much - at least - he was overjoyed to know. But he couldn't even begin to claim that they were doing well. Yet, he was happy to be reunited with them once more. Being with Touya makes him feel, ah, it's difficult to describe but the emotion itself doesn't seem to come from a place of logic or reasoning, but he imagines being with Touya makes him feel the same way being with Reshiram makes Zekrom feel. Or rather, he knows it does, given the fact that the dragon's feelings mix so freely and vividly with his own. Which is why, despite the distance currently placed between them, he can still feel a wave of excitement and comfort that washes over Zekrom as they enjoy the downtime night allows them to pester Reshiram without too many consequences.
The sensation makes his lips curl into a smile as his shoes crunch softly over the dewy grass, and the cacophony of an array of Pokemon fills his ears. Despite their initial fear, the creatures that call these islands their home have largely grown used to his and his oversized and overexcited friend's presence. He can often hear them chattering amongst themselves, and while most are still too leery to draw close, they don't flee from him either as they once had. They speak of things that are easy for him to grasp. About their days, about the foods they're interested in, about the island itself and the weather. Their conversations are a far cry from the countless he had overheard while traveling from city to city in search of Touya. Those were more difficult for him to relate to. Especially with Team Plasma's rise to power. But it makes him wonder, too, how much time he's been on this island, completely severed from the outside world. He doesn't and can't know how things are going, though he doesn't imagine well based on the various chirps he's caught wind of from the migrating Pokemon. But, for right now, all he wants to do is remain here with Touya and ensure Reshiram has a peaceful recovery.
But, despite the time that's passed, it's little more than a blink for him to calculate the exact date and minute of the current hour. Formulas are, after all, something he's always had a talent for. Numbers come naturally to him. He scarcely needs to think before putting together a complex equation. It's what his mind often finds occupying it when he goes off on one of these late night walks. But that comes with it's own set of spiraling thoughts as well because, oh, it's nearly Valentine's Day. His knowledge of the holiday isn't as concrete as it should be simply because it's something he only found out about while exploring the various regions. Pokemon had little need for a day to express their devotion to their families, as it was something they did every chance they had. He supposed humans are the same, though he's not entirely certain. His lips curve in visible thought, and his brows wrinkle as he mulls over it a bit more. Wasn't it tradition to give gifts on that day? So, shouldn't he give Touya a gift? After all, his relationship with the trainer is similar to Zekrom's relationship with Reshiram and he's near certain Zekrom would give Reshiram a gift if they learned of the holiday.
What; however, could be possibly give to Touya when they were currently stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere? Subconsciously, he lifts his hands to ruffle his hair, his eyes catching sight of a small Taillow napping on the branch of a nearby tree. Without thinking, he excitedly approaches the sleeping bird. "Excuse me!" The sound of his voice is enough to send the poor creature tumbling out from his nest with a loud squeak as it glares at him for disturbing its rest before flying off with a huff that N absolutely hears loud and clear with a slight flinch. Right, so maybe asking wild Pokemon in the middle of the night for gift ideas wasn't the past plan he's ever had. But if he wants to get Touya something he has to act soon. "Zekrom..." he mutters to himself before promptly turning back around and heading back towards the cave that's become their home away from home. Surely the dragon will have an idea, and he knows Reshiram isn't likely to disclose his question to Touya when doing so will only result in less sleep for them. Though, his haste doesn't earn him any favors, and, once he gets absorbed in something, he often loses track of everything around him so how late it is doesn't occur to him until after he's rushing back to the cave and excitedly shouted, "Zekrom, I need assistance assessing what the best gift to give Touya is!" until he's standing in the mouth of the cave with a very sleepy dragon peering over their fluffy counterpart staring at him, and he doesn't even notice he's disturbed the sleeping duo because, well, he's too busy looking Touya dead in the eyes to actually process their presence despite how intensely he can feel Zekrom's innocent amusement bubbling up within him as he turns his head to laugh sheepishly. "I mean...the assistance in assessing...a new formula I recently deduced to calculated how the Pokemon of this island react in various situations." He stumbles over the words as he speaks, choosing not to address the fact that he might very well have woken up the entire island in his newfound excitement to plan the perfect 'surprise' gift for the trainer right in front of him. Ah, surprises were indeed difficult.
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chaosxwrites · 2 years
List of Present Day Aspects
Will be updated as they come.
Contains possible spoilers for potential fic. Mainly just those relevant to the story I’m creating, which is primarily the Sinnoh and Unova legendary/mythical Pokemon.
Uxie - Dawn
A chosen Aspect. Took on Uxie not long after helping free the Lake Spirits from Team Galactic. Uxie favored her for her wisdom and reverence of knowledge.
Can sense willful ignorance & discarding of knowledge despite the individual knowing better and has a distaste for it. Has improved memory. Instincts make keeping her eyes unobstructed hard sometimes, especially in turmoil, and she's taken to keeping them only half-open.
Feels drawn to Lake Acuity and the Creation Trio, as well as her twin and honorary brother.
Mesprit - Lucas
A chosen Aspect. Took on Mesprit not long after helping free the Lake Spirits from Team Galactic. Mesprit favored him for his emotional control and understanding of others.
Can sense others' emotions and when they're suppressing them for better or worse and becomes uncomfortable when they do so. Is somewhat of an empath. Instincts make him feel the need to cover as much skin as possible, making touch somewhat more uncomfortable.
Feels drawn to Lake Verity and the Creation Trio, as well as his twin and honorary brother.
Azelf - Barry
A chosen Aspect. Took on Azelf not long after helping free the Lake Spirits from Team Galactic. Azelf favored him for his strong will and drive to push onward despite obstacles.
Can sense other's wills and drives as well as when they falter, and feels the need to stoke the fires of flickering ones. Has gained a greater understanding of what makes others tick. Instincts make him very wary of getting hurt by others, even on accident, and he's become somewhat more careful as a result.
Feels drawn to Lake Valor and the Creation Trio, as well as his honorary siblings.
Heatran - Flint
A born Aspect. Heatran took on a human form out of curiosity after hearing the wish for children from a couple who explored Stark Mountain. He is driven by his emotions and passion, and values others who can match his intensity.
Has an ability to sense volcanic hotspots and the possible eruption of volcanoes. Extremely resistant to heat. Has to have a good self control or risks overheating the air around him if agitated enough.
Drawn to Stark Mountain and areas with magma near the surface.
Cresselia and Darkrai currently have no known Aspects in present times, though Darkrai was drawn to Cyrus before the mess with the Creation Trio.
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina currently have no Aspects in present times.
Arceus only takes Aspects in times of need.
Zekrom - Ingo
A born Aspect. Zekrom took on a human form after Drayden prayed to the twin dragons with a wish for children. He is driven by ideals and values their pursuit.
Can sense others' ideals, as well as false ones, and has a great distaste for the latter. Has a resistance to electricity and fire. Is unable to speak of things he doesn't truly believe in unless in very specific circumstances.
Feels drawn to his sister and twin, as well as the Dark Stone and Dragonspiral Tower.
Reshiram - Emmet
A born Aspect. Reshiram took on a human form after Drayden prayed to the twin dragons with a wish for children. He is driven by truth and values it highly.
Can sense when others are lying, even if they're small ones, and has a great distaste for them. Has a resistance to fire and electricity. Is unable to lie except in very specific circumstances, even if he wants to.
Feels drawn to his sister and twin, as well as the Light Stone and Dragonspiral Tower.
Kyurem - Iris
A chosen Aspect. Took on Kyurem not long after they were freed from Ghetsis. Iris' strong ideals and valuing of truth drew the two together when combined with her care for her brothers.
Has similar abilities to sense truth and ideals to both Ingo and Emmet, though more toned down. Has a resistance to ice. Though able to lie and speak of false beliefs, it makes her uncomfortable and twitchy. She's eerily good at judging others' potential for growth as well.
Feels drawn to her brothers and Dragonspiral Tower, as well as the Giant Chasm.
Keldeo, Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion have no known Aspects in present times.
Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus have no known Aspects in current times.
Meloetta and Victini have no known Aspects in current times.
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thetakenpokemon · 4 years
Act 2 - The Outside World
[Time: Present Day] [PoV: Yinomi]
Although it has only been a day since we’ve left the isle, I already feel myself being in high spirits. Although a change of scenery is incredibly refreshing, the biggest reason...is the food.
Currently the three of us are gathered around a firepit we made within a clearing. The freshly killed and cleaned carcass of a Sawsbuck lays speared over it with the use of several sharpened branches, cooked to perfection - with my own fire I might add.
We do have plenty of food on the isle. There’s an abundance of trees that hold a variety of fruits, countless vegetables and root plants, and other miscellaneous edible plants and herbs. For those who require meat in their diet, there’s quite a bit of fish from the surrounding ocean. Wild game or any other meat? That is something we don’t have on the isle.
So when we found a Feral Sawsbuck while making our way to the town, it was only natural that the first thing in my and Miyako’s mind was to hunt it. Miyako killed it before it ever had the chance to react, ending its life with a swift slash to its throat after a giant leap.
Although I would never admit this in the open, I must agree that one thing that Miyako has over me is her impressive speed.
My fangs dig into the leg of the venison, uncaring about the grease that’s dripping down my chin. I can find a stream to wash myself later. The biggest priority right now is to enjoy this very rare delicacy~
Across the firepit I see Miyako currently tearing into her own piece, already getting down to the bone. With a loud gulp she turns to Iniko - said Medicham who is silently sitting to the side.
“Hey, want some?” The Lopunny asks, wiping her face with an arm before gesturing to the meat in the center.
Iniko doesn’t respond verbally, but instead gives Miyako a deadpan look before gesturing to her own face with a hand - or more specifically, her lack of mouth.
Miyako smiles awkwardly. “Oh yeah, right...”
So much for being in high spirits... I roll my eyes at her cluelessness. Although most cases I would add a remark, my mouth is currently full.
“It’s okay, Miyako.” Iniko sighs. “Regardless, I already got my fill from the previous stream we found. Its energies should last for the rest of the trek.”
“I still keep forgetting that you ‘eat’ by absorbing energies from running water.” Miyako muses as she takes another bite into the venison, before continuing speaking with her mouth full. “Do you ever miss normal food?”
Swallowing my bite, I give the Lopunny a glare. “You have the decency of a child, Miyako. Speak only when you don’t have food in your mouth.”
In response, the Lopunny gives me the middle finger before chewing slowly with her mouth open, looking me dead in the eyes.
I let out a growl at this, a puff of purple fire escaping from the large maw hanging behind me.
“It’s not any running water that I get my energy from!” Iniko speaks up hastily, trying to divert the subject back in order to stop the forming feud. “It has to be something like a stream or river, however the most fulfilling is from the ocean itself.” She laughs awkwardly. “And even though I have thought about it, I only miss normal food...occasionally. But absorbing energy from water is a fairly different thing compared to standard eating, and in some cases I’d say it’s much more satisfying and filling.”
Her attempt at drawing our attention away from each other ended up succeeding - mostly at least, since my anger towards Miyako has died down to something more along the lines of simple irritation.
“Huh, that’s pretty cool, actually.” Miyako comments, thankfully saying said thing after swallowing her bite of food. “But I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’d ever give up the chance of eating meat! It’s just so damn good~”
I couldn’t resist the opportunity. “Even though you never ate meat before you became a Bearer?” I point out with a smirk.
She glares at me. “Hey, just because my biology was different before, it doesn’t make it any less different now.” Her free clawed hand clenches. “You saying that my opinions mean less due to the fact that I was-”
“Why don’t you both finish eating so we can be on our way sooner?” Iniko speaks up in a serious tone before giving me a glare. “Because right now we are kinda using up precious time.”
“Hmph, very well.” I snort before resuming my feasting.
Miyako holds her glare on me, but ultimately decides to drop the subject as well. “Sure, whatever...”
After finishing our meal and cleaning ourselves up, we’ve resumed our travelling and actually made very good progress towards the town. As of currently the forest we’re in is already thinning, thus meaning that we’re getting close.
“So Richard Dick is located just outside this forest?” Miyako asks to no one in particular, her arms crossed behind her head.
“It’s...called Richmond.” Iniko slowly replies, trying to contain her own laughter. “And yes. Outside the forest is nothing but grasslands along with a big river. Richmond is built beside said river, which I assume is where they get a good source of their food. The place is fairly hilly as well, but we should be able to see the place the moment we step out of the woods.”
I’m currently just staring at Miyako. To confuse ‘Richmond’ with ‘Richard Dick’... Feeling the energies coming from her, I knew it was intentional, so the only reason I can think of is...
She looks at me, a smirk quite plain on her face.
Yeah, she’s definitely doing this to annoy me. What makes it worse is the fact that she’s succeeding.
“Speaking of which, we’re very close!” Iniko speaks up, drawing my attention away from the infuriating dragon rabbit and towards the path in front of us.
As the Medicham said, the forest ahead seems to stop short. After we pass through, the scenery ahead of us changes drastically. 
Before my eyes are nothing but rolling hills of green. The landscape is covered all over with deep emerald blades of grass, and scattered among the earth are several late-blooming flowers. The sky is relatively clear, leaving a rich blue to properly compliment the scene, making it almost seem like a work of art.
This...is definitely nothing like our home isle, where it’s nothing but forest.
“Whoa...” Miyako says in awe, voicing my own thoughts as well.
“That...truly is quite a sight.” Iniko agrees breathlessly.
Seeing that this alone is enough to make all of us catch our breath? I seriously need to speak with Xiomara once we return. We really are missing out on a lot of things by staying on that isle for so long, I’m sure that the others would be more than happy to see something as simple yet beautiful as this.
“And there it is!” Iniko shouts, pointing into the distance with a finger. “The town is just ahead!”
Having my gaze follow the direction she’s gesturing, I do indeed see several buildings just poking out from the hills.
“Last one there has to volunteer to be part of Seikani’s next experiment!” Miyako laughs before dashing towards the town, each bound of her feet causing earth to spray into the air as her form propels itself across the hills, not unlike that of a living bullet.
“Miyako-” Iniko starts to shout before sighing. “Great... Hopefully she won’t cause too much of a problem before we get there.”
I instead grind my teeth together. “I swear... If she causes any sort of trouble before we arrive, I will make her regret it.”
Iniko looks at me nervously. “Uh, well...Hopefully it won’t come to that, let’s hurry and catch up to her!” She says hastily before running after the Lopunny.
With a growl I follow suit, images of me thrashing Miyako flashing in my mind.
It took us a good several minutes before we reached the town. Besides my violent thoughts involving Miyako, the first thing that came to my mind is to say that it looks rather...quaint.
Thatched roofs, walls made of wood boards or logs, smooth dirt roads... It...definitely reminds me of the buildings I used to live in before I became a Bearer of Reshiram’s Power. The only difference in this town though are the lampposts scattered around the place, each of them housing a glass jar with an unlit candle inside.
Placed around the square of the town are various stalls, Pokemon of all shapes and sizes selling food and supplies that you’d only find in a place like this. Seeing that this is a small town in the middle of nowhere, I quite doubt that they actually use any normal form of currency.
...Not that we have any to begin with. Probably something we need to discuss with Orabelle and Zenoclio when they pop by for the next meeting.
Another thing I notice involving the various townfolk is that...well, they’re staring at us.
“I see Miyako.” Iniko whispers to me, gesturing to the side.
My gaze immediately turns to the direction, my face transforming into a scowl. Said expression quickly dissipates once I see what Miyako is doing.
Currently she’s sitting on a wooden bench, surrounded by children. From my current distance I can’t tell what’s exactly going on, but from what I can assume? She’s...merely talking with them.
As the two of us approach her and get closer, we discover that she’s answering the various questions they’re asking her.
“-so you’re part Zekrom?! Do you have lightning powers?!” One of them eagerly asks her.
“Sure can! Watch!” She laughs before pinching two claws together, causing a blue spark of electricity to arc between the two appendages.
The collective young audience immediately let out a chorus of ‘Oohs’, ‘whoas’, and ‘wows’, completely enraptured by the simple display.
Noticing us approaching, Miyako dispels the energy before waving at us. “Ey, ‘bout time you both came here!” She turns to the children before gesturing to us. “And here they are~ These two are the sisters of mine that I told you about.”
One of them raises their hand before asking, “They’re your sisters? But they don’t look anything like you!”
“Sisters are merely something we call ourselves. We’re not directly related.” Iniko answers their question gently.
“Why do you call yourselves that?” Another child asks.
This time I speak up, albeit in a guarded tone. “That...is something we can answer for another time. Do your parents know that you’re speaking with strangers?”
Collectively they all start looking at each other nervously, but eventually one of them does speak up. “Yes...?”
Even without my Reshiram powers that allow me to detect deceit, I can fully tell that they’re lying due to their obviously guilty face and tone.
“I would best advise that you go to them, otherwise you will get in trouble.” I respond flatly.
Although there were a few scattered protests, a stern glare was enough for them to scatter.
“Killjoy.” Miyako complains before standing up from the bench.
“We’re on a mission, Miyako.” I growl at her. “There’s no time for this.”
“Hey, I was merely waiting for you guys.” She shoots back with her own glare. “Not to mention there’s no harm in talking with people. I mean, I interact with you guys all the time. It’s actually nice to talk with someone that’s new!” She turns to Iniko. “No offense, that is.” She turns to me. “In your case? Full offense.”
My eyes twitch.
“Can you both...not?” Iniko hisses angrily, visibly controlling her tone. “Like, not here? In public? Where everyone is watching?” She tilts her head both left and right, drawing our eyes to the surrounding townsfolk.
Who are staring at us...and also murmuring to themselves.
Taking a sharp breath, I let out a sigh. “...Understood.”
Miyako rubs the back of her head sheepishly. “Yeah yeah... Understood.”
“Good.” Iniko sighs, relieved. “Now I recommend going around and asking about the phenomenon. If you find anything of importance, come back here.”
“What if people asks questions in turn? Like about us?” Miyako speaks up.
Before I’m given the chance to say anything, Iniko quickly responds. “If they have questions? Feel free to answer. Obviously hiding our identity isn’t much of a priority here.” She brushes a lock of blue hair over her shoulder. “Not to mention it’d give the people here a chance to become more familiar with us, which should help us in gathering information.”
Miyako gives a thumbs up. “Gotcha~”
“So if there’s no other questions, let's split up?” She half asks half says, looking at the both of us.
“Yup~” The Lopunny chuckles before turning and walking away.
I merely nod and choose the opposite direction Miyako went, leaving Iniko behind to select her own path.
Interacting with the populace of the outside world, huh? This...is definitely gonna take some getting used to...
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