#zack is not straight
rythmicjea · 2 months
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I promise you this story is NOT what you are expecting...
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emilychickenart · 8 months
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I am rotating them in my brain constantly
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lunargrapejuice · 1 month
this is the best scene in all of cc, both are them are so fucking cute im sobbing
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
The thing I love about Omega Cloud is that his nature is to run when he has the faintest hint of an emotion which means this opens the door for an alpha or alphas to slowly coax him in like he’s a stray cat.
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keyblade masters + being too gay for this
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tifa-simp · 3 months
All I get from Rebirth is that Zack and Tifa are unkillable.
One is swordproof and one is bulletproof.
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catboyidia · 7 months
how i think asgzc handles being/behaves while sick
(except im actually projecting because im really sick and miserable and mildly (very) delirious)(also this was written mostly in the short period between like 30 min fever dream plagued naps… so its all over the place and don’t expect accurate characterization)
angeal: hes that one motherfucker that can have a high fever and will still insist on doing everything, he could be on his deathbed and still trying to do stuff and care for everyone else until everyone else literally forces him to stop and rest, and even then he will still try to downplay his illness and worry about everyone else
sephiroth: realistically he doesn’t get sick but like… we’re ignoring that… he’s absolutely pitiful but without even meaning to be, like he’s perfectly fine being alone and letting it run its course but he ends up just looking so pitiful that genesis and angeal can’t resist him, they won’t leave him alone and end up trying to comfort sephiroth in any way possible, and upon trying to cuddle him, sephiroth will immediately cling to them, betraying his original ability to be alright alone
genesis: gets super clingy and whiny and refuses to let sephiroth or angeal leave him alone, inevitably forcing them to get sick with him, and hes total crybaby the entire time, needing reassurance about everything he has ever done and will ever do because for some reason being really sick makes him reflect on himself which makes him emotional and regret everything he’s ever done and fear that he isn’t good enough for sephiroth and angeal, all the emotional baggage and insecurities come flooding out until he cries himself to sleep again, wakes up from the strangest fever dream, clings to whoever is closest and the cycle continues, only breaking every so often when he forces sephiroth and angeal to feed him or they force genesis to take medicine, all the necessities ect.
zack: whiny clingy and needy, will cling to cloud like his life depends on it and uses cloud as a living teddy bear, unable to be left alone because if anyone even mentions leaving him alone for a second he immediately starts looking like a kicked puppy and clings on even tighter, desperate to be comforted, and needs to be distracted often from the fact that he is sick or else he will complain about how shitty he feels 24/7, also he will throw a fit and refuse any medication like a child until angeal either shoves a pill down his throat like a dog or crushes it up and hides it in some kind of food… also like a dog… angeal basically has to employ every dog medicine giving tactic
cloud: tries to isolate and let the illness do its thing, not wanting to get anyone else sick, and also not really wanting anyone else to see him sick and think he’s weak because he thinks every little thing, including unavoidable things like getting sick, will make him seem weak, but zack refuses to leave him alone, trying to comfort cloud in any way possible, trying to tend to every single one of clouds needs and constantly makes sure cloud is okay, although cloud tries to push zack away because he doesn’t want zack to get sick, plus unfortunately zack can get a bit stressful and be a bit of a pain in the ass to handle at times
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rocketbirdie · 3 months
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god help me
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winter-doggo · 7 months
Sephiroth Week day 4: Free Day
ace sephiroth thoughts (just like me fr)
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Was a little tired today, and zero plans for the rest of the week so I will probably very much be winging it, but I have been having a very good time!! Let's see if I can do the full 7 days
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rythmicjea · 11 days
This chapter is where I started to run out of ideas. So... I borrowed some... lol. For all my Riverdale fans you'll recognize one scene instantly. And yes... I made that happen. Also, I almost have 200 hits on this story! I thought I was going to get two. So thank you for everyone who is checking it out!
Denver, surprisingly, didn’t turn out to be a bust. The kid had chained himself to the door of the abandoned school, and he wasn’t alone either. His gang friends joined in to chain themselves with him in shifts. When he arrived there were protesters arguing on both sides. Those for keeping the school open told him that it was the last central location for the students. Some were being bussed up to an hour away because the other local high school was too crowded before the influx of new students. 
Ironically, both sides were sort of fighting for the same thing. Central High parents didn’t want Eastside High students going to their school but at the same time didn’t want Eastside high to exist. When Cody pressed about where the kids should go none of them had a plan they all just said “away”. This side of town was not the greatest and it was definitely impoverished. He could see that many were just a product of their environment. They needed to survive. The close proximity of Eastside High to Denver was what gave many of them a chance to go to college. Yes, there were the dropouts and those who couldn’t escape. But there was more of a fighting chance here than in other places he'd been.
The leader of the protest was a scrawny little thing. He was tall but all limbs. His hair was dyed a dark purple that sort of clashed with his greenish-blue eyes. He was pale too. Like this was the most he’d ever been outside but he wouldn’t be surprised if in the summer he got a golden tan. The teen looked like he hadn’t eaten anything in a year but from what students told him, he was usually a bottomless pit. That was why it started as a hunger strike. Cody spotted his girlfriend just outside those chained up. She was an Emily the Strange type. Gothic but sweet and very smart. She said the two had grown up together, developed feelings for each other, and even though she went to Central they made it work. He could see the pride on her face that her boyfriend could really change the world in which they lived.
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anakinh · 2 months
finished rebirth. chapter 13 was wonderful. chapter 14... all i have to say is bad concept, cool boss fights. although i would've liked it more if they gave me some warning that i had to use all of the characters, cait sith included. fuck in cait sith. every time...
also, the conclusion for aerith's Whole Deal seems like it was the writers being too cowardly to conclude definitively and is waiting for the fandom's reaction before finalizing it in part 3. which wouldn't be a problem if they just stuck to the og. anyway, fuck this ending and see you all in 2028.
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27-royal-teas · 8 months
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@/alltimelow: no context tour moments
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bloody-shadow666 · 7 months
man. I don't fucking understand the Puppeteer. Why is this random dude so obsessed with Bones. Like I understand they were trying to go for oooo shocking plot twist hahaa!!! but they could have like... fucking tried. Its so uncompelling. This arc had so much potential and it just sputtered out so bad
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azuree1733 · 1 year
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Omg I drew something not DC related 😱😱😱
Zack Fair my beloved 😍😍😍😍😍
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morninkim · 1 year
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Green Ranger
The Power Rangers refuse to accept that killing her is the only way to free Tommy from Rita’s control, determined to find a way to end RIta without risking their friend.
One by one, over several battles with the Dark Green Ranger, the team are able to summon their Dino Zords, all inspired by a comment made by Billy when they first found the Power Coins. Once all five are summoned, they make a last stand, taking down Rita’s Dark Dragonzord with their newly formed Megazord, the Rangers fight on the ground, urging Tommy to fight her, don’t let her win!
Zack cries out, holding her back from the rest of the team, “Tommy! Don’t let her decide who you are! You decide that!”
Jason on her other side adds on, “You’re one of the strongest people I know! Fight her!”
Trini supports, disarming the Dragon Saber from Rita’s grip, “You have to be brave for us! For yourself!”
Billy, staff of the Power Lance pinning the Dark Green Ranger to his stronger teammates, “We’re not giving up on you! It doesn’t make sense for you too either!”
Kimberly rushes into Tommy with all her strength, wrapping her arms around her so tight that no power in the known universe could break her grip, face pressed into Tommy’s chest, “Please, you have to come back to us! You have to come back to me!”
From then on, Tommy officially joins the team as the Green Power Ranger.
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Cloud's boyfriend is a dick and Zack really hates him. Luckily, he won't have to hate him for too much longer.
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