#yusuf idris
amourduloup · 3 months
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Yusuf Idris, tr. Roger Allen
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drs3x · 1 month
literature is really cool actually and writing papers about it isnt even taht scary
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laoderrs · 8 months
"Sederhanakan diri dalam beramal. Membebankan diri dengan suatu amalan yang berat untuk dilakukan, maka dikhawatirkan kita tidak bisa melakukan ibadah yang berkualitas.
Jangan tergesa-gesa untuk cepat sampai kepada tujuan kita. Jika kita terlalu memaksakan diri, maka akan menimbulkan rasa trauma, lelah & letih dalam beribadah.
Tetaplah beramal meskipun sedikit"
- Faidah Ustadz Idris Yusuf hafizhahullahu ta'ala | dalam Kajian Riyadush Shalihin (19 Muharram 1444 H | 17 Agustus 2022 M)
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illyanarasputinfan · 7 months
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Yusuf Idris
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niakurniatiginting · 4 months
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Peristiwa singkat Isra' Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Isra' Mi'raj merupakan sebuah peristiwa penting yang terjadi dalam perjalanan hidup Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dalam Isra' Mi'raj, Rasulullah Muhammad SAW melakukan perjalanan dari Masjidil Haram di Makkah ke Masjidil Aqsa di Yerussalem, Palestina menuju langit ke tujuh kemudian ke Sidratul Muntaha. Perjalanan yang menembus langit ketujuh itu hanya ditempuh satu malam atas perintah Allah SWT. Di sanalah Nabi Muhammad SAW menerima perintah dari Allah SWT berupa shalat lima waktu. Mengapa Dikatakan Isra' Mi'raj ?
Apa itu Isra'?
Isra' adalah Perjalanan Baginda Rasulullah dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Al-Aqsa, dengan jarak antara kedua mesjid itu adalah 1239 Km. Waktu itu Rasulullah menaiki Buraq ditemani malaikat Jibril AS dan malaikat Israfil AS
Apa itu Mi'raj?
Mi'raj adalah perjalanan Baginda Rasulullah SAW dari Masjidil Al-Aqsa ke Sidratul Muntaha, kemudian dalam perjalanan Baginda bertemu Nabi-nabi di setiap langit sampai langit ketujuh.
Sebenarnya Isra' dan Mi'raj merupakan dua peristiwa yang berbeda. Namun karena dua peristiwa ini terjadi pada waktu yang bersamaan maka disebutlah Isra' Mi'raj.
Dalam perjalanan bertemu Sang Pencipta, selain ditemani malaikat Jibril, Rasullulah mengendarai Buraq, yakni hewan putih panjang, berbadan besar, dan sejenisnya. Dikisahkan Buraq, sekali melangkah bisa menempuh perjalanan jauh mata memandang dalam sekejap untuk melewati 7 langit dan bertemu dengan para penghuni di setiap tingkatan.
Dalam hadits tersebut dikisahkan, di langit tingkat pertama , Rasullulah SAW bertemu dengan manusia sekaligus Wali Allah SWT pertama di muka bumi, Nabi Adam AS Saat bertemu Nabi Adam, Rasullulah sempat bertegur sapa sebelum akhirnya meninggalkan dan melanjutkan perjalanannya. Nabi Adam membalasnya dengan membekali Rasulullah lewat doa agar selalu diberi kebaikan pada setiap urusan yang menghadapnya.
Kemudian di langit kedua , Nabi Muhammad SAW bertemu dengan Nabi Isa AS dan Nabi Yahya AS Seperti halnya di langit pertama, Rasullulah disapa dengan ramah oleh kedua nabi pendahulunya. Sewaktu akan meninggalkan langit kedua, Nabi Isa AS dan Yahya AS juga mendoakan kebaikan kepada Rasullulah. Kemudian Rasullulah bersama Malaikat Jibril terbang lagi menuju langit ketiga.
Lalu di langit ketiga , Rasullulah bertemu dengan Nabi Yusuf AS, manusia tertampan yang pernah menciptakan Allah SWT di bumi. Dalam pertemuannya, Nabi Yusuf AS memberikan sebagian dari ketampanan wajahnya kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dan juga di akhir pertemuannya, Nabi Yusuf AS memberikan doa kebaikan kepada nabi terakhir itu.
Setelah berpisah dengan Nabi Yusuf AS di langit ketiga, Nabi Muhammad melanjutkan perjalanan dan sampailah dia ke langit keempat . Pada tingkatan ini, Rasullulah bertemu Nabi Idris AS Yaitu manusia pertama yang mengenal tulisan, dan nabi yang berdakwah kepada bani Qabil dan Memphis di Mesir untuk beriman kepada Allah SWT. Seperti pertemuan dengan nabi-nabi sebelumnya, Nabi Idris AS memberikan doa kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW agar diberi kebaikan pada setiap urusan yang dilakukannya.
Selanjutnya di langit kelima , Nabi Muhammad SAW bertemu dengan Nabi Harun. Yaitu nabi yang mendampingi saudaranya, Nabi Musa AS berdakwah mengajak Raja Firaun yang menyebut dirinya tuhan dan kaum Bani Israil untuk beriman kepada Allah SWT. Harun terkenal sebagai nabi yang memiliki kepandaian berbicara dan meyakinkan orang. Di langit kelima, Nabi Harun mendoakan Nabi Muhammad SAW selalu selalu mendapat kebaikan pada setiap perbuatannya.
Di langit keenam , Nabi Muhammad SAW dan Malaikat Jibril bertemu dengan Nabi Musa AS Yaitu nabi yang memiliki jasa besar dalam membebaskan Bani Israil dari perjanjian dan membimbingnya menuju kebenaran Illahi. Selama bertemu dengan Muhammad SAW, Nabi Musa AS menyambut layaknya kedua sahabat lama yang tidak pernah bertemu. Sebelum Nabi Muhammad pamit meninggalkan langit keenam, Nabi Musa melepasnya dengan doa kebaikan.
Perjalanan terakhir, Nabi Muhammad SAW ke langit ketujuh bertemu dengan sahabat Allah SWT, bapaknya para nabi, Ibrahim AS Sewaktu bertemu, Nabi Ibrahim sedang menyandarkan punggungnya ke Baitul Makmur, yaitu suatu tempat yang disediakan Allah SWT kepada para malaikatnya. Setiap harinya, tidak kurang dari 70 ribu malaikat masuk ke dalam. Kemudian Nabi Ibrahim mengajak Muhammad untuk pergi ke Sidratul Muntaha sebelum bertemu dengan Allah SWT untuk menerima perintah shalat wajib. Sidratul Muntaha adalah sebuah pohon besar yang berada di langit ketujuh. Ia adalah pemisah. Disebut muntaha (akhir) karena ia merupakan batas akhir dari sebuah perjalanan. Tidak ada satu makhluk pun yang pernah melewatinya kecuali Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa sallam. Sedangkan Pohon Sidr adalah Pohon Bidara.
Masih dalam hadits yang sama, Rasullulah SAW menceritakan bentuk fisik dari Sidratul Muntaha, yaitu dikumpulkan lebar seperti telinga gajah dan buahnya yang menyerupai tempayan besar. Namun ciri fisik Sidratul Muntaha berubah ketika Allah SWT datang. Bahkan Nabi Muhammad SAW sendiri tidak bisa berkata-kata yang menggambarkan keindahan pohon Sidratul Muntaha. Pada kepercayaan agama lain, Sidratul Muntaha juga diartikan sebagai pohon kehidupan. Di Sidratul Muntaha inilah Nabi Muhammad berdialog dengan Allah SWT, untuk menerima perintah wajib salat lima waktu dalam sehari.
Perjalanan Rasulullah saat itu tidaklah mudah, meskipun beliau dimuliakan oleh Allah SWT tetap saja Nabi Muhammad SAW dihadapkan dengan berbagai godaan. Godaan pertama, ketika nabi ditawari minum khamar atau susu, namun Rasulullah lebih memilih susu. Selama perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW juga selalu diganggu dengan panggilan setan, iblis dan perempuan penggoda.
Ketika mencapai Sidratul Muntaha di langit ketujuh maka perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam menerima perintah Allah SWT telah berakhir. Perintah yang diterima Rasulullah saat itu yaitu berupa perintah sholat 50 waktu dalam satu hari. Namun ketika bersamanya, Nabi Muhammad SAW diperingatkan oleh Nabi Musa AS untuk memperhatikan kemampuan umatnya.
Menyadari hal itu membuat Nabi Muhammad SAW meminta keringanan pada Allah SWT sehingga perintah sholat diringankan menjadi lima waktu dalam sehari. Sejak saat itulah umat Islam harus melakukan shalat wajib lima waktu yaitu :
Dengan adanya kisah perjalanan ini semoga dapat mempertebal keimanan dengan tidak meninggalkan shalat lima waktu yang disyariatkan.
Peristiwa Isra' Mi'raj juga tertuang dalam Al-Qur'an surat Al Isra:
“Maha Suci Allah, yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al-Masjidil Haram ke Al-Masjidil Aqsha yang telah Kami berkahi sekeliling agar Kami perlihatkan ke arahnya sebagian tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat”.
Demikian kisah tentang bagaimana peristiwa Isra' Mi'raj terjadi. Semoga selalu jadi pengingat kita untuk tetap menjalankan perintah Allah SWT. آمِيْن يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِيْنَ
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valpwca · 10 months
off the cuff @inception30daychallenge answers to catch up. some are not shitposting
1: favorite scene: ariadne folding paris. your honor i love her & i love her having fun & being a little jerk to her weird boss
3: eames's favorite forgery: once he did miles & spent 20 minutes quoting lines from that beloved highly decorated british actor in his many many roles (especially muppet christmas carol). mal in hysterics. cobb insisting that they look nothing alike
5: headcanon about favorite character: arthur has been to burning man
7: favorite quote in inception: "...to scrambled egg, hm?"
(8 i don't pay much attention to fanart sry ;;)
9: recasting: okay this is tonally fast & loose, more of a blorbo rotation zone than a "true to the written characters" thing. but. dileep rao stays. he is a critical part of this operation. as is michael caine. everything else, these are roles in very broad terms; the end product would be a very different movie, although it'd have the same emotional & plot beats. tom holland playing off-type as the mark. amita suman as architect, lucy liu as point, kate hudson as forger, benoit blanc daniel craig as tourist/funder. idris elba as extractor. someone like katie mcgrath as shade? that would be fun, & she is extremely beautiful
10: ariadne superstition: when she first enters the story, just little stuff. rabbit rabbit & good luck charms. refuses to sleep on planes after the events of the film, unless required by a job
11: which character would make the best parent: yusuf
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rhuslan08 · 9 months
S : Berapa jumlah Surah dlm al-Quran?
J : 114 Surah
S : Berapa jumlah Juz dlm al-Quran?
J : 30 Juz
S : Berapa jumlah Hizb dlm al-Quran?
J : 60 Hizb
S : Berapa jumlah Ayat dlm al-Quran?
J : 6236 Ayat
S : Berapa jumlah Kata dlm al-Quran?, dan Berapa Jumlah Hurufnya?
J : 77437 Kata, atau 77439 Kata dan 320670 Huruf
S : Siapa Malaikat yang disebut dlm al-Quran?,
J : Jibril, Mikail, Malik, Malakulmaut, Harut, Marut, Al-Hafazoh, Al-Kiromulkatibun HamalatulArsy, dll.
S : Berapa Jumlah Sajdah (ayat Sujud) dlm al-Quran?
J : 14 Sajdah
S : Berapa Jumlah para Nabi yg disebut dlm Al-Quran?
J : 25 Nabi
S : Berapa Jumlah Surah Madaniyah dlm al-Quran?, sebutkan.
J : 28 Surah, al-Baqoroh, al-Imron, al-Nisa" al-Maidah, al-Anfal, al-Tawbah, al-Ra’d, al-Haj, al-Nur, al-Ahzab, Muhammad, al-Fath, al-Hujurat, al-Rahman, al-Hadid, al-Mujadilah, al-Hasyr, al-Mumtahanah, al-Shaf, al-Jum'ah, al-Munafiqun, al-Taghabun, al-Thalaq, al-Tahrim, al-Insan, al-Bayinah, al-Zalzalah, al-Nashr.
S : Berapa Jumlah Surah Makiyah dlm al-Quran? sebutkan.
J : 86 Surat, selain surah tersebut di atas.
S : Berapa Jumlah Surah yg dimulai dgn huruf dlm al-Quran?
J : 29 Surah.
S : Apakah yg dimaksud dgn Surah Makiyyah?, sebutkan 10 saja.
J : Surah Makiyyah adalah Surah yg diturunkan di Makkah sebelum Hijrah, seperti: al-An'am, al-Araf, al-Shaffat, al-Isra’, al-Naml, al-Waqi'ah, al-Haqqah, al-Jin, al-Muzammil, al-Falaq.
S : Apakah yg dimaksud dgn Surah Madaniyyah? sebutkan lima saja?
J : Surah Madaniyah adalah Surah yg diturunkan di Madinah setelah Hijrah, seperti: al-Baqarah, al-Imran, al-Anfal, al-Tawbah, al-Haj.
S : Siapakah nama para Nabi yg disebut dlm Al-Quran?
J : Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Isma'il, Ishaq, Ya'qub, Musa, Isa, Ayub, Yunus, Harun, Dawud, Sulaiman, Yusuf, Zakaria, Yahya, Ilyas, Alyasa’, Luth, Hud, Saleh, ZulKifli, Syuaib, Idris, Muhammad Saw.
S : Siapakah satu-satunya nama wanita yg disebut namanya dlm al-Quran?
J : Maryam binti Imran.
S : Siapakah satu-satunya nama Sahabat yg disebut namanya dlm al-Quran?
J : Zaid bin Haritsah. Rujuk dlm surah Al Ahzab ayat 37.
S : Apakah nama Surah yg tanpa Basmalah?
J : Surah at-Tawbah.
S : Apakah nama Surah yg memiliki dua Basmalah?
J : Surah al-Naml.
S : Apakah nama Surah yg bernilai seperempat al-Quran?
J : Surah al-Kafirun.
S : Apakah nama Surah yg bernilai sepertiga al-Quran?
J : Surah al-Ikhlas
S : Apakah nama Surah yg menyelamatkan dari siksa Qubur?
J : Surah al-Mulk
S : Apakah nama Surah yg apabila dibaca pada hari Jum'at akan menerangi sepanjang pekan?
J : Surah al-Khafi
S : Apakah ayat yg paling Agung dan dlm Surah apa?
J : Ayat Kursi, dlm Surah al-Baqarah ayat No.255
S : Apakah nama Surah yg paling Agung dan berapa jumlah ayatnya?
J : Surah al-Fatihah, tujuh ayat.
S : Apakah ayat yg paling bijak dan dlm surah apa?
J : Firman Allah Swt :“ Barang siapa yg melakukan kebaikan sebesar biji sawi ia akan lihat, Barang siapa melakukan kejahatan sebesar biji sawi ia akan lihat.. (Surah al-Zalzalah ayat 7-8)
S : Apakah nama Surah yg ada dua sajdahnya?
J : Surah al-Haj ayat 18 dan ayat 77.
S : Pada Kata apakah pertengahan al-Quran itu di Surah apa? ayat no Berapa?
J : وليتلطف Surah al-Kahfi ayat No. 19.
S : Ayat apakah bila dibaca setiap habis Sholat Fardhu dpt mengantarkannya masuk ke dalam surga?
J : Ayat Kursi.
S : Ayat apakah yg diulang-ulang sbyk 31 kali dlm satu Surah dan di Surah apa?
J : Ayat فبأي آلاء ربكما تكذبانِ ) pada Surah al-Rahman.
S : Ayat apakah yg diulang-ulang sbyk 10 kali dlm satu Surah dan di surah apa? Apakah ayat ini ada juga disebut dlm surah lainnya? Di Surah apa?
J : Ayat (ويل يومئذ للمكذبين) pada Surah al-Mursalat, juga ada dlm Surah al-Muthaffifiin ayat No. 10.
S : Apakah Ayat terpanjang dlm al-Quran? pada Surah apa? Ayat berapa?
J : Ayat No 282 hSurah al-Baqarah…
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fatimahpuri · 11 months
Memeluk Hati yang Hampir Menyerah
Ust. Hanan Attaki,
Jogjakarta, 10 Juni 2023
Nabi juga mengalami kesedihan disaat kehilangan Bunda Khadijah dan Abu Thalib. Dikatain orang-orang tha'if, perempuannya melempari batu dan juga diusir. Setelah itu ke Gua Hira', gimana perasaan nabi saat itu? Nabi begitu tabah.
Peristiwa Isra' Mi'raj adalah rihlahnya nabi. Di Surat Al-Isra' ayat 1 dan An-Najm 13-18. Rihlahnya Nabi mencari bukti² kebesaran Allah di langit dan di bumi. Proses belajar mengenal Allah. Djiwa itu diciptakan dilangit, jadi perlu diobati pake obat langit dengan membaca, memahami dan mengerti ayat-ayat Allah.
Dapat 1 kebaikan. Rusydun ---> hikmah
Rabbana.... min amrina rasyada
Rabbi habli hikman, al ishabal,... wa alhikni bishhalihin
Shortcut doa dikabulkan : dika'bah, dimakam rasulullah. Rihlah yg benar, cari ayat-ayat Allah dilangit dan dibumi, kemudian mendengarkan kisah-kisah. Salah satunya kisah mashitah.
Saat nabi ke langit pertama, nabi ketemu nabi Adam. Nabi adam kemudian cerita, bagaimana kehidupan disyurga dan bagaimana dibohongi iblis lalu di usir dari syurga. Kemudian nabi dapat semangat. Langit kedua, Ada Nabi Yahya dan Nabi Isa. Saking banyaknya Nabi Isa menangis, ia takut kepada Allah trus takut neraka, takut dihukum. Nabi yang lembut. Lalu ada Nabi Isa,
Langit ke 3, Nabi Yusuf. Dari awalnya dibuang ke Sumur yang jelek dan kering sampai di Istana. Kemudian ketemu Nabi Idris, meninggalnya dilangit ke 4, semangat untuk dakwahnya tinggi seperti jama'ah tabligh. Ilmu tasawuf, ada riyadhah 3 hari, 40 hr dll. Diperbolehkan karna bukan sesuatu yang melanggar. Naik ke langit ke 5, Nabi Harun (Bp. Public speaking) Fashahtul lisan (Bicaranya lembut), ada haters namanya Samiriy. Sampai Nabi Musa berdoa biar dibersamai Nabi Harun karna keren dalam bicara. Tapi di Al-Qur'an itu selalu waidz qala Musa (Musa berkata) artinya ada kedahsyatan doa Nabi Musa Rabbishrahli shadri wayasirli amri. Nabi Ibrahim paling baik menyambut tamu, setiap hari 100 unta di sembelih, ribuan tamu dijamu oleh Nabi Ibrahim.
Kurang apa kita menjadi pengikut Nabi Muhammad? masuk surga duluan, dibicarakan lintas generasi para nabi. Air wudhu, dzikir, shalawat itu menjadi penerang. Rutinkan shalawat minimal 100-300 kali.
Langit ke 7, puncaknya ketemu Nabi Ibrahim. Allah menyediakan Masjidil Haramnya Langit. Namanya Baitul Makmur, sejak Allah menciptakan Baitul Makmur, setiap hari 70 ribu malaikat yang tugasnya beribadah di Masjid Baitul Makmur. Diciptakan untuk sujud dan ga keluar sampai hari kiamat. Jadi kalau kita ga sujud, gada ruginya bagi Allah.
Begitu datang dengan sambutan "selamat datang anak ku yang shalih, nabi yang shalih" cerita jg Nabi Ibrahim, Hasbunallah wanikmal wakil. Cerita rihlah ke Palestina, Ada Bunda Hajar, dll. Sampai puncaknya ke Sidratul Muntaha
Hikmahnya : rihlahnya nabi itu sowan ke ulama. Denger cerita inspirasi dakwah. Habib Syarif di Bandung cerita tentang ayahnya yg Hafidz (dibulan ramadhan khatam 60 kali). Sehari 20 jam. 1 Jam 30 Juz. 20 menit 1 juz. Ustadz Hanan "wah bisa nih, tapi bertahan sampe satu juz. Abis itu ngopi" hehehe.
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darlingandmreames · 2 years
@inception30daychallenge Day Twenty-four: Recast some Inception roles! What other actors can you picture playing the characters in Inception?
Dom: Idris Elba. I feel like he'd do a phenomenal job of portraying Dom's guilt, grief, and regret while still maintaining the air of someone who was at least once the best at what they did. I feel like he's also add a wonderful weight and gravitas that would make it very believable that Dom has lived 50-odd years (if not more) beyond what his actual age is
Eames: Robert Pattinson. Eames is a surprisingly distant and aloof character in the movie, with his charm often having an almost superficiality to it's allure. I think Pattinson would capture that well, and I also think his odd and often theatrical personality would just generally work well with the concept of forging
Arthur: Luca Marinelli. I really loved his portrayal of Nicky in The Old Guard, and I feel like he'd bring that same sense of quiet competence and deep loyalty to Arthur. I think he'd also be able to switch between both the efficient violence and surprising warmth we see in Arthur throughout the film and make it still feel believable
Saito: I couldn't think of anyone, Ken Watanabe is just to perfect
Yusuf: Riz Ahmed. Yusuf has some of the least in-field experience of the team, and I feel like Riz Ahmed would be able to channel the high strung nervousness of someone who is realizing they've maybe accidentally ended up a bit out of their depth wonderfully
Ariadne: Kiki Layne. I think she'd do a great job of channeling the wonder Ariadne has at this whole new world she's been introduced to while not losing her strength and determination
Mal: Rachel Weiss. I just think she'd be neat!
Robert: okay this is cheating but I'm going to say Robert Pattinson again. Simply because he's excellent at playing pathetic little meow meows and that's exactly the vibe Robert needs
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yaseminyildizsblog · 2 years
Esselamu aleyküm ve rahmetullah ve berâkatüh 🌹🌹🌹
Allahümme salli ala Muhammedin
ve Ademe
ve Nuhin
ve İbrahime
ve Musa
ve İsa
ve Süleyman
ve Davut
ve Yahya
ve Yakup
ve Yunus
ve Yusuf
ve Sit
ve İdris
ve Hud
ve Salih
ve Zülkarneyn
ve Lut
ve İsmail
ve İshak
ve Eyüp
ve Şuayp
ve Harun
ve Hızır
ve İlyas
ve Zülkif
ve Lokman
ve Uzeyr
ve Zekeriya
ve Yuşa
ve Danyal
ve Ehli beyti Mustafa ve ma beynehüm minen nebiyyine vel mürseliyn, Salavatüllahi ve selamühü aleyhim ecmain.
Allahümme salli ve sellim ve barik ala seyyidina Muhammedinil fatihi lima uğlika vel hatimi li ma sebega ven nasırıl hakkı bil hakkı vel hadi ila sıratıkel müstekımi, sallellahü aleyhi ve ala alihi ve ashabihi hakka kadrihi ve mikdarihil azim.
Ya Rabbi başta Efendimiz Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (s.a.s) olmak üzere bütün resul, nebi, elçi, evliya,asfiya ve onların iman etmiş ailelerine, ümmetlerine,sahabelere,tabiin ve tebai tabiine,Ehli Beyti Mustafa’ya, ailelerimize, sevdiğin kullarına,şehitlere,gazilere, mazlumlara,gariplere, yetim ve öksüzlere, akrabalarımıza,erenlere,şakirtlere,müritlere,cennet ehline,bütün alemlerdeki iman ehline,Senin rızan için çalışanlara, meleklere, zebanilere; Yarattıkların adedince,atomlar, rüzgarlar,moleküller,ışık huzmeleri, yağmurlar, karlar ,kumlar, yapraklar,sayılar,harfler, düşünceler, nesneler, ruhlar, nefesler, hareketler adedince,Seni tespih eden taneler adedince okunmuş Kuranlar, dualar,salavatlar ve Efendimizin Şefaatiyle birlikte Rabbim Senin Sıfatların büyüklüğünce selamımız ve hediyemiz olsun.
Âmin âmin âmin ya mûin.
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amourduloup · 3 months
could you please tell where that quote about the homosexual car experience is from I'm losing my mind over it rn 😭
It's from an essay by Dalya Cohen, published in the Journal of Arabic Literature, about a short story by Yusuf Idris. You can read Cohen's analysis here.
Mind you, there's no gay incestuous necrophilia in Yusuf's story, Cohen interprets the story through a psychoanalytic lens, which, well. You know how psychoanalysts are just obsessed with homosexual incestuous necrophilia 🙄 But it's a great story and definitely worth reading.
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lifeofresulullah · 2 years
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):   First Migration, the Year of Sorrow, the Splitting of the Moon
Isra and the Miracle of Miraj (Ascension): Part 4
Three Cups That Were Offered
Three cups, one full of milk, the second full of sherbet, and the third full of water, were presented to our Holy Prophet (PBUH.) During this offering, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) heard a voice saying, “If he chooses the cup filled with water, then both he and his ummah will be free of any needs and will be content. If he takes the cup filled with sherbet, then he and his nation will fall into deprivation. If chooses the cup filled with milk then he and his nation will be given guidance.”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) took the cup containing milk and drank from it. Upon this Hazrat Jibril said, “O Muhammad, you have chosen the true and natural way. You have been given guidance, and so has your nation.”
The Ascension to the Skies and the Meeting with the Prophets
During the Miraj, a staircase was built so that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) could ascend to the high stations in the Baytu’l-Maqdis. Both our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Jibril (Gabriel PBUH) were placed upon it and they ascended together. They finally reached the Earth’s skies. Hazrat Jibril knocked on its door:
Someone asked, “Who is it?”
“Who is next to you?”
“Has he been sent for?”
Upon this, the sky’s door opened and they ascended upon these skies.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) saw someone seated there who had sets of shadows to his right and left. He laughed when he looked to his right and cried when he looked to his left. He said to our Holy Prophet (PBUH,) “Welcome, O Noble Prophet, O Noble Son!”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked Hazrat Jibriil (PBUH), “Who is he?”
Hazrat Jibril answered, “He is your father, Adam. The shadows to his right and left are the souls of his children. The ones on his right are destined for Heaven and the ones on his left are destined for Hell. When he looks to his right, he laughs. When he looks to his left, he cries.“
They ascended to the second station from there. The door opened and our Holy Prophet (PBUH) encountered Hazrat Yahya and Hazrat Isa (Jesus PBUH).
Hazrat Jibril said, “The men you see here are Yahya (John the Baptist PBUH) and Isa.  Greet them.”
They exchanged greetings; Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Yahya said, “Welcome Noble Prophet, Noble Brother,” to our Holy Prophet (PBUH.)
Afterward, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) met Hazrat Yusuf (Joseph PBUH) on the third level, Hazrat Idris (Enoch PBUH) on the fourth, Hazrat Harun (Aaron PBUH) on the fifth, Hazrat Musa (Moses PBUH) on the sixth, and Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham PBUH) on the seventh level. They all welcomed him and congratulated him on his Miraj.
Sidra al-Muntaha
Jibril (PBUH) took our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and rose from the seventh level. Afterward, the Sidra- al -Muntaha’s (the seventh heaven) court opened.
“Here, this is Sidra-al- Muntaha. I will burn if I move forward by the length of a fingertip,” said Hazrat Jibriil and did not take one step forward.”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) saw Sidra-al-Muntaha’s four rivers flowing.
Furthermore, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) again saw Jibril (PBUH) in his true shape and form. Before, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) had seen Hazrat Jibril covering the skies with his majestic wings in the spot called Jiyad in Mecca where a revelation was revealed.
Afterward, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) went to the “station that was marked ”Qab-al-Qawsayn,” the distance of two bow-lengths even though Hazrat Jibriil was not by his side. And after that, he witnessed Allah’s beauty and conversation first hand.
The 5 Daily Prayers are Made Obligatory
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) witnessed many Divine manifestations, received many compliments, and was addressed several times with many kinds of titles. He saw with his eyes the realities of the pillars of faith; he witnessed the angels, Heaven, Hell, and the manifestation of Allah’s Self.
Furthermore, the order to pray five times a day was given that night.
At first, Allah gave the order to pray 50 times a day.
However, as our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was leaving, he stopped by Hazrat Musa (Moses), who asked, “What did Allah enjoin upon your nation?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) answered, “Allah decreed them to pray 50 times a day.”
Hazrat Musa responded: “Your followers cannot do that; Go back so that your Lord may reduce it for them.”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) returned and begged Allah and Allah reduced the daily prayers by ten.
When our Holy Prophet (PBUH) came back to Hazrat Moses he said, “Allah reduced 50 daily prayers by ten.”
Hazrat Moses responded, “Your followers cannot do that either; Go back and beg your Lord.”
Our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) returned to Allah and begged again in a very respectful manner. This time Allah reduced 10 more daily prayers.”
Upon the reduction, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) returned to Hazrat Musa. Hazrat Musa reiterated his words: “Your followers cannot do that either; Go back and petition to your Lord.”
Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) begged Allah again and Allah reduced 10 more prayers. Until the daily prayers were reduced to 10, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) continued petitioning.
When it was reduced to 10, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) went to Hazrat Musa and explained what had been said. Hazrat Musa repeated his words: “Go back and beg your Lord! Your nation will not be able to fulfill this.”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) went back and begged once more.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) went back to His Mighty Lord and pleaded. Allah then decreed: O Muhammad, the Laws that come from My station do not change! They are five daily prayers. There are ten rewards for each prayer, and this equals to 50 rakahs.
Upon this, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) returned to Hazrat Musa who asked,
“What were you appointed with?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied, “I was appointed with five daily prayers”
Hazrat Musa (Moses) said, “Your ummah cannot perform five daily prayers. I tried people and Sons of Israel before you; I know it. Return and ask your Lord to decrease it.”
Nevertheless, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) answered, “I pleaded too much. I feel ashamed now of repeatedly asking my Lord for reduction.”
In this manner, the five daily prayers were made obligatory and our Holy Prophet (PBUH) presented them as a gift from his Miraj to the jinn and humanity.
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mantikutayr · 1 year
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subut, ayan-ı sabite, kurb-ı feraiz, kurb-ı nevafil, umuru amme, mariftül nefs, kevn-i camii, nübüvvet, bilfiil - bilkuvve, tenzih - teşbih, suver-i ilmiyye, ilah-ı mutekad, vech-i has, ilah - meluh, ferdiyet-i selase, feyz-i akdes, feyz-i mukaddes, ferdiyet-i selase, cevamiü’l-kelim ..
‘’fususu’l-hikem bir rüyanın kitabıdır: hz. peygamber elindeki bir kitabı ibnü’l-arabi’ye uzatır ve ‘bu fususu’l-hikem kitabıdır, onu al, insanlara ulaştır’ der.‘’
muhyiddin İbnü'l-arabi’nin velayetin son temsilcisi olarak kabul edildiğinden şeyhü'l ekber ünvanını aldığını düşünüyorum, o böyle bir iddiada açık açık bulunmamaıştır ama işaretleri bu yönde. bütün fikirlerinin özeti sayılan eserin tam adı ise fuṣûṣü’l-ḥikem ve ḫuṣûṣü’l-kilem’dir. fususu’l-hikem tamlaması yüzük kaşı (yuvası), göz bebeği gibi manalara geliyor ve fassın çoğulu olan fusus ile hikmetin çoğulu hikem kelimelerinden meydana gelmiştir.
adem fassı ve yaradılış: varlığın maksadı olarak insan
şit fassı: istidat ve hibeler
nuh fass’ında tenzih ve teşbih
idris fassı: yüksekliğin anlamı, bir ve çok
ibrahim fassı’nda ilahi sevgi
ishak fassı: misal alemi, hayal alemi
ismail fassı: bir allah tasavvuru olarak ilah-ı mutekad
yakup fassı ruhanilik hikmeti
yusuf fassı: arabi’ye göre dinin kaynağı ve anlamı
hud fassı: mümkünlerin hakikati ve ilahi isim olarak a’yan-ı sabite
salih fassı: yaratmanın ilkesi: üçün birliği
şuayb fassı: kalp hikmeti
lut fassı’ında güç: himmet gücüyle etki
üzeyr fass’nda kader
isa fassı: isevilik
sülayman fass’nda rahmet
davud fass’ında varlık
yusuf fassı: insan: esşref-i mahlukat
eyyub fass’ında bilinmezlik
yahya fass’ında celal
zakeriya fass’ında sahiplik / yanıklılık
ilyas fass’ında ünsiyet
lokman fass’ında ihsan
harun fassı: önderlik hikmeti
musa fass’ında yücelik
halid fassı: temenni ödülü
muhammed fass’ında teklik / varlığın gayesi olarak insan: birlik, tümellik ve kuşatıcılık
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anotheraldin · 2 years
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This but from a compilation of stories by Yusuf Idris really made my mind run quite a bit.
It follows a man struggling with infertility as he attempts to have a second child with his wife, the inability to have one consumes him to the point he isn’t able to see anything in front of him and it truly speaks to how selfish men can truly be at times.
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dailytafsirofquran · 2 years
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah An-Nisa Ayah 163-165
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
4:163 Verily, We have sent the revelation to you as We sent the revelation to Nuh and the Prophets after him;
We (also) sent the revelation to Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Yaqub, and Al-Asbat, (the offspring of the twelve sons of Yaqub) `Isa, Ayub, Yunus, Harun, and Suleiman;
and to Dawud We gave the Zabur.
4:164 And Messengers We have mentioned to you before, and Messengers We have not mentioned to you, and to Musa Allah spoke directly.
4:165 Messengers as bearers of good news and warning, in order that mankind should have no plea against Allah after the (coming of) Messengers.
And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise.
Revelation Came to Prophet Muhammad , Just as it Came to the Prophets Before Him
Muhammad bin Ishaq narrated that Muhammad bin Abi Muhammad said that Ikrimah, or Sa`id bin Jubayr, related to Ibn Abbas that he said,
"Sukayn and Adi bin Zayd said, `O Muhammad! We do not know that Allah sent down anything to any human after Musa.'
ِAllah sent down a rebuttal of their statement Verily, We have inspired(you (O Muhammad) as We inspired Nuh and the Prophets after him).''
Allah states that He sent down revelation to His servant and Messenger Muhammad just as He sent down revelation to previous Prophets.
Allah said,
Verily, We have sent the revelation to you as We sent the revelation to Nuh and the Prophets after him; We (also) sent the revelation to Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Yaqub, and Al-Asbat, (the offspring of the twelve sons of Yaqub) `Isa, Ayub, Yunus, Harun, and Suleiman; and to Dawud We gave the Zabur. The Zabur (Psalms) is the name of the Book revealed to Prophet Dawud, peace be upon him.
Twenty-Five Prophets Are Mentioned in the Qur'an
Allah said,
And Messengers We have mentioned to you before, and Messengers We have not mentioned to you.
Before the revelation of this Ayah. The following are the names of the Prophets whom Allah named in the Qur'an. They are:
Nuh (Noah),
Ibrahim (Abraham),
Ismail (Ishmael),
Ishaq (Isaac),
Yaqub (Jacob),
Yusuf (Joseph),
Ayub (Job),
Musa (Moses),
Harun (Aaron),
Yunus (Jonah),
Dawud (David),
Suleiman (Solomon),
Ilyas (Elias),
Al-Yasa (Elisha),
Zakariyya (Zachariya),
Yahya (John) and
Isa (Jesus), and their leader,
Several scholars of Tafsir also listed Dhul-Kifl among the Prophets.
Allah's statement,
and Messengers We have not mentioned to you,
means, `there are other Prophets whom We did not mention to you in the Qur'an.'
The Virtue of Musa
Allah said,
and to Musa Allah spoke directly.
This is an honor to Musa, and this is why he is called the Kalim, he whom Allah spoke to directly.
Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr bin Marduwyah recorded that Abdul- Jabbar bin Abdullah said,
"A man came to Abu Bakr bin Ayyash and said,:)heard a man recite (this Ayah this way ''.and to Allah, Musa spoke directly"
Abu Bakr said, `Only a disbeliever would recite it like this.'
Al-A`mash recited it with Yahya bin Withab, who recited it with Abu Abdur-Rahman As-Sulami who recited it with Ali bin Abi Talib who recited with the Messenger of Allah, 􏰁ً􏰠􏰐ِ􏰆ْ􏰌َ􏰍 􏰽ََوآَ􏰆􏰀 َ􏰅 ا􏰋􏰆ّ ُ􏰊 􏰄ُ􏰗س (and to Musa Allah spoke directly).'''
Abu Bakr bin Abi Ayyash was so angry with the man who recited the Ayah differently, because he altered its words and meanings. That person was from the group of Mutazilah who denied that Allah spoke to Musa or that He speaks to any of His creation.
We were told that some of the Mutazilah once recited the Ayah that way, so one teacher present said to him,
"O son of a stinking woman! What would you do concerning Allah's statement,
And when Musa came at the time and place appointed by Us, and his Lord spoke to him. '')7:143(
The Sheikh meant that the later Ayah cannot be altered or changed.
The Reason Behind Sending the Prophets is to Establish the Proof
Allah said,
Messengers as bearers of good news as well as of warning,
meaning, the Prophets bring good news to those who obey Allah and practice the good things that please Him. They also warn against His punishment and torment for those who defy His commandments.
Allah said next,
in order that mankind should have no plea against Allah after the Messengers. And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All- Wise.
Allah sent down His Books and sent His Messengers with good news and warnings. He explained what He likes and is pleased with and what He dislikes and is displeased with. This way, no one will have an excuse with Allah.
Allah said in other Ayat,
And if We had destroyed them with a torment before this, they would surely have said: "Our Lord! If only You had sent us a Messenger, we should certainly have followed Your Ayat, before we were humiliated and disgraced.'' (20:134)
And if (We had) not (sent you to the people of Makkah) in case a calamity should seize them for (the deeds) that their hands have sent forth. )28:47(
It is recorded in the Two Sahihs that Ibn Mas`ud said that the Messenger of Allah said,
No one is more jealous than Allah. This is why He prohibited all types of sin committed in public or secret.
No one likes praise more than Allah, and this is why He has praised Himself.
No one likes to give excuse more than Allah, and this is why He sent the Prophets as bearers of good news and as warners.
In another narration, the Prophet said,
And this is why He sent His Messengers and revealed His Books.
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jatuskicommunications · 2 months
Kano Govt Pledges Support To FG Initiatives In Fight Against Banditry, Kidnapping 
  By; KATO P. LADAN, Kaduna Kano State Government has vowed to support President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s  initiative to decimate the menace of insecurity distabilizing the peace of the country. Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf gave the commitment on Friday, when he received the Minister of Information and National Orientation,  Alhaji Muhammad Idris on a courtesy visit at the government house. In a…
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