steddielations · 16 days
makeup artist youtuber steve who gets famous and does interviews with celebrities while doing their makeup
rockstar eddie who released a grungy eyeshadow palette and does a video with steve to promote it and their chemistry is crazy and all the comments are shipping them
the kick is that eddie didn’t even know he’d be going on steve’s show, jeff asked their manager to set it up because steve did a solo review of eddie’s palette and they’ve all been teasing eddie about watching steve’s video over and over
now they’re all watching eddie get flustered as steve softly touches his face and holds him by the chin, complimenting his eyes and letting him ramble about music and what he likes to wear on stage because steve is actually a really good interviewer
and his last question comes after the cameras shut off and he asks for eddie’s number
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momotonescreaming · 5 months
Cooking Youtuber Steve; who has series where he makes good family friendly meals, dishes for picky eaters, tips for everyday cooking. As well as series where he tries to make historical dishes, food and drinks from games and TV.
DnD Youtuber Eddie; who has a long actual play series, videos about his characters and the world he's built. Videos about tips for your role-playing, getting immersed. A series where he tries other TTRPG's and board games.
Dustin persuades Steve to make videos about medieval inspired, DnD friendly meals. And because it does actually seem like a fun challenge, he does it. Dustin looks horrifically smug about it when the videos are a hit, the bastard. (Steve will make him eat something gross as payback. Its fine. Gotta keep him humble.)
And because obviously, Eddie sees the videos. He's always on the search for good DnD shit. But the guy is so fucking hot Eddie doesn't quite know what to do with himself. Except daydream about those eyes, and that hair, and those hands.
So Eddie records himself trying (and only sort of failing) to recreate the food. It comes out sort of ugly but actually nice tasting, so Eddie calls it a win. References the Hot Chef Steve in his video, adds a link to his channel, and tries not to feel his heart beating out of his chest when he sends @'s him with a link to the video. His channel is way bigger than Eddie's, he probably won't see it, Eddie's fine.
Except the Hot Chef does see it, and Eddie sort of loses his mind when he gets a comment or a message from him, thanking Eddie for giving his recipe a go, and giving him credit for the recipe. Eddie's not fine at all, this guy is way out of his league, and Eddie can feel the crush bubbling up under his ribcage, and Oh Fuck he's messaging Eddie.
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rose-of-pollux · 7 months
I am begging everyone to please look at this video of the legendary Steve Irwin acting like a disappointed dad to a pair of squabbling kookaburras.
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ashbunny2027 · 17 days
Dead Boy Detectives Cast and Creators Reveal Secrets and Easter Eggs | N...
For anyone who wasn't able to attend the DBD screening last week, or those who just want to watch it again! 💖
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talistheintrovert · 2 months
made a three hour Psych retrospective
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karakt · 10 months
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muclunga · 6 months
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lovingherwasgay · 6 months
celebrating Nov 5th by rewatching this video
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steviesbicrisis · 10 months
Dustin had been waiting this moment for months.
Mind you, Dustin isn’t one to bring up his personal life to the public at any chance he gets, but a part of him really wants everyone to know his role in one of the most important up-coming weddings of the year.
“So, I’ve heard you had a big role in all of this, what happened?” The host asks, on the edge of his seat.
“Well, I know Eddie cause we’ve done some livestreams together, we’ve met a couple of times and he seemed cool. And I know Steve cause, other than working together, he’s basically a brother to me, you know-” the audience interrupts him with a big ‘aaaaw’ sound and loud clapping.
“I think you misunderstood me, he’s the type of older brother who is no fun and makes you wish either of you was adopted.”
The audience laughs.
“Anyways, we were all at a party and I introduced them and Eddie was, you know, immediately obsessed with Steve. But Steve was engaged at the time,” Dustin decides to not dwell on this part of the story, it was a very tough time for Steve and some of it was public enough to make it worse. Dustin is just happy that he can talk about Steve’s ex-fiancé in the past tense.
“Time goes on, and as soon as the news of Steve being single again hits the public, I get a call from one begging Eddie Munson-” he wasn’t really begging but Dustin wants to sell the story “-asking about Steve once again. Like, how was he? Was he fine? Ready to meet other people? and I was like 'I don't know dude, I don't ask him about his dating prospects daily' and that's when he asked for Steve's number."
Dustin takes a small pause before going into the next part of the story "Obviously I don't go around giving people Steve's number, and I get asked a lot," the audience laughs again, "so I do the decent thing and ask Steve can I give Eddie your number? is it okay?
And Steve goes all into this theatrical performance Oi, no, mamma mia," Dustin goes strong with the Italian accent "All these men, che palle, they never leave me alone. Oddio-”
The host interrupts him “wait, does Steve have this strong Italian accent?”
“Of course not, he was born in Indiana, I’m trying to sell the story man!” Dustin pretends to be annoyed and the host goes along with it, making the audience laugh and cheer.
“Anyways, he was trying to say no but clearly meant yes. So I gave Eddie the number and whatever Eddie did with it, must’ve been the right call.”
A photo of Steve’s engagement announcement appears behind them right after: Steve and Eddie’s hands, finger intertwined and matching rings.
“Clearly he did” the host agrees after the clapping and cheering from the audience dies down.
“And what about wedding gifts? Are you doing something with the whole group? Or is it a solo thing?” The host inquires.
“Uh, I gave Steve a husband?? He should be giving me gifts”.
Predictably, the interview goes viral.
A few days later, Dustin comes back home to find a gift waiting for him.
It’s two VIP tickets for one of Eddie’s shows under his and Suzie’s name (a YouTuber friend Dustin didn’t have the courage to ask out, yet).
The note attached to the box is simple and very clear.
“Thank you, little shit. Now that we are even, the wedding gift is expected or you’ll be grounded.
See you at the wedding
Despite being a twenty something, successful and independent since he was 17, Dustin takes the threat very seriously.
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dewitty1 · 9 months
Steve Harwell, Longtime Smash Mouth Frontman, Dead At 56
Steve Harwell, Longtime Smash Mouth Frontman, Dead At 56
Steve Harwell, the former lead singer of the band Smash Mouth, died Monday after battling medical issues for several years, 0according to the band’s Instagram account. He was 56.
Band manager Robert Hayes told Rolling Stone that Harwell died at his home in Boise, Idaho, “surrounded by family and friends.”
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
One of those whack job body language ‘experts’ make a Tiktok talking about the live-stream that Steve had a seizure on. They say that the look on Eddie’s face when he realized what was happening is "very clearly" disgust and then goes into this spiel about Eddie being disgusted by Steve's weakness.
Eddie not even fucking around when he responds, tells the guy, “Fuck you and fuck your pseudoscience bullshit. I’m not now nor have I ever fucking been disgusted by someone’s medical condition. I was afraid because it’s a seizure and those are scary. Steve has seizures because he got hurt protecting people. He saved my life. You think there’s anything about that man that I think is disgusting?”
An hour later Eddie posts another Tiktok where he’s like, “Nevermind, this is pretty gross” and it’s just Steve eating pickles and peanut butter together.
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lemons-bittersweet · 6 months
If the gang make YouTube videos:
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vivelarevolution13 · 2 months
captain america: the winter soldier (10th anniversary tribute)
Are you sure you're ready for the world to see you, as you really are? for @catws-anniversary <3 | focusing on the movie as a whole so not any one prompt but amongst other things: PTSD, mission, compromised, project insight, soundtrack/music, favourite Steve quote impromptu insiprational speech
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cosmikazie-arts · 27 days
eat up spore fans
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 2 months
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new art soon i promise i've just been dealing w/ a migraine for the past couple days that's been killing me and preventing me from getting anywhere
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alea-says · 5 days
Cannot believe this is an actual promo for Hawaii Five-0
They were shipping it from the start
Like, this is literally a special feature on my s1 DVD...
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