#you're free to remove the captions from any posts that you like. i do when i reblog to my main lol
lynnie-ee · 2 years
I enjoyed your story about the prefect proposing to the ghost bride. At the end, she tosses the bouquet and walks away but what if some of the boys are moved by her proposal and want to catch the traditional bouquet. How would it play out among them and what will Yuu think when she later sees they have the bouquet? Choose any characters you'd like to focus on. Thank you!
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╰┈➤"The prefect thought everything would go back to normal after the success of her proposal towards Eliza, but it seems like she caught the interest of a certain student with her words."
╰►Lowkey a continuation for this oneshot.
╰►Who's here?: Trey, Cater, Rook, Lilia and Ortho (Platonic, as Idia’s wingman).
╰►Female reader, scenario, non-established relationship.
╰►Note: Thanks for requesting <3 English is not my first language, so feel free to tell me if there's any grammatical mistake!
╰►Masterlist. (requests open)
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﹙❥﹚Trey Clover ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
“I guess this is a sign for me to get married, haha…”
As the prefect throw the bouquet in the air to have a dramatic departure from the cafeteria, she failed to calculate the direction of her toss, and she had to stop in the middle of her walk when she realized the flowers landed in an inconvenient place.
On Trey’s head, to be more exact.
(Y/n) rushed to the vicehousewarden, gently removing the bouquet from his head, an embarrassed expression on her face, as Trey chuckled at her behavior.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to throw it at you, are you alright?”
“Of course, don’t worry. At least you didn’t toss it with too much strength.”
“Hey! I threw it with all my energy! Are you calling me weak?”
“Uh? So, you intended to hit me mercilessly with it then?”
“I never said that.” The prefect playfully smacked Trey’s shoulder, making him laugh again, as he stared fondly at the Ramshackle student.
“But I wonder what might this insinuate? Don’t you think it could be a hint or something?” He smiled, the wedding bouquet now resting in his hands.
﹙❥﹚Cater Diamond ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
“Weddings trends are so cool~ I wonder if I'll go viral once I get married?”
The next day after the ghost incident, the Ramshackle first-year walked towards the Heartslabyul Dorm to visit her friends, just to make sure they were doing okay after the events of the previous day.
On her way there, she checked Magicam on her phone, scrolling through different posts, most of them from Cater, as he was always the most active out of everyone.
But a certain picture caught her attention, while she walked through the magic mirror. A selfie of Cater, holding her bouquet as he winked at the camera, with a bunch of hashtags on the caption.
"I see you're looking at my pics, (Y/n)! They're fabulous, right?" The third-year student suddenly appeared next to her, it seemed like he just finished painting the roses. "But it's been such a long we’ve uploaded a picture together! I have the #perfect accessory, come with me~”
Once they arrived at his room, he quickly showed the prefect her own flower bouquet, which she used for the proposal the day before.
“This will look great, say cheese (Y/n)!”.
It turned out to be a cute photo, even when the prefect didn’t expect to see the hashtags ‘#WeddingBouquet #PutARingOnIt #MrAndMrsDiamond?’ on the caption.
﹙𑁍﹚Rook Hunt ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
“Such delightful performance! Oh, how marvelous can you be?”
Right after (Y/n) left the cafeteria, she could hear the sound of steps behind her, and soon, Rook appeared next to the prefect, a pleased smile on his face.
“You were certainly charming, Trickster! The grace and delicacy of your words have blessed my ears, I’ve never been more thankful for being in your glorious presence, I-”
“Is that the bouquet that Epel made for our spectacle from before?” The prefect interrupted, curiously gazing at the flowers that the hunter held.
“Indeed. I couldn’t let such a beautiful arrangement of flowers be wasted, even less after being carried by someone as divine as you.”
“Oh…” The prefect mumbled, a faint tint of red rushing to her cheeks. “Well, you can keep it, if you want…You helped me to come up with those romantic words before, I guess it’s fair.
“I did assist you with the basics, but most of what you said was effective due to your skill. A charm like yours could enchant anyone, mon chéri.” The third-year gazed affectionally towards the Ramshackle prefect.
“Although I hope to be the object of your affections, next time you hold a wedding bouquet.”
﹙⌦﹚Ortho Shroud ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ 
(who is on the mission of getting a partner for his shut-in brother)
“Oooh, if you two get married, you’d be my sister-in-law, right?” 
“(Y/n)! My brother asked me to return your flower bouquet to you!” Appeared Ortho at the Ramshackle door, the morning after the whole incident.
“Ah, hello Ortho.” The prefect greeted, smiling at him. “I actually throw it because of the traditional toss of the weddings, but thanks either way.” She received the flowers, two small papers attached to the flowers. 
‘thx for ur help yesterday. very nice of you ig.’ Was written on one of the notes, the prefect easily recognizing Idia’s handwriting. The other piece of paper was a discount coupon for the videogames store in the city. 
“What tradition?” 
“Well, the bride has to toss the bouquet at the guests, and the one who catches it, it’s supposed to get married next.” (Y/n) explained, confused at the now excited look on Ortho’s face.
“My brother was who caught it!” 
“Really? That’s cool.”
“But it’s probably going to be difficult. He doesn’t interact with a lot of people, you know?”
“Don’t say that! There’s gotta be someone that wants to be with Idia, he’s nice once you get to know him, after all.”
“I guess that leaves you as the only option, perhaps you’d be interested on helping my brother to follow the tradition…?”
﹙⚔﹚Lilia Vanrouge ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
“Fufufu~ Marriage sounds very appealing right now.”
A week after Idia was kidnapped by the phantom bride, everything had come back to normal. As usual, you went to Diasomnia to visit one of your friends, the vicehousewarden of the said dorm. Lilia invited you regularly to join him at a gaming session, and that day wasn’t an exception.
“Oh, what a coincidence, that bouquet looks just like the one I had last week.”
“It is the same, actually!” The fae explained, chuckling at the confused expression of the prefect. “Isn’t that a human tradition? To catch the bouquet of the bride?”
“Yeah, but why would you want it?”
“I heardthat the one that gets it is supposed to be the next to get married~ And after so long, I think is normal for a man of my age to want a formal relationship, don’t you think?”
(Y/n) laughed at the words of the Diasomnia third-year, thinking he was just joking.
“I think you missed a few steps, Lilia. As far as I’m concerned, you don’t even have a partner. “
The dark-haired fae grinned widely, his entire aura changing, as he gazed confidently at the prefect’s eyes.
“Maybe you can help me with that, (Y/n).”
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fortheloveofexy · 2 years
Hi! I'm new to tumblr, dumb and so confused so I'm so sorry if this is offensive in any way pls feel free to tell me off or not respond
I saw ur reboot on reposting and I've always been confused over whether reblogging is also something that falls under that?
Sorry again, I love your art and works very much and I have never reposted + hv 0 plans to do so.
Hi anon - welcome to the hellsite! I'm happy to explain a bit on this.
Reblogging is NOT considered reposting, and is actually the only way content gets any real engagement on Tumblr.
Reblogging is similar to retweeting something on Twitter - the content is still connected to the original poster, and any likes/replies/additional reblogs are all driven towards the original poster/artist. If you see art from an artist you love, you should reblog it, because likes and replies don't actually do anything to boost posts on Tumblr. Reblogs are the only way to boost a post.
Reposting, on the other had, is only when you download the art to your personal device, and then - this is key - re-upload it to your own blog or another site. Doing this removes any connection that the art has to the artist, and even if the art is watermarked and you include credits to the artist in the image's caption, you are still harming the artist because most people who see the repost won't bother looking the artist up. You're basically siphoning off any potential likes, reblogs, shares that the artist would have gotten and keeping them for yourself, which can impact the artist's livelihood and control over their own work.
Many also consider sharing to Pinterest in any way reposting, even if you're sharing to pinterest via a link to the original post. This is because Pinterest is notoriously bad for art theft, and because many people will see and save the art without ever clicking the link or going to the artist's actual page.
Generally, there's nothing wrong with downloading art to your phone/PC (unless the artist has explicitly requested that you don'), it's the re-uploading it that's the problem. Some artists do allow reposts with permission/credit because they don't have the time to file a DMCA claim every time that it happens (and it happens a LOT). So if you're absolutely dying to repost something, you should always, ALWAYS check with the artist before doing so. Usually, we'll put something in our bios explaining our reposting policy, but if we don't, then just DM us. When in doubt, do not repost.
Tldr; reblogging/retweeting are good, and reposting/Pinterest are bad! Hope this helps explain it! 😊
3 notes · View notes
the concept of you'r blog detracts from the comedic value of every mp post ever made. you are not a fan, you are just here to kill the buzz in exchange for attention
I'm glad you got to get that off your chest, but you sorely mistake the purpose of this account I'm afraid
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uquizcollector · 2 years
⋆ welcome to my uquiz blog ⋆
☆ hi! i'm mod QUEST! (they/them) ☆
i made this blog to compile quizzes that i like.
i won't post every day, but i'll post whenever i find a nice quiz.
feel free to suggest whether i should add or remove a tag to a quiz.
feel free to suggest new quiz content tags.
feel free to suggest what kind of content should be tagged for people to blacklist.
in relation to the above, i may not be able to guarantee that all older posted quizzes will be tagged accordingly, but if i remember or review the quiz's content i might add them!
feel free to ask for a quiz to be taken down. it'd be preferable if the reason why is stated.
feel free to submit quizzes!
i do not accept quizzes with hogwarts houses or harry potter questions.
quizzes that are not on uquiz are allowed. this blog is only called this way because i mostly use uquiz to search for quizzes.
if you know that the quiz maker made a tumblr post that links to the quiz, i’d prefer to be sent a link to the post so i can reblog it.
relating to the above, if someone submits to me a tumblr post to a quiz that is posted here in this blog, i am willing to delete the post i previously made so that the next reblogs/likes will pile up on the original post.
please do take note that i can delete or not post submissions for any reason big or small and without notice too.
please avoid sending anything that has explicit nsfw. while i am an adult i do not feel happy with that. nsfw jokes are okay.
don't worry too much about the tagging. i have still yet to get used to submissions, but i can go through the tagging if they're done correctly and i might edit them to my own will too.
if you can’t submit via the submission box for whatever reason, it’s fine to send it via the ask box!
18+ advised: while no explicit nsfw will be here, this tag is for quizzes i feel are best avoided by minors; if you're a minor i suggest blacklisting this.
short quizzes: 1-15 questions.
medium quizzes: 16-30 questions.
long quizzes: >30 questions.
fan quizzes: related to media or fandoms.
general quizzes: not related to media or fandoms.
personality quizzes
scored quizzes
knowledge quizzes: tests how much you know about something.
has no lyric/quote question: includes writing excerpts.
has skippable lyric/quote question
has no song/singer question without lyrics
has skippable song/singer question without lyrics
has emotionally heavy question: eg. questions about relationship between quiz taker to their parents, questions about biggest fears.
has no emotionally heavy question
has no required romance-related question: only refers to that of the quiz taker's romance; questions about those not of the taker (eg. character shipping opinions) will not fall under this. questions such as “what do you think of romance?” with an answer option similar to “i don't like it” will fall under this.
has no lengthy choices
has skippable lengthy choices
has image choices: for when some choices include images.
has described image choices: for if the choices are described. subset of the above. images that are described in a less descriptive way will not count (eg. a picture of a dog captioned “friend”)
references walking running etc: for those quizzes that assume the quiz taker can walk, run, or any action that can only be done with functional legs. (not final tag)
has low-contrast background and text: for quizzes which have backgrounds on which text can be difficult to read
hilariously bad quizzes: yes, some quizzes are very tone-deaf but they will be avoided at most times.
parody quizzes: made to make fun of something terrible. this might also be avoided at most times.
romance-related quizzes: range from assigning partners to ideal dates and other similar topics that involve the quiz taker's view on romance alone.
shipping-related quizzes: not a subgroup to the romance-related tag because that tag is less about fandom, but this tag is about shipping characters romantically.
character assignment quizzes: assigns a character or a type of character.
partner assignment quizzes: assigns a romantic partner.
submitted quizzes
reblogged quizzes
not a uquiz quiz
mod post
answered by mod: answered asks.
submissions: submissions that are not quizzes.
mod favorites
popular quiz post: for those that are reblogged the most.
Tip: some of these tags are in the featured tags for easier searching.
this blog is not officially affiliated with uquiz! uquiz's official blog is @/uquiz.
icon and both apperance and theme headers are from unsplash.com.
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mongoose232323 · 3 years
Has-Been “Actor” Ricky Schroeder Who Paid
16-Yr Old Shooter And Killer, Kyle Rittenhouse’s
$2 Million Dollar Bail Hassles A Costco Greeter
About Having To Wear A Mask.
Note: Up Until A Few Days Ago ALL Costco’s
Nationwide Demanded You Wear A Mask.
From The Article
It looks like actor Ricky Schroder won't be stocking up at Costco anytime soon.
The TV star, who rose to fame on the hit 1980s sitcom Silver Spoons and later on NYPD Blue, took to social media on Saturday to chronicle his confrontation with an employee at a Los Angeles Costco over California's mask mandate.
"Boycott Costco till they act like a Free American Company... not (China)," Schroder, who now goes by Rick, captioned the video posted to his Instagram page, using a Chinese flag emoji.
"What's your name, and what do you do here?" Schroder can be heard asking a Costco employee, who identified himself as a supervisor named Jason.
When Schroder, who was not wearing a mask, asked why he wasn't allowed into the store, the employee cited mandates by the state of California and Los Angeles County, while Costco has not altered its current mask policy in every store location.
"Didn't you see the news? Nationwide Costco said you don't need to wear masks," Schroder said, most likely referring to the letter Costco CEO Craig Jelenik released on Friday explaining the company's modification of their face covering policy in some U.S. Costco locations. In response, the employee told Schroder "actually that's not accurate. Costco always goes above and beyond when following the law, and the mandate in California has not changed," adding that the policy may change by mid-June.
In the letter, Jelenik explained that at Costco locations where the state or local jurisdiction does not have a mask mandate, they will allow fully vaccinated members and guests to enter Costco without a face mask or face shield. In Costco locations where the state or local jurisdiction does have a mask mandate, face coverings will continue to be required.
Schroder continued to engage the employee, saying, "You're going to listen to these people? They've destroyed our economy. They're destroying our state. And you're just going to listen to their rules?"
Turning the camera on himself, Schroder declared that he would be "getting my refund from Costco," and advised his followers to "give up your membership to Costco until they remove this."
A manager soon exited the store and provided Schroder with a receipt showing his refund.
Yahoo Entertainment has reached out to Costco for comment, but did not receive one at the time of publication.
Schroder's confrontation at Costco isn't the first time the actor has made headlines recently. Back in November, it was revealed that Schroder contributed a large sum of money to release Kyle Rittenhouse, the Illinois teen charged with killing two people during a protest over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, from jail, Yahoo Entertainment previously reported.
The news came after attorney Lin Wood tweeted a photo of Rittenhouse alongside Schroder and Rittenhouse's lawyer at the time, John Pierce. “Free at last!!” wrote Wood. The tweet can no longer be seen, as the account is now suspended.
It was later explained that Schroder's donation joined several other contributions, including one from My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell.
“Ricky donated a low six-figure amount to the #FightBack Foundation, which along with Mike Lindell’s generous contribution helped put the foundation over the top to cover the $2M bail amount,” Pierce told Yahoo Entertainment.
Rittenhouse went on to fire Pierce in February, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time of the shooting, was charged with first-degree intentional homicide and first-degree reckless homicide for the deaths of two men who participated in an August protest over the police shooting of Blake, Yahoo reported.
“Kyle’s life being destroyed. This is his freedom at risk. It infuriated me to see an innocent 17-year-old young man being tried and found guilty before trial," Schroder later explained to the New York Post. “It made me mad. This boy is innocent and he will be proven innocent. I did what any father should’ve done, and that’s get a kid out of jail that doesn’t deserve to be there.”
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